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Reflection Paper Sa Ngalan NG Karapatan (ETHICS)

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1. What is human rights?

Basic Human Rights

 Human rights are fundamental freedoms and rights that every person in the world has from
birth to death. These fundamental rights are founded on common ideals such as dignity,
fairness, equality, respect, and autonomy. These ideals are legally defined and protected.
The right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of thought and
speech, the right to employment and education, and many others are all protected by
human rights. These rights are available to everyone, without exception.

2. What is the role of Commision on Human Rights?

 The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) is an independent National Human Rights
Institution (NHRI) established by Executive Order No. 163 on May 5, 1987, in accordance
with the 1987 Philippine Constitution. CHR is a certified NHRI with a “A” rating, meaning it
complies fully with the Paris Principles, which were established by the United Nations
General Assembly in 1995. The Commission, as an NHRI, promotes six core values:
independence, pluralism, broad mandate, openness, accessibility, and operational efficiency.
National and international statutes give the CHR its powers and authority. Its mission is to
ensure that people's civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights are protected,
respected, and enhanced. In conformity with universal human rights principles and norms,
the Commission pledges to provide prompt, responsive, accessible, and excellent public
service for the preservation and advancement of human rights.

3. What can one person do to defend the human rights of all people?

 Get the word out on social media.

 Using social media to raise support for human rights is one of the simplest
methods to take action. If you utilize social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, or
Instagram, make good use of them and show your friends that there is strength
in numbers. To increase awareness, share a petition or campaign update, or post
an inspiring photo or phrase and ask your connections to support human rights.
 Raise funds for Human Rights
 Fundraising activities are a great way to help your community defend human
rights. Request sponsorship from friends, family, and coworkers to participate in
a city run or a swimming challenge. It will also a big help to support those
 Volunteer
 There are various ways to contribute by contributing your talents, whether you
have excellent administrative abilities, can make great visuals, or are an expert in
investigative investigation. Your kind support, whether for one day a month or a
year, has a significant impact on human rights efforts. Check out what volunteer
opportunities are available in your region and sign up online. This little effort is a
big help for those victims and being a volunteer you can gain some informations
and realizations.
 Send an email or a letter
 It's sometimes difficult to envision how an email may affect change, yet history
has shown that direct communications and letters may produce actual
outcomes. The sheer volume of your voice sends a clear message to authority
figures, that is also can be a instrument to provide a great service in protecting
the victims from different kinds of abuse.
 Start a discussion.
 Whether you're advocating for refugee rights or indigenous justice, the power of
speech may compel people to act. “Research demonstrates that real-life
conversations are really powerful,” says an Equality spokesman. “They are the
ones who alter people's hearts and minds.” This year, talk to others about
human rights; you never know whose view you could sway.

4. How can human rights violations be prevented? How are human rights

 Know your rights

 The first method for preventing human rights violations is to have a thorough
understanding of them. Information and knowledge, as we all know, are said to
be powerful. What exactly do we mean when we say "know your rights"? Simply
said, you must be knowledgeable about human rights and know what to do and
where to go to seek redress if your rights are violated.
 Never give bribes.
 Bribery is one of the simplest ways to be violated. It may interest you to know
that if you pay a bribe once to earn favor, you are more likely to pay a bribe again
and again to achieve your goals, even if you are not obliged or demanded to do
so. As a result, if you have paid bribe once and then refused to provide bribe
again for any reason, you are likely to be in violation.
 Insist on your rights
 In this part of the world, I've met a lot of people who believe that standing up for
your rights is a waste of time because you'll lose more than you gain. What they
didn't realize is that insisting on your rights isn't a waste of time; rather, you're
holding the other person accountable and insisting on doing the right thing.
 Educate the offender
 If individuals are permitted to do the wrong thing again and over again without
consequence, they will eventually see it as a right. This indicates that once
violating others becomes ingrained in people's DNA, their ability to recognize it
as a sin fades away. As a result, if you come across a potential or confirmed
violation, educate them. When you teach a criminal, you're indirectly appealing
to his or her basic emotions and reawakening their dormant conscience. This is
in addition to the fact that you will always stand up for your rights and refuse to
allow them to be violated.


When state (or non-state) actors violate, disregard, or reject basic human rights, this
is known as a human rights violation (including civil, political, cultural, social, and
economic rights).
 Evicting individuals from their houses forcibly (the right to adequate housing)
 Failure to ensure a living salary sufficient to support a family (rights at work)
 Failure to prevent discrimination in hiring by companies (based on sex, disability,
race, political opinion, social origin, HIV status, etc.) (Working-class rights)
 Disconnection of water for personal and domestic use on an arbitrary and illegal
basis (the right to water).
 Failure to protect food and its sources, such as arable land and water, against
governmental and private organizations destroying or contaminating them (the
right to food)
 Failure to ensure a living salary sufficient to support a family (rights at work)
B. Write a reflection paper regarding the GMA documentary “I-Witness: ‘ Sa
Ngalan Ng Karapatan’ , dokumentaryo ni Jay Taruc

The documentary's major mission is to inform us on the extrajudicial killings that President
Duterte's Oplan Tokhang campaign has resulted in. In my opinion, they have the potential to
abuse their power to the point where they accuse someone of using drugs when they are not.
They wanted to arrest a large number of people, they falsely accused someone of being a drug
user so that they could brag to others about how many individuals they caught, as well as to
impress the higher-ups. That is why I believe what Patrick told the anchor and CHR about the
story behind their arrest and execution is accurate. We all know that Duterte provided money to
the police, particularly the officers that stand out. So, in order to gain recognition, they plant
drugs or accuse someone, then kill them, leaving no evidence that they just frame the so-called
suspects. If they file a report claiming that the suspects are the ones who have harmed them, the
netizens will believe them since there are no witnesses who can testify to the truth, and if there
are witnesses, they are the ones who have been killed and accused of something they did not do.
I'm upset with the cops since some of them are just abusive. There have been numerous
instances in which they have abused their power, so what Patrick mentioned could be accurate.
Also, CHR is simply performing their job, but other departments or organizations misinterpret it,
believing that CHR is making a huge deal out of it for whatever reason. Actually, it is a significant
matter because it involves a life that is vital to everyone of us. Families have also been left behind
as a result of wrongful executions. CHR values life and dedicated to protecting the rights of all
Filipinos, particularly those who are victims of abuse. CHR is only concerned with what is wrong
and what is right. They don't care if you're in politics as long as what you did was wrong. Those
opposed to CHR activities, on the other hand, are simply people who are afraid of being caught
because they know what they are doing is wrong. That is why they continue to complain about
CHR in order to conceal their illegal human rights violations. It's unfortunate that CHR is the
organization that is assisting us in protecting ourselves and asserting our human rights, but they
are receiving less support from us. CHR deserve better, which is why we must support them and
the government should pay attention to them as well, rather than focusing on those who have
done nothing to help the country and are abusing their power.

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