Because of You, MIA Update (April 2011)
Because of You, MIA Update (April 2011)
Because of You, MIA Update (April 2011)
April 2011
Kyaikasan School
Daw Yuzana’s school for nuns and poor girls opened soon
after Cyclone Nargis in 2008. As we wrote in the New Year’s
update, the number of students continues to grow and now she
says she is operating at maximum capacity. As was the case
last year we offered dāna for general operating expenses,
which are now almost 2000 US Dollars per month. We
recently heard a heartwarming story about the life of one of
the girls who has been living as a nun there for the last two years. Ma Nandacārī is the daughter of
Daw Nilar, one of the helpers at CMMC. The girl had been badly injured at her work-place in the
summer before her last year of school and because she was
under-age, the factory could get away with simply firing her—
and of course didn’t offer her any compensation for medical
expenses. She was permanently crippled (without the use of a
right hand) and depressed, and her life looked grim. But we
told her about Daw Yuzana’s nunnery and the (then) new
school, and within a week she had ordained and was
beginning to study again. This month Daw Nilar told us that
now not only is her daughter thriving as a nun, but also that
she has passed her 10th Standard examinations and is
beginning to study at higher levels. Daw Yuzana had told us in
November that this year 2 students were doing University-
level work by correspondence, and it turns out that Ma
Nandacārī is one of these. Her life has completely turned
around. There are 400 other ‘Ma Nandacārīs’ at this school,
either as day students or as resident nuns: many lives are
being saved here!
Appamada School
One of the most wonderful things about making offerings to the nuns is seeing how their good ideas
spread like viruses, and how the work of one nunnery will encourage someone else to go forward
with their ideas. These nuns have a lot of initiative, and often have definite ideas about the work
they want to do. And Metta In Action can provide
supportive conditions! In January, we were
approached by Daw Sumanacari, the abbess of
Appamada Nunnery. Some of her youngest nuns go to
school at Zaloon Parahita, and they have to walk
almost 45 minutes in each direction to get there. So
she wanted to start a similar free school, specifically
for the little ones, so they don’t have to walk all that
way in the sun (during the hot season) or through the
mud (in the rainy season). And because Metta In
Action had helped her before, she felt she could ask us
for help with start-up costs. Of course we were happy
to do this! And once we assured her that we could
help, she breathed a big sigh of relief, and later she
told us that she could now rest at night: before she’d been so worried about how to go ahead that
she hadn’t been able to sleep!
Shwebo School
In September of 2010, a vicious tropical storm
struck Burma. We caught the edge of it in
Yangon, but the full force hit Central Myanmar.
There was a great deal of damage and loss; the
full extent which was not widely publicized. In
December Sayadw U Indaka learned of a
school in a remote village near Shwebo that
had been completely destroyed by the force of
the storm. So he asked us if we would be
willing to consider making a donation. A
Sayadaw in Shwebo who was known to
Sayadaw U Indaka was heading up the effort to
rebuild the school. Meeting with Shwebo
Sayadaw later, we learned more details of the
situation: After the storm, over 800 kids had to study outside. As happened after Cyclone Nargis,
communities were left to fend for themselves in the wake of the storm; no official help was
forthcoming to rebuild. But Shwebo Sayadaw was doing whatever it would take to rebuild the
school. He’d managed to collect enough dāna to put up a roof, but there were no walls. After we
offered him our donation, he said that we had freed him from a great
burden and he felt cool again!
Helping Hands
Glen Morris (a Canadian teacher in a private school in Yangon) and
his team of young Burmese volunteers do a magnificent job of making
it possible for poor children to get an education. The volunteers work
‘under the wire’ to match needy kids with available schools, at no
small risk to themselves. Last school year with the help of your dāna,
the Helping Hands Project supported 1234
impoverished children either by providing
full scholarships, or by paying for supplies,
books, and uniforms. Glen told us that
technically although education is free, that’s
far from what actually is the case. Fees and
the required uniforms and supplies are
significant expenses for a poor family, and
the inability to afford these things can be
enough to keep a child from getting an
education. The emphasis of the Helping
Hands project last year was on making sure
that students in the higher grades would be
fully supported so that they would be able
to graduate. But that meant that some children had to be turned away, a heartbreaking decision for
the team to have to make. Helping Hands volunteers arranged to have all the uniforms sewn, rather
than buying ready-made ones, which more than halved the costs—maximizing number of kids who
could receive support. Glen shared some heart-warming stories that were written by the volunteers;
here is part of one of them, written by Ma Rose: “Ma Tin Tin Kyaw was included in our Helping
Hands Community Service Project. She is attending Standard Ten. There are six members in her
family, and they are so poor that Tin Tin Kyaw’s Mother couldn’t enroll her children in school
because she can’t get money even for their food. When we accepted them to join in our project she
was on cloud nine.”
Chanmyay Myaing Meditation Centre