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UNIT 3 (EMI) Part 1

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Q1. t)efine voltmeter sensitivity.
Ant: Model Paper-II, Q1(e)

Voltmeter Sensiti~ty: The sensitivity of a voltmeter is defined as the reciprocal of the full-scale deflection current (1ft) of the
basic movement. It 1s deno~ed by the symbol 'S' and expressed in QN.
\ .
.. .
Vo1tmeter sens1t1v1ty, S == --
1 N
/ fsd

Where, lftd is the amount of current required to deflect the pointer of basic meter to its full-sc~le posi~ion.
Voltmeter sensitivity is also knoWn as ohms-per-volt rating of the voltmeter. It can also be expressed as the ratio of total
resistance of the circuit (R,) to the voltage range (V) of the voltmeter.
S == _R_, == _'R-""m;_+_R-=-s [ ·: RI == Rm + R]
V V s

Where, Rm== Internal resistance of movement

R, == Multiplier resistance
The above expression of voltmeter sensitivity can be used to determine the resistance of the multiplier resistor used in a
voltmeter circuit to extend the range of the voltmeter.
Q2. What are the applications of aryton shunt7
Ans: Model Paper-Ill, Q1(f)

I. In many multirange meters an Ayrton shunt is used to replace the function of a make-before-break switch.
2. It i's used along with galvanometer in-comparison method ofD.<:; resistance measurement. ·
3. InAyrton shunt method ofres~stance measur-ement, the contact resistance doesn't affect the accuracy of the meter.
Therefore, it can be used in those applications which require highly accurate resistance values.
Q3. ges of series type ohmmeter?
What are the advantages and disadvanta_
Ans: - Model Paper-I, Q1(f)

I. The circuit design is very simple.
2. The measuring range can be extended by employing proper shunts.
3. Can be used widely for general service work.
Disadvantage: The voltage of internal voltage source decreases ~ue to aging effect. Because of this, Jftd decreases and the pointer
deflection will not indicate o Q though R; = Oor the output termmal~ X and Y are shorted. _
. Therefore, to overcome the problem resulting due to voltage drop of voltage source, resistor Rb should be varied and
adJusted ..(till the pointer deflection.indicate OQ on the scale). .


3 _ .2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. ?
_______ ELE NIC IVIEASlJ . synchronization .
. What is meant by
G ra tic ul e? as. What ,s
Model Paper-II, 0 1 Ans:
(0 synchronization refers
Graticule is defined as In an oscilloscope, rre to the Ph
on a flat piece of hard a grid of calibrated lines nce of the vertical inp
plastic. It is attached to provided us oc cu ut sig enol \.
of sirnultaneo . . dh .
side of the screen or
face plate of CRT. lt
the inner or outer ena eep s1gna1at the vertical an onzontal deina1 j ~~q
helps in measuring the acts like a scale and horizontals; respecti ec\1111!
time and amplitude of vely. .
displayed on the scree the waveform plates of C '
n. Usually, the time pe enerator sign~l (w hi
in horizontal division riod is measured The sweep g ynchro ch _is a sawt
s and amplitude is me nized with the vertica
divisions. asured in vertical waveforID) should b~s l input ?0th
xact pattern of the inp
in order to retrace es~ ut waveri1&na1
gnals will be in sync
Graticules are availab
le in three types. They
a rapid rate. The two
p signal ·is exactly eq
hronization at j
ual to or an I the
l. Internal graticule frequency of the swen\Y
of ve rtica l input signals. If the si::
roult1.p le to the. freque act
d the trace on the CRO ~c
2. External graticule are synchrooizeh, tr ce reen appears c,,,a
stationary, else t e a appears to be movmg to the left or rio~
3. Projected graticule. across the screen. &1t
Q5. Define fluorescenc . type of sync -. :_
e. Q9. List the hronization
Ans: .
The inner surface of · .
crystalline materials lik
the scre~n of CRT is
coated with Sync hrono us selector circuit is used to select the
e phosphor or zinc ox . t· 0 In order to ob . h . source
mate,:ials are excited ide. When these of synchroniz a 10 . tam t e statio
by radiation energy, the the CRT, the synchron . . nary pattern
property is known as y emit light. This 00 ization 1s must. Syn hr . .
fluorescence and the basically cla_ssified into thr c omzation is
exhibit fluorescence are materials which ee types.
known as fluorescent
materials. (i) Internal synchron
Q6. Define de fle ization
ct io n se ns iti vit y of
Ans: (ii) External synchron
The deflection sensitiv (iii) Line sychronizati
ity (S) of a cathode ray on
defined as the deflecti tube is (i) Internal Sy,ichronizatio
on of the sc reen (D) n: In this method, the
voltage (V ). per unit deflection
pulse is achieved from triggering
the signal which is
through the circuit of ve measured
D rtical amplifier.
i.e., S (ii)
... (1) External Synchron
ization: In ca se of
synchronization an exter external
nal trigger source is
We have D = ___ to supply trigger pulses. employed
!l_.!!_ These trigger pulses
' 2dV" initiate or trigger the sig are used to
nal which is being me
asured .
Substituting equation (ill) Line Synchronization:
(2) in equa tion (1), we get, , In this method, the trig
pulse is achieved when gering
the power supply is
S= LIJ VJ x- 1 the CRO. applied to
2dV" Vd 010. What are tis
sajous patterns?
. :. S = ~ m V Ans:
2d V0 Model Paper-I, C1(e)
------- . When tw
Define deflection ----- ... (3)
- honzontal and veorfsinusoidal signals are applied at a tim
factor of cathode ,ca l 1 e to
ray tube. pears on the CRT screePates of an oscilloscope a pattern ap·
patterns or Lissajou fi n. Such pattern is know.:i as Lissajous
Model d. epe;d s gu The shape of
s ~n the relationshre. . us tt ms
Paper-Ill, Q1(e)
Deflection factor (G) of
· roc I f ·t d fl t· a catho de ray tube is defined as ip between the twthoesin
LissaJo pa e
th e rec1p a o 1 s e ec 10n sen · · · S 'd·~~ e sme waves of dif e waves applied
s1t1v1ty, . tue ferent phase and frequ
tt rent patterns on the encies generate
i.e ., G =1- pa ems completely d screen. Hence the shape of L1· ·oUS
amplitud d . ep d ssaJ
en s on the dif'ference·
S of th e an rat
• io of the two sm . in phase an gle,
e two sig na ls are e waves. W hen the amp nu
1 des
~ =!2d!..VL]
same with a h
'irb~: . same and frequen
cies of them are a150
~ [·: s the screen.
and frequency is
~~erenc~ of 90°, then
an ellipse is fo ~ e:

amphtude of the two
then a circle is foa so dsame with d' waveforms ,s 51.i&1
Lo ok fo r th e Sil. a 1fference of 90 o ph se s1v1•,
\ GROUP LOGO nne a
on th e TITLE C on the screen.
OVER before you __ .,,
Measuring Instruments 3.3
vNl1· 3
A Lissajous pattern on the oscilloscope Is stationary and has 6 vertical maximum values and five
a11- horizontal maxim~m values. The frequency of the horizontal Input is 1500 Hz. Determine the frequency
of vertical input.

Given that,
Number of vertical maximum values or langencies = 6
Number of horizontal maximum values or tangencies = 5
frequency of the horizontal input,f. = 1500 Hz
frequency of the vertical input,.t; =?
We know that, •

Jy = Number of horizontal tangencies

fx Number of vertical tangencies

Jy - ~
1500 - 6
f y '= -6 X 1500= 1250Hz

Q12. What are the precautions to be taken while using CRO probe?-
The following are the some of the Precautions to be taken whrle using CRO Probes,
I. As the input resistance and input capacitance of oscilloscopes changes from one to another, every probe has to be carefully
and correctly adjusted when it is first connected to a particular pscilloscope.
2. Care should be takeb while connecting the test circuit to the oscilloscope using probes, because low impedance probes
may alter or disturb the circuit while connecting it to the oscilloscope.
3. Probe.should be connected and handled properly and should not touch the ~etal probe tip of the probe when it is in contact
with a hot circuit.
4. Always operate the probe within its specified voltage limits. Do not allow the input voltage to exceed the maximum input
voltage limit of the probe.
Q13. What are the advantages of using an active probe?
The advantages of an active probe are,
I. The active probes are widely used to connect fast rising and high frequency signals.
2. Due to very small attenuation factor active probes are frequently used for small signal measurements.
3, The loading effect eliminated by the output impedance of FET source follower is very low.
4. Capacitance of an active probe is very low. (i.e., order of2 to 3 pf)
5, The input impedance of active probes is very high.


--~ -... ...: :==:::::::=:::::::=::=:
1 ~
Q14 . Ho . TME TER S A . .
w a bas ic 0' Ars onv al mov eme nt is ' .
Ans : converted basic D. C voltmet .
er? Exp lam .
Ab • ,
D C vol as1c D . Ar~oi:ival mov eme ·
· nt with a multiplier resistanc~ co~ ec t din series with it, acts as D.C voltmeter i
tmet er. Circ uit 1s form ed by conn e . D' Arso nval mov eme ht as show
ectin g a multiplier in senes wi th basic n in fi.e., a bas,
• ~ gui.e_
Rs (Series Resistor)

l . Supp ly
volt age

Figure: Basic O.C Voltmeter Circuit

In the circ uit of basi c D .C voltm eter,
the current flowing through the meter mov
Thu s, the curr ent does not exce ed the eme nt is limi ted by the series resistorR .
max imum scale deflection value. · •
The D .C volt mete r mea sure s the pote '
ntial difference between two points in a
with prop er polru:ity. D.C circu it whe n it is conn ecte d across.
In the abov e circu it,
V = Full rang e volt age of the devi ce
Rs = Seri es resis tanc e (multiplier)
Im = Full scal e defle ction curr ent of
the mov eme nt
Rm= Inte rnal resis tanc e of the mete r
From the figu re, we have , V = (R, +
Rm) Im
(R +R ) = -
s m Im

R =--R
s Jm m

• Mul tipli er resis tanc e, R, = V

1 - R"'

Q15 . How a bas ic D' Ars onv al mov

eme nt is co~verted into multiran ge voltmeter? Exp lain it usin g neat
An s: diagralll·
Mu ltira nge Volt met er
(Nov. -0 3 , Set-3 , Q1(a) I June -03, "~
Set-3 , Q2(a ) I Mode l paper· '

· b · d fr
A mul tiran ge v~lt mete r is o tame om a D .C vo Itmet er by co~ ectm ·
g a num ber of·
This ang eme nt prov ides a large num ber of work able rang es are mult iplie rs alon g with a ranges witcb·
arr . . . avai lable with
•• witc h and . a rang e swi·t
c h . A mu1trran
four pos1t10n s four mult iphe rs 1s show n m figure. ge voltmeter W
L OO k f O r the SIA GR OU P
LOG O '1{j
on the TITLE COV ER before you

1 •
Measuring lnstrumerts 3.5

Q17. Explain about ammeter loading effect. How it

can be minimized?
Ans: May/June-12, Set-4, Q7(a)

The loading·effect of an ammeter occurs when ~he load

resistance of a circuit is increased and thereby causes decrease
Im in the circuit current.
(+) The ideal ammeter has zero internal resistance i.e., "Rm
= O. When an ammeter is introduced into a circuit, which is
(-) in series with load resistance, the Cllf!ent flow,ing through the
circuit must not get reduced due to .m inte~al resistance of
a meter. 'This phenomenon is known as loadmg affect of an
figure: Multirange Voltmeter with a Four Position Switch R

In figure (1), V1, V2, V3 and V4 are voltages andR R R I•m

and R4 are multi~liers. Th~ values of multipliers are cal~ul~ted
• g the followmg equations by, ·
uslil Ammeter
V1 =Im (R 1 + R)
m Rm (meter resistance)
V2 =Im '(R 2 + R)
V3 = Im (R 3 + Rm)
Figure: Loading Effect of an Ammeter
V4 = Im (R4 + Rm)
The loading effect of an ammeter or meter lo~d~g is_a
Amore practical arrangement of obtaining a multirange condition which changes the working or functioning 0f a crrcmt,
voltmeter is to connect the multipliers in series string In this when an ammeter is inserted into the circuit. The reason for
arrangement the range selector switch ~elects and connects the introducing an ammeter in the.circuit is to enable the current
required value of resistance in series with the movement. to work under desirable operating conditions. If the circuit
experiences the changes in the operation or the changes in the
Q16. Define voltmeter sensitivity. What is the loading current flow, then it results in error.
effect of a D.C voltmeter? Explain with an The expected current I flowing in the circu'it is given by,
Ans: I=- ... (1)
• R
Voltmeter Sensitivity The internal current or meter current of the ammeter I m
Fbr answer refer Unit-III, Ql. is given by,
Loading Effect of a D.C Voltmeter: The loading effect of a D.C V •
voltmeter refers to the phenomenon in which a negative error is I=-- ... (2)
m R+Rm
produced in 'the voltmeter reading (measured voltage), due to
the low internal resistance (i.e., low sensitivity of the voltmeter). On dividing the equations (2) and (1), we get,
Avoltmeter is connected in parallel to the circuit whose V
voltage is to be measured. Hence, if a voltmeter having a low Im = R+Rm
sensitivity is used to measure the voltage. le V
(a) Across low resistance circuits, it provides_correct R
readings. ~= _ R __
(b) Across high resistance circuits, the voltmeter acts as le R+Rm
shunt for that portion of the circuit and hence, the But in ideal conditions, the meter current and the
equivalent resistance of that portion decreases. As a expected current must be same in the circuit. Because of the
result, the voltmeter indicates a voltage value lower than loading• effect due to an ammeter' the meter c~ent 'Im 'is less
the actual voltage. This effec\ is known as lo~ding effect than the current flowing through the circuit 'I '. e
of ~e voltmeter. ·
The loa<ling effects can be minimised by reducing the
To avoid the loading effect a voltmeter of high sensitivity value internal resistance, Rm compared to the load resistance
should be used. .' ' .
'R'. This results in Im::: I,. Also higher sensitivity ammeters
Example should be used in the circuit, which produces. small amount of
current to flow in order to reduce loading effect.
---... For answer refer Unit-III, Q18.
EASU RING I 1111,~
018. f
n the circui t show n in figure two resisto rs R1
_ _1.:-L =
(10xla 3)(1 ~~\
and R2 are conne cted to a 100 V DC source . R,,, - R2 + R,, ~06) LI
If th e voltag e acros s R is to be me.asured by
voltm eters havin g. 2 == 9.9 I&

+ ss R is measur ed by the above

Voltage acrO 2 VoJt
. lti~
will be,
10 k R1
IOO V~ Req xV
D.C R2 +Req
Ra Voltmeter 9.9Xl Q3
- ---=- ~---- -:;-X 100
- 10x1a 3 +9.9x la3
Figure = 49.'?5 V
(i) A sensi tivity of 1000 Q/V and Actual voltage across ~2 is,
(ii) A se.rsi tivity of 20000 Q/V, then find which R
V - 10xIQ3
voltm eter will read the accura te vaiue of 2 XV= -=-= ---
Rl - R1 +R2 (lO+lO)x1Q3 ><lop
voltag e acros s R • Both the meter s are
used o,:, the 50 V range . =S0V
Ans: H ence, l·t can. be observ ed that the voltme ter h'
Nov.-08, Set-4, Q1(b) . 1gb
sensi_tivity (1.e., 2000_0 Q/V) provid es accurate
Given that, measurement of voltage (1.e., 49 .75 V) across the resistor

Range of voltme ters = 50 V
Measu remen t of Voltag e Acros s~ Using a Voltmeter
having a Sensit ivity of 1000 -.Q/V
Rz. . . '
Loading effect' is introdu ced when voltmeter of low
sensitivity (i.e., I 000 Q/V) is used to measur e the voltage
across R2 •
Resista nce of voltme ter, R.= Sensiti vity x Range
Q19. It is desire d to meas ure the voltag e across
= J000 X 50 the 100 kQ resist or in the circui t (figure): Two
voltmeters are availa ble for this measurement.
R.= 50 k.Q
Voltmeter 1 with a sensi tivity of 1000 Q/V and
When voltme ter is connec ted across R , the paralle l
2 voltme ter 2 with a sensi tivity of ZOOO QJV. Both
combi nation of R and R v reduce s the equiva lent resistance
across R 2 which is calcula ted as follows , meters are used on their 50 V range . Calculated
(i) The readin g of each meter (ii) Error in each
R2.R.,, (1 0xl 0 3 )(50xl 03 ) readin g, expres !?ed as a perce ntage of the true
R2 + R.,. (1 o+ S0)x 1 a3 value.

= 8.33 I& 200 kQ

Then, voltag e across R is measur ed by this voltme ter
will be,

VR,= Req xV- 8.33x la3 xl00 +

R 1 +Rrq (10+8 .33)x1 a3
= 45.44 V
(ii) Measu remen t of Voltag e Acros s~ with a Voltm eter
having a Sensit ivity of 20,000 QJV
Resist ance of voltme ter, R,.= Sensiti vity x Range
= 20000 X 50 = 106 Ans: • Q1(b)
April/Ma y-07, Set-4,
R,. = I MQ Given that,
Simila rly, due to the resista nce of this v61tmeter, the
Sensiti vity of voltme ter] = 1000 Q/V
__ ce_WI_._H_b_e_,_---::::-:---:==:-:::-------:t:----·"'."S_e_n_si_ti_v.:_ity.::.._:o:,:f
~v:_:o::ltm=e:t:e:_r,:2~=_::_2,::0,::0:,0_:Q/V,:__ ____
- Look for the 514 GRO UP LQGO ¢. on the TITLE COVER before you buy
Measuring Instruments
Nff-3 · "ti ity f 15 kQJV reads
lJ voltage across the 100 k.Q resistor is calculated as Q20. A voltmeter having a sens, v o an
:11ie '
80 v in its 100 V scale when connected acrossth
~)150=50V nknown resistance I\· The current through e
• ( 300 k.O ~esistor is 1.8 'mA. Determine the % error due to
The tr1.1e value of voltage across the 100 kQ resistor is 50 V loac;Ung effect.
, May/June-12, Set-3, Q6(b)
. tance of voltmeter. 1 = 50 V x 1000 QN A,ns:
. Jles1s
(i) Given that,
[ ·: Sensitivity = 1000 QN] Sensitivity of voltmeter, S = 15 kQ/V
=50k.Q Voltage = 80 V
When the voltmeter l_ is connected across the 100 kQ Range of voltmeter = 100 V
. r that causes the eqmvalent parallel resistance to be Current, I ~ 1.8 rnA
resisto to 50 kQ.'
decreased Unkno;n resjstance, Rx= ?
rlie total circuit resistance = 200 kQ + 50 kQ % error due to loading effect =·?

= 250 kQ When a voltmeter is ~onnected across t~e .unknown

resistance (R ) the measured or meter resistance _1s IO parallel
This combination produces a voltage as, . x ' • ··t (R ) 1s the parallel
w1th R . Therefore the eqmva 1ent res1s ance ,q .
•x • • ' d R Thi'
combmat10n of RX and Rm an not X a one. · s results IO error
50 kn .
V, = .kn xl50 V= 30 V in the measurement due to the meter.
Voltage indicated by voltmeter 1 = 30,V
Resistance of voltmeter= 50 V x 20000 QN

[ ·: Sensitivity = 20000 QN]

. . +
When,voltmeter 2 is connected across the 100 kQ resistm
that causes the equivalent parallel resistance to be decreased to
95.2 k.Q.
:. The total circuit resistance = 200 kQ +95.2 kQ
= 295.2 kQ

The potential difference between the voltmeter 2 and

100 k.Q resistor is, Th~ apparent or equivalent resistance is given by,
95 2 R = V _:;:: SO =44.44kQ
V2 = · x150V=48.37V
295.2 ,q I l.8xio-3

Voltage indicated by voltmeter 2 = 48.37 V The meter resistance, Rm is given by,

(il) Rm= Sensitivity x Voltmeter range ·
Error in the reading of v?ltmeter 1 is,
= 15 X 103 X 100
Error =, _ -Apparent voltage x 100o/co R = l.5MQ
10 _ _.:::.__~---~ 111

True voltage Substituting R,q and R., in equation ( 1), we get,

• • 6
50-30 · 44.44 x1Q3 = (1.5x10 )xRx
= ---xl0o>/o =40%
50 1.5x106 + RX I,
3 6
Error in the reading of voltmeter 2 is, (44'.44 X 10 X 1.5 X 1~ + ( 44. 44
) X 1Q3)Rr= Rx (1.5 x1Q6)
44.44 X 1.5 X 10 = Rr [(1.5 x 106)- (44.44 xJ03)]
¾Error = Tmevoltage - Apparent voltage x 100¾
True voltage ' · R = 44.44xl.5x109
x (1.5 x 106 ) - (44.44x103 )
= ----xI0o>lo =3.26%
50 l·R, =45.79 kQ]
effect is give n by,
The perc enta ge erro r due to load ing
R -R .
% Err or= x eq xlO 0
= (45 .79 xl0 )-(4 4.4 4xl 0 ) xlOO
45. 79x l0

I % Error = 2.95% /
An oth er res ista nce R
ted in ser ies wit h a D.C vol tag e sup ply o.f +5 V.
Q21. A resistance RA= 1.5 k Q
is con nec ter of 100 .Q inte ma i
sup ply . A res ista nce Re = 1.5 kQ is in ser ies wit h am me
= 1.5 k.Q is in shu nt with the % err or due to loa din g effe ct.
ista nce . Thi s com bin atio n is in shu nt wit h R8 • De term ine the
May/June-12, Set-4, Q7(b)
An s:
Given that,
Supply voltage,
V= 5V .
RA= 1.5 k.Q
RB= 1.5 k .Q
Re= 1.5 k.Q
Rm = 100 Q

% erro r due to load ing = ?

uit is sho wn belo w
According to the give n data, the circ '
RA = 1.s_kn

5V . R8 = 1.5 k.Q ·

R.n= 100 0 • I

.. ' · · . ,,_
. · . ·. '
·· ·
RA and RB is in para llel com bina tion with eac h othe r ;h ival ent resi stan ce IS m seri es wit h the
. The resi stan ces is give n by, ' ose ~qu
's equ ival ent resi stan ce
res1s_tance Re. Thu s, the The ven in

3 3
R = 1.5?<10 Xl. 5xl 0
n, (l.5 xl0 3)+ (1.5 xl0 3) +(1 .5 x 103)

. Rn, = 225 0 .Q
. . n by,
. give
ugh R n, 1s
The exp ecte d, curr ent flow ing thro
I =Rn,
,, ... (1)

met er is giv en by
The cur ren t flow ing thro ugh the ,
l=--- ... (2)
m R,.,, + Rm

LOGO ~- - on the TIT LE CO
Lo ok for the S14 GROUP "itl(4t before you buy

Measuring lnstrum~nts · . ,3.9
Nlf-3 .
~viding the equation (2) and (l)
On 1 We get the relation between expected current and meter current,
. V
Im Rn, +Rm Rn, _ 2250
-= V
le 14,h+Rm - 2250+100 = 0.95
% Error due to loading,

Expected current - Meter current

Expected current x 100

l e- Im
:=: ---"-~- X
100 = ( 1--2!!...
J X 100

=( } - 0:95) X 100 = 5%
The % error due to loading effect is 5%.

022. A basic D' Arsonval movement with an internal resistance R = 50 Q and full scale current ltsd = 0.5 mA
is to be .converted into a multirange o.c voltmeter with ranges of 0 _10- v, o- 50 v, 0-250 •V and 0-500 V.
Show the arrangement with t~e help of neat diagram with valu~ of resistances used.

Gjven that, ·-"
Internal resistance, Rm = 50 Q
Full scale current, Ifsd = 0.5 mA
For a multirange D.C voltmeter with 10 Vrange , '
i.e., V4 position of range switch, the.total circuit resistance ,
~ .

R = - - - =20kQ
lot 0.5 mA ·

R4 = R,oi - Rm = 20000 - 50 = 19950 Q ' .

For a multirange D.C voltmeter with 50 V range i.e., V3 positio!1 ofrange switch, the total circuit resistance,
R101 = --- = lOOkQ
• a •1

R3 = R,o, - (Rm + R4)

. = (100 kQ)-(19950 + 50) = 80 kQ
For a multirange D.C vol~eter with 250 V range Le., V2 position ofrange switch, the total circuit resistance,

R = 250V = 500kQ
- (R m + R 4 + R 3)
= (500 kQ) - (50 + 19950 + 80000)
=400 kQ
For a multirange D.C voltmeter with 500 V range i.e., V1 position of range switch, the total circuit resistance,

R = SOOY = 1000 kQ
RI = RIOI - (R m + R4 + R3 + R)
= (1000 kQ)-(50 + 19950 + 80000 + 400000)
- , =500kQ
I - 3.10

A multirange D c • h wn in figure,
· voltmeter with values of resistances used is s 0
1 80 ill 19950 ill

t R,,,= 50 Q

0 23 - With the help of neat sketch, explain the PMMC movement in measuring in struments.
Ans: (Dec.-11, Set-1, QS(a) I Model Paper-I, QS(ill

A Permanent Magnet Moving Coil (PMMC) movement is used for the measurement ofD.C current. It w<;>rks on the Principle
that, when a current carrying conductor or coil is placed in the presence of magnetic field, the coil will rotate in the field . A basic
PMMC movement is shown in figure. ·

Permanent Magnet

Soft iron core

Soft iron pole

Brass plate supporting core

: Coil wound on
aluminum former

Figure: PMMC Movement

A pMMC instrument comprises a U shaped permanent magnet with a soft iron pole pieces bored out cyJindricallY•Ad
. dr. 1 shaped soft iron · fixed between h ·
core 1s · fiel
t e two poles of the magnet. The cylindrical core makes the magnetic
cylm ica I f .
. d lforrn and also helps to decrease. the re uctance o au path between the poles there by increasing the magnetic. ff~·d
radial an un . d fl . d db . . woUJl
tan Jar coil through which current is ma e to ow is _surroun e Ythe core. Usually the coil has many turns and is ·1are
A rec ~r or aluminium frame that is supported by beanngs.' A pointer is attached to the frame. The two sides of the cot
on a copp . the air gap between the poles and the core. ' . . ~
left free to move ID • .~

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vrJlf·3 Measuring Instruments 3.11
~ v e r D.C current to be measured . .
vv" • is applied to the When the A.C voltage to be measured is applied at the
. ~ ces act on both sides of the coil Th ti
oil, ior . . · ere ore, the coil input, the diode D 1 will be forward biased for the positive half
c t or rotate m the magnetic field and the .
defleC I Th pomter moves cycle ofinput supply. In the forward biased stateD 1 will conduct
the calibrated sea e. e amount of force e . current. Therefore, the meter deflection gives the average
over 'de of the coil is expressed as . xpenenced by
each st , value of the positive half cycle. For the negative half cycle of
force == BJINNewton input supply the diode D, will get reverse biased and does not
... (1) conducts. Thus only half \\'.ave rectification of the input supply
Where, is done. Since the diode conducts only for positive half cycles
B == Density of flux of input supply, pulsating D.C output will be obtained as shown
in figure (2).
J == _Curren,t flowing through the coil V
. · / == Length of the coil
N = Number of turns of the coil
Tb'e deflecting torque produced is expressed as, · vm
Yr.m. ----~----
rd == Force x Perpendicular distance Vov
rd == BIIN X b [ ·: From equation (l)]
rd== BIN(! x b) Figure (21: Output Wave of Half Wave Rectifier Type A.C Voltmeter

rd ==BINA This pulsating D.C voltage generates pulsatirtg D:c

... (2)
current which in tum generates a pulsating torque. Due to the
Where, inertia of moving elemen'ts present in the D 'Arsonval meter, its
A =Ix 'b = Force area of the coil pointer deflection gives the average value of current and hence
average value of applied input.
. equation (2), . , it can be observed that for a constant The average value of applied input signal is ·given by,
flux density, the deflectmg torque is proportional to the current
flowing through the coil.
i.e., for BNA == K == 'Consta.nt
Vavg -- -JV

· 7t

m Slll(J)( U\
Jt (J)f)

Td=Kl _ :... vm 1t -V
- .--[coswt]o == _m_(cosn-cos0)
Td oc I 2n , 2n

As the instrument employs control spring, the controlling -Vm . \ V.

== - -(-1-1) == _!!!_ == 0.318 V
torque is proportional to the deflection. i.e., T oc 0.
27t 7t m

But at final deflection position,

Td =TC
=0.318 x ✓2 Vr.m.s .
[..· v-v
_ Vm]
r.m.s - ✓2

== 0.45 Vr.m,s
Thus the current flowin_g through the meter is given by,
Td oc 0 oc I
J == 0.45Vr.m.s
. Thus, the deflection is directly proportional to the current ftd Rm +Rs
passmg through the coil.
Due to this current, the meter indicates a deflection equal
Q.2 4. Explain the operation of A.C voltmeter using
half wave rectifier. .to 0.45 times that generated with D ·c of same magrutu . de ( V ).
Ans: :. A half wave rectifier circuit supplied w·th · '·~d·'
Ac · xh'b• , .. . 1 smus01 a1
.. mput _e_ .1 its_a sensitivity that is equal to 0.45 f th
Volt Th~ circuit diagram of half wave rectifier type A.C of its sens1hv1ty with D.C. Imes at
meter is shown in figure (1).
Mqhiplier · bForm factor of a half wave
· re.ctifi er tior a 'sm
•. .
wave is
resistance Rs D, given y,
[·: .V== Vr.ms = -v2
R.n Form factor
V : Vm sio(ll r;:::
=Ji V sioc.d ~ - - - - - - - - '
~ure 111: Half Wave Rectifier Type A.C Voltmeter == 2.22


Q25. Describe the . ve rectifier. ·
operation of A.C voltmeter using full wa
Ans: Model p
aP,r.111 .
A .C voltage me . o fA c oltage to be measured int
version . ,a."'1.1
. v o un1ct·
D.C by means f ~Surement using rectifier circuit involves the ~on D' Arsonval meter. Therefore, a basic rectifi •reclio .
voltmeter cont~ a rectifi_er and then measuring the rectifi~d A.C with a pMMC D'Arsonval meter. The circuit di er%eA'
A C l ai~s a rectifier circuit (either full wave or half wave) and a agr% Of.(
· vo trneter usin · full . a.
g wave rectifier is shown in figure (1). ., .
Multiplier R
resistance s

PMMC rreter
Figure (1): A.C Voltmeter Using Full Wave Rect~fier
The full wave rectifier is formed by connecting four silicon diodes in the form of bridge. Here ~i diodes are most Widery
used becaus_e they have high forward current and low reverse current characteristics. compared to Ge diodes.
_For ~ositive half cycle of A.C input voltage the diodes D and D will get forward biased a~d conduct. Theref~re the llleler
I 3
defle~tlon gives the ~verage value of the positive half cycle. For the negative half cycle of A.C mput vplta_ge the diodes D2 and
D 4 will get foX:Ward biased and conduct. Therefore, the meter deflection gives the average value of_the _negative half cycle. Thusa
full w~ve re~tification will be done and a full wave pulsating D.C is available at the output of the crrcmt. The seal~ ofD'Arsonva]
meter is calibrated to read the r.m.s value of the input supply (because A.C voltages and currents are expressed m r.m.s values).
The output waveform of a full wave rectifier type A.C voltmeter is shown in figure (2).
. .
Figure (2): Output Wave of Full Wave Rectifier Type A.C Voltmeter
The average value of applied input signal is given by,

Vavg = -f

-V .
sinrotd(rot) =-"-'[cos wt]~

-V ~v
= _m_ (cosn- cosO) = _m_ (-1 - 1)
7t 7t

Vm = 0.637 Vm

= 0.637 x ✓2 Vr.m.s [·.· v = vr.ms = Vm ]


=0.9 Vr.m.s

Thus, the current 1:'}o;"ing through the meter is given by,

J = 0.9Vr.ms
fad Rm +Rs

Due to this current, the meter indicates a deflection equal to 0.9 times that generated ~ith D.C ofsame.magnitu~ .

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,, Measuring Instruments
uNl1·3 3.13
~efo~~• ~ full.;aDveCrectifier circuit supplied with sinusoidal A.C input exhibits a sensitivity that is equal to 0.9 times
tbe sens1t1v1ty w1 . .
,hat 0 f
u• S · = 0.9 XS

The relation betw~en r.~.s v~lue and average value is described ,by form factor which is nothing but the ratio of r.m.s value
value. For a smuso1dal signal the form ~ t . . .
to averag e 1ac or 1s given by, . ,
Forrn factor (of sinusoidal wave) == Vr.ms vm ;,,fi. = (Jz/2}vm = 1.11 .
vayg 2Vm I 1t (2 / 1t) Vm
Q26.Discuss ~bout multirange A.C voltmeter.

,Basic schematic of multirange·A.C volt~eter is shown in figure. This circuit is used to mea;ure various ranges of A.C
voltage signals.

Three terminal
, rectifier
750 kn :- ------ ----- -- ..
R, '''
250V 50V I •-- ---•------

I kV
2.5 V < > - - - - - - a

I/Po---------- ---'-----...___ ___,

Figure: Multirange A.C Voltmeter,

Multirange A.C voltmeter contslins 'a chain of multipliers formed by resistors R,, R ; R and R for voltage ~anges of 1 kY,
2 3 4
250 V, 50 V, 1.0 V respectively. When the selector switch is connected to 2.5 V rang~.
Resistor R5 acts as a multiplier. The resistor connected in parallel to the meter movement i.e., R aftS as a meter shunt and
improves the operation of the rectifier. 1

Q27. What is Ayrton shunt? Describe it with a neat sketch. Specify its ~pplicati~ns.
' .
Aryton Shunt: A shunt that is used to increase the range of a D' Arsonval meter is called as Aryton shunt or universal shunt. The.

basic circuit of an aryton shuut is shown in figure.

~ +
1 ~ /f D' Arsonval
--;- movement

Figure: Aryton Shunt

shunt, It avoids the possibility of using the meter in the circuit ~ithout a shunt. This is ~he most important merit of the aryton
.......____ .
~ · - ~
ClltUtt flLL-Ht-e)NE JOURNAL FOR .ENGINEERING STUDENTS - ~ - - - - - - - - SI~ GROUP ~~
veral l s hunt resistance should tbe stnal! ;.., ·~] .. , Otq
ammeter o measure. large curren
t s
Initially, assume that the selector switch is connected to
position I . With the switch in position 1, the resistors Rz, RJ and h ld dt.e., as the cllttet,.'II
enable the the shunt resistance s ou . ecreases. e~t
th e meter movement
becomes series and the series connection rang e increases,
becomes parallel to the resistor R • ln this condition, more Hence,
current flows through U1e shunt compared to the current through shunt includes R 1, R 2 and
th for 2 A range, .
e meter. Thus, the meter movement is protected by excess
· tan ceR=R+
R ===> Shunt rests , , R+R
current. This reduces Ute sensitivity of the meter movement. 1 2 3
shunt includes R 1 and
. When the selector switch is connected to position 2, the for 5 A range,
res~ stor R, and R 2 becomes parallel to the series combinatio n of
R ===> R == R1 + Rz
resistor R 3 and the meter. In this condition, more current flows
e shunt includes only R 1 ~ R ""I?.
through the meter and less current flows through the shunt For 10Arang, ' •
resistance. has to be designed for current r
· the s hunt
Since, hr gh the meter (Im) should be consid anges,
When the switch is at position 3, the combinatio n of the current flow ~ o~urrent ereii as
R., R 2 and R 3 becomes parallel with meter movement. In this full scale deflection .
case, very high current flows through the meter and very low• . Im - Ifad ==lmA .
t.e., -
current flows through the shunt and the sensitivity of the m~ter
movemen t increases. · . ut current (J) is considered as the range curre
The mp ts divided into shunt current (/) and Ill nt.
Applicatio ns This range clUTent ge s eter
current (Im) at node A.
For answer refer Unit-III, Q2.
i.e., I== I, + Im
Q28. Design a universa l ayrton shunt to .provide an
For2ARan ge
ammeter with a current range of 2 A, 5 A, 10 A
using a D'Arsonv al m9vemeo t with an internal The swi·tc h i· s thrown to 2 A range position~
resistanc e Rm = 50 Q and. full scale deflection => R 1 + R2
+ R J is in parallel with meter resistance, R
current of 1 mA.
===> R, == R• + R2 + RJ
Ans: I = 2 A= 2000 mA
Given that, Im = 1 mA
Internal resistance of D 'Arson val movement, I~ =/-Im
R,,, =50 Q =2000-1
Full scale deflection current of ammeter, = 1999 mA
Iftd = I mA Since, shunt and meter are in parallel, the voltage drop
across shunt and meter will be equal.
Desired current ranges = 2 A, 5 A, IO A
In this prob.lem, an Ayrton shunt has to be designed ~or i.e., v, = vm
three current ranges. Hence, thi~ Ayrton shunt should consist IR
s s =IR
m m
of 3 shunt resistances .
(1999 rnA) (R 1 + R 2 + R 3~ = (1 mA) (50 Q)
L e t R 1, R 2 and R J be the shunt resistances of the Ayrton
shunt as shown in the figure. R +R +R = 50xlmA- Q
1 2 3
RI+ R2 + RJ = 0.0250125 Q ... (I)
For SA Range
The switch is thrown to 5 A range position.
s => R 1 + R 2 is in parallel with R + Rm

⇒ R,.=R 1 +R2

Input I = 5 A= 5000 mA
Im= 1 mA
I,= 5000 - 1 = 4,999 mA
Figure 1,R, = Jm(R; + Rm)

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Measuring Instruments 3.15
~ rnA) (R, + R 2 ) (1 mA)(R3 + 50)
(4, Hence,
_ (R 3 +5 0) Q
For 2 A range, the shunt resistance,
RI+ R2- 4,999 ... (2)
R = R + R2 + R 3 = 0.0250125 Q
• I
JO J\ Range For 5 A range, the shunt resistance,
for /""' IOA=l0,000 mA
R J = R I + R = 0.0100051.Q
The switch is th:o~ to 10 A .range position. Shunt
R i.e., R 1 1s m parallel with (R + R + R ) For IO A range, the shunt resistance,
. 1udeS on ly I 2' 3 m
Rs =R I R = R = 0.0050025 -Q
' I

Is = I - I m Q29. Describe the working of moving iron instruments.

= 10,000 - 1 Ans:
=9999mA ,
Moving Iron Instruments: The ins
• truments in which coil is
made stationary and deflection occurs due to the movement
V, = Vm
of soft iron in the field pro d uce d b Y the coil are referred to as
I,R, = IJ R 2 + R3 + Rm) moving iron instruments. They are• use d for the measurement
(9999 mA)(RI) = ( 1 mA) (R2 + R3 + 50) of A.C current.

• R2 + R3 + 50 =' 9999 R I Moving iron instruments are of two types. They are,
R2 + R3 = 9999 R I - 50 .. . (3) 1. Attraction type or moving v ane type instruments
Substituting the value of R2 + R 3 from equation (3) into 2. Repulsion n,pe or double vane type instruments.
equation (1), we hav;,
t. Attraction Type or Moving Vane Type Instruments
RI+ (R2 + ~) = 0.0250125 Q
The cross sectional view of attraction type moving iron
RI + 9999R I - 50 = 0.0250125 instrument is shown in figure( I).
lO000R I = 50:0250125
RI = 0.0050025 Q
Substituting the value of R 1 + R2 from equatio11: (2) into ',--- - - - - ' - . . Pomter
equation (1), we have, Fixed
coil Moving iron vane
RI+ ~ -+ R3= 0.0250125 Q
R +50 Ar
_ 3_ _ + R 3 = 0.0250125 ams--~
4999 Balancing device
fs + 50 + 4999R 3 = (4999)(0.0250125)
5000 R3 + 50 = 125.0374
75.0374 weight
R = - --
3 5000 Figure (11: Attraction type moving iron instrument
R3 = 0.0150074 Q In this arrangement, the current to be measured is
Substituting the values of R I and R 3 , we get the value of made to flow through the coil, due to which a magnetic fiel<l
i& produced at the cc!nter of the cpil. The fi~ld produced at the
RI+ R2+ R3 = 0.0250125 centre of the coil attracts the soft iron vane, which is fixed to
the spindle towards the coil. The force by which the vane is
(0.0050025) + R2 + (0.0150074) = 0.0250125
attracted towards the coil is proportional to the field strength
R2 = 0.0050026 Q inside the coil, which intum proportional to the strength of the
' ·· The shunt resistances of ayrton shunt are, current applied to the coil. When the vane is attracted towards
or pulled inside the coil, the pointer gets deflected and mqves
RI = 0.0050025 Q over the calibrated scale.
R2 = 0.0050026 Q The force of attraction in between the magnetic field of
---- R 3 = 0.0150074 Q the coil and the moving vane results deflecting torque.
~E ~
As the. other. The amoun t of force by which they repel each otheri
propor tional lo the square of the curren t applie d to the coil.
(i) Magne tiwtio n (M) of the vnnc is propor tional to
W11cn the vanes repel with some force the pointe r attache
the magne tic field ~trcngth (H} inside the coil d to
the movin g vane moves over a calibra ted scale. The force
(ii) Force (F) by which vane i!. pulled ms1de 1s which the two simila rly magne tized vanes repel one anothe
propor tional to the magne tizatio n of the vane and results deflec ting torque . Theref ore, instan taneou s torque
magnc t1c field streng th of the coil. propor tional to the force of repuls ion. The force ofrepu lsion
The deflec ting torque T" is expres sed as, propor tional to the produ ct of pole streng ths ( or magne tizatio
of two vanes i.e., M, and Mz), which irlturn propor tional to
Td th.e
0.:: }.fl{ magne tic field (H) inside the coil, which intum propor tional
But. Moc H the curren t flowin g throug h the coil i.e.,
And H ac/ Td oc F rcpuaion
•. r" oc.P F~on oc Ml M2
Thw;, the deflecting torque is directl y propor tional to the M 1 M2 ocH
square of the curren t apphe d to the coil.
2. Repul sion Type (or) Doubl e Vane Type Instru ments :
A repuls ion type movin g iron instru ment compr ises Td oc p
one 6tationary coll and two soft iron vanes, contro lling Thus, the deflec ting torque is propor tional to the square
springg, pointer-Scale arrang ement . The two iron vanes of the curren t applie d to the coil.
are arrang ed inside the coil such that both comes in
When this instrum ent is used inA.C circuit s, it indicates
pur11llcl with one anoth~r along the axis of the coil. Out
r.m.s value of the electri cal quantity.
of the two iron vanes, one is fixed to the frame oftbe coil
whereali the other is mount ed on the spindl e such that it 3.2 OHM MET ERS
is frcl! 10 move. A pointe r is attache d to the movin g vane.
The cross 1,ectional view of a repuls ion type movin g iron Q30. Expla in the operatio11 of serie s type ohmm eter.
ini-trumc:nt is bhown in figure (2). Also derive the equa tions assoc iated with It.
......__ _ Scale
The circuit arrang ement of a series type ohmm eter con-
tains a basic D' Arsonv al meter connec ted in series with a curren
limitin g resisto r and a voltag e source . The output termin als
this series combi nation is indica ted by X and Y across which
unkno wn resisto r is connec ted. Based on the resista nce value
of this resisto r differe nt curren ts flow throug h th.e D' Arson
meter. Hence , the unkno wn resista nce value can be determ ined
by readin g the deflec tion indica ted by the meter.

Fixed iron yane
-2~ ~-- r

Figure (1): Circuit of Series type Ohmmeter

In the above figure,
Rm - Intern al resista nce of the meter
Figure {2): Repulsion Type Moving Iron Instrument
R 0
Curren t limitin g resisto r

When the unkno wn curren t is made to flow through the

coil, a magn etic field is produ ced at its centre due to which Rb - Zero a_d justing resisto r
the two iron vanes gets magne tized with same polarity. Rx - Unkno wn resisto r
As the
two vanes -are magn etized with same polarit y, they repel each E - Voltag e source (b~tter y)

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~nitiaJly, the unknown resistance is disc
c,Ub:e circuit and the~ and y terminals are shorte~n~ecte_d By substituting equation (2) in equation (3) we get,
(tO!fl _ 0 therefore a high current flows throu h th · _ n ~s
fl. - ' · R · · g e c1rcu1t Jfad Rm
ca5e , value ofres1stor h 1s vaned and adjusted 1 nt th . · R= ... (4)
~ow, !he imum deflection on the scale. Under +i.: e_~omter b J,01 - / fsd
WS rn~ . fth . . uus condition I =
stiO h p0siuon o e pomter 1s marked as On th Now, by substituting equation (1) in equation (4) we get,
and t e "'" on e scale
/" 'fhen the tenninals X and Y are opened I th' ·
· n 1s case R ==
· c •t .
/'1.ore the current flow through the ctr x
i),ere1 u1 1s zero and
o0, • ter will not show any deflection. Under th. ct'· . ... (5)
,he p0111 •• f th • 1s con 1tton
µ, d the position o e pomter is marked a n
1~0, an s oo .:., on the
fCS]C, • Weknowthat,Rh=Ra + R +R
After markmg 0, 00 ohm positions on th sea e b m
.. e
ediate values (positions) are marked bY msertmg - .1
•f!i rent )cnown values of Rx between X and y termin Th R =R __RbRm
_;__=- ... (6)
d1 e k. th I a1s. us, a Rb +Rm
ulting mar mgs on e sea e of series type ohmm t . h
~ res (l) e~IB
shown in figure .
By substituting equation (5) in equation (6) we get,

Ra =Rh -
"° n
Figure 121: Scale of Series Type Ohmmeter
The measuring accuracy of the instrument depends on
the repeated accuracy of pointer deflection and tolerance values
of resistors used for marking the positions on the scale.
Determination of R1 and 8i,: The resistance values of Ra and
· R1arecomputed by usingR_. corresponding to half the full scale I-·- Ra dh - I fed;mRh I
deflection of the movement. Let Rh is resistance of the half of
full scale deflection of the movement and is given by, Thus, the resistance values of Ra and Rb are calculated.
RR Q31. With neat sketch describe the operation of
R =R + b m
h a R +R shunt type ohmmeter. Also explain how it is
b m
The total resistance of the voltage source= 2Rh
The current supplied by voltage source for half scale
. E Describe the construction and working of shunt
deflection, I = - -
h 2Rh type ohmmeter with design equations.
This current should be doubled to provide full scale
Ans: (Nov./Dec.-12, (R09), Q1(a) I Model Paper-II, Q6(b))

deflection. Thus, the total current required to produce full scale Shunt Type Ohmmeter: In shunt type ohmmeter the·unknown
deflection is I resistor is connected in parallel with the basic D' Arsonval meter
E which is connected in series ·with a current adjustable resistor •
IIOI -21- ... (1) and a voltage source.
The current flowing through Rh is lb = 1 101
- Iftd
the D• From figure (I) it can be observed that the voltage across
. Arsonval meter is equal to the voltage across the shunt
tes1stor, i.e.,

Em =E1h
E L ,Jf D'Arsonval

If sR
dm- -IbR
b [·: By applying KVL] ON/OFF switch y
:. R = lfsdRm ... (3)
:-----....,_ b lb Figure 111: Circuit of Shunt Type Ohmmeter

IPttiaM fill-IN-ONE JOCIRNAL F.OR ENGINEERING STODEtm - - : - - - - - - - 514 GROUP'14

--- - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - ----:--: N~s:-=rr:aR17UfivrMIENTS lJN rU-HYDE:f:1
.:3..:.•.:l.:8~-~-----1______:E:L:E,:C_::T~R-0-:-.N-:-IC:-::--=M::;~~ . der to prevent flow of current through th ~I
• dator)' Ul or e ti\
In a shunt type ohmmeter the use of ON/OFF switch is roan . '
when the device is not in use. In figure (1),
Rm - Internal resistance of the meter
R 0 - Current adjustable resistor
E - Voltage source

R" - Unknown resistor · . . disconnected from the circuit and th

resistance is . . d e .{
Calibration: lnitially the ON/OFF switch is closed and the unknown through the short circuit an no current flows lhr ~
· '
Y terminals are shorted. In this case R" = O, therefore all th~ current flows Q on the scale. · Oh..
the meter. Under this condition the position of the pointer 1s marked as O
t fl ws through them
, ' therefore a high curren o U d h. eter. Now "
Then the terminals X and Y are opened. In this case R,, ~ 00 • • i:.m deflection on the scale. n er t is condition ~ ~
value of resistor R is varied and adjusted till the pointer shti>~.~ m Fun 1
~ I~
and the position of the pointer is marked as oo Q on the sea~~-, rl/1•;h db . .
· )"•' :h 1· (p sitions) are marke y msertmg different kn ,
After marking O .Q, oo Q positions on the scale, int 11 1, ~~~e ,~alue: sc:le of shunt type ohmmeter is shown in figure0~1
values of R" between X and y terminals. Thus, the resulting arki'ilgs on
t {fJr1 '1• 1
(2) .
·,1' I .

. OQ
figure (2): Scale of Shunt Type Ohmmeter
· · components
The process of determining the resistive ,.. ofthe crrcm
· ·t 1s
· sarne as that of the series ohmmeter.
When the termmals are kept open· (-1.e.,
· R" = 00 ) ·
the maxunum current flows through the meter is .,,.
oiven by, ,

I = ---- ... (I)
fad Ra +Rm ,
r E
Ro +Rm

Ro= -[--Rm ... (11

When an unknown resistor is connected across X and Y.terminals, the current flow through the meter is given by,

, .
When. the meter indicates half scale deflection,

= lftd
I,,, 2 = 0.5 /fad
~~,. =Rh
By substituting these values jn equation (3) we get,
0.5 ~d = Ra R m + Rh (R a + Rm )
--..-,~==-:::-;s~ ,-~~~=¢;-= -::-:=------ -- ___..,
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~'fhef ractio n of full scale (S) is obtained

Ra +R-
In g
cncral the value of current hmtttn .'"
g resi stor 1s !ugh compared with internal resistance of the meter.
s- ~ _ Rx •
1f,d R +RX ... (4)
1i0 compute the relative scale value fi . · Ob · d
s or an adJusted value of R the half scale reading of the meter ts

~me as,
R = RaR'"
,. R + R
a '" ··· (5)
R. >> R,,, we can write R + R'" == R.
... (6)
By substituting equation (6) in equation (5) we get,
R,. =Rm
From th e above analysis it is observed that the resistance of adjustable resistor
R depends on the voltage (£), internal
resistance of the meter (Rm) and the full scale deflection current 0

' 1
Also half scale resistance R,. can be computed by the adjusted resistance (R.)
and the resistance of the meter (R).
Q32. Differentiate between series type ohmmeter and shunt type

Series Type Ohmmeter

Shunt Type Ohmmeter
1. ln series type ohmmeter, resistor R1 and battery E are 1. In shunt type ohmmeter, resistor R and D' Arsonval
connected in series with D' Arsonval movement. movement are connected in series with a battery £.
2, It doesn't have ON/OFF switch. 2. It consist of an ON/OFF switch.
3. The dial of series type ohmmeter has an ' 00 ' 3. The dial of shunt type ohmlT!etcr has a '0' Ohms
Ohms mark at the left side of the scale and a mark at the left side of the scale and an 'oo' Ohms
'O' Ohms mark at the right side of the scale. mark at the right side of the scale.
4, In this type the current flowing through the 4. In this type the current flowing through the meter
meter movement depends on the magnitude movement does not depends on tht magnitude of the
of the unknown resistor R unknown resistor R.
s. The series type ohmmeter 1s frequent!> used for general 5 ln·case of low values ofresistancc measurements
service work due ro its simple and popular design. shunt type ohmmeter is used as a test instrument in
the laboratory.
6. The batlef) voltage 6. The battery voltage of shunt type ohmmeter does not
of series type ohmmi=ter

- decreases with tim~ and age.

Qll. Discuss mu.l tlrang e ohmm eter.

d1:creases with time and age.

Ana: '
Mutttrange Ohmmeter: The ohmmeter is an instrument used for the measurement
Ve I of resistance. The accuracy of ohmmeters is
ry ow, hence, they are used to determine the approxi.mate value of resistan
A series type ohmmeter or a shunt type ohmmeter is used to measure a single
range of resistan
ce. Therefore, the ohmmeter
tan~e should be extended to measure the value of resistance over a wide range. Thus,
tcsiste . an ohmmeter which is used to measure
~ Th
nee values over a wide range is called multirange ohmmeter. b . . . f ·
10U0u,;_ e as1c c1rcu1t b multrrange ohmmeter is shown in the
........:..,lUg figure,

-=------------E~L~E~C~T~R~O~ N~l~C~M~EA~~=~-----------~

Ry Ry

' - - - - - - - - I 1-----uO ~~

(1.5V) ,
Figure: Multi~ange Ohmmeter
Applications of Ohmmeters
(i) Used to determine the approximate value ofr~sistance ofmac~e field coils.
( ii) U sed .1or
measuring and sorting of resistors us~d in electronic circuits.
(iii) Used for checking of semiconductor diodes.
(iv) Used for checking continuity of circuits.
Q34. Discuss about D' Arsonval meter movement used in ohmmeter.
Ans: I
A basic D: Arsonval meter movement can also be used to determine the value of unknown resistance. The equivalent circuit
of D' Arson val meter movement used for ohmmeter is shown in .figure.

r:: ~ o:l


. figure: Equivalent Circuit of D'Arsonval Meter Movement with Zero Adjust and Ful! Scale Adjust

To measure the unknown res istance value of a resistor, the resistor should be connected betwee~ the terminals A and 8·
With the resistor connected between A and B, the current flowing through the circuit depends on the resistance value of the resistor.
The current when resistor Rx is connected is expressed as,
V ... (1)
/=------ I •
. RP +Rm +Rx
. . urrenl
In the terminals A and B are shorted, max~mum scale curre~t flows through the circuit i.e., full scale deflection ~ the
. . d When AB are shorted and the deflection of the needle is less, then it is adjusted to maximum scale by var)'tng
IS ob~me · R Usually, this potential will have 10% of total resistance of potentiometer.
potent10meter p· . · ____.,,

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· Measuring Instruments
Nlf· 3 3.21
~'fhdull scale current of the meter is •
given by,
Jsd Rp +RIll ... (2) Q36. Explain the front panel of a multimeter. Suppose
if we are m~asuring a voltage of 230 V A.C. What
BY solving equations (1) and (2), w~ can get, should be the voltage range we selqct?
_ I_= ¼P +R,,, +Rx .
Multimeter: A test instrument which comprises an ammeter,
ffsd V/
voltmeter and ohmmeter circuitry and a function switch to
/ RP +Rm
connect the required circuitry to the D' Arsonval m?vem~nt is
I lmown as multimeter or voJt-ohm-miJli-ammeter. It 1s designed
= R- Rp +RIll
to measure current, vtiltage and resistance. It is available in two
/fad RP +Rm +Rx types. They are,

¢ What' is leakag~ c1:1rrent? How it is measured I. Analog multimeter

for an electrolytic capacitor? 2. Digital multimeter.
~ns: Front Panel of Multimeter: The front panel of a general
purpose multimeter is shown in the following figure.
Leakage Current: When a capac'itor is charged to its maximum
level i.e., Vcmax from a rec~gular power supply (i.e., D.C source
V.), the charging curre~t should ~top. When V, = Vcmax ruid the
capacitor has leakage if any, the Vcmax starts to decrease and
the charging current flows. Thus, the current that flows when
' voltage across the capacitor becomes approximately equal to
vI is known as leakage current of capacitor.
The leakage current is very high in an electrolyte
capacitor. The leakage current of ~n electrolytic capacitor is
measured using the circuit shown in figure.

power vs


Figure: Measurement of Leakag~ Current of an Electrolytic Figure: Front Panel of Multimeter

Capacitor (i) Central Knob: The central knob is a function switch
Based on the voltage {ating of capacitors, the leakage aM it performs. the range selection operation.
current varies from one to another. ❖ For D.C current measurements, it can be operated
Example in the ranges of I mA to 500 mA.

(i) ❖ For A.C or D.C toltage measurements, it can be

The capacitor whose voltage rating is less than l 00 V operated in.the ranges of 2.5 V to 1000 V.
has leakage current of 0.1 mA.
❖ For resistance measurements, it can be operated in
(ii) the ranges of (R x 1) .Q to (R x 10000) .Q.
, The capacitor having voltage rati~g between 100 V - 3qo
V has leakage current of 0-2 mA. (ii) Right Hand· Knob: The right hand knob (the 'knob,
which is at the right side to the central knob) is 'zero
(iii) The capacitor having voltag~ rating greater than or equal ohms' central knob and it performs the ohmmeter
...____ to 300 V has leakage c~ent of 0.5_mA. function. .


(ill) Left Hand Knob · Th han~ knob (the knob, which (ii) Select the voltag e range of 250 V by means of c
1s at the lcfl to the~ e left t!ritra1
en_tral knob) 1s used lo select the type knob.
to functi on to b · d I sectio n by ....
e earne d out. . Note: After selecti ng the requir e vo tmeter b d '"ea 11s
• h
••• For A.C volta ts it is conne cted to of selecto r knob, mak~ sure t_e range to e use . If an Unkno
A C . g~ measu remen
3quan tity of voltag e 1s requtr ed to be measu red then
Sta ~
· 1.e., the pointe r of it should indica te A.C. the highes t th range, to find its appr0 _rt he
t a d measu remen t from • x1rna
For D .C curren
b n vo Itage measu remen t it should value and then switch down to e appro pnate range
to knote
e co,nne cted to - D.C or +D.C. \v
• . its accura te value.
To perfo rm the pointe r of knob
. . contm u1ty test J.4 MET ER PRO TECT ION
shoul d mdrca te music al note symbo l.
(iv) Mech anica c tr . A
. l Zero 00 o 1• mecha mcal zero contro l
. Q37. Expla in how D.C mete rs are prote cted.

is 1ocated Just below the base of !be pointe r. Ans:
(v) ~ I '(+) d
e~min als: The termin als specif ied with ,pus an D.C meters are protec ted by conne cting one or two d ro ·d
'mm , ( ) , each and every . I d. d . acros h
US - or comm on' are used for in parall el to the meter. I f a smg e JO e 1s conne cted
t. When using both 'plus ' an d , comm on , protec tion mecha nis st e
measu remen •th meter, then it is called as dsingle diode m. If
t · I V, 500 V and 1000 . th • r. .
enn~ . s WJ the centra l knob at 250 two d10des are conne cte across e meter ior either directi
~: mum vo1tage that can be measu red
them~........ is ca/n
. posrll on•
V of input signal (i.e., each for one half cycle) , then it
is 250 V. When the input is conne c.ted to.the
voltag e
as ·cfouble diode protec tion mecha nism. The single diode ae:
and 500 V A .C/D. C termin als, the maxim ~ are shown in figure I a~d
· is conne cted to the double diode protec tion arrang ement
500V 1.s measu red. When the input
um 2 respec tively.
'comm on' and I DO? V A.C/D .C termin al, the maxim
voltag e of I 000 V 1s measu red.
The termi nal outpu t 350 V D.C is used for decibe
measu remen ts, · . ,,.
The termin als -10 A and +t o\ t are! used for. curren
measu remen ts of J A to JO A D.C. 1 Diode

(vi) Over load Prote ction: The deflec ting coil is a wound
of ve_ry thin coppe r wire insula ted with a plastic film.
s curren t flows throug h-the coil, the insula tion
any exces
gets over heated and destro yed and hence the coppe
r Figure (1): Single Diode ~rotection Arrangement
wire gets melte d. In order to preve nt this, the instru ment
is provi ded with overlo ad.pro tectio n circui t. Wjth
t, for any increa se in curren t beyon d the safe
arrang emen
limit, the overlo ad device open- circui ts the instru ment Diode 1
intern ally due to w hich the 'reset ' button pops-u p
the instru ment is 'resei ' by pressi ng the 'reset ' button
down .
edge Diode 2
(vii) Displ ay and Scale s: The displa y consis ts a knife
point er movin g on a mirro r scale. Amon g the scales
provi ded, the top scale is used to indica te resista
nce measu remen ts of(R
value s in ohms . When the resista
x I 00) and (R x I 0000) are select ed, the scale readin Figure. (2): Double Diode Protection Arrang ement
shoul d b~ multip lied by the appro priate factor . Thus, the
When the input increa ses beyon d the cut-in voltag e of
based on the select ed range , measu red resista nce at centre ct ano all the curren t flows throug h
diode, the diode will condu
scale might be 15 Q, 1500 Q or 150000 Q. throug h the diode, the meter
1 is
the diode. As the curren t is divert ed
If the 2.5 V range is select ed, then O to 250 V scale is protec ted from exces s curren t.
it is
read as O to 2.5 V and if25 V range is select ed then
read as O to 25 V. An A.C AMP CLAM P scale is 3.5 EXT ENS ION OF RAN GE
used when clamp ing type high curren t probe is used s are
Q38. Expla in how amm eter and voltm eter range
decibe l scale is used to read audio powe r levels . exten ded.
In order
Volta ge Rang e to be Selec ted to Meas ure 230 V A.C:
to measu re 230 V A.C voltag e, t used for
the Basic D.C Amm eter: A basic D.C amme ter circui
(i) Enab le or selec t the A.C voltm eter sectio n of basic D' Arsonval
ing the' A.C-D .C' switch (left hand measu remen t of direct curren t e mploy s a
multi meter by adjust
meter as shown in figure (1).
knob) to the A.C positi on.

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+ ,,_
•h 1111
From equation (4) it can be observed that the shunt
resistance of the circuit may consist internal resistance of the
1oput supp Jy R.h
voltage (V) The current measuring range of the ammeter can be
Basic D' Arsonval further extended by connecting external shunts to the basic
meter D' Arsonval meter as shown in figure (2). ·
figure (1): Circuit of Basico
Meter set to
In the above figure, R is the internal . minimum External} Test leads
. I d flm resistance of the
and J is the full sea e e ection ofcurre t . current ra!lg shunt
Jlleter "' . . d" n passing throngh
eter. As the co1 1 wm mg of the mete . . -. L------'------0
(he m t r is small it cannot
carrY large curren s.
Figure (2): Extending the Range of Ammeter
Therefore, in order to measure large .
· h ·h currents a resistor Basic D.C Voltmeter: A basic D' Arsonval meter acts as the
m s unt Wit the meter. This h t . .
R"' is connecteddd" · I s un resistor 1s basic movement of D.C voltmeter. A D .C voltmeter circuit is
d to bypass a 1t1ona current. The value of h .
use . db . K s unt resistance formed by connecting a resistor in series with the D 'Arsonval
can be detemune Y app 1ymg VL to circuit shown in figure
meter as shown in figure (3).
As the R h is connected irI shunt ~ith the m e ter, vo tage 'series resistor R. (or)
~ 1
drop across R,h is equa1to the voltage drop across the meter. multiplier resistance
vsh = vm
f,h Rsh = Jm Rm
Input supply
I,;,Rm voltage (V)
R =--
sh J
Where, ... (1)
Ish = Current passing through the shunt resistor
Figure (3): Circuit of Basic D.C Voltmeter
But' Ish =I-Im ... (2)
A basic D.C voltmeter circuit is used for the measurement
ofp.d (potential difference) existing between two points. For this
I ·= The total current supplied to the circuit. purpose it needs to be connected across the poirits in a circuit
between which p .d is required to be known.
By substituting equation (2) irI equation (1) we get,
The resistor connected in series · with the meter limits
R = Im Rm ... (3) the current flowing through the meter. Therefore, the current
sh J -/ .t hrough the meter does not go beyond the value of full scale
· deflection. ·
Thus, for each full scale deflection current shunt
resistance can be calculated from equation (3) we can write, In figure (3),
R m
1-1 V = F{iu range voltage of the voltmeter
Rsh Im 1,,, = Full scale deflection of current passirig through
the meter
I R ·
- = _!!!_+I · Rs= Series resistance (or) multiplier resistance
1m Rsh
Where, Rm= Internal resistance of the meter
I In ~r~er to extend the voltage measuririg range of the
(the ratio of total current to meter current) is known
1'" voltmeter, 1t 1s necessary to determine the value of R because the
Rf ~~ltiplies the operating range of the meter by pro'portionately
as multiplying power of shunt, and it can be indicated as m. d1v1dmg the measured voltage across it.

R . By applying KVL to the circuit shown in figure (3), we

m= __!!!_+ 1 get,
V =Im (Rs+ Rm) ... (5)
R =~ ... (4) V=IR+IR
......__ sh m-1 m m m$

~Qtt fill-Ht-ONE JOORNflL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS - - - - - - - - 514 GRQUF! ~

3.24 .
~ I
R =- R
, I,,, - m ··· (6)
The se · . . th t the current doesn't go beyond th
deflection nes resistor limits the current flowing through the meter, so a e fu11 s
. ~

the bas~~~e voltage measuring range of the voltmeter can be furtJ:ier extended by connecting external multiplier resistance
sonval meter as shown in figure (4). . , . : ~

Extemai' multlplier
Meter set to }

current range1-----::----:-----<> Test leads

Figure (41: Extending -the Range of Voltmeter


o 39 . With a neat sketch explain the working of a true RMS voltmeter.
NovJDec.-13 (ROg) Q
' • 1(b)

Explain the working of a true value RMS voltmeter.
Ans: (May/June-13, (R09), Q1(c) I Model Paper-I, Q6(b))

True R.M.S Voltmeter: True R.M.S voltmeter is a type ofv<;>ltmeter whose working is based on the fact that the heating power
. . 2
of a signai is proportional to the square of the R.M.S voltage of the signal (i.e., P oc: V,.m.s ). This voltmeter indicates the value
of R.M.S voltage by measuring the heating power of the. signal. When a heating element is heated by the power of the signaL
its tempera~e increases. A thermocouple placed in close proximity to the heater eleme~t, will produce an output voltage (VJ
corresponding to the temperature of heater element. This voltage is proportional to the heatmg powerfeeded to the heater element
and thus proportional to the R.M.S voltage of the signal.
i;,;; =f(P)
- f ~) v
( Rheater
= K.V/m .s
Vo oc V,.~m.s
Generally a thermocoi:iple exhibits non-linear characteristics. To eliminate the non-linear effects of measuring thennocouple,
another thermocouple (balancing thermocouple) is used along with the measuring thermocouple. Both these thermocouples are
kept in the same thermal environment. The ~alancing tbermocoupl~ is used as a feedback element so that the non-linear elfeclS
of balancing thermocouple cancels the non-lmear effects of ~easurmg thermocouple.
The block diagram of a true R.M.S ~oltm~er ~s· sh?~ in figur~. The input section of the D.C amplifier and the two ther·
mocouples connected to its input form a bndge crrcmt. Init1ally, the bndge is balanced.
The signal to be measured is first amplified by ~n A.<? amplifier and then ·fed to the heating el~ment of the measur~:
thermocouple. As the element gets b~ated by the amphfied signal, the output voltage of the measuring thermocouple cbang
d the bridge becomes unbalanced. Tbe-D.C amplifier amplifies this voltage which corresponds to·unbalance. The 0 utputof~e5
:;1C amplifier is fed back to the beating element of the balancing thermocouple in order to baiance the bridge. The bridge artaU1
b;lance condition when the.output voltage of balancing thermocouple equals to the output voltage of measuring thermo~

Look for the SIA GROUP LOGO ~ on the TITLE COVER before you buy
Measuring Instruments 3.25
~ bridge is balanctd, the D.C current ofth . . C current of the
\\fltefl tb~ rnent of measuring thennocouple H e heatmg element of balancing thermocouple 1s e_qual to the A. M S ltage of
~eatiflS e \nal. Thus the R.M.S voltage oftl} e?ce, th~ D.C current at balance is-directly proportional to the R. ·
ejoput 51 ter of true R.M.S voltmete e mput signal \s determined from the indication of the U,C c~ent on t e
0 utput v:
tlt . tiJ!S rne r.
. dJC3
~ ,----------------,------ . . Indicating
A.C input
voltage -----J A.C
amplifier .____ , r
D.C ~
amplifier L - - ~ ~ - - t __ __.
I Feedback
~ current

--- --- --- . --


Figure: True R.M.S Voltmeter


Q40. List a few specifications of multimeter.

Specifications of Analog Multimeter
I. Mea_suring parameters : Current (I), voltage (V), resistance (R)
2. Current range ofD' Arsonval meter movement used. : 50µA

3. Sensitivity : 20kQ/V

4. Operating frequency range : 10 Hz

5. Current measuring ranges : 0-50mA,0-1, 10, 100;500mA,0-10A

6. D.C voltage measuring ranges : 0-250 mV, 0-2.5 V, 10, 50,250, 1000, 5000 V

7. A.C voltage measuring ranges : 0-2.5 V, 10, 50, 250, 1000, 5000 V

8. Resistance measuring range : Rxl Q, Rxl00 Q, Rx 10000 Q

3.8 _CRT
Q41. Draw the schematic of a CRT and explain ab9ut various sections of CRT.
May/June-12, Set-3, Q3(a)


Draw the block schematic of a CRT and explain its working.

May/June-12' Set-4, Q1(a)


Explain with a block diagram the major parts of CRT.


CR: ACathode Ray Tube (CRT) is used to convert electrical signal~ into visual signals. It means an electrical signal given to
th Tappears on the CRT screen as waveform which can be analysed visually. The constructional details of CRT are as shown in
e~~- .


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