Fingerprint Based Exam Hall Authentication System
Fingerprint Based Exam Hall Authentication System
ISSN (e): 2250-3021, ISSN (p): 2278-8719
Special Issue || Dec. 2019 || PP 51-53
International Conference on Management Practices, Innovations & Research 2019
Abstract: Multi biometric is an authentication technology using different biometric technology such as
fingerprint, facial features and, vein pattern. The process for allowing student to sit for an examination in most
universities has been through the presentation of medium of identification such as ID cards,, fees clearance
card, photo cards, etc. this piece of work is motivated by the fact that the method of authenticating a students for
an examination has an obvious problem such as presentation of fake clearance card and so on. But bio metrics
is a technology that uniquely identifies a person based on his physiological or behavioural characteristics. The
aim of this work therefore is to design a program that will address issues of exam misconducts such as
impersonation and revealed the effectiveness of biometric system using fingerprint in conducting examination
clearance. The proposed system used fingerprint biometric approach, the system recognizes an individual by
comparing his/her biometrics with every record in the database rather than old manual method. The expected
result from the system is that the new system will compulsorily prompt for biometric in order to allow student
gain access into the system for authentication and identification of real student before entering into
examination hall.
Keywords:–Biometrics, Authentication, Examination, Fingerprint, Authorised Users .
I. Introduction
All academic institution have certain criteria for admitting students into examination hall. Hence
accurate record of attendance and fees payments is necessary.
To verify identity of person it is very critical and important task in society. Cash terminals, access
control, examination pass identity, internet transactions are the basic examples of security issues where the
identities of the users are important and useful. Most of the universities adopted paper means authentication for
eligibility of students for examination. This is issued by the university’s examinations and record units. This
contains vital information needed in identifying candidates. These may include the student’s name, passport
photographs and school’s authentication stamps. This is known as ‘examination pass’. It is the method devised
by the institution’s authorities in identifying eligible candidates for various examinations.
It is note that with the level of information provided, they still open to student as some of information
displayed. By this pass can still be tampered with for the sole purpose of impersonations and other examination
fraud as the case may be.
Some of students get duplicate pass of examination hall that leads to cheating or fraud. Some of these
passes as the case may be are sometimes duplicated and then stamped with fake ones fabricated for the purpose
of impersonation. Even, the passport photographs are sometimes removed and replaced with another one and in
addition, it is not a viable enough to distinguish between two identical twins.
In case of these irregularities and fraud that may arise from the use of the paper based examination pass
issuance to students for examination identities, the fingerprint as a form of biometrics (which measures
physiological and behavioural characteristics) is viable to provide reliable identification system is a better
alternative since it is a widely accepted fact that every human being has a unique set of fingerprints. This may be
adopted for the sole purpose of proving the eligibility of students for examinations.
To take examination in secure environment and also ensure strict security unregistered students do not write
exam for other registered users or students.
The fingerprint based exam hall authentication system is design in such way that the only verify users
are allow in examination and they are verified by their fingerprint scan and stop non verified users. Our system
consist of fingerprint scanner on which users give their fingerprint for scanning purpose is connected to
microcontroller circuit via max 232 IC. The rectified power supply is given to microcontroller. In registering
mode system allow users scan fingerprint on scanner. The microcontroller now check users fingerprint validity.
This ensures only valid users are entered to examination hall and invalid users are not allowed to enter in
examination hall without any innervations.
V. Software Specifications
Protease 8.0 software
MC Programming Language: Embedded C
Operating system : Windows Family
VI. Methodology
In this section, I describe the methodology used for the software design and also analysed the system.
The system strengths and weaknesses were also viewed to determined areas for improvement. To actualize this
the software engineering methodology called structured system analysis and design methodology (SSADM) was
used while top down software design approach will be followed.
The biometric identification consist of two stages: Enrollment and Authentication
While using the system structured analysis and design methodology SSADM the following sequence of step
were carried out and they include
I. Problem identification: Here researcher tries to understand the problem facing imo state university owerri in
handling and conducting their student’s examination.
II. Investigation or fact findings: A thorough investigation will be carried out on the present system that exist
in the university by me this is to enable me finds out the facts about it before trying to improve on it. For
good job to be achieved I shall logically go through the various phases of institute, so as to get accurate data
collections. The method for data collections shall be: evaluating all forms, interviewing through oral and
written method (questionnaires), observation method and studying of procedural manuals.
III. Analysis: the analysis of data gathered will be established. We will try to know how quickly and cheap is
the present system, how does it meet the objectives and its problem spots.
IV. Design: we structured the system under study, following the specification of processing requirement such as
input files, master files and segmentation of these processes into programs.
VII. Advantages
1. High security
2. Accuracy is high
3. Easy to use
4. It is standardised
VIII. Application
1. Educational institute
2. Industries
3. Offices
4. Security and access control system
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