Animation Week 5 8

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12 Animation

Quarter 1

PIVOT IV-A Learner’s Material
Quarter 1 Module 1 WEEK
First Edition, 2020

Design and Element using
Flowchart and Technical Drawing
and Design

Development Team of the Module


Layout Artist:
Management Team:

I What I need to know?

Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates an understanding of the concepts and underlying principles
of preparing and interpreting technical drawings in animation
Performance Standard:
 The learner independently and accurately prepares and interprets technical

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

 Identify and interpret the basic symbols used in flowcharting

 Create a flowchart that depicts a simple scenario

 Identify different kinds and symbols used in technical drawing

 Understand drafting concepts

 Use and understand geometry in relation to technical drawing

 Use proper dimensioning and sectioning practices

I What is new?


This module is divided into two units: Design and Development using Flowchart
and Technical Drawing and Design.

In this module, you will learn flowchart tools and symbols, the process of
animation, equipment and materials in technical drawing, line drawing scales,
projection, simple geometric shapes, and freehand

Design and Development using
I What is new?

Activity 1:

1. List and describe the keys to create an effective flowchart.

2. List and explain the meaning and use of the five common flowcharting symbols.

D What do I know?

Activity 2: Pre-assessment

On a piece of paper, make a list of different types of charts that you make in school.

D What is in?

Flowchart is a graphical representation of some parts of an information system. In
animation, there is a process to follow in developing film animations. This flow can be plotted
into flowchart so everyone knows what task is next to work through. Flowcharts are classified
by their purpose and function: system flowchart, program flowchart, document flowchart,
and hardware flowchart. Some habits of good flowcharting consists of analyzing from top to
bottom and left to right, it should have plenty of white space and not too crowded, and it
should have an appropriate title that describes the diagrams
` A flowchart is described as "cross-functional" when the page is divided into different
swim lanes describing the control of different organizational units. A symbol appearing in a
particular "lane" is within the control of that organizational unit. This technique allows the
author to locate the responsibility for performing an action or making a decision correctly,
showing the responsibility of each organizational unit for different parts of a single process.
Common alternative names include:
flowchart, process flowchart, functional flowchart, process map, process chart, func-
tional process chart, business process model, process model, process flow diagram, work
flow diagram, business flow diagram.
The terms "flowchart" and "flow chart" are used interchangeably.



Terminator Shows start of a flowchart or its end.

Process Show a Process or ac on step. Indicates any processing func on.

Flow Line (Arrow, Flow line connectors show the direc on that the process flows
Decision Indicates a decision point between two or more paths in a flowchart.

Document This shape shows a Document in a flowchart.

Connector Indicates an inspec on point.

Data Can represents any type of data in a flowchart.

Delay Indicates a delay in the process.

Prepara on Indicates a modifica on to a process, such as se ng a switch or ini alizing a

Subrou ne Indicates a predefined (named) process, such as a subrou ne or a module.

Off‐page connector Use this shape to create a cross‐reference and hyperlink from a process on

E What is more?

Create a flowchart that shows how office staff spend their working days in the office.






E What can I do?

Activity 3: Create a flowchart explaining the process of your routine every morning.

Activity 4: Watch video from Big Bang Theory showing a friend flowchart

A What I have learned?

Activity 4: Make a flowchart to create a solution to the following problems

1. Draw a flowchart to log in to face book account
2. Draw a flowchart that will show how you prepare your favorite drinks
3. Draw a flowchart on paper and by hand on the process of getting up and going to
school. Use at least 4 processes with at most a total of 5 process and two deci-

Organization and Layout - 10 pts
Quality and Accuracy of Information - 10 pts
Learning of materials - 5 pts

A What can I achieved?

Activity 5: Self Check

1. What is the key to create a successful flowcharting?
2. Why do you think it is important to create and effective flowchart?
3, Evaluate yourself against the skills listed below, Check the option that you think
is more appropriate to you.

Skills Weak Good Excellent

List and discuss the purpose and use of

flowchart types
Identify proper symbol to a flowchart
Create and interpret flowchart

Ideas - 10 pts
Understanding - 10 pts
Sentence Structure - 5 pts

Technical Drawing and Design
I What is new?
Activity 1: Pre– Test
I. Identify the following and write your answer on the blank provided
________________ 1. A drawing tool used to draw all horizontal lines and to support the other
pieces of equipment used to draw angles lines
________________ 2. A drawing tool with set angles
________________ 3. A drawing tool used to draw any angle
________________ 4. The ratio of the length and size of an element of an object in the drawing
to the real length and size of the same element of the object
________________ 5. Regular rectangles with all sides equal and all angles right angle
________________ 6. Four-sided figures which opposite sides are parallel but do not have right
________________ 7. A view which the component edges at a 30-degree angle to the horizontal
line drawn.
________________ 8. A view is view in which a component edge in a 7-degree angle to the hori-
zon, the other edge in a 42-degree angle.
________________ 9. A view is in which both parts edge at 45-degree angle to the horizontal line
________________ 10. Sometimes called drafting.

I What do I know?

Activity 2: Draw a Circle

Instruction: Draw a perfect circle below using a technical drawing technique. Don’t use any
tools to create the perfect circle just your idea how to create perfect circle with paper and pen-
cil only

Perfect circle shape – 50%
Cleanliness of drawing –30%
Able to draw circle —20%
Total - 100%
D What is in?

Activity 3: Drawing Equipment and Materials

Instructions: Enumerate types of drawing equipment and materials and its function

Drawing Equipment Function

and Materials

What is it ?
Technical drawing— sometimes called Drafting, is the act and discipline of composing
plans that visually communicate how something functions or is to be constructed. Using
simple lines should give a figure a life, with movements and personality. In animation pro-
duction pipeline, one can be working as pre-production where drawing skill is a must.
Drawing basic shapes would be a great help in designing the shape of a character.
Equipment and Materials
Types of drawing equipment and materials:

1. Pencils—extensively used in drawing and are very familiar to all students. Choosing the
right pencil is important to accomplish a certain drawing task. Pencils are available ranging
from 9H and 6B that is from extremely soft. The type of paper to be drawn on also affects
the grade of pencil to be used; the rougher the paper, the harder the lead should be used.
Grades of Pencil

Types of Types of Description

Pencils Paper
4H Hard and  for accurate layouts
 Not for finished drawings
 Do not use with a heavy hand as it grooves the paper and may
not be erased easily
 Does not print well

Types of Types of Description
Pencils Paper
2H Medium-  hardest grade feasible for finished drawings
 Does not erase easily if used heavily

F and H Medium  excellent general purpose lead weight

 For layouts, finished drawing and lettering

HB Soft  for dense, bold line works, and lettering

 Requires control for fine work
 Erases easily
 Prints well
 Tends to smear easily

B-range - tend to smear too easily for use with T-square and set squares but
pencils can be used to shade areas of the drawing to give effects

2. T-squares—used to draw all horizontal lines and to support the other pieces of equip-
ment used to draw angled lines. It enables lines to be parallel and horizontal.

3. Set Squares or Triangle—clear plastic triangles with set angles.

Two types of Set Squares:
A. 45 set squares—where angles are 45 degrees and 90 degrees

B. 30/60 set squares—where angles are 30 degrees, 60 degrees, and 90 degrees

4. Adjusted Set Square or Compass—used to draw any angle

5. Rulers—used to measure drawing for proportioning

6. Drawing Paper—has different sizes to choose from. The advantage of standard sizes for
drawings is that they enable a more economical use of drawing and tracing paper that the
binding and storing of the drawing become easier.

Line Drawing and Scale

Scale is the ratio of the length and size (linear dimension) of an element of an object in the
drawing to the real length and size of the same element of the object.

Designation of a scale consists of the word “SCALE” followed by the indication of its ration:
SCALE 1:1 for full size
SCALE 1:1 for enlargement scales
SCALE 1: X for reduction scales
Line Weight helps to convey meaning to a technical drawing. The production of good quality
lines may range from correct weight to the correct size. It could give a more professional look
and make the more important parts of the drawing stand out. There are rules as to the actual
weight of lines but you are left to apply judgement as to what is suitable.
Line weight gives meaning to a technical drawing:
 Important objects in the drawing can be highlighted by using heavier outlines.
 Elevations on the objects nearer to the viewer can be darker to make them appear closer
 Grid lines may be drawn faintly so as not overcrowd the rest of the drawing.
 Dimension lines can be drawn in very fine line.

Drawing a Straight Line
1. Hold the pencil naturally.
2. Spot the beginning and end point.
3. Swing the pencil back and forth between the points, barely touching the paper until the di-
rection is clearly established.
4. Draw the line firmly with a free and easy writ-and-arm motion.

Technical drawing is the representation of a three-dimensional component on a two-
dimensional drawing. The three typical views expressed in a projection are called three-panel
image. Three– panel screen with front view, side view and top view as shown below.

Front view

Side view

Top view

Front view

Top view

To be able to draw a technical drawing, you should understand projection.

Types of View
The views may differ in the angle in which you are trying to project:
 Isometric view is a view which the component edges at a 30-degree angle to the horizontal
line drawn. Is a method for visually representing three-dimensional objects in two dimen-
sions in technical and engineering drawings.

 Front view is view in which a component edge in a 7-degree angle to the horizon, the other
edge in a 42-degree angle.

 Planometric view is in which both parts edge at 45-degree angle to the horizontal line drawn.

Basic Strokes

E What is more?

Simple Geometric Shapes

Technical drawing consists of various simple geometric shapes arranged in several ways to cre-
ate other complex shapes. These complex shapes are combinations of simple shape such as
line, arcs, circles, rectangles, and triangles.
 Squares regular rectangles with all sides equal and all angles right angles.
 Rectangles four-sided figures with all internal angles being kept right angles.
 Triangles three-sided figures. To draw a triangle, you should consider:
- the sizes of the three sides
- the sizes of two sides and the included angle
- the sizes of the angles and one side
 Circle or arcs and other related shapes such as ellipses form important parts of drawings
even though a lot of shapes are straight lines. Ellipses can be sketched the same as circle.
Make small arcs on each grid that is occupied by the ellipses and connect an arc.

Freehand Sketching
This technique is very relevant for technical communication. It is sometimes called “thinking
with the pencil” as you are free to bring your ideas into mental pictures on paper.
Sometimes the grid technique can be used to sketch. The grids serve as guide that help keep
the lines straight and proportioned.
Sketching Techniques
Creating proportional objects can be achieved using the circle technique
1. Draw three circles.
2. Draw the tangent lines to the circles.
3. Connect by line each radius perpendicular to the tangent lines.

You can then easily identify the connection points. Just sketch the final shape with a darker

Geometrical shapes like hexagon can be achieved using the circle and grid technique. The cir-
cle will serve as guide on the surface of the shape.

To draw an octagon using the same technique:

1. Draw a circle
2. Identify the horizontal and vertical lines tangent to the circle.
3. Draw the line from the center of the circle at 45 degrees. The diagonals of the grid boxes
may serve as guide
4. Draw the lines perpendicular at each diagonal
5. Darken the final lines with pencil
What can I do?
Activity 4: Technical Drawing Techniques: Small Circle
A. For Method 1

1. Lightly sketch the square and mark the mid-


.2. Draw light diagonals and mark the estimated ra-


3. Draw the circle through the eight points

B. For Method 2

1. Lightly draw a center line

2. Add light radial lines and mark the estimated


3. Sketch the full circle

Activity 5: Line Drawing
Draw the lines on separate bond papers for each sample output below. Maintain the spacing
throughout and keep the line density constant.

Activity 6: Simple Geometric Shapes

Draw the shapes shown to the sizes given. Follow the dimension of the shapes as shown be-
low and add the text under each shape.

What I Have Learned?
Activity 7: Basic Stroke
A. Draw letters in alphabet using basic strokes

Activity 8: Freehand Sketching

Instruction: Draw your names using freehand hand sketching technique:
A. Doodle
B. Scribble
C. Calligraphy

Rubrics for Activity 7 and 8:

Relevant to the assign drawing technique—50%
Cleanliness of drawing—30%
Clarity of the idea –20%
What I can achieve ?
Activity 9: Assessment
Instruction: Modified True or False. Write True if the statement is correct otherwise change the
underlined word to make the statement true
_____________ 1. Technical drawing sometimes called Drafting.
_____________ 2. Scale extensively used in drawing and are very familiar to all students.
_____________ 3. 2H for hard and dense paper.
_____________ 4. 4Hfor medium-hard paper.
_____________ 5. Set Squares or Triangle used to draw all horizontal lines and to support the
other pieces of equipment used to draw angled lines.
_____________ 6. Adjusted Set Square or Compass clear plastic triangles with set angles.
_____________ 7. T-squares used to draw any angle
_____________ 8. Pencils is the ratio of the length and size (linear dimension) of an element of an
object in the drawing to the real length and size of the same element of the object.
_____________ 9. Planometric view is a view which the component edges at a 30-degree angle to
the horizontal line drawn.
_____________ 10. Isometric view is view in which a component edge in a 7-degree angle to the
horizon, the other edge in a 42-degree angle.
_____________ 11. Front view is in which both parts edge at 45-degree angle to the horizontal
line drawn.
_____________ 12. Rectangles regular rectangles with all sides equal and all angles right angles.
_____________ 13. Squares four-sided figures with all internal angles being kept right angles.
_____________ 14. Compass three-sided figures.
_____________ 15. Technical drawing is sometimes called “thinking with the pencil” .

Instruction: Write your personal insights about the lesson using the prompt below.

I understand that _____________________________

I realize that ________________________________

Key Answer

Activity 1: Pre– Test Activity 3: Drawing Equipment and Materials

Answer key
Drawing Equip- Function
1. T- squares ment and Materials
2. Set squares or triangle 1. Pencils —extensively used in
drawing and are very fa-
3. Adjusted Set Square or Compass miliar to all students.
4. Scale 2. T-squares
—used to draw all hori-
5. Squares zontal lines and to sup-
port the other pieces of
6. Rectangles
equipment used to draw
7. Isometric view angled lines.
8. Front view 3. Set Squares or
—clear plastic triangles
9. Planometric view with set angles.
4. Adjusted Set
10. Technical drawing —used to draw any angle
Square or Compass
—used to measure draw-
5. Rulers
ing for proportioning
—has different sizes to
6. Drawing Paper choose from.
Activity 9: Assessment
1. True
Activity 10: Post– Test
2. Pencils
1. T- squares
3. 4H
2. Set squares or triangle
4. 2H
3. Adjusted Set Square or Compass
5. T-squares
4. Scale
6. Set Squares or Triangle
5. Squares
7. Adjusted Set Square or Compass
6. Rectangles
8. Scale
7. Isometric view
9. Isometric view 8. Front view
9. Planometric view
10. Front view
10. Technical drawing
11. Planometric view
12. Squares
13. Rectangles
14. Triangles
15. Freehand Sketching


Animation Volume 1

Innovative Training Works, Inc

By: Rex Book Store, Inc


Prepared by:

Teacher I

Teacher II

Checked by:



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