Standard Operating Procedure For De-Contamination Facility For Barrels/ Containers Used For Handling of Wastes/ Chemicals
Standard Operating Procedure For De-Contamination Facility For Barrels/ Containers Used For Handling of Wastes/ Chemicals
Standard Operating Procedure For De-Contamination Facility For Barrels/ Containers Used For Handling of Wastes/ Chemicals
Gujarat is a highly industrialized State and houses almost all types of industries
including chemical, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, dyes & dyes intermediates,
petrochemicals etc. in large numbers which have very high potential to generate
barrels / containers / liners contaminated with hazardous chemicals / waste. These
industries are procuring their raw materials including hazardous chemicals from
various countries in different packing materials including barrels / containers /
liners. Once raw materials are decanted; these empty barrels / containers / liners
becomes waste. In State of Gujarat, there are approximately 27,000 operational
industries; among which approximately 13,000 Industries generate approximately
1,20,00,000 nos. of such empty drums/ barrels/ container/ liner every year against
which presently there are only five dedicated Drum Decontamination facilities
In absence of any laid down procedure for the management of such contaminated
barrels / containers / liners coupled with less number of proper dedicated
decontamination facilities available across the State; majority of such waste items
ultimately finds its way to the informal unorganized sector which has mushroomed
all along the chemical estates. Management of these barrels / containers / liners
which is normally not environmentally sound at such informal unorganized sectors
not only thereby poses threat to the environment but also put the life of workers
and surroundings in danger. Washings generated from these activities have also
been observed discharged at many locations in nearby docile environment and
pollutes the natural water bodies. There are several incidents where inadequate
handling / cleaning activities has resulted into fire / explosion etc. and thereby
caused damage to life & property. Additionally, decontamination of barrels /
containers / liners carried out at such unorganized sectors may not guarantee
complete decontamination as it is not being supervised / controlled by any
competent agency and if further used for some other purposes like storage of food,
water etc may ultimately pose danger to the end users.
1. Generators:
Labels shall be placed at the middle on outside of the container as top of the container will
SOP for the De-Contamination Facility Page 3
expose the label to the weathering effect the most.
iii. Each barrels / containers / liners contaminated with hazardous chemicals / waste
generated shall be recorded in the field notebook used by the person responsible
for labeling the waste.
iv. In case of multiple containers accumulated together, labels on the top of the
containers shall be allowed.
2.3.1 Transportation:
i. The transportation of the aforesaid drums shall be carried out in vehicles
after obtaining authorization from the Board under the Hazardous and other
i. The decontamination shall be carried out through steam/ cold water/ hot
water/ Jet spray/ detergents/ caustic solutions/ solvent only.
ii. There should be two stage cleaning i.e. caustic/ surfactants (detergent)
cleaning followed by fresh water cleaning with fixed nozzles arrangement.
iii. For washing of the drums/containers in both stages, the number of nozzles
with multiple jet system shall not exceed 03 in 1 HP pump. Hence, adequate
number of nozzles and pump capacity shall accordingly be installed for the
permitted quantity of drums to be washed/day.
iv. In case of usage of solvent required for cleaning, water soluble organic
solvent like acetone may be used and waste water generated may be imparted
adequate treatment.
v. No any chemicals shall be used during handling, cleaning and
decontamination which become spontaneously reactive/ flammable or give
off flammable/ toxic gases in contact with the contaminated drums.
For decontamination of barrels/ containers/ liners contaminated with hazardous chemicals/
waste/ oil residues; proper absorbents or adsorbents like bentonite etc. may be used and it shall
then dispose to CHWIF.
The above labeling is not applicable in case the cleaned drums are shredded and re-cycled.
V. General Criteria: