HSAD300 1 Jan June2024 FA1 STM V3 04012024
HSAD300 1 Jan June2024 FA1 STM V3 04012024
HSAD300 1 Jan June2024 FA1 STM V3 04012024
1 HSAD300-1-Jan-June2024-FA1-StM-V3-
The following learning outcomes are assessed:
Identify the key factors that inform the proposed SAND model adopted for a
project and summarise the Waterfall, incremental, and Spiral models of Systems
Analysis and Design. Briefly describe each model, identify its strengths and
weaknesses, and compare the three models.
The proposed hybrid system requires the conveners to manage the “local” micro-
conferences and jointly manage the bigger, combined conference. As the systems
analyst, you are required to do the following:
2.1 Perform a feasibility study for the proposed system. (12 marks)
2 HSAD300-1-Jan-June2024-FA1-StM-V3-04012024
2. Below Score
Attributes 1. Unacceptable expectations 3. Meets expectations 4. Exceeds expectations awarded
Definition of Incorrect terms/concepts Some Correct terms/concepts Correct terms/concepts used and
concept/term terms/concepts were used and presented well presented.
are not presented well.
Explanation Irrelevant answer. The Needs to give a Acceptable answer. Covers Detailed, complete, and clear
question needed to be more complete or the core/bulk of required answers. Gives evidence of a
understood. clear, poorly points. good understanding of the
presented answer. concept.
Relationship Does not refer to the Makes very Makes a good reference to Makes a very close reference to
to Buhle Conference minimum the Buhle Conference the Buhle Conference Solutions
case/scenario Solutions case. reference to the Solutions case. case. The answer is well
of Buhle Buhle Conference presented to capture the case
Conference Solutions case. presented in the question.
Solutions More references
and relationships
to the case are
Total Score
2.2 List and describe four functional and non-functional requirements for the Hybrid
Conferencing system. (16 marks)
When a conference has been scheduled, details are sent out to potential presenters
and attendees. The same details are also posted on the Buhle Conference and
company websites. Each delegate and presenter must be registered to attend a
conference on the Buhle Conference system.
3 HSAD300-1-Jan-June2024-FA1-StM-V3-04012024
To register, the delegate/presenter must accept the invitation or click on the
conference link on the company website. A portal is opened, and details about the
user are captured.
The system confirms the details, and a payment portal is opened to accept electronic
payments. When the payment has been processed and completed, a confirmation of
the booking is issued to the user, and the details are stored in the company’s records
for future use.
The conference details are published on the user’s calendar, followed by an email
containing a link to the conference. The link permits the user to confirm or cancel their
On the conference date, a link is sent to the user’s email address; through it, they can
attend or participate. Participants may present their work or vote when resolutions
must be passed. Users may attend the full conference and log out at the end or
prematurely leave the conference. During the conference exit process, users can rate
and comment on the experience.
3.1 Construct a Data Flow Diagram (DFD) for the conference registration process.
(12 marks)
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Grading Rubric- 12 marks
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3.2 Construct a Use-Case diagram for the Buhle Conference System using the
information above. (10 marks)
6 HSAD300-1-Jan-June2024-FA1-StM-V3-
Grading Rubric – 10 marks
Criteria Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement Inadequate
(4 marks) (3 marks) (2 marks) (1 mark) (0 marks)
Correct Identification The student identifies all relevant actors The student The student identifies some The student misses key actors The student
of Actors with appropriate names and descriptions. identifies the most relevant actors but with or provides incorrect identified no
relevant actors with minor errors in names or names/descriptions. actors.
appropriate names descriptions.
and descriptions.
Accurate Use-Case The student identifies and labels all The student Identifies some use cases Misses key use cases or The student
Identification appropriate use cases with accurate and identifies most of the but with minor inaccuracies provides incorrect/irrelevant identified no
relevant names. appropriate use in names or omissions. names. use cases.
cases with accurate
Correct Use-Case- Accurately establishes all use-case-to- Accurately Establishes some Misrepresents key associations No or incorrect
Actor Associations actor associations with clear lines. establishes most associations but with minor or provides unclear/inaccurate use-case-actor
use-case-to-actor errors in representation or lines. associations
associations with missing lines. were made.
mostly clear lines.
Appropriate Use- The student accurately represents all Represents most of Represents some Misinterprets key relationships No appropriate
Case Relationships relevant relationships (e.g., includes, the relevant relationships but with minor or includes irrelevant ones. use-case
extends). relationships inaccuracies or omissions. relationships
accurately. are depicted.
Overall Diagram The diagram is exceptionally clear, neatly The diagram is The diagram is clear but The diagram needs to be Unintelligible
Clarity and organized, and visually appealing. clear, organized, may lack optimal clearer, more organised, and diagram.
Presentation and visually organisation or visual more appealing.
presentable. appeal.
7 HSAD300-1-Jan-June2024-FA1-StM-V3-0401202404012024
Effective Use of Use- Effectively utilizes standard use-case It mostly utilizes It uses some standard Incorrectly uses use-case No use of
Case Diagram diagram notation (e.g., ovals, lines, etc.). standard use-case notation elements but may diagram notation, impacting appropriate
Notation diagram notation, have significant deviations clarity. notation.
with a few minor or inconsistencies.
Adherence to Use- Demonstrates a thorough understanding of Shows a good Demonstrates a basic Needs to display a more Need for better
Case Modelling use-case modelling principles. understanding of understanding of use-case comprehensive understanding understanding
Principles use-case modelling modelling principles. of use-case modelling of use-case
principles. principles. modelling
Creative and Provides a creative and comprehensive Provides Includes basic use-cases, It misses key use-cases and There is no
Comprehensive coverage of use cases, considering various comprehensive but needs more creativity or needs more creativity and coverage or
Coverage scenarios. coverage of use- comprehensiveness. comprehensiveness. creativity.
cases with some
creativity in
Grammar, Spelling, No errors in grammar, spelling, or There are very few Some noticeable errors in Numerous errors in grammar, Unintelligible
and Formatting formatting. minor errors in grammar, spelling, or spelling, or formatting. due to errors.
grammar, spelling, formatting.
or formatting.
Overall Quality and Exceptional effort and high-quality work are Good effort and Adequate effort with Below-average effort and It needs to put
Effort evident. satisfactory quality. acceptable quality. quality. more effort and
provide better
8 HSAD300-1-Jan-June2024-FA1-StM-V3-04012024
3.3 Construct an Activity Diagram for the registration process in the Buhle Conference
System. (10 marks)
Criteria Marks
Correctly Represents Registration Steps 3
Use of Appropriate Symbols and Notation 2
Clear Flow of Activities 2
Proper Sequencing of Activities 2
Overall Neatness and Presentation 1
Total 10
3.4 Construct a Sequence Diagram depicting the registration process. (14 marks)
9 HSAD300-1-Jan-June2024-FA1-StM-V3-
Grading Rubric – 14 marks
Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Satisfactory (2) Needs Improvement (1) Inadequate (0)
Correctness of The sequence diagram The sequence The sequence diagram partially The sequence diagram has The sequence diagram
Sequence Diagram accurately represents the diagram is mostly represents the registration significant errors or omissions, needs extensive correction.
registration process, accurate and process but with several making it difficult to
including all relevant adequately omissions or inaccuracies that understand the registration
actors, objects, represents the impact understanding. process.
messages, and registration
interactions. process, with minor
omissions or
Clarity and The sequence diagram is The sequence The sequence diagram needs to The sequence diagram could The sequence diagram
Organisation exceptionally clear, well- diagram is clear be clearer and more optimal be clearer, more organized, needs to be more legible
organized, and easy to and organized, with organization, making it and clearer, making it easier and more organized.
follow. Objects, actors, minor labeling or challenging to follow some to follow the interactions.
and messages are arrangement issues interactions.
appropriately labeled, that do not
and the flow of significantly impact
interactions is logically understanding.
Inclusion of Key The sequence diagram The sequence The sequence diagram includes The sequence diagram The sequence diagram
Steps includes all essential diagram includes some key steps of the includes only a few key steps omits all key steps of the
steps of the registration most of the key registration process, but several of the registration process, registration process.
process, leaving out no steps of the important interactions or leaving out many important
critical interactions or registration messages still need to be interactions or messages.
messages. process, with a few included.
minor interactions
10 HSAD300-1-Jan-June2024-FA1-StM-V3-0401202404012024
or messages
Use of Sequence The student The student The student's sequence diagram The student needs help The student needs to use
Diagram Symbols demonstrates an understands symbols are somewhat accurate, correctly using sequence sequence diagram symbols
exceptional sequence diagram but there are noticeable errors or diagram symbols, leading to correctly, rendering the
understanding of symbols well, using inconsistencies. frequent errors in depicting diagram uninterpretable.
sequence diagram them mostly objects, actors, lifelines,
symbols, correctly using correctly to depict messages, activations, or
them to depict objects, objects, actors, return messages.
actors, lifelines, lifelines,
messages, activations, activations, and
and return messages. return messages.
Overall The sequence diagram is The sequence The sequence diagram is The sequence diagram's The sequence diagram's
Presentation and exceptionally presented diagram is well- adequately presented but needs presentation needs to be presentation could be
Creativity and creatively enhances presented and more creativity in its improved and creativity in its better, and there is no
the understanding of the includes some representation. approach. attempt at creativity.
registration process. It creative elements
goes beyond basic that aid in
requirements. understanding the
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