Basic Reading (Word Analysis)
Basic Reading (Word Analysis)
Basic Reading (Word Analysis)
Created for fulfill the task
English Education
Faculty of Language dan Art
Indraprasata PGRI University
In the name of Allah SWT, the Gracious, the merciful. Alhamdulillah rise to
Allah SWT for bless and finally the author can finished this paper as well. This
paper is a research for completing Basic Reading project with Word Analysis
chapter. The author realized that this paper is far from perfect in the arrangement
or in the content of the paper. The writer hopes that the suggestions from the
reader can be a support to make her better in the next paper project.
Over all, the author consciously that this paper is far away from good thing
and perfect one, so we are accepting all of suggest and critics for more paper in
the future. The last but not least, the author thanked for all participant which join
and help us in this project, we hope this is can be useful and beneficial.
The Author
PREFACE........................................................................................................................... i
A. Abstract ................................................................................................................... 1
B. Prefixes ................................................................................................................... 6
C. Suffixes ................................................................................................................... 9
A. Resume .................................................................................................................. 13
B. Suggestion ............................................................................................................. 13
A. Abstract
compose meaning from the text in reading process. In this process, the
readers connect the ideas in the text to what they already know in order to
get the comprehension of the text. In addition, most people can understand
the material they read after reading word-by-word and spending a lot of time
them to identify the meaning of words and builds their vocabulary. Being
able to analyze words is not only a critical foundational reading skill, it also
B. Writing Purpose
1. Theoretical Benefit
and so that it can be used in everyday life both academically and non-
2. Practical Benefit
The practical benefit can the author gets beside as a task is for
readers must use the words they hear orally to make sense of the words they
see in print. Kids who hear more words spoken at home learn more words
and enter school with better vocabularies. This larger vocabulary pays off
what happens when a beginning reader comes to the word dig in a book. As
she begins to figure out the sounds represented by the letters d, i, g, the
reader recognizes that the sounds make up a very familiar word that she has
heard and said many times. It is harder for a beginning reader to figure out
words that are not already part of their speaking (oral) vocabulary.
understand what they are reading without knowing what most of the words
mean. As we learn to read more advanced texts, they must learn the
meaning of new words that are not part of their oral vocabulary. The
learned indirectly and that some vocabulary must be taught directly. Thus,
that are not part of students every day experiences. Direct instruction
vocabulary should you take a class? Make vocabulary cards and post
around the house? Those could work, but there is another way to do it
as you read throughout the day. If you are an avid reader, this will
much easier since you are in the world of books already much of the
time. In all honesty, can you say that you know the meaning of every
single word that you read? You might be surprised at how many you
them to discover lexical items of the word, meaning and form, and
B. Prefixes
new word with a different meaning. Prefixes can, for example, create a new
word opposite in meaning to the word the prefix is attached to. They can
Examples :
a on aboard (onboard)
in asleep (in sleep)
from arise (rise from)
up awake (wake up)
not atheist (not a theist)
without apathy (without pathy)
C. Suffixes
Suffixes are the letter/s which are added at the end of a stem to make
new words. The affixes used in the suffixed words are different from the
affixes used in the prefixed words, and they make different kinds of words.
A suffix (also called ending) is an affix that is placed after the stem of a
Reader = „read‟ is the stem of the word which has different meaning
and different grammatical function in a sentence but the affix „er‟ changes
both the meaning and the grammatical function of the word to make a new
Note: It is not necessary that a suffix change both meaning and grammatical
a) Noun Suffixes
b) Verb Suffiex
c) Adjectives Subject
1. Participles
in -ING or -ED. For example, the verb “to surprise” can be made into
b) A gerund;
c) An adjective.
2. Adjectives
other words, they can appear before a noun, such as in the words
“surprising results.” Or, they can appear after linking verbs, such as in
person, thing or idea. They describe the thing that causes a feeling or
Adjectives with -ED endings tell us how people feel about something
A. Resume
them to identify the meaning of words and builds their vocabulary. Being
able to analyze words is not only a critical foundational reading skill, it also
strategy used is asking the teacher to put new word in another sentence.
Although dictionary was not the first most strategy used, however it is still
the best reference in looking for the meaning of the words. Both students
with higher GPA score and students with lower GPA score had the same
idea only in choosing the first most frequent strategy and the first less one
B. Suggestion
The author suggest from this paper discussion is realized that this paper
far from perfectly and pretty cool. Ao the author hope that the readers could
give a feedback like critics and suggest for better paper in the future.