Electronic Devices & Circuits PDF
Electronic Devices & Circuits PDF
Electronic Devices & Circuits PDF
M – Scheme
III Semester DECE
Mr.M.Muthukrishnan B.E.,
226, P.A.C.Ramasamy Raja Polytechnic College,
Rajapalayam - 626108.
Validated By
Dr.Vijayakumar M.E., Ph.D.,
Assistant Professor,
Anna University Campus,
Coimbatore - 641047.
Atomic theory
It is the smallest particle of an element.It consists of positively charged protons, negatively
charged electrons and neutral neutrons.The central part which consists of protonsand neutrons is called
nucleus.Electrons revolve around nucleus in various orbits.The maximum number of electrons in each
orbit is limited by the formula 2n2.
Valence electrons:
The electrons in the last orbit are called valence electrons.
Free electrons:
The valence electrons which are loosely connected with the nucleus are called free electrons.They
can move from atom to other.
Bounded electrons:
The electrons which are tightly attached with nucleus are called bounded electrons.They are the
innermost orbit electrons.
Its atomic number is 14.It consists of 14 protons& 14 electrons.The 1st orbit consists of 2
electrons.The 2nd orbit has 8 electrons.The 3rd has 8 electrons.The valence number is 4.
Its atomic number is 32.It consists of 32 protons& 32 electrons.The 1st orbit consists of 2
electrons.The 2nd orbit has 8 electrons.The 3rd has 18 electrons.The 4th has 4 electrons.The valence number
is 4.These elements are called semiconductors.
Energy Band diagrams
The electrons moving in a particular orbit possess energy.The energies possessed by the electrons
of the same orbit are not equal.The range of energies possessed by the electrons of the same orbit is called
as energy band of that orbit.
Valance band:
It is the highest occupied energy band. It represents the range of energies possessed by valence
electrons.The band may be completely or partially filled in.
Conduction band:
It represents the range of energies possessed by free electrons.These electrons move freely and
conduct electric current.This band may be empty or partially filled in.
It has conductivity much greater than that of an insulator and much smaller than that of
conductor.At low temperaturethe valence band remains full and the conduction band is empty.So it acts as
an insulator.The forbidden energy gap is very small about 1ev.By giving minimum external energy, the
valence electrons move into conduction band.So the conductivity increases.It has negative temperature co-
efficient of resistance i.e. when the temperature increases, the resistance decreases.
Bonding in semiconductors:
A pure semiconductor is called intrinsic semiconductor.At room temperature, some valence
electrons get additional energy to break the co-valent bonds.So electron-hole pairs are created.When an
electric field is applied, the current conduction takes place.The conduction is due to both electrons and
holes.The total current is the sum of two currents due to free electrons and holes.It has poor
conductivity.In intrinsic semiconductors, the total number of free electrons is always equal to the number
of holes.
Extrinsic semiconductor:
To improve the conductivity, a small amount of impurityisadded to the pure semiconductor.This
type of semiconductor is known as impure or extrinsic semiconductor.The process of adding impurity is
known as doping.1 or 2 atoms are added to 106.The extrinsic semiconductors are classified as n-type
semiconductor & p-type semiconductor.
N type semiconductor:
P type semiconductor:
A small amount of trivalent impurities (Aluminium,Boron) are added to the pure
semiconductors.Si has 4 valence electrons and Al has 3 valence electrons.3 valence electrons in Al form
co-valent bond with 4 surrounding atoms of Si.This leaves one bond incomplete which gives a hole.When
a trivalent impurity is added to a pure semiconductor a large number of holes are created.These holes
increase conductivity.
In addition electron-hole pairs are created due to room temperature.The trivalent impurity is called
acceptor impurity because it accepts free electrons.Here holes are called majority carriers and electrons are
called minority carriers.The current conduction is mainly due to holes.In p-type semiconductors, number
of holes is greater than the number of free electrons.
Drift current:
An electric field is applied across the semiconductor.The holes move towards the negative terminal
of the battery.The electrons move towards the positive terminal of the battery.The effect of movement of
charge carriers constitutes a current.This is called drift current.It can be defined as the flow of electric
current due to the movement of the charge carriers under the influence of an external electric field.
Diffusion current:
Let us assume that one type of charge carrier concentration is occurred at one end of
semiconductor.There is a force of repulsion between the charge carriers.The result is that there is a
tendency for the charge carriers to move gradually from the region of high concentration to one of low
concentration.This movement continues until all the carriers are evenly distributed.This movement of
carriers constitutes an electric current known as diffusion current.
P-N Junction
In a piece of a semiconductor, if one half of is doped by p-type and the other half is doped by n-
type impurities, P-N junction (diode) is formed.The n-type has high concentration of free electrons. The p-
type has high concentration of holes.At the junction diffusion takes place.
Open circuit:
When free electrons move across the junction from n-type to p-type, the donor atoms becomes
positively charged ions.The holes in p-type combined with free electrons.Therefore negative ions built on
the p side of the junction.The net negative charge prevents further diffusion of electrons from n-side.These
immobile ions set up a potential across the junction.This is called barrier potential, junctionbarrier,
diffusion potential or contact potential.The region containing immobile ions is called depletion region or
space charge region.
Forward bias:
When positive terminal of the battery is connected to the p-type and negative terminal is connected
to n-type, the bias is known as forward bias.The applied potential opposes barrier potential.The free
electrons and holes move towards the junction.This reduces the width of the depletion region.Since the
barrier potential is very small (0.7V for Si and 0.3V for Ge),a small forward voltage is enough to eliminate
it.When the applied voltage is greater than the barrier potential, the electrons and holes cross the
junction.These charges constitute current in forward direction.The junction offers very low resistance.
Reverse bias:
When negative terminal of the battery is connected to p-type and positive terminal is connected to
n-type the bias is called reverse bias.Electrons in the n-side move towards the negative terminal.Holes in
the p-side move towards the positive terminal.Now the barrier potential increases.The depletion region
widens.No current flow in the external circuit.But in practice a very small current in the order of nano or
micro ampere flows because of minority carriers.The junction offers very high resistance.
V-I characteristics
It gives the relationship between voltage and current in the forward and reverse biases.
Forward bias:
When supply voltage is increased, the current increases very slowly.The curve is non-linear
(OA).The voltage is used to overcome the barrier potential.When this is removed, the current increases
rapidly with the slight increase in applied voltage.The voltage at which the barrier potential is eliminated
is called cut in voltage, knee voltage or threshold voltage. Its value is around 0.7V for Si and 0.3V for
Ge.The region is almost linear (AB).
Reverse bias:
Now minimum current flows because of minority carriers.This current is called reverse saturation
current or reverse current I0.This current increases slowly with the increase in supply voltage (OC).At one
stage (point C),the break down occurs.The reverse current increases rapidly (CD).This may destroy the
junction permanently.The reverse voltage at which the junction breaks permanently is called breakdown
Specifications of diode:
Semiconductor material: The semiconductor material used in the PN junction diode.
Forward voltage drop (Vf): The voltage across a PN junction diode when it is ON.
Peak inverse voltage (PIV): It is the maximum reverse voltage that can be applied across the diode
without breaking the junction.
Junction capacitance: All PN junction diodes exhibit a junction capacitance. The depletion region is the
dielectric spacing between the two plates which are effectively formed at the edge of the depletion region
and the area with majority carriers.
Package type: Diodes can be mounted in a variety of packages according to their applications.
Zener diode:
It is a specially designed p-n junction.It is a highly doped p-n junction.The doping ratio is 1:103. It
has narrow depletion region.It is operated in the break down region.It is also called as voltage regulator
diode or break down diode.
In forward bias condition it acts as normal p-n junction diode.In reverse bias, because of the high
doping concentration, the break down occurs at a very low voltage.The break down is due to the strong
electric field.Due to this field, direct rupture of co-valent bonds takes place.
V-I characteristics:
The forward characteristics are similar to that of p-n junction diode.When the reverse voltage
exceeds the break down voltage VZ, the current increases very sharply.The voltage across the diode
becomes constant.In break down region, it may be represented by a battery of voltage VZ in series with the
zener resistance RZ.
Zener breakdown:
When the p and n regions are heavily doped, the depletion region width becomes very small.The
doping ratio is about 1: 103.Due to this, for an applied voltage of 6V or less, the field across the depletion
region becomes very high in the order of 107 volts/meter.So direct rupture of co-valent bonds takes place.
Avalanche breakdown:
It occurs in normally doped p-n junction.It occurs at large reverse voltage.Due to the electric field,
thermally generated carriers acquire kinetic energy.The velocity of these carriers increases.They collide
with the co-valent bonds and create new electron-hole pairs.The new carriers acquire additional energy
from the field and collide with other atoms, there by generating additional electron-hole pairs.This process
is cumulative.This results in generation of large charge carriers.This process is known as avalanche
multiplication.The junction breaks down and a large amount of reverse current flows.
Here the zener diode Z is connected in reverse bias.The value of RS is to be selected such that the
zener current is above 50% of its maximum value.The current flowing through RS is equal to the sum of
the currents flowing through the diode and the load.
I = IZ + IL
When the load current remains constant and the UN regulated input voltage
increases/decreases.The current drawn from the supply increases/decreases.Hence the zener current also
increases/ decreases by the same amount. The supply current makes more/less voltage drops in RS.This
drop compensates the increase/ decrease in supply voltage.The output voltage remains constant.
VO = Vin - IS * RS
When the input voltage is constant and the load current increases/ decreases. The zener diode
current decreases/increases by the same amount.The total current through RS remains the same.Therefore
the voltage across RS remains constant.Hence the output voltage remains constant.Thus the circuit keeps
the output voltage constant irrespective of variations in supply voltage or load current.
1. The output voltage depends upon zener voltage and cannot be varied.
2. Both IL and IZflow through the series resistance, so there is a power loss in RS.
3. Thus the efficiency will be low.
Current: The current, IZM, of a Zener diode is the maximum current that can flow through a Zener
diode at its rated voltage, VZ.
Zener resistance Rz: The IV characteristic of the Zener diode is not completely vertical in the
breakdown region.The voltage change for a given change in current is the resistance of the diode. This
value of resistance, often termed the resistance is designated Rz.
Power rating: This defines the maximum power that can be dissipated by the package.
Package type: Diodes can be mounted in a variety of packages according to their applications.
It is an electronic circuit which converts A.C in to D.C.(unidirectional current).
1. Half wave rectifier
2. Full wave rectifier with centre tapped transformer
3. Bridge rectifier.
Ripple: The A.C. components present in the rectified output is called ripple.
Ripple factor: It is defined as the ratio of the rms value of the A.C. component of voltage/current to the
D.C. component of voltage/current.
R.F. = Vrms / V dc or I rms / I dc
Rectification efficiency: It is defined as the ratio of D.C. power output at the load to the A.C. power input
to the rectifier.
Ƞ= D.C. power output / A.C power input X 100%
Peak inverse voltage (PIV): It is the maximum reverse voltage that can be applied across the diode
without breaking the junction.
The circuit is shown in the figure.It uses one diode.When point A is positive w.r.to point B (1st
half of the input ) , the diode is forward biased and conducts. The current flows from A through D, X , Y ,
B and back to A.X becomes positive w.r.to Y.During the 2nd half of the input, point A becomes
negative.The diode becomes reverse biased.It does not conduct current.The output is zero.The wave forms
are shown in the figure.So the circuit uses one half of the input and it is called half wave rectifier.
A full wave rectifier converts A.C. into D.C by using both the half cycles of the input.It uses 2
diodes.During the positive half cycle of the input, pointA becomes positive w.r.to B.D1 is forward biased
and conduct current I 1.This current flows from X to Y making X positive.During this period D2 is reverse
biased.During the negative half cycle of the input, point B becomes positive w.r.to A.D2 is forward biased
and conducts current I2.This current flows from X to Y making X positive.During this period D1 is reverse
biased.The direction of both the currents is same through load resistance.
Bridge rectifier:
A full wave rectifier converts A.C. into D.C by using both the half cycles of the input.It uses 4
diodes.During the positive half cycle of the input, point A becomes positive w.r.to B.D1 and D4are
forward biased and conduct current I 1.This current flows from X to Y making X positive.During this
period D2 and D3 is reverse biased.During the negative half cycle of the input, point B becomes positive
w.r.to A.D2 and D3are forward biased and conduct current I2.This current flows from X to Y making X
positive.During this period D1 and D4are reverse biased.The direction of both the currents is same
through load resistance.
It is acircuit which eliminates unwanted frequencies present in the rectified output.
Here a capacitor is connected across the load resistor.The capacitive reactance X C = 1 / 2πfC. For
D.C. f= 0, so X C = infinity; it offers very high resistance.For A.C. f = high, so X C = low; it offers very low
resistance.The ripples are removed and pure D.C. voltage appears in the output.The capacitor gets charged
during the conduction period and energy is stored in it.During non conduction period, the capacitor
discharges through the load resistance.Therefore thro‟ out the A.C cycle, current flows in the load
This filter has poor voltage regulation and mainly used for low current applications.
LC or L section filter:
It is also called as choke coil input filter.The capacitive reactance X C = 1 / 2πfC. For D.C. f= 0, so
X C = infinity; it offers very high resistance.For A.C. f = high, so X C = low; it offers very low
resistance.The inductive reactance XL =2πfL For D.C. f= 0, so XL = 0; it offers very low resistance.For
A.C. f = high, so X L = high; it offers very high resistance.The inductor blocks A.C. and allows D.C.The
capacitor blocks D.C. and allows A.C.So, pure D.C. appears across the output.
It has very good voltage regulation. It is used for high current applications.
𝜫Section filter:
It is also called as capacitor input filter.The capacitive reactance X C = 1 / 2πfC. For D.C. f= 0, so
X C = infinity; it offers very high resistance.For A.C. f = high, so X C = low; it offers very low
resistance.The inductive reactance XL =2πfL. For D.C. f= 0, so XL = 0; it offers very low resistance.For
A.C. f = high, so X L = high; it offers very high resistance.C1 blocks D.C. and allows A.C.The remaining
ripples are blocked by L.C2 blocks D.C. and allow A.C.So, pure D.C. appears across the output.
A bipolar junction transistor (BJT) has two PN-junctions. It is a device which transforms current
flow from a low resistance path to a high resistance path. This transfer of current through resistance has
given the name to the device transfer resistor or transistor. Since this device is made up of two junction
diodes. It is generally called junction transistor.
There are two types of junction transistors:
Uni-polar junction transistors Bipolar junction transistors
Only majority carrier‟s transport the Interaction of both the majority and
current. minority carriers transport the current.
Constructional Details:
A bipolar junction transistor is simply a sandwich of one type of semiconductor material (p-type or
n-type) between two layers of the other type. A block representation of a layer of n-type material between
two layers of p-type is shown in Figure: (a). This is described as PNP transistor. Figure: (b). shows an
NPN transistor, consisting of a layer of p-type material between two layers of n-type.
The center layer is called the base, one of the outer layers is termed the emitter, and the other outer
layer is referred to as the collector. The emitter, base and collector are provided with terminals, which are
appropriately labeled E, B, and C. Two PN junctions exist within each transistor: the collector-base
junction and the emitter-base junction.
Circuit symbols for PNP and NPN transistors Figure: (c) and Figure: (d) together with the
corresponding block representations. The arrowhead on each symbol always identifies the emitter
terminal of the transistor. Also, in each case its direction indicates the conventional direction of current
flow. For the NPN transistor, the arrowhead points from the p-type base to the n-type emitter. For the
PNP transistor, it points from the p-type base. Thus, the arrowhead is always from p to n.
The center layer of the transistor is made very much narrower than the two outer layers. Also the
outer layers are much more heavily doped than the center layer. This causes the depletions regions to
penetrate deeply into the base, and thus the distance between the emitter-base (EB) and collector-base
(CB) depletion regions is minimized.
Transistor Biasing:
The application of a suitable D.C. voltage, across the transistor terminals is called Biasing.
In order to have a normal function of transistor it is necessary to apply voltage of a correct polarity
across its two junctions. This is called biasing. The bias and supply voltage polarities for NPN and PNP
transistors are shown in fig (a) & (b). For NPN points from the (positive) base to the (negative) emitter.
The collector is then biased to a higher positive level than the base. For a PNP device the base is negative
with respect to the emitter. The arrowhead a point from the (positive) emitter to the (negative) base, and
the collector is then more negative than the base. Typical base-emitter voltages for both NPN and PNP
transistors are 0.7V for silicon and 0.3V for germanium.
PNP Transistor:
Fig shows the basic connection of a PNP transistor. A small value battery B1 forward biases the
emitter-base junction of a PNP and the collector-base junction is reverse biased by a high value battery B2.
The positive terminal of the battery B1 repels the holes in the P-region on the left. These holes in the P-
Type emitter to flow towards the base. This constitutes the emitter current IE. As these holes cross into
the N-Type base, they tend to combine with the electrons. As the base is lightly doped and very thin,
therefore only a few holes (less than 5%) combine with the electrons. The remainders (more than 95%)
cross into the collector region. The negative terminal of the battery B2 attracts these holes. This
constitutes the collector current Ic. In this way almost the entire emitter current flows in the collector
circuit. It may be noted that current conduction with in PNP transistor is by holes. Therefore, the emitter
IE = IB + IC.
NPN Transistor:
Fig shows the basic connection of a NPN Transistor. A small value battery B 1 forward biases the
emitter-base junction of a NPN and the collector–base junction is reverse biased by a high value battery
B2. The negative terminal of the battery B1 repels the electrons in the N-region on the left. This electron
in the N-Type emitter to flow towards the base. This constitutes the emitter current IE. As these electrons
cross into the P-Type base, they tend to combine with the holes. As the base is lightly doped and very
thin, therefore only a few electrons (less than 5%) combine with the holes. The remainder (more than
95%) crosses into the collector region. The positive terminal of the battery B2 attracts these electrons.
This constitutes the collector current IC. In this way almost the entire emitter current flows in the collector
circuit. It may be noted that current conduction with in NPN transistor is by electrons. Therefore, the
emitter current
Transistor as a switch:
The transistor as a switch operates between two states namely saturation and cut off state. The
typical transistor circuit is shown in figure. It consists of a transistor with collector load resistance R c. The
input is given at base terminal and output is taken at collector terminal.
When the input signal is negative, the emitter base junction will reverse biased and the transistor
never comes to conduction state. The transistor will be in cut off and no current flows in the load
resistance Rc. As a result, there is no voltage drop across Rc.
Hence the output voltage will be supply voltage i.e.Vo= Vcc. It is equal to open circuit voltage since the
transistor is in cut off.
When the input voltage is positive, it forward biases the base-emitter junction and the transistor
will come to conduction state. Now maximum current will be flowing from collector to emitter and all the
Vcc is dropped across Rc. Thus the output voltage will be zero. i.e. Vo=0. Hence the transistor is turned on
and off depending upon whether the input bias voltage is positive or negative. Thus a transistor can act as
a switch.
The operation of a transistor as an amplifier is based on the fact that base current, IB in a transistor
can control the collector current, IC . The base current can be varied by variation of forward bias and this
produce corresponding variation in the collector current.
The weak signal is applied between emitter-base junction and output is taken across the load Rc
connected in the collector circuit. The emitter-base junction in a transistor is forward-biased and, as such
the input impedance is low. On the other hand, the base-collector is reverse biased and hence the output
impedance is very high. A D.C voltage VEE is applied in the input circuit in addition to the signal. This
D.C voltage magnitude is such that it always keeps the input forward biased regardless of the polarity of
the signal.
Even a small change in signal voltage caused an appreciable change in emitter current, since the
input circuit has low resistance. Due to transistor action the same change in collector current take place.
The collector flows through a large load resistance (Rc), which in turn produces a large voltage across it.
Thus a weak signal applied in the input circuit appears in the amplified form in the collector circuit. In
this way transistor acts as an amplifier.
The amplifiers which are used to magnify the weak signal without change in its wave shape and
frequency are called faithful amplifiers. For faithful amplifications, the transistor amplifier must satisfy
three basic conditions. They are namely:
1. Proper zero signal collector current.
2. Proper base to emitter voltage at any instant.
3. Proper collector to emitter voltage at any instant.
The technique of transistor biasing is used to fulfill the above said three conditions.The Proper
flow of zero signal collector current and the maintenance of proper collector-emitter voltage during the
passage of signal is known as transistor biasing.
The basic purpose of transistor biasing is to keep the base-emitter junction properly forward biased
and collector-emitter junction properly reverse biased during the application of signals. That means the
transistor must operate only in active region. This can be achieved by using bias battery of resistor circuit
with the transistor. The resistor method is more efficient and is frequently used. The circuit used for
proper biasing of the transistor is called biasing circuit. This circuit used to fix the operating point at a
particular level for satisfying the above said basic conditions.
In the interest of simplicity and economy, it is desirable that transistor circuit should have a single
source of supply – the one in the output circuit (supply voltage VCC). The following are most commonly
used methods of biasing circuits.
1. Fixed bias.
2. Collector to base bias.
3. Self bias.
Considering the closed circuit ABENA and applying kirchoff‟s voltage law, we get
1. Simplicity.
2. Less number of components
3. No loading of the source by biasing circuit.
4. Easily set the biasing conditions.
1. Poor stabilization.
2. Stability factor is very high. Therefore, there are strong chances of thermal runaway.
A common emitter amplifier using collector to base bias circuit is shown in the fig. In this
method, a resistor RB is connected in between collector and base determined by the collector-base voltage
VCB. The voltage VCB forward biases the base-emitter junction and hence base current IB flows through
RB. This caused zero signal collector current flow in the circuit.
The loop equation for this circuit is
Hence S = -----------------
1+ β RC
RC + R B
The stability can be improved by choosing low value of RB and high value of RC. If RC is very
small, then S = β + 1 i.e. stability is very poor. Hence the value of RC is quite large for good stabilization.
This method provides better thermal stability than the fixed bias.
1. Simple circuit
2. High stability compared with fixed bias
1. The circuit provides negative feedback, which reduces the gain of the amplifier.
If ICO tends to increase due to increase with temperature, the collector current IC increases and also
the current in RE increases. Hence the voltage drops across RE increases, thereby decreasing the base
current. As a result, IC is maintained almost constant. The current in emitter resistor RE causes a voltage
drop which is in the direction to reverse bias the base emitter junction. For this, the transistor is always in
active region.
Voltage drop across R2, V2 = ------------- and
R1 + R2
R1 R2 [RB = R1 // R2]
RB = ---------------
R1 +R2
The loop equation around the base circuit can be written as.
Vin = V2 = IBRB + VBE + IERE
V2 = IBRB + VBE + (IB + IC) RE [IE=IB + IC]
IB (RB + RE) = V2 – VBE – ICRE
IB = ----------------------
Differentiating the equation with respect to IC, we get
----- = -----------
Stability factor, S = ----------------
1-β dIB
Substituting the value of -------- in the above equation, we get
S = ----------------------
1 + β RE
Therefore, S = (β + 1) -----------------
1 + β 1+ ------
The ratio of (RB / RE) is very small, and then it can be neglected.
(β + 1)
Stability factor = -------
(β + 1)
Stability factor = 1
This is the smallest possible value of S and gives maximum possible thermal stability.
Transistor Configuration:
To investigate the characteristics of a two terminal device (a diode), several levels of forward or
reverse bias voltage are applied and the corresponding currents that flow are measured. Plotting the
graphs of current against voltage then derives the characteristics of the device. Since a transistor is a three
terminal device, there are three possible configurations in which it may be connected to study its
characteristics. From each of this configuration, three sets of characteristics may be derived. A transistor
can be connected in a circuit in the following three ways (called configuration).
1. Common base (CB)
2. Common emitter(CE)
3. Common collector(CC)
The word common is used to mention the particular terminal which is common to both the input and
output circuit. Since a transistor is a three terminal device, one of its terminal has to common to both the
input and output circuits. Generally,the common terminal is grounded. Then the mode of operation can
be called grounded base, grounded emitter and grounded collector configuration.
In a common base configuration, the input current is the emitter current IE and the collector current
IC. The ratio of change in collector current to the change in emitter current at constant collector-base
voltage is called current amplification factor.
= -------------at constant VBC
In a transistor VEB, IE,IC,VCB are parameters. In the above connection voltmeters and ammeters are
connected to measure input and output voltages and currents as shown in fig.
Characteristics of Common Base Configuration:
The circuit arrangement for determining the characteristics of a common base NPN transistor is
shown in fig. In this circuit, the collector to base voltage (VCB) can be varied by adjusting the
potentiometer R2. The emitter to base voltage (VBE) can be varied by adjusting the potentiometer R 1. The
DC voltmeters and DC millimeters are connected in the emitter and collector circuits to measure the
voltages and currents.
Input characteristics:
The curve plotted between the emitter current (IE) and the emitter to base voltage (VBE) at constant
collector to base voltage (VCB) are known as input characteristics of a transistor in common base
Output characteristics:
The emitter current IE is held constant at each of several fixed levels. For each fixed level of IE,
the output voltage VCB is adjusted in convenient steps, and the corresponding levels of collector current IC
are recorded. In this way a table of values is obtained from which a family of output characteristics may
be plotted. In fig the corresponding IC and VCB levels obtained when IE was held constant at 1mA are
plotted, and the resultant characteristic is identified as IE = 1mA. Similarly, other characteristics are
plotted for IE = 2mA, 3mA, etc.
1. The common base output characteristics in fig. show that for each fixed level of IE, IC is almost
equal to IEand appears to remain constant when VCB is increased.
2. This characteristic may be used to find the output resistance (ro).
ro= -----------at constant IE
3.A very large change in collector-base voltage produces small change in collector current. It
means that the output resistance is very high.
4. The collector is constant above certain values of collector-base voltage. It means that IC is
independent of VCB and depends upon IE only.
The output characteristics may be divided into three regions and these regions are plotted in the fig.
1. The active region
2. Cut-off region
3. Saturation region
Active region:
In this region the collector junction is reverse biased and the emitter junction is forward biased. In
this region when IE = 0, IC = ICO. This reverse saturation current remains constant and is independent of
collector voltage VCB as long as VCD is below the breakdown potential.
Saturation region:
The region to the left of ordinate VCB = 0 is called the saturation region. In this region both
junction are forward biased.
Cut-off region:
The region below the IE = 0 characteristics, for which the emitter and collector junction both
reverse biased is called cut-off region.
Fig. shows the circuit employed for determining transistor common emitter characteristics.
In this configuration, the input is applied between the base and the emitter and the output is taken
from the collector and the emitter. In this connection, the common emitter is common to both the input
and the output circuits as shown in fig. In the common emitter configuration, the input current is the base
current IB and the output current is the collector current IC. The ratio of change in collector current to the
change in base current at constant collector-emitter voltage is called current amplification factor (β).
β = --------------at constant VCE
Common Emitter Circuit:
A test circuit for determining the static characteristics of an NPN transistor is shown in fig. In this
circuit emitter is common to both input and output circuits. To measure the base and collector current
milli ammeters are connected in series with the base and the output circuits. Voltmeters are connected
across the input and the output circuits to measure VBE and VCE. There are two potentiometers R1 and R2
to vary the supply voltages VCC and VBB.
Input Characteristics:
It is a curve, which shows the relationship between the base current IB and the emitter-base
voltage, VBE at constant VCE. The method of determining the characteristic is as follows.
First, by means of R1 suitable voltage is applied from Vcc. Next, voltage VBE is increased in
number of steps and corresponding values of IB are noted. The base shows the input characteristic for
common emitter configuration. The following points may be noted from the characteristic.
1. The input resistance of the transistor is equal to the reciprocal of the slope of the input
characteristic curve
ri = ------------
2. The initial portion of the curve is not linear
3. The input resistance varies considerable from a value of 4-Kilo ohm to a value of 600 ohms
4. In the case of silicon transistor, the curves break away from zero current for voltage in the
range of 0.5 to 0.6 volt whereas for germanium transistor the breakaway point in the range 0.1
to 0.2V.
Output Characteristics:
It is a curve that shows the relationship between the collector IC and the collector-emitter voltage
A suitable base current IB is maintained. VCE is increased in a number of steps from zero and the
corresponding values of IC are noted. It is repeated for different values of IB then they are plotted as shown
in the fig.
The output resistance is less than the common base configuration. It is equal to
ro =----------- at constant IB.
The following points may be noted from the family of characteristic curves.
1. The collector current IC increases rapidly to a saturation level for fixed value of IB but at the
same time VCE increases from zero.
2. A small amount of collector current flows even when IB = 0. The current is called ICEO. Now
main collector current is zero and the transistor is cut-off.
3. The output characteristic may be divided into three regions.
1. Active region
2. Cut-off region
3. Saturation region
Active region:
In this region the collector is reverse biased and the emitter is forward biased. The collector current,
IC response is the most sensitive for changes in IB.Only in this region, the emitter acts as a linear one.
Cut-off region:
The region below the curve for IB = 0 is called cut-off region. In this region both junctions are
reverse biased.
Saturation region:
The region curves to the left of line is called saturation region. In this region both the junctions are
forward bias and incremental change in IBdo not produce corresponding large changes in IC. The ratio of
VCEto IC at any point in this region is called saturation region.
In this configuration the input is applied between the base and collector and the output is taken
from the collector and the emitter and hence the collector is common to both input and the output circuits
as shown in fig.
In common collector configuration, the ratio of change in output current (emitter current) to the change
in the input current (base current) is called current amplification factor.
Γ = ----------
A test circuit for determining the static characteristic of an NPN transistor is shown in the fig. In
this circuit the collector is common to both the input and the output. To measure the base and the emitter
circuits, milli ammeters are connected series with the base and the emitter circuits. Voltmeters are
connected across the input and the output circuits to measure VCB and VCE.
Input characteristics:
It is a curve, which shows the relationship between the base current, IBand the collector base
voltage VCB at constant VCE. This method of determining the characteristic is as follows.
First, a suitable voltage is applied between the emitter and the collector. Next the input voltage
VCB is increased in a number of steps and corresponding values of IB are noted. The base current is taken
on the Y-axis. Fig shows the family of the input characteristics at different collector-emitter voltages. The
following points to be noted from the family of characteristics curves.
1. Its characteristics are quite different from those of common base and common emitter circuits.
2. When VCB increases, IB is decreased.
ri= -------------- at constant VCE
Output characteristics:
It is a curve, which shows the relationship between emitter current IE and collector-emitter voltage,
VCE.The method of determining the output characteristics is as follows.
First, by adjusting the input a suitable current IB is maintained. Next VCB is increased in a number of
zero and corresponding values of IE are noted. The above whole procedure is repeated for different values
of IB. The emitter current is taken on the Y-axis and the collector-emitter voltage is taken on the X-axis.
Fig shows the family of output characteristic at different base current values.The following point is noted
from the family of characteristics curves.
1. This characteristic is practically identical to that of the common emitter circuit.
2. Its current gain characteristics for different identical values of VCE are also similar to that of a
common emitter circuit.
ro = ----------- at constant IB
(i)Input impedance (Zi):
Input impedance of an amplifier is defined as the ratio of input voltage (Vi) across the input
terminals of the amplifiers to the input current (Ii), keeping the output of the amplifier as open circuited.
Zi = Vi/Ii
(ii)Output impedance (Zo)
Output impedance of an amplifier is defined as the ratio of output voltage (V O) to the output
current (Io), keeping the input of the amplifier as open circuited.
Z0 =Vo/Io
(iii)Voltage gain (AV)
Voltage gain of an amplifier is defined as the ratio of rate of output voltage (ΔVo) to the rate of
change of input voltage (ΔVi);
(iv) Current gain (Ai)
Current gain of an amplifier is defined as the ratio of change of output current (ΔIo) to the rate of
change of input current (ΔIi);
Ai= ΔIo/ ΔIi
(V)Power gain (Ap)
Power gain of an amplifier is defined as the ratio of rate of change outputpower (ΔPo) to the rate of
change of input (ΔPi).
Ap = ------
It is also equal to the product of voltage gain and current gain.
Power gain, Ap = Av x Ai.
CE,CB,CC amplifiers
DC amplifiers (0 to 10 Hz), Audio frequency amplifiers (20Hz to 20 Khz) & Radio frequency
amplifiers (few KHz to hundred of Mhz)
Small signal and large signal amplifiers
Single stage & Multistage amplifiers Multi Stage Amplifiers –(i)RC coupled (ii) Direct coupled (iii)LC
coupled (iv)Transformer
Narrow band amplifiers (RF or Tuned), Wide band amplifiers (Video amplifiers)
A two stage RC coupled CE amplifier using NPN transistor is shown in the fig. It is a most
popular type of coupling because it is cheap and provides excellent operation.
Function of each component:
RC (RC1 and RC2) is the collector load resistor.
R1, R2 and RE provide biasing and stabilization.
CE prevents the loss of amplification due to negative feedback.
The capacitorsCiand Co are used to block the DC signal and transmit only Ac signal.
The capacitor Cc is used to connect the output (collector) of first stage to the input
(base)ofsecond stage.
Circuit operation:
When an AC signal is applied to the base of the first transistor (Q1) it appears in the
amplified form across its collector load register RC1.
This amplified signal is given to the base of next stage through coupling capacitor Cc. The
second stage does further amplification of the signal.
The first stage produces 1800shift and the second stage produces another1800 phase shift.
So the total phase shift is 3600. Hence the output signal is in phase with the applied input
NOTE: The reason for the phase shift in each stage is CE configuration is used in the given circuit.
The overall gain of this amplifier is equal to the product of the gain of two stages. The influence
of the capacitors used in this circuit, reduces the overall gain of the amplifier at low and high frequency
ranges. The gain is high and constant, only at mid frequency ranges.
Frequency response:
An amplifier should operate irrespective of the frequency of the input signal. But practically an
amplifier does not magnify all frequency range of input signal with an equal amount. Practically, by using
the reactive components, the gain will be decreased at low and high frequency ranges and constant only at
mid frequency ranges. This behavior of the amplifier is briefly explained below.
NOTE: To study the all frequency ranges concept, the following formula is used.
Xc = 1/2πfC, Where, Xc – Reactance of coupling capacitor Cc.
Frequency response:
The curve which shows the variations of magnitude of gain with respect to frequency is called
Frequency response.
Frequency response characteristics (Load characteristic analysis):
The frequency response characteristics of a two stage RC coupled amplifier is shown in the fig.
The gain is reduced at low and high frequency ranges, and constant only at mid frequency range. From
the response curve we will calculate lower cut off frequency (fL), upper cut off frequency (fU) and
Bandwidth (BW).
Lower cut off frequency (fL):
The frequency at which the voltage gain of the amplifier is 70.7% of maximum gain (average gain)
on lower side of the frequency range is called lower cut off frequency (fL).
Upper cut-off frequency (fU):
The frequency at which the voltage gain of the amplifier is 70.7% of maximum gain (average gain)
on the higher side of the frequency range is called upper cut off frequency (fU).
Bandwidth (BW)
The range of frequency over which the gain is equal to or greater than 70.7% of maximum gain is
known as Bandwidth.
It is also defined as the frequency difference between the upper cut-off frequency and lower cut-off
(i) Frequency response is excellent
(ii) Cost is low
(iii) Non-linear distortion is low
(iv) It is compact, light and small
(i) Low voltage gain and power gain
(ii) Noise is produced with age, particularly in moist climates.
(iii) Impedance matching is poor.
Emitter follower:
Common collector amplifier is called emitter follower. The emitter follower is a current amplifier
that has no voltage gain. Its most important characteristic is that it has high input impedance and low
output impedance. Hence it is an ideal circuit for impedance matching. The circuit of an emitter follower
is shown in the fig.
The emitter resistor RE itself acts as a load and the ac output voltage is taken across RE. The
resistors R1 and R2 provide for proper biasing. The input and output capacitors (Ci and C0) block dc
signals, and allow only ac signals.
The input signal is applied between base and emitter terminals. The output voltage is taken across
RE. The voltage drop across RE opposes the input voltage, thus providing negative feedback. It is a
negative current feedback circuit, since the voltage feedback is proportional to the emitter current (output
During conduction, the voltage drop across base-emitter (VBE) is very low, hence Vin = Vout. The
output (emitter) signal follows the input signal in phase, amplitude and frequency. So it is called emitter
Characteristics of Emitter follower:
1. Voltage gain is nearly equal to unity
2. High current gain and power gain
3. High input impedance and low output impedance
4. Input and output ac voltages are in phase.
Application of EmitterFollower:
Current amplification without voltage gain:
Emitter follower is a current amplifier that has no voltage gain. There are many instances, where
an increase in current is required but no increase in voltage is needed. In such a situation, an emitter
follower can be used. For example, consider the two stage amplifier circuit as shown in the fig. Suppose
this 2 stage amplifier has the desired voltage gain but current gain of this multistage amplifier is
insufficient. In that case, we can use an emitter follower to increase the current gain without increasing
the voltage gain.
Impedance Matching
The emitter follower has high input impedance and low output impedance. This makes the emitter
follower an ideal circuit for impedance matching. The fig shows the impedance matching by an emitter
follower. Here, the output impedance of the source is 120 KΩ while that of load is 20Ω. The emitter
follower has an input impedance of 120KΩ and output impedance of 22Ω. It is connected between high
impedance source and low impedance load. The net result of this arrangement is that maximum power is
transferred from the original source to the original load. When an emitter follower is used for this purpose
it is called a buffer amplifier.
The process of injecting a fraction of output signal of some device back to the input is called
There are two types of feedback, namely
1. Positive feedback
2. Negative feedback
Positive feedback:
When the feedback signal (voltage or current) is in phase with the input signal, it is called positive
feedback. In this feedback, the feedback signal aids the input signal, increases the amount of input signal
and the gain also increases. Hence it can be called regenerative or direct feedback. It is generally used in
oscillator circuits.
Negative feedback
When the feedback signal (voltage or current) is out of phase with the input signal, it is called
negative feedback. In this feedback, the feedback signal opposes the input signal, decreases the amount of
input of input signal, and the gain also decreases. Hence it can be also called degenerative or inverse
feedback. It is generally used in amplifiers.
The block diagram of an amplifier with feedback is shown in the fig. When switch „S‟ is open, the
amplifier operates without any feedback network.Now the gain of an amplifier
Without feedback, AV= -----------
VO = voltage of output signal without feedback
Vi= voltage of input signal without feedback
When switch „S‟ is closed, the amplifier operates with feedback network. Now the output voltage is
varied from VO to VO‟.
The output voltage of feedback network, Vf= β VO‟
The actual voltage developed at the input of the amplifier with feedback = Vi + β VO‟
The output voltage with feedback = VO‟
VO‟ = AV Vi
VO‟ = AV (Vi + β VO‟)
VO‟ = AVVi + AVβ VO‟
VO‟ - AVβ VO‟ = AVVi
VO‟ (1- AVβ) = AVVi
From this equation, the gain of feedback amplifier,
AVf= ------- = -----------
Vi 1-βAV
The term „βAV‟ is called feedback factor. The expression (1-βAV) is called loop gain. The sign of β is
positive for positive feedback and negative for negative feedback.
Hence the gain of positive feedback amplifier,
Avf =--------
The gain of negative feedback amplifier,
Av Av
Avf = ----------- = ----------
1-(-β)Av 1+βAv
Thus in positive feedback, Avf>Av, gain increases. In negative feedback, Av>Avf, gain decreases.
Types of negative feedback connections:
Figure shows the schematic diagram of the voltage series feedback. Here a portion of the output
voltage is returned to the input in series, and opposing the applied signal.
Figure shows the series current feedback amplifier. In this type of feedback, a voltage proportional
to the output current is returned to the input, in series opposition to the applied signal.
Salient features of series current feedback:
Salient features of shunt current feedback:
Many electronic devices require a source of energy at a specific frequency, which may range from
few Hz to several MHz. This is achieved by an electronic device called oscillator.
Oscillator is an electronic device which generates an AC signal with required frequency, required
amplitude and required wave shape. In radio and television receivers, oscillators are usedto generate high
frequency carrier signals. Oscillators are widely usedin radars, electronic equipment and other electronic
Oscillators are broadly classified into two types.
They are
1) Sinusoidal oscillators
2) Non-sinusoidal oscillators (Relaxation oscillators)
The sinusoidal oscillators are used for generating only sinusoidal signals with required frequency
and required amplitude.The non-sinusoidal oscillators are used for producing non-sinusoidal signals like
square, rectangular, triangular, or saw toothsignals with required amplitude and required frequency.
Oscillators are classified into the following different types
(a) According to the wave form generated
(1) Sinusoidal oscillators
LC oscillators, and
RC oscillators
(2) Non-sinusoidal oscillators (Relaxation oscillators)
Square wave, rectangular wave, saw tooth etc.
(b) According to the fundamental mechanism used
(1) Negative resistance oscillators
(2) Feedback oscillators
(c) According to the frequency generated
(1) Audio Frequency(AF) oscillators
(2) Radio Frequency(RF) oscillators
(3) Very High Frequency (VHF) oscillators
(4) Ultra High Frequency (UHF) oscillators
(5) Microwave oscillators
Transistor Amplifier:
In order to make the oscillations undamped, it is necessary to supply the required quantity of
energy at the proper time intervals to the tank circuit to meet out the losses. Using a transistor does this.
First of all DC power is converted into AC and then it is supplied to the tank circuit. The damped
oscillating current is applied to the base of the transistor and so, the amplifier damped oscillating current is
formed in the collector. Now more energy is available in the collector than the base of the transistor.
Then due to feedback network a part of the output, is fed to the base circuit in proper phase to aid the
oscillation in the tank circuit. Thus the losses areovercome andundamped oscillations are produced.
Feedback circuit:
The type of feedback used in oscillator circuit is positive feedback. It feeds a part of collector
energy to the tank circuit in correct phase to aid the oscillations. The essential for maintaining oscillations
and finding out the value of frequency are all deduced from it.
Hartley oscillator:
Figure shows the Hartley oscillator. The tank circuit is made up of C, L1 and L2. The coil L1 is
inductively coupled to L2. Hence the combination L1 and L2 functions as auto transformer. The resistance
R1 and R2 provide the necessary base biasing. The capacitor C blocks the DC component. The RF choke
provides a path for collector bias current but offers higher impedance for oscillating signal. The voltage
developed across L1 is coupled by Cc to the base of transistor. Another capacitor Cc is used to couple the
output signal to primary winding of transformer. The actual output is taken from secondary winding of
Circuit operation:
When the supply is switched ON, collector current starts rising and charges the capacitor C in the
tank circuit. When the capacitor is fully charged, it discharges through the coils L1 and L2 and initial
oscillations are produced. The induced oscillations across L2 are applied between the base and emitter
terminal of the transistor then it is amplified and appears in the collector circuit.
The coil L1 couples the collector circuit energy into the tank circuit by means of mutual
inductance between L1 and L2.The coil in the tank circuit, and transistor, each provides 180ο phase
reversal and sol a total phase shift of 360ο is produced between the output and the input. This results in
positive feedback to overcome the losses occurring in the tank circuit. Therefore a continuous undamped
oscillation will be obtained at the output.
1. Easy to tune
2. Can be adopted for a wide range of frequencies.
1. Used as a local oscillator in radio receiver.
2. Used in audio oscillator circuits.
Colpitt’s oscillator:
The colpitt‟s oscillator is the same as Hartley oscillator. The major difference between the two is
that the colpitt‟s oscillator uses tapped capacitors whereas Hartley oscillator uses tapped inductance.
Figure shows the colpitt‟s oscillator. The tank circuit is made up of C1,C2 and L. The resistance R1
and R2 provide base bias and RE and CE provide stabilization. The RF choke coil provides path for
collector bias current but offers very high impedance for high frequency signal.The frequency of
oscillation is given by
Where, C=C1 C2/ C1 + C2 (Capacitors are connected in series in the tank circuit.)
Circuit operation:
When the supply is switched ON, capacitors C1 and C2 are charged. Then these capacitors
discharge through coil L and so, initial oscillations are generated.The oscillations across C2 are applied to
the base emitter junction of the transistor.This is amplified and available in the collector circuit. The
amplified power from collector is applied to the tank circuit to meet out the losses during energy
conversation between capacitors C1 and C2 and inductance L.
The amount of feedback depends upon the value of capacitance C1 and C2. The transistor amplifier
provides 180ο phase shift and the capacitor feedback provides another 180ο phase shift. Hence totally there
will be a phase shift of 360ο which provides positive feedback. Therefore, continuous undamped
oscillations are generated.
1. Used in signal generators
2.Used in super heterodyne radio receivers as local oscillators.
RC oscillators:
Hartley, colpitt‟s, tuned collector all use LC tuned circuits. These tuned circuits oscillators are
good for generating high frequencies (SAY, audio frequency) the LC circuit becomes impracticable. RC
oscillators are more suitable.
1 Where R = R1 = R2 = R3 and
F = -------------- C = C1 = C2 = C3
2π√6 RC
Principle of operation:
When the supply is switched ON, the random variations of base current caused by noise variations
in the transistor and voltage variations in the power source produce oscillation. This variation is amplified
by the CE amplifier.
The feedback network consists of three stages of RC networks. The three stages are identical. The
feedback section provides 180ο phase shift because each RC network provides 60ο phase shift (3 X 60ο =
180ο). The CE amplifier provides another 180ο phase shift. Hence the total shift is 360ο, which provides
positive feedback. Therefore, continuous undamped oscillation is produced.
(i) Does not require transformers and inductors
(ii) It can produce very low frequency signals
(iii) The circuit provides good frequency stability.
(i) It is difficult to start oscillation
(ii) It gives low power output
(iii) This RC oscillator is not suitable for tuned oscillator because the variations of capacitor and
resistor values also changed the phase shift of the RC networks.
Due to the following effects, the LC and RC oscillators do not produce more stable oscillations,
(i) The value of R, L and C which are frequency determining factors in these circuits, will change
the temperature.
(ii) If any component in the feedback network is changed, it will shift the operating frequency of
the oscillator.
To maintain constant frequency, piezoelectric crystals are used with LC or RC oscillators (or) in
the place of LC or RC circuits. Oscillators of this type are called crystal oscillators.The crystal has a
peculiar property known as piezoelectriceffect, which is expressed as
(i) When mechanical stress is applied across its two faces, the crystal vibrates and an ac voltage is
(ii) When an ac voltage is applied across its crystal, the crystal vibrates at the frequency of the
applied voltage.
The frequency of the vibration is equal to the resonance frequency of the crystal.The equivalent
electrical circuit of the crystal is mentioned as
(i) When the crystal is not vibrating, it is equivalent to the capacitance C m, known as
mounting capacitance
(ii) When a crystal vibrates, it is equivalent to R-L-C series circuit.
The circuit diagram of a crystal oscillator is shown in the fig. It is actually a colpitts oscillator,
modified into a crystal oscillator. The resistors R1 and R2 provide base bias and RE with CEprovide
Principle of operation
The natural frequency of the LC circuit is made nearly equal to the natural frequency of the crystal.
When the supply is switched „ON‟, the capacitor C1 is going to charge. When the capacitor C1 is fully
charged, it discharges through crystal which produces oscillation. The frequency of the oscillation
depends upon the values of C1, C2 and the RLC equivalent values of crystal. If the frequency of the
oscillation is equal to its crystal resonant frequency, the circuit produces more stable oscillation. The
crystal frequency is independent of temperature.
The C2 feedback network, provides 1800 phase shift, and also the CE amplifier provides another
1800 phase shift. Hence the total phase shift is 3600, which provides positive feedback. Therefore,
continuous undamped oscillation is produced.A crystal oscillator always generates high frequency
oscillations, range from 20 KHz to 20MHz
1. Excellent frequency stability.
2. Simple circuit.
3. High quality factor.
1. Crystal is fragile type; hence it is used only in low power circuits.
2. Not used as tuned oscillators.
The construction of a N-channel JFET is shown in the fig. It consists of an uniformly doped N-
type semiconductor bar. On both sides of the semiconductor bar, two heavily doped P-type regions are
formed by diffusion. The two P-regions are internally connected, and a single lead is taken out. This
terminal is called “Gate”Ohmic contacts are made at the two ends of the N-type semi-conductor bar. One
terminal is called “Source” and the other is called “Drain”.
The source is a terminal, where majority carriers enter the bar. Drain is a terminal where majority
carriers leave the bar. The region between source and drain is called channel. The majority carriers move
from source to drain through this channel. The gate terminal controls the flow of majority carriers from
source to drain.
Working Principle of JFET:
The N-channel JFET is normally biased by applying negative potential (VGS) to the gate with
respect to source, is shown in the fig. A positive potential (VDS) is applied to the drain terminal with
respect to source. The drain characteristics are obtained by taking the readings in between VDS and ID,
with a constant variation of VGS.
When VGS=0, the two P-N junctions established a very thin and uniform depletion layer. Thus a
large amount of electrons will flow from drain to source through a wide channel, in between the depletion
region. This constitutes drain current ID.
When the reverse voltage VGS is increased, it increases the width of the depletion region. This
reduces the width of the channel. So the current (ID) flow is also reduced. The channel width is larger in
the source region than the drain region.
Thus the current flowing through the channel is controlled by the reverse potential applied to the
gate terminal. The circuit diagram to determine the characteristics of N-channel JFET is shown in the fig.
Drain characteristics :
This circuit diagram is used to find out the drain and source characteristics of the JFET. The graph
drawn between VDS and ID is known as drain characteristics or output characteristics. Three regions are
formed in the drain characteristics; they are linear region, saturation region and breakdown region, shown
in the fig.
Linear region:
Initially as the drain to source voltage (VDS) is increased, drain current (ID) also increases. Such
that ID is directly proportional to VGS. This region is called linear region or channel ohmic region.
Saturation region:
After a certain drain to source voltage (VDS), the drain current (ID) becomes almost constant. Now
the channel becomes very narrow. Therefore, the variation of drain current (ID) with the increasing of
VDSis constant. This region is called saturation region or pinch-off region. The minimum voltage, that the
JFET produces the current as constant is called pinch-off voltage. In this region a FET operates as a
constant current device.
Breakdown region:
After a certain increase of VDS, the drain current increases to a very high value, with a slight
increase of VDS. Now the depletion region at the PN junction undergo avalanche breakdown. This region
is known as breakdown region.
The graph between ID and VGS, at constant VDS is called transfer or mutual characteristics, shown
in the fig.
When VGS=0, the drain current is in higher value. The increasing of V GS, increases the width of
depletion region, also reduces the drain current Id. Once the current ID is equal to zero, because the
increasing depletion region, blocks the channel.
Transfer Characteristics
1. Drain resistance (rd) = (at constant VGS)
2. Transconductance (gm) = (at constant VDS)
3. Amplification factor (µ) = ∆Vgs (at constant ID)
The relationship between µ, rd and gm is mentioned as µ = rd*gm.
1. It is used as a buffer in measuring instruments.
2. It is used in RF amplifiers of FM tuners and communication equipments.
3. It is used in mixer circuits of FM and TV receivers.
4. It is used in oscillator circuits.
Specification of JFET:
In a JFET, the drain current ID depends upon the drain voltage VDS and the gate voltage VGS. Any
one of these variables may be fixed and the relation between the other two is determined.
1.Mutual conductance or Transconductance (gm)
It is the ration of a small change in the drain current to the corresponding changes in the gate
voltage at a constant drain voltage.
gm = ---------- / VDS constant
2.Drain resistance (rd)
It is the ratio of a small change in the drain voltage to the corresponding changes in the drain
current at a constant gate voltage.
rd = ------------ / VGS constant
3. Amplification factor (µ)
It is the ratio of a small change in the drain voltage to the corresponding change in the gate voltage
at a constant drain current.
µ = ------------/ ID constant
4. Power dissipation (PD)
It is the product of ID and VDS
5. Pinch-off voltage
It is the minimum drain to source voltage at which the drain current essentially becomes constant.
The small signal models for the common source FET can be used for analyzing the three basic
FET amplifier configurations. i.e.,
1. Common gate (CG) amplifier
2. Common drain (CD) amplifier
3. Common source (CS) amplifier
The CS amplifier which provides good voltage amplification is most frequently used. The CD
amplifier with high input impedance and unity voltage gain is used as a buffer amplifier. The CG
amplifier is used as high frequency amplifier.
From the equivalent circuit,
The voltage across the resistor RB1= V1 = ---------------- x VBB
RB1 + RB2
= ------- x VBB
V1=ηVBB (η =RB1/RBB)
Where, η is known as intrinsic standoff ratio. The value of η varies between 0.51 to 0.82.
The biasing arrangement of UJT is shown in the fig. The terminal B2 is always positive voltage
(VBB) with respect to B1. Usually a positive voltage (VEE) is applied to the terminal E with respect to B1.
The operating condition of UJT depends upon their emitter voltage (VEE).
According to the base voltage VBB, voltage V1 is always developed across the resistor RB1 and,
which is applied to the cathode terminal of the PN junction diode (in equivalent circuit). When the emitter
voltage is zero, the diode works in reverse bias, so no emitter current flows. Now the UJT is in OFF state.
Now a small leakage current only flows from B2 to E.
When a positive voltage is applied to the emitter, the PN junction is also in reverse biased. If the
emitter voltage is linearly increased, which reduces the amount of reverse bias of the PN junction?When
the applied voltage is increased greater than V1, the PN junction will be forward biased. Now the holes are
injected from P-region into N-region. The holes are repelled by the terminal B2 and are attracted by the
terminal B1. Now the accumulation of holes in E to B1 region reduces the resistance in this section. Hence
emitter current IE is increased and the voltage VE is decreased. Now the device is in the „ON‟ state.
When a negative voltage is applied to the emitter (E), the PN junction is reverse biased, and the
emitter current is very low. The device is now in „OFF‟ state.
Characteristics of UJT:
The circuit diagram for finding the emitter characteristics of UJT is shown in the fig. The curve
plotted between emitter voltage (VEE) and the emitter current (IE) at a given VBB is called emitter
characteristics of UJT.
Here up to the peak point, the diode is reverse biased. Hence the region to the left of the peak point
is called cut-off region. The UJT has a stable firing voltage (peak voltage) which depends on VBB. After
the firing voltage, the diode starts conduction. Now the current IE is linearly increased and VE is linearly
decreased, which produce a negative resistance region. This region lies in between peak point and valley
point. After the valley point, current becomes saturation. The region beyond the valley point is called
saturation region. In this region the UJT is in „ON‟ state.
1. It is used in timing circuits
2. It is used in phase control circuits
3. It is used in trigger SCR‟s and TRIAC‟s
4. It is used in pulse generator
5. It is used in saw tooth generator
6. It is used in switching circuits.
A capacitor C is connected in between the terminals E and B1. This capacitor voltage is used to
trigger the UJT, and also acts as the output signal of the relaxation oscillator. The charges of the capacitor
depend upon the conduction level of UJT. Before conduction, the capacitor charges through R 1, and then
after conduction the capacitor discharges through the emitter to base1 (B1) path of UJT.
When the supply voltage is given, the capacitor charges through R1. As long as the capacitor
voltage is less than the base1 to emitter voltage VEB1, thejunction is reverse biased and the UJT will not
conduct. When the capacitor (output) voltage exceeds the reverse biased voltage (VEB1), the UJT starts
During conduction, the resistance between emitter and base 1 falls to a lower value. Hence the
capacitor discharges the voltage in a low time, and the UJT again goes to non-conduction level. The
capacitor repeats the charge and discharges functions continuously. By this cumulative action, a
continuous saw tooth signal is produced at its output.
1. Used in Television
2. Used in Radar equipment
3. Used in Oscilloscope
It is a four layer P-N-P-N device. It has 3 junctions. For low power SCRs, planner construction is
used. This construction is used for making a number of units from a single silicon wafer. Here all the
junctions are diffused.
For high power SCRs Mesa construction is used. Here the inner junction is obtained by diffusion
and the other two layers are alloyed to it. To handle large currents, it is braced with tungsten or
molybdenum plates to provide mechanical strength. From these plates, heat sinks are attached.
The SCR has only two states namely ON state and OFF state. When proper gate current is passed,
the SCR starts conducting heavily and becomes ON. This corresponds to the ON condition. When the
anode current is reduced below the holding current, the SCR is turned OFF. This is the OFF state. These
operations are very similar to that of mechanical switch.
1. It gives noiseless operation.
2. Switching speed is high (up to 109 operations per second).
3. Small size.
During the positive half cycle of i/p AC voltage, the SCR will conduct by giving proper gate
current. When SCR becomes ON it conducts throughout the positive half cycle. When the AC voltage
becomes 0, it stops conducting. During the negative half cycle of the AC, SCR does not conduct. The SCR
also block the part of the positive I/p up to a point where SCR is triggered ON. So by proper gate current,
the SCR can be made to conduct full or part of positive half cycle. Thus the power fed to the load is
During the positive half cycle of the i/p, anode of SCR1 is positive and that of SCR2 is negative.
When the i/p reaches V1, SCR1 becomes on. During this period SCR2 is in OFF condition. During the
negative half cycle of the i/p, anode of SCR2 is positive and that of SCR1 is negative. When the i/p
reaches V1, SCR2 becomes on. During this period SCR1 is in OFF condition. Thus by changing the gate
current, the conduction can be changed.
Firing angle: The angle at which the SCR starts conducting during the positive half cycle is called firing
Conduction angle: The angle through which the SCR is conducting is called conduction angle.
It is a six layer device. It is a bidirectional device. It conducts in both the directions.It has three
terminals namely MT1, MT2 and gate. The gate contact is taken nearer to MT1. The ohmic contact of
MT1 is made common to both N2&P2.The ohmic contact of MT2 is made common to both P1&N4. The
ohmic contact of gate is made common to both P2&N3. It is similar to two SCR‟s connected in anti-
The TRIAC can be turned on by applying either a +ve & -ve voltage to the gate.
MT2 is +ve w.r.t MT1:
Now the SCR P1-N1-P2-N2 is selected. P1-N1 & P2-N2 junctions are forward biased and P2-N1
junction is reversed biased.
Mode 1: gate +ve:
When gate is given +ve potential, the TRIAC acts as SCR with cathode gate. The junction P2-N1
breakdown and the device becomes ON. This is the recommended mode of operation.
Mode 2: gate –ve:
This operation is called junction gate operation. Here P1-N1-P2-N3 acts as mini SCR and it turns
on. So, the left hand portion conducts. Due to potential gradient, this current will flow to right. The main
SCR P1-N1-P2-N2 turns on. So, P2-N1 junction breaks down and the device becomes on.
MT1 is +ve w.r.t MT2:
Now the SCR P2-N1-P1-N4 is selected. P2-N1 and P1-N4 junctions are forward biased. P1-N1
junction is reverse biased.
Mode 3: gate +ve
This operation is called remote gate operation. Now P2-N2 junction becomes forward biased. This
increases the charge carriers in N1. So, P1-N1 junction breakdown and the device becomes on.
Mode4: gate –ve:
Now P2-N3 junction becomes forward biased. This increases the charge carriers N1.
So, P1-N1 junction breakdown and the device becomes on.
1. The characteristics in I & III quadrant are similar to that of SCR characteristics.
2. The device can be turned on by giving either +ve (or) –ve voltage to gate.
3. The break over voltage is defined by the gate current. When gate current is high, the device goes to
ON state at low voltage.
It is a five layer device. It is a bidirectional device. It conducts in both the directions. It has two
terminals namely MT1&MT2. The ohmic contact of MT1 is made common to both P1&N1. The ohmic
contact of MT2 is made common to both P2&N3. It has no gate.
It is similar to two SCR‟s connected in anti-parallel without gate. When MT1 is given +ve w.r.t
MT2, the SCR P2-N2-P1-N1 is selected. When the applied voltage is increased to the break over voltage,
the junction P1-N2 breaks down and the device goes to ON state. When MT2 is given +ve w.r.t MT1, the
SCR P1-N2-P2-N3 is selected. When the applied voltage reaches the break over voltage of this SCR, the
junction P2-N2 breakdown and the device goes to ON state. The characteristics are similar in both
directions. It resembles the SCR characteristics.
By giving proper voltage to MT1 and MT2, DIAC can pass current in either direction. When MT1
is positive w.r.t. MT2, layers are selected. When the i/p reaches break over voltage, the DIAC conducts
current from MT1 to MT2. When MT2 is positive w.r.t. MT1,layers are selected. When the i/p reaches
break over voltage, the DIAC conducts current from MT2 to MT1. If the applied voltage on either
direction is less than its break over voltage, the DIAC is in OFF condition. Thus the DIAC behaves as a
switch in both the directions.
(Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor or Insulated Gate Field Effect Transistor)
MOSFETs are of two types namely Depletion type MOSFET (D MOSFET) and Enhancement type
In a p-type substrate, two highly doped 𝑛+ regions are diffused. These 𝑛+ regions act as source
and drain. Between these two regions a „n‟ region is formed which acts as the channel.
Over the substrate a thin layer of silicon di-oxide (Sio2) is formed. Ohmic contacts are made in the drain
& source. Over the channel, an aluminium layer is formed. Gate contact is taken from the aluminium
layer. Since gate is insulated from the channel by Sio2, it is called IGFET. The aluminium layer, channel
and the insulator Sio2 acts as capacitor.
The D-MOSFET can be operated in two modes namely depletion mode and enhancement mode.
Depletion mode:
When gate is at zero potential and when VDS is increased, the drain current flows through the
channel. When gate is given –ve potential, because of the capacitance effect, +ve charges are induced in
the channel. As a result of this the channel is depleted of free 𝑒 −𝑛𝑠 . Thus the conduction is reduced. As the
value of –ve gate voltage is increased, the value of drain current ID decreases. The operation is similar to
that of JFET.
Enhancement mode:
Here gate is at +ve potential. Because of the capacitance effect, free 𝑒 −𝑛𝑠 are induced in the
channel. The greater the gate voltage, the greater is the number of free𝑒 −𝑛𝑠 . This enhances i.e. increases
the conduction and ID increases.
In a p-type substrate, two highly doped n+ regions are diffused. These 𝑛+ regions acts as source
and drain. Over the substrate a thin layer of Sio2 is formed. Ohmic contacts are made in the drain and
source. Over the channel an aluminum layer is formed. Gate contact is taken from the AL layer. There is
no channel between the drain and source. Since the gate is insulated from the channel by Sio2, it is called
IGFET. The combination of aluminium layer, substrate and sio2 acts as capacitor.
This MOSFET is always operated with the +ve gate to source voltage. When VGS =0, there is no
drain current because of the absence of the channel. When VGS is given +ve voltage, because of the
capacitance effect, free electrons are induced in the substrate. It forms the channel between the source and
drain. This layer is also called as inversion layer. When VDS is given a +ve voltage, the drain current ID
flows in the device. The Gate – Source voltage at which the channel is induced and the MOSFET begins
to conduct is called threshold voltage.
In a n-type substrate, two highly doped 𝑝+ regions are diffused. These 𝑝+ regions acts as source
and drain. Between these two regions a „p‟ region is formed which act as the channel. Over the substrate a
thin layer of silicon di-oxide (Sio2) is formed. Ohmic contact is made in the drain & source. Over the
channel, an aluminium layer is formed. Gate contact is taken from the aluminium layer.Since gate is
insulated from the channel by Sio2, it is called IGFET.The aluminium layer, channel and the insulator
Sio2 acts as capacitor.
The D-MOSFET can be operated in two modes namely depletion mode and enhancement
mode.When gate is at zero potential and when VDS is increased, the drain current flows through the
Depletion mode:
When gate is given +ve potential, because of the capacitance effect -ve charges is induced in the
channel.As a result of this the channel is depleted of holes. Thus the conduction is reduced.As the value of
+Ve gate voltage is increased the value of drain current ID decreases.The operation is similar to that of
Enhancement mode:
Here gate is given a -ve potential. Because of the capacitance effect, holes are induced in the
channel. The greater the gate voltage, the greater is the number of holes.This enhances i.e. increases the
conduction and ID increases.
Enhancement-type MOSFET (p- channel):
In a n-type substrate, two highly doped 𝑝+regions are diffused. These𝑝+ regions acts as source and
drain. Over the substrate a thin layer of Sio2 is formed. Ohmic contacts are made in the drain and
source.Over the channel an aluminum layer is formed. Gate contact is taken from the aluminium
layer.There is no channel between the drain and source.Since the gate is insulated from the channel by
Sio2, it is called IGFET. The combination of Al layer, substrate and sio2 acts as capacitor.
This MOSFET is always operated with the - ve gate to source voltage.When VGS =0, there is no
drain current because of the absence of the channel.When VGS is given - Ve voltage, because of the
capacitance effect, holes are induced in the substrate.This forms the channel (induced channel). This
channel forms between the source and drain.This layer is also called as inversion layer.When VDS is given
a - Ve voltage, the drain current ID flows in the device.The Gate – Source voltage at which the channel is
induced and the MOSFET begins to conduct is called threshold voltage.
Difference between JFET & MOSFET:
MOSFET can be used as an electronic switch. When the Gate voltage is less than threshold
voltage, there will be no channel. So the drain current is zero. The o/p voltage is high.This is equivalent of
open switch. When the Gate voltage is more than that of Threshold voltage, channel is induced. Drain
current passes through the device. The o/p voltage is 0. The device becomes ON. This is equivalent to
closing switch.
Applications of SCR:
1. Power switching circuits (for both AC and DC)
2. Over voltage protection circuits
3. Controlled Rectifiers
4. Inverters
5. AC Power Control (including lights, motors, etc.)
6. Battery Charging Regulator
7. Remote Switching Units
8. Phase Angle Triggered Controllers
9. Timing Circuits
10. IC Triggering Circuits
11. Welding Machine Control
12. Temperature Control Systems
Applications of TRIAC:
1. For phase control
2. For motor speed control
3. In lamp dimmer circuits
4. In heat control circuits
5. As static switch
6. In electronic change over in transformer taps
Applications of DIAC:
1. For triggering of TRIAC
2. In relaxation oscillator
3. In heat control
4. In lamp dimmer circuit
5. In speed control of universal motor
Applications of MOSFET:
1. Switch
2. Amplifiers
3. Choppers
5. Linear voltage regulators
6. Inverters
It is generally made up of cadmium compounds such as cadmium sulphide (cds), cadmium
selenide (cdse). The device is in the form of either a slab of a semiconductor in bulk form (or) a thin film
deposited on an insulating substrate. The ohmic contacts are made at the opposite ends. The material is
arranged in the form of a long strip, zigzagged across a disc. A glass (or) plastic cover may be included for
When the device is exposed to light, the conductivity increases. The radiation supplied to the
semiconductor ionizes the covalent bonds. Hence new 𝑒 −𝑛𝑠 -hole pairs are produced. Due to this the
resistance decreases and the conductivity is increased. Hence it is called photo resistor (or) photo
A p-n junction which emits light when forward biased is known as LED. The amount of light
output is proportional to the forward current.
An n-type epitaxial layer is grown upon a substrate. The p- region is created by diffusion. The
recombination occurs in the p- region. So this region is kept uppermost. The metal film anode is made
such that most of the light is emitted from the p-region. A gold film is applied to the bottom of the device.
It provides cathode connection. The colours of light depend on the LED materials.
Ga As – infrared (invisible)
Ga P – red or green
Ga As P – red or yellow
When the LED is forward biased, the 𝑒 −𝑛𝑠 and holes move towards the junction. Then the charge
carrier recombination takes place. So, it releases energy in the form of light. The brightness of the emitted
light is directly proportional to the forward bias current. The characteristics are similar to that of a p-n
junction diode.
LEDs are used
1. In numeric displays
2. In multimeters
3. In digital displays
4. In calculator
5. In panels
6. In digital watches
7. In video displays
8. In optical communication systems.
A display consisting of seven LEDs arranged in seven segments is called 7 segment displays. They
are named from a to g. Each LED is called a segment. An additional LED is used for the indication of a
decimal point. If a particular Led is forward biased, that LED will produce a light. By forward biasing
various combinations, we can display the digits from 0 to 9 and some alphabets.
There are two types.
Common Anode type:
Here all the anodes are connected together. The common point is connected to +Vcc. A current
limiting resistor is connected between each LED and ground.
Liquid crystal is an organic compound containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. It will not
emit light, it will alter the illumination.
A liquid crystal cell consists of a layer of liquid crystal sandwiched between glass sheets. The
transparent metal film electrodes are deposited inside the glass sheets. When both glass sheets are
transparent, it is known as transmissive type. When one plate is transparent and the other has reflective
coating, it is called reflective type.
Dynamic scattering mode:
When it is not activated, light is reflected from the mirror surface. The cell does not appear bright.
When activated, the dynamic scattering phenomenon occurs and the cell appears bright.
Field effect mode:
Here two thin polarizing optical filters are placed at the inside of each glass sheet. The L.C twists the
light when the cell is not energized. This allows light to pass through the optical filters and the cell
appears bright. When the cell is energized, no twisting of light takes place and the cell appears dark.
1. Low power is required
2. Good contrast
3. Low cost.
1. Slow device
2. When DC is used life reduces
3. Occupy large area
LCDs are used in
1. Displays
2. Image sensing circuits
3. Solid state video display
4. Digital watch.
Comparison between LCD & LCD:
1 Consumes more power Consumes less power
2 Good brightness level Moderate brightness level
3 Life time is more Life time is low
4 Emits the light Will not emit the light
5 Its colors depend upon material used It is monochrome in nature.
It is the combined package of photo-emitting device and photo sensing device. It is used to
electrically isolate one circuit from the other. It uses light to couple a signal from its i/p to its o/p.
When LED is forward biased, it emits light. The light is sensed by the photo diode. The current
flowing through the photodiode is directly proportional to the light. The optocoupler transfers signal
without any coupling components.
Used to couple digital and analog signals.
Used for interfacing high and low voltage system.
Used for interfacing different types of logic circuits.
There is no base connection in photo transistor. The light falls on the base collector junction. When
there is no illumination, minority carriers are generated by room temperature. The collector current is
given by
𝐼𝐶 =(1+β) 𝐼𝐶0
When the light is turned on, additional minority carriers are photo generated.Now the total current is
𝐼𝐶 =(1+β)( 𝐼𝐶0 +𝐼𝐿 )
Where 𝐼𝐿 is the reverse current due to light.The dark current in a photo transistor is larger than that of in
photo diode.
It is similar to that of CE output characteristics. When the light intensity increases, the collector
current increases.
1. In light operated relays
2. In electro optical shaft encoder.
3. In optical paper tape reader
4. In light detection system
5. As light operated switch
6. In brushless DC motor.
Definition: It is a circuit which transmits that part of an arbitrary wave which lies above or below some
reference level.
Positive Diode Clipping Circuits
Positive bias clipper
Definition: It is a circuit which holds either amplitude extreme of a wave form to a given reference level
is called clamper circuit.
Negative clamper
Positive clamper
This works on the principle of photo voltaic effect. It convertslight energy into electrical energy.
It consists of p-type and n-type silicon semiconductors. It is covered with a continuous conductive
contact to which a wire lead is attached. The upper surface has a maximum area exposed to light. Ohmic
contacts are made along the edge. The surface layer of p-type material is externally thin so that light can
penetrate to the junction.
The light rays pass through the glass plate and reaches the p-n junction. It creates new 𝑒 −𝑛𝑠 hole pairs.
These carriers move freely across the junction. It accumulates with the majority carriers. This gives rise to
the potential across the junction. The terminal voltage developed across the cell is proportional to the
intensity of the incident light. The voltage is 0.5v for Si cell and 0.1v for Ge cell.
Solar cells are used
1. To charge batteries
2. In space applications
3. In direct reading illumination meter.
4. In low resistance relays.
The astable multivibrator has two states, both are quasi-stable i.e. none of the states are stable.
Without any trigger it changes its state.
Q1 and Q2 are identical npn transistors. The collector resistances are equal to Rc. The collector of
Q1 is coupled to the base of Q2 through C1. The collector of Q2 is coupled to the base of Q1 through C2.
When the supply is switched on, let us assume Q2 is ON and Q1 is OFF. C1 starts charging towards Vcc
through Rc, C1 and Q2. Finally voltage across C2 becomes equal to Vcc with proper polarity. At the same
time C2 which is charged to Vcc in the earlier state, starts discharging through Q2, Vcc, R2,C2.
At the start base of Q1 is at –Vcc. As C2 starts discharging, base of Q1 becomes less and less
negative. Finally it becomes equal to the cut-in voltage of Q1. Now Q1 starts conducting. Q1 becomes ON
and at the same time Q2 becomes OFF. Now C2 starts charging through RC, C2 and Q1. C1 starts
discharging through Vcc, R1, C1 and Q1. Now because of C1, base of Q2 becomes less negative. Finally
it becomes equal to the cut-in voltage of Q2. Now Q2 becomes on and Q1 OFF. The changes in the two
states are automatic and without any external triggering signal.
It has one stable state. When a trigger is applied, the circuit changes from stable to quasi stable
state. After some time, it goes to original state.
Q1 and Q2 are identical transistors. The two collector resistors are equal to Rc. The collector of Q2
is coupled to the base of Q1 through R1. The collector of Q1 is coupled to the base of Q2 through C1. R2
and –VBB are selected so that Q1 is OFF by reverse biasing it. Q2 is ON with the help of Vcc and R. Q2
ON and Q1 OFF is the stable state.
Positive triggering pulse is applied to the base of Q1 through C2. Q1 starts conducting. The
collector voltage of Q1 (Vc1) decreases. This is coupled to base of Q2 through C1. But voltage across C1
cannot change immediately. So forward bias of Q2 decreases. Hence collector current of Q2 decrease. The
collector voltage of Q2 increases. It is applied to the base of Q1. This further increases the base voltage of
Q1. Q1 is driven to conduction and Q2 becomes OFF. This is the quasi stable state.
The circuit will remain in this state for a time period of T. During this state C1 starts charging
through the path Vcc, R2 and Q1. So the base voltage of Q2 increases. When this voltage reaches the cut
in voltage of Q2, then Q2 starts conducting. Due to the regenerative action, Q2 is turned on. The circuit
returns back to its stable state. The time period T = 0.69RC.
It has two stable states. It remains in the stable state indefinitely. It requires an external trigger
pulse to change from one stable state to other stable state.
It uses two identical npn transistors. The collector of Q2 is coupled to the base of Q1 through R1.
The collector of Q1 is coupled to the base of Q2 through R2. When the supply is switched on, any one of
the transistors starts conducting. Let us assume Q2 starts conducting. Hence current drawn by Q2 is more
than that of Q1.
Due to regenerative action, the current through Q2 keeps on increasing. The current through Q1
keeps on decreasing. Finally Q2 becomes ON and Q1 OFF. The circuit remains in this state. If a positive
trigger pulse is applied at the base of Q1, it will drive Q1 to saturation and Q2 to cut-off. This is the
second stable state. The circuit remains in this state though the applied pulse is removed. The change of
states depends upon the applied pulse at the proper terminals.
When the i/p is zero, Q2 is ON and Q1 is OFF. So the current Ic2 = Vcc / (Rc2 + Re) flows in the
circuit. The output = Vcc – Ic2*Re. The voltage drop in Re (Ic2 * Re) reverse biases the base-emitter
junction of Q1. So Q1 is in OFF state. When the i/p increases and goes above V1 = (Ic2*Re+V ϒ), Q1
becomes ON. The o/p is equal to Vcc. Now a current Ic1 = Vcc / (Rc1 + Re) flows in the circuit. The
voltage drop in Re = Ic1 *Re. When the i/p decreases and reaches V2 = (Ic1*Re+Vϒ ) , Q1 becomes OFF
and Q2 becomes ON. Thus the Schmitt trigger circuit converts a sine wave into a square wave. V1 is
called upper trigger point and V2 is called lower trigger point.
1. Used to convert a sine wave into a square wave.
2. Used as an amplitude comparator.