CSS - PC Operation Midterm Exam Practical

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Date of Exam September 27, 2019 School Year 2019 - 2020




 Using any gadgets during the examination is strictly prohibited.
 Discussion regarding the performance task while the examination is going on is strictly prohibited.
 Understand the problem properly and analyze.
 No sharing of formula when the exam is ongoing.
 Performance will be evaluated based on the rubrics on the next page.

I. Identification - Write the function in Excel that is used to accomplish the given scenarios
below. Choose your answer from the given choices.

Sum Average Count Max Min

_________1. You want to get an idea which country has the densest population in a square mile of
territory from a worksheet about national populations.
_________2. You want to find the cheapest brand from a worksheet about burgers off all popular fast
food chains.
_________3. You want to determine how many students passed the final exam from a worksheet about
about the exam results.
_________4. You want to find out how many tons of garbage are produced by a province from a
worksheet about the garbage collection in different municipalities.
_________5. You want to know who the tallest player is from a worksheet about the basketball league.

_________6. You want to find the shortest flight available from a worksheet about an airline’s
international destinations.
_________7. You want to know the total number of canned goods from a worksheet about food
donations that a charitable has gathered.
_________8. You want to determine the number of registered voters from an electoral worksheet.

_________9. You want to know what the fastest animal is from a worksheet about the movement
speeds of different animals.
_________10. You want to get the standard price per kilo of rice from a worksheet about the rice prices
in different markets in the region.

II. Enumeration - Give the five description of the following operators below. (2 points each)

1. / ___________
2. + ___________
3. = ___________
4. > ___________
5. < ___________
III. Performance Assessment - Solve the Problem below: (40 points)

Diane is planning to loan One Million Pesos (PHP 1,000,000) for her father’s medical bill due to stage
One Kidney Cancer. Let’s say the loan was approved on the September 24, 2019, with an interest rate
of 8.5%. Diane is expected to fully pay the loan after Ten (10) years.

Your task is to create a spreadsheet showing the following required values:

 Show the monthly payments

 Show the amount of interest per month
 Show the total amount of monthly payments with interest
 Show the remaining balance of every monthly payments
 Indicate the summary showing the total amount and remaining balance
 Include title of your spreadsheet


Above Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement Below expectations

(5 pts)
(10 pts) (8 pts) (1 pts)
Neatness and The spreadsheet has The spreadsheet has The spreadsheet is
Organization exceptional formatting and attractive formatting and somewhat organized. The spreadsheet
the information is well is somewhat organized. Readability needs formatting and
organized. It’s easy to read. Data can be read and improvement, as there organization can be
interpreted, but with is great difficulty in confusing to observer.
some difficulty. interpreting information. Spreadsheet
information is not
Formulas The spreadsheet formula(s) The spreadsheet The spreadsheet The spreadsheet has
are well developed and will formula(s) will correctly formula(s) cannot be no formula(s)
correctly determine the determine the needed used to correctly
needed information. information. determine the needed
Titles, Labels and 1. Contains a creative 1. Contains a title that 1. Title is present at 1. Does not contain
Headings title that clearly relates somewhat relates to the top of the a title.
to the data displayed. the data displayed. graph. 2. Does not contain
2. Contains clearly 2. Contains clearly 2. Does not contain any labels for
labeled rows and labeled rows a labels for some of columns and
columns. column, but the row the rows or rows.
and column columns, and
organization were spreadsheet
not completely shows some signs
though out. of disorganization.
Content Spreadsheet meets all Spreadsheet includes Spreadsheet include Spreadsheet fails to
requirements necessary to and make clear all but 1 sand make clear all but include and make clear
determine the cost of the or 2 minor details that 3 or 4 details that are more than 4 of the
travel package. are necessary to the necessary to the travel details that are needed
travel package. package. in the travel package.

Total = 40 pts

References: https://www.rcampus.com

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