Tonga Kava Quality Standard

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J U N E 2 0 2 0
J U N E 2 0 2 0
01 Scope............................................................................................................................................ 3
02 Description................................................................................................................................ 3
03 Essential Composition & Quality Factors...................................................................... 4
04 Contaminants........................................................................................................................... 6
05 Hygiene & Food Safety..........................................................................................................7
06 Traceability & Labelling.........................................................................................................7
07 Methods of Analysis & Sampling...................................................................................... 8
08 Inspection.................................................................................................................................. 9
Annex 1 General Principles of Food Hygiene & HACCP Principles........................... 9

CONTENT Section I Objectives.....................................................................................................................10 1

Section II Scope, Use & Definition.........................................................................................10

Section III Primary Processing................................................................................................ 13
Section IV Processing & Export Facility: Design & Facilities......................................14
Section V Control of Operation..............................................................................................18
Section VI Facility: Maintenance & Sanitation................................................................. 22
Section VII Facility: Personal Hygiene................................................................................24
Section VIII Transportation.....................................................................................................26
Section IX Product Information & Consumer Awareness........................................... 27
Section X Training.......................................................................................................................28
Annex 2 Guidelines: Product Traceability.........................................................................29
Annex 3 Guidelines: Inspection & Analysis .....................................................................30
The Tonga National Quality Standard has been
INTRODUCTION developed to make sure that kava as a traditional
and commercial commodity, is prepared and
manufactured in accordance with a set of rules and
The Tonga archipelago is a chain of islands in the guidelines to achieve food safety. Through the use
South Pacific, nearest to Fiji and Samoa, which of this quality standard, the kava stakeholders in
has been inhabited by Tongans for about 3000 Tonga from the public and private sectors including
years, making it one of the oldest settled islands the farmers aim to improve the confidence of
in the South Pacific. Fundamental to the Tongan the markets in kava as a safe product for human
customary and traditional ceremonies, kava has consumption. The improvement in consumer
played an important role in the coronations of the confidence will contribute to increasing market
King, installment of nobles, weddings funerals, and share and expanding the consumer base for kava
social gatherings. and kava products.

The consumption of kava in the customary and The National Quality Standard provides a set
traditional ceremonies in Tonga enhances the of minimum requirements, specifications and
four main virtues of the Tongan culture – respect, guidelines that products and processes should
humility, commitment and relationships. These four adhere to in order to achieve product safety and
virtues still exist today and are expressed as mutual meet client expectations. This standard is aligned
respect, sharing, cooperating and fulfillment of with the Codex Regional Kava Quality Standard for
mutual obligations, humility and generosity, loyalty kava as a food. This quality standard also provides
and commitment and maintaining strong family the minimum requirements for the export of kava
relationships. raw materials for further processing into other
1.1. This standard applies to kava and kava Kava products are derived from selected parts of
products as defined in Section 2, and consumed as the kava plant, Piper methysticum Frost. The parts
a food or beverage or other products in Tonga and of the kava plant used to produce kava products
markets overseas. may include:

1.2. The quality standard should not remain static a) Peeled, fresh and dried rhizomes and basal
but should be subjected to continuous review and stems; and
improvement, which should take into account new b) Fresh and dried roots.
technical information, feedback, and customer
complaints and suggestions. Upper stems, leaves and peelings (bark) are
excluded and should not be used in the preparation
and manufacture of the kava beverage, as defined
in 2.1.


Kava is defined as the plant species Piper
methysticum Frost consisting of known noble
kava varieties and the traditional and ceremonial
beverage kava extracts made by mixing water and
the plant’s organs such as roots, peeled rhizome or
The noble kava varieties in Tonga are: 2.2.3 KAVA EXTRACTS
Kava extracts are made when soluble components
i. Kava Lekahina; of fresh and dried kava are extracted using water
ii. Kava ‘Akauhina; and served as a drink at ceremonial or social
iii. Kava Lekakula; settings. Also used in value-added products or
iv. Kava ‘Akaukula; for further processing, the kava extracts may be
v. Kava Fulufulu; presented in powdered form through spray-drying,
vi. Kava Valu; freeze-drying or ground-dried kava.
vii. Kava Kofe.


Kava products covered by this standard include the 03 ESSENTIAL
2.2.1 Fresh kava FACTORS
Fresh kava is kava plant that has just been
harvested, been thoroughly cleaned with water,
and is devoid of visible soil and dirt. 3.1 COLOUR
Kava products have a characteristic light brown.
2.2.2 Dried kava
Dried kava is the dried root and basal stems of 3.2 MATURITY
kava in the form of chips when it is sun-dried, hot Kava plants should be mature (generally a
air-dried or dried using other recognized methods. minimum of 3 years of age) before being harvested.
It includes any peeled main stump, peeled basal
stems or unpeeled lateral roots that are sliced or
ground into powder.
Kava products have the characteristics of a The ash content will not exceed 6.0% when organic
plant-based aroma. The aroma should be free matter is removed at 440oC. Samples exceeding
of extraneous aromas or blending indicating 6.0% but less than 6.5% will be considered second
contamination with other plant material, solvents or grade kava. Samples with ash content in excess
other volatile matter. of 6.5% will be washed and re-dried and will be
considered second grade kava.
Being a member of the pepper family, the kava
when consumed as a beverage should have a 3.7 KAVALACTONES
strong penetrating peppery-spicy taste that is also There are 18 different types of kavalactones
tingly and numbing. reported in noble kava. However only 6 major
types representing 96 per cent of the kavalactones
3.4 FILTH are routinely tested. The 6 major kavalactones are
Using standard methods, heavy filth will not exceed assigned an identification number:
0.63% of dry-weight basis. Heavy filth exceeding
0.63% but less than 0.7% is considered to be • 1 = Desmethoxyyangonin (DMY)
second grade. Heavy filth exceeding 0.7% will be • 2 = Dihydrokavain (DHK)
re-washed and re-dried. • 3 = Yangonin (Y)
• 4 = Kavain (K)
3.5 MOISTURE • 5 =Dihydromethysticin (DHM)
The moisture content will not exceed 12.5% when • 6 = Methysticin (M)
dried to constant weight at 105oC. Moisture
content exceeding 12.5% but less than 12.9% will be Noble varieties covered under this standard
considered second grade kava. Kava samples with contain a chemo-type in which the first three
moisture content in excess of 12.9% will be re-dried components are 2, 4 and 6 (in any order). Any
to inhibit any mould or other materials growing on variety not having this chemo-type is considered
them. undesirable and excluded from this standard.
Standards under the Annexure A of the Codex 3.8.1 Classification of defectives and acceptable
295R-2009 (Codex) apply. Noble varieties are A container of kava or kava products that fails
those in which the ratio of kavain: methysticin to meet one or more of the applicable quality
reaches a minimum of 250%. requirements shall be considered defective.
Where not already specified in Section 3.0,
The content of kavalactones in kava plants or applicable thresholds and or tolerances for the
kava beverage depend on the kava plant varieties, quality requirements may be specified in specific
part and age and the geographical location standards under the recognized legislation.
of the plants. For example, the content of the
kavalactones kavain, demethoxyyangonin (DMY)
and yangonin (Y) are higher in the roots than in the
stems and leaves. In contrast, dihydrokavain (DHK), 04 CONTAMINANTS
methysticin (M), and dihydromethysticin (DHM), are
reported to be higher in the roots than in the stems
and the leaves. Kava or kava products must comply with the
maximum levels of the Codex General Standard for
3.8 DEFECTS Contaminants and Toxins in Foods (CODEX/STAN
The following defects must apply to the dried kava; 193-1995).

a) Insect-damaged kava: kava that is visibly The kava product must also comply with the
damaged by a disease or insects or contains maximum residue limits for pesticides established
dead insects; by the Codex Alimentarius Commission.
b) Mouldy kava: kava that is visibly affected by
c) Off-aroma kava: kava that has a noticeable off
or foul aroma.
5.1 It is recommended that the product covered 6.1 TRACEABILITY
by the provisions of this standard be prepared Traceability of all kava and kava products shall
and handled in accordance with the appropriate be established at all stages of the production,
sections of the General Principles of Food Hygiene processing and distribution of kava and kava
(CAC/RCP 1-1969) Rev.4-2003 which HACCP products. Kava business operators shall have
procedures are captured and relevant Codex texts in place systems and procedures which allow
such as Codes of Hygienic Practice and Codes information to be available to the Competent
of Practice. The International Code of Practice Authority on demand. The requirements for kava 7
for food hygiene including HACCP principles is products under this standard are outlined in Annex
outlined in Annex 1. 2.

5.2 The kava and kava products must comply with 6.2 NAME OF THE PRODUCT
any microbiological criteria established under the The village or place of cultivation, the island of
Principles for the Establishment and Application origin, the product type - peeled basal stems/
of Microbiological Criteria for Foods (CAC/ stumps or chips (kakano), or peeled roots (uho) -
GL 21-1997), including any amendment to these must be appear on the labels and the bags.
The date the kava is processed and packaged must
be stated and clearly identified on the labels and
bags containing kava and kava products.
Scientific or common name of the kava that is used
as raw material must appear on the label of all kava 07 METHODS OF ANALYSIS
or kava products. & SAMPLING
Information about non-retail containers must be 7.1 DETERMINATION OF MOISTURE
on the container or in enclosed documents, but the The determination of moisture must be in
name of the kava product, lot identification and accordance with the Association of Official
the name and address of the manufacturer, packer Analytical Chemists (AOAC)
or distributor, as well as storage instructions, must
appear on the container. 7.2 DETERMINATION OF SOLID
The determination of solid must be in accordance
8 with the AOAC and calculated by subtracting the
Except otherwise specified by other national content of water from 100%
legislation, the kava products should have a clear
marking to indicate that they are not intended for 7.3 DETERMINATION OF ASH
medicinal purposes, and are prepared for human The determination of ash must comply with the
consumption as food beverage. AOAC 923.03.


The determination of kava lactones must comply
with the method described in Annex A of the
can damage trade and tourism, and lead to loss
08 INSPECTION of earnings, unemployment and litigation. Food
spoilage is wasteful, costly and can adversely affect
trade and consumer confidence.
8.1 Food safety inspectors shall conduct
inspections of producers, handlers, processors and Central to the integrity of this standard and
exporters of kava to ensure compliance with the food safety system is the understanding of
Act and these Regulations. The requirements for each stakeholder of their responsibilities in its
kava products inspection under this standard are implementation. To do this, key stakeholders from
outlined in Annex 3. both the public and private sectors including NGOs
all have an important role to play.

These General Principles lay a firm foundation

for ensuring food hygiene and should be used in
conjunction with each specific code of hygienic
PRINCIPLES OF FOOD practice, where appropriate, and the guidelines
HYGIENE & HACCP on microbiological criteria. The document follows

the food chain from primary production through
to final consumption, highlighting the key hygiene
controls at each stage. It recommends a HACCP-
Food is the basic need of all living beings. To lead a based approach wherever possible to enhance
healthy life, food safety is necessary. Consumers of food safety as described in Hazard Analysis
food have the right to expect the food they eat to and Critical Control Point (HACCP) System and
be safe and suitable for consumption. Foodborne Guidelines for its application.
illness and foodborne injury are at best unpleasant;
at worst, they can be fatal. But there are also other
consequences. Outbreaks of foodborne illness
• Identify the essential principles of kava hygiene
2.1.1 The kava processing chain
applicable throughout the kava processing
This document follows the kava processing chain
chain (including primary production through
from primary production to the final consumer,
to the final consumer), to achieve the goal
setting out the necessary hygiene conditions for
of ensuring that kava is safe and suitable for
producing good quality kava.
10 human consumption.
2.1.2 Roles of Government, industry, and
The National Competent Authority and relevant
agencies can consider the contents of this
document and decide how best it will encourage
the implementation of these general principles to:

• Adequately protect consumers from illness or

injury caused by poor quality kava;
• maintain confidence in internationally traded
kava products; and
• provide health education programs which Section III covers primary production and
effectively communicate the principles of kava associated procedures. Although hygiene practices
hygiene to the industry and consumers. may differ considerably for the various kava
products yet specific procedures will be applied
The industry will apply the hygienic practices set where appropriate. Sections IV to X set down the
out in this document to: general hygiene principles which apply throughout
the kava processing chain to the point of sale.
• provide kava that is safe and suitable for Section IX also covers consumer information,
consumption; recognizing the important role played by
• ensure that consumers have clear and easily- consumers in maintaining the safety and suitability
understood information, on labels and other of kava.
appropriate means, to enable them to protect
their kava from contamination; 2.3 DEFINITIONS
• prevent the growth/survival of pathogen For the purpose of this Standard, the following
associated with kava during storage, handling expressions have the meaning stated:
and preparation of kava; and
• maintain confidence in internationally traded Cleaning - the removal of soil, kava residue, dirt or
kava products. other objectionable matter.

Consumers will recognize their role by following Contaminant - any biological or chemical
relevant instructions and applying appropriate kava agent, foreign matter, or other substances not
hygiene measures. intentionally added to kava which may compromise
kava safety or suitability.
2.2 USE
Each section in this Annex states both the Contamination - the introduction or occurrence of
objectives to be achieved and the rationale a contaminant in kava.
behind those objectives in terms of the safety and
suitability of kava and kava products.
Disinfection - the reduction, by means of chemical Kava handler - any person who directly handles
agents and/or physical methods, of the number of packaged or unpackaged kava, kava equipment
micro-organisms in the environment, to a level that and utensils, or kava contact surfaces and is
does not compromise kava safety or suitability. therefore expected to comply with kava hygiene
Facility - any building or area in which kava is
handled and the surroundings under the control of Kava safety - assurance that kava will not cause
the same management. harm to the consumer when it is prepared and/or
consumed according to its intended use.
Kava – in this Annex the word kava refers to the
kava plant and kava products that are derived from Kava suitability - assurance that kava is acceptable
kava through harvesting and processing into food for human consumption according to its intended
beverages. use.

Kava hygiene - all conditions and measures Primary kava processing - those steps in the kava
necessary to ensure the safety and suitability of handling chain from the farm, including, harvesting,
kava at all stages of the processing chain. transport, cleaning, washing, drying, storage and
Hazard - a biological, chemical or physical agent in,
or condition of, kava with the potential to cause an Secondary kava processing – those steps in the
adverse health effect. kava handling chain when the kava arrives at the
processing and export facility, including initial
HACCP – stands for Hazard Analysis Critical Control checks, grading, weighing, varietal determination
Point. It is a system which identifies, evaluates, testing, packaging and shipping.
and controls hazards which are significant for kava
• protect kava from bruising during transport to
the village or point of processing;
begin cleaning the kava within 48 hours of
• peel all basal stems and stump and to wash
kava thoroughly before drying;
• restrict contamination from air, soil, water,
Potential sources of contamination from the
fertilizers, pesticides, or any other agent used
environment will be considered. Primary processing
in production or primary processing;
of kava should not be carried on in areas where the
• protect kava sources from faecal and other
presence of potentially harmful substances would
contamination; and
lead to an unacceptable level of such substances in
• ensure that kava is dried to the point that it
snaps when pressure is applied to it. 13
The potential effects of processing activities on
Procedures will be in place to:
the safety and suitability of kava will be considered
at all times. In particular, this includes identifying
• sort kava to segregate material which is
any specific points in such activities where a high
evidently unfit for human consumption;
probability of contamination may exist and taking
• dispose of any rejected material;
specific measures to minimize that probability.
• store dried kava in new and clean polythene
Farmers will as far as practicable implement
• store kava in well ventilated and dry storage
measures to:
• protect kava from contamination by pests,
• harvest kava with the greatest of care and not
or by chemical, physical or microbiological
to damage the lateral roots in the process;
contaminants or other objectionable
substances during handling, storage and
transport. Specific attention and care must
be taken not to cause contamination when SECTION IV PROCESSING &
transporting kava from the village to the EXPORT FACILITY: DESIGN
anchorage/airport and from anchorage/airport
to the exporter facility. & FACILITIES
Appropriate facilities and procedures will be in 4.1.1 Facilities
place to ensure that: Potential sources of contamination need to be
considered when deciding where to locate kava
• any necessary cleaning and maintenance is processing and export facilities, as well as the
carried out effectively; and effectiveness of any reasonable measures that
• an appropriate degree of personal hygiene is might be taken to protect kava. Facilities will not
maintained. be located anywhere where, after considering
such protective measures, it is clear that there
will remain a threat to kava safety or suitability. In
particular, facilities will normally be located away

• environmentally polluted areas and industrial

activities which pose a serious threat of
contaminating kava;
• areas prone to infestations of pests;
• areas where wastes, either solid or liquid,
cannot be removed effectively.
4.1.2 Equipment • the surfaces of walls, partitions and floors will
Equipment will be located so that it: be made of impervious materials with no toxic
effect in intended use;
• permits adequate maintenance and cleaning; • walls and partitions will have a smooth surface
• functions in accordance with its intended use; up to a height appropriate to the operation;
and • floors will be constructed to allow adequate
• facilitates good hygiene practices, including drainage and cleaning;
monitoring. • ceilings and overhead fixtures will be
constructed and finished to minimize the
4.2 PREMISES AND ROOMS buildup of dirt and condensation, and the
shedding of particles;
4.2.1 Design and layout • windows will be easy to clean, be constructed
Where appropriate, the internal design and layout to minimize the buildup of dirt and where 15
of kava facility will permit good kava hygiene necessary, be fitted with removable and
practices, including protection against cross- cleanable vermin-proof screens. Where
contamination between and during operations by necessary, windows will be fixed;
kava handlers. • doors will have smooth, non-absorbent
surfaces, and be easy to clean and, where
4.2.2 Internal structures and fittings necessary, disinfect;
Structures within kava facilities will be soundly built • working surfaces that come into direct contact
of durable materials and be easy to maintain, clean with kava will be in sound condition, durable
and where appropriate, able to be disinfected. In and easy to clean, maintain and disinfect.
particular the following specific conditions will be They will be made of smooth, non-absorbent
satisfied where necessary to protect the safety and materials, and inert to the kava, to detergents
suitability of kava: and disinfectants under normal operating
4.3 EQUIPMENT 4.3.3 Containers for waste and inedible
4.3.1 General Containers for waste, by-products and peelings,
Equipment and containers will be made of will be specifically identifiable and suitably
materials with no toxic effect in intended use. constructed at the processing facility. Containers
Where necessary, equipment will be durable and used to hold dangerous substances will be
movable or capable of being disassembled to allow identified and, where appropriate, be lockable to
for maintenance, cleaning, disinfection, monitoring prevent malicious or accidental contamination of
and, for example, to facilitate inspection for pests. kava.

4.3.2 Kava control and monitoring equipment 4.4 FACILITIES

These requirements are intended to ensure that:
4.4.1 Water supply
• harmful or undesirable micro-organisms An adequate supply of potable water with
or their toxins are eliminated or reduced to appropriate facilities for its storage and distribution
safe levels or their survival and growth are will be available to clean the kava and to ensure the
effectively controlled; safety and suitability of kava.
• colorimetric tests shall be conducted on all Processing facilities in the rural areas that are
inward batch or consignment of kava; not connected to the municipal water supply
• confirmatory HPTLC tests shall be requested will need to use potable water to eliminate any
by the buyer/exporter or regulatory authority; contamination.
• temperatures and other conditions necessary
to kava safety and suitability can be rapidly
achieved and maintained in the facility.
4.4.2 Drainage and waste disposal 4.4.5 Temperature control
Adequate drainage and waste disposal systems Depending on the nature of the kava operations
and facilities will be provided. They will be undertaken, adequate facilities will be available
designed and constructed so that the risk of for drying, storage, refrigerating and freezing
contaminating kava or the potable water supply is kava, monitoring kava temperatures, and when
avoided. necessary, controlling ambient temperatures to
ensure the safety and suitability of kava.
4.4.3 Cleaning
Adequate facilities, suitably designed, will be 4.4.6 Air quality and ventilation
provided for cleaning kava. Such facilities will Adequate means of natural or mechanical
have an adequate supply of potable water where ventilation will be provided, in particular to:
• minimize air-borne contamination of kava,
4.4.4 Personnel hygiene facilities and toilets for example, from aerosols and condensation
Personnel hygiene facilities will be available to droplets;
ensure that an appropriate degree of personal • control ambient temperatures;
hygiene can be maintained and to avoid • control odors which might affect the suitability
contaminating kava. Where appropriate, facilities of kava; and
will include: • control humidity, where necessary, to ensure
the safety and suitability of kava.
• adequate means of hygienically washing and
drying hands, including wash basins and a 4.4.7 Lighting
supply of potable water; Adequate natural or artificial lighting will be
• lavatories of appropriate hygienic design; and provided to enable the undertaking to operate in
• adequate changing facilities for personnel. a hygienic manner. Where necessary, lighting will
not be such that the resulting color is misleading.
Such facilities will be suitably located and The intensity will be adequate to the nature of the
designated. operation.
4.4.8 Storage
Adequate facilities for the storage of kava and non-
kava chemicals (e.g. cleaning materials, lubricants, SECTION V CONTROL OF
fuels) will be provided separately. OPERATION
Where appropriate, kava storage facilities will be
designed and constructed to: 5.1 CONTROL OF HAZARDS THROUGH HACCP
Kava Exporters will need to control kava hazards
• permit adequate maintenance and cleaning; through the use of the principles and guidelines
• avoid pest access and harborage; outlined in systems such as HACCP. The HACCP
• enable kava to be effectively protected from requirements, which have been captured in Annex
contamination during storage; and 1 will be developed to support the principles being
• where necessary, provide an environment promoted in this standard. Where applicable, the
18 control procedures can include subjecting kava to
which minimizes the deterioration of kava (e.g.
by temperature and humidity control). colorimetric and HPTLC testing.

The HACCP principles and steps include the


• identify any steps in their operations which

are critical to the elimination of hazards for
the safety and integrity of kava prepared for
• implement effective control procedures at
those steps;
• monitor control procedures to ensure their
continuing effectiveness; and
• review control procedures periodically, and 5.2.2 Microbiological and other specifications
whenever the operations change. Management systems described in paragraph
5.1 offer an effective way of ensuring the safety
These systems will be applied throughout the kava and suitability of the kava product. Where
export chain to control unwanted kava products. microbiological, chemical or physical specifications
Control procedures may be simple, such as are used in any kava product control system, such
mandatory testing of incoming kava stocks to the specifications will be based on sound scientific
kava processing and export facilities, calibrating principles and state, where appropriate, monitoring
equipment to ensure a test is carried out each time procedures, analytical methods and action limits.
and is done correctly.
5.2.3 Microbiological cross-contamination
5.2 KEY ASPECTS OF HYGIENE CONTROL Pathogens can be transferred from one kava
SYSTEMS product to another, either by direct contact or by
kava handlers, contact surfaces or the air. Raw,
5.2.1 Time and temperature control unprocessed kava will be effectively separated,
Systems will be in place to ensure that temperature either physically or by time, from ready-to-export
is controlled effectively where it is critical to the kava products, with effective intermediate cleaning.
safety and suitability of kava.
Access to processing areas may need to be
Temperature control systems will take into account: restricted or controlled. Where risks are particularly
high, access to processing areas will be only via a
• the nature of the kava, e.g. types of micro- well-managed entrance. Personnel may need to
organisms; be required to put on clean protective clothing
• the method of packaging and processing; and including washing of hands before entering.
• the kava product and its storage requirements.

Such systems will also specify tolerable limits for

time and temperature variations.
5.2.4 Physical and chemical contamination 5.4 PACKAGING
Systems will be in place to prevent contamination Packaging design and materials will provide
of kava by foreign bodies such as glass or metal adequate protection for products to minimize
shards from machinery, dust, harmful fumes contamination, prevent damage, and accommodate
and unwanted chemicals. It is a serious issue to proper labelling. Packaging materials must be new,
consider with pounding or preparing kava powder non-toxic and not pose a threat to the safety and
for export. suitability of kava under the specified conditions of
storage and use.
No fresh kava material will be accepted by a facility 5.5 WATER
if it is known to contain narafala kava, undesirable
micro-organisms, pesticides, and toxic substances, 5.5.1 In contact with kava
decomposed or extraneous substances which Only potable water will be used in kava handling
would not be reduced to an acceptable level and processing at the export facility.
by normal sorting and/or processing. Where
appropriate, specifications for fresh kava products Water recirculated for reuse will be treated and
will be identified and applied. maintained in such a condition that no risk to
the safety and suitability of kava results from its
Fresh kava materials or ingredients will always be use. The treatment process will be effectively
inspected and sorted before processing. Where monitored.
necessary, laboratory tests will be conducted
to establish the integrity of the kava product 5.5.2 As an ingredient
for further processing and for use. Only suitable Potable water will be used wherever necessary to
raw materials from noble kava varieties will be avoid kava contamination.
processed for export.
The type of control and supervision needed will Managers will ensure effective procedures are in
depend on the size of the business, the nature of its place to deal with any kava safety hazard and to
activities and the types of kava products involved. enable the complete, rapid recall of any implicated
Managers and supervisors should have sufficient lot of the prepared kava product from the market.
knowledge of kava hygiene principles and practices Where a product has been withdrawn because of
to be able to judge potential risks, take appropriate an immediate health hazard, other products which
preventive and corrective action, and ensure that are produced under similar conditions, and which
effective monitoring and supervision takes place. may present a similar hazard to public health, it
should also be withdrawn.
Where necessary, appropriate records of Recalled products will be held under supervision
processing, production and distribution will be until they are destroyed, used for purposes other
kept and retained for a period that exceeds the than human consumption, determined to be safe
shelf-life of the kava product in the export facility. for human consumption, or reprocessed in a
Documentation can enhance the credibility and manner to ensure their safety.
effectiveness of the kava quality control system.
Cleaning chemicals will be handled and used
SECTION VI FACILITY: carefully and in accordance with manufacturers’
instructions and stored, where necessary,
MAINTENANCE & separated from kava, in clearly identified containers
SANITATION to avoid the risk of contaminating kava.

6.1.2 Cleaning procedures and methods

6.1 MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING Cleaning can be carried out by the separate or the
combined use of physical methods, such as heat,
6.1.1 General scrubbing, vacuum cleaning or other methods that
Facilities and equipment will be kept in an avoid the use of water, and chemical methods using
appropriate state of repair and condition to: detergents, alkalis or acids.
• facilitate all sanitation procedures; Cleaning procedures will involve, where
• function as intended, particularly at critical appropriate:
steps (see paragraph 5.1);
• prevent contamination of kava products, e.g. • removing gross debris from surfaces;
from metal shards, flaking plaster, debris and • rinsing with water which complies with section
chemicals. 4, to remove loosened soil and residues of
Cleaning will remove kava residues and dirt which • dry cleaning or other appropriate methods for
may be a source of contamination. The necessary removing and collecting residues and debris.
cleaning methods and materials will depend on the
nature of the kava business. 6.2 CLEANING PROGRAMMES
Cleaning and disinfection programs will ensure that
all parts of the facility are appropriately clean, and
will include the cleaning of cleaning equipment.
Cleaning and disinfection programs will be 6.3.2 Preventing access
continually and effectively monitored for their Buildings and facilities will be kept in good repair
suitability and effectiveness and where necessary, and condition to prevent pest access and to
documented. eliminate potential breeding sites. Holes, drains
and other places where pests are likely to gain
Where written cleaning programs are used, it access will be kept sealed. Wire mesh screens, for
should specify: example on open windows, doors and ventilators,
will reduce the problem of pest entry. Animals will
• areas, items of equipment to be cleaned; be excluded from the grounds of kava processing
• responsibility for particular tasks; facilities.
• method and frequency of cleaning; and
• monitoring arrangements. 6.3.3 Monitoring and detection
• Records of cleaning and date Facilities and surrounding areas will be regularly
examined for evidence of infestation.
6.3.4 Eradication
6.3.1 General Pest infestations will be dealt with immediately
Pests pose a major threat to the safety and and without adversely affecting the kava products
suitability of kava products prepared for export. safety or suitability. Treatment with chemical,
Pest infestations can occur where there are physical or biological agents will be carried out
breeding sites. Good hygiene practices will be without posing a threat to the safety or suitability
employed to avoid creating an environment of the kava products.
conducive to pests. Good sanitation, inspection
of incoming materials and good monitoring can 6.4 WASTE MANAGEMENT
minimize the likelihood of infestation and thereby Suitable provision must be made for the removal
limit the need for pesticides control. and storage of waste. Waste must not be allowed
to accumulate in kava handling, kava storage, and
other working areas and the adjoining environment
except so far as is unavoidable for the proper
functioning of the business. SECTION VII FACILITY:
Waste stores must be kept appropriately clean.


Sanitation systems will be monitored for People known, or suspected, to be suffering from,
effectiveness, periodically verified by means or to be a carrier of a disease or illness likely to
such as audit pre-operational inspections or, be transmitted through kava, will not be allowed
where appropriate, microbiological sampling to enter any kava handling area if there is a
of environment and kava contact surfaces and likelihood of their contaminating kava. Any person
regularly reviewed and adapted to reflect changed so affected will immediately report illness or
24 symptoms of illness to the management.
Medical examination of a kava handler will be
carried out if clinically or epidemiologically

Kava handlers shall undergo annual health

examination to declare them fit and healthy to
handle kava.


Conditions including communicable diseases which
will be reported to management so that any need
for medical examination and/or possible exclusion
from kava handling can be considered, include:
• jaundice; 7.4 PERSONAL BEHAVIOUR
• diarrhoea; People engaged in kava handling activities
• vomiting; will refrain from behavior which could result in
• fever; contamination of kava, for example:
• sore throat with fever;
• visibly infected skin lesions (boils, cuts, etc.); • smoking;
• discharges from the ear, eye or nose. • spitting;
• chewing or eating;
Kava handlers will maintain a high degree of
personal cleanliness and, where appropriate, wear 7.5 VISITORS
suitable protective clothing, head covering, and Visitors to kava manufacturing, processing or
footwear. Cuts and wounds, where personnel are handling areas will, where appropriate, wear
permitted to continue working, will be covered by protective clothing and adhere to the other
suitable waterproof dressings. personal hygiene provisions in this section.

Personnel will always wash their hands when

personal cleanliness may affect kava safety, for

• at the start of kava handling activities;

• immediately after using the toilet; and
• after handling raw kava or any contaminated
material, where this could result in
contamination of other kava items; they will
avoid handling ready-to-export kava, where
• can effectively maintain the temperature,
SECTION VIII humidity, atmosphere and other conditions
necessary to protect kava from harmful or
TRANSPORTATION undesirable microbial growth and deterioration
likely to render it unsuitable for consumption.
Kava must be respected as a kava product, Conveyances and containers for transporting kava
adequately handled and protected during will be kept in an appropriate state of cleanliness,
transport. The type of conveyances or containers repair and condition. Where the same conveyance
required depends on the nature of the kava and the or container is used for transporting different kava,
conditions under which it is transported. or non-kava items, effective cleaning and, where
necessary, disinfection will take place between
26 8.2 REQUIREMENTS loads.
Where necessary, conveyances and bulk containers
will be designed and constructed so that they:

• do not contaminate the kava or packaging;

• can be effectively cleaned and, where
necessary, disinfected;
• permit effective separation of different kava
from non-kava items where necessary during
• provide effective protection from
contamination, including dust and fumes; and
SECTION IX PRODUCT Health education programs will cover general kava
hygiene. Such programs will enable consumers to
INFORMATION & understand the importance of any kava product
CONSUMER AWARENESS information and to follow any instructions
accompanying products, and make informed
Lot identification is essential in product recall. Each
container of kava will be permanently marked to
identify the producer and the lot.


All kava will be accompanied by or bear adequate
information to enable the next person in the kava
processing chain to handle, display, store and
prepare and use the product safely and correctly.

Packaged kava will be labelled with clear
instructions to enable the next person in the kava
processing chain to handle, display, store and use
the product safely.
• the expected length of time before


10.1 AWARENESS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Periodic assessments of the effectiveness of
Kava hygiene training is fundamentally training and instruction programs will be made, as
important. All personnel will be aware of their well as routine supervision and checks to ensure
role and responsibility in protecting kava from that procedures are being carried out effectively.
contamination or deterioration. Kava handlers will Managers and supervisors of kava processes will
have the necessary knowledge and skills to enable have the necessary knowledge of kava hygiene
them to handle kava hygienically. principles and practices to be able to judge
potential risks and take the necessary action to
10.2 TRAINING PROGRAMMES address deficiencies.
Factors to take into account in assessing the level
of training required include: 10.4 REFRESHER TRAINING
Training programs will be routinely reviewed and
• the nature and type of the kava products the updated where necessary. Systems will be in place
business is dealing with for export, in particular to ensure that kava handlers remain aware of all
its ability to sustain growth of pathogenic or procedures necessary to maintain the safety and
spoilage micro-organisms; suitability of kava.
• the manner in which the kava is handled
and packed, including the probability of
• the extent and nature of processing or further
preparation before export;
• the conditions under which the kava product
will be stored; and
are responsible for making certain that the
ANNEX 2 GUIDELINES: traceability process is functioning on a day-to-
day basis. The farm owner is responsible for
PRODUCT TRACEABILITY responding to any problems that the farm food
safety manager is unable to resolve;
1. Purpose: 4. Materials
i. Consistent with the Food Act, appropriate i. System for labelling lots or batches (lot
operators must establish and implement a numbers, varieties, labelling stickers, etc.);
system to enable businesses to identify a ii. System for organising lot number (database,
person who supplied or to whom the business logs, etc.);
supplied any food or substance intended to be iii. A map of the farm and fields to identify
eaten or expected to be incorporated into any locations and varieties;
other food; 29
iv. Names and crew number designations (if
ii. Traceability of the kava shall be established applicable) of workers harvesting and packing
at all stages of production, processing and produce;
5. Procedure:
2. Scope: This procedure should result in the labelling of
The scope applies to all lots of kava sold by every lot or batch that is sold by the farm or
the farm or farmer. This also applies to kava received by the manufacturer or exporter:
manufacturers and or exporters receiving kava raw
materials for processing; i. Assign each commodity with a unique lot of
batch numbers;
3. Responsibility: ii. Create a unique coding system that identifies
i. Kava trading businesses, including exporters, the kava type, origin of lot or batch (Island,
processors, farmers and food safety managers, village, farmer etc.), and harvest date;
iii. If the product is already ground into powder,
the following information must be provided to
facilitate the process of traceability: ANNEX 3 GUIDELINES:
i. HACCP facility location, registration
number and contact details;
ii. Plant parts (peeled basal stems/ stumps 1. Purpose:
(kakano), or peeled roots (uho) must i. Consistent with the Food Act, inspections will
appear on the labels and the bags; be an essential component of the system to
ensure the products are received, handled,
processed, packaged and stored to comply
with food hygiene requirements.
ii. An inspection may be carried out at the farm
30 site, packhouse, processing facility or other
establishments deemed appropriate by the
Regulatory Authority. An inspection is a formal
process that has legal implications if non-
compliance with the standard is found.
iii. A regulatory inspection is often “notified”,
however, there are exceptions if the responsible
ministry or Competent Authority (CA) has
concerns relating to safety or grounds to
suspect that improper practices are occurring
at a site.
2. Scope: documented;
The scope applies to all producers, processors, iii. A documented process for grading, inspection
manufacturers and exporters of kava and kava and management of waste products to avoid
products. any opportunities of mixing and contaminating
the good samples;
3. Responsibility: iv. A record of staff training;
i. Businesses, including the farmer, business For the accredited facilities or packhouses etc.:
owner, food safety manager and facility v. A map layout of the premises to identify the
manager, are responsible for making certain areas for receival of the product, washing and
that their processes relating to training, food grading will be required. The management
safety and traceability are in order and well of waste will also need to be part of this
documented and can be provided to the Food documentation;
Safety officer upon request for verification; vi. A record of any breaches and corrective
ii. Staff involved in the handling and processing of actions must be documented;
the kava may be asked to explain their activities
to confirm their understanding of their roles 5. Procedure:
and purposes; The inspection procedures should result in
strengthening the processes on-farm and in
4. Required materials accredited facilities or packhouses to meet their
For the farm operations: requirements as stipulated in the Act:

i. A map of the farm and fields to identify i. Up to 2 inspections may be carried out per
locations and varieties; year. Additional follow-up inspections may
ii. A documented process for harvesting, be necessary depending on the level of non-
cleaning, drying and packing will be required. compliance;
If some level of cleaning is carried out onsite,
a source of clean water will also need to be
a. Inspection will be announced and c. For any non-compliance and depending
organised ahead with the operator. on the nature of the breach, the operator
The remaining inspection may be must be granted the opportunity to make
unannounced, however, it must be carried corrective actions and agree to a follow-up
out during normal business hours at the visit, if necessary;
b. The cost of the inspection will be met iii. A copy of the inspection report must be
by the owner of the farm, facility or provided to the operator for their record.

ii. The approved officer (Food Safety Officer)

must perform his or her duties in accordance
with the Act;

a. All inspection should start with an entry

meeting to explain the purpose and
scope of the inspection. This will allow the
manager or owner to provide an overview
of their operations, staff training, breaches
and corrective actions, and present
b. The inspection should end with a closing
meeting at which the summary of the
findings will be discussed with the



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