Baron Cohen My Notes

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Cognitive Approach

Reading of Mind in the EYE TEST

Author: Baron Cohen Key term: Eye Test (Revised Version of 2001 not of 1997.)
Semantic: meanings of words and phrases

Autism: A mental condition present from early childhood, characterized by great difficulty in
communicating and forming relationships with other people and using language and abstract
concepts (concepts like inertia and freewill)

Theory of Mind -TOM: Attributed to beliefs, desires, knowledge (mental state). (To
understand one’s own and others’ beliefs, intentions)

First tested by Baron Cohen in 1985 (Sally-Ann Test)

2nd tested by Baron Cohen in 1997 (Eye Test)
3rd tested by Baron Cohen in 2001 (Revised version)

Autism quotient = AQ = Test consists of 50 statements each of which is a forced choice


Ceiling effect is when IV is not affecting DV

Problems with Original
eyes test 1997 IQ
Over 140 Genius

120 - 140 Very Superior Intelligence

Two words for each set of 110 - 120 Superior intelligent

Four words were added in
the revised test.

Some test items were too 90 - 110 Average

easy (ceiling effect)

80-90 Dull

Fewer easy items in revised 70 - 80 Borderline deficiency


More female faces. Below 70 Feeble (dead mind) mindedness

Equal female faces

No glossary meaning of words. Glossary was added

Questionnaire design:

❖ 36 black and white photos of male and female taken from a magazine (Eye regions)
❖ Four words to describe the mental state of person
❖ Validity confirmed by 8 members (4M, 4F) foil (world) dropped from 40 items to 36
❖ AQ Test with (four force choiced option) reliable and valid. Since it is psychometric
Participants and Sampling Techniques:

● G1; 15 male Adult with AS/HFA recruited from an autistic society magazine
advertisement with IQ 115
● G2; 122 Normed adults (control group) selected from community classes or public
libraries in Cambridge and Exter
● G3; Normal adult students 103 (53M,50F) with higher IQ more than average
● G4; Normal adults 14 with average. IQ 116 matched with group 1.

Design: (independent measure design)

Independent group matched for G1 & G4 because it was impossible for a participant to be
male with AS/HFA and also be a normal adult female

AQ Questionnaire, Eye Test and a quiet room in Cambridge / Exeter.

1. All four groups were given the eyes test to complete in a Quiet room
2. Participants in Group 1, 3, and 4 were given AQ


1. Sex difference in Group 2 and 3 were examined and female preformed higher than
men which support our prediction that women would perform better on eyes test than
2. For the AQ, Group 1 (mean of 34.4) scored lower on the eye test than Group 3 and 4
(means 18.3 and 18.9 of Group 4). This supported that (there is inverse correlation
between the eyes test and AQ for a sample of normal Adults)

Group 1 with AS/HFA performed significantly worse than the other three groups.


➢ Snapshot study
➢ Reductionist
➢ Questionnaire design (Male/Female positive/negative equal
➢ Ecological validity, static, coloured Body Language
➢ Nature & Nurture
➢ Role of gene HSD17B2

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