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A. Background of the Problem

People have agreed that reading is one of the most important academic
language skills for foreign and second language learners. It should become a major
skill for the students to start their lesson in academic life. They must make reading as
a routine activity in their daily academic life. The students who learn English need to
master good reading skill because through the skill they can enlarge their knowledge
and access more information. Much information can be gained if one has ability in
reading written material.
Since the importance of reading, the students should have good ability in
reading. Without having good ability in reading, it is difficult for the students to
understand the English text. In fact, most of the students are not able to understand the
English text well. They still get failed in understanding and comprehending the text.
Therefore, the students are expected to have good reading skill such as
skimming, scanning, referencing, and inferencing. Thus, those skills is tested
nationally focusing on the ability to get the gist of the text, detail and specific
information, implied information, inference, and reference. Those skills seem to be an
active rather than passive process, because the students do not only read but
comprehend what they read about. In order to achieve good comprehension, the
students should have some strategies in reading.
In order to have good ability in reading and to improve reading ability, the
students should have good strategies, because the strategies help them easily
understand the text. Good students should employ effective reading strategies when
they read. Effective strategies can be as tools to assist the students get deeper
understanding of the text.
Furthermore, reading strategies play an important role in reading a foreign
language text, especially English text. Many researchers have found that reading with
good strategies can help the students read effectively and efficiently. Some of them
agree that reading strategies make the students be good readers. Besides, the strategies
can also make the students become active readers.
However, based on the researchers experience and observation, the students
of SMA Negeri 1 Batang Anai found difficulty in reading English text. They
frequently found difficulty in figuring ideas in the text. Similarly, most of the students
got confused in reading the reference written in English. They could not catch the
ideas of the reading materials. They often misunderstood and misinterpreted the
contents of the texts. As the result, the students failed to comprehend the reading texts.
The students reading achievement was still low or most of the students got low mark.
It is indicated that most of the students got low mark; only 15% of the students got
mark of 70 or more than that, and 85% of the students failed. The students average of
reading achievement was around 40. It can be seen from the result of the students
daily test, semester term or final examination.
There are many possibilities that may influence the students success in
reading English text. It may be caused by some factors. The factors include the
students vocabulary mastery or lack of vocabulary, background knowledge of the
text, reading interest, and reading strategies. Beside that, the cause can be from the
teachers side, like teaching strategy, teaching method, teaching and learning
preparation, and reading materials.
Based on the problem above, the researcher was interested in finding the way
on how to overcome the problem. To overcome the problem, the researcher would do
the action research on how to improve the students reading comprehension of
analytical exposition text by using Collaborative Strategic Reading toward the

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of the problem above, there are some factors that
influence the students English reading ability. First, the factors may be resulted from
the students lack of vocabulary, the students background knowledge, the students
reading strategies. Second, the factors can be caused by the teachers teaching
methods and strategies.

C. Limitation of the Problem

As stated previously, there are some factors which determine the students
success in reading English texts. However, in this research, the researcher would focus
on the teachers techniques or strategies in teaching reading English text. So, the
researcher would do an action research on how to improve the students reading
comprehension of analytical exposition text by using Collaborative Strategic reading
(CSR) in teaching reading.

D. Formulation of the Problem

The problem of this research is formulated as follow:
Can the students reading comprehension of Analytical Exposition text be improved
through the implementation of Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR)?

E. Purpose of the Research

Based on the formulation of the problem above, the purpose of this research
is to know whether reading comprehension of the students can be improved by using
Collaborative strategic Reading (CSR).

F. Significance of the Research

The result of this research is expected to be beneficial for:
1. The teacher, especially the researcher herself, in improving her teaching
reading strategies.
2. The students in improving their reading skill so that it can increase their
ability in reading English text;

G. Definition of the Key Terms

The terms used in this research are needed to be defined in order to avoid
misunderstanding, as follow:
1. Reading Comprehension is the degree or quality of the students in understanding
or comprehending the texts which is indicated by scores in answering the
questions of the reading comprehension tests.
2. Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) is a procedure of teaching reading
comprehension skills by teaching students to use comprehension strategies while
workinh cooperatively and supports students with varying ability levels to use
comprehension strategieswhile reading text in small groups.

A. Review of the Related Theories

1. The Nature of Reading
There is no reading without understanding. It has become a part of daily
lives or activities for people. In the real life, people do not normally read because they
have to but they want to. Usually the reading itself has some purpose; there is
something that people want to find, need other opinions which they want to confirm,
check clearly some information. They do not usually begin reading with empty mind.
They already have some ideas of what topics are going to be read.
Celce-Murcia (2001:154) explains that reading is an interactive, socio-
cognitive process involving a text, a reader, and social context with in which the
activity of reading takes place. It means that, in reading, an individual constructs
meaning through a transaction with written text that has been created by symbols that
represent language. The transaction involves the readers acting on or interpreting the
text and the interpretation is influenced by the readers past experience, language
background, and cultural framework as well as the readers purpose for reading. So,
reading is a process of cognition, interpretation, and perception of written or printed
Reading is a complex cognitive skill which we cannot break down into a
series of steps that a teacher can take into a classroom and teach. Reading is a
complex process. It involves much more than adding word meanings together. It does
not only involve understanding ideas also recognizing the relationship and structure
among ideas (McWhorter, 1992). It is clear that reading is not an easy skill to apply or
a simple case since it involves several aspects with it. One of the main aspects is
comprehension. In relation, Harris (1980: 479) adds that reading is a combination of
word recognition, intellect, and emotion interrelated with prior knowledge to
understand the message communicated through reading text.
Nuttal (1982: 18) states that reading is the transfer of a message from mind
to mind. She also defies reading as the meaningful interpretation of printed or written
verbal symbols. It means that reading is a result of the instruction between the
perception of graphic symbols that present language, and the readers language skills,
cognitive skills and the knowledge of the world. In this case, a reader has to create the
meaning intended by the writer. The write, the reader and the text have a unique
contribution to make communication.
In addition, Goodman in Carrel (1988: 12) defines reading as a receptive
language process; it is psycholinguistics process in which the readers reconstruct the
meaning. It happens in human mind; people receive the text and then process with
their minds. In processing it in their minds they make their own interpretations of the
text they read. Reading is also a process of communication between the writer and the
reader. It is the process of recognition, interpretation and perception of written or
printed materials. It involves recognition of letters, words, phrases and clues and in
some respects. Sheng (2003: 12) also states that reading is the ability to decode
written into spoken words, and it also involves understanding. It means that if the
reader reads the text s/he intends to understand and to comprehend the context of the
Furthermore, Sheng (2003) defines reading as a process of communication
from the writer to the reader by understanding the written or printed materials. The
process in reading happens when the reader tries to communicate with the writer
through his writing, he tries to understand the text well. In relation, Anderson (2003:
68) states that reading as a fluent process of readers combining information from the
text and their own background knowledge to build the meaning. He also states that
reading also requires some strategies to comprehend the reading text. So the act of
reading involves two aspects; background knowledge of the readers and their
strategies to read the text.
Miller (1984), states that reading is a process of understanding a written
text. It means that the reader requires information from it as efficient as possible.
Therefore, according to him, a reader needs to consider about what s/he needs, when
s/he reads, how s/he reads (skimming, scanning, intensive or extensive reading).
Furthermore, Grellet (1981: 139) adds that reading involve a variety of skills, such as
(a) recognizing the script of language, (b) deducing the meaning and the use of
unfamiliar lexical item, (c) understanding explicitly stated information, (d)
understanding information when not explicitly stated, (e) understanding conceptual
meaning, (f) understanding the communication value, (g) understanding relation
within the sentence, (h) understanding cohesion between part of the text, (i)
distinguishing main idea, (j) basic inference skill, (k) skimming and, (l) scanning to
locate specifically required information.
Based on some explanations above, it can be concluded that reading is an
interaction and communication between the reader and the writer through the written
or printed text. It happens when the reader makes an understanding and reconstructing
meaning from the text. In other words, reading is a mental process in the creation of
meaning. It is an active mental process by which the readers use their knowledge of
the world and of language to derive meaning fro written words.

2. Reading Comprehension
In general reading is defined as the process of recognition, interpretation
and perception of the reading text. Comprehension means the understanding of the
meaning of the written material. The comprehension deals with the content in which
the author put his ideas. Sheng (2003: 13) notes that reading comprehension involves
a complex ability to decode the symbols and get the writers ideas. The theories
explain that in comprehending the text, a reader should reflect major ideas in the text
so that they can get important information.
While Dubin, (1986: 8) states that comprehension means making
prediction based on the expectation to help us interpret the meaning of the text. So, if
we want to be good readers, we should read for meaning, do not look at every
sentence or phrase, word, letter, or punctuation mark. Good readers also have less
visual information to identify language form, the more limited processing time, the
higher level of prediction and thus to the meaning of the text as a whole. If our
predictions get confirmed, we continue to read and to comprehend for any given texts,
or our knowledge and skill prove equal to the task, we can relate whatever new
information we encounter in the text to what already know to our cognitive structure.
That is the most ideal sense we can read.
According to Adams (2000), in order to improve comprehension, the
readers should establish a purpose that help them get involved in reading assignment
such as reading for pleasure, reading for practical application, reading for general
ideas, reading to locate specific information, reading to critically evaluate, recognizing
and understanding main idea and supporting details, understanding relationship,
critical reading (the process of being aware of an authors intent or the point of his
writing, use of facts, attitude, bias toward subject matter, own bias toward a subject).
Based on the theories above, in reading many kinds of text, readers may
involve comprehension to the text being read. While comprehension, itself is followed
by certain purpose in the readers mind. It is stated that critical readers or efficient
readers will always involve comprehension in their reading in order to get the ideas
from the text they read. The process in reading comprehension involves all aspects in
the text.
Reading comprehension involves getting meaning from the printed page.
To be fully comprehended, experiences and perceptions gained from reading are
received or recalled with clear, broad understanding. The individual may be said to
comprehend something within a passage read when s/he can (1) obtain literal
meaning, (2) associate meaning both denotative and connotative from her/his own
experience to that of impressions, (3) recognize how the experience or her/his
perception of it fits contextual situation and into surroundings, (4) be aware of the
relationship between the experience or perception and others having similarities and
Page (1979) defines reading comprehension is a process, not a state and it
involves the meaningful reconstruction of an authors message by the use of prior
knowledge, especially the knowledge of language. Every reader who wants to be able
to read fluently, they have developed the reading ability in over and over time and
they have had a lot of exercises. Comprehension of anything can be highly individual.
Each individual has different set of experience that affects her/his comprehension.
Furthermore, Sheng (2003: 12 -13) describes that comprehension is a
process of negotiating, understanding between the reader and the writer. It includes
linguistic factors such as phonological, morphological, syntactic and semantic
element. The reader receives information from the author via the words, sentences,
paragraph, and so forth and tries to understand the inner feeling of the writer.
Devine, (1986: 67) offers his definition of reading comprehension as
follow (1) reading comprehension is the process using syntactic and semantic found in
printed text to construct in the readers mind. Reading is also the process of getting
meaning from printed texts. It is not a passive, receptive activity, but requires the
reader to be active and thinking, (2) a competent reader reconstructs a writers
message. This reconstruction of meaning is an interactive process between the reader
and the text because the reader also makes a contribution.
3. Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR)
The first study of Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) was conducted by
Klinger and Vaughn in 1998. They conducted the research with 26 seventh and eighth
grader with low ability in reading as a second language. Collaborative Strategic
Reading was found of and developed by those two experts in 1987. This strategy is the
combination of reciprocal teaching and cooperative learning strategy. According to
Klinger and Vaughn (2007) Collaborative strategic Reading (CSR) is a
multicomponent strategy approach that teaches students to use comprehension
strategies while working collaboratively with their peers in small group.
Furthermore, Klingner and Vaughn (2007) emphasize that Collaborative
Strategic Reading (CSR) has four basic sets namely preview, click and clunk, get the
gist, and wrap up. The following descriptions exemplify the stage of CSR:
a. Preview
In the first step, the teacher sets two activities to the students before
reading. First, teacher asks the students to brainstorm what teh students
know about the topic. After that, teacher asks them to predict what they
learn about the topic.
b. Click and clunk
The next step is click and clunk. The students identify the words or
sentences that are hard to understand. After that, the students fix the
clunks in the learning logs. Students reread the sentences and look for
the key ideas to help to understand the words. Then, they read the
sentences again with the clunks. The next step is they look for prefix
and suffix in the word and break the word apart.
c. Get the gist
During this step, students identify the most important person, place and
thing in the analytical exposition text. Besides, they also look for the
important information of the person, place or thing. In other words, the
important idea of the person, place and thing in the text.
d. Wrap up
Wrap up is the last step of Collaborative Strategic Reading. In this step,
students make some questions and answers based on the text. It is easy
for the students to memorize the information by making questions and
From the definition above, it can be concluded that Collaborative Strategic
Reading (CSR) is designed to increase students participation in reading. This strategy
encourages to develop their own reading and thinking processes by setting their own
purpose for reading.

B. Review of the Related Findings

Having read a lot of researches done in educational field either in the
internetor library, researcher got some previous researches on using Collaborative
Strategic Reading as one of the cooperative learning strategies that involves learners
more actively in the classroom instruction.
John Hicheock et al (2010) conducted the research entitled The Impact of
CSR on the Reading Comprehension of Grade 5 Students in Linguistically Diverse
Schools. The research finding was that CSR effects for EC-ELL and non-ELL
subgroups separately were not statistically significant. In other words, CSR did not
have significant effects on the two groups.
Furthermore, Fitriani (2012) had done a research entitled using Collaborative
Strategic Reading to improve the ability of the second year students of MTsN
Babussalam Kuantan Singingi in comprehending narrative texts. The analysis found
that the treatments could reach the improvement of the students reading
comprehension ability. It was reflected in the result of post test 2. There were about
81.8% of the students could achieve the minimum passing score (KKM) of English
subject in reading comprehension. Moreover, the result of observation sheets and field
notes showed a positive behavior in a process of learning and it also helped students
improve their reading comprehension ability and more active in learning process.
Novia Erni (2009) also conducted a classroom action research entitled
improving students reading comprehension at grade VIII 3 of SMPN 1 Gguk Lima
Puluh Kota. She found that there was an increasing of students comprehension score
and CSR could increase the students motivation in reading activities.
Then, Hermi Suswanti (2011) did a research about improving students
reading comprehension of procedure texts by using CSR at grade VII 1 of SMPN 2
Ampek Angkek Agam. The result of the research indicated that CSR could better
improve the students reading comprehension of procedure texts.
Those researches still have relationship with the research that the researcher
would do because this research would focus on reading comprehension. Therefore,
through this research the researcher would conduct the research on how to improve
the students reading comprehension of analytical exposition text through
Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) at XI IPA 1 of SMAN 1 Batang Anai, Padang
Pariaman regency in the first semester, 2015/2016 academic year.

C. Conceptual Framework
The problem to be solved is the students low reading comprehension
achievement. To improve the students reading comprehension, the teacher uses CSR
strategy in teaching reading. By implementing appropriate teaching reading strategy,
the students are hopefully be able to understand and comprehend English text
especially analytical exposition texts easily. There are some reading strategies may
increase the students achievement in English reading comprehension. The researcher
believed that the students who apply or implement good and appropriate reading
strategies can improve their reading comprehension achievement.
Here, the researcher proposed the conceptual framework, as follows;
The Conceptual Framework

Low Reading

Strategic Reading

The Improvement of
Students Reading

A. Kind of the Research

This research was held through classroom action research (CAR).
Classroom action research aimed at improving the classroom teaching and learning
process becomes better. Classroom action research can be conducted at the
departmental level to examine an entire program or curriculum. Furthermore, Johnson
(2005: 21) explains:

Action research can be defined as process of studying a real school or

class situation to understand and improve the quality of action or
instruction (Hansen, 1996; Mc.Taggar, 1997; Schumuk, 1997). It is a
systematic and orderly way for teachers to observe their practice or to
explore a problem and possible course of action (Dinkelman, 1997;
Mc. Niff & Whike Head, 1996). Action research is also a type of
inquiry that is preplanned, organized, and can be shared with others
(Fashy, 1998; Tomblinson, 1995).

Classroom action research is a research done by a teacher in collaboration

with a researcher or done by the teacher himself/herself who acts a teacher in a
classroom or school where s/he teaches (Arikunto, et al, 2006. Otherwise while doing
the research we as teachers can solve the problem through classroom action research.
Snell (1991) explains that an action research is concerned with trying to
improve and specific point in a teachers technique in a particular classroom using
empirical measurement. He defines it as teacher-initiated classroom research which
seeks to increase the teacher understanding of classroom teaching learning and to
bring improvements in classroom practice. It typically involves small-scale
investigation projects in the teacher understanding of classroom teaching learning and
to bring improvement in classroom practice
Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that the action research is
a process of solving the teaching and learning problem. This action research would
improve the quality of teaching reading for the senior high school students, because
the technique is systematic and the researcher can apply the result immediately. The
researcher chose the action research since she wanted to solve students problem in
reading comprehension and in improving the quality of teaching in her class. Finally,
it is hoped that the students way of learning, especially in reading would be
In this research, the researcher would also collaborate with other teacher. It
means that researcher and other teacher work together to solve the problems. As
Johnson (2005: 325) states that action research in undertaken by individuals or group
in concert with other individual or group.

B. Procedure of the Research

This action research is cyclical process. It followed the model which was
developed by Kemmis (1998: 11-12). This model consists of several cycles containing
four steps: plan, action, observation, and reflection. The model is as follow:

Reflection Action


Action and Observation

Revise Plan



Action and Observation

Revise Plan


Action and Observation

Expected condition

1. Plan
In this stage, the researcher prepared everything needed for the research.
The researcher chose the class where the research done, discussed with collaborator,
prepared research instrument, designed lesson plan based on the technique used,
prepared reading materials, prepared reading comprehension test.

2. Action
The researcher did teaching and learning process in the selected class
based on the schedule and did the teaching and learning procedures that had been
written in the lesson plan. The researcher applied the reading strategies. The
procedures are as follows:
a. Pre-activity
1. The researcher greeted the students
2. The researcher gave motivation/apperception to the students
3. The researcher told the standard competency and basic competency to be
achieved by the students.
4. The researcher told the topic of the reading text.
5. The researcher asked some questions (activated the students background
b. Whilst activity
1. The researcher asked the students to sit in groups
2. The researcher explained the strategies used in reading (CSR)
3. The researcher gave model.
4. The researcher gave some questions to be answered by the students.
5. The students answer the questions
6. The researcher discussed the questions together with the students.
c. Post activity
1. The researcher guided the students to do reflection for reading strategies.
2. The researcher gave task for the homework

3. Observation
The researcher was assisted by a collaborator to do observation on teaching
and learning process. The observation was done by using observation sheet. Besides,
the collaborator took notes during the teaching and learning activities.
4. Reflection
In this stage, the researcher discussed and evaluated the result of the
teaching and learning with the collaborator. The researcher wanted to know to what
extent the strategies used has affected the teaching and learning and the students
achievement. If there were some mistakes, the researcher would improve them for the
next action. While any positive points the researcher would continue them, and gave
more improvement to the students ability. At last, the researcher made conclusion and
decision to revise the plan for the next cycle.

C. Setting and Participants of the Research

1. Setting
The research was done at SMA Negeri 1 Batang Anai. There were eight
classes of the XII grade students (five classes of social program and three classes of
science program); nine classes of the XI grade (four classes of science program, and
five classes of social program); and ten classes of the X grade.

2. Participants
The research was done in XI IPA 1 in the first semester 2015/2016
academic year. There were 26 students; 9 boys and 17 girls in this class. The
researcher chose the class because the students in this class were regarded as to have
adequate ability in English reading comprehension. Most of the students (19.2%) in
this class had low reading comprehension. They average of the students reading
comprehension was 4.7.

D. Instrumentation
The key instrument of this research is the researcher herself. She involved
in every cycle. In doing the research, the researcher also used other instruments such
as observation sheet, field note, and reading comprehension test.
1. Observation sheet
The observation sheet was made by the researcher before conducting the
research. It was used to record and to collect the real information of teaching and
learning process. While the researcher did the action the collaborator observed the
researcher and students by filling in the observation sheet. It was also used to know
implementation of reading strategies.
2. Field note
Field note is an instrument that was used by the researcher to take a note
during teaching and learning process. It was also done by the collaborator. It was done
to record what happened during the teaching and learning process. It gave the
information to the researcher as a reason to improve the treatment in action and to
decide whether to move to the next cycle, as well as to know whether or not the
implementation of the research is suitable with the scenario.

3. Test
The test was reading comprehension test. There were two kinds of the test;
pre-test, and post-test. Pre-test was done before the research was done. It was done to
identify and diagnose the students problem in reading comprehension. In other hand
post-test was done at the end of each cycle. It was done to know the students
achievement after doing the action. The test was analyzed to know to what extent the
implementation of reading strategies (CSR) can improve the students reading

E. Technique of Collecting the Data

Data of this research were collected through observation, field notes and
test. First, the data were taken from observation. Since, the researcher wanted to find
out what happened in the classroom during teaching and learning reading, the
researcher used direct observation as data collection technique. The observation was
done the collaborator during the teaching and learning activity. The collaborator
observed the condition and the situation during the teaching and learning process.
Second, the data were taken from field notes. The field notes are the
written observation of what the observer sees taking place in the classroom. To do
this, the researcher was also assisted by the collaborator. The collaborator took notes
to what happened in the classroom during the teaching and learning activity.
Last, the data were collected through the test of the students reading
ability. The tests were given before doing the research (pre-test) and at the end of each
cycle (post test). The tests were given in order to know the improvement of the
students reading ability.
F. Technique of Analyzing the Data
The data were analyzed in quantitative and qualitative forms. The data
which are taken from the test of the students reading ability were analyzed in
quantitative technique. The result of the tests was calculated by using the formula
proposed by Sudjono (1987: 40). It aimed at knowing the improvement of each cycle.
The formula is:


P = percentage of the students achievement

F = number of the students who are able to answer
N = total number of the students

Then, the data taken from observation and field notes were analyzed in
qualitative form. Those data were analyzed by following the technique proposed by
Gay and Airasian (2000: 239).
1. Data managing; data were managed accordingly in order to get good result and
ease to analyze. There two purposes of this technique: (1) organize and check the
completeness of the data, (2) start on the purpose of analyzing and interpreting the
2. Reading/memoing; the researcher read the data that have been collected to sense of
the data. The researcher had a record of initial thought and sense of the data.
3. Describing; the researcher examined the data in depth to provide detail description
of participants and activities. It was based on the observation sheet and field notes.
4. Classifying; the data were categorized into different aspects and into separate
5. Interpreting; the researcher determined how the result of the students reading
ability, what aspects made them able to achieve the ability, and how the teaching
and learning process during the implementation of reading strategies. Then, the
researcher wrote and presented the report to describe the findings of the research.

A. Description of the Findings

This research was held to answer the research question whether the
students reading comprehension of analytical exposition text of XI IPA 1 can be
improved through Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR). It is carried out in three
cycles. Each cycle consisted of three meetings. The findings of the research are
presented and discussed for each cycle.

1. First cycle
The first cycle was carried out in three meetings. The English class was
carried out twice a week. The first meeting ran on October 7th, 2014; the second
meeting ran on October 9th, 2014 and the third meeting ran on October 14th, 2014.

a. Plan
In this stage, the researcher discussed about Actional Functional Model
(AFM) method with the collaborator. Fortunately, the collaborator had understood the
method easily. Then, the researcher prepared the lesson plan, developed the teaching
material. Beside, the researcher also prepared the research instruments used in the
action, such as, the forms of observation sheet and field notes to record the teachers
and students activities during the teaching and learning process. The researcher also
decided to prepare the appropriate teaching aids, such as, pictures. Reading materials
in the first cycle were The Importance of Reading, The Danger of Smoking and Three
Levels of Government in Australia..

b. Action
The researcher came to class XI IPA 1 and began the class by saying good
morning students, How are you? then, the students responded. Before beginning
the class, the students said a pray, and respected the teacher. Then, the researcher
checked the students attendances. Furthermore, the researcher built up the students
interest by asking them Have you got breakfast? Are you ready to have English class
now? This activity is necessary to motivate the students, build up the students
image, to have good attitude to teaching and learning process.
After motivating the students, the researcher proposed the learning
objectives that the students should achieve. The researcher put the students in
groups/pairs (two students for each group). Then the researcher distributed the reading
text. The researcher explained the strategies (how to identify general information of
the text and main idea of a paragraph and find specific information) used in reading.
After explaining those reading strategies, the researcher gave a model to apply the
strategies, so that the students could the strategies modeled by the researcher. After
that the research distributed another reading text for the students task, and asked the
students to discuss (in groups) the task as what had been modeled to them. The
researcher monitored the students while they were doing the task. This was done in
order to see whether the students could apply the strategies that had been modeled or
not, or whether the got difficulties in applying the strategies.
After the students finished doing the task, the researcher invited the
students to report their result of their tasks. After the students finished reporting the
result of their task, the researcher asked the other students to comment what the
previous pair had reported. The researcher gave reward to the students by saying good
or very good for the students who had reported the result of their task. Then the
researcher made correction and evaluation to what the students had been reported by
clarifying the strategies that had previously been modeled. Afterward, the researcher
gave another task to do as a follow up but it was not in form of the action.
While the teaching and learning activities run the collaborator, as the
observer, observed the teaching and learning activities. She filled in the observation
sheet that had been prepared before and took notes on what happened (students
activities and the teachers activities) during the teaching and learning process.

c. Observation
To find what was going on during the teaching and learning process, the
collaborator observed the activities during the teaching and learning process. She
observed the condition and situation of the reading class. She filled in the observation
sheet that had been previously prepared with her. Beside that, she also took notes on
what happened during the teaching and learning activities.
Based on the observation, it seemed that the teaching and learning
activities were still the teachers centre. The students were not so active yet and they
much kept silent. Some students did not give contribution in learning process while
they were asked by the researcher. The students could not yet do as what the
researcher had modeled. It seemed that some students still got difficulties in
employing the strategies in reading.
In this cycle, the teaching and learning process were not yet running well.
From the observing, it globally could be seen about the teaching and learning process.
During the observation it was found that there were 6 (six) students did not fully pay
attention the teachers explanation; there were 6 (ten) students did not seriously
discuss the task given. Some of the students seemed confused and still got difficulties
in doing the task. Based on the task that the students had done it was found that the
students ability in reading especially in identifying general information and getting
main idea was still low. Beside, by seeing to the researcher activities, it did not seem
that the researcher gave any help while the students did the task. So, she let the
students do the task themselves. She did not pay attention to the students difficulties
in doing the task.
As further information, from the observation in the first cycle, it can be
seen the description of the students activities during the teaching and learning process
as follow:
Table 1
The description of the students activities during the teaching and
learning process in the first cycle
No Students Activities F %
1 Paying attention to the teachers explanation 22 84.6
2 Actively giving response to what the teacher asked 4 15.4
3 Actively involving in discussion 20 76.9
4 Actively taking part in reporting the result of the task 6 23.1

Based on the table above, it seemed that there 84.6% of the students who
paid attention to the teachers explanation, 15.4% of the students who actively gave
response to what the teacher asked, 76.9% of the students who involved in discussion
and 23.1% of the students took part in reporting the result of the discussion.

d. Reflection
In this case, the researcher and the collaborator discussed everything
happened during the teaching and learning process. They also analyzed and reflected
to the action that had been done by sharing ideas, as follows:
1. While monitoring the students in doing the task, the researcher may assist the
students if they get difficulties or confused with the task.
2. The researcher may pay attention to the students who did not actively involve in
discussion and invite them to be active in discussion.
The result of the analysis and reflection to the action would be the basis on
the correction for the next action in the second cycle.
To know the students achievement in learning in the first cycle, the
students were given the test. The result can be seen as follow:

Table 2
The students marks on reading in the first cycle
Students Students Students
Mark Mark Mark
Code Code Code
01 55 10 50 19 50
02 35 11 50 20 55
03 50 12 45 21 50
04 50 13 45 22 45
05 50 14 40 23 45
06 45 15 55 24 30
07 45 16 25 25 55
08 60 17 35 26 55
09 50 18 40 Average 46.50

Based on the table 2 above, it seemed that there was no significant

improvement yet if it is compared with the pre test. The students reading
comprehension was still low. The average of the students reading comprehension was
only 46.50, while in pre test the average was 34.80. it means that there is little
progress comparing with the pre test.

2. Second Cycle
The second cycle was also carried out in three meetings. It ran on October
21st, 23rd, and 28th, 2014. In this research, the researcher would also collaborate with
other teacher. It means that researcher and other teacher work together to solve the
a. Plan
In this cycle, the activities were similar to those in the first cycle. Before
doing the action, of course, the researcher prepared lesson plan, reading materials.
There were three topics of the reading material that would be presented; Compromise
in Our Life, Retailer and Corruption and Indonesian Culture.

b. Action
The class was begun as that in the first cycle. The researcher came to the
same class, greeted the students. The students said their pray and respected the
teacher. Then, the researcher checked the students attendances. Furthermore, the
researcher built up the students interest by asking them Have you got breakfast? Are
you ready to have English class now? This activity is necessary to motivate the
students, build up the students image, to have good attitude to teaching and learning
Before coming to the new lesson, the researcher reviewed the previous
lesson and strategies that the students had got. She grouped the students in pairs.
Once, the researcher proposed the learning objectives that the students should achieve.
Then the researcher reminded the students that they still would use reading strategies
as those in the previous lesson that they had applied. She gave a model again briefly
and asked the students whether they had understood. After that the researcher
distributed the new reading material. She asked the students to do the task in pairs.
While the students did the task the researcher monitored them. She came to the
students who did not involve in discussion. She invited them to discuss the task. She
also helped the students who got confused and difficulties in doing the task.
After the students finished doing the task, the researcher invited the
students to report their result of their tasks. After the pair finished reporting the result
of their task, the researcher asked the other pairs to comment what the previous pair
had reported. The researcher gave reward to the students by saying good or very good
for the students who had reported the result of their task. Then the researcher made
correction and evaluation to what the students had report by clarifying the strategies
that had previously been modeled. Afterward, the researcher gave another task to do
as a follow up but it was not in form of the action.
While the teaching and learning activities run the collaborator, as the
observer, observed the teaching and learning activities. She filled in the observation
sheet that had been prepared before and took notes on what happened (students
activities and the teachers activities) during the teaching and learning process.

c. Observation
The collaborator did observation again as she did in the first cycle. She
observed the teaching and learning activities. She filled in the observation sheet that
had been previously prepared with her. Beside that, she also took notes on what
happened during the teaching and learning activities.
Based on the observation, it seemed that the teaching and learning
activities were rather better than the previous cycle. The students were already more
active than the first cycle. The students could do the strategies already as what the
researcher had modeled. It seemed that just little4 (four) studentsstill got
difficulties in employing the strategies in reading.
In this cycle, in general, the teaching and learning process were run better
than before. During the observation it was still found that there were 2 (two) students
did not pay attention to the teachers explanation; there were 3 (three) students did not
seriously discuss the task given. Based on the task that the students had done it was
found that the students ability in reading especially in getting main idea was still low.
Beside, by seeing to the researcher activities, researcher had given help to the students
who got confused and difficulties while the students did the task. And also the
researcher invited the students who did not seriously involve in discussion.
In the following table, it can be seen the description of the students
activities during the teaching and learning process in the second cycle.

Table 3
The result of observation on the students activities during the teaching learning
process in the second cycle
No Students Activities F %
1 Paying attention to the teachers explanation 24 92.3
2 Actively giving response to what the teacher asked 10 38.5
3 Actively involving in discussion 23 88.5
4 Actively taking part in reporting the result of the task 12 46.1
d. Reflection
Based on the observation and field note the teaching and learning process
had been already run better than in the first cycle. The researcher had run the teaching
and learning process much better. The researcher had overcome the problem (some
students did not have fully attention to the researchers explanation and did not
seriously involve in discussion) that happened in the first cycle. It was also found that
some students were more active. Most of the students already could apply the
strategies better. There was improvement toward the students reading ability. This
can be seen from the reading exercises done by the students. But it was still found that
there were some students who got low reading comprehension. It means that the
students still had problem in reading comprehension.
Based on the test given, the students reading comprehension was better,
even though some of them still low. It can be seen in the following:

Table 4
The students marks on reading in the second cycle
Students Students Students
Mark Mark Mark
Code Code Code
01 17 10 60 19 50
02 57 11 73 20 47
03 33 12 37 21 73
04 33 13 60 22 70
05 67 14 63 23 73
06 67 15 60 24 53
07 37 16 73 25 77
08 73 17 77 26 63
09 47 18 20 Average 56.15

Based on the table 4 above, it was found that there were 15 (57.7% of)
students who were already good in reading comprehension. They got high mark. But
some of them (42.3%) were still low in reading comprehension. They got low mark.
The improvement of the students reading comprehension was not significant yet
because the average of the students reading comprehension was only 56.15, but it
was better than the first cycle. Based on this, the researcher and collaborator
concluded that the students still had problem with the reading comprehension. So the
researcher and collaborator evaluate why some of the students had low reading
comprehension. It was assumed that the students had not yet understood how to apply
those reading strategies.
3. Third Cycle
Since there were some students whose reading comprehension was still
low, the researcher and the collaborator agreed to carry out the third cycle in order to
improve more the students reading comprehension. The procedures of the third cycle
were almost the same with those in the second cycle.

a. Plan
The plan in this cycle was not so different from the second cycle but the
attention focused on the students who still got difficulties and their reading
comprehension was still low. So, their reading comprehension could be more
improved. There were also three meetings in this cycle. The topics of the reading texts
were The Dangerous of Using Drugs, The Problems of being too Fat and The Power
of Music in Our Life. The meetings were held on November 3rd, 6th, and 11th, 2014.
In order to solve the problem existed in the second cycle, the plan were set
up as follows:
1. Redesigning the teaching and learning procedures and the activities focusing on
the implementation of CSR in reading class.
2. Giving more models.
3. Monitoring the students more carefully so that all of them were able to apply the
strategies much better.
4. Approaching the students who still got difficulties and did not involve in

b. Action
The action in this cycle was not different from the former cycles, but there
were special attention to the problem that was still rose in the second cycle. The first,
the researcher greeted the students; the students said a pray and respected the
researcher. After that the researcher checked the students attendance. She motivated
the students to learn and reflected to the previous lesson. Then the researcher
distributed the materials; Cigarettes, Smokers, and Smoking, Earthquake in Central
Sulawesi, Mangrove Trees, Debit Cards. He gave more models in applying the
strategies in reading comprehension. After giving more models, the researcher asked
the students to do the task in pairs. While the students did the task he monitored the
students activities carefully. She paid more attention to the students who seldom got
involved in discussing and doing the tasks. She walked around and talked to the
students who got difficulties and led them doing the task. After the students finished
doing the tasks, the researcher checked the students task by asking them to present
the result of their tasks and invited other students to argue them. In this case the
researcher gave reward to the students. At last the researcher gave the clearance to
what the students had done with the tasks and gave other tasks.

c. Observation
The observation in this cycle was also the same with that in the previous
ones. The observation was done by the collaborator. Based on the observation and
field note, it seemed that, the teaching and learning activities run well. One student
was absent. All of the students paid seriously attention to the teachers explanation.
But in doing the tasks not all of the students got involved in discussion. There were
four students who did not work seriously they just talked another thing else not
discussed the tasks. There were also still two students who get difficulty in employing
the strategies in reading comprehension To overcome this, the researcher came near
them, asked them what they were doing, and asked them whether they got difficulties
in doing the tasks, then he led them doing the tasks.

d. Reflection
Based on the observation and field note the teaching and learning process
had been already run well. The researcher had overcome the problems that were still
found in the second cycle (some students did not have fully attention to the
researchers explanation and did not get involved in discussion and doing the tasks). It
was also found that most of the students were already active the activities. It was
almost no problems that were found. In short, everything ran well. But the problem in
which the students had difficulty in employing the strategies in reading
comprehension still could not be solved yet; it still existed. The following table
showed the situation of the students learning.
Table 5
The result of observation on the students activities during the teaching learning
process in the third cycle
No Students Activities F %
1 Paying attention to the teachers explanation 25 100
2 Actively giving response to what the teacher asked 15 60
3 Actively involving in discussion 24 96
4 Actively taking part in reporting the result of the task 15 60

After giving reading comprehension test, it seemed that there was the
improvement toward the students reading comprehension. But it was still found that
there were some students who got low reading comprehension. Completely, the result
of the students reading comprehension could be seen in the following table:
Table 6
The students marks on reading in the third cycle
Students Students Students
Mark Mark Mark
Code Code Code
01 50 10 60 19 60
02 60 11 70 20 55
03 50 12 55 21 75
04 45 13 70 22 70
05 70 14 65 23 70
06 70 15 65 24 65
07 55 16 75 25 75
08 75 17 75 26 70
09 60 18 50 Average 63.85

Table 6 above showed that, it was found that there were 19 (73.1% of)
students who were already good in reading comprehension. They got high mark. But
some of them (26.9%) were still low in reading comprehension. They got low mark.
The average was 63.85. Based on this it can concluded that the students reading
comprehension increased even though it was not significant yet but it was much better
than the first and the second cycles. Therefore, the researcher and the collaborator
thought that was enough and decided to end this research.
B. Discussions
Based on the result of the test in the first cycle, the students reading
comprehension was still low. Only one student got 60, five students got 55, eight
students got 50, six students got 45, two students got 40, two students got 35, one
student got 30, and one student got 25 . The average of the students reading
comprehension was 46.50. Before doing the action research the average of the
students reading comprehension was 34.80. It meant that there was less improvement.
This was assumed that the students reading comprehension was still low because of
some problems, such as, the teacher did not give the students enough models, so the
students did not maximally apply those reading strategies; most of the students did not
yet have fully attention to the teachers explanation; the teacher did not monitor the
students carefully in doing the tasks; and the teacher did not directly lead the students
who got difficulty in doing the tasks. However, comparing with the pre action
research, the students learning achievement had almost increased. The result of the
pre-test showed that all of the students got mark less than 60. After doing the action
research in the first cycle, there was one student who got 60 for the mark while almost
of the students learning achievement was still under 60. The average increased from
34.80 to 46.50. Even the increasing was not significant yet but it can be said that
through the CSR the students reading comprehension of analytical exposition text
could be improved and the students became competent in reading. The following table
presented the students learning achievement before and after the action research
Table 7
The students marks on reading in pre-action and cycle I
No Pre Test Cycle I Increase No Pre Test Cycle I Increase
1 32 55 23 14 40 40 0
2 44 35 -9 15 52 55 3
3 44 50 6 16 36 25 -11
4 52 50 -2 17 40 35 -5
5 44 50 6 18 40 40 0
6 48 45 -3 19 40 50 10
7 52 45 17 20 52 55 3
8 56 60 4 21 36 50 14
9 56 50 -6 22 32 45 13
10 56 50 -6 23 44 45 1
11 36 50 14 24 24 30 6
12 44 45 -1 25 56 55 -1
13 32 45 13 26 28 55 27
Average 34.80 46.50

In the second cycle, there were fifteen (57.70%) students who got 60 to 77
and eleven (42.30%) students got under 60. The average of the students reading
comprehension was 56.20. If it is compared with the first cycle the students reading
comprehension increased from 46.50 to 56.20. The increasing was not significant
anymore because the result of the second cycle was not maximal yet. It was also
assumed that the students did not maximally do the strategies suggested in reading
activities. So far it seemed that the application of CSR could improve the students
reading comprehension. Beside, it seemed that there were some students whose
learning achievement did not increase at all, even it decreased. As further description
about the students learning achievement it can be seen in table 8.

Table 8
The students mark on reading in cycle I and cycle II
No Cycle I Cycle II Increase No Cycle I Cycle II Increase
1 55 17 -38 14 40 63 23
2 35 57 22 15 55 60 5
3 50 33 -17 16 25 73 48
4 50 33 -17 17 35 77 42
5 50 67 17 18 40 20 -20
6 45 67 22 19 50 50 0
7 45 37 -8 20 55 47 -8
8 60 73 13 21 50 73 23
9 50 47 -3 22 45 70 25
10 50 60 10 23 45 73 28
11 50 73 23 24 30 53 23
12 45 37 -8 25 55 77 22
13 45 60 15 26 55 63 8
Average 46.50 56.20

In the third cycle, there were nineteen (73.10%) students who got 60 and
seven (26.9% students got <60. The average of the students reading comprehension
was 63.85. It increased much better than the one in the second cycle. The increasing
was 7.65; from 56.20 to 63.85. It was also significant enough in the number of the
students who got the mark 60 and in the average of the students learning
The increasing of the students reading comprehension because the teacher
did the action more intensively, he monitored the students carefully, lead the students
who got confused and difficulty in applying the strategies in reading. The students had
self-confident in learning after the teacher gave them the model of how to read better.
Table 9 described the increasing of the students learning achievement in
three cycles.
Table 9
The students mark on reading in three cycles
No Cycle I Cycle II Cycle III No Cycle I Cycle II Cycle III
1 55 17 50 14 40 63 65
2 35 57 60 15 55 60 65
3 50 33 50 16 25 73 75
4 50 33 45 17 35 77 75
5 50 67 70 18 40 20 50
6 45 67 70 19 50 50 60
7 45 37 55 20 55 47 55
8 60 73 75 21 50 73 75
9 50 47 60 22 45 70 70
10 50 60 60 23 45 73 70
11 50 73 70 24 30 53 65
12 45 37 55 25 55 77 75
13 45 60 70 26 55 63 70
Average 45.50 56.20 63.85

Based on the description of the findings of this action research in three

cycles, it seemed that the students reading comprehension increased. The increasing
was caused by the application of CSR in teaching reading. This strategy enabled the
students to have competency in reading. CSR is a teaching strategy which develops
the students competency. It focuses on cooperative and collaborative learning among
the students in groups. So the students reading comprehension of the XI grade at
SMAN 1 Batang Anai could be improved through the CSR.

A. Conclusions
Based on the findings of this action research, it can be concluded that
Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) at XI IPA 1 of SMAN 1 Batang anai could
improve the students reading comprehension of analytical exposition text better. CSR
could make the students being competent in reading English texts especially analytical
exposition texts.

B. Implications
Based on the conclusion above it is implicated that CSR is a teaching
strategy that can develop the students competency especially in reading
comprehension of analytical exposition text need to be more implemented in teaching
reading. It hoped that through CSR the students would be more competent in reading.
It can be said that to improve the students reading comprehension the teacher should
apply various strategies in teaching. One of the strategies, in this case, is Collaborative
Strategic Reading (CSR).

C. Suggestions
Based on the conclusion of this research, it is suggested that:
1. The teacher use this strategy in order to improve the students reading
comprehensionof analytical exposition text.
2. Since the implementation of CSR did not yet reach maximal learning achievement
in this action research, the teacher especially the researcher needs to continue it for
other classes.
3. This strategy may be used by the further researches in order to increase the
students English competent as a whole.

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