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SANS 1083:2006: Aggregates From Natural Sources - Aggregates For Concrete

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ISBN 0-626-18458-4
SANS 1083:2006
Edition 2.2

Any reference to SABS 1083 is deemed

to be a reference to this standard
(Government Notice No. 1373 of 8 November 2002)


Aggregates from natural sources —

Aggregates for concrete

Published by Standards South Africa

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tel: 012 428 7911 fax: 012 344 1568 international code + 27 12
© Standards South Africa
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server/intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only One printout of the standard may be made.

SANS 1083:2006
Edition 2.2

Table of changes
Change No. Date Scope
Amdt 1 2002 Has been amended to correct a reference in the note to clause 4
and to update referenced standards
Amdt 2 2006 Amended to change the designation of SABS standards to SANS
standards, to update the layout of definitions and to update the
referenced standards.

This South African standard was approved by National Committee StanSA SC 5120.61A,
Construction standards – Cement, lime and concrete, in accordance with procedures of Standards
South Africa, in compliance with annex 3 of the WTO/TBT agreement.

This edition cancels and replaces edition 2.1 (SABS 1083:2002).

A vertical line in the margin shows where the text has been technically modified by amendment
No. 2.

This standard contains requirements for aggregates derived from sources that yield material of
suitable characteristics and which, after normal processing (if necessary), can be safely used for
most concrete work. However, it does not cover requirements for all the properties of an aggregate.
Some of these properties could be important and, if not established to be satisfactory, could result
in the production of concrete of inferior quality, especially with regard to long-term performance.

Authoritative technical literature should be consulted for guidance on the further investigation of an
aggregate to verify its suitability for use in concrete for any particular application. Such further
investigation could indicate that an aggregate that does not comply with the requirements of this
standard might nevertheless be suitable for use in any type of concrete or in concrete for specific
uses only. It must be emphasized, however, that an aggregate that has been found satisfactory
either through past performance or by other means, but that does not comply with the requirements
of this standard, cannot be claimed to comply with it.

Aggregates that do not comply with the requirements of this standard should only be used after all
the consequences have been considered, and provided that the user possesses the necessary
expertise in the use of such materials.
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SANS 1083:2006
Edition 2.2



1 Scope .................................................................................................................................. 3

2 Normative references .......................................................................................................... 3

3 Definitions ........................................................................................................................... 4

4 Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 4

5 Documentation .................................................................................................................... 10

6 Inspection and methods of test ............................................................................................ 10

6.1 Inspection .................................................................................................................. 10

6.2 Test for grading ......................................................................................................... 10
6.3 Test for dust content .................................................................................................. 10
6.4 Test for methylene blue adsorption ............................................................................ 10
6.5 Test for clay content .................................................................................................. 10
6.6 Test for fineness modulus .......................................................................................... 10
6.7 Test for chloride content ............................................................................................ 10
6.8 Test for organic impurities ......................................................................................... 10
6.9 Test for presence of sugar ......................................................................................... 10
6.10 Test for soluble deleterious impurities ........................................................................ 11
6.11 Test for aggregate crushing value ............................................................................. 11
6.12 Test for 10 % FACT value .......................................................................................... 11
6.13 Test for flakiness index .............................................................................................. 11

Annex A (normative) Notes to purchasers ........................................................................... 12

Annex B (informative) Quality verification of aggregates for concrete..................................... 12

Annex C (informative) Notes on tests and guidance on the use of aggregate

for concrete ......................................................................................... 13

Annex D (informative) Bibliography ........................................................................................ 14

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SANS 1083:2006
Edition 2.2

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SANS 1083:2006
Edition 2.2

Aggregates from natural sources — Aggregates for concrete

1 Scope
This standard specifies requirements for fine and coarse aggregates from natural sources for use in

2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute
provisions of this standard. All standards are subject to revision and, since any reference to a
standard is deemed to be a reference to the latest edition of that standard, parties to agreements
based on this standard are encouraged to take steps to ensure the use of the most recent editions
of the standards indicated below. Information on currently valid national and international standards
can be obtained from Standards South Africa.

SANS 201 (SABS SM 829), Sieve analysis, fines content and dust content of aggregates.

SANS 202 (SABS SM 830), Chloride content of aggregates.

SANS 3310-1 (SABS ISO 3310-1), Test sieves – Technical requirements and testing – Part 1: Test
sieves of metal wire cloth. Amdt 1

SANS 3310-2 (SABS ISO 3310-2), Test sieves – Technical requirements and testing – Part 2: Test
sieves of perforated metal plate. Amdt 1

SANS 5832 (SABS SM 832), Organic impurities in fine aggregates (limit test).

SANS 5833, Detection of sugar in fine aggregates.

SANS 5834, Soluble deleterious impurities in fine aggregates (limit test).

SANS 5841 (SABS SM 841), Aggregate crushing value of coarse aggregates.

SANS 5842, FACT value (10 % fines aggregate crushing value) of coarse aggregates.

SANS 5847 (SABS SM 847), Flakiness index of coarse aggregates.

SANS 6243 (SABS SM 1243), Deleterious clay content of the fines in aggregate (methylene blue
adsorption indicator test).

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server/intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only One printout of the standard may be made.

SANS 1083:2006
Edition 2.2

SANS 6244, Particles of diameter not exceeding 20 µm and not exceeding 5 µm and smaller,
respectively, in fine aggregate (pipette method).

3 Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following definitions apply:

material formed by the natural integration of rock, or produced by the mechanical crushing or milling
of rock

coarse aggregate
aggregate of particle size such (to the extent specified in the standard) that it is retained on a sieve
that has square apertures of nominal size 4 750 µm

fine aggregate
aggregate of particle size such (to the extent specified in the standard) that at least 90 % of its mass
passes a sieve that has a square apertures of nominal size 4 750 µm and is retained on a sieve that
has square apertures of nominal size 75 µm

type (of aggregate)
denotes the intended use of the aggregate

4 Requirements
NOTE This clause contains the basic requirements for aggregates that are known not to contain deleterious
contaminants other than those for which limits have been laid down in this standard and that can be complied
with by normal processing, including washing with water. Aggregates derived from sources that yield material
of unknown or suspect mineralogical and performance characteristics need to be subjected to further testing.
Consult annex C for guidance on the interpretation of results so obtained. (See also the introduction to this
standard.) Amdt 1

4.1 Class of aggregate

Aggregate shall be one of the following classes:

a) aggregate formed by the natural disintegration of rock;

b) aggregate produced by the mechanical crushing or milling of rock; and

c) aggregate derived from a mixture (blend) of (a) and (b) above.

4.2 Fine aggregate

4.2.1 General

Fine aggregate for use in concrete shall be of one of the classes given in 4.1, as required (see
annex A). Fine aggregate shall, subject to the requirements of 4.2.2 to 4.2.4, comply with the
requirements given in table 1, appropriate to the class.

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SANS 1083:2006
Edition 2.2

4.2.2 Grading

If a specific grading for a specific purpose is required, the grading limits for the fine aggregate in
respect of sieves of aperture sizes 2 360 µm, 1 180 µm, 600 µm and 300 µm shall be as required
(see annex A), subject to adherence to the requirement for fineness modulus (see 4.2.4).

4.2.3 Dust content Increase in limit for mixtures

The limit of dust content given in column 2 of table 1, in respect of a mixture (blend) of fine
aggregate (see 4.1(c)) is applicable to any mixture of which the proportional representation of the
classes in the mixture is not known. If these proportions are known, the relevant requirement given
in columns 2 and 3 of table 1 may be increased (see, using the values given in columns 2
and 3 of table 1, as follows:

xa + yb
D =


D is the maximum permissible dust content of a mixture, as a mass percentage;

x is the percentage representation of material derived from the natural disintegration of rock;

a is the limit given in column 2 of table 1;

y is the percentage representation of material derived from the mechanical crushing or

milling of rock; and

b is the limit given in column 3 of table 1. Maximum limits

The limits for dust content given in column 2 and 3 of table 1 may be increased to 10 % and 20 %
respectively, provided that

a) the fine aggregate complies with the requirement for the methylene blue adsorption value (see
table 1), or
b) the fine aggregate complies with the requirement for clay content (see table 1).

NOTE The following sequential procedure for the evaluation of a sample of fine aggregate in respect of dust
and clay content is recommended:

a) Determine the dust content and, if the value does not exceed the limits given in column 2 or 3 of table 1, as
appropriate, accept the sample.

b) If the dust content exceeds the limits given in column 2 or 3 of table 1, as appropriate, but does not exceed
the increased values provided for in 4.2.3, conduct the methylene blue adsorption test. If the sample
complies with the requirement given in table 1 for this property, accept the sample.

c) If the sample does not comply with the requirement for the methylene blue adsorption test, determine the
clay content. If the clay content does not exceed the limit given in table 1, accept the sample.

d) If the clay content exceeds the limit given in table 1, reject the sample.

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SANS 1083:2006
Edition 2.2

4.2.4 Fineness modulus

The fineness modulus of a fine aggregate shall not deviate by more than 0,2 from the value as
stated in respect of a delivery of fine aggregate during a contract (see 5(b)). When relevant, the
range within which the fineness modulus falls shall be as required (see annex A). However, the
fineness modulus shall in all cases fall within the limits given in table 1.

4.3 Coarse aggregate

4.3.1 Coarse aggregate for use in concrete shall comply with the requirements given in table 2,
appropriate to the type and nominal size required (see annex A).

4.3.2 If the grading of any nominal size of aggregate as given in table 2 (except for aggregate of
nominal size 6,7 mm) is required to be uniform in respect of any delivery during a contract, the
supplier shall state the coefficient of uniformity (Ua) that can be maintained for the duration of such
contract from a specific source (see 5(c)). The stated coefficient of uniformity shall be subject to a
deviation as agreed upon (see annex A).

The coefficient of uniformity (Ua) is calculated as follows:

Ua =


Ua is the adjusted uniformity coefficient;

D60 is the sieve aperture size (hypothetical) through which 60 % of the mass of the material
passes; and

D30 is the sieve aperture size (hypothetical) through which 30 % of the mass of the material

NOTE The sieve aperture size of which 60 % and 30 % of the mass of the material passes can be determined
with the aid of a grading curve of the aggregate tested (using normal graph paper with enlarged scale), or can
be calculated from the results.

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Table 1 — Fine aggregate for concrete

1 2 3 4
Fine aggregate derived from the natural disintegration Fine aggregate derived
Property of rock and any mixture (blend) of this class and fine from the mechanical Test method
aggregate derived from the mechanical crushing crushing or milling subclause
or milling of rock of rock
Grading, mass percentage that passes sieves1) that have 6.2
square apertures of nominal size
4 750 µm 90 – 100
150 µm 5 – 25
Dust content, material that passing a 75 µm sieve , mass 6.3
2) 2)
percentage, max. 5 10
Methylene blue adsorption value , max. 0,7 6.4
Clay content , material of particle size smaller than 5 µm, 6.5
mass percentage, max. 2,0
Fineness modulus 1,2 – 3,5 6.6
5) −
Chloride content , expressed as Cl , mass percentage, max. Fine aggregate for 6.7
concrete for prestressing : 0,01
normal reinforced concrete : 0,03
non-reinforced concrete : 0,03
Organic impurities The colour of the liquid above the fine aggregate shall not be 6.8
darker than the colour of the reference solution, except that
this requirement shall not be applicable if the fine aggregate –
complies with the requirement for soluble deleterious

Edition 1.2
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Edition 1.2
SANS 1083:2006
Table 1 (concluded)

1 2 3 4
Fine aggregate derived from the natural disintegration Fine aggregate derived
Property of rock and any mixture (blend) of this class and fine from the mechanical Test method
aggregate derived from the mechanical crushing crushing or milling subclause
or milling of rock of rock
Presence of sugar Free from sugar unless the fine aggregate complies with the 6.9

requirement for soluble deleterious impurities.
Soluble deleterious impurities The strength of specimens made with the fine aggregate shall 6.10
be at least 85 % of that of the specimens made with the same
fine aggregate after it has been washed, except that this

requirement shall not be applicable if the fine aggregate
complies with the requirements both for organic impurities and
for the presence of sugar.
1) Complying with SANS 3310-1 or SANS 3310-2.
2) These limits may be exceeded under certain circumstances (see 4.2.3).
3) Applicable only if dust content exceeds limit given in the table (see 4.2.3).
4) Applicable only if dust content and methylene blue adsorption values exceed the relevant limits given in the table (see 4.2.3). For the purpose of this requirement, the
clay content is defined as –5 µm material which might not all be clay minerals. The clay content of this –5 µm fraction is likely to be appreciable if the methylene
blue adsorption value exceeds the relevant limit given in the table.
5) Caution must be exercised on sites where fine aggregate is prepared (or delivered) for the making of prestressed and other concrete for which the chloride content is
specifically restricted (see the table). Stockpiles of such fine aggregate should be kept well apart from other fine aggregate and should properly marked. Suppliers of
fine aggregate derived from the crushing or milling of rock are cautioned that, whereas the parent rock could be relatively free from chlorides, washing of such
aggregate with water that contains an excessive amount of chlorides could cause the chloride content of the resulting fine aggregate to exceed the specified limits.
Amdt 1
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Table 2 — Coarse aggregate for concrete

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Requirement Test
Property Nominal size of aggregate method
1) 2)
Grading , mass percentage of material that passes sieves
75,0 53,0 37,5 26,5 19,0 13,2 9,5 6,7
of nominal aperture size, mm 6.2
75,0 100 100
53,0 0 – 50 85 – 100 100
37,5 0 – 25 0 – 50 85 – 100 100
26,5 0–5 0 – 25 0 – 50 85 – 100 100
19,0 0–5 0 – 25 0 – 50 85 – 100 100
13,2 0–5 0 – 25 0 – 50 85 – 100 100
9,5 0–5 0 – 25 0 – 55 85 – 100 100
6,7 0–5 0 – 25 0 – 55 85 – 100
4,75 0–5 0 – 25 0 – 55
2,36 0–5 0 – 25
1,18 0–5
Dust content, material that passes a 75 µm sieve , mass
2 6.3
percentage, max.
Aggregate crushing value (ACV) , of less than 13,2 mm and
29 6.11
more than 9,5 mm fraction (dry), mass percentage, max.
10 % FACT value, of less than 13,2 mm and more than Coarse aggregate for use in concrete subject to surface abrasion, structural elements of 6.12
9,5 mm fraction (dry), kN, min. reinforced or prestressed concrete (or both): 110
Coarse aggregate for use in concrete not subject to surface abrasion: 70

SANS 1083:2006
Flakiness index, max. 35 6.13
1) Other gradings are permitted if so required (see annex A). Such a grading shall be specified in terms of the appropriate nominal sizes specified in the table.
2) Complying with SANS 3310-1 or SANS 3310-2.

Edition 1.2
3) Optional alternative to the 10 % FACT value.
Amdt 1
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SANS 1083:2006
Edition 2.2

5 Documentation
The following information shall appear on the documents that accompany each delivery of
aggregate or that pertain to each bin or stockpile of aggregate:

a) the class (see 4.1);

b) in the case of fine aggregate, the nominal value for fineness modulus and the maximum chloride
(Cl-) content, as relevant; and

c) in the case of coarse aggregate, the nominal size, the coefficient of uniformity (when relevant),
the proportional blend of nominal sizes (when relevant), and whether the coarse aggregate is
suitable for use in concrete subject to surface abrasion.

6 Inspection and methods of test

6.1 Inspection
Visually examine each delivery of aggregate to ensure that the description of the aggregate
complies with the requirements given in the order or contract and that the aggregate has not been
contaminated with foreign matter.

6.2 Test for grading

Use SANS 201.

6.3 Test for dust content

Use SANS 201.

6.4 Test for methylene blue adsorption

Use SANS 6243.

6.5 Test for clay content

Use SANS 6244.

6.6 Test for fineness modulus

Use SANS 201.

6.7 Test for chloride content

Use SANS 202.

6.8 Test for organic impurities

Use SANS 5832.

6.9 Test for presence of sugar

Use SANS 5833.

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SANS 1083:2006
Edition 2.2

6.10 Test for soluble deleterious impurities

Use SANS 5834.

6.11 Test for aggregate crushing value

Use SANS 5841.

6.12 Test for 10 % FACT value

Use SANS 5842.

6.13 Test for flakiness index

Use SANS 5847.

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SANS 1083:2006
Edition 2.2

Annex A

Notes to purchasers

A.1 The following requirements shall be specified in tender invitations and in each order or

a) the class of fine aggregate (see 4.2.1);

b) the grading limits in respect of aperture sizes 2 630 µm, 1 180 µm, 600 µm and 300 µm, if a
specific grading is needed for a specific purpose (see 4.2.2);

c) when relevant, the range within which the fineness modulus shall fall (see 4.2.4);

d) the type and nominal size of coarse aggregate (see 4.3.1);

e) the grading of coarse aggregate, if other than that given in table 2.

A.2 The following requirements shall be agreed upon between the supplier and the purchaser:

a) a permissible variation of the stated coefficient of uniformity (see 4.3.2 and 5(c);

b) the history of the grading regarding alkali-silica reactivity and, if available, the latest test results
(see C.2.2(k)).

Annex B

Quality verification of aggregates for concrete

B.1 When a purchaser requires ongoing verification of the quality of aggregates, it is suggested
that, instead of concentrating solely on evaluation of the final product, he also direct his attention to
the manufacturer’s quality system. In this connection it should be noted that SANS 9001 covers the
provision of an integrated system. Amdt 1

B.2 If no information about the implementation of quality control or testing during manufacture is
available to help in the assessing of the quality of a consignment, and a purchaser wishes to
establish by inspection and testing of samples of the final product whether a consignment of the
aggregates complies with this standard, a sampling plan based on applicable statistical principles
should be agreed upon between the supplier and purchaser.

It must be noted that:

a) such a sampling plan applies only to ready-for-use aggregates sampled in accordance with an
agreed procedure, and

b) if, in terms of the sampling plan, the procedures given in SANS 195 are to be used, a clear
statement should be made as to the objective of the sampling as described in the method.

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SANS 1083:2006
Edition 2.2

Annex C

Notes on tests and guidance on the use of aggregate for concrete

C.1 General
The notes in this annex are of very general nature, since specific details can best be given in
publications by authorities who possess expert knowledge of the various aspects related to
concrete and its constituents. Information about titles of relevant publications can be obtained from
the above institutions direct or from Standards South Africa.

Any information given in the aforementioned publications should not be construed as being
alternative or optional requirements to those given in this standard but as additional information to
assist in the assessment of aggregate for its suitability for use in concrete, especially for special
applications. The determination of properties additional to those covered in this standard should,
wherever possible, be conducted in accordance with national standard methods.

C.2 Notes on tests

C.2.1 Tests specified in this standard
Although in the introduction to this standard it is implied that aggregates that comply with the
requirements of the standard can be safely used for most concrete work, it must be realized that the
limits for some requirements, e.g. those for grading, are fairly wide, and that for specific
applications, the requirements may need to be confined to finer limits appropriate to the intended
use of the aggregates, but that these limits should always lie within the limits set in this standard. It
is not possible to cover all the possibilities in a standard and therefore recourse must be taken to
authoritative literature as referred to in C.1.

C.2.2 Tests for properties not covered in this standard

When nothing is known about the mineralogical and performance characteristics of aggregate from
a particular source, it is wise to subject the material to a thorough petrographic examination before
use. Such an examination can be carried out on the parent rock, or on an aggregate produced by
the crushing of the rock, or on aggregate formed by the natural disintegration of rock. In all cases, it
is recommended that a thorough geological survey of the deposit be undertaken in order that
samples taken for examination are representative of the source that is subject to exploration and
potential utilization. The interpretation of a petrograhic examination by a competent petrologist or
specialist geologist will indicate to what extent tests, in addition to those specified in this standard,
will need to be carried out to verify the suitability of the aggregate for use in concrete.

Examples of additional properties that could be considered for determination, and for which
interpretation of the results will be required, are listed below:

a) the presence of sulfates or sulfides (or both);

b) the presence of shell;

c) water absorption;

d) shrinkage;

e) soundness and durability;

f) shape, surface texture and water requirement;

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SANS 1083:2006
Edition 2.2

g) presence of material of low density;

h) friability;

i) abrasion resistance

j) solubility in acid;

k) alkali-silica reactivity;

l) polished-stone value; and

m) sand equivalent.

C.3 The use of aggregate for concrete

C.3.1 General
Modern concepts in the field of concrete technology require careful consideration during the
proportioning of concrete mixes to achieve all the desired properties of both fresh and hardened
concrete. Whether concrete is made of aggregate that complies with this standard or, where such
aggregates are not available, with aggregate that does not comply with this standard, all the
necessary factors that affect the end results should be considered.

C.3.2 Aggregate that complies with the requirements of this standard

As inferred in C.2.1, the actual properties of aggregate that complies with the requirements of this
standard should be considered, to ensure that concrete made with the aggregate is so proportioned
that the characteristics required for a particular application are obtained.

C.3.3 Aggregate that does not comply with the requirements of this standard
If the use of aggregate that does not comply with the requirements of this standard is unavoidable,
utmost care must be taken in the assessment of all the properties of the aggregate, to ensure that
the characteristics of concrete made with the aggregates are not impaired. The long-term durability
of concrete should be considered in particular.

Annex D

SANS 195, Sampling of aggregates.

SANS 9001/ISO 9001, Quality management systems – Requirements. Amdt 1

© Standards South Africa


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