Atria Salsabila Nur 1847041002 Paper Esp

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Dosen Pengampu: Dr. Rohana, S.Pd., M.Pd


Name : Atria Salsabila Nur

NIM : 1847041002
Class : M71


Researchers have found that teaching reading strategies is a key element in developing student
comprehension. However, many teachers lack a solid foundation for teaching these reading
comprehension strategies. Therefore, teachers need to be prepared on how to design effective
comprehension strategies and how to teach these strategies to their students. Learning reading
strategies is a key element in developing student comprehension. However, many teachers lack a
solid foundation for teaching these reading comprehension strategies. Therefore, teachers need to
be prepared on how to design effective reading comprehension strategies and how to teach these
strategies to their students.Therefore this study aims to study the effective reading strategies in
order to improve reading skills in language classes. The main question of the study is Would
reading strategies help my students reading comprehension studies?’ The results of the study
indicate that the students had a improvement to a great extend have been tutored about the
reading strategies. .In teaching and learning process, the English teachers gave guidance,
direction and information continously from the English teachers to the students.

A. Background of the paper

Reading section is the best habit that should be done for the students to
enlarge their knowledge, information, and science. The first problem of the
students is understanding the meaning of vocabulary in reading text. Reading is
one of the best way to get more knowledge of the vocabulary using text media.
Despite its importance, reading is one of the most challenging areas in the
education system. The ever-increasing demand for high levels of literacy in our
technological society makes this problem even more pressing. Most of students
said that English is one of the most difficult subjects, especially in school.
Students usually get trouble to remember the vocabulary which had been stated by
the teacher at school. Students usually forget the material which had been given
by the teacher after they come into their home because they do not ever learn
again about the material which had been given by the teacher at school. Reading
needs a lot of supporting skill that can support it to become succesfully progress.
Method is a way to deliver the materials from the teacher to the students. The
English teachers should know the way how to deliver the materials well to the
students. Teaching reading is a task for the expert. English teacher should have
supervised practice to deliver the reading materials. If students want to get the
most out of the materials they are assigned, they have to learn to read critically or
analytically. The idea here is that when we read something, the purpose is to try to
understand what the intention is. When dealing with reading, we encounter two
layers of reality: one that we can see and one that we cannot see. Based on the
previous study above, the researcher stated that this research is different from
them. This research focuses on method of teaching reading applied by English
teacher. It does not only focus on apply guided reading but also how to use the
method in teaching reading.

B. Purpose of the paper
1. Knowing The Learning And Teaching Reading Skill
2. Knowing The Effective Method Of Teaching Reading
3. Knowing The Improving Reading Skills Through Effective Reading
C. Problem Formulation
4. What Is The Learning And Teaching Reading Skill?
5. What Is The Effective Method Of Teaching Reading?
6. How To Improving Reading Skills Through Effective Reading Strategies?

A. Learning And Teaching Reading Skill

English is the International language used to communicate in various
fields and aspects of the life of the international community, the communication
process also includes some activities such as reading letters, reading reports,
writing and talking and listening. Rohana (2018) stated that Reading has many
benefits, by reading humans acquiring a lot of knowledge, developing speaking
skills fluently in speaking, developing creative reasoning, enhancing
comprehension of problems, improving the ability to comprehend conceptual
concepts of learning or reading, window of the world means obtaining various
information from various sources and various directions. Linguistic reading is a
process of retrieval and decoding process, in contrast to speaking skills and
writing skills that involve encoding an aspect of decoding is to connect the
written word, with the meaning of oral language.
In the process of reading a person is trying to understand the
contents of the author's message contained in the reading (Hodgson in [8])
read is a process done by the reader to obtain a message conveyed by
writers who scroll word media or writing the language. It found that reading there
are two ways of reading aloud and silent. says that reading is a very complex and
complicated process, because the reading process involves various factors,
internal and external, internal factors include interest, motivation,
intelligence, talent, purpose, and other, while external factors are the
environment, the means, the level of legibility, the habit and the culture of
reading., reading is bridge for who and wherever that want to progress and
success both at school and an environment of work
Reading skills are abilities that pertain to a person's capacity to read, comprehend,
interpret and decode written language and texts. Exceptional reading skills can be
highly beneficial to assimilating and responding to written communications like
emails, messages, letters and other written messages. Using reading skills in the
workplace can also be important for ensuring effective written communication,
which can result in less miscommunication or misunderstanding of expectations.
Reading skills can also encompass several key aspects that work together to
develop overall literacy skills, including comprehension, fluency, vocabulary and
strategies that help readers interpret and find meaning in texts. Reading skill refers
to the ability to understand written text. It is advisable to develop this skill at early
age of schooling. When students comprehend or understand written text, and
combine their understanding with prior knowledge, they are able to perform the
following three reading-comprehension skills (Rohana n.d.).
Reading is a fundamental skill that we all use every day of our lives. From
reading the mail to a food menu, to reading your text messages and email, there is
no escaping it, reading is everywhere. This makes the development of proficient
reading skills for primary learners even more essential not only for their academic
success but for their daily lives as well. The development of these reading skills is
vital to children’s development, and a sheer volume of studies has demonstrated a
link between competency in reading and overall attainment in school (literacy
attainment and other outcomes)
Reading for pleasure is more important for children’s educational success
than their family’s socioeconomic status.” Besides, there are some other key
benefits of engaging children in reading from the early age. This is so because the
development of reading is a key to future success both in school and in life. By
supporting children to read in their leisure time at every age, parents can help to
ensure that children are equipped with the necessary skills to succeed in later life.
Reading ability is determined by many factors, and requires the development of
certain skills through early reading instruction to attain initial success and build on
it. Adequate initial reading instruction requires that children:
1) Use reading to obtain meaning from print
2) Have frequent and intensive opportunities to read
3) Be exposed to frequent, regular spelling-sound relationships
4) Learn about the nature of the alphabetic writing system
5) Understand the structure of spoken words
B. Effective Method Of Teaching Reading
Reading section is the best habit that should be done for the students to
enlarge their knowledge, information, and science. The first problem of the
students is understanding the meaning of vocabulary in reading text. According to
Laufer (García-Madruga et al., 2013), automatic recognition of a large vocabulary
is necessary for interpreting the global meaning of the text because if the reader’s
cognitive effort is directed at deciphering the information at sentence level, she or
he should have difficulty in connecting paragraphs. Reading is one of the best way
to get more knowledge of the vocabulary using text media. According to Grabe
and Stoller (García- Madruga et al., 2013)reading comprehension increases even
more when readers have the knowledge of the vocabulary items in the text and
they can continue reading with confidence when they know that certain meanings
are correct.
Based on Patel & Jain (Asih Nurcahyani, 2016) reading consist of four
types. They are intensive reading, extensive reading, aloud reading and silent
reading. Each type has different function and all types are useful to improve
student knowledge. Reading needs a lot of supporting skill that can support it to
become succesfully progress. According to Bernhardtía-Madruga et al.,
2013),it is widely discussed that reading comprehension requires many supporting
skills such as vocabulary knowledge, background knowledge, knowledge of
grammar, metacognitive awareness, syntactic knowledge, and reading strategies.
According to Elizabeth (Dwi Lestari, 2014), reading is process of looking at a
written or printed symbol and translating it into an appropriate sound. Reading in
fact is the ability which enables the students directly or indirectly, to read with the
purpose to get explicit message, implicit message and general information from
the printed page, the thoughts, facts and information that it has going to recognize
the words to make a good conclusion and read critically and creatively in order to
understand figurative language the researcher set goals, evaluate the ideas written
by the author and such ideas in the right situation (Sciences 2015). All of goals
need a process to reach it (Ariandika and Kartikawati 2018). Not only students
should achieve all of the materials to improve the knowledge, but also the teacher
should prepare all of the sections and subjects in purpose to make the students get
best experience at school. According to Clotfelter et al. (Azam & Kingdon,
2015),a few studies in the US suggest that the first few years of teaching
experience seem to matter to student achievement.
Method is a way to deliver the materials from the teacher to the students.
The English teachers should know the way how to deliver the materials well to the
students. According to Edward and Approach(Edward & Aproach, 1963), method
is an overall plan which have systematic step to deliver the materials consists of
certain procedural of teaching. Teaching reading is a task for the expert. English
teacher should have supervised practice to deliver the reading materials.
According to Edward and Approach(Edward & Aproach, 1963), English teacher
had to focused on reading study and already had the supervised practice to achieve
knowledge and skill because teaching reading is not as simple as people think.
There were studies about method of teaching reading. The first has been
done by Fateni, Vahedi, & Seyyedrezaie, 2014), which focused on
method of teaching reading applied by English teacher. It does not just focus on
knowing the effect of top-down and bottom-up but this research focuses on
knowing what is the method used by English teacher and then how is the method
used by English teacher. Based on the study, the researcher stated that this
research is different from it. This research focuses on method of teaching reading
applied by English teacher. It does not just focus on knowing the effect of top-
down and bottom-up but this research focuses on knowing what is the method
used by English teacher and then how is the method used by English teacher.
The second research has been done by (Anistaningtias, 2017) which
focused on the students’ difficulties in reading comprehension. This research is
limited on finding difficulties in reading comprehension. Based on the previous
studies above, the researcher stated that this research is different from it. This
research focused on method of teaching reading applied by English teacher. It
does not only focus on difficulties in reading comprehension but also what the
method applied by English teacher.
The third research has been done by (Wall, 2014) which focusedon using
guided reading optimally and learn another strategies if guided reading is not
working. This research limited on applies guided reading optimally and learn
another strategies if guided reading is not working. Based on the previous study
above, the researcher stated that this research is different from it. This research
focuses on method of teaching reading applied by English teacher. It does not
only focus on apply guided reading but also another method which has the
teachers do in teaching reading.
The fourth research has been done by Lyons and Thompson (Lyons &
Thompson, 2012), entitled “Guided Reading in Inclusive Middle Years
Classrooms”. This research focuses to use Guided Reading in Inclusive Middle
Years Classrooms in teaching reading. Based on the previous study above, the
researcher stated that this research is different from them. This research focuses
on method of teaching reading applied by English teacher. It does not only focus
on apply guided reading but also how to use the method at tenth grade in teaching
reading. In addition, the aim of this research is to know what method used in
teaching reading applied by English teachers at tenth grade, and how the method
is used in teaching reading.

C. Improving Reading Skills Through Effective Reading Strategies

Reading is a lifelong skill to be used both at school and throughout life.
According to Anderson, Hiebert, Scott, & Wilkinson, reading is a basic life skill.
It is a cornerstone for a child's success in school and, indeed, throughout life.
Without the ability to read well, opportunities for personal fulfilment and job
success inevitably will be lost (1985). The idea here is that when we read
something, the purpose is to try to understand what the intention is. When dealing
with reading, we encounter two layers of reality: one that we can see and one that
we cannot see. Therefore, the purpose of reading is to make the invisible layer, the
underlying meaning, visible and clear. Teele asserts that the goal of all readers
should be to understand what they read (2004, p. 92). Research shows good
readers are actively involved with the text, and they are aware of the processes
they use to understand what they read. Teachers can help improve student
comprehension through instruction of reading strategies. Predicting, making
connections, visualizing, inferring, questioning, and summarizing are strategies
shown by research to improve reading comprehension (Block & Israel, 2005). It is
important to teach the strategies by naming the strategy and how it should be
used, modelling through the think-aloud process, group practice, partner practice,
and independent use of the strategy (Duke & Pearson, 2005).

In order to be a good reader, learners should set a goal for their reading; therefore
good readers have a purpose for reading. One strategy for improving
comprehension is predicting, which helps the reader set a purpose for their
reading. Research has shown that good readers use their experiences and
knowledge to make predictions and formulate ideas as they read (Block & Israel,
2005). This strategy also allows for more student interaction, which increases
student interest and improves their understanding of the text (Oczkus, 2003). It is
important to compare the outcome in the actual text with the prediction process as
it will lead the learner to improve his understanding. Some of the approaches for
teaching predicting are teacher modeling, predicting throughout the text; with
partners, with a graphic organizer, or using post-it notes throughout the text.
Using the title, table of contents, pictures, and key words is one prediction
strategy. Another key prediction strategy is to have students predict at specific
points through the text, evaluate the prediction, and revise predictions if necessary
(Teele, 2004).

Another strategy that the good readers employ when comprehending a text is
visualization (Adler, 2001). Visualization requires the reader to construct an
image of what is read. Teachers can motivate students to visualize settings,
characters, and actions in a story and ask them to make drawings or write about
the image that come to their minds after visualizing the text.
Making Connections
Making connections is another strategy that can be used in the reading process. By
making connections, the learners can activate their prior knowledge and connect
the ideas in the text to their own experiences. Students can make text-to- self
connections through drawing, making a chart, or writing. Teachers might ask
students if they have ever experienced anything like the events in the text.
Students can make text-to-text connections through drawing, making a chart,
writing, and graphic organizers. These text-to-text connections could be based
upon how characters in the story relate to each other, or how story elements relate
between stories. Students can make text-to-world connections through drawing,
making a chart, writing, or graphic organizers. Text-to-world connections could
be done by comparing characters in a story to characters today or comparing the
content of the text to the world today (Teele, 2004).

The process of summarization requires the reader to determine what is important
when reading and to condense the information in the readers own words (Adler,
2001). During the summarizing process, the students will be able to distinguish
the main ideas from the supporting ideas. Summarizing is a strategy which helps
the students to organize the ideas even in the long reading passages which are
usually perceived as threat for the students.

Readers can use the questioning before, during, and after reading. The questioning
process requires readers to ask questions of themselves to construct meaning,
enhance understanding, find answers, solve problems, find information, and
discover new information (Harvey &Goudvis, 2000). In this strategy, the students
return to the text throughout the reading process to find the answers to the
questions asked by the teacher before, during and after the reading. By using the
student generated questioning strategy; text segments are integrated and thereby
improve reading comprehension (NRP, 2000).
Inferring refers to reading between the lines. Students need to use their own
knowledge along with information from the text to draw their own conclusions
(Serafini, 2004). Through inferring students will be able to draw conclusions,
make predictions, identify underlying themes, use information to create meaning
from text, and use pictures to create meaning (Harvey & Goudvis, 2000). Students
can be given techniques to use illustrations, graphs, pictures, dates, related
vocabulary and titles from the text to make inferences.
A. Conclusion
The English teachers should know the way how to deliver the materials
well to the students. The method is an overall plan which have systematic step to
deliver the materials consists of certain procedural of teaching. Teaching reading
is a task for the expert. The English teacher should have supervised practice to
deliver the reading materials. The English teacher had to focus on reading study
and already had the supervised practice to achieve knowledge and skill because
Teaching reading it’s not as simple as people think. Started introduced the
material using picture from the students worksheet. After that, the English
teachers read together with the students while continously gave guidance to them.
The English teachers used small group while used guided reading method. The
English teachers let the students find the problem and try to find the asnwer. This
sections needs more active the students to ask and the English teachers to guide
them. Finally, the English teachers give conclusion through the materials. That is
the way how to use readings’ guide. The results of the reading awareness scale
and my personal experience showed that there was a lack of knowledge in the area
of reading strategies in my students at the beginning of the study. The students
had a lack of knowledge and practice in reading strategies however after a
comprehensive study, there was an improvement in their success. At the
beginning as being the researcher, I had some worries about how to implement the
strategies in the classroom. The number of the strategies was another obstacle as
the students might have found them confusing. Another question in mind was
about the success og the student’s using the comprehension strategies
independently as many ofthese reading comprehension strategies were new to the
students. In order to overcome this situation, I had to guide and monitor the
students in every step of the process especially for the questioning, inferring, and
summarizing strategies. After an intensive study I have experienced the
improvement in my students. This research journey was quite rewarding both for
my students and me. The results of the action research gave me the confidence
about how to integrate the strategies into my curriculum. As for the students; they
developed a better understanding of the strategies and their comprehensions in
reading have improved. The action research was a productive experience; now
that I have seen an increased understanding of reading comprehension strategies
and an improvement in reading comprehension of my students, I would like to
continue using these strategies in my curriculum.

B. Suggest
We are as the writer want to apology for the shortage of paper. We know
that this paper is still far from perfect. So that we need the suggest from the reader
for the perfection of this paper. Tahnk you very much for the reader.
Ariandika, Ahmad Girsa and Dina Kartikawati. 2018. “EFFECTIVE METHOD
Rohana. n.d. Third Meeting For ESP Class.
Sciences, Behavioral. 2015. “Improving Reading Skills through Effective Reading
Strategies.” (April).

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