Environmental Contaminants Act
Environmental Contaminants Act
Environmental Contaminants Act
The administration of this Chapter was vested in the Minister for Environment and
Conservation at the date of its preparation for inclusion.
The present administration may be ascertained by reference to the most recent
Determination of Tides and Responsibilities of Ministers made under Section 148(1) of the
References in, or in relation to, this Chapter to-
"the Departmental Head" should be read as references to the Secretary for
Environment and Conservation;
"the Department" should be read as references to the Department of Environment
and Conservation.
NOTE: Sections 1,2,3,4,49,50,51,52 and 72 of this Act only had been brought into
force at the time of this up-dating, therefore, it seems unnecessary to include the whole Act
and only those sections have been included.
Environmental Contaminants Act ...................................................... 3
Regulations ................................................................................... .
Source of Act.
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Prepared for inclusion as at 11111986.
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1. Compliance with Constitutional requirements.
2. Interpretation-
"beneficial use"
"environmental contaminant"
"environmental officer"
"hazardous environmental contaminant"
"health inspector"
.) "litter"
"noise abatement notice"
"public place"
"the Register"
"this Act"
3. Application to the State.
4. Appointment of inspectors and analysts.
49. Litter.
50. Breaking of glass.
5 L Notice to remove litter.
52. Unreasonable noise.
72. Regulations.
2. Interpretation.
In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears-
"analysis' means any test or examination (physical, chemical or biological) of any
matter, substance or process for the purposes of determining its composition,
qualities or its effect on any segment of the environment;
"analyst" means an analyst appointed under Section 4:
"beneficial use" means a use of the environment or any element or segment of the
environment that it conducive to public benefit, welfare, safety or health or
the health or productivity of flora or fauna;
"Council" means the Environmental Contaminants Advisory Council established
by Section 9;
"Director" means the Director of the Office or Environment and Conservation and
any Assistant Director of that Office;
Prepared for inclusion as at 1/111980.
49. Litter.
(1) A person who throws, drops, deposits or otherwise disposes of any litter in any
public place, otherwise than by placing it in a place or receptacle provided for that purpose,
is guilty of an offence.
Penalty: A fine not exceeding K200.00 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding one
(2) A person who throws, drops, deposits or otherwise disposes of any litter in or on
any privately owned place, including any place owned by the State that is not a public place,
without the express permission of the owner or occupier of that place, is guilty of an
Penalty: A fine not exceeding K200.00 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding one
(3) An inspector, a member of the Pollce Force or a health inspector who observes or
has reasonable cause to believe that a person has thrown, dropped, deposited Or otherwise
disposed of any litter whether in a public or other place, otherwise than by placing it in a
place or receptacle provided for that purpose, may direct that person to retrieve the litter
and deposit it in an appropriate receptacle or as -otherwise directed by the inspector,
member of the Police Force or health inspector.
(4) A person who fails to comply with a direction under Subsection (3) is guilty of an
Penalty: A fine not exceeding K50.00 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding one
50. Breaking of glass.
(I) Without derogating the provisions of Section 49, a person who breaks any glass in
a public place and does not immediately collect and remove the broken glass from that
public place or place it in a receptacle provided for litter in the public place, is guilty of an
Penalty: A fine not exceeding K200.00 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding one
(2) An inspector, a member of the Police Force or a health inspector who observes or
haS -reasonable cause to believe that a person has broken any glass in a public place, may
direct that person to collect and remove the broken glass from that public place or place it
in a receptacle provided for litter in the public place or as otherwise directed by the
inspector, member of the Police Force or health inspector.
(3) A person who fails to comply with an order under Subsection (2) is guilty of an
Penalty: A fine not exceeding K50.00 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding one
5!. Notice to relI)ove litter.
(I) Where litter is deposited in any public or private place, other tban in a place or
receptacle provided for that purpose, and the Director considers that the circumstances are
such that the litter is or is likely to become-
(a) detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of any person; or
(b) unduly offensive to the senses of any person; or
(c) a hazard to the environment,
the Director may, by written notice served on a person he considers has the means and
equipment to do so direct that person to-
(d) remove or dispose of the litter; or
(e) take such action in relation to the litter as is specified in the notice.
(2) A person on whom a notice has been servied under Subsection (1) who fails,
without reasonable cause, to comply with the requirements of the notice, is guilty of an
Penalty: A fine not exceeding K200.00.
(3) It is reasonable cause for not complying with the requirements of a notice served
under Subsection (1) if the person on whom it is served is not in any way connected with
the depositing of the litter or the premises on which it is deposited.
52. Unreasonable nQise.
(1) A p.erson is guilty of ari offence under this section if he emits, or causes or permits
to be emitted any noise in excess of a -standard or level prescribed with, respect to that type
Prepared for inclusion as at 11111986.
Environmental Contaminants Ch. No. 368
(2) A person who emits or causes or permits to be emitted any noise which, in the
circumstances of its emission, is unreasonable is guilty of an offence.
Penalty: A fine not exceeding K500.00.
Default penalty: A fine not exceeding K200.00.
(3) In determining whethet for the putposes of Subsection (2) the emission of noise is
unreasonable in the circumstances, the court shall take into account-
(a) the time, place and circumstances of the emission; and
(b) the usefulness (if any) of the activity giving rise to the emission; and
(c) the practical possibility of the noie being mitigated to a reasonable level,
frequency or duration; and
(d) the malice, negligence or carelessness (if any) of the person causing or
permitting the emission; and
(e) any other factor which the court considers relevant in the circumstances of the
72. Regulations.
(1) The Head of State, acting on advice, may make regulations not inconsistent with
this Act, prescribing all matters that by this Act are required or permitted to be prescribed,
or that are necessary or convenient to be prescribed for carrying out or giving effect to this
Act, and in particular for-
(a) prescribing fees for the issue of licences and permits; and
(b) regulating the registration of environmental contaminants and hazardous
environmental contaminants and the removal from the Register of such
contaminants; and
(c) prescribing standards or criteria for determining when a matter or thing is
poisonous, noxious, impure, detrimental to health, or within any other
description referred to in this Act; and
(d) prohibiting or regulating the discharge into the environment of any matter
whether liquid, solid, gaseous, radio·active or any form of electromagnetic or
thermal energy; and
(e) prohibiting or regulating the use of any specified fuel; and
(f) prohibiting or regulating the use of any specified aerosol; and
(g) prescribing or regulating the importing, sale, manufacture or distribution of
hazardous environmental contaminants; and
(h) prescribing the labelling, packaging, transportation, storage, advertising or use
of any hazardous environmental contaminant; and
(i) prescribing standards or levels for the emission of various types of noise and
the procedure by which they are to be tested or ascertained; and
(j) regulating or prohibiting the burning of specified substances in the open; and
(k) prescribing air or water quality standards; and
(I) requiring payment of a deposit at the time of purchase of any material
packaged or contained in any class of packaging Or container and regulating
the amounts, terms and conditions of deposits; and
Prepared for inclusion as at 11111986.
tho No. 368 E"nvironmental Contamina:rits
(m) prescribing the standards for matter that can safely be discharged t6 the water,
~t:mosphere or' larid surface; and
(n) prohibiting or prescribing the use of any packaging-, equipment, facility,
vehide or ship' capable of causing pollution or litter, or regulating the
construction, or 6perat'ion of any of them' so as to prevent or minimize
pollution or litter; and
(6) pt6hibiting the use of any equipment, fatility, instl'llment, devite, vehicle or
ship capabIe 6f etrii£ting noise that does· riot meet a prescribed stahdard and
regUlating the construction, ifi'stallation or operatiori of any of them so as to
prevent or minimize die emission of noise; and
(p) prescribing' maximum permissible concentration, levels- ot amounts of erivi~
ronn'lental' cootanlin'ani!; in any segment ot elenient the envitonment; and
(1]) prohibiting or regulating the amount or proporiion of any segment of the
enviroruhent that may be temoved or otherwise taken for human tOhsump~
don' or u'se nav'ing. regard to the amount, concentration bt level of enviton'~
mental' contaminant contained ill them; and
(r) pre~tribing the design, function ot operation of any machinery, equip~ent,
fadlity b'r vehicle in order to' regulate ot conttol the movement or discharge
of envirdnmen'tal contaminants; arid'
(S) tequitJilg the giving of special wartling dr alertS relating td the movement or
distharge of e'tivitdnmental contaminants; and
(II regUlating the establishrnent of new sites and the management of old sites fot
the disposal of environmental contatninants; and
(u) further delining litter and receptacles tb contaiii litter for the purposes of thiS
Act; arid
(v) piohibiting or regulating particular activities having regard to the danger of
exposure tb arid coIitad with etlVito;nmerital contaminants; and
(w) prohibiting or regUlating the trade in or disposal of any environmental
cont~inants; and
(x) prohibiting or regulating the employm"nt or conditions of e11lploymentof any
person in work that involves the handling by that person of, or exposure of
that person to, any environmental contari:tihatit; arid
(y j providing for the proteCtiori of-
(i) persons from injury or illness or the risks of irtjury or illness; and
(ii) flora lind tauna tram di!11lage or the risks of damage,
arising OUt of or in the COurse of the handling, use or disposal of environ-
mental cbhtamiiiatits; and
(x) preScribing the requiremehtS ih relation to--
(1) buildiligs atid bthet premises where an envirotlment.i cOdtatniliant br
sUbstarice likely to caUSe liiter is manufactured, treated, stored, sold;
handled di used; arid
(ii) ~ehides in which ah environmental tOlitamirtarit is conveyed; atid
Environmental Contaminants Ch. No. 368
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Prepared for inclusion as at 111/1986.