E8E Progress Evaluation v3 Aug 2016
E8E Progress Evaluation v3 Aug 2016
E8E Progress Evaluation v3 Aug 2016
Project Title
Name 01 Roll No
Name 02 Roll No
Name 03 Roll No
Name 04 Roll No
th th
Evaluation E8 First Progress Evaluation [7 Sem. 15 Week] Examiner Presentation
Marks (Max. 28) 0 (Poor) 1 (Inadequate) 2 (Average) 3 (Good) 4 (Excellent)
Objective Select, analyze and conceive algorithms, circuits, subsystems, or systems for the project in order to comply with the given set
of specifications
Problem Statement, Problem statement has Has mentioned the Has mentioned the Has mentioned the Has mentioned the
Introduction & not been mentioned problem statement problem statement problem statement problem statement
Background and The motivation to work The motivation to work The motivation to work The motivation to work The motivation to work
literature review briefly on the problem has not on the problem is on the problem is on the problem is on the problem is
presented been mentioned vaguely mentioned clearly mentioned clearly defined clearly defined
No literature has been There is no or little At least one relevant Multiple literature indicating in-depth
cited in support the explanation and resource cited in sources are cited in understanding of the
problem statement irrelevant literature support of the support of the proposed problem.
cited to support the proposed solution solution to the problem Has cited latest sources
problem statement statement which shows in-depth
understanding of the
Block Diagram which Has not been able to Has partially identify the Has identified the main Has presented the main Has presented significant
describes the system identify the main modules main blocks and their modules and their and sub modules and level of details of Main
and the interaction and their interaction with interaction with the help interaction with the help their interaction with the and sub modules which
between different the help of a block of block diagram of block diagram help of a block diagram indicates in depth analysis
modules/sub-modules diagram indicating reasonable level and understanding of the
presented of understanding of the project
Flowchart/Algorithm of Has not presented the Has presented a flowchart Has presented a flowchart The presented flowchart The presented flowchart
the system flowchart describing the which partially describes which describes the describes the main and describes the main and
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project algorithm the project main project main and sub sub algorithms in a fairly sub algorithms and high
algorithm algorithm good level of detail. level of detail indicating
Multiple flowcharts are analysis and
used to describe sub- understanding of the
modules project
Objectives Use engineering tools to simulate, test and trouble shoot modules before integration
Present simulation and Has not presented the Has been able to present Has defined simulation Has defined simulation Has well defined
testing procedures of simulation and test basic level of simulation and test strategy at a and test strategy for all simulation and test
module(s) assigned to strategy or test strategy reasonable level main modules of the strategy and test ranges
each group member project for all main and sub
Objectives Plan, organize and execute the project within the given budget and time frame
Present the progress of Has not been able to Has been able to report Has been able to achieve Has been able to maintain Has maintained good
the project tasks report the progress and achieve few the major objectives and steady progress and has progress by preemptive
assigned to each group objectives completed the achieved many of the actions and is in line with
member by identifying deliverables deliverables project timeline
the milestones
Objectives Communicate the project through oral presentations and written reports
Faces the audience and Reading from slides, does Partially reading from Facing the audience and Speaking with confidence Facing the audience with
keeps eye contact and not face audience, lacks slides, intermittent having eye contact with and in eye contact with confidence and having
delivers in correct confidence, unable to contact with audience, them with reasonable the entire audience and excellent command in
English speak in grammatically slight lack of confidence, level of English have good command in English language
correct English makes few mistakes in English language
grammatical delivery
Clarity of the Unable to clearly Able to explain with Explains with Explains with clarity Explains with clarity
presentation given explain project some clarity reasonable clarity Good level of explaining Explanation is
Unable to explain things Able to explain few Sequence of different aspects equivalent to a good
in logical sequence aspects in a logical presentation Relevant details are quality lecture delivered
Irrelevant details are sequence understandable presented in the class
presented Few irrelevant details No irrelevant detail is Relevant details are
are presented presented presented
Comments/Observation Marks Name 01
Marks Name 02
Marks Name 03
Marks Name 04
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Signature of Examiner and date
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