Ic Tester

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Arduino Nano-based Logic Gates Integrated Circuit

Tester: Accelerating Circuit Testing and Fault


Jomar C. Bonje Fluonie Marie M. Timtm

Department of Engineering Education Department of Engineering Education
Electrical Engineering Program Electrical Engineering Program
Purok 4-B, Apokon, Tagum City, Davao Del Norte Purok 11 Caimito, Brgy. Tagnanan Mabini, Davao de Oro
[email protected] [email protected]

Kyle Genesis Longos Tessa Loniah Tanamal

Department of Engineering Education Department of Engineering Education
Electrical Engineering Program Electrical Engineering Program
Rattan, Apokon Tagum City Davao del Norte Purok Aguinaldo, Langgam, Maco Davao de Oro
[email protected] [email protected]

solutions. This research aims to leverage the capabilities of

Abstract— This paper presents a method for accelerating the Arduino Nano to create an integrated circuit tester
circuit testing and fault detection through an Arduino Nano- specifically designed for logic gates. The proposed Arduino
based logic gate integrated circuit tester. The Logic gate Nano-based logic gates integrated circuit tester offers several
integrated circuit tester is created using a microcontroller, the advantages over existing approaches. Firstly, it provides a
Arduino Nano. The microcontroller processes the inputs and cost-effective solution, as the Arduino Nano is an affordable
outputs and displays the results on a liquid crystal display and widely available microcontroller board. Secondly, it
(LCD). The main function of the Arduino Nano-based logic offers portability, allowing users to carry out testing and fault
gates is to test and analyze integrated circuits (ICs). This
detection on the go. Additionally, the flexibility of the
prototype device can test ICs with 14 pins. Only the required IC
gates can potentially be examined. The IC's inputs are provided Arduino Nano enables easy integration with various types of
with the correct data, and this device monitors the outputs at logic gates and compatibility with different IC technologies.
each step and compares them to the outputs in the truth table. The research will focus on designing a hardware interface
Any variation in the IC's operations will provide an error that can connect logic gates to the Arduino Nano, enabling
indicator that will display the failed and successful gates on the the measurement of input and output voltages, as well as the
LCD. A switch button on the printed circuit board (PCB) is used detection of logical states.
to conduct the testing. The 74 series of digital ICs, which are
only the basic and universal gates, were selected for the test.
Furthermore, software algorithms will be developed to
automate the testing process and identify faults or
malfunctions within the tested logic gates. The Arduino
Keywords— Arduino Nano-based IC tester, Arduino Nano, Nano's processing capabilities and programmability will be
LCD, Switch button, 74 series, Gates leveraged to perform these tasks efficiently. The research will
I. INTRODUCTION also address the scalability of the proposed solution by
exploring the possibility of expanding the circuit tester to
accommodate more complex circuits. Additionally, the
Digital integrated circuits (ICs) are fundamental building
development of a user-friendly graphical interface for
blocks in modern electronics, powering a wide range of
configuring and controlling the testing process will be
devices and systems [1]. In the field of electronics and digital
considered to enhance usability.
circuitry, testing and fault detection play a crucial role in
ensuring the reliability and functionality of integrated circuits
(ICs). As the complexity of circuits continues to increase, the By developing an Arduino Nano-based logic gates
need for efficient and accurate testing methodologies integrated circuit tester, this research aims to accelerate the
becomes more apparent. One of the fundamental components testing and fault detection process in digital circuit design and
of digital circuits is logic gates, which are responsible for manufacturing. The affordability, portability, and flexibility
performing logical operations. Therefore, the ability to test offered by this solution have the potential to make circuit
and validate logic gates is vital in the circuit design and testing more accessible to a broader range of users, including
manufacturing process. hobbyists, students, and professionals. Ultimately, this
research strives to contribute to the advancement of digital
electronics by facilitating the efficient development and
Traditional methods of testing logic gates involve the use
validation of logic gates.
of expensive and specialized equipment, making it
inaccessible for hobbyists and students. However, the advent
of microcontrollers, such as the Arduino Nano, has opened
new possibilities for developing low-cost and portable testing
II. REVIEW RELATED LITERATURE results of these errors in output have led to incorrect
evaluation and analysis. In a rapidly evolving era, time and
This section briefly describes a literature overview of the resources are of paramount importance. And it is no longer
Logic gates Integrated Circuit Tester. possible to keep wasting so much time and resources
searching for silly problems that occur because of defective
ICs. To this end, a low-cost, easy-to-maintain and user-
The core elements of any electronic circuit used today are
integrated circuits, or ICs, as they are more frequently called. friendly digital IC tester needs to be developed [1].
Despite being one of the most crucial and critical components
of the circuit, these ICs are most likely to be the reason for As researchers for the Arduino Nano-based Logic Gates
the whole design's malfunction. In addition, it is tedious and Integrated Circuit Tester, our aim is to develop a novel and
difficult to troubleshoot the entire circuit only to discover that efficient system that accelerates circuit testing and enhances
the problem was either in the design of the circuit or a fault detection in logic gate integrated circuits (ICs). The
defective IC. A logic gates integrated circuit tester has been Arduino Nano-based tester will serve as a valuable tool for
designed to replace the laborious, complex procedures of electronics engineers, hobbyists, and professionals, providing
testing and circuit debugging since it is crucial to test the IC them with a user-friendly and cost-effective solution for
before using it in any applications. testing and verifying the functionality of various logic gates.
Our research aims to contribute significantly to the field of
electronics testing and fault detection, empowering
On microcontroller-based IC tester designs, several
engineers, and enthusiasts with a valuable tool for their digital
studies and research have been conducted. Some of the
circuit projects and troubleshooting tasks. The Arduino
studies that served as inspiration for this project [2].
Nano-based Logic Gates Integrated Circuit Tester has the
potential to accelerate development, enhance quality control,
A study work by Yeh et al. [3] the development rate of and reduce time and resources in various electronics
manufacturing technology differs from the testing applications.
capabilities of the tester. Strict quality control is necessary to
ensure the reliability of critical electronic products by
removing all defective parts from the total number of parts. III. METHODOLOGY
However, because testing technology is still developing
slowly, it is getting harder and harder to choose highly This section aims to provide a step-by-step guide for
reliable electronic products using the technology that is designing, implementing, and evaluating the Arduino Nano-
currently available. As a result, the suppliers must suggest based circuit tester.
effective solutions to this issue.
A. Prototype Design
The challenge of IC testing, which requires effective
solutions with reliable performance, has now become a The prototype was created using a printed circuit board
critical problem for the global semiconductor industry [4]. It (PCB), which is used for both the creation of permanently
is necessary to ensure that these components are functional, soldered circuits and for electronics prototyping.
since most of the components on the market do not guarantee
or can be destroyed after being used, to introduce a design The suggested system's flow diagram may be seen in the
and connect an electronic component into any planned accompanying Fig. 1. Upon system initialization, the system
system. There shall be a device for easy verification of these is automatically reset, and an initializing message, such as
components; also, some parts require specialized testing "IC TESTER DATABASE 2023," is displayed on the LCD.
circuits, and the program should be written and uploaded to The IC that will be examined is inserted into the ZIF socket.
the microcontroller to determine whether it is functioning or The IC is inserted into the socket and shown on a 16x2 LCD
not [5]. This is why we are thinking about how to develop a screen as well. By pushing a switch button, the circuit must
concept that can provide solutions for all these problems at a be test or reset. Reset the push button if the notice "No IC
lower cost and with attainable components. found" is displayed if the IC is accidentally inserted
incorrectly or malfunctioning. When an IC is entered, the
Another researcher, Darji [2], has done a research project Arduino board sends a database to the EEPROM to determine
that aims to develop a digital IC test tool that is less costly if it is good or bad. "IC: NUMBER_GATE STATUS:
and more useful than current market options. The goal is to GOOD" is displayed if the IC is in good condition.
quickly check ICs and evaluate their logic functioning using
input conditions and a truth table. The test will display good
and bad ICs on the LCD using the basic logic gate IC series.
The tool is cost-effective, portable, simple to use, and
reconfigurable, making it a valuable addition to the market.

Generally, before the ICs can be used for research and

development purposes, it is very important to ensure that they
are tested. The malfunctioning ICs produce results that are
inappropriate and unpredictable for the tasks at hand. The
Fig 3: Circuit Connection

Fig.1. System flowchart

Fig. 2 depicts the block diagram for the IC tester design's

component parts. The "Reset" and "Test" functions are
controlled by the switch button function. The microcontroller
will load the database into the EEPROM through the
programmer mode loaded in the microcontroller. IC testing
can be done by inserting the IC in the ZIF socket with proper
terminal placement. The result will be sent back to the
microcontroller to check and verify the results through the
truth table loaded in the EEPROM and prompt the result on
the I2C LCD display.

Fig 4: PCB Design

B. Hardware Description

Based on the proposed design of the Arduino Nano-based

Logic Gates Integrated Circuit Tester, the following materials
Fig.2. Block diagram of components will be used. Alternative materials for carrying out the design
are listed below. The following is a list of hardware materials,
Below, Fig.3 and Fig.4 shows overall circuit connection along with a brief description of each material.
and PCB design for the Arduino Nano-based Logic IC tester.
This logic IC tester is powered by a 5-volt DC. The main Component Image Description
power switch, which controls the circuit's power, may be Name
turned on or off. The circuit's brain is a microcontroller called
an Arduino Nano. It managed the LCD, the ZIF socket, and
command send and receive. When either a microcontroller Arduino Small, complete, and
malfunctions or the incorrect IC is inserted by the user doing Nano breadboard-friendly
IC testing, the reset button is required to reset the board based on the
ATmega328 (Arduino
Nano 3.0) or
ATmega168 (Arduino
Nano 2.x). GPIO: 14,
(ATmega168) or 2 KB
Operating Voltage:
EEPROM High Reliability, compressive
AT24C512 Low-voltage, and properties, and is
Standard-voltage widely used in
Operation: 2.7 (VCC electronics.
= 2.7V to 5.5V) 1.8 PCB A self-contained
(VCC = 1.8V to 3.6V), module of
Internally Organized interconnected
65,536 x 8, Two-wire electronic
Serial Interface, 512K components found in
SERIAL EEPROM, devices. It is used to
16-bit data word connect electronic
address components using
Resistor A passive component conductive tracks
with a specified pads and other
resistance value. features etched from
copper sheets
I2C Compatible with laminated onto a non-
interface Arduino Board or conductive substrate.
16x2 LCD other controller Switch A mechanical device
board with I2C bus, button used to control an
Display Type: electrical circuit in
Negative white on which the operator
blue backlight, Supply manually presses a
voltage: 5V, button to actuate an
Interface: I2C to 4bits internal switching
LCD data and control mechanism.
lines, Board Size:
80x36 mm
Table 1. Hardware Materials
ZIF socket A type of electrical
connector that
requires very little to C. Software Design
no force for insertion.
This is often used In the process of designing software, the software's
when there is a need implementation was initially chosen to efficiently develop the
to program or test the system's program source code. The prototype's software was
chip without implemented using the CC+ language. The operating process
damaging it. This 16- was decided upon after the software had been created and
pin ZIF IC Test Socket placed into the microcontroller to examine how the entire
can be used with any system operated as a whole. When the prototype had been
16-pin DIP- completed, it was put to the test to gather data and determine
programmable IC. whether it was completely functioning. To make judgments,
Jump wires An electrical wire or a the acquired data was examined.
group of them in a
cable with a
connector or pin at
each end, which is
normally used to
interconnect the
components of a
breadboard or other
prototype or test
circuit, internally or
with other equipment
or components, Fig.5. Arduino IDE
without soldering.
Plastic This enclosure
enclosure secures both wired
Arduino IDE is an open-source programming tool that
structured wiring
has been mostly used to write and compile code for the
systems and wireless
Arduino module. This program is an official source for
Arduino. Each of these contains a microcontroller that can be
equipment, is free
programmed and used to take data in the form of code. Once
from corrosion, has
the primary code has been written on the IDE platform, which Above in Fig. 8. is the conceptual framework diagram of
is often referred to as a sketch, the Hex File will be sent to the machine. The user uploads an image to the Inkscape
and uploaded to the controller on the board. The two most template and reduces the size to match the size of the
important components of the IDE environment are an editor template’s border in Fig. 3. The image is then saved as a G-
and a compiler. Writing the required code is done with an code. The G-code is uploaded to the processing software,
editor, while creating and uploading codes to a specific communicates with the Arduino microcontroller, and prints
Arduino module is done by using your Compiler. In this the outline of the image.
environment, both C and C++ languages are supported [6]

The Arduino Nano-based Logic Gates IC Tester project

ran efficiently after we created the programs for the
microcontroller and the graphical user interface (EasyEDA).
We can see all the display messages, such as "IC TESTER
DATABASE 2023" and verifying the IC gate number, as well
as the message of the IC being faulty or good, in the results
of the built-in system that shows the matching results on the
LCD and on the serial monitor of the Arduino IDE.

Fig.6. EasyEDA

EasyEDA is a free, no-installation, cloud-based electronic

computer-aided design (ECAD) network designed to provide
engineers, educators, engineering students, and amateur radio
listeners with an easy tool that does not require installation.
The schematic editor, circuit simulator, and PCB design
system are simple-to-use tools that can be used in any
browser [7]

D. Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

Fig. 7. Theoretical Framework of the Arduino Nano-

based Logic Gates Integrated Circuit Tester Fig. 9. The Logic Gates Integrated Circuit Tester using
an Arduino Nano is shown from the front.
Shown in Fig. 7 is the theoretical framework for the
design of the Arduino Nano-based Logic Gates Integrated The figure above illustrates the hardware of the Arduino
Circuit Tester. An IC is inserted to the ZIF socket, Nano-based Logic Gates Integrated Circuit Tester.
microprocessor send the database to the EEPROM, processes
the database, and prompts the result on a Liquid Crystal
Display. The diagram's simplicity appeals to both novices and
those who build their own device.

Figure 10. Display message on LCD.

Fig. 10. above shows that on turning on the system.

Fig. 8. Conceptual Framework of the Arduino Nano-
based Logic Gates Integrated Circuit Tester

Our research demonstrates that an Arduino Nano-based

integrated circuit tester is an efficient and accessible tool for
accelerating circuit testing and fault detection. By leveraging
the capabilities of the Arduino Nano, we were able to reduce
testing time and enhance the accuracy of our tests. This
research opens new possibilities for cost-effective and faster
testing methods in the electronics industry.

The Arduino Nano-based logic gate IC tester tests the ICs

being placed in the ZIF socket and gives results about
whether the ICs are good or faulty. The model is user-friendly
and easy to use and maintain. It reduces time to test an IC as
we are testing it automatically compared to manually testing,
where various connections and applications of inputs are
done. The code is reconfigurable. If any further changes are
required according to the needs of the user, they can be made
very easily. It saves lots of time and resources and is thus
economically efficient.
Fig. 11. Entered IC for testing.
Fig. 11. shows that after a short delay, the system asks the
user to enter the IC number that is inserted into the ZIF [1] P. D. G. Kanade, N. Zambare, and K. Rathode, “Digital
socket. message displayed on LCD screen. IC Tester using Arduino.” 2019, [Online]. Available:


IC TESTER,” 2021, doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36066.25288/1.

[3] C. H. Yeh, J. E. Chen, C. J. Chang, and T. C. Huang,

“Using Enhanced Test Systems Based on Digital IC Test
Figure 12: Checking in database for IC testing. Model for the Improvement of Test Yield,” Electronics
(Switzerland), vol. 11, no. 7, Apr. 2022, doi:
Figure 12 shows that, quad 2 input OR gate 74LS32 IC 10.3390/electronics11071115.
is inserted into the ZIF socket, its corresponding number as
defined in code i.e. 7432 was entered through keypad. As [4] Sapkota K., Chaudhary K. K., Paudel R. P., Karki J.,
soon as system receives the IC number, it immediately “ELECTRONICS TESTER” 2018
performs the tests with the IC being mounted with its
corresponding truth table that is stored in database which is [5] O. M. Alfroukh, E. Elayan, A. Gharbyeh, and E. W.
again created using arduino coding. Takrouri, “Team Member: Supervisor: Co-Supervisor,”

[6] M. Fezari and A. Al Dahoud, “Integrated Development

Environment ‘IDE’ For Arduino Integrated Development
Environment ‘IDE’ For Arduino Introduction to Arduino
IDE,” 2018. [Online]. Available:
Figure 13: IC is good.

[7] V. K. Abdrakhmanov, R. B. Salikhov, and S. A. Popov,

“Experience of using EasyEDA to develop training boards on
the PIC16f887 microcontroller,” in Journal of Physics:
Conference Series, IOP Publishing Ltd, Nov. 2021. doi:
Figure 14: IC is faulty. 10.1088/1742-6596/2096/1/012098.\

Figure 13 and 14 shows that the IC is good/faulty after

comparing the tests carried on IC and the actual truth table.

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