Decree Law 30 of 2002
Decree Law 30 of 2002
Decree Law 30 of 2002
(30) OF 2002
Article (1)
The provisions of the law of the environment protection, attached to this law, shall be enforced.
Article (2)
After coordinating with the competent authority, the president of the High Council for Environment
and Natural Forests, issues the resolution necessary implementing the provisions of the attached law
and he issues its executive list within maximum six months since coming into force.
In addition, all the ministries, the other governmental bodies, the institutions and general
organizations, with respect to their competencies, shall issue the decided averages and the rates
necessary for the implementation of the provisions of the attached law, within the period mentioned in
the previous paragraph.
Article (3)
When this law is promulgated, the existing institutions, shall organize their work in accordance to
the provisions of the attached law within two years since implementing the provisions of its executive
list. This period may be extended pursuant to a resolution issued by the Emir according to a proposal
of the president of the High Council for Environment and Natural Sanctuaries.
Article (4)
Every decision that opposes the provisions of the attached law shall be nullified.
Article (5)
All the competent authorities, with respect to their competencies, shall implement this law that
shall take effect within six months since its publication in the Official Gazette.
Article (1)
In applying the provisions of this law, the following words and expressions shall have the meaning
written next to each, unless the context shall indicate otherwise:
1- Council : The High Council for Environment and Natural Sanctuaries.
2- Secretariat : The secretariat-general of the council.
3- Administrative authority : Any ministry, other governmental body, institution or general
4- Licensed authority : Any responsible authority for issuing licenses to carry out
activities or projects that may have negative effects on the
5- Free economic zone : The zone that extends two hundred maritime miles starting
on the basic lines from which the regional sea is measured.
6- Natural Sanctuaries : The zone specialized for protecting one kind of plants,
animals, birds or maritime creatures that are threatened to
become extinct. In this zone, it is forbidden to remove, to
hunt or to kill these kinds. And to determine them, a
resolution by the council shall be issued.
7-Ecosystem : The vital environment that includes living creatures, who are
human beings, animals and plants, everything that surrounds
them such as air, water and soil, including its materials that
are solids, substances, gas or radiation and the
establishments, industries and inventions created by people.
8- Development of the environment : The politics and procedures that satisfy the needs of the
permanent development in the state, socially, culturally and
economically. The politics and procedures achieve the goals
and principles for which this law has been issued, including
improving the elements of the natural environment,
preserving the biological variety and the historical,
archeological, natural, present and future heritage.
9- Water environment : The maritime environment and the internal waters, including
the groundwater and the water of springs and valleys, in
addition to their natural wealth, plants, fish and other living
creatures, and also their air, their establishments and
movable and immovable enterprises.
10- Maritime environment : The beaches of the state, its maritime and internal harbors,
the water of the regional sea and the bordering region, the
free economic zone and its seabed, in addition to all its
constituents, its animate and inanimate resources, its
establishments and its movable and immovable enterprises.
11- Resources of the land : The domestic, industrial or movable and immovable
agricultural resources on the land which drainage can reach
the maritime environment.
12- Environment Pollution : Any change in the characteristics of the environment that
can, directly or indirectly, damage the living creatures or
establishments or can effect the normal life of a human.
13- Pollution measurement : The maximum effect of any polluter in the different
environments, taken as a yearly average having a maximum
that cannot be exceeded within one complete hour, without
detriment to the yearly average value.
14- Environment deterioration : The effect on the environment that lessens its value, deforms
its nature, consumes its resources or damages its living
creatures and establishments.
15- Environmental Catastrophe : The accident that results from natural factors or a human act
and causes a great damage to the environment.
16- Environment protection : To preserve the constituents of the environment, to develop it
and to prevent its deterioration or pollution or to lessen the
pollution effect. These constituents are the air, the sea and
the internal water including the groundwater, the lands, the
natural sanctuaries and the other natural resources.
17- Enterprise or establishment : Any installation, enterprise, establishment or activity that may
be a source of pollution or environmental deterioration
according to what the executive list determines.
18- Evaluation of the environmental effect: The study related to the analysis of the environmental
utility and that is done before licensing the enterprises which
establishment or activities may effect the environment's
safety. This study determines the possible environmental
effects and the suitable procedures and means to prevent
negative effects, to remove them or to limit them or to
increase the positive effects of the enterprise on the
19- Measures for the environment protection: The limits of polluters that are not allowed to be
exceeded in the constituents of the natural environment (air,
water, soil).
20- Dangerous materials : Solids, substances or gas which have dangerous
characteristics that harm the human health, animals, plants,
or air or that damage the environment such as the
substances that are poisonous, susceptible of exploding,
combustible or with radiation.
21- Dangerous wastes : The residues of activities and different operations or their
ashes that keep the features of the dangerous substances
that cannot be used later on, whether in an original or an
alternative usage, like the clinical wastes of therapeutic
activities and the wastes resulting from the fabrication of any
of the pharmaceutical products and medicines, organic
solvents, ink, tint or paint.
22- Circulation of materials : Everything that may lead to remove them in order to gather,
to transfer, to store, to treat or to use those substances.
23- Wastes rotation : The collection of wastes, their transfer, their recycling and
removing them.
24- Wastes recycling : The operations that allow to extract the substances and to
use them again such as using them as fuel, or to extract
metals and organic substances, to treat the soil or to refine
25- Removal of wastes : The operations that don't lead to extract the substances or to
use them again such as the burial in the ground, the deep
injection, the drainage of superficial water, the biological
treatment, the chemical and physical treatment or the
permanent storage or any other operation.
26- Air pollution : Every change in the characteristics of the natural air can,
consequently, cause damage or be dangerous for the human
health and the environment, whether this pollution was
resulting from natural factors or a human activity including
27- Public place : Place prepared to receive all or a special category of people
for any purpose.
28- Closed public place : Public place which has the form of a complete construction
and air doesn't go into it except through special windows
prepared for that.
29- Semi-closed public place : Place which has the form of an incomplete construction and
that is connected directly to the outside air ; thereto it cannot
be completely closed.
30- Noises : Sounds which vibrations exceed the maximum permitted limit.
31- Ship : Any model of ships that work in the maritime environment,
and includes hydrofoils, boats with airy pads, flooded buoys,
watercrafts and (fixed and floating) quays.
32- Oil : All the kinds of crude oil and its products that include the
kinds of fluid hydrocarbon, lubricating oils, fuel oils, refined
oils, bakeries oils, tar and other substances extracted from
petroleum or its wastes.
33- Oily mixture : Every mixture that contains a quantity of oil that exceeds the
limit determined by the executive list.
34- Polluted balance water (Polluted ballast water): Water that exists inside a tank on a ship, in case
its content of oil exceeds the limit determined by the
executive list.
35- Oil means of transportation : Pipelines used for transporting the oil and any other
equipment used to load, unload or transport the oil, or other
equipment for pumping and tools necessary for the usage of
these pipelines.
36- Carrier of damaging substances : Ship that was essentially constructed, or whose design was
modified, to carry cargo of left damaging substances. It also
includes the oil carriers when loading them, completely or
partially, with damaging substances tat are not filled
according to the provisions of section two in chapter three of
this law.
37- Drainage : Every outflow, emission, unloading or removal of any
polluting substances in the regional sea, in the bordering
region or in the free economic zone, respecting the levels
determined by the executive list.
38- Sinking : (A) Every deliberate throwing of polluting substances or
wastes of ships, planes or quays and others, in the maritime
(B) Every deliberate throwing of ships or industrial
combinations or others, in the maritime environment.
39- Substances damaging the water environment: Substances mentioned in the second enclosure of
the second attachment of Marble Agreement in 1973, and its
amendments in 1978.
40- Polluting substances and factors : Solids, substances, gas, noises, radiation, heat or vibrations
resulting from the human act and leads, whether directly or
indirectly, to the pollution of the environment or to its
41- Water pollution : Insertion of any substances or powers in the water
environment that can cause a damage to the animated and
unanimated resources, threaten the human health, obstruct
the water activities including fishing and touristic activities,
damage the utility of seawater, or lessen the possibility of
enjoying it or change its characteristics.
42- Substances polluting the water environment: Any substances which drainage in the water
environment, whether deliberately or not, causes a change in
their characteristics, or helps, whether directly or indirectly, to
achieve this causing a damage to the human being, to the
natural resources, to the sea water or to touristic regions or
can merge with the other legitimate usage of water
Article (2)
This law aims the execution of the following objectives:
1- To protect the environment and to keep its nature and its natural balance.
2- To fight the pollution, in its different shapes, and to prevent any damages or, immediate or long-
range, negative effects which may result from the plans and programs of economic, agricultural,
industrial, constructional or other programs of development which aim to improve the standard of
living and to provide the complete protection of the environment and its natural balance. These
plans and programs also help to implant the environment consciousness and principles of fighting
the pollution.
3- To develop natural resources and to keep the essential diversity which shall be perfectly exploited
for the benefit of present and future generations
4- To protect the society, the human health and other living creatures from all the activities and acts
that damage the environment or that obstruct its permitted usage.
5- To protect the environment from the damaging effect of activities that are carried out outside the
Article (3)
All the administrative bodies in the state shall take the measures necessary for the environment
protection, for fighting the pollution and for keeping the wealth and natural resources, in order to
provide the development needs of the present and future generations.
Article (4)
All the administrative bodies shall respect the environmental considerations and give advanced
priorities. They shall also include these considerations in all the stages and levels of planning and
make the environmental planning a part of the total plan for development in all the industrial,
agricultural, constructional and other domains.
Article (5)
All the administrative authorities, with respect to their competencies, shall work on guiding the
usage of animated and unanimated natural resources, in order to keep what is renewed to develop it
and to lengthen the period of the resources that cannot be renewed, for the benefit of the present and
future generations.
Article (6)
All the administrative and private authorities are committed to insert the condition of protecting the
environment and fighting the pollution in all the local and foreign agreements and contracts which
implementation can cause damaging effects toward the environment. These contracts shall also
include penal conditions and commitments to pay the fees for removing the environmental damages
and to compensate for them.
Article (7)
All the responsible authorities for education shall insert the environment educational subjects in
the curriculum in all the teaching stages and shall make sure that the curriculum that include these
subjects are deeply concerned in the environment education. They shall also work on establishing and
developing the institutions that are specialized in ecology in order to graduate technical elites. In
addition, all the responsible authorities for media shall work on consolidating the environment
educational programs in the different audible, readable and visual mass media.
Article (8)
The council, coordinating with the competent administrative authorities, prepares, issues,
examines, develops and renews the standards of environmental protection. While determining these
standards, it is important to create the balance between the available technical capacities and the
economic expense, necessary for that, respecting the needs of the environment protection and the
fighting against pollution.
Article (9)
Coordinating with the competent administrative authorities, the council issues the lists and
resolutions, pertaining to keeping the natural living species especially those threatened to extinct.
The council has the right:
1- To forbid hunting the rare natural creatures.
2- To forbid cutting, uprooting or removing the trees, bushes and wild grass.
3- To create and administrate the natural sanctuaries.
4- To keep and improve the animated resources of local animals and plants which have an economic
Article (10)
Coordinating with the competent administrative authorities and the licensed bodies, the council has
the right to take the measures necessary to prevent or lessen the damage that occurs to the
environment to the possible minimum before it takes place.
The council shall, in particular, take the following decisions:
1- To stop, temporarily, or to cancel any activities which it finds that 2-they have a negative effect on
the environment.
2- To impose restrictions, conditions and technical or operating standards or other necessary
Article (11)
Coordinating with the competent administrative authorities, the council sets the standards,
characteristics, basis and restrictions necessary to evaluate the environmental effect of enterprises
and projects that need to be licensed. The council shall, in particular:
1- determine the categories and parts of public and private development enterprises that can,
because of their work nature, cause damages to the environment.
2- determine the regions and locations, characterized by their environmental importance, according
to the standards of environment protection.
The executive list determines the procedures of evaluating the environmental effect and the
conditions necessary to grant the enterprise the environmental license or to grant the operating
license and determines the conditions for stopping or nullifying it.
Article (12)
The plans and public and private development projects for enterprises, no matter what their nature
or location is, including the industrial, agricultural and constructional projects, shall be submitted
before the council, when planning them and before their execution. The council shall examine and
evaluate them and make sure of their adoption of scientific ways to guarantee a convenient
environmental planning, according to the standards, characteristics, basis and restrictions mentioned
in the previous article.
Article (13)
With respect to the other conditions determined by the effective laws, the licensed bodies are not
permitted to issue licenses for the projects determined in the executive list, according to article (11) of
this law, except after making a study to evaluate their environmental effect and getting the approval of
the council on the studies results.
The enterprise or the establishment cannot operate before getting the necessary license that shall
not be delivered before fulfilling the study and getting the council's approval.
The expansions and renovations, in the established enterprises, are submitted to the provisions
related to the procedures of evaluating the environmental effect.
Article (14)
The licensed body shall send a copy of the evaluation study for the environmental effect of the
enterprise to the secretariat to give its opinion about it and to submit it before the council to issue its
The secretariat shall inform those bodies about the council's decision within maximum thirty days,
starting on the date of delivering the study.
In case the thirty days have passed and the secretariat hasn't responded, this shall be considered
as the approval of the study.
The concerned person has the right to complain about the refusal of the council according to the
rules, procedures and dates determined in the executive list.
Article (15)
The licensed body shall make sure that the new projects and the essential changes in the
established enterprises use the best techniques that are available and effective economically in order
to control the pollution and prevent the environmental deterioration. Besides, when determining the
licenses of established enterprises, the licensed body shall make sure that it is using the suitable
techniques that guarantee the respect of the standards of environment protection determined in the
executive list.
Article (16)
The owners of projects shall keep a record to observe the effect of the enterprises on the
environment. In addition, the executive list shall present a sample of this record and its data. The
secretariat shall examine the data of the record in order to make sure that they are true. It also has
the right to take the necessary specimen and execute the convenient experiments to know the effect
of the establishment on the environment and to determine the limit of its respect to the standards of
environment protection. In case there were violations, the secretariat informs the competent
administrative authority to ask the owner of the establishment to adjust these violations as soon as
If the owner hasn't adjusted them within sixty days, the council, pursuant to the recommendation of
the secretariat, shall take the necessary measures to stop the violating activity and ask for the right
indemnity in order to remove the damages resulting from those violations.
Article (17)
Coordinating and cooperating with the secretariat, all the administrative authorities are committed
to take all the following procedures and measures:
1- To work on preventing the negative environmental effects that can result from their enterprises or
from the enterprises that are submitted to their supervision or from the ones they issue their
2- To take all the convenient measures to guarantee the implementation of the rules, mentioned in
this law, in their enterprises and in the ones submitted to their supervision or the ones they issue
their licenses. In addition, they shall respect the effective rules and measures of the environment
protection and their executive lists. Furthermore, they shall determine the necessary rules,
executive lists and instructions.
3- To observe and examine the implementation of the rules and measures of the environment
protection, to abide by them in their enterprises or in the ones submitted to their supervision and to
submit a periodical report to the council about that.
4- To coordinate with the council before issuing any licenses, permits, measures, characteristics or
rules related to the activities that have an effect on the environment.
Article (18)
Every one who plans, executes or manages any project, shall abide by the rules and measures of
he environment protection decided in accordance with this law or that are issued in execution to it.
And every one, who intends to do an act or abstains from doing it, causing the creation of negative
effects on the environment, shall identify its possible effects.
This identification may occur by making a study for the evaluation of the environmental effect related
to that act or to any other mean decided in this law or in its executive list. In addition, necessary
precautions and procedures shall be taken to prevent those effects or to reduce the possibilities of
their occurrence to the minimum.
In case any of the possible negative effects on the environment, of any project, took place as a
result for executing an act or abstaining from doing it, the owner of that project shall be committed to
take all the necessary measures to stop its effects or to lessen them to the minimum. In addition, the
owner shall be responsible even if he evaluates the environmental effect of the project.
Article (19)
All the administrative authorities and those who supervise any project, that may have negative
effects on the environment, ought to set the emergency plans and the means of their execution to
prevent those effects or lessen their damages. These plans and means shall be submitted to the
council, in order to examine them and give his opinion about them according to what is determined in
the executive list.
Article (20)
Every natural person or legal entity who is responsible for a project which includes carrying out
activities and operations that may have serious negative effects on the environment, shall appoint a
person to be responsible for guaranteeing the carrying out of those activities and operations,
according to the basics and restrictions stipulated in this law and in its executive list.
Article (21)
The council, the permanent committee for emergency and the administrative authorities coordinate
to set a general plan for emergency in order to face environmental catastrophes. This plan shall not
be effective unless adopted by the cabinet. The plan shall, in particular, abide by the following:
1- To collect information and available local and international methods about the ways adopted to
face environmental catastrophes and to lessen their damages.
2- To restraint the available capacities on the local or international levels and to determine the
directions for using them in a way that guarantees the speed in facing the catastrophe.
3- To execute the training and tests to know how far the members of the emergency team are ready
and to clarify the weak points of the performance and the methods to develop the plan or the team
Article (22)
The emergency plan includes the following:
1- To determine the nature of environmental catastrophes and the bodies responsible for reporting
about their occurrence or their expected occurrence.
2- To create a central operations chamber to receive the notifications about the environmental
catastrophe and to go on receiving and sending precise information about it in order to send the
necessary equipment to face it.
3- To create a working group to go on facing the environmental catastrophe when it occurs or when it
is expected to occur.
The chief of the mentioned working group shall have all the necessary powers to face the
catastrophe, collaborating and coordinating with the competent administrative authorities.
Article (23)
It is allowed, in the urgent and forcible cases, not to abide by the measures and standards issued
to implement the provisions of this law, if the objective was the protection or the guarantee of
providing the institution's safety. In this case, it is necessary to inform the council and the competent
administrative authorities.
Article (24)
It is forbidden to import, to enter, to pass, to throw, to bury, to inject or to store the dangerous
wastes. It is also forbidden, without a permit given by the competent administrative authority, to allow
the ships that carry those wastes to cross the regional sea or the free economic zone of the state.
Article (25)
It is forbidden to establish enterprises in order to treat the dangerous wastes, except through a
license delivered by the competent administrative authority after getting the approval of the council.
In addition, it is forbidden to remove the dangerous wastes, except in accordance with the
conditions and standards and in the places determined in the executive list.
Furthermore, coordinating with the competent administrative authorities, the council issues a chart
listing the dangerous wastes and determines the places and conditions for getting rid of them.
Article (26)
It is forbidden to import, to circulate and to transfer dangerous materials without a license delivered
by the competent administrative authority. The executive list lists the proceeds and conditions to grant
a license, the competent authority that grants it and the rules and proceeds related to managing the
dangerous materials.
Moreover, the council, in coordination with the competent administrative authorities issues a chart
listing the dangerous materials.
Article (27)
The responsible people for producing, circulating, or transferring the dangerous materials, whether
they were gas, substances or solids, shall take all the precautions in order to guarantee that the
damages in the environment don't occur.
Moreover, the owner of the establishment, whose activity causes dangerous damages according
to the provisions of this law, shall keep a record for these violations and list the steps for abolishing
them in addition to the bodies he's contracting with to receive these violations according to the
proceeds, conditions and samples determined in the executive list.
Article (28)
The location where the enterprise is to be established shall be appropriate to the activity of the
establishment, respecting the permitted limit of air polluters. It is also necessary that the total
pollution, resulting from all the establishments located in the same area, doesn't exceed the permitted
The executive list shall determine the establishments submitted to the provisions of this law. It
shall also determine the competent authority that shall approve on the convenience of the location
and on the permitted limits of air polluters and noises in the area where the enterprise was
Article (29)
It is forbidden to sprinkle or to use destroyers of diseases or any chemical compounds for
agricultural, public health or other purposes, except after taking into consideration the conditions,
restrictions and guarantees determined in the executive list. Consequently, it will be guaranteed that
the human being, the animals, the plants, the watercourses or other components of the environment,
shall not be exposed, whether directly or indirectly, now or in the future, to the damaging effects of
these destroyers or chemical compounds.
Article (30)
According to what is determined in the executive list, the enterprises submitted to the provisions of
this law shall be committed, while carrying out their activities, not to emit or to leak air polluters that
exceed the maximum permitted limit.
Article (31)
It is forbidden to use machines, engines or vehicles which exhaust-pipes release environment
polluters, exceeding the maximum permitted limit by the executive list.
Article (32)
It is forbidden to throw, to treat or to burn the garbage and solid and substance residues, except in
the places intended for these purposes away from the residential, industrial and agricultural areas and
from watercourses.
The executive list determines the characteristics, the restrictions and the shortest distance
between these places, intended for these purposes, and those areas.
According to what is determined in the executive list, the administrative authorities are committed
to treat the wastes and the violations that are within their authorities.
Article (33)
When burning any kind of fuel or other materials for industrial purposes, for generating electricity,
for installations or for any other commercial purpose, it is necessary that the resulting smoke, gas or
damaging vapors be within the permitted limit. In addition, the responsible for these activities shall
take all the necessary precautions to reduce the amount of polluters resulting from the mentioned
burning. Furthermore, the executive list shall list those precautions, the permitted limits, the
characteristics of smokestacks and other means that allow to control the smoke, the gas and vapors
emitted during the burning process.
Article (34)
The bodies, which are researching, exploring, digging, digging out, producing, refining and
industrializing the crude oil, shall abide by the restrictions and the proceeds stipulated in this law and
in its executive list, taking into consideration the basics and principles of the international petroleum
industry provided by the competent administrative authorities.
Article (35)
All the bodies and individuals, when fossilizing, breaking, excavating, digging, constructing, ruining
or transferring the resulting materials, residues or soil, shall take the measures necessary for their
storage or for their safe transfer in order to prevent their evaporation with respect to what is listed in
the executive list.
Article (36)
All the bodies and individuals, when carrying out their productive or service activities or others,
especially while operating the machines and equipment or while using the alarm machines and
loudspeakers, shall not exceed the permitted limits for the voice vibrations determined in the
executive list. The licensed bodies shall take into consideration that the total sounds emitted from the
fixed sources in one zone shall not exceed the permitted limits, and they shall make sure that the
establishment will choose the suitable machines and equipment to guarantee that.
Article (37)
The owner of the enterprise or the establishment shall be committed to take the precautions and
procedures necessary to avoid the outflow or the emission of air polluters inside the workplace,
except within the permitted limits determined in the executive list, whether the air polluters were
resulting from the nature of the establishment's activity or from a disorder in the equipment. In
addition, he shall provide the necessary means of protection for the workers, implementing the
conditions of safety and of the vocational health. He shall also select the machines, the equipment,
the materials and the convenient kind of oil, taking into consideration the period of being exposed to
these polluters. Furthermore, the owner shall guarantee the sufficient verification and shall install the
smokestacks and other means of air purification.
Article (38)
The owner of the enterprise or the establishment shall be committed to take the procedures
necessary to preserve the degrees of heat and humidity, inside the workplace so that they don't
exceed the permitted maximum limit and they don't become less than the permitted minimum limit. In
case it was important to work without respecting the limits of the two degrees of heat and humidity,
the owner shall provide the suitable means of precaution for the workers, such as special clothes and
other means of protection.
The executive list mentions the maximum and minimum limits of the degrees of heat and humidity,
the permitted period for being exposed to them and the means of protection from both of them.
Article (39)
The closed and semi-closed public places, the establishments and enterprises shall have the
sufficient purification instruments according to the surface of the place, its capacity and the activity
carried out inside it. Consequently, this shall guarantee the change and the purity of the air and the
convenient temperature of the workplace.
Article (40)
The stored groundwater that is good fro usage is submitted to the restrictions and proceeds
decided by the competent administrative authority in order to benefit from a part of it without effecting
on the available amount, on its characteristics or on the rules of distributing and using it.
Article (41)
With respect to what was stipulated in the laws and effective decisions concerning the organization
of digging groundwater wells, it is forbidden to throw or to get rid of the solids, substances and gas in
the sources or watercourses of superficial water and groundwater that are good for usage.
The executive list shall determine the criteria of drinkable water and the water of wells and
sewage, in addition to the method of monitoring the types of different kinds of water.
Article (42)
Protecting the maritime environment form pollution aims to protect and save the shores and
harbors of the state from the dangers of pollution in its different kinds, shapes and sources. This
protection aims also to protect the environment or the regional sea and the natural resources of the
free economic zone and the continental shelf. The protection can take place by preventing the
pollution, no matter what its source is, before it occurs by getting rid of its effects and by eliminating or
reducing these effects to the minimum, in case they occur.
Article (43)
All the ships and tankers are forbidden from draining and throwing the oil or the oily mixtures in the
regional sea or in the free economic zone of the state.
Furthermore, all the ships and tankers, which frequently anchor in the harbors of the state, shall
implement all the demands and commitments stipulated in this law and in its executive list.
Article (44)
The bodies licensed to explore, to dig out or to exploit the maritime oil fields and other natural
resources, and the bodies licensed to use the oil means of transportation, are not allowed to drain any
polluting material resulting from the digging operations, the exploration, the choice of wells, or the
production in the regional sea or in the free economic zone of the state.
In fact, they can only drain those polluting materials in case they use safe methods which don't
cause damages to the water environment and if they treat the wastes and polluting materials
according to the most modern available technical systems and with respect to the considerations
stipulated in the international and regional agreements, certified by the state.
Article (45)
The owner of the ship, its captain and the responsible ones for the oil transportation means
present inside the harbors, in the internal water, in the regional sea or in the free economic zone, in
addition to the companies which extract oil, have to inform, immediately, the competent administrative
authorities about every outflow of oil whenever it takes place. They shall also clarify the causes of the
accident, the nature of the leaked material and the procedures taken to stop the outflow or to reduce
it, in addition to the other information listed in the executive list.
The owner of the ship and its captain shall be responsible for every outflow of oil resulting from an
error or negligence or from not taking the necessary precautions to prevent that accident.
However, the competent administrative authority shall inform the council about all the information
related to the above-mentioned accident when it occurs.
Article (46)
The owner or the captain of the ship, registered in or outside the state, shall preserve a record for the
oil inside the ship. This record shall include all the information related to the oil and especially to the
following operations:
1- The execution of the operations of loading or delivering or other operations of transporting the
cargo of oil determining its nature.
2- The drainage of the oil or the oily mixture in order to guarantee the safety of the ship or the cargo
or to save people, determining the nature of the oil.
3- The outflow of oil or the oily mixture as a result of a collision or an accident, clarifying the amount
of the oil and the outflow.
4- The drainage of the polluted balance water or the washing of tanks.
5- The removal of polluting wastes.
6- The throw of the ship's water that contains oils that were gathered in the machines outside the ship
while it was in the harbor. The executive list shall determine the way of registering the drainage
operation of the oil or the oily mixture concerning the maritime platforms established in the water
Article (47)
The competent administrative authorities shall provide in the determined receiving harbors the
necessary establishments, installations and equipment to receive the wastes, the oily residues and
the oily mixture of the ships anchoring in those harbors.
Article (48)
The ships which carry out cargo determined by the executive list and which use the Qatari harbors
or sail through their special zones, shall be equipped with the materials that reduce the pollution
according to what is determined in the executive list.
Article (49)
With respect to the provisions of the international agreement, concerning the civil responsibility for
the damages resulting from the pollution by oil, signed in Brussels in 1969 and its amendments, the
carriers of oil, which total cargo is 2000 tones or more and which sail in the regional sea or in the free
economic zone of the state, shall submit to the competent administrative authority, in accordance to
the restrictions for which a decision was taken by the competent minister coordinating with the
council, a certificate for a financial insurance in a form of a policy or an indemnity bill or any other
insurance. The insurance certificate shall be submitted when the carrier enters the regional sea, in
condition that it shall be effective and covers the carrier's responsibility for all the damages resulting
from the possible pollution accidents that are evaluated by the competent administrative authority.
Concerning the ships registered in a state that is a member in the above-mentioned international
agreement, the insurance certificate shall be issued by the competent authority of the state where the
ship is registered.
Article (50)
The ships which transport the oil, regularly, from or to one of the Qatari harbors or from one of the
oil means of transportation in the regional sea or in the free economic zone of the state, shall acquire
the international certificate of the forbiddance of the pollution with oil according to what is determined
in the executive list.
Article (51)
The ships and carriers, which float in the regional sea or in the free economic zone of the state,
are forbidden from carrying out any of the following activities:
1- To throw or to drain any damaging or polluting substances, wastes, residues or dead animals,
whether deliberately or not, directly or indirectly, causing a damage to the water environment, to
the public health, or to the other legitimate usage of the sea.
2- To throw damaging substances transported in refills, in containers, in movable tanks or in trucks.
3- To founder dangerous wastes or materials.
The executive list determines the substances, solids and gas materials which damage the water
environment and expose it to danger.
Article (52)
The competent administrative authorities shall equip the loading and unloading harbors prepared
to receive the carriers mentioned in the first para of the previous article. They shall also provide the
convenient facilities, in the ships reparation docks, in order top receive the damaging substances and
their wastes.
Article (53)
The ships and maritime platforms are forbidden from draining away the polluted sewage inside the
internal water, the regional sea or the free economic zone of the state. They shall be removed
according to the standards and procedures determined in the executive list.
Article (54)
The ships and maritime platforms, which explore and exploit the natural and metal resources in the
maritime environment of the state and the ones that use the harbors, are forbidden from throwing the
garbage and wastes in the internal water, in the regional sea or in the free economic zone of the state.
They shall also deliver the garbage inside the containers made for receiving the wastes or in the
places determined by the competent administrative authorities.
Article (55)
With respect to the provisions of the protocol of the maritime environment protection from pollution
resulting from the land resources, these resources include the movable and immovable municipal,
industrial and agricultural ones on the land which drainage reaches the maritime environment, in
particular, the following resources:
1- The outlets and pipelines which flow into the sea.
2- The ditches or watercourses including groundwater watercourses.
3- The movable or immovable maritime establishments used for purposes other than exploring and
exploiting the seabed, its bottom and the continental shelf, including the maritime platforms,
diggers, artificial islands and others.
4- Any other resources on the land situated in the state land whether they were through water or air
or directly from inside the coast.
Article (56)
All the enterprises and establishments including the public stores and commercial, industrial,
tourist and service institutions are forbidden from draining or throwing any untreated materials,
garbage or substances which can create pollution on the shore or on the bordering water, whether
deliberately or not or directly or indirectly.
Article (57)
In order to get a license to establish any enterprise, establishment or store on the shore or close to
it causing the drainage of polluting substances and breaking the provisions of this law and its
executive decisions, the requester shall make studies about the environmental effect and be
committed to provide the materials necessary to treat the violations.
Article (58)
The executive list determines the characteristics and standards to which the industrial
establishments shall be committed. These establishments shall be licensed to drain, after treatment,
the polluting materials that can be decomposed.
In addition, the executive list determines the polluting materials that cannot be decomposed and
that the industrial establishments are forbidden from draining in the water environment.
Article (59)
The representative of the legal entity or the one in charge of managing the enterprise or the
establishment, mentioned in the article (56) of this law, and which drain in the water environment, is
responsible for the acts of the workers who may break the provisions of that article. He's also
responsible for providing the treatment materials according to the criteria and characteristics
determined in the executive list.
Article (60)
With respect to the provisions of the above mentioned Law No. (10) of 1987, it is forbidden to
establish any enterprises or establishments on the maritime shores if the distance was two hundred
meters, at least, between the shore's line and the land, except after getting the approval of the
competent administrative authority by coordinating with the council. In addition, the executive list shall
organize the procedures and conditions that shall be followed in this concern.
Article (61)
With respect to the provisions of the above mentioned Law No. (4) of 1983, it is forbidden to do
any work that may effect or change the natural line of the shores by going in the direction of the sea
water or of its reflux line, except after getting the approval of the competent administrative authority by
coordinating with the council. In addition, the executive list shall organize the procedures and
conditions that shall be followed in this concern.
Article (63)
When the captain of the violating ship or its responsible desires to leave the harbor quickly, the
commissioners of the judicial seizure, mentioned in the previous article, shall collect from him a cash
insurance that covers the value of the fines and indemnities that may be imposed. This cash
insurance shall not be less than the minimum decided for the violation and to it shall be added all the
expenses and indemnities determined by the competent administrative authorities in order to remove
the violation.
It is also allowed to present, instead of the cash insurance payment, a bank letter of guarantee or
any other guarantee accepted by the competent authority an permitted by the rules of the international
law issued in this concern, especially the provisions of the international agreement, signed in Brussels
in 1969, concerning the civil responsibility for the pollution damages caused by the oil.
Article (64)
With respect to the provisions of the previous article, the competent administrative authority shall
take the legal procedures to seize any ship whose captain, owner or responsible refuses to pay the
instant fines and indemnities decided in case of flagrant delicto or quickness mentioned in the
previous article.
The seizure shall be raised if the due amounts have been paid or if an unconditional financial
insurance has been submitted.
Article (65)
Every captain, owner or responsible for a ship which uses the Qatari harbors or is licensed to work
in the regional sea, in the bordering region or in the free economic zone of the state, shall provide the
necessary facilities to the representation of the competent administrative authority or to the
commissioners of the judicial seizure responsible for implementing this law, its lists and its executive
decisions in order to fulfill their mission.
Article (66)
With respect to every high degree penalty stipulated in the Penal Code or any other law, every one
who violates the provisions of the mentioned articles in this chapter, shall be subjected to the
penalties written next to each. In addition, the penalty shall be doubled in case of repatriation.
Article (67)
Every one who violates the provisions of articles (31), (35) and (36 Para 1) in this law shall be
sentenced to pay a fine that isn't less than one thousand rial and doesn't exceed twenty thousand rial.
Article (68)
Every one who violates the provisions of articles (13 para 2), (16 para 1), (18), (32 para 1), (33),
(37), (38), (46), (48), (60) and (61) in this law, shall be sentenced to pay a fine that isn't less than five
thousand rial and doesn't exceed fifty thousand riyals.
Article (69)
Every one who violates the provisions of articles (27 para 2), (29), (30), (41), (45 para 1), (53), (54)
and (56) in this law, shall be sentenced to remain in jail for maximum one year and to pay a fine that
isn't less than twenty thousand riyal and doesn't exceed one hundred thousand riyals, or he shall be
submitted to one of these penalties.
Article (70)
Every one who violates the provisions of articles (25 para 1), (26), (27 para 1), (45 para 2) and (51
clause 1,2) in this law, shall be sentenced to remain in jail for minimum one year and maximum three
years, and to pay a fine that isn't less than one hundred thousand riyals and doesn't exceed three
hundred thousand riyals, or he shall be submitted to one of these penalties.
Article (71)
Every one who violates the provisions of articles (24), (25 para 2), (43), (44), (51 clause 3) in this
law, shall be sentenced to remain in jail for minimum three years and maximum ten years and to pay
a fine that isn't less than two hundred thousand riyals and doesn't exceed five hundred thousand
riyals, or he shall be submitted to one of these penalties.
Article (72)
Every one who commits a crime similar to another one he has already been sentenced for with
one of the decided penalties concerning the violation of the provisions of this law, shall be considered
a recidivist before the expiration of the five years penalty or its abolition by the end of the period.
Article (73)
When pronouncing the crimination sentence, the court has the right, according to the
circumstances, to close the enterprise of the establishment, to banish the foreigner or to confiscate
the tools or equipment used in the violation. It also has the right to oblige the breaker to remove the
violation and bring things back to normal.
Article (74)
In case the one who has committed the crime himself or someone else has committed it in his
name, is a legal entity, consequently, its legal representative shall be sentenced for being an
accomplice to the original perpetrator, according to the penalties mentioned in this law.
The representative of the legal entity shall be pardoned if it was confirmed that the crime has taken
place without his knowledge, against his will, in order to cause damage to him, in case another person
has replaced him in executing his authority or in case he has made a reasonable effort to prevent the
crime but it was of one effect.
Article (75)
The owner of the ship, its captain, its equipper and its responsible and the owners of stores,
establishments and enterprises are considered jointly responsible for all the damages resulting from
breaking the provisions of this law. They are jointly responsible for paying the fines and indemnities,
which are signed pursuant to this law, and the expenses for removing the effects of that violation.