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San Jose, Malilipot, Albay

1st semester SY 2022-2023

Management Practices and Challenges of

Sari- Sari Store in Malilipot, Albay

A Qualitative Research
Presented To the College of BSBA
Major in Financial management

In Partial Fulfillment of

The Requirements for

Business Research

Bisa, Jhun francis V.
Bueno, Angel kim
Bo, Carmela shanel
Bo, Joven
Benitez, Shaila
Bellen, Marinella B.

November, 2022
This chapter includes the Introduction, Statement of the problem, and
significance of the study, assumption of the study and scope and limitation.

The neighborhood sari-sari (variety or general) store is part and parcel of
daily life for the average Filipino. Any essential household good that might be
missing from one’s pantry – from basic food items like coffee and margarine, to
other necessities like mosquito coils, soap, and matches – is most conveniently
purchased from the sari-sari store nearby at affordably- portioned quantities,
sometimes even on credit. Apart from the most affluent communities, the sari-
sari store is a constant feature of residential neighborhoods in the Philippines
both in rural and urban areas, proliferating even in the poorest squatter

Sari-sari stores are small retail outlets that can be found in almost all
neighborhoods, sometimes even in every street corner in the Philippines. Most
sari-sari stores are privately owned shops and are operated inside the store
owner’s house.

Sari-sari store is one of the most businesses in the community. Each and
every corner in the country has a Sari-sari store and this is clear that Sari-sari
store provide daily needs products. Each of us can see a lot of sari-sari store
everywhere but we should also be aware that some places or barangays has a few
sari-sari stores in their community.

Therefore, this chapter will discuss the overview of our research topic about
Management practices and challenges of sari-sari store in malilipot.

The study aimed to get an idea and information on practices in

every management of Sari-Sari Store around Malilipot, Albay. This study
also aimed to answer the following sub-questions:

1. What are the factors affecting the income of the vendor in terms of:

1.1 Price of the Product

1.2 Location of the Store

1.3 Satisfaction of Customers

2. What are some of the limitations are problems encountered by sari-

sari store?

3. How do entrepreneurs handle or operate this kind of business?

Significance of the Study

Nowadays, many entrepreneurs started putting up Sari-Sari
Store because it is easy to build and does not need huge capital. Sari-
Sari Store is one of the easiest to establish a source of income. This
study may also be a source of new ideas, goods, and services. It might
be seeing a new venture grow and succeed. However, to succeed in a
Sari-Sari Store business, one should have a perfect location for your
Sari-Sari Store and must maintain the proper management of income. It
also played a vital role in society and the economy. The result of this
study is beneficial for the following:
The Researchers

The study will be an instrument that will guide and navigate them
in discovering credible and reliable data for understanding the topic.
The study will also help in updating information related to this study.
This study is also helpful for students in business-related courses
because it will give them some ideas and data if they want to put up a
business like Sari-Sari Store.

The Government

This study helps the government to know more about the

situation in every Sari-Sari Store. The study will also serve as a guide on
how will the government know if the sari-sari store could affect or what
could be the effect of sari- sari store in our economy.

The Entrepreneurs

This study will greatly help Entrepreneurs to understand their

target customers' preferences better, purchasing patterns, pain
concern. This Research also gives companies a complete understanding
of their target markets, trending, and market demand.
This chapter presents some related literature and studies which are stated
in the following paragraphs. The review of literature and studies that is included
in the following pages will serve as a basis and help in familiarizing information
that are relevant to the present study.

Related Literature
This chapter presents the research methodology used, respondents of the
study, research instruments that will be used to gather information for the study,
data gathering, source of data, and lastly, statistical treatment of data which will
be used to analyze and interpret the result obtained from data gathering


The researchers used Quantitative Research because it is a

structured way of collecting and analyzing data from different sources.
Quantitative research involves the use of computational, statistical and
mathematical tools to derive results. The statistical result of the survey
will be established and analyzed to get the study of Management
practices and challenges of sari-sari store in Malilipot, Albay.

This study used descriptive research design, to compare how

different demographics respond to certain variables, it also uses wide
variety of research methods to investigate one or more variables.

According to Williams (2007) descriptive research is a research

method that can determine the situation in current phenomenon.
Nassaji (2015) also states that the goal of descriptive research is
drawing and classifying the phenomenon.

The respondents of the study “Management practices and challenges

of sari-sari store in Malilipot, Albay” the chosen respondents of the
researchers contain twenty (20) respondents who are selected. Those
respondents were chosen by the researchers because they are suitable and
applicable to the study. All of these participants were selected through simple
random sampling.

This sampling method is conducted where each member of population has a

capability to become part of the sample.

The instrument used in data-gathering was survey questionnaires a tool to
collect the information of the respondents. According to Arikunto (2006), the
device which the researchers use to collect data is called instrument. Instrument
is important part in this research. Instrument is one of the significant steps in
conducting this research. The successful of research is much decided by
instrument used, because data which is need to answer research question and
examine the hypothesis gained through instrument itself.

The instrument to be prepared was focused on answering the statement of the

problem. The questionnaires contain questions and it is distributed to the


The data collecting method is the method to obtain the data in

the research. The aim of the data collecting in conducting scientific
research was to get material that needed by the research.
In this research, the researchers constructed a title to be validated it to the
Research Professor. It consists the introduction and background of the study as
well as the statement of the problem. Afterwards the researchers create a survey
question and conducted 20 respondents to answer the survey questionnaire

After the assessment of the answers of the respondents, the researchers

will gather all of the responses for tabulate the data analysis. The research data
gathering used in the study is the survey which used as a tool for data collection.

The source of data of this study was gathered by the researchers from the
survey questionnaires that distributed to the twenty (20) owner of sari-sari store
in Malilipot, Albay.


Statistical treatment of data is essential in order to make use of

the data in the right form. Raw data collection is only one aspect of any
experiment. According to Siddharta Kaila, 2009 the organization of data
is equally important so that appropriate conclusions can be drawn.
However, research methodology studies have not provided specific
suggestion on the proper selection of rating scale for research studies
(Jon A. Krosnick & Fabrigar, 1997). One of the most fundamental and
popular scaling method used in social science research is 4 Points Likert
scale. Participants in the survey are asked to state their level of
agreement with those given statements from Strongly Agree=4,
Agree=3, Disagree=2, Strongly disagree=1. This allows you to give
perspective to the responses.


Philippine EJournals| Business Practices of Sari-Sari Stores


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