Environmental Legislation
Environmental Legislation
Environmental Legislation
Article 48A: "The State shall endeavour to protect and improve the
environment and to sateguard the torests and wildlife of the
Anicle 511(g: "It shall be a duty of every citizen of India... to
protect and improve the natural environment including torests,
lakes and wildlife, and to have compassion tor l1ving creatures."
document on environmentprotection in
very comprehensive
India. The other legislation on environment have also intercon-
nection with the 1986 Act.
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Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972
In 1972, the Indian Parliament passed a comprehensive national
law-The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972-with the sole aim of
protecting wildlife. It not only prohibits hunting but also created
protected areas and controls trade in wildlife products. To achieve
these objectives, it has created a separate and independent
authority to protect and improve wildlife. The Act has been
accepted and adopted by all the states except Jammu & Kashmir.
The first and foremost purpose of this Act is to protect the
habitats of wild animals. As a sequel to it, various national parks
and game sanctuaries have been established to ensure greater
protection to wildlite. Some special provisions also aim to preserve
endangered species like Project Tiger, Gir Lion Sanctuary,
Himalayan Musk Deer Project, etc. The Act consists of 60 sections
and six schedules, divided into seven
Wildlife, according to the 1972 Act, includes any animals,
bees, butterflies, crustacean, fish and moths, and aquatic or land
Social Issues and the Environment 169
as follows:
1. if he is satisfied that any wild animal specified in Schedule I
has become () dangerous to human life; or (i) is disabled;
or is
IV, has become dangerous to human Iite or property, to