I. Make A Timeline by Filling in The Boxes With Significant Events of Rizal's Boyhood Years and Early Education

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GE9 – The Life and Works of Rizal

Worksheet 2

Name: Arlene Joy S. Garcia Sched: 5:30-7:30 pm Date: June 18,2020

I. Make a timeline by filling in the boxes with significant events of Rizal’s boyhood years and early education.

1861- Jose Rizal 1872- Rizal is examined by

was born June 19, 1870- Jose Rizal those in charge of college
1861 and begins school at entrance to St. Tomas
christened three nine years of University in Manila as a
days later. age. scholar.

1875- Rizal enters the 1876- at the age of 15, Rizal 1877- In June, Jose
Ateneo as a boarder at just receives a Bachelor of Arts begins to go to
14 years of age. Degree from the Ateneo de school at St. Tomas
Manila and be in the highest University in
honor. Manila where he
studies philosophy.

II. Compare and contrast your childhood and early education with Rizal’s own experiences in the same period.
-Jose Rizal’s childhood and early education are quite different with mine. He is a skilled man and he is good at finding ways on
how to be successful. He is also independent to his parents. At a young age, Jose Rizal can already go outside the country to study.
Way back in my childhood days, I only focus on playing games with my friends and not worrying about my school works. My parents
are not capable to send me outside the country to study that is why I am also giving my best to make sure that in the future, I can
pay back what they have done for me.

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