Social Studies Ubd

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Subject: Social Studies

Grade: 6

Date: February 3rd, 2016

Lesson: Majority and Minority

Time: 45 minutes
I Can Statements:
Demonstrate how individual and local government interact and bring about change.
I know the structure and functions of Albertas provincial government.
I understand how individual and government interact to bring about change.
I know there is a relationship between the values of a society and he model of government
adopted within a society.
GLOs and SLOs:
GLO 6.1: Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the dynamic
relationship between governments and citizens as they engage in the democratic process.
6.1.1: recognize how individuals and governments interact and bring about change within
their local and national communities.
6.1.4: analyze the structure and functions of local governments in Alberta by exploring
and reflecting upon the following questions and issues.
6.S.4: demonstrate skills of decision making and problem solving:
use graphic organizers, such as mind mapping/webbing, flow charting and
outlining, to present connections among ideas and information in a
problem-solving environment.
6.S.8: demonstrate skills of oral, written and visual literacy:
listen to others to understand their perspectives.
Instructional Objectives:
Students will:
Understand the difference between a majority and minority government.
Be able to determine whether a government will be a majority or minority based on the number
of seats.
Record results of class election in the form of a graphic organizer.
Work effectively and cooperatively with peers and independently.
Key Questions:
What does majority mean?
What does minority mean?
How can we use a graphic organizer to record the results of our mock election?

Party cards
Popsicle sticks
Personal white boards

Lesson Procedure:
Write I can statements on the board. Ask a student to read them out before todays

Have students explain to me what majority and minority mean.

Pass out personal white boards. Students will have approximately 5 minutes to brainstorm,
first with a partner and then independently.
Ask students to put down their whiteboards after 5 minutes.
Discussion. Use popsicle sticks to choose students names. Give students a heads-up if
their name is drawn. This way, they have time to consider their answer before their turn to

Discuss that a majority government is formed when over half of the seats belong to a
certain party. Anything less than half is called a minority government.

Hand out made-up party cards. For example, the apple, orange, and peach party. Each
student will represent an MLA from their constituency and we will determine if it is a
majority or minority government.

Students will secretly look at their card. We will then raise hands and make a tally graph
on the smartboard. Ask students to help make the tally graph.
o Repeat this activity 4 or 5 times using different parties, so that students develop a
solid understanding of the concepts or majority and minority government.

Ask students to move/dance around the classroom while the music is playing. Once the
music stops, students must pair up. One student will then explain to his or her partner
what a majority government is. The other partner will then explain what minority
government means. The music will play once again. Students should find a new partner,
and repeat the activity.

Return to the I can statements. Have we covered these statements today? What should
we revisit next class?


Formative assessment:
Observe as students participate in class discussion and activity.
Smart board activity will be saved so that we can re-visit as a class.
Observe personal whiteboards as students brainstorm with a partner and independently.

This lesson went well. Students seem to have a clear understanding of the concepts of
majority and minority. We will review again next class.
Using made-up parties seemed to work well, and allowed me to repeat the activity
numerous times. Physically handing out cards to each student really reinforced the
concepts that we were covering.
Jumping into this unit in the middle has been a little different, but I think students have a
solid understanding of provincial government.

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