Worshipper's Handbook (Kassab & Husson) Pt. 2

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The document discusses liturgical texts and services for different saints' days and Sundays.

The first page discusses the Eisodikon, Kondakion, Anti-Trisagion, and Heirmos of the Ninth Ode for the feast of Theophany.

January 17 is the date of the feast of Saint Antonios the Great.

f~ <u.

Eisodikon Eisodikon Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord: The Lord is God, and he hath shined on us. Save us, 0 Son of God. etc. Kondakion, Tone 4 Mu-ba-ra-kuri l-ati bis-mi r-raob, al-la-hu r-rab-bu za-ha-ca Ia-na. Khal-lis-na, ya bna l-lah, etc.

Kondakion, To trie world hast Thou today shone forth appearing, And the Light of Thy Countenance, 0 Lord, hath been upon signed, Who witb true knew ledge Thy praises sings: Thou earnest, Thou shonest, 0 Light Unapproachable. Anti- Trisagion As many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ: Alleluia. At The Especially
Heirmos of the Ninth Ode" Tone 4

Tone 4

AI-yaw-ma za-har-ta Iil-mas-kii-nah ya rabb, wa-mi-ru-ka qa-di rta-sa-ma 'a-lai-na, nah-nu l-Ia-dhi-na nu-sab-bi-hak, bima'-ri-fa-tin qa-ilin, la-qad atai-ta wa-za-har-ta, ai-yu-ha n-nuru l-la-dhi la yud-na min-hu. Anti- Trisagion An-tu-mu l-Ia-dhin bll-ma-sl-hi 'ta-mad-tum, lil-ma-si-hi qad la-bis-tum. Hal-Ie-lu-ia. At The Especially
Heirmos of the Ninth Ode, Tone 4

Magnify, 0 my soul, her that is more precious than the Hosts above: Every tongue is unable, Wodhy praise to bring to thee: And even minds celestial falter when they strive, To hymn thee, Theatokos: Yet as thou are kind, do thou receive, our faith with welcome, For well our love thou knowest, Which God in us inspires: For of Christians thou art Protectress, Thee we magnify. Koinonikon The grace of God which bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men. Alleluia. Instead of "We have seen the true light," Apolytikion of the Theophany; At thy Baptizing; etc.

'Az-zl-rni ya naf-si, man hi-ya ak-ra-mu qad-ran mi-na l-ajna-di I-'a-la-wiy-yah: In-na l-al-si-nah bi-as-ri-ha, ta-ta-hai-yaru ka-fa tam-da-hu-ki, bi-ha-sa-bi l-wa-jrb, wa-kul-lu 'aq-lm, wain ka-na fa-iqan l-'a-lam fa-in-na-hu yan-dha-hll, fi tas-bi-hiki ya wa-Il-da-ta l-ilah, la-kin bi-ma in-na-ki sa-Ii-hah, ta-qabba-Il ima-na-na, li-an-na-ki 'a-raf-ti show-qa-na l-ila-hi, fa-idh an-ti na-si-ra-tu l-ma-sl-hry-yln, Ia-Ia-kl nu-taz-ztm. Koinonikon La-qad za-ha-rat ni'-ma-tu I-la-hi, al-rnu-khal-Ii-sa-tu li-jami-'! n-nas, Hal-le-lu-ia. (Instead of "qad na-zar-na, etc.") Apolytikion of the Theophany,
Apolysis "Bi'<ti-ma-dak,


Apolysis He that accepted to be Baptized in Jordan by John for our salvation, Christ our true God, etc.

Ya ma-ni qta-ba-Ia an ya'<ta-ml-da fi l-ur-dun-ni min yuhan-na, li-aj-li kha-la-si-na, etc.

71 70

January 7-13
Sunday a.Etee Theophany, on the 7th after the festal Apolytikion the following on the 7th after

January 7-13
Sunday after Theophany, Apolytikion the following the festal


Tone 2


Tone 2

Remembrance of the righteous calls for dirge, of praise, But for thee, Forerunner, will suffice the witness, of the Lord: For thou wast shown to be in truth more august, than the Prophet, Because found worthy to baptize in the waters, Him whom thou wast preaching: Wherefore having greatly suffered for the Trutb, With joy thou mad est known to them in hades good news of God made manifest in flesh, God that takes away the sin of the world, And supplies to us His great mercy. January 17
Saint Antonios the Great

Tidh-ka-ru s-sid-di-qi bil-rna-dih, wa-am-ma an-ta ai-yu-ha s-sa-bi-qu, fa-ta:k-fl-ka sha-ha-da-tu r-rabb, Ii-an-na-ka za-har-ta bll-ha-qi-qa-ti, ash-ra-ta min kul-Ii l-an-bi-ya, idh qa-di sta-halta an tu-tam-mi-da fi l-ma-ja-ri, man qad ku-ri-za bi-hi, wa-idh qad ja-had-ta 'a-ni l-l;laq-qimas-ru-ran, bash-shar-ta l-la-dhi-na fi l-ja-him, bil-ila-hi z-za-hi-ri bil-ja-sad, ar-ra-Ii-ti kha-ta-ya 1'a-lam, wal-ma-ni-hu iy-ya-na r-rah-ma-ta l-'u~-ma.

Saint Antonios

the Great


Tone 4


Tone 4

Thou didst become like the zealous Elijah in his condition, and followed John the Baptist in his upright ways, becoming a dweller in the wilderness and an establisher of the universe by thy prayer, 0 Father Antonios, Wherefore, intercede thou with Christ, to save our souls.

Qad ma-thal-ta iliy-ya l-gha-yii-ra fi ah-wa-Ii-hi, wa-ta-br-ta l-muvmi-da-na fi ma-na-hi-ji-hi L-qa-wl-mah, fa-ha-sal-ta fi 1bar-riy-ya-ti sa-ki-nan, wa-Iil-mas-ku-nah bt-sa-Ia-wa-ti-ka mushad-di-dan, ai-yu-ha a-bu an-to-ni-cs, fa-ta-shaf-fa' Ila ma-si-hi l-ilah, an yu-khal-lis nu-ffi-sa-na,



January 30
The Three Saints and Stars of' the Church: Basil the Gr~at, The Gregory the Theologion and John The Chrysostom.



Three Saints and Stars of the Church: Basil the Great, G,egory the Theologion and John The Chrysostom.


Tone 1


Tone 1

Let us all come together and honor with songs of praise those three great stars of the Trinity, who illuminated the universe with rays of divine doctrines; those rivers of wisdom flowing with honey, who watered the whole universe with streams of divine knowledge, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and glorious John the GOlden-tongued, for they shall intercede with the Trinity for our sakes; who love their sayings.

Ha-lum-rna bi-na li-nal-ta-im [a-mi-tan, wa-nu-kar-rim bilma-da-ih, ath-tha-Ia-tha-ta J-ka-wa-ki-bi l-ta-zi-mah, lil-Ia-hu-ti
l-mu-thal-la-thi sh-shu-mus, al-Ia-dhi-na ana-ru l-mas-kti-nah, bi-ashi'<'a-ti l-'a-qa-idi l-Ila-hiy-yah, an-tia-ra l-hik-ma-ti l-ja-ri-

ya-ti 'a-sa-tan, al-la-dhi-na row-wu l-kha-li-qa-ta kul-la-ha, bima-ja-ri l-mat-rl-Ia-ti l-ila-hiy-yah, a'-ni hi-him ba-si-li-osa f-'azim, wa-gho-ri-gho-ri-osa l-mu-ta-kal-li-ma bil-ila-hiy-yat, ma'a yu-han-na l-ma-jid, adh-dha-ha-biy-yi l-li-san, li-an-na-hum ya-ta-shaf-Ia-Ti-na ila th-tha-lu-thi min aj-Ii-na nah-nu I-muhib-hi-na aq-wa-ll-hum. . Kondakion, Tone 2 Qad na-qal-ta ila ra-ha-ti-ka
khai-ra-ti-ka, al-at-ha-ra j-ka-rl-zin,

Kondakion, Tone 2
'I'hou didst translate to thy rest and the enjoyment of thy goods, those pure ones who preached and discoursed in divine things, _those Chiefs of teachers; for thou didst accept their works and hardships above any burnt offerings, 0 Thou who alone dost glorify thy Saints,

ya raob, wat-ta-mat-tu-'t



yat, wa-ha-ma-ti l-mu-tal-Ii-rnin, Ii-an-na-ka ta-qab-bal-ta at-'aba-hum wa-ma-shaq-qa-ti-hirn, at-dal min kul-li muh-ri-qah, aiyu-ha l-mu-maj-ji-du qid-di-si-hi wah-dak,

At The Especially
Heirmos of the Ninth Ode, Second Canon, Tone 2

At The Especially
of the Ninth Ode, Second Canon, Tone 2

Today, John, 'baptize the Lord in the streams of the Jordan: strange beyond all thought, That Birth so fraught with wonders, 0 most holy Bride, Mother truly blessed! Through the attaining perfect grace of salvation, how rightly we applaud thee as Benefactress, Offering unto thee, Praises as our thanksgiving.

Al-yow-ma yu-han-na, yu-'am-mi-du s-sai-yi-da, fi ma-ja-n l-ur-durm : Ya la-ia-ja-ibi mi-la-di-ki, al-Ia-iqi l-'aq-la ai-ya-tuha l-'a-nls, al-kul-liy-ya-tu n-na-qa-wah, al-um-mu l-mu-ba-rakah, al-la-ti qad nil-ria bi-ha kha-Ia-san ka-mi-lan, ta-nah-nu nan-zu-mu la-ha na-shi-dan la-iqan, mu-qad-di-ml-na tas-bi-hata sh-shuk-ri ha-diy-ya-tan.

Koinonikon The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance. Alleluia.


s-sid-di-qi ya-kii-nu





February 2
Meeting (Presentation) of our Lord Jesus Christ.

February 2
l\1eeting (Presentation)' of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The First Antiphon R: C:


The First Antiphon R:


My heart hath poured forth a good word. Through the intercessions, etc. Glory to the Father, etc. My tongue is the pen of a swift scribe. Through the intercessions, etc. Now and ever, etc. Grace hath been poured out on thy lips, Therefore God hath blessed thee for ever. Through the intercessions, etc.

Fa-da qal-bi ka-li-ma-tan sa-li-hah.

Bi-sha-fa-ta-ti, wa-ll-da-ti l-llah, etc.

R: C: H: C:

Al-maj-du Iil-abi, etc. Li-sa-ni qa-la-mun sa-ri-'u l-ki-ta-bah,


C: R: C:


Al-ana wa-kul-la awa-nin, etc. An-ni'-ma-tu nsa-ka-bat min sha-fa-taik, Ii-dha-li-ka ba-ra-ka-ka r-rao-ba ila d-dah-ri. Bi-sha-fa-'a-ti, etc.

. The Second Antiphon R: C: R: C: R: C: Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, 0 Mighty One. Save us, 0 Son of God, that on the arm of the Righteous S~meon wast held, for now we sing unto thee, Alleluia. Glory to the Father, etc. Atine Arrows are sharp, 0 Mighty One. And under thee shall people fall. Save us, etc. Now and ever, etc. A sceptre of uprightness is the sceptre of .thy Kingdom. 0 Only-begotten, etc. . R: C:

The Second Antiphon Ta-qal-lad sat-ta-ka 'a-la. jan-bi-ka ai-yu-ha l-qa-wiy.


Khal-Iis-na ya bna l-lah, ya man hu-mi-la 'a-la sa-'i-dai s-sid-diq, idh nu-rat-til la-ka Hal-Ie-Iu-ia.

R:, Al-maj-du, lil-abi, etc. Nu-bu-lu-ka mas-mi-na-tun ai-yu-ha I-qa-wiy, wash-shu-Ti-bu tan-ta-ka yas-qu-tun. C: R: C: Khal-li~-na, etc. Al-ana wa-kul-Ia awa-nin, etc. kik. Ya ka-li-ma-ta, etc. 'A-~a sti-qa-mah 'a-sa mul-


Tone 1


Tone 1


Hail, 0 Lady Full-of-Grace, Theotokos Virgin: For out of thee hath dawned the Sun of Righteousness, Christ our God, bringing light to them that were in darkness, Thou also be glad of heart, thou aged righteous man, That receivest in thine arms the Deliverer of our souls, The Lord that on us bestows Resurrection.

If-ra-hi ya wa-ll-da-ta l-ila-hi l-'adh-ra,al-mum-ta-li-ata ni'ma-tan, li-an-na-hu min-ki, ash-ra-qa sham-su l-'ad-Ii, al-ma-sihu ila-hu-na, mu-m-ran al-la-dhi-na fi z-za-lam, sur-ra wab-tahij, an-ta ai-yu-ha sh-sh-ai-khu s-sid-diq, ha-ml-lan 'a-la dhi-ra'ai-ka l-mu'<ti-qa nu-ni-sa-na, wal-ma-ni-ba Iy-ya-na l-qi-ya-mah.


Eisodikon 'I'lne Lord hath made known his salvation in the sight of the heathen he revealed his righteousness: Save us, 0 Son of God,
e tc, mi ka-sha-f'a 'ad-la-hu:

Eisodikon 'Ar-ra-fa r-rab-bu kha-la-sa-hu,


wa-ama-rna [a-ml-'i l-umaya bna l-Iah, etc.

Kondakion, Tone 1 'I'Iiou that didst hallow the Virginal Womb by Thy Birth, And didst bless the hands of Symeon, as was meet, Now also coming to meet us hast saved us, 0 Christ our God: Wherefore give peace amid wars to Thy People, And make strong the rulers whom Thou hast loved, Thou only Friend of Men.


Tone 1

Ya man bi-mow-li-di-ka ai-yu-ha l-ma-si-l.lu l-ilah, lil-mustow-da-'i l-ba-tii-liy qad-dast, wa-li-ya-dai aim-tan ka-ma la-qa ba-rakt, wa-la-na l-ana ad-rak-ta wa-khal-last, ih-Iaz ra-'iy-yatak bi-sa-la-min fi l-hu-rtib, wa-ai-yi-di l-rnu-lu-ka l-la-dhl-na ahbab-ta-hum, bi-ma an-ria-lea mu-hio-bun lil-ba-shar.

At The Especially
Heirmos of the .Ninth Ode, Tone Three Heirmos

At The Especially
of the Ninth Ode, .T'one Three

o Theotokos, that art the hope, of all Christian folk, Shelter, guard, and safely keep, Them that set their hope on thee: The Law and the Scripture darkly show, Mystery we Faithful can dearly read, "Every male, That is Firstborn of his mother, Is holy unto God": Wherefore the Word Firstbegotten, Beginningless Father's Son, And of a Mother virginal, Her firstborn, let us magnify.

Ih-fa-zi um-ma l-ilah, - Ya ra-ja-a I-mu-mi-nin. Min adha ha-dhi l-ha-yah, - Ta-li-bi-ki l-wa-thi-qin: Li-nu-taz-zim ai-yuha l-mu-rni-niin, al-ib-na I-bik-ra ka-li-ma-ta l-abi l-aza-li, al-

mow-lu-da bik-ran Ii-um-min lam ta'-rif ra-ju-lan, idh qad shahad-na fi ?il-li u-na-mu-st wal-ki-ta-bi ras-man, wah-wa an-na kul-Ia dha-ka-rin, yaf-ta-hu mus-tow-da-ran, yud-'a qud-dfi-san lil-Iah.

I will take the cup of salvation, And I will call upon name of the Lord. Halleluia. Apolysis He that accepted to on the arms of the Righteous Symeon for our salvation, etc. Ka-sa l-kha-la-si aq-ba-lu was-ma r-rab-bi ad-'u. Hal-Ie-lu-ia. Apolysis Ya ma-ni r-ta-da an yuh-mal 'a-la sa-'i-dai sim-ia-na s-siddiq, li-aj-li kha-la-si-na, etc.






March 25
The Annunciation of our M05t Holy Theotokos and Evervirgin Mary. The Annunciatio'n

March 25
of our Most Holy Theotokos and E~ervjr'gln Mary.

The First Antiphon


. The First Antiphon R: Al-Ia-hum-ma a'-ti huk-ma-ka lil-ma-lik, wa-'ad-la-ka lib-ni


o God,

thy judgment give to the king, And thy righteousness to the son of the king. Through the intercessions, etc. Glory to the Father, etc. salvation of our" God. Show forth from day to day the

c: R:


Bi-sha-fa-'a-ti, wa-ll-da-ti l-ilah, etc. Al-maj-du Iil-abi, etc. A'<li-nu min yow-min ila yow-min bikha-la-si ila-hi-na,


Through the intercessions, etc. and he will not annul it.

c: c:

Bi-sha-fii-'a-ti, etc.
. li-da-wii-da, Bi-sha-fa-ta-ti, wa-lan

R: Now and ever, etc. 'I'he Lord hath sworn truth to David,

R: Al-ana wa-kul-la awa-nin, etc.


I;!a-Ia-fa r-rab-bu haq-qan yagh-du-ra bi-hi,


Through the intercessions, etc.

The Second Antiphon

R :He C: R:

The Second Antiphon


shall come down like rain upon a fleece, And like dripping ra~n which distills upon the earth. Save us, 0 Son of God, that wast for us made flesh: for now we sing unto thee, Alleluia. Glory to the Father, etc. The Most High hath hallowed his tabernacle. Save us,

Yan-zi-lu mith-la n-na-da 'a-la l-jiz-zah, wa-mith-la l-qat-ri l-qa-tt-ri 'a-la l-ard, yii bna l-lah, yii Irian ta-jas-sa-da Ii-aj-Ii-na, idh nu-rat-til Ii-ka, Hal-le-lu-ia.


. Al-rnaj-du lil-abi, etc. Al-mu-ta-'ii-li qad-da-sa xnai-us-na, etc.



Son of God, etc.

R: . C:

Now and ever, etc. Unto dawning in his days shall righteousness come: And abundance of peace.
0 Only-begotten, etc.

Al-ana wa-kul-la awa-nin, etc. Yash-riq fi ai-ya-mi-hi lu, wa-kath-ra-tu s-sa-Ia-mah.


Yii ka-li-ma-ta, etc .

Apo\ytikion, Tone 4
Today is the' crown of our salvation, And the disclosure of
the mystery which is from everlasting: The son of God becomes the son of the Virgin, And Gabriel announce the joyful tidings:

Apolytikion, Tone 4
Al-yow-ma ra-su kha-la-si-na, wa-zu-hu-ru s-sir-ri J-Ia-dhi .mun-dhu d-du-hfir, li-an-na bna l-la-hi ya-si-ru bna l-ba-tul, wa'[ib-ra-Ila bin-ni'-ma-ti yu-bash-shir, fa-li-dhii-li-ka wa-nah-nu ma-'a-hu, li-nah-tif nah-wa wa-li-da-ti l-ilah, If-ra-hi ai-ya-tu-ha 'l-mum-ta-li-ah nr-ma-tan, ar-rab-bu ma-'ik.

of grace: Wherefore with him let us also to the Theotokos cry, "Hail, 0 Lady full-of-Grace, the Lord is with thee."


Save us, Bash-shi-ru min yow-min ila yow-min, bi-kha-la-si ila-hi-na.: khal-lis-na ya bna l-Iah, etc.

Show forth day to day the salvation of our God: Son of God, etc.

Kondakion, Tone 8
To thee, our Captain Queen of War, the battle trophies won, Thy People, rescued by thine aid from peril, dedicate as our offering of thanksgiving, 0 Theotokos: Yea, as thou hast might which none 'by warring can overcome, From all dangers that can be, do thou deliver us, ' That we may cry to thee, "Hail, 0 Virgin Unwedded Bride.

Kondakion, Tone 8
In-ni ana 'ab-dik, ya wa-Il-da-ta l-Ilah ar-Ia' Ia-ki ra-yata l-gha-Ia-bah, ya [un-diy-yah mu-ha-rni-yah wa-uqad-di-mu la-ki sh-shuk-ra ya mun-qi-dhah mi-na sh-sha-da-id . . . la-kin bi-rna an-na la-ki l-'iz-za-ta l-Ia-ti Ia tu-ha-rab a'-ti-qi-na min su-nu-fi n-na-wa-ib ... hat-ta as-ru-kha ilai-ki if-ra-hi ya 'ani-san la 'a-rus la-ha,

At The Especially
Heirmos of t.he Ninth Ode, Tone 4

At The Especially
Heirmos of the Ninth Ode, Tone 4

Announce, 0 earth, the tidings of great joy: Ye heavens, praise the glory of our God: Not on her that is God's living Ark, Let ever hand be laid with touch profaning: But with gladness let the never-silent lips of Faithful, Acclaim her as Theotokos, gnand in song, "Hail her with the cry of the Angel: "Lady Full-of-Grace, we hail thee: the Lord is with thee.

Is-tab-shi-rt ai-ya-tu-ha l-ar-du, bil-fa-ra-hi l-a-zam, wa-ya sa-ma-wa-tu sab-bi-hi maj-da l-lah : In-na wa-ll-da-ta l-Ilah, bima in-na-ha ta-bu-tun mu-ta-naf-fi-sun lil-Iah, fa-la tu-la-ml-suha ya-dun, mu-dan-na-sa-tun bil-kul-liy-yah, am-ma shi-ra-hu l-mu-mi-nin, f'al-tu-rat-til nah-wa-ha, bi-sow-ti f-ma-Iak, bi-ghairi ru-tu-rin, ha-ti-Ia-tan bib-ti-ha-jtn, it-ra-hi ai-ya-tu-ha l-mumta-Ii-ah ni=ma-tan, ar-rab-bu ma-'ik.

The Lord hath elected Zion: habitation for himself, Alleluia. He hath chosen her to be a

Qa-di khta-ra r-rab-bu sih-yow-na, war-ta-da-ha mas-ki-nan,

April 23'
Saint George

April 23
Saint George

Apolytikion, Tone 4
As Deliverer of Captives, And Defender of the Poor, Healer of the infirm: Champion of Kings: Victorious Great Martyr George, Intercede with Christ our God for our souls salvation.

Apolytikion, Tone 4
Bi-ma an-nak lil-ma-su-rin, mu-har-ri-run wa-rnu'<ti-qun, wa-Iil-Iu-qa-ra wal-ma-sa-kin, 'a-di-dun wa-na-si-run, wa-lil-marda ta-bi-bun wa-sha-Iin, wa-'a-ni l-mu-lilk mu-ka-fi-hun wa-muha-rt-bun, ai-ru-ha l-'a-~lm fi sh-shu-ha-da, [a-war-ji-osu l-Ia-bisu z-za-rar, ta-shaf-fa' ila l-ma-si-hi l-ilah fi kha-la-si nu-tu-sl-na.

Kondakion, Tone 4
When God fulfilleth the name and made thee His garden, of piety a Gardner most trustworthy, Wast thou displayed by sheaves of virtue gathered for thy sewing was with tears, but 1~ gladness thou reapest: With blood of martyrdom hast thou, purchased Christ as thy Treasure: And by thine intercessions; Blessed Saint, For all thou suppliest forgiveness for th~ir sins. ','

Kondakion, Tone 4
Qad ru-lih-ta mi-na I-lah, fa-za-har-ta Ial-la-han mu-kar-raman, li-hus-ni l-'i-ba-dah, wa-ja-ma'-ta li-naf-si-ka, agh-ma-ra Ha-<;la-il ya [a-war-ji-os, li-an-na-ka za-ra'-ta bid-du-mii,' Ia-haad-ta bll-f'a-rah, wa-ja-had-ta bid-dam, fa-ah-raz-ta l-rna-sih, fan-ta ai-yu-ha l-qid-dis, tam-na-hu l-kul-la bHiha-fa-'a-ti-ka, ghuf-ra-na z-zal-lat,

May 21
Salnis Constantine and Helena Saints

May 21
Constantine and Helena


Tone 8


Tone 8

When the image of Thy Cross, In the sky he had described, And bad like Paul a call received, Which came not to him from men, Thine Apostle among soverigns, 0 Lord, His soverign City committed to Thy Hand: And her do thou preserve for evermore in peace, Through the intercessions of the Theotokos, Thou only Friend of Men. Kondakion, Tone 3 :Royal Constantine today, Coming with Helena, his mother, Brings the Cross to light again, Tree we adore as allholy: For the Jews, Symbol recalling humiliation; But a sword Vanquishing foemen, For all the Faithful: And for us it is a banner on high appearing, Mighty in wars, and most dread.

Ya rab-bu in-na qis-tan-tin, al-Ia-dhi hu-wa ra-sii-lak fi 1mu-Iiik, Iarn-ma sha-ha-da ras-ma sa-Ii-bak fi s-sa-ma, 'l-ya-nan, wa-bi-ma-tha-ba-tibii-Ius, qa-bi-la d-da'-wah lai-sa mi-na l-bashar, ow-da' bi-ya-di-ka l-ma-di-na-ta t-mu-ta-mai-n-ssn, fa-anqi-dha-ha bis-sa-la-mah kul-la hln, bi-sha-ra-ta-ti wa-Il-da-ti l-

ilah, ya mu-hib-ha l-ba-shar wah-dak. Kondakion, Tone 3 Al-yow-ma qis-tin-tin wa-hat-Ia-nah um-mi-hi, yuz-hi-ra-ru la-na ~-~a-lib,al-Ti-da l-kul-liy-ya l-wa-qar, al-la-dhi hu-wa khizyun, Ii-ja-ml-'i l-ya-hud, wa-si-Ja-hun Iil-mu-lfi-ki l-mu-mi-nm, ti-ja-ha t-mu-ta-nt-drn, Ii-an-na-hu qad za-ha-ra Ii-aj-li-na ayatan 'a-zi-mah, wa-ra-hi-ban fi l-hu-riib.

June 24
The Nativity of Saint John the Forerunner (Baptist). The Nativity of Saint

June 24
John the Forerunner (Baptist).


Tone 4


o prophet and forerunner, That toldest the Coming of Christ, To give thee thy due of fame, Is task too lofty for us, That lovingly sing thy praise: The barrenness of thy mother, the voicelessness of thy Father, Are dissolved by thy glory, And the holiness of thy birth: And the Son of God made incarnate, Is unto the world proclaimed.
June 29
Saints Peter and Paul


Ai-yu-ha n-na-biy-yu s-sa-biq, Ii-hu-du-rt l-ma-sih, in-na-na la nas-ta-tr,: nah-nu l-rnu-kar-rl-rni-na iy-ya-ka bi-show-qin, an nam-da-ha-ka bi-ha-sa-bi l-wa-jib, Ii-an-na-hu bi-rnow-Ii-di-kashsha-ri-fi I-mu-waq-qar, in-hal-la 'uq-ru um-mi-ka, wa-ri-oa-tu Iisa-ni abik, wa-ku-ri-za fi l-'a-Iam, bi-tta-jas-su-di l-ka-li-ma-ti bni

June 29
Saints Peter and Paul

Apolytikion, Tone 4
Ye that of the Apostles are First-throned, And of the .Christian world are teachers, With the Sovereign Lord of All make Intercession, That His peace he may -giveto the world, And to our souls His great mercy.


Tone 4

Ai-yu-ha l-mu-ta-qad-dt-ma-nt fi ka-ra-si r-ru-sul, wa-mu-talli-ma l-rnas-kti-riah, ta-shat-ra-ta ila sai-yi-di l-kul, an yam-na-ha s-sa-la-ma-ta Ill-mas-kfi-nah, wa-li-nu-Iu-sl-na r-rah-ma-ta l='uzma.

The First Sunday After July 12

Holy Fathers of the Six Councils

The First Sunday After July 12

Holy Fathers .of the Six Councils

Apolytikion, Tone 8 Exceedingly glorified art Thou, 0 Christ our God, That on earth our Fathers as Beacon Lights hast established, And through them hast guided us along the way, That leads us all to the One True Faith: 0 Lord of manifold compassions, glory to Thee.

Apolytikion, Tone 8
An-ta ai-yu-ha l-ma-si-hu ila-hu-na, al-fa-iqu t-tas-bih, ya man as-sa-sa aba-ana l-qid-di-sin, 'a-la l-ar-di ka-wa-ki-ba muni-rah, wa-bi-him ha-dai-ta-na [a-mi-tan ila l-ima-ni I-ha-qi-qi, ai-yu-ha l-ja-zl-lu r-rah-ma-ti l-maj-du lak.

July 20
Saint Elias the Prophet Saint

July 20
Elias the Prophet

Apolytikion, Tone 4

Apolytikion, Tone 4 Ai-yu-ha l-ma-la-ku bil-jls-mi, qa-'i-da-ta l-an-bi-ya wa-rukna-hurn, as-sa-bi-qu th-tha-ni, li-hu-dii-ri l-ma-sih, iliy-ya-su 1ma-jl-du l-mu-waq-qar, la-qad ar-sal-ta n-nr-ma-ta rni-na l-iu-la li-ali-sha,' Ii-yat-ru-da l-as-qam, wa-yu-tah-hi-ra l-our-sa. fa-Ildha-Ii-ka ya-fi-du l-ash-fi-yah, Ii-mu-kar-ri-rnl-hi da-Iman,

o angelic of 'body, pillar of the Prophets and their Cornerstone, the forerunner of the Second coming of Christ, the venerable and glorious Elijah, thou didst send grace from on high to Elisha to dispel sickness 'and to purify lepers. Wherefore, be ever overflowing with healing to those who honor him.

August 6
The Holy Transfiguration of our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Holy Transfiguration

August 6
of ou-r Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ.

The First Antiphon


The First Antiphon R:

C: R:

Great is .the Lord, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God. Through the intercessions -of the Theotokos, save us.
0 Saviour,

'a-zi-mun hu-wa r-rab-bu, wa-rnu-sab-ba-hun jid-dan fi madi-na-ti Ila-hi-na.


C: R:

wa-li-da-ti l-Ilah, ya mu-khal-lis khal-Ils-na. Al-Ia-dhi yu-thab-bl-tu

l-ji-ba-Ia bi-

Glory to the Father, etc. That setteth fast the mountains by his strength. Now and ever, etc. garment. That robeth himself with light as a

Al-maj-du lil-abi, etc. qud-ra . ti-hi.

Bi-sha-fa-u-tl, th-thowb.

C: Through the intercessions, etc.



etc. Al-la-hl-su n-mi-ra mith-Ia

AHina wa-kul-la awa-nin, etc. Bi-sha-fa-ta-ti, etc.


,~ . Through the intercessions, etc. ,~.



The Second Antiphon


The Second Antiphon

C: R: C:

Tbe foundations thereof are in the holy mountains. Save us, 0 Son of God, that on Mount Tabor wast transfigured: for now we sing unto thee, Alleluia. more than all the dwellings of Jacob.

Al-la-dhi asa-sa-tu-hu fi l-ji-ba-li l-mu-qad-da-sah. :' Khal-lL?-na ya bna l-Iah, ya man ta-jal-la bur: idh nu-rat-til la-ka, Hal-Ie-Iu-ia,
Al-rnaj-du Iil-abi, etc. ya ma-di-na-ta l-lah. Khal-Iis-na, 'a-la tu-ri tha-

R: Glory to the Father, etc. The Lord loveth the gates of Zion c. Save us, etc.

La-qad qi-lat fi-ki l-mu-maj-ja-da-tu


Now and ever, etc. eity of God.

Glorious things are spoken of thee, 0


Al-ana wa-kul-la awa-nin, etc. Ar-rab-bu yu-hib-bu ab-waba sih-yown, ak-tha-ra min [a-mi-'! ma-sa-ki-ni ya'-qilb. Ya ka-li-ma-ta
l-lah, etc.

a Only-begotten,


Apolytikion, Tone 7
Thou wast transfigured on the Mount, 0 Ghrist our God, Showing to Thy Disciples Thy glory as much as they could bear: Make to shine upon us sinners also Thine eternal Light, Through the intercessions of the Theotokos: 0 Giver of Light, glory to Thee. .

Apolytikion, Tone 7
Lam-ma ta-jal-lai-ta ai-yu-haLma-si-hu l-ila-hu fi l-ja-bal, az-har-ta maj-da-ka Iit-ta-la-midh, bi-has-bi-ma sta-ta-ru, fa-ashriq la-na nah-nu l-kha-ta-ah, nti-ra-ka -Laza-Iiy, bi-sha-Ia-ta-ti wa-ll-da-ti l-Ilah, ya ma-m-ba n-nii-ri l-rnaj-du lak.

For with thee is the fountain or life: shall We see light. Save us, etc.
0 Lord, in the light

Li-an-na min qi-ba-li-ka 'ai-na f-ha-ya-t; wa-bi-nii-ri-ka 'a-yi-nu n-niir: ' Khal-Iis-ria ya bna, etc.

Kondakion, Tone 7
Upon the Mountain Thou wast transfigured, And then, 0 Christ our God, Thy Disciples, With measure such as flesh can endure, on Thy glory gazed: That tnereatter, when beholding Thee crucified, They might know that Thy Passion freely was endured; . And might preach unto all the world, That Thou art in every truth that Light, Which doth out of the Father shine.

Kondakion, Tone 7
. Ta-jal-lai-ta ai-yu-ha I-ma-sl-hu l-ila-hu 'a-la l-ja-bal, wahas-ba-ma wa-sa-'a ta-Ia-mi-dha-ka, sha-ha-du maj-da-ka, hat-

t.a 'in-da-ma yu-'a-yi-nu-ka mas-lu-ban, yat-ta-nu an-na ala-maka tow-tan bikh-tl-ya-rlk, wa-yak-ri-zu Iil-ta-Iam, an-na-ka bilha-qi-qah, shu-'a-'u l-ab.

At The Especially
Heirmos of the Ninth Ode, Tone 4

At The Especially
Heirmos of the Ninth Ode, Tone 4

Thy Motherhood was oonfirmed as stainless: For God out of thy loins has come forth, Who incarnate, Upon the earth was seen, And made among us men His dwelling: 0 Theotokos, We all therefore magnify thee.

',' Ya wa-ll-da-ta l-ilah, in-na wi-la-da-ta-ki, qad za-ha-rat khil~~C',;wan min fa-sad, li-an-na l-ilah, wa-ra-da min ah-sha-iki, Ia-bi~.san [a-sa-dan, wa-ta-la l-ar-di za-har, wa-bai-na n-na-si ta-sarf;;:.2raffa-li-dha-li-ka [a-mi-tu-na. "'"~~~; , ,.nu-'az-zi-mu-ki .

-I Koinonikon
the light of thy face shall we walk: And in thy name shall we rejoice the whole day long, Alleluia. Instead of, "We have seen ... " Apolytikion: "Thou wast transfigured, etc." Apolysis He that on Mount Tabor wast transfigured in glory in the sight of his holy Disciples and Apostles, Christ our true God, etc. Ya man ta-jal-la

Ya rab-bu, bi-nii-ri waj-hi-ka, nas-lu-ku le-Iu-ia, Instead of, "qad na-zar-na ... Apolytikion:

o Lord, in

ila l-ad-bar: "



bi-maj-din 'a-la [a-ba-ll r-ru-su-li l-qid-dl-sin, etc. tha-bur,


August 15
The Repose of Our Exceedingly Holy Lady Theotokos and Evervirgin Mary: The Repose of Our Exceedingly

August 15
Holy Lady The';toko. and Evervirgin Mary.

The First Antiphon

R: C: R: C: R: C: Chant unto the Lord with joy, all the earth: rejoice, and offer psalms.

The First Antiphon

Sing and R:Hal-li-lu Iil-la-hi ya kul-Ia l-ard, sab-bi-hu wab-ta-hi-ju rat-ti-lu.
C: R: C: Bisha-Ia-ta-ti wa-ll-da-ti l-ilah, ya mu-khal-lis wa-

Through the intercessions of the Theotokos, 0 Saviour, save Glory to the Father, etc. his name. Give thanks unto him: Praise


Al-maj-du Iil-abi, etc. Bi-sha-fa-ia-ti, etc.

I'-ta-ri4u la-hu wa-sab-bi-nu sma-hu.

Through the intercessions, etc. Now and ever, etc. city of our God. In the city of the Lord of Hosts, in the


Al-ana wa-kul-la awa-nin, etc. wat, fi ma-di-na-ti Ha-hi-na.


Fi ma-di-na-tt rab-bi l-qu-

Through the intercessions, etc.


The Second Antiphon


The Second Antiphon

C: R: C:

The Lord loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob. Save us, 0 Son of God, that are marvellous in his Saints, for now we sing unto thee: Alleluia.

Ar-rab-bu yu-hib-bu ma-sa-ki-ni ya-qub.

ab-wa-ba sih-yow-na, ak-tha-ra


C: R:

Khal-Iis-na ya bna l-lah, ya man hu-wa 'a-jl-oun fi qid-disih, idh rru-rat-til Ja-ka: Hal-Ii-lu-ia.

o city

Glory to the Father, etc. Glorious things are spoken of thee, of God. Save us, etc.

Al-maj-du lil-abi, etc. ya ma-di-na-ta l-lah.


La-qad qi-lat fi-ki l-mu-rnaj-ja-da-tu


n R:

Now and ever, etc. God hath laid her foundations forever.
0 Orily-begotten,


Al-ana wa-kul-la awa-nin, etc. Wa-c,la-'al-la-hu asa-sa-ti-ha ila l-abad.

etc. Apolytikion, Tone 1


Ya ka-li-ma-ta, etc. Apolytikion, Tone 1

In bearing the Child, thy maidenhood didst ,thou retain: In thy falling asleep, the world not forsake, 0 Theotokos, Thou wentest over unto Life, for Mother of Life art thou, And by thine intercessions deliverest bur souls from death.

Fi mi-la-di-ki, ha-Iaz-tl l-ba-tu-Iiy-yah wa-sun-ti-ha, wa-fi ru-qa-di-ki rna vah-mal-ti l-'a-Iam wa-ta-rak-ti-hi, ya wa-ll-da-ta l-ilah, li-an-na-ki nta-qal-ti ila l-ha-yah, bi-ma an-na-ki um-mu l-ha-yah, fa-bi-sha-fa-ta-ti-ki, an-qi-dhi mi-na l-mow-ti nu-tu-sana.

Eisodikon Come, let us worship, and fall down before Christ: us, etc. Kondakion, Tone 2 Save

Ha-lum-mu li-nas-jud wa-nar-ka' lil-ma-sih : Khal-lis-na, etc. Kondakion, Tone 2

The Theotokos in intercessions unsleeping, And in protections our hope for ever unfailing, neither the grave nor the might of death could hold: But her that was the Mother of Life did He to life translate, Who once in her evervirgin womb had dwelt.

In-na wa-Ii-da-ta l-ilah, al-la-ti Ia tagh-fal fi sh-sha-fa-'ah, war-ra-ja-u l-ghai-ru l-mar-dfi-di fi n-naj-dat, lam yad-bit-ha qab-run wa-la mow-tun, la-kin bi-ma an-na-ha um-mu l-ha-yah, na-qa-la-ha ila l-ha-yah, al-la-dhi hal-la Ii mus-tow-da-'i-ha, adda-imi l-ba-tii-Iiy-yah.

At The Especially
Heirmos of the Ninth Ode, Tone 1

At The Especially
Heirmos of the Ninth Ode, Tone 1

We even all the nations, UO blessthee, thou only Theotokos: The laws of Nature were conquered in thee, 0 Virgin Pure; for in birth-giving was virginity, preserved and with death is life conjoined, Thou who, after birth-giving, a Virgin didst remain, though dead, art yet alive, 0 Birth-giver of God, and savest always thine inheritance. Koinonikon I will take the cup of salvation, and I will call upon the name of the Lord: Alleluia.

Ja-mi-'u l-aj-yal tu-ghab-bi-tu-ki, ya man hi-ya wah-da-ha, wa-ll-da-tu l-Ilah : Ai-ya-tu-ha l-ba-tii-lu t-ta-hi-rah, in-na hudu-da t-ta-bi-tah, qad ghu-li-bat fi-ki, li-an-na l-mow-li-da ba-tfiliy-yun, wal-mow-ta qad sa-ra 'ur-hu-nan lil-ha-yah, f'a-ya-man hi-ya ba'-da f-wi-la-da-ti ha-tii-lun, wa-ba'vda l-mow-ti hai-yatun, ya wa-Il-da-ta l-ilah, an-ti tu-khal-li-si-na mi-ra-tha-ki daiman. Koinonikon Ka-sa l-kha-hl-~i aq-ba-Iu, was-ma r-rab-bi ad-tu; Hal-Ie-Iu-ia,



August 29
The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist The Beheading

August 29
of Saint John the Baptist

Apolytikion, Tone 2
Remernbrance of the righteous calls for dirge of praises, But for thee, Forerunner, will suffice the witness of the Lord: For thou wast shown to be in truth more august than the worthy prophets, Because found worthy to baptize in the waters Him Whom thou wast preaching: Wherefore, having greatly suffered for the Truth, With joy thou mades known to them in Hades good news of God made manifest in flesh,. God That takes away the sin of the world, and supply to us His great mercy.

Apolytikion, Tone 2
TIdh-ka-ru s-sid-dl-qi bil-ma-dih, ta-an-ta ai-yu-ha s-sa-biqu, tak-ri-ka sha-ha-da-tu r-raob, li-an-na-ka za-har-ta bll-ha-qiqa-ti, ash-ra-ta min kul-li f-an-bi-ya, idh qa-di sta-hal-ta an tu'am-mi-da fi l-ma-ja-ri, man qad ku-ri-za bi-hi, wa-li-dha-li-ka, idh j'a-had-ta 'a-ni l-l).aq-qi mas-ru-ran, bash-shar-ta l-la-dhi-na fi l-ja-hirn, bil-ila-hi ~-~ii-hir bil-ja-sad, ar-ra-fi-tu kha-ti-ata 1-

'a-Iam, wal-ma-ni-hu iy-ya-na r-rah-ma-ta


Kondakion, Tone 5
The Forerunner's glorious death by beheading, Accorded with some dispensation divine, For so to them also in Hades,' could he then proclaim the Saviour's coming, And therefore let Herodias wail, Because for a lawless murder she made request: For not to the law ordained by God, Nor to the life ever-living, did she give her love, But to the life of false-seeming which passes away.

Kondakion, Tone 5
Iri-na qat-ta ra-sa s-sa-bi-qi l-ma-jid, sa-ra bi-tad-bi-rin ilii.hi, Ii-yuk-ra-za Iil-la-dhi-na ifi l-ja-him, bi-wu-rfi-di l-mu-khallis, Ial-tan-ta-hib hi-ro-di-ya, at-ta-li-ba-tu l-qat-la, al-mu-kha-lifa sh-sha-rl-tah.vli-an-na-ha lam tu-thir sha-ri-ta-ta l-lah, wa-la ahab-ba-tl l-ha-ya-ta l-aba-diy-yah, Ia-kin-na-ha ahab-ba-ti l-l).aya-ta l-waq-tiy-yah.



Part IV
Antiphons, T risagions, Apolytikions, Eisodikons, Apolysis, Kondakions, AntiAntiphons, At the EspeciaIlys, Koinonikons, Instead T risagions,

Part IV
Apolytikions, Eisodikons,
At the Especiallys,

Kondakions, AntiInstead


of "We have seen,"

from the Triodion

of "We have seen," .Apolysis,

from the Triodion

The Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee Kondakion, Tone 4 The soaring boasts of the Pharisee let us abandon; And let us learn from the Publican, The humble groanings of penitence, And to the Saviour cry out and say: "Be gracious, for Thou alone are ready to pardon us.

The Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee

Li-nah-ru-ban-na min ka-la-mi

Tone 4
l-Iar-ri-si l-mu-ta-sha-mikh,

wa-na-ta-tal-lam ta-wa-du-ra l-'ash-shar, ha-ti-fi-na bit-ta-nahhu-da-ti, ila l-mu-khal-Iis, ir-ham-na ai-yu-ha l-ha-sa-nu l-musa-Ia-hah wah-dak.

The Sunday of the Prodigal Son Kondakion, Tone 3 In my folly having strayed, From Thy glory, 0 Father, All the wealth Thou gavest me, I have in wickedness squandered: Wherefore now, The prayer of the Prodigal, To Thee am I crying: "I have been a sinner against Thee, Merciful Father: But take 'me back, in my repentence, If only to serve Thee, As might the lowliest drudge."

The Sunday of the Prodigal Son

Kondakion, Tone 3
Lam-rna 'a-si-tu maj-da-ka l-aba-wiy, bi-jah-lin wa-gha-bawah, bad-dad-tu fi l-ma-'ii-:;;i,al-ghi-na l-la-dhi a'-tai-ta-ni, fa-lldha-li-ka as-ru-khu ilai-ka, bi-sow.. ti l-ib-nl sh-sha-ti-ri ha-ti-Ian, kha-ti-tu ama-rnak, ai-yu-ha t-abu r-ra-ur, far-da 'an-ni waq-balni ta-iban, waj-'aI-ni ka-aha-di uja-ra-ik.

The Meat Fare Sunday Kondakion, Tone 1

The Meat Fare Sunday Kondakion, Tone 1

o my God, when Thou shalt come, to the earth in Thy glory,

And all the world with fear shall quake; When that river of flaming fire, Draws me unto Thy Tribune, And record-books are opened wide, And all things hidden are at last revealed: Then deliver me from that unquenchable burning; And account me worthy then to stand at Thy right hand, 0 'luau most righteous Judge.

. Idha atai-ta ya al-Ia-hu 'a-la l-ar-di bi-maj-din, fa-tar-ta-'i-du min-ka l-ba-ra-ya bi-as-ri-ha, wa-nah-ru n-na-ri yaj-ri ama-ma l-min-bar, was-su-huf tuf-tah, wal-kha-f'a-ya tush-har, Ia-naj-jini hi-na-idhin, mi-na n-na-ri l-Ia-ti Iii tut-ta, wa-ah-hil-ni Iil-wuqu-Ii 'an ya-mi-ni-ka, .ai-yu-ha d-dai-ya-nu I-'a-dil.


The Cheese Fare Sunday Kondakion, Tone 6 Thou Guide that leadest unto wisdom, Author of prudence, T,'.~ ~her of foolish, and Defender of the poor: With constancy and understanding endow my Heart: Sovereign Lord, do Thou give i,) me, Thou Word of the Father. For lo, here are my lips; I shall riot obstruct when they cry to Thee, 0 Merciful, have mercy en me, the fallen.

The Cheese Fare Sunday Kondakion, Tone 6 Ai-yu-ha l-ha-di ila hik-mah, war-ra-zi-qu l-fah-ma wal-Iitl-juh-hal, wa-ta-di-du l-mis-kin, shad-did qal- bi, wam-nah-hu Iah-man ai-yu-ha s-sai-yid, wa-a'<ti-ni k a-lima-tan, ya ka-Ii-ma-ta l-ab, f'a-ha in-ni Iii am-na-tu sha-Ia-tai-ya, mi-na l-hu-ta-Ii ilai-ka, ya ra-him, ir-ham-ni ana l-wa-qi.'
nah, wal-mu-ad-di-bu

Th~ First Sunday of the Gr,eat Lent

Apolytikion, Tone 2
Before Thy spotless Ikon we adore Thee, gracious Lord; And ask forgivness of our stumblings, 0 Christ our God: For of Thine own Will it pleased Thee in the flesh to ascend the Cross, To deliver us, Thy creatures, from enslavement to our foe: Wherefore greatfully we cry to Thee: "All things hast Thou with gladness filled, 0 our Saviour, For Thou hast come to save the world. Kondc.x.on, Tone 8 "To thee, our Captain Queen of War," etc. (March 25).

The First Sunday of the Great Lent

Apolytikion, Tone 2
Li-su-ra-ti-ka t-ta-hi-rah, nas-ju-du ai-yu-ha s-sa-lih, musta-mid-di-na magh-fi-ra-ta l-kha-ta-ya, ai-yu-ha l-ma-si-hu iH'ihu-na, Ii-an-na bi-ma-shi-ati-ka su-rir-ta, an tas-ta-da bil-ja-sa-di 'a-la s-sa-Iib, Ii-tu-naj-ji l-la-dhi-na kha-Iaq-ta, min 'u-bii-dly-yati l-'a-du, Ia-Ii-dha-Ii-ka nah-ti-Iu ilai-ka bi-shuk-rin, qad am-Ia-: ta l-kul-la f'a-ra-han, ya mu-khal-lis-na, idh atai-ta l-tu-khal-lisa 1-'a-lam. Kondakion, Tone 8 "In-ni ana 'ab-dik," etc. (See March 25).

The Second Sunday of the Great Lent

Saint Gregory of Palamas

The Second Sunday of the Great Lent

Saint Gregory of Palamas


Tone ~


Tone 8

o Lamp that shinest with Orthodox Doctrine, Teacher of the Church, Adornment of Monastics, Invincible Champion of Divines, Boast of Thessalonica, Preacher of the Grace of God; Ever make supplication, For the salvation of our souls.
Kondakion, Tone 8 "To thee, our Captain Queen of War," etc.

Yii kow-ka-ba r-ra-yi 'l-mus-ta-qlm, wa-sa-na-da l-ka-nt-sa-ti wa-mu-tal-li-ma-ha, ya [a-ma-la I-mu-ta-wa:J.;tcl).i-din,wa-na-:;;Hah Hi yu-ha-rab, lil-mu-ta-kal-li-mi-na biHa-hiit,. gho-ri-gho-ri-osa l-'3.-ja-i,bi,shl:j.-ra-fu the-sa-lo-ni-kia, wa-ka-ru-zu n:ni'-mah,ib;ta-hil 'a-la d-da-wam, fi kha-la-si nu-tu-si-na. . ., .

Kondakion, Tone
(March 25), "In-ni ana 'ab-dik," etc.

(See March 25),

The Third Sunday of the Great Lent Apolytikiorr, Tone 1 Lord, save Thy People, Arid bless Thine inheritance: Giving us victory over all who assail us, And protecting the Church of Thy Faithful by Thy Cross. Kondakion, Tone 8 "To thee, our Captain Queen of War," etc. Anti- T r isagion Before Thy Cross we bow down in worship, Sovereign Lord: And Thy Holy Resurrection we glorify. Koinonikon The Light of thy countenance, 0 Lord, hath been signed upon us: Alleluia. Instead of, "We have seen the true light ... " Apolytikion:
"Lord, save Thy People," etc.

The Third Sunday of the Great Lent Apolytikion, Tone 1

Khal-lis ya rabb sha'-bak, wa-ba-rik mi-ra-thak, warn-nab mu-lti-ka-na l-gha-la-bah 'a-la I-bar-bar, wah-faz bi-qu-wa-ti ~ali-bi-ka, [a-mi-sa l-mukh-tas-si-na bik. Kondakion, Tone 8

(March 25).

"In-ni ana 'ab-dik," etc.

(See March 25).

Anti- Trisagion LH;a-n~bi-ka ya sai-yi-da-na nas-jud, wa-Ii-qi-ya-ma-ti-ka 1mu-qad-da-sah nu-maj-jid, Koinonikon Qa-di rta-sa-ma 'a-Iai-na nii-ru waj-hi-ka ya rabb: Hal-le~lu-ia. (Instead of "qad na-zar-na, etc.")
Apolytikion : "Khal-lis ya rabb," etc.

The Fourth Sunday of the Great Lent

Saint John .Kedimakos

The Fourth Sunday of the Great Lent

Saint John Kalimakos


Tone 8

Apolytikion, Tone 8 Ltl-bar-riy-ya-ti ghai-ri l-muth-mi-rah, bi-ma-ja-ri du-rml-'lka am-ra't, wa-blt-ta-nah-hu-da-ti l-Ia-ti mi-na l-a'<rna-qi, athmar-ta bi-at-ra-bi-ka ila mi-ati qi'-fin, fa-slr-ta kow-ka-ban Iilmas-ku-nah, mu-ta-la-li-an bil-ta-ja-ib, ya aba-na t-bar-ra yuhan-na, fa-ta-shaf-ta' ila l-rna-si-hi l-ilah, an yu-khal-li-sa nu-Iusa-na. Kondakion, Tone 8 (March 25). "In-ni ana 'ab-dik," etc. (See March 25).

With the rivers of thy tears, Hast thou unto tillage tamed the barren wilderness; And by thy groanings from the deeps within thy soul, Hast thou hundred-fold increased the fruitage of thy toils, And thou hast become a Star, Sending light upon the world by thy miracles: 0 John, our Archmonastic Father, Intercede with Christ our God, For the salvation of our souls. Kondakion, Tone 8 "To thee, our Captain Queen of War," etc.


The Fifth Sunday of the Great Lent

Saint Mary of Egypt

The Fifth Sunday of the Great Lent

Saint Mary of Egypt

Apolytikion, Tone 8 In thee, 0 Mother, was preserved Unblurred, the Image of God, our Maker: For, taking up the Cross, Thou becomest a follower of Christ: And by thine actions hast thou taught to disregard the flesh indeed, For it must perish; But on the soul to spend our care, Because its life is immortal: Wherefore, 0 Monastic, does thy spirit share, With the angels in their joys. Kondakion, Tone 8 "To thee, our Captain Queen of War," etc. (March 25).

1um-mu l-bar-rah, li-an-na-ki ha-mal-ti 's-sa-lib fa-ta-bi'-ti l-masih, wa-'a-mal-ti wa-'al-lam-ti, an yu-ta-gha-da 'a-ni li-ja-sad, lian-na-hu ya-zul, wa-an yuh-tam-ma bi-umii-ri n-naf-si ghai-ri l-ma-Itah, fa-li-dha-li-ka ai-ya-tu-ha l-bar-rah, tab-ta-hi-ju ruhu-ki ma-'a l-ma-la-ikah. Kondakion, Tone 8 "In-ni ana 'ab-dik," etc. (See March 25).

Apolytikion, Tone 8 . Bi-ki hu-n-za t-tim-thal, bih-ti-ra-sin wa-thiq, ai-ya-tu-ha




Palm Sunday The First Antiphon


Palm Sunday The First Antiphon

C: R:

I am well content:

for the Lord will hear the voice of my



an-na r-rab-ba yas-ma-'u sow-ta ta-dar-ru-'].

wa-ll-da-ti l-ilah, ya mu-khal-lis khal-Iis-na,

supplication. Through the intercessions of the Theotokos, save us. Saviour,


H: C:

Glory to the Father, etc.: The snare of death has .compassed me, The perils of Hades have found me. Through the intercessions, etc. Now and ever, etc.: Tribulation and sorrow have I found: And I called on the name of the Lord. Through the intercessions, etc.

Al-maj-du lil-abi, etc. l;ta-ba-ilu l-mow-ti kta-na-Iat-ni, washa-da-idu l-ja-hi-mi ad-ra-kat-ni,

C: R: C:

Bi-sha-fa-'a-ti, etc. Al-ana wa-kul-la awa-nin, etc. Ad-di-qu wal-ha-sa-ra-tu asa-bat-ni, fa-da-'ow-tu bis-mi r-rabb. Bi-sha-fa-"a-ti, etc.


The Second Antiphon

R: C: I believed, therefore have I spoken:

The Second Antiphon

R: C:

But I have been hum-

Aman-tu wa-li-dha-Ii-ka ta-kal-lam-tu,


wa-ana t-ta-da'<tu

bled. exceedingly. Save us, 0 Son of God, that madest the foal of an ass thy throne: for now we sing unto thee, Alleluia. Gloryto the Father, etc.: What shall I render to the Lord for all that hath rendered to me. Save us, etc. Now and ever, etc.: My vows will I pay unto the Lord, In the presence of all his people. 0 Only-begotten, etc.

Khal-lis-na ya bna l-lah, ya man ja-la-sa 'a-la [ah-shin bni

atan, idh nu-rat-til Ia-ka, Hal-le-lu-ia. R: C: R: C: Al-maj-du Iil-abi, etc. Bi-ma-dha uka-fi-u r-rab-ba 'an kulli rna a'-ta-nih. Khal-lis-na, etc. Al-ana wa-kul-la awa-nin, etc. Ufi nu-dhu-ri lir-rab-bi amama kul-li sha'-bi-hi. Ya ka-li-ma-ta, etc.

R: C: R: C:

Apolytikion, Tone 1
Before Thy Passion affirming that all would have Resurrection, Thou didst raise Lazarus, 0 Christ our God: Wherefore also we, like the children, Bearing the emblems of victory, Shout unto Thee that hast conquered Death: "Hosanna in the highest: Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord."


Tone 1

Ai-yu-ha l-ma-si-hu l-ilah, lam-ma aqam-ta li-'a-zar min baini l-am-wat, qab-la ala-mak, haq-qaq-ta l-qi-ya-ma-ta l-'am-mah, li-aj-li dha-llk, wa-nah-nu kal-at-Ial, nah-mil 'a-lii-ma-ti l-g'ha-labah waz-za-far, ha-ti-fi-na ilai-ka ya gha-li-ba I-mowt; "Osanna fi I-a'a-Ii, mu ... ba-ra-kun I-ati bis-mi r-rabb.



Tone 4



Tone 4

Buried with Thee through Baptism, 0 Christ our God, We were accounted worthy of Immortal Life through Thy Resurrection; And with songs of praise we shout unto Thee: "Hosanna in the highest: Blessed is He That cometh in the name of the Lord." Eisodikon Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord: The Lord is God, and he hath shined on us: Save us, 0 Son of God, etc. Kondakion, Tone 4

Ai-yu-ha l-ma-si-hu l-Hah, lam-ma du-fin-na ma-'ak hil-ma'mu-diy-yah, sta-hal-na bi-qi-ya-ma-ti-ka l-ha-ya-ta l-kha-li-dah, fa-nah-nu nu-sab-bi-hu-ka ha-ti-fin, osan-na fi l-a'a-Ii, mu-ba-rakun l-ati bis-mi r-rabb.

Eisodikon Mu-ba-ra-kun l-at; bis-mi r-rabb, al-la-hu r-rab-bu za-ha-ra Ia-ria : khal-lis-na ya bna l-Iah, etc.


Tone 4

On Thy Throne wast Thou in Heaven, A foal wast Thou riding on earth, 0 Christ our God: And with the praises which the Angels sang, And with the hymns of the Children, wast Thou pleased when they cried unto Thee: "Blessed art Thou That comest to call back Adam from the dead." At The Especially
Heirmos of the Ninth Ode of the Canon, Tone 4

Ya man hu-wa ja-Ii-sun, 'a-la I-'ar-shi fi s-sa-ma, wa-ra-kibun jab-shan 'a-la l-ard, ta-qab-bal ta-sa-bi-ha l-ma-Ia-ikah, wata-ma-ji-da Lat-Ial, ha-ti-fi-na ilaik, ai-yu-ha l-ma-sl-hu l-ilah, mu-ba-ra-kun an-ta l-ati, li-tu-'i-da adaill'tha-ni-yah.

At The Especially
Heir-mo s of the Ninth Ode of the Canon, Tone 4

The Lord is God, And He had shined on us. a Come, prepare a Feast, And with a joyful heart let us magnify Christ: Bearing palms and branches, As we shout our praises: Blessed is He that cometh, In the name of the Lord, our Saviour. Koinonikon

.Al-la-hu r-rab-bu za-ha-ra la-na, Ia-aqi-mu l-'i-da, wa-halim-mu nu-taz-st-mn l-ma-si-ha mub-ta-hi-jin, wa-bi-sa-ta-nn waagh-sa-nin, nah-ti-Iu nah-wa-hu, bit-ta-sa-bl-hi qa-Ilin, mu-bara-kun l-ati, bis-mi r-rab-bi mu-khal-li-sl-na. Koinonikor,;.

Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. Lord is God, and he hath shined on us, Alleluia. Instead of, "We have seen the true light ... " Apolytikion of Lazarus, "Before Thy Passion," etc.


Mu-ba-ra-kun l-ati bis-mi r-rabb, al-Ia-hu r-rab-bu za-ha-ra laona, Hal-le-Iu-ia. Instead of, "Qad na-zar-na n-mi-ra ApoIytikion of Lazarus, "

"Ai-yu-ha l-ma-si-hu l-iHi,h,"etc. Apolysis

Apolysis He that accepted to make the foal of an ass his throne for our salvation, Christ our true God, etc. .'

Yii.man rta-da bi-an yaj-li-sa 'a-la [ah-shi bni atan Ii-aj-li ;5~~\1?;. kha-la-si-na ai-yu-ha l-ma-sil),etc.




Part V
Antiphons, Apolytikions, Eisodikons, Kondakions, AntiAntiphons, Apolytikions,

Part V
Eisodikons, Kondakions, AntiKoinonikons, Instead

T risagions,

At the Especialiies, all from

T risagions,

At the Especialiies,



of "we have seen the true light," and Apolysis;

the Pentecostarion

of "we have seen the true light,"

and Apolysis ;

all from the Pentecostarion

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

NOTE: After the blessing, Christ is risen from the dead, subduing Death by death; and on them that were in the graves bestowing life: after each of the following Antiphons.

NOTE: After the blessing, Christ is risen from the dead, subduing Death by death; and on them that were in the graves bestowing life: after each of the following Antiphons.

R: C: R: C:

Let God rise: let His enemies be scattered abroad: them that hate him flee from his presence. Christ is risen, etc. As smoke vanisheth, so let them vanish, before the fire. Christ is risen, .etc. So let the sinners perish at the presence of God: the righteous be glad. Christ is risen, etc. This is the day which the Lord hath madej and be glad in it. Christ is risen, etc. Glory to the Father, etc. Christ is risen, etc. Now and ever, etc. Christ is risen, etc. (Conclude with, Christ is risen, etc.)


R: C:

Li-ya-qum al-lah fa-ya-ta-bad-da-da a-da-uhu, wa-yah-rub mub-ghi-dii-hu min ama-rni waj-hi-hi. Al-ma-sih qam, etc.

as melteth wax

R: Ka-ma yu-ba-du d-du-kha-nu yu-ba-dun, wa-ka-ma ya-dhubu sh-sham-'u ama-ma waj-hi n-nar.
C: Al-ma-sih qam, etc. Ha-ka-dha li-yah-la-ki l-kha-ta-atu wal-yaf-ra-hi s-sid-di-qfin. Al-ma-sih qam, etc. ama-ma

And let

R: C:

waj-hi l-Iah,


Let us rejoice
C: R: C:

Ha-dha hu-wa l-yow-mul-Ia-dhi

hu wa-na-ta-hal-Ia-lu Al-ma-sih qarn, etc. bi-hi.


r-rab-bu nat-ra-


Al-maj-du Iil-abi, etc.

Al-ma-sih qam, etc.


At-ana wa-kul-la awa-nin, etc. Al-ma-slh qam, etc. (Conclude with, al-ma-sin qam, etc.)

C: P:



The First Antiphon :R: Shout unto the Lord with joy, all the earth.
R: Hal-Ii-Iu

The First Antiphon IiI-iii-hi, ya [a-mi-ta


c: Through the intercessions of the Theotokos,

save us.


C: R:

Bi-sha-fa-'a-ti wa-li-da-ti l-iHlh, ya mu-khal-lis khal-lis-na. Al-maj-du lil-abi, etc. tas~bi-l:J.a-ti-hi. Rat-ti-Iu lis-mi-hi, a'-tu maj-dan Ii-

Glory to the Father, etc. Sing ye a Psalm to his name. Through the intercessions, etc. Now and ever, etc. works!" Say unto God, "How terrible are thy

C: H:

c: Bi-sha-fa-'a-ti, etc.
R: C: Al-ana wa-kul-Ia awa-nin, etc. a'<ma-Iak. Bi-sha-fa-'>a-ti, etc. The Second Antiphon Li-yar-afi l-la-hu bi-na wa-yu-ba-nk-na,
Khal-Iis-na ya bna l-lah, ya man qa-rna min bai-ni l-am-wat, idh nu-rat-til la-ka, Hal-Ie-lu-ia, Al-maj-du Iil-abi, etc. Li-na'-ri-J'a fi l-ar-di ta-rl-qak, wa-fi ja-mi-'i l-uma-mi kha-la-sak, Khal-Ils.nn ya bna l-Iah, etc. Al-ana wa-kul-la awa-nin, etc. Li-ta'<ta-rlj la-ka sh-shu-rubu ya al-Iah, li-ta'-ta-rif la-ka sh-shu-fi-bn ja-mi-'an.

Q1Hu Iil-la-hi, ma ar-ha-ba


Through the intercessions, etc. The Second Antiphon

R: c: R:

God be merciful unto us, and bless us. Save us, 0 Son of God, that art risen from the dead: now we sing unto thee, Alleluia. for

R: C:

Glory to the Father, etc. That we may know upon the earth thy way, among all nations thy salvation. Save us, 0 Son of God, etc. Now and ever, etc. Let the people give thee praise, 0 God: Let all the people give thee praise.




o only-begotten,

etc. Apolytikion

c: yft ka-Ji-ma-ta l-lah, etc.

mowt, wa-wa-ha-ba

Christ is risen from the dead, subduing Death by death: And on them that were in the graves bestowing life. Easter Hypakoe, Tone 4 Ere the night paled with dawn, Maryand the Women came, But they found that the stone alread'{had been r6lh~d awci..y from the Tomb: And they heard the Angel saying: ~'Why seele: ye here Him That dwells in eternal light, Mourning Him..as mortal man? Come and see where' His burial shroudings lie:' Haste away, and bear tidings to all the world; LAnd asVictor. 'made' Death to die: For He in truth is the Son of God, 'I'he God that gives the race of men salvation. ., . . no

Al-rna-sih qam min bai-rn l-am-wat, wa-wa-ti-a I-mowt bill-ha-yah, Iil-la-dhi-na fi l-qu-biir. Easter Hypakoe, Tone' 4,.

Sa-ba-qa-ti s-sub-ha, al-Ja-wa-tr kun-na ma' mar-yam, fawa-jad-na l-ha-jar, mu-dah-ra-ja-, 'a-ni l-qab-ri, wa-sa-mi'<na 1ma-.Jiik,ya-qu-lu la-hun-na, Ii-ma tat-Iib-na l-ka-ina fi d-dow-wi l-aza-Ii, ma-'a l-rnow-ta ka-In-sa-nin, un-zur-na la-fa-ifa l-ax-ran, wa-as-ri'-na wak-riz-na Iil-fi-lam, bi-an-na r-rab-ba qad qam, wa-amu-ta I-mowt, li-an-na-hu bnu l-lah, al-mu-khal-li-:;;u jin-sa l-ba-shar.

Eisodikon In the congregations bless ye God, the Lord, from the fountains of Israel: Save us, 0 Son of God, etc. Kondakion, Tone 8 Down to the grave though Yet didst Thou hurl down Death art risen with victory crowned, nast hailed with glad greetings myrrh; And unto Thine Aspstles a Lord, That grantest the fallen Thou wentest, Immortal Lord, from his throne of might: And o Christ, our true God; And the women that came with hast graciously sent Thy peace, to rise with Thee.



Ftl-ma-ja-rrri' ba-ri-ku l-Iah, ar-rab-bu min ya-na-bi-'! khal-lis-na Y30 bna l-la.h,etc. Kondakion, Tone 8


Wa-ll-an kun-ta na-zal-ta ila qab-rin, ya man la ya-mut, illa an-na-ka da-ras-ta qu-wa-ta L-ja-him, wa-qum-ta gha-li-ban ai-yu-ha l-ma-si-hu l-ilah, wa-Iin-nis-wah ha-ml-Ia-ti t-tlb qul-ta trah-na, wa-Ii-ru-su-Ii-ka wa-hab-ta s-sa-lam, ya. ma-ni-ha l-waqi-T-na l-qi-yam.

Anti-Trisagion As many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ: Alleluia. At The Especially
Heirmos of the Ninth Ode of the Canon, Tone 1

Anti- Trisagion An-tu-mu l-Ia-dhin bfl-ma-sl-hi 'ta-mad-tum, la-bis-tum, Hal-le-lu-ia. At The Especially
Heirmos of the Ninth Ode of the Canon, Tone 1

al-ma-sih qad

o Holy Maid, I hail thee! Yea, Once again I hail thee:

The Angel, when he saw Mary Full-of-Grace, Cried, saying: For in three days returning, thy Son from death is risen: 0 shine with clear radiance, 0 shine, thou new Jerusalem: For on thee now is dawning, Glory from the risen Lord. Dance now for joy, and be glad, 0 Zion: Grieve thou no more, maiden Theotokos, But look with joy on thy risen son, Koinonikon Receive ye the Body of Christ; Fountain, Alleluia. Apolytikion: taste ye of the Immortal "

Al-ma-la-ku ta-Iow-wa-ha, nah-wa l-mum-ta-Ii-ah ni'-ma-tan, ai-ya-tu-ha l-'adh-ra-u n-na-qiy-ya-tu fra-hi, wa-aqu-Iu al-dan Ira-hi, li-an-na bna-ki qad qa-ma mi-na l-qab-ri fi l-yow-mi ththa-Iith; Sta-ni-ri! sta-ni-ri! ,Ya.ura-sha-li-mu l-ja-di-dah, .lian-ria maj-da r-rabb, qad ash-ra-qa 'a-lai-ki, If-ra-ni l-ana wa-tahal-Ia-Ii ya sih-yown, wa-an-ti ya wa-ll-da-ta l-ila-hi n-na-qiy-yah, it-ra-bi bi-qi-ya-ma-ti wa-Ia-dik. Koinonikon Ja-sa-da J-ma-sl-hi ta-na-wa-lu, wal-yun-bii-ta mu-tu dhii-qu, Hal-Ie-lu-ia. Instead of, i'Qad na-zar-na ... " Apolytikion: "Al-ma-sih qam," etc. l-la-dhi la ya-

Instead of, "We have seen..

"Christ is risen," etc.

Sunday of Thomas
First Sunday after Easter


,Sunday of Thomas
First Sunday after. Easter

Apolytikiori, Tone 7 Although a seal had been set upon Thy Tomb, Being life Thou eamest from the grave to dawning, 0 Christ, our God: And although the doors had been closely !fastened, To Thy Disciples camest Thou as the Resurrection of us all, A Right Spirit through them in us renewing, According to the greatness of Thy mercy.


Tone 7

Idh ka-na l-qab-ru makh-tti-man, ash-raq-ta min-hu, ai-yuha l-ha-yah, wa-lam-ma ka-na-tt l-ab-wa-bu rriugh-Ia-qah, wafai-ta ila t-ta-la-midh, ai-yu-ha l-rna-si-hu l-ilah, qt-ya-ma-ta 1kul, wa-jad-dad-ta la-na bi-him ru-han mus-ta-qi-man, ka-ta-zimi rah-ma-tik.

Kondakion, Tone 8
With the questing of his hand, Thy Life-supplying Side, Did Thomas probe, 0 Christ our God: For when Thou camest through closely fastened doors, With the other Apostles joining he cried out to Thee: "My Lord art Thou indeed, and my God,"
NOTE: Conclude with Easter Kondakion, Tone 8,

Kondakion, Tone 8
Bil-ya-ml-ni l-wad-da-ti t-tar-tlsh, ai-yu-ha l-ma-si-hu l-ilah,

fat-ta-sha tu-rna jan-ba-ka l-wa-hi-ba l-ha-yah, li-an-na-ka dakhal-ta, wal-ab-wa-bu mugh-la-qah, ha-ta-Ia ilai-ka ma-'a sa-ir i t-ta-Ia-midh sa-ri-khan, an-ta rab-bi wa-lla-hi.
NOTE: Conclude with Easter Kondakion, Tone 8.

At The Especially
Heirmos of the Ninth Ode, Tone 1

At The Especially
Heirmos of the Ninth Ode, Tone 1

Thee as Beacon brightly shining, And as Mother of God, And as above other creatures exalted, With songs of praise we magnify. Koinonikon Praise the Lord, 0 Jerusalem: Alleluia. Apolytikion:
Praise thy God, 0 Zion.

Ai-ya-tu-ha l-mis-ba-hu s-sa-ti-tu d-di-ya, wa-um-mu l-ilah, wash-sha-ra-fu f-la-dhi la qi-ya-sa Ia-hu, al-ar-Ia-tu mi-na l-khala-iqi [a-mi-u-na, bit-ta-sa-bi-hi nu-tiz-zi-mik.

Im-da-hi ya ura-sha-li-mu yawn. Hal-Ie-Iu-ia. r-rab-ba,

sab-bi-hi ila-ha-ki ya sih' "

Instead of, "We have seen ... " "Christ is risen," etc.

Instead of, ,"qad na-\lar-na ... Apolytikion:

"Al-ma-sih qam," etc.



Sunday of Myrrhbringers
Second Sunday after Easter The Resurrectional A.polytikion, Tone 2, and - the

Sunday of Myrrhbringers
Second Sunday after Easter

The Resurrectional


Tone 2, and the Tone 2.



Tone 2.

following ApoIytikion,

Noble Joseph from the Tree brought Thy spotless Body down: And then with lamentation, In finest linen and with spices he shrouded Thee, And in a Tomb but newly carven he buried Thee: But on the third day art Thou risen up, 0 Lord, Supplying unto the world Thy great mercy.

In-na yu-su-fa l-rnut-ta-qi, ah-da-ra ja-sa-da-ka t-ta-hi-ra rni-na l-fid, wa-laf-Ia-hu bis-sa-ba-m n-na-qiy-yah, wa-ban-na-tahu bit-tib, wa-jah-ha-za-hu wa-ad-ja-ta-hu fi qab-rin [a-di-din, lakin-na-ka qum-ta, Ii-tha-la-tha-ti ai-ya-rnln ya rabb, ma-nt-han l-'a-la-ma r-rah-rna-ta l-tuz-ma.

Another Apolytikion, Tone 2

To the women bringing myrrh, as he stood beside the Tomb, The Angel cried out, saying: "Seemly is the gift of spices for them that die, But Christ has shown Himself for ever, the foe of death: And therefore shout with gladness: "Risen is the Lord, Supplying unto the world His great mercy." . Easter Eisodikon, "In the congregation, etc."

Another Apolytikion, Tone 2

In-na l-rna-lak, qad ha-da-ra 'in-da l-qab-ri, qa-ilan lin-niswa-tt ha-mi-Ia-tt t-tib, arn-ma t-tI bu, fa-in-na-hu Ia-iqun bil-amwat, wa-am-ma l-ma-si-hu, fa-qad za-ha-ra gha-ri-ban mi-na 1fa-sad, wa-la-kin htif-na qa-Ila-tin : qad qa-ma r-rab-bu, ma-nihan Va-Ia-ma r-rah-mata l-'u?:-ma.

Easter Eisodikon,

"Fi l-ma-ja-rni-'], etc."

Kondakion, Tone 4
The greeting which unto the Myrrhbringers, Thou didst cry, rendered mute, the funeral cry of our Mother Eve, Because of Thy Resurrection, 0 Christ our God; And unto Thine Apostles Thou gavest command to preach: "The Saviour is risen from the grave." Conclude with Easter Kondakion, Tone 8.

Kondakion, Tone 4
Ai-yu-ha -l-ma-si-hu l-ilah, lam-rna kal-Iam-ta n-nis-wah, all)a-mi-Ia-ti t-ti-ba bil-f'a-rah, ka-Iaf-ta bi-qi-ya-ma-ti-ka, now-ha

how-wa l-urn-mu l-iila, wa-amar-ta ru-su-la-ka an yak-rt-zu, bian-na f-mu-knal-jt-sa, qad qa-ma mi-na l-qab-ri. Conclude with Easter Kondakion, Tone 8

At The Especially
Heirmos of the Ninth Ode, See Easter Sunday.

At The Especially
Heirmos of the Ninth Ode, See Easter Sunday.

See Easter Sunday: Apolytikion: Instead of, "We have seen. "Christ is Risen," etc. See Easter Sunday. Apolytikion:

"Al-ma-sih qam," etc.


Instead of, "Qad na-zar-na ..




The Paralytic Sunday


The Paralytic Sunday

Ape ly t ilcic n, Tone







The Third Sunday after


See Resurrectional


Tone 3.

Easter Eisodikon, "In the congregation," etc. Kondakion, Tone 3 Look upon my soul, 0 Lord, Which with all manner of sinning, And with monstrous "wickedness,Prostrate before Thee lies palsied: Raise me up, Present divinely, Standing above me, As of old "that Paralytic Thou madest rise: That when saved I may acclaim Thee, "0 Christ most merciful, glory to Thy might."
NOTE: Conclude with Easter Kondakion, Tone 8

Easter Eisodikon, "Fi t-ma-ja-mi-f,:' etc. Kondakion, Tone 3

.An-hid ya rab-bu bi-'i-na-ya-ti-ka l-ila-hiy-yah, naf-si l-mukhal-la-taji jid-dan, bi-an-wa-'] l-kha-ta-ya, war-a-ma-n l-qa-bi:hah, ka-ma aqam-ta l-mu-khal-Ia' qa-di-man, hat-ta idha takhal-Ias-tu as-ru-khu I' ha-tt-fan al-ma] -du li-'iz-za-ti-ka , ai-yu-ha . ,"t l-ma-si-hn r-ra-iif,
NOTE: Conclude with Easter Kondakion, Tone 8

At The Especially The Angel, when he saw Mary' Full-of-Grace, Cried, saying: o Holy Maid, I hail thee! Yea, Once again I hail thee: For in three days returning, thy Son from death is risen; To bless thee, o Virgin,We Faithful blend our harmonies: Hail, thou gate for the Lord prepared; Hail, thou living Citadel; Hail, thou through whom there has dawned on this day, Light unto us from the Son thou barest, For He is risen from the dead.

At The Especially Al-ma-Ia.-ku ta-fow-wa-ha, nah-wa l-mum-ta-li-ah ni'-matan, ai-ya-tu-ha 1-'adh-1'a-u n-na-qiy-ya-tu fra-hi, wa-aqii-lu aidan fra-hi, li-an-na bna-ki qad qa-ma mi-na l-qab-ri fi l-yow-mi th-tha-lith; Ai-ya-tu-ha f-ba-tti-lu nu-ghab-bi.q;u-ki, nah-nu 1mii-mi-ntn, bi-as-wa-tin mut-ta-fi-qah ha-ti-fln, if-ra-1;.iya ba-ba r-rabb, if-ra-ht ya ma-di-na-tan mu-ta-naf-fi-sah, ir-ra-hi ya man bl-ha, ash-ra-qa la-na l-yow-ma mi-na l-am-wat, mi-ru qi-ya-mati l-mow-Iu-di min-ha. . Koinonikon See Easter Sunday. Instead of, "Qad na-zar-na ... " Apolytikion: "Al-ma-sih qam," etc.

See Easter Sunday. Instead of, "We have seen. Apolytikion: "Christ is risen," etc.



:'~' ,


Wednesday; the Midpentecost Apolytikion, Tone 8 The day of Midfeast having come, bestow upon my thirsting soul, Waters of godliness, that I may drink thereof: For, 0 Saviour to all Thou sentest forth Thy cry, "He that thirsteth, let him come to Me, and drink," 0 Thou Fountain of Life, Christ our God, glory.to Thee, .

Wednesday; the Midpentecost Apolytikion, Tone 8 Fi nti-sa-f'i l-Td, is-qi naf-si l-'at-sha min mi-yii-hi l-'i-ba-dati l-ha-sa-nah, ai-yu-ha l-mu-khal-lis, li-an-na-ka ha-taf-ta nahwa l-kul-Ii qa-ilan, man ka-na 'at-sha-na fal-ya-ti ilai-ya wa-yashrab, Ia-ya yun-bu-ta l-ha-yah, ai-yu-ha l-ma-si-hu ilii-ha-na, almaj-du-lak. Konclakion, Tone 4 Fi nti-sa-n l-'i-di u-na-mu-st, qul-ta lil-ha-di-rl-na, ai-yu-ha I-ma-si-l).u l-ilah, as-sai-yi-du was-sa-ni-iu l-kul, ha-lum-mu staqu ma-a 'a-da-mi l-mowt, Ii-aj-Ii dha-Ii-ka, naj-thu bi-imii-nin qailin, hib la-na ra-fa-tak wa-ta-han-nu-nak, li-an-na-ka an-ta yunbu.-'u ha-ya-ti-na,

Kondakion, Tone 4
When came the Hebrew festal time to its Midfeast, Didst Thou asMaker of all things and their Sovereign, Proclaim these words to them surrounding Thee, 0 Christ our God: "Come ye now and draw for yourselves Water of Life ImmortaL" And therefore we with faith cry out, falling down to adore Thee: "Thy merciful compassions grant to us: For .Thou art truly the Fountain of our Life."




Sunday of the Samaritan Woman

The Resurrectional Apolytikion, Fourth Sunday after Easter Apoiytikion, Tone 8.

Sunday of the Samaritan Woman

. The


4. and


Apolytikion, Tone

Tone 4 and Midpentecost



Easter Eisodikon,

"In the congregation."

Easter Eisodikon, "Fi l-ma-ja-mi'," Kondakion, Tone 8


Kondakion, Tone 8 When the Samaritan Woman came unto the well, and with faith beheld, In Thee the Water of wisdom, Drinking deep she won forevermore, The Kingdom froni on high as her heritage, And her fame is glorified in song.
NOTE: Conclude with Easter Kondakion, Tone 8

In-na s-sii-mi-riy-ya-ta d-da-irna-ta dh-dhik-ri, atat muq-bila-tan bi-ima-nin ila l-blr, f'a-sha-ha-dat-ka yii ma-a l-hlk-mah, al-la-dhi lam-ma su-qi-yat min-hu hi-sa-kha-in, wa-ri-tha-ti l-maIa-kii-ta l-'ul-wiy ila l-abad.
NOTE: Conclude with Easter Kondakion, Tone 8

At The Especially The Angel, when he saw Mary Full-of-Grace, Cried, saying: o Holy Maid, I hail thee! Yea, Once again I hail thee: For in three days returning, thy Son from death is riseen; Rejoice and be glad, 0 gate of the divine Light; for. Jesus who disappeared in the tomb hath risen with greater radiance than the sun, illuminating all believers, 0 Lady favored of God.

At The Especially Al-ma-la-ku ta-fow-wa-ha; nah-wa l-mum-ta-li-ah ni'-matan, ai-ya-tu-ha l-'adh-rii-u n-na-qiy-ya-tu tra-ht, wa-aqii-Iu aidan fra-hi, li-an-na bna-ki qad qa-ma mi-na l-qab-ri fi l-yow-mi th-tha-lith; If-ra-ht wa-ta-hal-la-li yii ba-ba n-nii-ri l-ila-hi, lian-na ya-su-ta l-la-dhi gha-ba fi l-qab-ri, qad ash-ra-qa Ia-mi-tan, bi-ashad-da ba-ha-in mi-na sh-shams, wa-ana-ra l-mti-mi-nl-na ja-mi-'an, ai-ya-tu-ha s-sai-yi-dah, al-mun-tam 'a-lai-ha mi-na " l-lah. Koinonikon See Easter Sunday. Apolytikion: Instead of, "Qad na-zar-na "Al-ma-slh qarn," etc. .

Koinonikon See Easter Sunday. Apolytikion: Instead of, "We have seen ... " "Christ is risen," etc.



Sunday of the Blind Man

The Fifth Sunday after Easter Tone 5. Resurrectional Apolytikion,

Sunday of the Blind Man

The Fifth Sunday after Easter Tone 5. Resurrectional Apolytikion,

Easter Eisodikon, "In the congregation," etc.

Easter Eisodikon, "Fi l-ma-ja-mi'," etc.

Kondakion, Tone 4
In the eyes of my soul am I darkened with blindness: Unto Thee, 0 Christ, I come, Like him that from his birth was blind, And in repentence to Thee I cry: "For them that are in darkness, Invincible Light art Thou."
NOTE: Conclude with Easter Kon dakion, Tone 8

Kondakion, Tone 4
In-ni ata-qad-da-mu ilai-ka ai-yu-ha Lrna-sih, wa-ana rnakni-run ha-da-qa-tat naf-si, kal-a'-ma mun-dhu mow-li-di-hi, waas-ru-khu Ilai-ka ta-iban, an-ta n-nu-ru l-Ia-iqu d-di-ya, lil-ladhi-na fi z-za-lam.
NOTE: Cone!ude with Easter Kondakion, Tone 8

At The Especially
Heirmos of the Ninth Ode. See Easter Sunday Heirmos

At The Especially
of the Ninth Ode. See Easter Sunday

See Easter Sunc1ay. Instead of, "We have seen. Apolytikion: "Christ is risen," etc. Apolytikion:

See Easter Sunday. Instead of, "Qad na-zar-na . "Al-ma-sih qam," etc.



'Thursday, the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ The First Antiphon

Thursday, the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ The First Antiphon

Clap your hands, all ye nations. Through save us. the intercessions of the Theotokos,
0 Saviour,

Ya [a-mi-ra l-umam saf-f'i-qu bil-ai-di,

Bi-sha-fa-ta-tj wa-Il-da-ti l-Ilah, ya mu-khal-lis

C: R:


R: Glory to the Father, etc. For the Lord Most High is terrible,
A great King over all the earth.

Al-maj-du Iil-abi, etc. Li-an-na r-rab-ba 'a-Iiy-yun wa-marhu-bun, wa-ma-li-kun 'a-zi-mun 'a-la kul-li l-ard. .


Through the intercessions, etc. nations under our feet.

C: Bi-sha-fa-'a-ti, etc.

R: Now and ever, etc. He hath subdued peoples under us, and

Al-ana 'wa-kul-la awa-nin, etc. Akh-da-ia shu-'u-ban la-na wa-uma-man tah-ta aq-da-mi-na,


Through the intercessions, etc.

C: Bi-sha-fa-'a-ti, etc. The Second Antiphon

R: di-na-ti Ila-hi-na

The Second Antiphon

R: Great is God, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in his holy mountain. Save us, 0 Son of God, that in glory art ascended from us into Heaven: for now we sing unto thee, Alleluia. Glory to the Father, etc. The mountain of Zion, on the sides of the North, the city of the great King .. Save us, etc. Now and ever, etc. God is known in her palaces, when he cometh to defend her.

'a-zi-mun hu-wa r-rab-bu, wa-mu-sab-ba-l;lun jid-dan fi mafi ja-ba-li qud-si-hi,



Khal-Iis-na ya bna l-lah, ya man sa-ti-da 'an-na bi-maj-din ila s-sa-ma-wat, idh nu-rat-til la-ka, Hal-Ie-Iu-ia.

Al-maj-du Iil-abi, etc. Ja-ba-lu sih-yown, al-ja-ni-bu sh-shama-lty ma-di-na-tu l-ma-li-ki .l-as-zam,


C: Khal-lis-na, etc.
R: Al-ana wa-kul-la-awa-ntn, etc. Al-la-hu yu-ra-ru fi qu-suri-ha idha ma hu-wa na-sa-ra-ha. Ya ka-li-ma-ta l-lah, etc.


o Only-begotten,



Apolytikion, Tone 4
Thou art ascended in glory, 0 Christ our God, Having gladdened Thy disciples by the promise of the Holy Spirit, When they had been heartened through blessing: for Thou art the Son of God, The Redemption of the world.

Apolytikion, Tone 4
La-qad sa-Td-ta bi-maj-din, ai-yu-ha l-ma-si-hu ila-hu-na, wa-f'ar-rah-ta ta-la-mi-dha-ka, bi-mow-'i-di r-rti-hi r:qu-dus, idh ai-qa-nu bil-ba-ra-kah, an-na-ka an-ta bnu l-lah, al-mun~i-dhu I-'a-Iam..

God is gone up with a snout, the Lord with the voice of a trumpet; Save us, etc.

i;la-'i-da l-la-hu bi-tah-Iil, ar-rab-bu bi-sow-ti l-bfiq; lis-na ya bna l-lah, etc.


Kondakion, Tone 6

Kondakion, Tone 6 When Thou hast fulfilled, 'Ihy plan to bring us salvation, and creatures of earth, Hadst unto Heaven united, Thou wast caught up to heaven in glory, 0 Christ our God, Yet wherever we be art not far otf, But abidest and art not withdrawn; And to them that love Thee Thou dost cry, "La, I am present with you, And against you is none."

Lam-ma at-mam-ta t-tad-bi-ra, al-la-dhi min aj-li-na, wa-ja'al-ta l-Ia-dhi-na 'a-la l-ar-di mut-ta-hi-di-na bis-sa-ma-wiy-yin, sa-tid-ta bi-maj-din ai-yu-ha l-ma-si-hu ila-hu-na, ghai-ra munf'a-si-Iin min ma-kan, bal tha-bi-tan bi-ghai-ri Iti-raq, wa-ha-ti.fan bi-ahib-ba-ika, ana ma-'a-kum, wa-lai-sa aha-dun 'a-lai-kum.

At The Especially
Heirrnos of the Ninth Ode of the Carro n, Tone 5

At The Especially
of the Ninth Ode of the Canon, Tone 5

(See the Canon of the Sunday of the Blind Man)

(See the Canon of the Sunday of the lIlind Man)

Magnify, 0 my soul, Him that is ascended, from the earth into Heaven, Christ the Lifegiver. In Unison we believers do magnify thee, because thou didst give birth in time to the Word not bound by time; and in manner transcending every mind and utterance, thou became the Theotakos. Koinonikon God is gone up with a shout, the Lord with the voice of a trumpet, Alleluia. Instead of, "We have seen, etc." Apolytikion: "Thou wast ascended, etc." Apolysis He that in glory is ascended into Heaven, and enthroned on the right hand of God the Father, Christ our true God, etc.
.; ~~.

'az-zi-rni ya naf-si l-la-dhi sa-ti-da mi-na l-ar-di ila s-sa-ma, al-ma-si-hu mu-t! l-ha-yah; La-ki nu-taz-zl-mu nah-nu l-rmimi-nin, bi-'az-min mut-ta-fiq, li-an-na-ki wa-l ad-ti fi za-ma-nin, al-ka-li-mah l-ghai-ra l-mah-dii-di bi-za-ma-nin, wa-ha-sal-ti umman lil-ilah, ihi-l.1a-lin ta-tu-qu kul-la 'aq-lin wa-qow-lin. Koinonikon ~a-'i-da l-la-hu bi-tah-Ii-lin, ar-rab-bu bi-sow-ti l-buq, Halle-lu-ia. Instead of, "Qad na-zar-na, etc." Apolytikion: "La-qad sa-tid-ta, etc." Apolysis Ya man sa-'i-da 'an-na bi-maj-dtn ila s-sa-ma, wa-ja-la-sa 'an ya-mi-ni l-Ia-hi H1b, etc.

... \\! ,




The Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the First Council



The Sunday of the Holy Fathers

Resurl"ectional Apolytikion, Tone 6 and

of the Filrst Council

the Ascension Apolytikion



6 and the Ascension for the Holy Fathers,

Apolytikion Tone 8.





and the following Apolytikion

for the Holy Fathers,

Tone 8.

Exceedingly glorified art Thou, 0 Christ our God, That on earth our Fathers as Beacon Light hast established, And through triern hast guided us along the way, That leads us all to the One True Faith: 0 Lord of manifold compassion, glory to Thee. Kondakion, Tone 6 "When Thou hast fulfilled, etc." Koinonikon Praise ye the Lord from the heavens, the righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance, Alleluia: Instead of, "We have seen, etc." Apolytikion of the Ascension, "Thou art ascended." Apolysis (See the Ascension Day) See Ascension.



An-ta ai-yu-ha l-ma-si-l;1uila-hu-na, al-fa-iqu t-tas-bih, ya man as-sa-sa aba-ana l-qid-di-sin, 'a-la l-ar-<;lika-wa-ba mu-niran, wa-bi-him ha-dai-ta-na ila l-irna-ni l-ha-qi-qi, ai-yu-ha I-jazi-lu 'r-rah-rna-t] l-maj-du Iak. Kondakion, Tone 6

"Iam-rna at-mam-ta t-tad-bi-ra," etc. See ascension. Koinonikon Sab-bi-hu r-rab-ba mi-na s-sa-ma-wat, tidh-ka-ru s-sid-dl-qi ya-ku-nu mu-ao-oe-dan, Hal~le-lu-ia. Instead of, "Qad na-zar-na, etc." Apolytikion of the ascension, "La-qad sa-tid-ta bi-maj-din, etc." Apolysis (See the Ascension Day)

I i~1 J


The Pentecost
Fiftieth Day after

Easter Sunday

The Pentecost Sunday

Fiftieth Day after Easter Sunday


Tone 8


Tone 8

Blessed art Thou, 0 Ghrist our God, That have displayed the F'isherrnen to be allwise: For Thou sentest down on them the Holy Spirit, And through them as in a fisher's net hast caught the world: 0 Friend of men, glory to Thee. The First Antiphon R: The heavens tell the glory of God, And the firmament declaret h the work of his hands.
of the Theotokos, 0 Saviour,

Mu-ba-ra-kun an-taai-yu-ha l-ma-si-hu ila-hu-na, ya man az-har-ta s-sai-y a-din ja-zi-liy-yi l-hik-mah, idh sa-kao-ta 'a-laihi-mi r-ru-ha l-qu-dus, wa-bi-hi-mi stad-ta l-mas-ku-nah, ai-yuha l-mu-hib-bu l-ba-sha-ra l-rnaj-du lak, The First Antiphon

As-sa-ma-wa-tu tu-dhI-'u maj-da l-lah, wal-Ia-la-ku yu-khahbi-ru bi-a'<rna-Ii ya-dai-hi.'

Bi-sha-fa-ta-ti wa-Ii-da-tl l-ilah, ya mu-khal-lis khal-lis-na.

c: Through the intercessions



Glory to the Father, etc. There are no languages nor words in which their voices are not heard. Through the intercessions, etc. Now and ever, etc. Their sound hath gone forth into all the earth, And their words into the ends of the world. Through the intercessions, etc. The Second Antiphon

Al-maj-du Hl-abi, etc. Lai-sa qow-lun wa-la ka-la-mun lilla-dhi-na la tus-rna-ru as-wa-tu-hum,




R: Al-ana wa-kul-la awa-nin, etc. Ila kul-li l-ar-di kha-ra-ja sow-tu-hum, wa-fi aq-ta-rt l-mas-kfi-na-t] nbath-tha ka-lamu-hum,



Bi-sha-ra-ta- ti, etc. The Second Antiphon


The Lord hear thee in the day of tribulation. Save us, 0 Comforter Benign: for now we sing unto thee Alleluia. Glory to the Father, etc. Let him send forth unto thee help from his sanctuary. Save us, etc. Now and ever, etc. Let him remember thine every sacrifice, And thy holocaust let him fatten.

R: c:

Yas-ta-ji-bu Khal-Iis-na

la-ka r-rab-bu fi yow-mi d-diq. ai-yu-ha


I-mu-'az-zi s-sa-Iih, idh nu-rat-til la-ka: Li-yur-si-I la-ka 'ow-nan min qud-

Hal-Ie-lu-ia. Al-maj-du liHi:bi; etc. si-hi.





Al-ana wa-kul-la awa-nin, etc. Li-yadh-kueri r-rab-bu kulIa dha-ba-Ihi-ka, wal-yu-sarn-mi-n rnul).-ra-qa-ti-ka. Ya ka-li-ma-ta f-la-hi, etc. Eisodikon

c: o only-begotten, etc.
Eisodikon Be thou exalted, 0 Lord, in power: thy sovereignties. Save us, etc.


we will sing and praise

Ir-ta-fi' ya. rab-bubi-qu-wa-ti-ka, lu li-'iz-za-tik. Khal-Iis-na, etc.


nu-sao-bi-hu wa-nu-rat-tl-

Kondakion, Tone 8 . When coming down He brought confusion on mortal tongues, God Most High to disunion the nations brought; And again when He apportioned the tongues of fire, All of mankind he summoned to unite again, And with one accord we glorify, The allholy Spirit. Anti- Trisagion As many of you as have been bajtized into Christ have put on Ctll'ist: Alleluia. At The Especially
Hdrmos of the Ninth Ode of the First Canon, Tone 7


Tone 8

'In-da-rna nha-da-ra l-'a-liy, mu-bal-bi-lan al-al-si-nah, ka-na Iil-uma-rni mu-qas-si-man, wa-lam-ma waz-za-'a l-al-si-na-ta nna-riy-yah, da-'a l-kul-la ila t-tt-ba-om wa-hi-din, fa-Ii-dha-li-ki?" nu-maj-ji-du bi-a:;;-wa-tin mut-ta-fi-qah, ar-ru-ha l-kul-liy-ya

Anti- Trisagion An-tu-mu l-la-dhin bil-ma-si-h] 'ta-mad-tum, bis-tum: Hal-le-lu-ia. At The Especially
.H"!irrnos of the Ninth Ode of the First Canon, Tone 7



Thou that no taste of corruption knowest, to bear thy Child, And to the Word Allcreating flesh of Thy flesh didst lend, Mother untouched by man, 0 Virgin Theotokos, 0 Shine of Flame Resistless, 0 Place that held thy Maker, whom no place can bound: thee we magnify.
(or) Heirmos of the Ninth Ode of the Second Canon, Tone 4.

La-qad ha-bil-ti wa-lam tu-mii-ri-si, khub-ra-ta !fa-sii-din, waaq-rad-ti Ia-sa-dan Jil-ka-Ii-mah, al-ba-ria l-kul, ai-ya-tu-ha l-ummu l-la-ti, lam ta'-rif ra-ju-Ian,a:;;-1;>ii-ira-tukhi-zii-na-tan Ii-khali-qi-ha, al-la-dhi Iii yfi-sa,' wa-mas-ki-nan n-muo-di-t-na, al-Iadhi la yud-rak, Ii-aj-Ii ha-dha, ya wa-Il-da-ta l-ila-hi l-'adh-rii, Iaki nU-'a?-?im.
(or) He ir-mos of the Ninth Ode of the Second Canon, Tone 4

Hail to thee, 0 Queen, Boast of Mother and Maiden: For no tongue, although well trained, To easy richness of language, Has power to sing thy due of praises; And swooning wonder lames every mind, that ponders that Birth. Wherefore thee with one voice we glorify.

If-ra-hr ai-ya-tu-ha l-ma-Ii-kaji, sha-ra-fu l-'a-dhii-ra wal-um h-an-na kul-la fa-min fa-si-hin wa-muq-ta-dir, Iii yas-tati:-'u an yu-ba-ngn, fi ma-di-lJ.i-ki, bi-ha-sa-h] l-wa-jib, wa-kul-la 'aq-lin yan-dba-htt, min fah-mi l).a-li ml-Ia-dl-ki, Ii-dha-lik, b' sow-tin mut-ta-fiq, nu-maj-ji-dik.

Koinonikon Thy good Spirit shall guide me in the land of uprighteness: Alleluia. Instead of, "We have seen, etc." Apolytikion of the Pentecost, "Blessed art Thou," etc.
Apolysis le-lu-ia.

Ru-l).u-ka s-sa-li-hu yah-di-ni fi ar-din mus-ta-qi-mah: Instead of, Apolytikion: "Qad na-zar-na," etc. Hal-

"Mu-ba-ra-kun an-ta ai-yu-ha'i-ma-si-lJ.u," etc.


He that sent down from heaven the Allholy Spirit, in the Iorm of fiery tongues, upon his holy Disciples and Apostles, Christ our true God, etc.

Yii man ar-sa-la r-ru-ha l-kul-liy-yi qud-su-hu mi-na s-sa-rna bi-shak-Ii al-si-na-tin na-riy-yah, 'a-la ta-Ia-ml-dhi-hi r-ru-si-li 1qid-di-sin, ai-yu-ha t-ma-st-nu, etc.

Sunday of All Saints

The First Resurrectional Apolytikion, Sunday after Pentecost Apo]ytikion, Tone 4
Re.i ur re ctj ona]

Sunday of All Saints

The First Sunday after Pentecost Apolytikion, Tone 8, and the following Apoiytikion, Tone 4


8, and the following

With the blood of thy Martyrs in all the world, As with purple and fine linen, Is adorned Thy Church: And through them she 'crieth to Thee, 0 Christ our God, "On Thy People send down 'Thy compassion: Peace on thine Estate bestow, And on our souls Thy great mercy." Kondakion, Tone 8 As firstlings due from nature's, To the Creation's Gardner, With prayer the Christian world dedicates, 0 Lord, The Theophoric Martyred Saints: And by their supplications, In peace profound, we implore Thee, Securely keep Thy Church: Through tbe Theoto:kos, 0 Lord of Bountiful Mercy. Koin~nikon Praise ye the Lord, 0 ye righteous: rejoice, 0 ye righteous in the Lord, praise is comely for the upright: Alleluia.

Ai-yu-ha l-ma-al-hu

l-Ilah, in-na ka-ni-sa-tak,


la-tun bi-di-ma shu-na-da-ika, al-Ia-dhi-na fi kul-li l-'a-Iam, kabar-fi-ra-tin wa-ur-ja-wan, wa-bi-him tah-ti-fu ilai-ka sa-ri-khatan, waj-jih ra-ra-tak Ii-sha'sbi-ka, warn-ria-hi s-sa-la-ma-ta li-'abi-di-ka, wa-hib li-nu-ru-si-na r-rah-rna-ta l-'u~-ma. Kondakion, Tone 8 Ai-yu-ha r-rab-bu l-ba-ri kul-la l-kha-Ii-qah, la-ka tu-qar-ribu l-ka-ni-sah, ka-ba-wa-ki-ri t-ta-bi-tah, ash-shu-ha-da l-Ia-bisly l-la-hut, fa-bi-ta-was-su-la-ti-him, ih-faz ka-ni-sa-tak hi-sala-ma-tin tam-mall" li-aj-Ii wa-Ii-da-ti l-ilah, ai-yu-ha l-ja-si-Iu rrah-mah.

Sab-bi-hu r-rab-ba mi-na s-sa-ma-wat, lb-ta-hi-ju ai-yu-ha s-sid-di-qu-na bir-rab, Iil-mus-ta-qi-ml-na yan-ba-ghi t-tas-bih ; Hal-Ie-lu-ia.



Part I The Divine Liturgy
The Great Ektenia The First Antiphon Page 6 8 10 12 14 Supplication 16 18 18 22 24 26 28 30

The Second Antiphon The Little Entrance

The T'risagion The Ektenia of Fervent Hymn

The Cherubirnic The Great The Ektenia The Peace The Creed 'The Especially The Ektenia .

Entrance of the Prothesis

Before the Lord's Prayer

The Lord's Prayer The Elevation The Ektenia The Prayer of Thanksgiving Behind the Ambon (Dismissal)

34 34 36

:.......................... ,........................

38 40

The Apolvsis



Resurrectional Apolytikia of the Eight Tones

Tones: Tones: 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 7, 8

42 44





Antiphons, Apolytikions, Eisodikons, Anti-Trisagions, At the Especiallys, Koinonikons, Instead of "We have seen the true light," and the Apolysis. (From the Menaion) september 8, The Nativity of the Holy Theotokos September 14, The Elevation of the Precious Cross October 11-17, Sunday of the Holy Fathers 7 Councils October 26, Saint Demetrios November 8, The Archangels November 21, Entrance of the Theotakos to the Temple November 30, Saint Andrew ...... December 6, Saint Nicholas December 12, Saint Spyrid on December 11-17, The Sunday of the Holy Fathers December 18-24, Sunday before onnetmas (Genealogy) December 25, The Nativity of our Lord (Christmas) January 1, The Circumcision of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Remembrance .of St. Basil the Great January 6, The Holy Theophany of our Lord. January 7-13, Sunday after Theophany January 17, Saint Antonios the Great January 30, The Three Saints and stars of the Church February 2, The Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ March 25, The Annunciation of the Theotokos April 23, Saint George May 21, Saints Constantine and Helena June 24, The Nativity of Saint John the Baptist June 29, Saints Peter and Paul...... The First Sunday after July 12, Holy Fathers of the Six Councils July 20, Saint Elias August 6, The Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus August 15, The Repose of the Theotokos August 29, The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist

Antiphons, Apolytikions, Eisodikons, Anti-Trisagions, At the Especiallys, Instead of "We have seen the the true Light," and the Apolysis. (From the Triodiorr) The Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee 96

46 48 50 52 52 54 54 56 56 56 58

The Sunday of the Prodigal Son .............................................96 The Meat Fare Sunday................................................................ 96 The Cheese Fare Sunday.......... The First Sunday of the Great Lent The Second Sunday of the Great Lent

98 98 98
100 100 102 104

The Third Sunday of the Great Lent The Fourth Sunday of the Great Lent The Fifth Sunday of the Great Lent The Palm Sunday .. Part Antiphons, Apolytikions, V



64 68 72 72 74 76

Eisodikons, Anti- T risagions, At the Especiallys, Koinonikons, Instead of "We have seen the True Light," and the Apolysis. (From the Pentecostarion)

Easter Sunday The First Sunday after Easter (Sunday of Thomas) The Third Sunday after Easter (Paralytic Sunday) .. Wednesday, the Midpentecost

108 114


The Second Sunday after Easter (Sun. of Myrrhbringers) .. 116


84 84 86 86 86 90 94

120 122

The Fourth Sunday after Easter (Samaritan Woman) The Fifth Sunday after Easter (The Blind Man) Thursday, the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ The Pentecost Sunday (Fiftieth Day after Easter) The Sunday of All Saints (First Sunday after Pentecost) :

126 132



Vice-Altar or portable altar, a rectangular cloth bearing an Ikon of the Lord's burial. During the Liturgy the Holies rest upon it. No Liturgy can be served without it. A hymn composed of verses from Scripture. The dismissal. A troparion (short hvmn) of one verse. Universal. Golden-mouthed.

Antiphon: Apolysis: Apolytikion: Catholic:


Eisodikon: The troparion (hymn) belongs to an Entrance, es-. pecially the Little Entrance of the Liturgy. Ektenia:

A prayer, each petition of which is recited separately. Each petition ends with the bidding, "Let us pray to the Lord."


A procession of the clergy which comes out through the north door and returns to the sanctuary through the holy doors.


That troparion (hymn) which sets the metre of an Ode of a Canon.



The verses sung during the communion of the

K ondakion: Kyrie-eleison: 1iIlenaion:

Collect-hymn. Lord, have mercy.

Which supplies materials required for each day of' the calendar.


Vestibule. Rightly-believing. Easter Sunday. Which supplies materials for services from Holy (Easter) to Pentecost (fiftieth day after Easter),







An altar to the left of the Throne Altar as



the sanctuary.
TheotokOs: Triodion:


Which supplies materials for services for the ten weeks which precede Holy Paskha (Easter). Thrice-holy. "Holy God, Holy Mighty, mortal, have mercy on us." Holy Im-




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