The Sentence Completion Test As A Projective Technique
The Sentence Completion Test As A Projective Technique
The Sentence Completion Test As A Projective Technique
OR years the sentence completion test has been an important tool in psychology, but its use has been restricted to the study of mental capacity and reasoning ability. First devised by Ebbinghaus,1 this test was adopted for wider use in this country by Trabue 2 and Kelley.3 Its use as a projective technique was proposed in an article by Tendler in 1930,* but this was an isolated piece of work and apparently did not immediately stimulate others to follow it up. More recently a sentence completion test to be used as a projective technique was assembled by Gertrude Hildreth and Amanda Rhode of the Lincoln School of Teachers College, Columbia Unviersity.4a The present report deals with the use of a sentence completion test as a projective technique in the assessment program of the Office of Strategic Services and presents data which help to throw light on the significance of the results. The sentence completion test as used at OSS consisted of two blanks, the first containing items i to 50, the second items 51 to 100. These were
1 H. Ebbinghaus. Ueber eine neue Methode im Priifung geistiger Fahigkeiten und ihre Awendung bei Schulkindern. Z, Psycho!. Physiol.' d, Sinnesorg., 1897,. 13, 401-457. 2 M. R. Trabue. Completion-test language scales. (Contr. Educ., No. 77.) New York: Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1916. 8 T. L. Kelley. Individual testing with completion test exercises. Teach. Coll. Rec.., 1917, 18, 371-382. 4 A. D. Tendler. A preliminary report on a test for emotional insight. /. appl. Psychol., 1930, 14, 122-136. 48 A. R. Rhod, Explorations in personality by the sentence completion method. /. appl. Psychol., 1946, 30, 169-181.
filled out at a single sitting, but were separated into two parts in order to break the monotony of taking the test. The sentence completion test, along with other pencil-and-paper tests, was filled out during the first evening in the assessment of a given class of men, and the results for each man were interpreted so as to be available for the interviewer before he conducted his interview. In a reporting blank, items were grouped so as to be able to summarize responses with regard to family, past history, drives, inner states, goals, cathexes, energy, and time perspective (optimism-pessimism). In an attempt to ascertain the value of the sentence completion test and to discover how it operated, certain comparisons have been made between the test responses and data from the OSS records.5 First, the sentence completion test responses of eight individuals, four with high overall ratings and high emotional stability ratings and four with low overall rating's and low emotional stability ratings, were recopied so that they might be compared. From a casual inspection, it appeared that in no item was a clear trend observable which
6 In this paper " OSS record " and " report " refer to a descriptive statement of an individual prepared by the assessment staff as the report of its findings about an individual. This report in general consisted of three parts. The first part prepared by the person who interviewed a candidate described him in general terms, gave his family background, education, previous work experience, and pronounced personality characteristics. The second part described the candidate as he was observed during the assessment period. The third part summarized and presented the recommendations of the assessment staff.
SENTENCE COMPLETION TEST AS, A PROJECTIVE TECHNIQUE differentiated markedly between answers of the high group and those of the low group. Although the number of cases was very small, this preliminary survey discouraged further search in this direction and led to the tentative conclusion that answers to individual items did not serve as a basis for differentiating between superior and inferior individuals. Following this sortie, the sentence completion test and the OSS records were studied and compared with respect to six variables: (i) persistence (keeping on with a task in spite of failure and discomfort), (2) striving for success, (3) feelings of inferiority, doubt, worry, (4) depression, discouragement following failure, (5) high standards, and (6) emotional stability in stressful situation. Two contrasting groups of 25 individuals each were studiedthose within a given period of time with the highest overall ratings and those with the lowest overall ratings. These two groups were also widely separated in emotional stability, the first group with ratings of 2, 3, 4, and 5, averaging 3.7; and the second group with ratings of o, i, 2, and 3, averaging 1.4. From this study it was noted that as far as the OSS record goes the high and low groups were sharply differentiated for each characteristic. But there was no discernible trend for the same characteristics as taken from the sentence completion test. Although there were only 10 cases in which inferiority trends, for example, were shown as compared with 40 in which they were not shown, the proportion showing the same trend was about equal in both the high and low groups on the sentence completion test. The OSS record sharply differentiates individuals on six personality characteristics, but the sentence completion test,
at least on the six characteristics studied, does not differentiate them. A tabulation was also made of those cases in which there was agreement between the sentence completion test and the OSS record and those in which there was disagreement. Here again there was no certain or pronounced trend. Hypothetically, one might expect' that those with ,poor adjustment and low emotional stability would show greater agreement because there is greater pressure to work out and reveal their conflicts both in the situations and interviews, on the one hand, and the sentence completion tests, on the other; whereas those with good adjustment have no such need so that .there would be less to tie the reports and the sentence completion tests together. Indeed, unconscious fantasy trends, as they might be revealed by the sentence completion test, would not necessarily find a counterpart in behavior in real life. But this hypothesis was not borne out by the tabulations. In the case of feelings of inferiority and emotional instability, the opposite trend seemed to be indicated., This agreement may be explained, however, by the fact that the well-adjusted group showed few feelings of inferiority and good emotional stability by both sources. From these comparisons it is tentatively concluded .that the sentence completion test cannot be used to differentiate good and bad adjustment by any direct comparison of items or by psychometric methods. The sentence completion test is descriptive and not evaluative. Any trend shown by the sentence completion test can characterize both the well- and poorly adjusted individual. For instance, both well-adjusted and poorly adjusted men may state in their sentence completions that they strive for success, have high standards, and persist after failure. But
director, and in the Army provost marshall and commanding officer of a prison stockade). It was said that he " rarely asserts himself in an objective manner" (R). However, his repressed aggressions revealed themselves through various symptoms. Sometimes they were turned inward in depression (R and SC14, 15, 17, 31, 37, 49, 73, 100), even with thoughts of suicide (SC66). There were inferiority feelings (R and SC30, 42). There were worries (R) and fears (SC8,13, 55, 56). But these anxieties were managed by the adoption of an easy-going manner (R) and boasting (R). His anxieties also were turned in hypochondriacally and he had many concerns about his health (R and SC13, 69, 74, 95). There was even guilt deriving from a strong superego (SC39, 42) and probably also from his repressed aggressive fantasies. These hostilities directed against the self were again projected outward in suspiciousness of other people (R and SC62, 78, 90). He professed an aptitude for teaching (R and SC66), but his performance failed to measure up to expectations. In summary, for this candidate the SC pointed to childhood and family relationships not covered in the R. Strong hostilities have been managed by the adoption of passive trends (SC), but these were covered up by compensating reaction formations (R). The repressed aggressions showed themselves symptomatically in both the R and SC, but there were some symptoms, notably compulsive tendencies, which were found only in the R and some, notably guilt and suicidal thoughts, which were found only in the SC. In this case the SC reported attitudes which stem from the individual's past, present underlying trends, and how these trends were managed, particularly with reference to the feelings and attitudes. The R showed
both well-adjusted and poorly adjusted may disdain success as a goal, may not have high standards, or may quit after failure. The clue as to whether a person's fantasies agree with his actual expressed personality and behavior cannot be found' in the general quality of his adjustments. Evidently this agreement or disagreement is more deeply hidden in the dynamics of the personality adjustment. In order to explore this further ten cases were studied in detail for the purpose of learning exactly in which areas there is agreement and disagreement. The analysis of these cases follows. Items taken from the record are followed by an R, while items taken from the sentence completion test are followed by SC together with the number of the item or items in the sentence completion test which indicates the presence of the particular personality trend. In taking items from the sentence completion test it is assumed that any item, whether in the first or the third person, actually refers to the individual answering the questions, although those in the third person may refer to unconscious trends in the individual answering. INDIVIDUAL i This report made little mention of this individual's childhood (SC19, 57, 96) and failed to mention his hostility toward his father (SC34, 38, 68). Neither did it mention his married life (SC4, 5, 12, 23,-80), which evidently caused concern according to the SC. But his unhappy childhood had left scars which appeared clearly in various personality trends and neurotic symptoms in the record. Childhood aggression was managed by passivity (SC3, 22, 54, 64, 66, 91, 99) against which there were strong reaction formations (Rcollege athletics, coach and athletic
SENTENCE COMPLETION TEST AS A PROJECTIVE TECHNIQUE how these trends worked themselves out in behavior and life-station, and also by such inner feelings and attitudes as the subject cared to reveal to the interviewer. INDIVIDUAL 2 In the case of this individual the SC test and report fitted like glove and hand. The report indicated how he had been driven by an overambitious mother. The sentence completion test showed how he identified with his mother (SC72) and later had a strong attachment for his wife (SC51, 88, 98). From his mother he derived high ambition (SC29, 59 and R) and a drive to succeed (SC20, 24, 29, 33, 49, 65, 80, 100, and R), a feeling of frustration because he might be blocked from reaching his goals (SC7, 10, 21, 24, 30, 46, 58, 60, 61, 67, 68, 76, 85, and R), a tendency to strive after failure (SC17, 64, 66, 84, 87, 99, and R), and aggressive attack if he was opposed (SC54, 91). There was a tendency to anger if opposed (SC9, 27, 73). His drive to succeed was so strong and it had been held up as an ideal so persistently that he had conscience reactions to failure (SC10, 24, 30, 74, and Rconscientious). He liked to think of himself as intelligent (SC44, 47, actually he was intelligentR) and important (SC85). He had a mission for mankind (SC-77, 89, 96, and R). These ambitions and ideals made him nervous (SC81, 95); tense, energetic (R). He wanted to be thought likeablea good fellow (SC42 and R). To rejection he became sulky (SC18). There was undoubtedly a conflict between the demands of his ambitions and his attachment to mother and wife on the one hand and the demands of the Army on the other. It was possible
323 that his physical symptom was unconsciously welcomeda hysterical phenomenonas it let him out of his proposed overseas assignment honorably and hence permitted him to fulfill his deepest wishto be with his family. This explanation might help to explain his lack of concern over his symptoms and his willingness to talk about them. The report made the conflict one between desire to reveal his condition and fear of being discharged from the Army. The conflict as hinted at by the SC test was between his wish for a discharge from the Army and his fear of being thought a malingerer. Probably both explanations are true at different levels. There is remarkable agreement between the report and the sentence completion test in this case. However, the sentence completion test revealed - the student's identification with his mother, helped to explain his ambition and drive to succeed, and presented a possible yet speculative hypothesis as to the nature of his physical symptom and its relation to the individual's proposed assignment with OSS.
INDIVIDUAL 3 The sentence completion test threw light on statements in the report and indicated that trends which were lightly stressed in the report had deep repercussions in the man's inner personality. The father had been a weak, ineffective person (R), the mother dominating (R). The subject looked on his father with some hostility as sick (SC48) and on his mother as old (SC72). His wife was also dominating (R and SC4, 23, 80). He fantasied hitting her (SC58) and of not being married (SCi, 10, 98). In the report he rationalized his projected OSS assignment as one that his wife was happy
PERCIVAL M. SYMONDS little about his early home relationships " strictly religious home environment " (R). The sentence completion test said that his father was dead (SC38) and that his mother was old1 (SC72), indicating either unconscious disrespect or hostility. His was the picture of a man without much push or drive (R arid SC47) and rather quiet (R), who did,not strive :for the highest for fear that he would not make it (SC14). He fantasied himself rich (SO5, 34, 67), and was happiest when dreaming (SC98). This did not agree with the report which said he was unimaginative and that, he wanted to achieve only enough to make life comfortable for himself and his wife (R). So he frankly said he did not have high standards (R and SC29, 31). After failure or frustration he worked harder (SC48, 84, 87, 99). When he thought he had a chance to succeed he worked hard (R and 8048, 84, 88, 89), but when he had failed or was ridiculed he withdrew (SC17, 90). Indeed, he was much concerned: about sleep (SC2, 10, 33, 36, 69, 74) and was needlessly concerned about his health (R and SC65; health was goodR). His lack of faith in himself made him depressed (SO22, 73), and he asserted that he wanted to be a : man (SC42, 45). The report suggested that his interest in sports was boyish and that his social relationships were not wholly mature (R). War interfered with marriage (SC21), but there was domination by his wife (SC80), so the interference may have been a wish. His lack of entire confidence in himself (R and SC17, 90). had interfered with his warmth of social relations (R) something of the burnt-child attitude. This distrust also showed itself in his1 independence and self-sufficiency as reaction formations (R).
about (R), and he believed she could take care of herself (R). His mother's dominance had left its imprint on his personality. He let himself get pushed around (SC7, 30), although he denied it in the interview (R), tended to be conciliatory (R), but lost his temper when things went too far (SC68), and his temper got him into trouble (8054). ^e needed the support of his elders (8051) who would recognize his abilities (R), but tended to' deprecate older people (SC62, 78), was critical of men over him (SC53) and became angry when slighted (SC61). Although an only child (R), he was envious of the success of others (SC17, 27). He was not quite sure of his potency (SC47, 89) and was uncomfortable around women (SC46). This spread to general social insecurity (SC95). To him, success in a career was all important (SC88). He tended to leave when frustrated (SC90, 93). All this made him pessimistic and depressed (SC14, 21, 31). He worried about his eyesight (SC-85)56). The record gave us the picture in a mild form of this man's social insecurity, but indicated that his social relations were good on the whole. The r.eport also pointed out that he was or had been dominated by mother or wife. His resistance to this domination and his efforts to assert himself as a man were hinted at by the sentence completion test. His statement concerning his wife's attitude toward his projected assignment with OSS was seen as a rationalization in relation to his deeper feelings of hostility toward her. INDIVIDUAL 4 In the case of this man, the report and the sentence completion test were in good agreement. ,The report said
The sentence completion test helped measurably to illuminate the description of this complicated man as given in the report. Although the report did not mention his mother, one got the impression from the sentence completion test that he yearned for the security of his childhood relations with his mother (SCi), who had been good to him (SC72). The report mentioned his admiration of and identification with his father (R and SCn), but did not mention his rivalry with and fear of his father (SC-61), his brother (80-56, 68), and the boss. (SC6). His loss of country and friends (R) had hurt him (SC95) and he yearned to belong to someone or something and to be accepted by friends (SC-34, 51, 55). It was out of this feeling of loneliness and isolation that many of his difficulties arose. He worried about finding work (SC65, 79) and became desperate when luck turned against him (SC66) and he feared that no one would help (SC22). He became sad, bitter, depressed, and pessimistic (R) on account
of rejection and failure (SC17, 18, 31, 73, 74, 97). He was anxious about his health (SC8), and his depression went as far as the thought, of suicide (SC3). Rejection and failure also made him angry (SC9, 27, 90, 93). He turned to drink in despair, but at the cost of loss of self-esteem (SC12, 54)Sometimes he managed his feelings of loss and isolation by asserting his independence (R), by driving under his will power (SC23) which made him independent to the point of stubbornness (R and SC23, 91) and rigid and unadaptable to the point of compulsiveness (R and SC75). He felt he could rely only on himself (SC49). Sometimes he built around himself a protective wall of fantasy and thought of himself as a genius (SC47, 89) and he became self-righteous and conceited (R), but in his actual relation he was uncertain of himself (R). This made him critical of others (R) and defensive, complaining and irritating (R). He was sensitive to humiliation ,(R). But he wanted to achieve (SC94, 100) and he had a drive to help others and to be kind (SC40, 62, 63, 77, 78, 96), partly because he wanted others to like him and to be kind to him (80-40,62,63,78). This reports showed a personality which had resulted from unfortunate experience in losing country and friends. But the sentence completion test showed how this loss was felt as rejection and loneliness which plunged him into depression and despair, and made him angry. His independence, rigidity, criticalness of others, conceit, uncertainty, pessimism, and defensiveness (R) could be traced back to these feelings of isolation and rejection (SC). But there was a suggestion that these feelings and traits sprang originally not out of his later experiences in loss of
(80-54), which made him uneasy in company (SC46), and he was careful not to offend others (R). He was afraid of being rejected (80-93), an^ INDIVIDUAL 6 his fears of the dark (SC8, 13, 56) In this case the report was the more indicated that this fear of rejection went explicit about family background (R). back to early childhood. The individual had lived with his He had dim and shadowy goals of divorced father part of the year in child- becoming a doctor or surgeon (SC5, hood and he never had been fond of 45) and strove to succeed (SC20, 33) his stepfather (R), who had usurped with a stoical masochistic philosophy of his place with his mother. Consequently enduring (SC77) his hard lot in life his life was without male identification (8031). But he quit when the going (R) or purpose (SC100). But there got too tough (8064, 66). had been dim indications of father He complained of illness (SC70, rivalry (8038), fear of father 74), indigestion (SC95), and lame(SC71), and hence identification ness (SC10), but did not mention in (SC94) and guilt over this rivalry the sentence completion test his facial (SC68). There were also indications paralysis (R). that his mother had tried to possess One got the impression from the him which he then resisted [SC80 study of the sentence completion test and R" So far in life he has been able that the man had not been so hurt by to do pretty much as he pleased, with the divorce in the family (R) as by the little necessity for concentrated effort usual father rivalry (SC) and mother (SC34), and he is sometimes pro- tie (SC), which in this case became voked when people interfere with his extremely possessive and difficult to freedom"], and there was an uncon- break. The sentence completion sugscious undertone of hatred toward her gested possible reasons for this man's (SC72). But the scars of the rela- lack of self-confidence. His reference tionship remained in the form of a to lameness (SC10) might have been fixation that prevented him from grow- a displacement of his concern over his ing up (Rimmature) and made him facial paralysis. This, if true, would inlook on childhood with nostalgia dicate the difficulty of interpreting too (SC19, 57, 98). He had met his literally and narrowly the sentence difficulties by sublimations in the form completions. of art (SCi, n, 83) and reading and EXAMPLES OF DIVERGENCES BETWEEN study (SC-2, 49, 67, 79, 88) and he REPORT AND SENTENCE COMPLETION wanted to write (R). TEST This mother tie and lack of masculine 1. Passive trends (SC) covered up by identification had made him inadequate (SC34, 47, and R) and had deprived compensating reaction formation of him of self-confidence (R). He became dangerous and aggressive occupation despondent and angry over failure and sports (R). (Individual i) (SC17, 27, 6t, 73, 86, 87), believed he 2. Physical symptom rejected in R was disliked (SC18) and that people was welcomed in SC as a possible thought him a fool (80-42). He be- escape from Army duty. (Individual lieved he was selfish and unworthy 2> (SC81), was bothered by conscience 3. Low ambition (R); high but country and friends (these had merely accentuated and revived them) but out of his revolt against his father (R).
shadowy ambitions (SC). (Individual 'greater area than the report, including the unconscious and childhood trends 4) 4. Man rationalized that his wife and impulses. 5. The sentence completion test ilwanted him to join OSS (R) unconsciously he wanted to escape from her luminates the report by pointing toward some possible underlying trends, drives, (SC). (Individual 3) 5. A man let himself get pushed and mechanisms which may have around (SC) but denied it in the caused the candidate's present personality, behavior, and attitudes. interview (R). (Individual 3) 6. An unconscious trend (SC) may 6. Burnt-child mechanismfailure to strive for highest (R) for fear of not be hidden in personality (R) by its achieving a high ambition (SC) or that opposite as a reaction formation. 7. The report shows how a subject others would let him down (SC). manages underlying trends (SC) by his (Individual 4) 7. Unconscious high goals and am- feelings and attitudes (R), and how bitions (SC)reaction formation in the these feelings and attitudes work themselves out in behavior and lifeform of passivity (R). (Individual 4) station. 8. Feeling of isolation, loneliness, 8. The report may give the candiand rejection (SC) were covered by date's rationalization of himself and his independence (R). (Individual 5) background. 9. The sentence completion test helps CONCLUSIONS to point out -inconsistencies in the re1. The OSS report deals largely with port. For instance, a man is said to facts which the candidate has chosen to be attached to his family but leaves reveal, his attitude toward those facts willingly to join OSS. The SC which are acceptable to him, and also indicates that there is unconscious the personality of the candidate as he resentment of his wife's domination. was observed in situations. 10. The same trend may be inter2. The sentence completion test gives preted as good in the report (energetic) unconscious projections in the third and as bad in the SC (nervous). person of basic trends in the form of n. The report may explain on the wishes, hostilities, loves, fears, and im- basis of surface wishes; the SC may pulses and motives in general. It may explain on the basis of the opposite also include completions in the first unconscious trends. (See Individual 2.) person of trends which he is willing 12. According to the emphasis given and able to admit about himself. to the interpretation of the sentence 3. Experiences in the report are completions, in many of the cases the usually in terms of the more immediate underlying motivation goes back to experiences; explanations derived from rivalry and hostility to the father and the sentence completion test go back to fondness for and devotion to the more basic relationships and experiences mother. The various degrees to which in childhood. either parent gives, withholds, dom4. In general, there is a close weaving inates, rejects, praises, or punishes of trends in the sentence completion test determine the type of personality and the report. The agreements are formed. 13. The report does not always regreater than the disagreements: But the sentence completion test covers a much veal deeper attitudes shown by the sen-
PERCIVAL M. SYMONDS tence completion test of resentment and hostility to self, father, mother, brothers and sisters, wife and children, due to their strictness, punishment, high standards, rejection, etc. 14. The SC points out identifications with father or mother as a way of mastering rivalry and hostility to either. 15. The SC points out the struggles of immature men to break away from their family ties. 16. The SC may help to indicate origins of inferiority feelings. 17. A man may describe his home in very glowing terms in the report, but actually it may have been overprotective and caused him personal insecurity and anxiety. 18. Anxieties about health are sometimes displacements about other anxieties, particularly anxieties about prestige and acceptance. 19. The interpretation of sentence completions as projections is doubtful, questionable, hypothetical, conjectural, and suppositious, and cannot be the substitute for a complete analysis. According to the projective hypothesis, the sentence completions refer only to fantasies or unconscious impulses and may or may not have counterparts in behavior and attitudes of real life. 20. The sentence completion test is not a safe guide at the present time for prediction or assessment. Prediction must be based on the history and description of the individual in his current behavior and personality. One must predict the future on the basis of past performance. Not enough is known about the dynamics of unconscious processes to use them in predicting how they will influence -future behavior, but future behavior can be explained in terms of the breakingthrough into reality of unconscious forces which the sentence completion test may help to reveal.
SENTENCE COMPLETION TEST Name. PART I 1. Charlie was happiest when 2. He' liked nothing better than to 3. When caught behind the enemy's lines, Ted 4. Nothing 'annoyed Bob more than 5. Mike's fondest ambition 6. When Frank saw his boss coming, he 7. Bill got irritated when they ' 8. My greatest fear is 9. When told to keep in his place, Henry 10. What Tom regretted most was n. I admire 12. Nothing made Harry more furious than 13. Joe was uneasy because 14. John thought that his future 15. The fact that he failed 16. A person's life 17. When he saw that the others were doing better than he, John 18. Evefytime he wasn't invited, Ralph As a child I try hard The war interfered with his plans for Finding no one who could help him, Will 23. The main driving force in my life is 24. The thing which bothered Harry's conscience was 25. Bud's family 26. On his evening off, Paul 27. Bob's defeat made him . 28. I usually feel awkward when. 29. My standards are 30. Nothing is as frustrating as 31. My lot in life 32. He was confused about 33. Fred would do anything in order to 34. Joe feels that he suffers most from 35. The men under me 36. Bud would rather do without 19. 20. 21. 22.
He always wanted to be He is often at a loss when He often thinks of himself as When they said that it was dangerous, Bert 49. From past experience Bill learned that he 50. I take pains
SENTENCE COMPLETION TEST Name. PART II John prefers the company of He didn't like Bill because he was too Dave felt that the men over him were The thing which got him into trouble It was irritating to be Bill is afraid of His younger days Roger would have done anything to forget the time he 59. Others think my standards are 60. What bothered Jack was their 61. Jack really became angry when 62. Charlie felt that his acquaintances 63. My family > 64. When Dick failed the course, he 65. My greatest worry 66. When his luck turned against him, Joe 67. If I would only 68. He went mad when 69. I often 70. He is apt to complain about 71. I dream a good deal about 72. His mother 73. Discouragement made him 74. Joe is most troubled by 75. He made a point of 76. If Fred could only 77. My philosophy of life is 51. 52. 5,3. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 78. The people who worked in Jerry's department 79. Most of the time 80. He was dominated by 81. My worst fault 82. When I have something to say and others are around 83. I enjoy , 84. When they turned him down for the job, Bill 85. Most people do not know that I 86. It is embarrassing 87. When they told him that the job may be too much for him, Donald 88. The main thing in my life 89. He thinks of himself as 90. When they laughed at Fred he 91. When they decided to put him under pressure, Frank 92. I would rather 93. When the other men avoided him, Bob 94. My greatest ambition 95. I suffer most from 96. I often think about how I 97. The worst thing was 98. I was happiest when 99. When he thought that the odds might be against him, Bill 100. My goals