Salient Features of Environment
Salient Features of Environment
Salient Features of Environment
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Sushma mam
2. Kyoto protocol
The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement between countries, worldwide, to
limit emissions of greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are a major cause of global
And global warming affects everything. Colder climates in some parts. Hotter,
drier climates in others. Rising sea levels, water shortages, loss of bio diversity,
and so on. The Kyoto Protocol is an effort to curb these, and other, effects.
Of course I cannot tell you more than this in a Kyoto Protocol Summary only.
Following are greenhouse gases does the Kyoto Prootcol aim to limit
At 18th April, 2006, 168 countries have signed the Kyoto Treaty At 3rd December,
2007, 175 countries have signed the Kyoto Treaty.
The Kyoto Protocol was first open for signature to countries willing to participate,
on 11th December, 1997, in Kyoto, Japan.
Of course negotiations began long before that date but this is all that needs to be
said in the Kyoto Protocol Summary I think.
Further, it provides that developed countries pay for costs of developing countries.
Developing countries have no requirements under the Protocol. They may sell
emission credits and receive funds and technology from Annex II countries for
climate-related studies and projects. Many Annex I and Annex II countries overlap.
Some targets for some countries are higher than for others, depending on their
emission status. For instance, the emission cut target for the European Union is set
at 8% and 7% for the USA. Australia and Iceland are permitted to increase their
emission by respectively 8% and 10%. Russia has a 0% target, due to its declined
industrial output since the collapse of the USSR.
Not having the USA ratify the Kyoto Protocol is a big problem as the USA also
roughly contributes a quarter of the world’s greenhouse gases.
A number of countries have not so far met the Kyoto Protocol emission targets.
Even if it did, current projections call for the need of much bigger cuts in
emissions than the Kyoto Protocol requires.
The United Nations now predict a rise of 10% in greenhouse emissions since 1990.
The Kyoto Protocol is a unique international initiative that recognises the dire
environmental straits that we are in. Its processes seem painfully slow and its
results small against daily reports of serious global warming effects.
However its symbolic value may be its greatest asset. Any effort is better than none
and if governments are slow, people everywhere are doing what they can do.
Recycling, green power, wearing a jumper rather than turning up the heater, and so
on. Some local governments are not waiting for their national governments to
come to the party and introduce their own individual carbon trading schemes or
offer incentives for solar heating.