Elaine Bueno (Reaction Paper)
Elaine Bueno (Reaction Paper)
Elaine Bueno (Reaction Paper)
by Elaine Bueno
Malining Elementary School is a two-day walk from Tanay, Rizal. This walk
entails passing through the Sierra Madre, which is a mountain range filled with tropical
rainforests, so they must endure heavy rains and crossing rivers with strong currents, as
well as walking through floods and a lot of mud. Secondly, their teaching location has no
signal or electricity, so they have absolutely no means of communicating with their
families or other loved ones. Money is also an issue, since almost half of their salary
automatically goes to the people they hire to carry everything they will be needing when
they make the journey to the elementary school. On top of all of this, they are required
to do this every month, as they were assigned to this public school despite it being quite
far away from their homes, which was not what they were expecting when they first
applied to teach.
These teachers go the extra mile because they know that their students really
look up to them. In the documentary, it was shown that the kids wait for them outside
the classroom doors, while most kids just opt to sit down in class and wait for their
teachers. This shows that the children really look forward to the teachers' visits every
month, and this really inspires them to go through everything they had to in the
documentary in order for these kids to receive a proper education. In addition to that, I
believe that they see it as their responsibility to teach and look after these kids, since no
one else would climb a mountain for two days every month just to do so.
First and most important of all, these teachers chose to be away from their
families in order to pursue their vocation of teaching. Not only are they away from their
families, but they also have absolutely no means of communicating with them while they
are away. It was shown in the documentary that one of the female teachers was writing
a letter to her daughters, and her daughter could never even read it since there was no
post office as well.
In addition to that, their monetary expenses are sacrificed as well, since they
have to spend for supplies they need while they are up in the mountains, as well as
payment for the people who will be carrying their things throughout the journey. Their
job requires a lot of sacrifice from them, and it really shows their nobility and
determination in what they do.
After watching the documentary film, I realized that these people are some of
the unsung heroes of this country, and I wish that they could be given more credit than
just one documentary, since they definitely deserve more recognition for what they do.