Project Details-2022-2023-1
Project Details-2022-2023-1
Project Details-2022-2023-1
Course Project
For this coursework you are asked to select a Project of your choice and write a high-level
project document (Showing steps of all phases), produce a project work breakdown
structure, and develop cost and schedule breakdowns for the project using MS
▪ Stakeholders Registration
▪ Stakeholders’ management strategy
▪ Project Charter
▪ Kickoff Meetings
▪ A Team Contract
▪ Project Scope Statement
▪ Work Breakdown Structure (WBS )
▪ Gantt chart
▪ List of prioritized Risks
Lessons learned Final Report
1. Word document ---- project description.
Include (some or all of the following can be included as applicable)
• Overview - General project background.
• What the project is (summary)? High level view of the end deliverable(s)
• Who will use it and how it will impact users?
• What problem is it solving (Objectives)? What has caused the need for the project
Scope of Work (outline format or text). What is and what is not to be included as
part of the project.
• Deliverables. Final and intermediate deliverables. Is the project multi phased?
• What the project is (details), More detailed breakdown of the project rough time
estimate (3 months) and brief explanation for estimate
• High level description of project management process being used on the project.
Formal methodology if applicable. How are project change and risk to be
managed? What are the reporting and documentation requirements of the projects?
How will communications be managed on the project.
8. Pick a status date and simulate a situation for that date by entering
data for tasks, showing if they are complete, not started or ongoing (% complete)
• This project is for 10 Points.
• The Project submission Due Date is on or before: 5Th Jan , 2023.
• Project submitted after the Due Date will not be marked.
• A Hard Copy of the complete Word Documents along with the necessary Screens
from Microsoft Project should be on an A4 Size paper (Papers limit 2 5 to 40) A
Microsoft Project file should also included.
• Hard copy should be enclosed in an A 4 size folder OR Spiral Binding.
• The cover page of the Project should contain the following Tabular format.
PROJECT NAME:______________
GROUP NAME:________________
DATE: _______________________
• The soft copy of the Word Document and PPTs should be send to the Instructors
Email [email protected] and upload to moodle on ITPM course
Criteria 0 4 8 10 Mark of
Use analysis The student The student The student The student
and design cannot use can use can use can use
tools analysis and analysis and analysis and analysis and
design tools design tools design tools design tools
at all in a limited adequately excellently
Use IDE The student The student The student The student
tools cannot use can use IDE can use IDE can use IDE
IDE tool at tool in a tool tool
all limited way adequately excellently
P2. Apply the process of managing information system projects, know the PLC, SDLC and ten
knowledge areas. Weight: 6%
Presentation 25%
MS Project 30%
Good Luck