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A. History of Multi-grade Program. Make a story line on how the Philippines

adopted multigrade program. Write your answer on the space provided for. (20

The first mission schools in the Philippines were organized as multi-grade

schools. In early 1990s single grade schooling was introduced by the
Americans. It was organized as matter of necessity especially to those far
flung area that has no access in education. Aside from the limited
enrolment, the distance of the barangay to a school, teacher shortage,
lack of funds for school and other facilities also led to organization of

There are negative remarks and observations appeared about multi-grade

classes. One of the negative remarks is that multigrade classes are poor
substitute for single grade classes and it is implemented just to addressed
the problem of access but the quality of education is destitute. On the
other hand, multi-grade classes are considered efficacious in industrialized
countries where they are part of the educational system especially in

There are international studies that proves multigrade program is

beneficial to very learners if is implemented properly, Effective multi-
grade teaching involves much more than simply grouping one grade per
teaching and classroom. The role of the teacher in multi-grade teaching is
very important. There is need for more organized preparation by the
teacher fir the learning process and the use of a variety of different

There are some private schools in the country implemented grade classes
because of the advantages of inter-aged grouping or multi-level classes.
There are some creative public schools in some provinces who have
experimented organizing mutt-grade classes and gained positive results.
Achievement levels of pupils were found to be much better than some of
their counterparts in single grade classes. Aside from acquiring better

in an answer to the problem of access to quality education, the

Department of Education through the Bureau of Elementary Education
(BEED) undertakes the Multi-grade Program in the Philippines (MPPE),
Maximize the use of thin
resources and teachers.

Provide complete education

cycle or expand access in
To maintain educational
sparsely populated, remote
services in barangays
decreasing enrollment.
isolated areas.


PHILIPPINES is an education
delivery system to demonstrate
access to improve the of elementary
education through the completion

Increase the incomplete school and organization of

participation and literacy classes. Modernize teaching

rates. methods.

Overcome the Bring school closer to

shortage of teachers. Community.

1. How are you going to handle the crucial elements of MPPE? Cite
an example. (5 points each)

Crucial Elements of MPPE Explanation

COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION A concept that attempt to bring stakeholders
together for problem solving and decision
making. Community plays an important part
in the education system.

Examples: Community involvement

examples include in - kind and donations,
volunteer days, participation in some school
activities and many more.

TEACHER’S ROLE Teacher's role is very important in the

learning process. Teachers should identify
the needs of every learners and being aware
of the support mechanism.

Example : The teacher is planning, preparing

and delivering lessons. Encouraging students
participation in lessons and in other school -
related activities.

CLASSROOM PHYSICAL ARRANGEMENT A thoughtful physical arrangement of the

classroom helps the student to anticipate
and participate in the activity and adjust
their behavior in each areas as well.

Example: The classroom decoration should

be directly related to what the teacher is
currently teaching. The room is decorated
with visual cue cards and posters containing
taught academic information.

MODIFIED CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION Defined as the modified content, instruction

and or learning outcomes to meet diverse
students need.

Example: Present information through a

multisensory approach ( visual, auditory,
concrete/hands - on materials)



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