Rizal Concept Paper
Rizal Concept Paper
Rizal Concept Paper
For a fact, the history of the Philippines is multiplex. It has been a colony
of three (3) different nations in the following order: Spain, United States of
America, and Japan. With different longevity of colonial occupation, it gave
sprung to a nation with much diversity in culture and traditions. Each of the
foreign occupants have all neither contributed a good element to the identity of
the Philippines or gave it a colonial illness and an identity crisis.
Among the three, it’s the Spaniards that had its attachments lodged deeply
into the nation and thus, had greater influences [among its colleague colonizers]
in the totality of the Filipino identity. The Spanish colonizers of which occupied
the Philippines for 3 centuries, 3 decades, and 3 years―333 years began their
colonization at the year 1565 to 1898. To mention, between 1500’s to 1900’s, the
nations of Europe were the most active in colonization including Spain. Though
the thought and primary motive behind colonizing a land or nation is to acquire
of its raw resources and increase the expansion of a nation. The Spaniards were
devoted-Catholic European colonizers who included in their agenda to colonize
the Philippines with Christianity. Indeed, they were true to their motives, but
like other things, hypocrisy were present. They ruled chaos and with tyranny
without the Crown of Spain’s knowing their abuses.
With Spain’s grasp on the Philippines, the Filipino suffered countless and
unthinkable horrendous mistreatment. Of course, the mind of the Filipino is just
like any other human minds, it has the ability to comprehend that enables the
person to realize its will―even to cause and organize an uprising against
authorities. Such minds were kindled by the extensive series of oppression. From
it, individuals who were exhausted in living a life of oppression were fueled with
the desire to break the chain and establish independence. Such individuals were
filled with much determination and became part of the revolution organized and
led by the prominent figures of patriotism like Jose Rizal, Andrés Bonifacio,
Apolinario Mabini, Juan Luna together with his brother General Antonio Luna,
Marcelo H. del Pilar, and powerful heroine of the revolution like Gabriela Silang
and Melchora Aquino, and the list goes on. Most of them are intellectuals, others
are simply just desperate and determined to remove the Spanish colonizer’s hold
on the Filipino people.
• Jose Rizal
• Andrés Bonifacio
“Jose Rizal wanted to attain freedom by his pen and paper. On the
contrast, Andrés Bonifacio is determined to wage war against wants the
Spaniards. Jose Rizal’s revolution was bloodless while Bonifacio’s
revolution was violent.
The unfortunate fact that political immorals had exist long before the
Independence is saddening because it is the root cause of the treacherous
deaths of the notable patriotic men such as Bonifacio and Luna. They
bravely fought the Spaniards without worrying about themselves. They are
truly desperate and willing to sacrifice their lives for the cause of
Independence….a wake-up call for the timid and slumbering spirit of
nationalism of the Filipino people. To conclude, to love your country is to love
your identity.”
• Emilio Aguinaldo
The common point provides the resolution to the interrogation of ‘How was
the Filipino identity established?’ and it is the invaluable sacrifice of the all
the Filipino heroes. There cannot be a degree of comparison amongst the
individuals who forfeited their finite lives. Yet, their sacrifice for the noble cause
will make them immortals; as they will have their names inaugurated and
cemented in the eternal history.