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1dac10-G6-Q3-Itfa Assignment Submission Form

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Program / Tutorial Group DAC G10

Lecturer / Tutor SHUM YEW MUN

Submission Date 2 / 1 / 2020

Assignment Group Number GROUP 6

No. Student Name ID Number Signature Total



3. KWAN JIA BOO 19WBD02990



Plagiarism Statement
The Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business views cases of plagiarism or collusion by students very
seriously. Any students who intentionally plagiarize of collude in any part of their assignments/projects or
written work threatens the values of academic work and undermines the credibility and integrity of the
University College’s awards. Plagiarism or collusion discovered at any stage of the student’s course of
study will be dealt with appropriately by the Faculty. Such offender shall appear before a panel of enquiry
at the Faculty and appropriate punishment will be meted out. Punishment may include failing the student
for the assignment or project, re-submission of another piece of work or downgrading of the work the
maximum of a pass grade even if actual grade achieved was higher.

What constitutes “Plagiarism” and “Collusion”?

Plagiarism according to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English means “take and
use somebody else’s ideas, words, etc as if they were one’s own.”

Plagiarism can take the form of reproduction without acknowledgement from published or unpublished
works of others including materials download from computer and Internet.

Student’s work submitted for assessment is accepted on understanding that it is the students’ own effort
without falsification of any kind. Acknowledgement to the source must be made if students had replied on
any sources for information with appropriate reference being made in their work.

Collusion can be deemed to be a form of plagiarism involving the unauthorized co-operation between
two or more people with deceptive intention.

Collusion can take the form of two or more students producing a piece of work together but one
intentionally passing it off as his work with the knowledge of the others. Student may have submitted the
work of another as his own with consent from that other student. In such cases, both parties are guilty of

Obligations of students

Students are required to sign a declaration that the work submitted such as course work assignment,
essays and projects, etc is their own work and that they have not in any way knowingly allow another
student copy it. It will be assumed that all submitted work is that of the students’ own work.

Students are expected to familiarize themselves with or make use of method(s) of citing other people’s
work in accordance with acceptable referencing.

Late Policy
The assignment should be submitted on the due date stated below unless there are legitimate reasons as to
why a student cannot complete the assignment by due date. As a general rule, no extension of time will be
granted. Assignment received after the due date without legitimate reason will be penalized.

i) Late Submission within 1-3 days: Total marks to be deducted are 10 marks.
ii) Late Submission within 4-7 days: Total marks to be deducted are 20 marks.
iii) Late Submission after 7 days: Reject coursework and ZERO marks shall be awarded.
Assessment Criteria Form
Hardcopy and Softcopy Assignment Report Format (10 marks) Score
Report Layout 10 Good, complete and correct Good and complete report layout Complete report layout, wrong Incomplete report layout
Format sequence of report layout, format, correct filename and able filename, did not upload to format, wrong filename and
Properly correct filename, format and to upload to Google Classroom Google Classroom. did not upload to Google
submitted using able to upload to Google Classroom.
Google Classroom successfully
8-10 5-7 3-4 1-2
Section A: Spreadsheets (50 marks)
Criteria Marks Excellent Good Average Poor Score
Transaction and 30 Very relevant data entry. Relevant data entry Suitable data entry Ambiguous or incorrect data
Analysis Excellent use of formulas and Appropriate use of formulas and Sufficient use of formulas and entry
Worksheets functions for data analysis. functions for data analysis. Proper functions for data analysis while Ambiguous or improper use of
Impressive worksheet worksheet format/design, title and some parts are with ambiguous. formulas and functions for
format/design, title and labels labels. Average format/design, title and data analysis. Poor or no
labels. format/design, title and labels.

Excellent and correct analysis Appropriate analysis report with Suitable analysis report to Ambiguous or improper
report with proper title and proper title and labels to analyze analyze sales information while analysis report that does not
labels to analyze sales sales information. some parts are with ambiguous analyze sales information
information. adequately.
23-30 15-22 8-14 1-7
Pivot Table and 10 Excellent and correct pivot Appropriate pivot table with Suitable pivot table to provide Ambiguous or improper pivot
Pivot Chart table with proper title and proper title and labels to provide insights of the sales events while table that does not provide
labels to provide decent insights of the sales event. some parts are with ambiguous. insights of the sales event.
insights of the sales event.
8-10 5-7 3-4 1-2
Charts 10 Excellent and correct charts Appropriate charts with proper Suitable charts for sales data Ambiguous or improper charts
with proper title, legend and title, legend and axis labels for comparison while some parts are that do not adequate sales data
axis labels for sales data sales data comparison. with ambiguous. comparison.
8-10 5-7 3-4 1-2
Criteria Marks Excellent Good Average Poor Score
Section C: Power Point Slides (40 marks)
Content and 20 Consistent and very Relevant and decent presentation slides Suitable presentation slides in Ambiguous or irrelevant
Power Point Slide impressive presentation in terms of background and foreground terms of background and presentation slides. Poor
Design slides in terms of (fonts, tables, titles and etc). Appropriate foreground (fonts, tables, titles visual display of contents.
background and visual display of contents. and etc). While some parts of
foreground (fonts, tables, the slides are with ambiguous.
titles, etc). Effective
visual display of
16-20 11-15 6-10 1-5
Knowledge on 15 Excellent use of Appropriate use of application features Suitable use of application Ambiguous or improper use
the software application features such such as animations, transitions, features such as animations, of application features such as
as animations, audio/video files, hyperlinks and other transitions, audio/video files, animations, transitions,
transitions, audio/video extra features. hyperlinks and other extra audio/video files, hyperlinks
files, hyperlinks and features. While some feature and other extra features.
other extra features. usages are with ambiguous.
13-15 9-12 5-8 1-4
Embedded video 5 Relevant and very Appropriate advertisement video clip for Suitable advertisement video Ambiguous or irrelevant
clip impressive advertisement the event. clip to for the event while advertisement video clip for
video clip for the event. some parts of the clip are with the event.
4-5 3 2 1


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