PROPOSAL New Joko Tak Uk Uk 7
PROPOSAL New Joko Tak Uk Uk 7
PROPOSAL New Joko Tak Uk Uk 7
A. Background
Being successful in teaching English is the dominant factor that the
English teacher should pay attention to, especially in teaching reading. Through
reading, one can enhance his experience, develop new concept, solve his
problem, and broaden his horizon of thinking, which are needed to ensure
continuing personal growth and adopt the change in the world yet the importance
of reading has not been realized by most of our society a large number of our
population is classified as poor readers and the majority of the people are content
to read materials of poor quality.
In education organization learning actively must be uses in order to make
students learning under teachers help and related to government. The subject
which is taught by the teacher to the students have programmed by government
in curriculum. That is why, teacher tries to do government curricullum program
(KTSP) in the form of learning activity. As the changing of curriculum, the teacher
must be able to choose the learning method which is appropriate with curriculum.
Then, teacher can give chance to the students to get an active role in learning
activity in class.
In teaching and learning English in school, teachers play a very important
role. He or she must be able to motivate students to learn English. Successful
teacher and institution where they teach may differ in many ways. Their teaching
skills are influenced by experience, training, class size, teaching hours in a week,
methodology, delivery of materials and the use of media, especially for reading.
In reading comprehension, the message to be imposed in the written
form is the most important element that the students must recognize, because
the primary purpose of reading is to know the thoughts expressed in the printed
material. Therefore, reading with comprehension is only a way for the students to
arrive at what they want to know from the reading material. However, the problem
is how to make them comprehend.
For students from elementary to university level, reading is something
that has to be done. They have to read their compulsory books or other materials
related to their lesson. For students who are studying languages, reading is one
Faculty of Education and Teacher Training IAIN STS Jambi
of the skills, which has to be learned and is considered as the most important one
because it can influence other language skill (listening, speaking, and writing).
According to Kustaryo (1988;2) it is certainly not easy to present the
different. Reading is a complex process which involves not only read the text but
also their experience to comprehend it. Because of its complexity, many teachers
of English at junior and senior high school find difficulties in all teaching reading
and prefer teaching structure to reading.
In getting the good result in teaching reading, teacher need to make
lesson plan as a guideline during their teaching. Lesson plan must be based on
syllabus, because it has tight relation. Syllabus is the planning for long time, and
the lesson plan is planning in teaching for short time. But, sometime some the
lesson plan made by teacher did not suitable to the syllabus. Especially in
English reading subject. Based on researcher grand tour, There are some lesson
plan did not suitable to syllabus in English reading subject. The reason is
because students have low ability, so it will make them difficult to understand the
According to teachers reason, the researcher interested to investigate
about the suitable between syllabus and lesson plan toward the English reading
at Madrasah Aliyah Sabilul Muttaqin Kuala Tungkal. Based on the explanation, it
is essential to research about assesing teacher Performance in Teaching
English (Reading) at Madrasah Aliyah Sabilul Muttaqin Kuala Tungkal.
B. Problem Statement
According to the statement above, the research question is formulated as
How are the teacher performance in
In this study the researcher limited the research on the suitability between
syllabus and lesson plan in English Reading teaching at Madrasah Aliyah Sabilul
Muttaqin Kuala Tungkal
E. Significance of the Research
The result of the research is expected to be useful reference for the
English language teaching particularly for teaching reading students for other
English teachers.
A. Reading
1. Definition of Reading
Charles in Tohir (2001:5) states that reading is a transmitting of
information process where the author tells all the readers about his ideas or
message. Such as, the author is regard as the informants (sender) and the
reader on another hand is receiver. During the reading process it means that
the reader can be done the reading process but reader only can grasping
and decoding information, meanwhile he cannot as question or comment to
the author directly.
Tinker (1975:9) state reading is identification and recognition of print
or written symbol, which serve as stimuli for the recall of meaning built up
through past experience. From those definitions, it can be concluded reading
means getting process the reader always tries to catch what the writer says
and means actually. Also from those definitions of reading some people
formulate definitions of reading comprehension.
According to William (1984:486) Reading can be divided into four
types, they are:
1. word perception, the ability to recognize a point
2. comprehension, the ability to infer ideas from words
3. reaction, a step in which the reader interacts intellectually and
4. integration, absorbing the ideas in context of ones personal background.
Finally, Harris et all (1980:5) define reading as a process of meaning
elaboration or thinking in relation to written symbols. The recognition and
comprehension Written symbols are influenced by readers perception skill,
experience, language background, mind sets and reasoning abilities as they
anticipate meaning on the bases of what has read.
Faculty of Education and Teacher Training IAIN STS Jambi
Reading Concept
There are different reading definition given by linguistics which
indicate the similar sense of meaning that reading is a comfortable activities
for relax time, come others state that reading is valuable learning activity
where knowledge and science are required to be acquired by the students
According to Rubin (1982) reading is the bringing of meaning to and
the getting of meaning from the printed pages while Simanjutak (1988) states
that reading is the process of putting to reader in contact and communication
with ideas. Widdowson in Rubin (1982) states that reading is not a reaction
to text but an interaction between writer and reader medicated through the
text. It is clear that reading is a fundamental requirement that can influence
the students achievement in studying English through reading, we can
broaden our horizon of thinking.
Anthony (1995:77) states that teaching English as a foreign language
to the second language learners requires the learners to be able to use this
language to in daily, interaction either in the classroom learning process that
are well known as in formal communication, but we can deny that we have
not yet achieved the goal of teaching English as a foreign language.
In teaching reading English teacher should introduce other materials
as an alternative to give variation to the student in teaching and learning
process. These materials can be a form of media that can create a
comfortable atmosphere to interest and stimulate the student in the
classroom learning process.
Learning English could be fun for the students who learn another
language. In this case, teachers of English should have a good preparation
in teaching. It is very essential for the teachers to create a good classroom
atmosphere and to avoid the students from getting bored. According to
William in Rahman, teaching must be learned in such a way that learning
becomes interesting.
comprehension is the minds power of understanding, or the ability to
Tinker (1975;5) states that reading comprehension is not just reading
with a loud voice but also to establish and understand the meaning of words,
sentence, and paragraph sense the relationship among the ideas. As it is, if a
student just reads loudly, but cannot understand the content of the passages,
it means he/she fails in comprehending the passage.
Ophelia (1989; 205) assumes that reading comprehension is
understanding evaluating and utilizing of information between author and
reader. It sounds like the author and the reader can communicate one other.
It means that a reader in this case, tries to understand what he is saying.
Smith and Dale (1980:7) state that reading comprehension means
understanding, evaluating, utilizing of information and gaining through an
interaction between reader and author. Reading comprehension is such a
kind of dialogue between reader and author in which the written language
becomes the medium that cause the dialogue happen when the two persons
communicate through the medium of print reading comprehension refers to
reading with comprehension. Thus reading comprehension is reading by
comprehension the meaning of a passage or what is or has been read. One
who reads something by understanding it can be said that he does a reading
Comprehension is a special kind of thinking process. The reader
comprehends by actively constructing meaning internally from interacting
with the material that is read (Anderson and Pearson in Alexander,
(1993;160). Successful comprehension involves the reader who can
discovery the meaning. It may be finding a particular piece of information,
solving a problem through reading, working to understand an idea or
following a set of directions. From the point of view given above, it can be
concluded that reading is an active thinking process where the reader tries to
gain information given by the author and understands what actually the
purpose of author.
Sequencing comprehension; that is to under several from a
Comprehension skill for the intermediate level consist of:
a. Inferential comprehension; that is to reveal relationship between
Comprehension skill for the advanced level that is the
language. People read to language because they have a desire to do so
and a purpose to achieve.
6. Kinds of Reading
According to Harmer (1987), Three kinds of reading, they are:
Reading Aloud
In reading aloud, the students will get experience in
producing the sound, which should be practice as many as
possible. Reading aloud is divided in two kinds. They are unison is
done with whole group. It is done to check pronunciation, intonation,
the students ability to read and helps teacher to find out who among
his students has difficulty in reading.
Silent Reading
Silent reading is reinforce sing the readers to find out the
meaning of the words. This kind of reading leads the readers to the
better comprehension. This reading is skill to criticize what is written,
to discuss written meaning and to draw inference and conciliation as
well as to tell new ideas on thesis of what is read.
Reading Fast
Reading fast used to improve speed and comprehension in
reading. This skill must sun side with the main purpose of reading
that is comprehension it depends on the kinds of reading material.
This speed rate if reading a story or narrative on will be different
room reading scientific.
Skimming is to read text superficially a rapidly in order obtain
the gist or main idea it is a skill that requires concentration.
Adequate knowledge among of practice is necessary in order to
skim fulfill their purposes.
Scanning is to read a text quickly in order to locate a specific
item of information it is used to design the process of locating
quickly a particular word, phrase, sentence, and fact of figure with a
Intensive reading
Intensive reading is a for recall or total accuracy it is an activity
in class way in using reading. It deals with the detail content and
linguistic study.
Selection of materials
Teacher of English language are expected to be more creative and
more innovative selecting and then presenting materials relatively and using
a wide variety of resources that can enhance and motivate students to learn
English. Through anecdotes, the student will be entertained in reading the
materials. The reading materials should be interesting; the teacher should
notice that in selecting the materials he/she should be sure that they are in
time of students interest in order towing their attention. This is important for
the smooth less of the way to the students to good concentration and attitude
toward reading lesson. If the materials are not interesting, the students will
passively not pay much attention to the lesson. This way means that the
teacher will be difficult to attain the objective of his teaching.
According to Huck in Burns (1984), intermediate students are
interested in reading fiction, biographies adventure and stories of the past.
They like suspense, action and humor. Teacher can asses student personal
reading interest them. In selection reading materials, there are at least three
areas that should be concern:
statement above, we can decide that the select material should be at the
language level of the student.
A material that is too difficult, where every word has to be
explain, or which uses extremely complex grammatical construction is
only likely to produce frustration similarly a material that is too easy does
not extend the students knowledge. The material should be regard,
sequence and varied so their linguistic content and difficulty the ability of
the students.
Cultural content
Reading materials reflect the culture perception of the writer.
Therefore, many reading materials, especially non-scientific material, or
culturally biased, and so can cause comprehension problems for the
students. For example, Indonesian students might have difficulty with the
story about an American child who gases into his teachers eyes in
search of compassion. The opposite of true in Indonesian culture where
the children show respect by not looking into their superiors eyes.
If the teacher believes that the culture content would interfere
with student comprehension, such material can be avoid an opportunity
for students to gain new awareness of different culturally define
behaviors, in such a case, the teacher can explain the differences in
culture behavior to the student before their read (Gwin, 1990).
derived from the material itself when the learner reading it (Rubin,
1982 ).
Relate with how to select language learning materials. Richard
and Rogers in Mantasiah( 2000:14) give specification :
Survey Reading
Brown (1987:930) says surveying is specialized technique for
getting a mountain top new of an article chapter content and it helps to
give a general point of view.
b) Skimming
Skimming is a kind of reading that make our eyes move quickly
in order to get the main idea from the reading material. Skimming enable
people to select content that want to read and to discard that which is in
consequential for their purpose.
Scanning is reading the text quickly to answer a specific
question. This technique enables people to locate specific information
without reading all the material around It. Brown (1987;138 ) states that
scanning serves two functions. It uncovers relevant information and
accelerates your reading speed.
Pre-reading is a technique that a reader uses before he began to
read the material to improve his comprehension and recall. Whorter
( 1992 ; 25 ) states that pre-reading involves only at those part of
reading materials that will tell you what it is about or how it is organize.
Further he explains the port on to look at in reading text book chapters
The changes in the purpose. This change is based on the views of the
school kits as the teaching laboratory, library, teaching aids and others.
The changes in the curriculum evaluation system. This change
regarding the methods/the best way to measure/assess the extent to
which the curriculum running effective and efficient, relevant and
productivity of learning program as a system of curriculum.
C. Syllabus
Experts differ in defining the components of the curriculum. There are
five components of the curriculum and argued there that suggests only 4
components of the curriculum. To know the opinion of experts on the
following curriculum components Subandiyah (1993: 4-6) suggests there are
five components of the curriculum, namely: (1) The components of interest;
(2) the content of components / materials; (3) media components
(infrastructure); (4) components and strategies; (5) component of the
learning process.
While Soemanto (1982) suggests there are four components of the
curriculum, they are: (1) Objective (purpose); (2) knowledges (content or
materials); (3) School learning experiences (interaction and learning in
schools) and; (4) Evaluation (assessment). Opinion was followed by
Nasution (1988), Fuaduddin and Work (1992), and Nana Sudjana (1991: 21).
Although the proposed terms of different components, but essentially the
same, namely: (1) Objectives; (2) The content and structure of the
curriculum; (3) implementation strategy PBM (Teaching and Learning), and
(4) Evaluation.
1. Definition Syllabus
The term syllabus can be defined as "outline, a summary, or main
points the contents or subject matter".Syllabus is used to refer to a
product in the form of curriculum development further elaboration of
standards of competence and basic capabilities to be achieved, and the
points and a description of the material that needs to be studied students
in achieving basic standards of competence and ability.
Syllabus is Lesson plans on a group of subjects with a particular
theme, which includes standards of competence, basic competence,
learning materials, indicators, assessment, allocation of time, and
learning resources developed by each educational unit. (Niron, 2009 :11)
2. Principles of Syllabus Development
Syllabus development left entirely to each unit of education,
especially for those who are able to do so. Thus, each unit education has
been given freedom and flexibility in developing a syllabus in accordance
with the conditions and the need for each of them. For training Curriculum
that will be done by each unit education is still in order to the curriculum
understanding national, it is necessary to implementing the principles of
the development syllabus, which includes:
a. Scientific
SBC-based syllabus development has to do with the scientific
principle, which implies that the overall material and activities being
charge in the syllabus must be correct, logical and can be justified
b. Relevant
The scope, depth, degree of difficulty and the order of
presentation of the corresponding syllabus or no relation to the level of
development of physical, intellectual, social, emotional and spiritual
c. Systematic
Overall syllabus components can accommodate the diversity
of learners, educators, and the dynamics of the changes that occur in
schools and the demands of society.
h. Comprehensive
Components syllabus covers the entire sphere of competence
(cognitive, affective, psychomotor) .(Niron, 2009 :11)
D. Lesson Plan
1. Definition of lesson Plan
Lesson plan is an important step that must be done prior to their
teachers implement learning activities and to achieve the ultimate goal of
learning. Learning is not just education but it is a routine activity of
educational communication full message, systemic, procedural, and full of
purpose. Therefore, he must be prepared carefully.
Lesson plan is a process of making plans, models, patterns,
shapes, construction involving teachers, learners, as well as other
facilities required are arranged systematically so that the learning process
that is effective and efficient in achieving the learning objectives that have
been set (UNY Web Page).
Lesson plan is a process of understanding the variety of normative
documents (Candy 22, 23, 24, etc.) and alternative (textbook or other
sources) as well as contextual reality (students and their needs), and
further realize the results that understanding into a document applicative
(syllabus and LIP ) are ready to be implemented in learning at school (UM
Web Page).
Planning the lesson process includes a syllabus and lesson plan
that includes at least the purpose of learning, teaching materials, teaching
methods, learning resources, and assessment of learning outcomes
(Article 20 of Regulation 19/2005).
Lesson plan or usually called Learning Implementation Plan (LIP)
is a learning design subjects per unit which will be applied in learning
classroom teachers. (Muslich.2009: 53) lesson planning or so-called
Learning Implementation Plan (LIP) is a learning design subjects per unit
which will be applied to teachers in the classroom.
Budimansyah.dkk. (2010: 149-150) explains to prepare the
learning process with PAKEM approach, educators preparing steps
following activities: (1) teacher has made a lesson plan (LIP) as both
educator and minimal own ideas by developing and or provide enrichment
LIP has been made by his colleagues. (2) Based on the LIP, educators
then prepare the necessary infrastructure, such as learning resources
(textbooks, dictionaries or encyclopedias, newspapers and magazines),
media and props are used. (3) selecting and steadily into account that the
strategies and methods in accordance with lesson plans have been
developed, (4) if it will proceed with the assessment, the booklet or
assessment instrument to be used has been prepared with a good and
complete. (5) teacher need prepare with a strong intention to carry out a
collective learning process of learners.
According to Decree No. 41 In 2007, the components LIP consists
of: (a) the identity of the subjects, (b) the standard of competence, (c)
basic competence, (d) indicators of achievement of competencies, (e)
learning objectives, (f) the material teachings, (g) allocation of time, (h)
learning, (i) the learning activities include: introduction, core, cover, (j) of
learning resources, (h) the assessment of learning outcomes include:
matter, scores, and an answer key.
Permendiknas 40 of 2007 states in preparing lesson plans should
consider the principles as follows: (a) taking into account individual
differences of learners, (b) encouraging the active participation of
learners, (c) developing a culture of reading and writing, (d) providing
feedback and action , (e) interesting and alignment, (f) apply information
and communication technology LIP.
Steps arrange LIP are: (a) filling in identity column, (b) determining
the allocation of time needed for the meetings to be applied, (c) determine
SK, KD and indicators to be used are contained in the syllabus has been
prepared, (d ) formulate learning objectives together with SK, KD and
indicators that have been determined, (e) identify teaching materials
based on subject matter or teaching contained in the syllabus, teaching
materials is a description of the subject matter / learning, (f) Determining
the learning method that will be used, (g) formulate measures consisting
of initial activities, core and end, (h) determine the equipment / materials /
learning resources are used, (i) develop criteria for assessment,
observation sheets, example problems, techniques pensekoran and an
answer key.
In preparing the LIP needs to pay attention to the following: (a) LIP
are prepared for every KD which can be implemented in one meeting or
Lenah, (b) learning objectives describe the process and learning
outcomes to be achieved by learners in accordance with the basic
competencies, (c ) learning goals may include a number of indicators, or
the learning objectives for some indicators, (d) learning activities created
a meeting, when in the LIP are three meetings, then in the LIP are three
times the pace of learning, (e) if there is more than a meeting for the
same indicator, does not need to be made steps to complete for each
2. The Importance of Lesson Plan
The ability to create lesson plan is the first step that must be held
by teachers and prospective teachers as well as the estuary of all
theoretical knowledge, basic skills and a deep understanding of learning
objects and situations in learning (Mulyasa, 2007: 217). Lesson plan
serves as guide teachers in implementing learning and forming
competence of learners.
Lesson plan is developed based on the characteristics and
condition of the school, as well as the ability of teachers in elaborating be
ready lesson plan guiding the formation of competence of learners. That
teachers can create lesson plans are effective, and efficient, are required
to understand the various aspects concerning the nature, functions,
principles and procedures development, as well as how to measure the
effectiveness of its implementation in the learning (Kasful and Harmi,
Lesson plan is a preparation that must be done before the teacher
teaches. Preparation here can mean the written preparation and mental
preparation, emotional situation to be built, a productive learning
environment, including learners convincing to get involved in full.
E. Relation between Syllabus and Lesson plan
Syllabus is one of the stages in the development of curriculum unit
level, in particular to answer the "what is to be learned?" also a further
elaboration of the main points of the program in the subjects derived from the
standard of competence and competence foundation has been set into the
details of the activities and strategies learning activities and assessment
strategies, and the allocation of time.(Niron, 2009 :7)
Syllabus is basically a macro program that should be translated back
into learning programs more detailed, namely the lesson plan. Syllabus is a
program conducted for a sufficiently long period of time (one semester), a
reference in developing the lesson plan which is a program for a shorter
period of time.(Niron, 2009 :7)
Syllabus is learning plans at an and / or groups of lessons / specific
theme which includes competence standard, basic competence, subject
matter / learning, learning activities, indicators, assessment, allocation of time
and resources / materials / learning tool. Syllabus is a translation standard of
competence and basic competence in the subject matter / learning, learning
activities and competence achievement indicator for the assessment. .(Niron,
2009 :7)
In observance of the above definition, basically syllabus is the main
reference in a learning activity. Some the benefits of this syllabus, including:
a. As a guideline / reference for the development of further learning, namely
in the preparation of lesson plans, management of learning activities, the
provision of learning resources, and development of assessment systems.
Provide an overview of the main points of the program to be achieved in a
b. As a measure in assessing the success of a program learning.
c. Writing documentation (written document) as an accountability program
learning.(Niron, 2009 :8)
So that is why, the lesson plan must be appropriate to syllabus. By
using syllabus as a basic, it can be a guideline to improve students skill. It
also can be a measure in assessing the success of program learning.
Teachers who made lesson plan without based on syllabus will be lose same
F. Previous Research
In order to support this research, the researcher discusses two
related study. First is the study of Suharti (2011) about Improving Students
Reading Competence through DRTA (Directed Reading Thinking Activity)
Technique (A Classroom Action Research in the Science 12th Grade of SMAN
1 Kwadungan Ngawi in 2009/2010 Academic Year). In her study, she wanted
to know whether DRTA technique can improve students reading competence
or not, to know what are the students responses of the DRTA technique and to
evaluate the strengths and weakness of the DRTA technique when it is applied
in teaching reading. After she did research, she got result that DRTA technique
is an appropriate technique which can improve students reading competence;
First, DRTA technique can activate students background knowledge related to
the topic presented in a reading text. Second, various activities in DRTA
technique can enhance students confidence and motivation to have reading
competence. Third, DRTA technique can guide the students comprehend an
overall description about the text. The improvement of reading competence
can be seen from the result of pre-test which has the mean score 56.17, posttest 1 is 67.11, post-test 2 is 72.62 and post-test 3 is 76.15.
Another study to support this research is Alberty study (2014) about
Improving Students Reading Comprehension on Narrative Texts by Using
Story Grammar Strategy at Grade VIIId of SMPN 1 Pondok Kelapa Bengkulu
Tengah. The design of this research was a classroom action research. This
research aimed to explain the extent to which Story Grammar strategy can
improve students reading comprehension on narrative texts and find out what
factors influence the changes of students reading comprehension. The
subject of this research was the students at grade VIIId of SMPN 1 Pondok
Kelapa Bengkulu Tengah which consisted of 30 students. In this research, the
researcher used quantitative and qualitative data to see the improvement of
the students reading comprehension and the factors influence the changes of
students reading comprehension. The instruments of this research were
reading comprehension test, observation checklists and field notes, and
interview. Based on the result of the test, the students who passed the
standard score improved from 30% in the preliminary data to 73,33% at the
end of the research. It means that Story Grammar strategy improves students
reading comprehension that was influenced by students factors (attention,
interest and participation) and teachers factors (choosing the material and
classroom management).
This research has difference from the previous researcher above. In
this research the writer focuses on the impacts of teaching reading without
following the syllabus at Madrasah Aliyah Sabilul Muttaqin Kuala Tungkal.
While, the previous research focuses on improvement of students reading skill
by using reading strategy.
A. Design of the Research
The design of the research that used in this research is qualitative
research because the data would be in the form of statement, suggestion,
comment, critics, etc, thought this qualitative research the writer try to
understand and interpret the collected data from the behavior of human
interaction their perception without a formal measurement (Lexy, 1985:53).
From that perception, the writer take the conclusion if the qualitative
reseach can be statement, suggestion, comment. In this research,
researcher will take documentation from English teachers, they are the
syllabus and lesson plan in English reading subject.
B. Setting and Subject of the Research
1. Setting of the research
The setting of this research is done at Madrasah Aliyah Sabilul
Muttaqin Kuala Tungkal. The research focuses in syllabus and lesson
plan toward English reading at Madrasah Aliyah Sabilul Muttaqin.
2. Subject of the research
The subject of the research or sample used purposive sampling.
Purposive sampling is a sampling technique with special considerations
that deserve to be sampled. This technique is usually performed on
qualitative research (M.DoniSanjaya: 2012). The samples taken from
English teachers of Madrasah Aliyah Sabilul Muttaqin Kuala Tungkal.
C. Kinds and Sources of Data
1. Kinds of Data
Primary Data
Primary data are data that taken by the researcher from
respondent and informant. Primary data also consist of the
information data about all problems that were researched. Primary
data are the data obtained by the researcher from respondents
and informant or some facts that is observed. Primary data are the
data taken directly by the researcher from the respondents without
mediator (M.Subana,2000:20).
Faculty of Education and Teacher Training IAIN STS Jambi
In this thesis, the researcher will get the primary data from the
English teacher of Madrasah Aliyah Sabilul Muttaqin Kuala
Secondary Data
Secondary data is data taken from the sources as documents,
Source of Data
The researcher got the sources of data to this research by
documents, condition, situation and also some people they are:
The English teacher of English Madrasah Aliyah Sabilul Muttaqin
The student class XI Madrasah Aliyah Sabilul Muttaqin
Was few traces of foreign accent
Always use the correct accent, although sometimes
there is some accent in one.
Pronunciation mentions that one makes the students
one redefining a word or sentence.
Difficulty mentioned pronunciation sometimes make
students asked to repeat it.
The mention of pronunciation that one make speaking
not effective because the students do not understand.
An error that makes the sequence of words or
vocabulary changed its interpretation.
Occasionally makes grammatical and/ or word-order is
not error, but change meaning.
Grammar and word-order errors make comprehension
difficult to understand.
The grammar error creating speech is not so understood
or hard to understand.
Use vocabulary and idioms is virtually that of a native
Sometimes the use of the terms that is not right and/or
must change ideas because less understood.
The limitations of vocabulary makes the students find it
very difficult to understand what will be explained.
Errors in using vocabulary make students confused and
difficult to understand what will be delivered.
The limitations of the vocabulary make speaking difficult
to do because only a few vocabularies controlled.
Speech as fluent and effortless as that of a native
Speed of speech seems to be slightly affected by
language problem.
Speed and fluency are rather strongly affected by
language problem.
Usually hesitant: often forced into silence by language
Speech is as halting and fragmentary as to make
conversation virtually impossible.
Appears to understand everything without difficulty.
Understand nearly everything at normal speed, although
occasional repetition may be necessary
Understand most of what is said at slower than normal
speed with repetition.
Has great difficulty following what is said. Can
comprehend only social conversation spoken slowly
and with frequent repetitions.
Cannot be said to understand
conversational English.
Total score
Very low performance
Low performance
Very good
0 -20
Interview is a method to collect the data by asking direct question
to an informer (Keraf, 1997:161). In this part the researcher used it to get
information through oral system about the problems. In collecting this
data, the script writer used interview guide question.
The documentation is notes of incident which had last likes is
writing, drawing, graphic, or works monumental from someone
(Sugiyono, 2008:82). The documentation is method to look for data
about history, geographical, the students condition or students,
classroom facilities or Department facilities, and report students that
includes as sample.
among categories, flowchart and etc. (Sugiyono, 2012:339). Data display can be
done in the form of tables, graphs, phi card, or diagram. In this research, display
data is displayed in the form of table.
A. Finding
In finding the result divided into observation and interview result. Then,
the observation comes from researcher activity in observing teacher when they
taught reading. The interview result was gotten by the teachers and students
answer based on interview sheet. Beside, the researcher also took the
documentation. The documentation was the students achievement result about
reading comprehension. Below is the explantion:
1. Observation Result
There is only a English teacher in this school. Based on the observation
sheet, the aspects of teaching reading performance divided into pronunciation,
grammar, vocabulary, fluency and comrehension. Below the explanation of
observation result:
a) Pronunciation Aspect
The result of pronunciation aspect can be seen as follows:
Table 4.1 Pronunciation Aspect
Teacher was as few traces of foreign accent
Always use the correct accent, although
sometimes there is some accent in one.
Pronunciation mentions that one makes the
students one redefining a word or sentence.
Difficulty mentioned pronunciation sometimes
make students asked to repeat it.
The mention of pronunciation that one make
speaking not effective because the students do not
From the table above, it can be seen that the total of pronunciation
aspect gotten by the English teacher was 20 from total score of
pronunciation aspect was 24. The teacher got 4 for aspect Teacher was
as few traces of foreign accent. Then, teacher got 3 for the mention of
pronunciation that one make speaking not effective because the students
do not understand. Next, teacher got 4 for pronunciation mentions that
one makes the students one redefining a word or sentence. The Difficulty
mentioned pronunciation sometimes make students asked to repeat it got
score 3. The last, teacher got score 3 for aspect always use the correct
accent, although sometimes there is some accent in one.
b) Grammar Aspect
The result of Grammar aspect can be seen as follows:
Table 4.2 Grammar Aspect
An error that makes the sequence of words or
vocabulary changed its interpretation.
Occasionally makes grammatical and/ or wordorder is not error, but change meaning.
comprehension difficult to understand.
The grammar error creating speech is not so
understood or hard to understand.
From the table above, it can be seen that the total of grammar
aspect gotten by the English teacher was 12 from total score of grammar
aspect was 19. The teacher got 3 for aspect An error that makes the
sequence of words or vocabulary changed its interpretation.. Then,
teacher got 5 for occasionally makes grammatical and/ or word-order is
not error, but change meaning. Next, teacher got 2 for grammar and wordorder errors make comprehension difficult to understand. The last,
teacher got score 2 for aspect the grammar error creating speech is not
so understood or hard to understand.
c) Vocabulary Aspect
The result of Vocabulary aspect can be seen as follows:
Table 4.3 Vocabulary Aspect
Use vocabulary and idioms is virtually that of a
native speaker.
Sometimes the use of the terms that is not right
and/or must change ideas because less
The limitations of vocabulary makes the students
find it very difficult to understand what will be
Errors in using vocabulary make students confused
and difficult to understand what will be delivered.
From the table above, it can be seen that the total of vocabulary
change ideas because less understood. Next, teacher got 3 for The
limitations of vocabulary makes the students find it very difficult to
understand what will be explained . The last, teacher got score 2 for
errors in using vocabulary make students confused and difficult to
understand what will be delivered.
d) Fluency Aspect
The result of fluency aspect can be seen as follows:
Table 4.4 Fluency Aspect
Speech as fluent and effortless as that of a native
Speed of speech seems to be slightly affected by
language problem.
Speed and fluency are rather strongly affected by
language problem.
Usually hesitant: often forced into silence by
language limitations.
Speech is as halting and fragmentary as to make
conversation virtually impossible.
From the table above, it can be seen that the total of fluency
aspect gotten by the English teacher was 12 from total score of fluency
aspect was 17. The teacher got 4 for speech as fluent and effortless as
that of a native speaker. Then, teacher got 3 for speed of speech seems
to be slightly affected by language problem. Next, teacher got 2 for speed
and fluency are rather strongly affected by language problem. Usually
hesitant: often forced into silence by language limitations got 1 score. The
last, teacher got score 2 for aspect speech is as halting and fragmentary
as to make conversation virtually impossible.
e) Comprehension Aspect
The result of comprehension aspect can be seen as follows:
Appears to understand everything without difficulty.
Understand nearly everything at normal speed,
although occasional repetition may be necessary
Understand most of what is said at slower than
normal speed with repetition.
Has great difficulty following what is said. Can
comprehend only social conversation spoken
slowly and with frequent repetitions.
Cannot be said to understand even simple
conversational English.
how to read a text to students . Viewed English , they are already dizzy
they said. Because they previously did not learn English seriously.
Because what? Karna previous teachers who teach English teacher
whose background is not English. So the teacher did not quite understand
about the English language . So when I started teaching this class , I like
to teach them from scratch again
The students got usual in using LKS when they studied English. They
had opinion that they have spent money to buy the LKS. It was about students
mind set about study English. It can be a prove that teacher made students got
usual in using the LKS. Of course, it become the problem when students want to
develop their reading skill.
Even the teacher did not use the usual system in teaching reading, but
the teacher believe that students can handle the problem in reading. Beside,
teacher cannot blame students, because some of them did not get the basic for
English lesson when they were in Junior High School. The statement can be
seen as follows:
I believe this is a way of teaching is right for them . Because as I said
earlier , they previously did not know the English language in detail and
depth. Due to the background of teachers of English in the village / school
is not really good . Schools location in students village also far from the
city . So the English teacher who graduated from the university rejected
the chance. No one wants to teach here because the place is so far out
of town and access roads are a bit shabby. If they received English
lessons in detail and depth in MTS, I would not teach this way. Because if
the conditions are like that , they will already know English a little more
clearly . But such conditions do not support them in this school, so
inevitably I have to teach them from small things like this
Based on the interview above, it can be seen that is why, students
sometime failed in reading comprehension. Teacher seldom use syllabus in doing
lesson plan. It did not mean the teacher did not understand the importance of
syllabus, but it was because the students cannot follow well the syllabus. Below
is the teacher statement:
of course very important , because the syllabus is our reference in
making a lesson plan or RPP . If we make a lesson plan without reference
to the syllabus . That means we have only to guess the origin of the goals
in the syllabus . Whereas in the syllabus there are things that we must
achieve . As basic competencies and indicators of achievement of
competencies . There will be aspects that we must achieve . If we make
the RPP unfounded syllabus . Then we will not know what we have to
achieve in the syllabus . Because for me , the syllabus is very important in
making RPP
The teacher said that syllabus is important, but the fact students cannot
follow the English lesson. That became a home work to teacher and school to fix
the using of syllabus for students. Then, the last question is about has been the
syllabus suitable with teacher lesson plan. Below is the answer:
Of course , because I made a lesson plan based on the syllabus .
However , as I said earlier. I can not apply my lesson plans into the
process of teaching me. Earlier I said that students had purchased
worksheets and worksheets that students want to be useful . Not only
purchased and collected. But sometimes in LKS , not all enter into the
syllabus included KTsp I use. I also want to say that this school uses the
curriculum KTsp not k 13
Based on the interview, it can be seen that actually the teacher made
the lesson plan based on syllabus. But, in fact the students cannot accept the
lesson followed by syllabus because they had low ability. In solving the problem,
teacher used their way in making students understand.
After teacher interview, the researcher got students interview as
Most of students enjoy in studying English. It was because they
understand the material. Beside, they like the method of their teacher in teaching
English. Below the answer of students:
of course , because my teacher taught him accompanied with pranks and
funny things . So the students who studied with him , do not feel too late
or saturated in the classroom
In fact, students did not care about the syllabus or how the material.
They care about how teacher can make them fell comfort in studying English.
The cheer and funny teacher would be their favorite. The statement supported by
this one:
of course understand , because my teacher explains the lesson in detail .
All described by him . because , we feel comfortable learning with him .
However, sometimes there are friends who are not happy with English
lessons , so sometimes even though his teacher explains in great detail .
He still does not understand because basically he is not happy with the
English language . So she was difficult to accept all of the teacher's
explanation . Although the teacher was already explained in detail and
Students understand about the material. But some students, basically
did not like the English. So that why, they still did not get motivation in learning
English even though the teacher was well in teaching. Then, reading was as one
of skill in English lesson got special thing in students choice. The statement
supported by the answer below:
yes , I am interested in reading lessons . Since it is very exciting .
Reading with friends and of course with the guidance of our teachers .
Because in the English language itself , we are difficult to read . As we
know that what is written in the text or word . How to read is not the
same . For example , in the writing we can see his writing , but reading
ken . That alone is different . Because of that we were a little difficult to
read . In our translation system is also difficult . Because it used to be
when we learn rarely guided teachers in translating . However , since
the father is teaching us . We gradually understand English . Because
of that I became interested in the English language , especially reading
Based on the interview above, it can be seen that students interested in
learning English. Beside, they felt comfort with the teacher. They talked that their
teacher can make them enjoy in studying English.
Teacher also had duty to help students. In this session, the students
said that they always be helped by the teacher. It became the plus point to the
teacher. The statement can be seen as follows:
yes , my teacher always helped me if we do not understand . Every
time we asked , he always gives an explanation that is easy to
understand. However , sometimes there are some students who question
unanswered because sometimes students too much to ask . So
sometimes there are students who do not have the opportunity to ask
because the time is not so much . But I am still happy with the teaching of
our teachers . Because he never got angry when we asked . He patiently
explained what we asked
Based on the interview result, it can be concluded that teacher used
their way in teaching reading. Teacher made the lesson plan based on syllabus,
but in practice he was more like using their way. Beside, students did not care
about the syllabus to understand the reading session. They needed teacher who
can made them enjoy and feel comfort in studying English, especially reading.
3. The Documentation
The documentation is gotten by achievement result. The result can be
seen as follows:
Table 4.6 Students Reading Achievement Result
Number of students
76 %
Based on the result, it can be seen that all students cannot reach the
reading standard score, that is 65. Most of them got score 50, but it still enough
yet to be a standard. It can be assumed that students failed in reading
achievement test.
B. Discussion
Reading is a crucial form of communication through which we get most of
the information required in teaching and learning situations and in everyday life.
People learn to read by reading, not through drill and practice, but by free
volition, and in this way learners become readers. Reading is the recognition of
printed or written symbols, which serve as stimuli for the recall of meanings built
up through the reader's past experience. It has also been described as a process
of translating alphabetical symbols into a form of language from which the native
speaker has already derived the meaning
The major causes of students' poor performance in English and other
school subjects is their inability to read effectively, which, in turn, is largely is due
to the attitude of learners toward reading. The diagnostic testing of reading
achievement of students described such reading problems as: omission,
substitution, reversal, mispronunciation, sight, vocabulary, not up to grade level,
nervousness, slow reading, and lack of comprehension. Teachers must take
responsibility for solving these problems, but some researcher believes that the
government should involve teachers in working out effective ways of making the
teaching profession viable for serving teachers and attractive to incoming ones, in
order to address the problem of student poor reading culture.
A. Conclusion
From findings and discussion some conclusions can be drawn. teacher
performance in English Reading teaching at Madrasah Aliyah Sabilul Muttaqin
Kuala Tungkal is in categorized good, but because the score only 65, it still need
involvement. Teacher needs to improve their ability and their method in makng
lesson plan based on syllabus especially in reading.
B. Suggestion
Based on the findings, discussion and conclusion some suggestions can
be proposed as follows:
1. The teacher to give more arrangement and practice to students which is
concern to reading session.
2. The students to be more active in studying English especially in reading
3. The findings of this research can be used as references for next
researcher who are in charge to prepare learning materials, especially
reading, to prepare learning strategies, especially for learning reading, and
for assessment makers, especially for reading assessment.
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C. Appendix 1
Interview Sheet
A. Teacher
1) How to apply your teaching system to your students?
=saya biasanya mengajar berdasarkan buku LKS. Karna jika
saya tidak menggunakan LKS, siswa saya banyak yang
mengeluh. Mereka bertanya, jadi untuk apa kami beli LKS jika
kami tidak menggunakannya pak. Dalam mengajar reading,
saya lebih banyak mengajarkan reading kepada siswa dengan
membaca bersama suatu teks cerita. Karna jika tidak begitu,
mereka tidak mengerti sedikitpun tentang b. Inggris. Karna itu
saya mengajarkan cara membaca suatu teks kepada siswa.
Melihat bahasa Inggris saja mereka sudah pusing kata mereka.
Karna mereka sebelumnya tidak belajar bahasa inggris dengan
serius. Karna apa? Karna guru sebelumnya yang mengajar
bahasa inggris bukanlah guru yang berlatar belakang bahasa
inggris. Jadi guru tersebut tidak begitu mengerti tentang bahasa
inggris. Jadi ketika saya mulai mengajar dikelas ini, saya
B. Students
1) Does your teacher make you enjoy the lesson in your class?
=tentu saja, karena guru saya mengajarnya di iringi dengan
senda gurau dan hal-hal yang lucu. Jadi para siswa yang
belajar dengan beliau, tidak merasa suntuk atau jenuh di dalam
Do you understand what has been taught by your teacher?
=tentu saja paham, karna guru saya menjelaskan pelajarannya
secara detail. Semua di jelaskan oleh beliau. Karna itu, kami
merasa nyaman belajar dengan beliau. Namun, terkadang ada
teman yang tidak senang dengan pelajaran bahasa inggris, jadi
terkadang walaupun guru nya menjelaskan dengan sangat
detail. Dia tetap tidak mengerti karna pada dasarnya dia sudah
tidak senang dengan bahasa inggris. Jadi dia sulit menerima
terutama reading.
Does your teacher help you when you still do not understand?
=ya, guru saya selalu membantu saya jika kami tidak mengerti.
Setiap kami bertanya beliau selalu memberikan penjelasan
yang mudah untuk kami mengerti. Namun, terkadang ada
beberapa siswa yang pertanyaan tidak terjawab karena
terkadang siswa terlalu banyak yang bertanya. Jadi terkadang
ada siswa yang tidak dapat kesempatan bertanya karna
waktunya juga tidak begitu banyak. Tapi saya tetap senang
dengan pengajaran guru kami. Karna dia tidak pernah marah
jika kami bertanya. Dia dengan sabarnya menjelaskan apa
yang kami tanya.
And here are the steps to make egg and lemon soup: