TMF1014 System Analysis & Design Semester 1, 2020/2021 APPENDIX C: Group Assignment Assessment Rubric
TMF1014 System Analysis & Design Semester 1, 2020/2021 APPENDIX C: Group Assignment Assessment Rubric
TMF1014 System Analysis & Design Semester 1, 2020/2021 APPENDIX C: Group Assignment Assessment Rubric
Gantt Chart, SDLC Phases & All given details are Most given details are Some details are Some details are
IT Project Team Organisation complete, well explained complete, well explained complete, well explained incomplete or missing.
Chart and relate to each other and relate to each other and relate to each other Mismatch in members’
where it is applicable. where it is applicable. where it is applicable. tasks with given roles.
Decomposes project into tasks or Few details could be
activities; estimates each task’s incomplete or mismatch.
time to completion; assigns
resources to tasks; illustrates
project schedule using Gantt
Interview Question Design Produces a clear design Some questions were not Most questions were not Does not produce any
Well-designed questions with of questions with correct well designed or have well designed with proper design of
clear flow and structure within flow and structure incorrect flow and incorrect flow and questions. Also has
the context of organization. within the context of structure. Types of structure. Justifications incorrect flow and
Justified use of questions’ types organization. Types of questions used were not on the types of questions structure is missing or
and reasons. questions used well clearly justified and used is given but were wrong. No clear
justified and explained. some points were not well addressed. justifications were
missing. given.
Summary of Expected Provide detailed results Some information of the Few important points on Points on analysis of
Findings of analysis such as able analysis results were analysis results were result were not complete
Present and summarize analysis to relate with identified missing. missing or not well or no relation at all with
of outcomes from conducted problems, opportunities represented. identified problems,
interview and questionnaire. Can and objectives. opportunities and
be shown in the form of graphs or objectives.
TMF1014 System Analysis & Design Semester 1, 2020/2021
Section 3: Data Flow Diagram & Data Dictionary (20 marks)
Criteria 4 – Excellent 3 - Good 2– Average 1 - Poor
Process Modeling 1: Context Diagram consists of a Diagram consists of a Diagram consists of a Diagram consists of a
Level Diagram Process (System’s name) Process (System’s name) Process (System’s name) Process (System’s name)
Constructs a system design from with at least two with at least two with at least one entity and irrelevant elements
given case study which includes entities and minimum entities and minimum and minimum four data with major errors.
the Context Level Diagram of the eight data flows with eight data flows with flows with some errors.
system. correct use of symbols minor errors.
and free of any errors.
Process Modeling 2: Data Logical model is clearly Most of the elements in Only some of the Logical model is not
Flow Diagram Level 0 (Part 1) presented and elements the logical model is elements in the logical clearly presented and
Conceptualize given case study are well addressed. presented. model is presented. elements are incomplete
into logical model or missing.
Process Modeling 2: Data Diagram consists of Diagram consists of Diagram consists of Diagram consists of
Flow Diagram Level 0 (Part 2) minimum four processes minimum four processes minimum three minimum one process
Constructs a system design from with at least two with at least two processes with at least with at least one entity,
given case study which includes entities, minimum ten entities, minimum ten one entity, minimum six minimum two data flows
the Data Flow Diagram Level 0. data flows and at least data flows and at least data flows and at least or has missing and
two data stores with two data stores with two data stores with irrelevant elements with
correct use of symbols correct use of symbols correct use of symbols major errors.
and free of any errors. with minor errors. and some minor errors.
Process Modeling 3: Data Diagram consists of Diagram consists of Diagram consists of Diagram consists of
Flow Diagram Level 1 minimum three minimum three minimum one process minimum one process
Constructs a system design from processes and minimum processes and minimum and minimum four data with at least one entity,
given case study which includes eight data flows with eight data flows with flows and at least one minimum two data flows
one Data Flow Diagram Level 1 correct use of symbols correct use of symbols data store with correct or has missing and
and free of any errors. with minor errors. use of symbols and some irrelevant elements with
minor errors. major errors.
TMF1014 System Analysis & Design Semester 1, 2020/2021
Data Dictionary Consists of data stores Some details are One data store is More than one data
Constructs data dictionary using that are relevant to the missing or incomplete missing and some store is missing and
provided template with complete processes involved with from the provided details are missing or some details are missing
details such as ID, Name and complete details based template. incomplete from the or incomplete from the
description. Elements are on the provided provided template. provided template.
described well such as Name, template.
Description, Base/Derived,
Length, Type of Data and Default