Digital Image Processing
Digital Image Processing
Digital Image Processing
The digital image processing is simple process which deals with minute
articulations of imaging .It is a digitalized way of computing a image it deals
with various sub signals and systems as we use many softwares for editing is a
prime example for it. These signals are used in various forms it is used in
different types of engineering to deal with the substantial equations and for
various other uses but it is primarily used in the field of image processing
1.Analog image processing
2.Digital image processing
Previously it dealt with the analog image processing before the introduction of
the digital embedded systems. But due to the various and important uses in
the digital system it is highly preferred over its counter part.
Now moving on to the most important part .
As we discussed earlier the basic processing deals with providing an signal as a
input and the output to be a image which may be digitalized or analog based
on the embedded system. And the signal is considered to be a 1D or even two
dimensional . The signal is used to pass on some data. The basic example for
this signals is the transmission of wave forms from one point to another which
is primarily working as a emitter of data.
As we have seen earlier in the previous paragraphs the image processing
depends on sampling and quantization techniques. Firstly the sampling is the
technique through which the analog image is processed through as a digital
image. It determines the spatial resolution of the image and also defines the
image from the continuous to discrete or the other way around the size, pixel
clarity, the reimage sizing which depends on the sampling ratio and its
sampling technique though the technique is highly negotiable and AI Headed.
The next technique is the quantization technique when we are taking over a
quantization process it is that you are dividing a varying signal into multiple
different quanta in the respective amplitudes . On quantizing we derive a lot of
values which is a lot useful in determining the amplitude frequency for the
digital image processing .Now after determining the quality of the image if we
have to improve the quality of the image there are various bits of imaging
256,128,64,32,16,8,4,2 bits of grey level. Which defines the pixel clarity of the
image. There is a effect called as contouring which when during the decreasing
effect of grey scale some false colours or edges that can influence us which
would lead to wrong objection about the image .
All these effects have a demeaning effect on the picture which is very
sustaining and a demanding effect on it. And these techniques play a
important role in making the picture cleaner, brighter,
sharper which is very enhancing and has a very deep role in bringing
the best quality of picture in the device out for us.
As we have seen the process and everything about the image processing which
is from the analog to digital image processing the nuances and the antique
effect which deals with making the picture in the form of digital for us is the
way going forward ..