The term “racism” along with accompanying terms such “white supremacy” have been thrown around wildly for over a decade now.
Shockingly, the term “racism” has not really been defined in any serious way, but the implication of the term is that there are people who hate people for no other reason than “the color of their skin.” It makes little sense that anyone would have this emotion, but the number of people who do have this emotion, and why they have this emotion, is not something that has been investigated. We are simply told that many people, in fact all white people, have this emotion, and they must be stopped.
Many people investigating this phenomenon of racial strife all of the sudden becoming the most important issue in the world have pointed out that the mainstream media began using these terms profusely after the 2008 financial crisis and the beginning of the Occupy Wall Street movement, when the banking elite had reason to attempt to divide the population, for fear that right and left could be united behind an anti-banker movement.
The media began constantly talking about the threat of racism, and then the population, easily swayed as it is by media hysteria, began to believe that racism was the core problem in society. The charts seem to speak for itself.
It’s a clever ruse, to be sure. Whereas the corruption of the banks and the government that works for them is a problem that could be solved, people having a secret emotional state is not something that can ever be solved. You can hunt for it for all of eternity. By redirecting public attention to this kind of spook, you’ve nullified the threat that they might join together in opposition to a real world problem which has a real world solution.
The fact that the media created a mass moral panic over this secret emotion of “racism” is fascinating, but despite what many on the right would claim, it does not tell the whole story of racial strife in America.
A Secret White Supremacist Conspiracy?
One of the things that the media racism promoters did was point out that black people are imprisoned at a rate much higher than whites. They also pointed out that blacks have a much lower average income than whites. What they claimed was that the only possible explanation for these differences in social outcomes was “racism.” The basic premise, which usually went unstated, was that “everyone is the same.” If every person of every race has the same ability, then if the outcomes are different, there must be some diabolical secret plot by white people to hold back nonwhites.
Unfortunately, those on the right refused to respond with the obvious explanation for why blacks and other races have worse outcomes than whites, which is that they are biologically different from whites, and therefore cannot be expected to have the same outcomes. If you are unwilling to state this obvious reality because you are afraid of being called “racist,” then there is no way to respond to the claims being made by the racism promoters. If all people are exactly the same, then it is simply a plain fact that if they have different outcomes, the only explanation is that there is a secret conspiracy against them.
However, it makes no sense that the different races would be exactly the same. They don’t look the same. They have drastically different histories. Why would they have the same intellectual abilities, or the same propensity for violence? No one has ever explained that, and instead, we are simply told that it would be very rude and hurtful to talk about it. It is anti-intellectual in the extreme to claim that because a truth is hurtful, it should be covered up, but even if you are extremely concerned about avoiding hurting someone’s feelings, could we not easily argue that the denial of the difference in races has led to much more hurt than whatever feelings would be hurt by acknowledging it?
Further, the claim that there is a secret racist conspiracy, that white people who are publicly so afraid of being called “racist” that they will hand over their entire society to a leftist mob are in secret plotting to hurt black people out of sheer nastiness, and moreover that it is impossible to discover evidence of this conspiracy, is a bit outrageous, is it not? Hinging your entire worldview on the theory of a massive conspiracy that cannot be traced is nonsensical, and yet this has been allowed because of the culture of silence enforced around the issue of racial differences.
In order to explain away the need for this massive conspiracy to hurt the feelings of nonwhites out or meanness, advanced racism theory came up with the idea that white people are racists without even knowing they are racists. They are programmed like Manchurian candidates by unspecific forces with an underlying desire to hate people for the color of their skin, for no specific reason. This seems even dumber, no?
Race is Very Obvious
People are aware that intelligent people tend to have intelligent children. They are aware that people who are tall tend to have tall children. They are aware that genetic traits are heritable. So, why then would entire genetic groups not share traits? Oh, but they do share traits. Africans have black skin, for example, a trait shared among their genetic cohort. They have larger, flatter noses, they have different shaped skulls, they are faster, they have more lean muscle mass, they have higher levels of free testosterone. If there is a white supremacist conspiracy to keep blacks out of the Ivy League, it seems there would also need to be a black supremacist conspiracy to keep whites out of the NBA.
In fact, the difference in skin color gives away the truth about the difference in intellectual ability. The biological pressures in Africa, where the sun is very hot, are different than the biological pressures in Europe, which was covered in ice for much of its history. Blacks developed dark skin because this is very useful for people who are out in the sun all day. The reason that blacks were brought over as slaves is that it was much easier for them to work in the sun all day on a Southern plantation, because they were genetically adapted to the sun in a way that white people are not.
In prehistoric times, before technology provided people with easy comfort, humans had to worry about meeting their basic needs for food and warmth, before anything else. In a place without winter, you do not have to worry about freezing to death. Furthermore, food is very abundant, all year. What this means is that black people did not require the intellect to make plans to prevent themselves from freezing, the skills to stockpile enough food for the winter, when there would be no food available. If a person in Europe failed to make these plans, they would die, and be removed from the gene pool, and therefore only those with the intelligence need to plan and implement a strategy to make it through the winter would live to see their genes passed on to the next generation. The European winter had a way of removing those with the lowest intelligence from the gene pool. Meanwhile, Africa had a way of removing those who couldn’t outrun a lion from the gene pool.
This should all be very obvious, and it should be something that a clever child could work through logically without having it explained to them, if they were asked to analyze why it is that black people have such lower average performance in a developed society than whites.
The Other Reason for Promoting “Racism” Theories
While the data about the media promoting the unsolvable issue of racial differences as a white supremacist conspiracy in order to prevent the solvable issue of elite corruption from being addressed is convincing, there is another reason why the media began promoting this artificial hysteria about racism when they did, and that is because during this period, there has been a massive push for whites to accept replacement immigration from nonwhite countries.
The amount of immigration we have witnessed in the last 20 years, virtually all of it from nonwhite countries, is totally astonishing. Under normal circumstances, no one would tolerate this, but the development of “racism” theory, of the theory that anyone who acknowledges racial differences is ontologically evil, has created a situation where whites are afraid to speak out. When they do speak out, they are left with flaccid arguments about how they are not “racist,” and they are not against being replaced with brown people, they simply are opposed to unfettered “illegal” immigration. This is obviously not true. The white people who are bothered by immigration are bothered for reasons relating to the racial differences of the people coming in. All of the Somalians, for example, which have flooded the US since the 1990s, were brought here “legally.” No one would prefer a “legal” Somalian to an “illegal” Mexican, and if there were such a thing as an “illegal” Norwegian, people would not be talking about an influx of Norwegians at all. Beating people over the head with images of “evil people” who “hate the color of the skin” has neutered the opposition to the agenda to racially replace whites with nonwhites.
Interestingly, it is the same Wall Street bankers, corporate elites, and government officials who wanted people to stop talking about elite corruption by burying them in racial hysteria that wanted to flood America with nonwhites in the first place. They have several reasons for this. The most obvious reason is that flooding the market with cheap labor drives down wages. If real wages had remained static since the mid 1970s, McDonald’s workers in 2025 would be getting paid close to $50 an hour, and the biggest way that these wages have been artificially lowered is by bringing in nonwhite immigrants from poor countries. A bigger and perhaps more esoteric reason is the drive among the elites to homogenize the entire global population, to destroy differences between people, in order to create a kind of singular world system. After all, if there are no demographic differences between nations, then what is the purpose of nations? We might as well have a single world system in order to prevent wars and abuses by “rogue nations.”
It is extremely unfortunate that such a massive and destructive social engineering program could hinge on something as stupid as the claim that “all races are the same and anyone who thinks differently is evil and wants to hurt innocent people out of sheer meanness.” But that’s what happened. And we’ve now entered into the final stages of this program, as whites are a minority in America and white children a minority in virtually every Western European capital.
People are Just Going to Have to Get Over the Fear of Being Called Names
In order to try to turn this around, people are going to have to become comfortable with being labeled a “racist” for acknowledging racial differences. There is no way we can fight back against this scheme to replace us without addressing the fact that no, all races are not the same.
It was encouraging to see the pushback against the Elon Musk plan to replace white American workers with Indians. There was a time not long ago when Musk simply explaining that these immigrants would be brought in “legally” would be enough to silence any conservative criticism of his race replacement agenda, but this time, people were willing to say “I don’t care if it’s legal, I don’t want those people in my country.”
That said, most people are still afraid of actually saying that brown people are incompatible with Western society because of their genetics, and it still feels like we are a long way away from that. But these things can change quickly. And with Trump really going hard against many of the sacred cows of the left, it seems that now is the time to slip through with ideas relating to race. Although the conservatives did go along with the “I’m not racist, but” narrative, being guided by so-called “Jewish conservatives” like Ben Shapiro, many of the ideas from the left that were adopted by the right are now being questioned, and there seems to be less fear of hurting people’s feelings as the situation becomes more and more dire for white Americans.
Most of human history has been defined by large scale physical violence, so it is truly harrowing to look at the last few decades in America when fear of some sort of “emotional violence” became enough for people to allow their children’s futures to be stolen from them. White people have become incredibly soft, and that will have to change if we are to reverse course as we spiral down the drain.
The hope is that the “anti-racism” that we’ve been inundated with for these past decades is mostly a hangover from the utopian ideology of the baby boomers, and that as younger people have more influence on society, this utopian thinking will start to fade away. In order for that to happen, however, people are going to need to be brave, and start injecting ideas about racial differences into the public discourse.
always gets me:
Blacks are extremely inferior mentally and we need to openly say it. The evidence is overwhelming.
1. Black-americans come in last in all standardized tests. Asian-americans do fine on all the tests so it’s not due to cultural bias in the tests.
2. Africa is by far the poorest and most backward continent on the planet. All of black africa is now controlled by blacks and has been for decades so it’s not due to racism.
3. No black has ever won a Science Nobel Prize unless you count one in 1979 for the semi-science of economics. They have won many nobels in non-brain fields like Peace and also in Literature so it is not due to racism.
4. Out of 1725 chess grandmasters in the world, only THREE are black.
5. 50 years of affirmative action special treatment and blacks have fallen even further behind. What does that tell you?
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I encourage yts to call names like nigger and wetback daily. I even provide them with addresses to do the name calling. Unsurprisingly none of the pussys ever take me up on my offer.
yeah right, you’re only gonna get more of it because young whites are more anti-“racist” with every generation…. militantly so
I thought my age group (millennials) was nigged out but try talking to gen-z about race. Even if you frame it in the most caged language possible, they’ll totally freak the fuck out and speed dial all their black friends to come beat you. I’m not sure what generation comes after Z but hopefully we’ll have achieved global nuclear war before that nightmare is birthed.
I, for one, don’t give a rat’s ass if someone calls me a racist when I call George Floyd a less-than-worthless piece of black shit whose Darwin-award (overdose) death immediately made the world a better place. Unfortunately Floyd’s overdose death was pinned on white cop Derek Chauvin, America’s BLM-pacifying scapegoat, whom Trump needs to pardon asap.
George Floyd is embarrassing to watch. That this POS is the best American blacks can do when it come to a hero/martyr tells me all I need to know about American blacks:
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And let us not forget Minneapolis’s Jew mayor sobbing like a bitch over Floyd’s carcass:
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Floyd’s $30,000 to $40,000 24k-gold plated casket matches a jig gang-banger’s gold capped teeth: “George Floyd will be buried in a Promethean golden casket or coffin at Houston Memorial Garden in Pearland, Texas. Floyd is the third person after Michael Jackson and James Brown to be buried in a gold-plated casket. MJ’s coffin costs $25,000.”
Savage ape Leo Terrell wants arbitrary detention for all persons who don’t support Jew genocide.
Because the only real human difference is between homo sapiens and the borderline retarded Bronze Age devil-worshipers with their dominant inbred NDST3 gene arcing out like Tesla batteries.
It’s the same way with government. Government good, anarchy bad. People really are simple minded. Trying to get people to think outside the box is frustratingly difficult. People love their chains, as long as they are ideological.
Luckily I never had a job where I could be fired for being accused of being a racist. The worst that happened to me was being kicked off of FaceBook for a month for calling George Floyd a worthless piece of black shit whose overdose death (Darwin-award winner!) made the world a better place.
Check out George Floyd’s shameless end; watching how shamelessly this black buck lived out his last 20 minutes on earth is embarrassing to watch. Cities wouldn’t have as easily burned if The Powers That Be hadn’t kept this video hidden from the American people:
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And, speaking of embarrassing-to-watch behavior, watch Minneapolis Jew mayor Frey sob like a twink bitch over big buck Floyd’s worthless carcass (encased in a $40,000, 24k-gold plated, casket):
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Saint Fentanyl follows the lead set by Michael Jackson and Jame Brown:
Very nice and concise.
They are training AI with leftist claptrap, bur sooner or later, the LLMs will spill the beans, and The Bell Curve will be utterly vindicated.
True, but superficial, and here is why. The full dynamic is that society has crossed-over into a realm that shrinks and neuroscientists call “the biological imperative.” If you are called racist, your circle of connections and opportunities, your territory, is reduced, and thus, your reproductive prospects are reduced. This triggering of one’s brain-wiring could be conscious, or subconscious. But Joan Baez made this quite explicit back in the sixties, when she popularized a campus poster depicting three sexy girls, and captioned “Girls Say Yes to Boys Who Say No”. In other words, if you do not have a politically correct attitude regarding the Vietnam war, you likely are not going to get laid. (Disclosure: Yes, I still carry a grudge.)
In the 1950s the American deep state began a worldwide propaganda program to try to de-radicalize the many communist movements that had arisen after WWII in reaction to Americans like the Rockefellers moving in and buying up the heights of their economies, i.e., food supply, energy supply, water supply etc. They did this by promoting various musicians, writers, artists and philosophers who promoted “cultural Marxism” meant to replace “revolutionary Marxism.” Cultural Marxism told the angry leftists that the way to power wasn’t revolution since that wouldn’t work, it was through joining the state power structure, working within the power structure to make social changes rather than overthrowing the power structure. This is well documented. In fact it had been worked on since the 1920s. It was resurrected after the Occupy movement for the same purpose. This tells the whole history: The New Progressive World Order
Thank you for not mentioning the term “IQ” once in this article.
Intelligence and character vary among people and races, but I think metrics like IQ are too easily gamed to be of any use. They were introduced specifically because they can be gamed.
IQ also ignores a “cultural” or behavioral component which seems to me to be inheritable.
Actually, Slavic whites are taking over the NBA. So much for heredity.
Good to see Anglin’s back! Now, on to the point at hand …
Well, the Spaniards and Portuguese first tried enslaving Indians, but that didn’t work so well. Not only was it too easy for the Indians to escape and live off the land (being completely familiar with all the local flora and fauna), but having no resistance to bubonic plague, they were dying off in droves. Whites had a lot more resistance to plague, of course, but being from a temperate climate zone, were more malaria-prone than the Indians. So the obvious solution to the problem was to import negroes into the Western Hemisphere, since they had resistance to both malaria and the plague. And the Sephardic Jews, having been the business managers for the Moorish Emirates, knew exactly where and how to procure them.
There’s lots more interesting details to the story, but you get the point now.
The owners of America are just following the playbook on how to keep the proles down. Keep the people divided, what better way than having significant alien populations at the lower end, and pitting the different groups against each other? It’s how peace is kept in the California and federal prison systems. Another tactic of colonizers is to put the weaker tribe in power, so he’s dependent on the colonizer. The problem is they went too far in America and have almost killed the golden goose. They already had a good thing here, but too many bought into the bs. Hopefully they let Trump and his team set things back on track. Otherwise this shithole. will be as bad as all the other shitholes.
100% wrong and jewish.
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Now do “feminism”.
S**tskins were handily conquered by Europeans in the long long ago – and not too long ago. Imagine if the bowelmovementskins had thought to call their beautiful, creative conquerers “racist.”
Whites are gone, yet still the cause of every woe, forever more. Who will maintain and preserve the amazing machines and cities dreamt of by Whites? Chinkies?
The only thing worse than violent, freeloading coloreds are High IQ Whites who work tirelessly to murder other Whites.
For instance, in the below substack, a brave woman hunts down and challenges the merit-earned High IQ White pilots who spray toxic Chemtrails, which by the way, ties in with High IQ White elite, Bill Gates, Blofeld-ish scheme to dim the sun.
But I’m sure the White chemtrail pilot she called out was really a DEI spook wearing one of those rubber latex masks that Scooby fucking Doo villains use. And those dastardly High IQ negroes even came up with the unholy toxic formulas emitted from the sprayer aircraft.
I don’t hate people for the color of their skin. I hate them because they act like feral rabid apes.
Their skin color is merely a warning indicator.
British Classicist Arnold Toynbee invented the term Challenge and Response. Toynbee was a giant in academia. He made it to a cover of Time magazine. Challenge and Response meant that in time of crisis, a new elite arises that takes extreme measure to cure the impending destruction of their country. That seems to be happening now in America after the Biden years. It was mentioned by a columnist in Unz Report these extreme measure of the Trump Administration had been secretly plotted over the last four years. They are not make shift by deranged Trumpians as the media implies. They now rarely refer to Donald Trump as president.
Toynbee went into complete academic oblivion in the radicalism of the 1960s. That was blamed on his becoming an anti Zionist. But I think it went deeper. Teaching new philosophies instead of cultural relativism and specialisation is not fashionable at Colleges since the 1960s.
Blacks are extremely inferior mentally and we need to openly say it. The evidence is overwhelming.
What needs to happen is that Whites need to stop creaming boxers and briefs over fixating on blacks. So let’s say your proposal happens. So the fuck what? What will it accomplish? 99%’er Whites will still have to deal with other coloreds, from parasitic pajeets, to toothy, scheming chinks, to hordes of mexican central and south american wetbacks. All who are just as detrimental as blacks. A few more IQ points more or less means absolutely jackshit.
I’d rather deal with a violent nig than a grinning High IQ White or White Jew who is planning the next round of taxpayer waste in the endless trillions of dollars, the next batch of DNA mutating MRNA shots, the next round of Chemtrails, the next form of population control, the next form of Orwellian enslavement via surveillance grids consisting of IoT devices, banking, medical history, you name it.
All of the above examples were created and instituted plus improved upon by Whites and White Jews of very High IQ. a violent nigger, you can defend against, they will scatter as soon as blood is drawn on the wolfpack that attacks you but you cannot defend against the White psychopaths in the City of London for instance anymore than you can defend against Hillary Clinton and her kill list, or Klaus Schwab or Nancy Pelosi.
Try making a citizen’s arrest on any one of those mayonnaise monsters and see how fast your blanco ass disappears.
Black-americans come in last in all standardized tests. Asian-americans do fine on all the tests so it’s not due to cultural bias in the tests.
Well, it’s no secret that blacks are allergic to education. But it’s not that cut and dry. Asian-americans attend White schools almost entirely which do invest far greater resources into their curriculum that allows them to be better prepared for tests. Even black school systems run by mostly (leftist) Whites are still complete shit regardless of the level of boon idiocy.
And the idiotic White High IQ act of arbitrarily assigning high IQ to ‘asian-americans’ is exactly how the ‘pajeet scourge’ in white collar industries came about.
Africa is by far the poorest and most backward continent on the planet. All of black africa is now controlled by blacks and has been for decades so it’s not due to racism.
What’s hilarious is despite the above, Africans actually look down on Western blacks.
No black has ever won a Science Nobel Prize unless you count one in 1979 for the semi-science of economics. They have won many nobels in non-brain fields like Peace and also in Literature so it is not due to racism.
Racist! You deliberately left out the negro genius who invented the ‘super-soaker watergun’. I’ll have you know that he won the Nobel prize for ‘toys made in China’
Out of 1725 chess grandmasters in the world, only THREE are black.
And we should care why? You are as bad as the streetshitter pajeets who brag about their spawn dominating spelling-bees. Unless it gets you laid, I personally put the label of ‘So the fuck what’ on being a grandmaster.
50 years of affirmative action special treatment and blacks have fallen even further behind. What does that tell you?
Whites have a misconception that AA is akin to a fucking golden ticket from Willy Wonka. That is simply not true. Every corporation I have ever worked for kept as many blacks as possible out of the workplace regardless of AA.
‘We’re so sorry Mr. Nigger, it looks like you do not have the required skill of handjobbing a camel or the expert skill in playing Twister for the Electrical Engineer role, we wish you good luck on your future job search’
What you should point out instead are the free shit programs enacted by Whites and White Jews. Now that is like giving Hunter Biden direct access to every bank vault in America. Of course, the free shit programs were taken over by the hordes of wetbacks that for some reason, Whites ignore in favor of fixating on blacks.
Even if Trump did pardon him, he wouldn’t be released. He was double convicted at state and federal level.
The DoJ especially under that kike fuck Garland were doing this in any dicey case involving white defendants and black “victims”, so even if they were pardoned at one level, they’d still be convicted at the other, they need to be pardoned both at state AND federal level to see freedom
Correct, IQ is perhaps the greatest predictor of a societal success.
Used only at individual level, yes it can be inaccurate (high IQ kids who become failures to launch etc), but like BMI it’s extremely accurate at a societal level, and it’s ability to overcome internal and external instabilities.
Africans are still blaming “colonialism” (usually nothing but a few administrative outposts) a century ago for their nations being basket cases, but pretend that Europe going through both World Wars and Communism weren’t a hundred times the setback.
The fucking Haiti apologists blame FUCKING NAPOLEON calling in debts two centuries ago for why Haiti is such a shithole, as opposed to it being full of well, Haitians
Imagine traveling to a European country and being surrounded by Europeans. Travel to any country in Africa and you’ll be surrounded by Africans. Travel to any country in Asia and you’ll be surrounded by Asians. Travel to any country in central America and you’ll be surrounded by central Americans. See how that works folks? Do you remember when American cities were majority white? I do, and this was a pretty nice fucking country to live in back then. Over the years a bunch of globalist cunts, abetted by traitors within our gates, ruined us with a toxic stew of feminism, drugs, Marxist dogma, pornography, and gender bending chemicals in the food and water. My fear is that it’s too late to stop the rot, the globalist cunts are blowing themselves watching the white countries collapse. Perhaps another ice age would do the trick, stop everything in its tracks, and in time small communities of likeminded people would form andd live the old fashioned way. You know, how we survived for 200,000 years before the globalist cunts ruined everything. I’d rather live in a small village surrounded by my own kind than this techno diverse nightmare that has befallen us all. Actually, according to some scientists and knowlegable people, a cold wave is expected next as we have been in a warm period for some time now. I can dream can’t I?
Didn’t the “racist” label coincide with Obama? I think that pernicious spook was behind this nonsense.
Republicans of the “GOPe” and “Conservativism, Inc.” varieties imagine that the Wall Street Journal is their paper. Maybe it is! But this front-page article from today is a good example of what the WSJ is serving up these days.
The manosphere is in charge! What’s her evidence? Donald Trump’s election, a tweet shared (but not written) by Elon, and Michael Douglas in «Falling Down» (30 years ago) and finally Archie Bunker from “All in the Family” (55 years ago).
Never mind that “Falling Down” was nothing if not equivocal, and Archie Bunker was a (deliberately OTT) kewpie doll for lefties (how could she not know this?) — we are to believe that these four examples somehow put the lie to six decades of lefty propaganda, and encroachment upon each and every aspect of our culture, business, and government until virtually everything has been captured? And we’re now in a place and time when white men — and only white men — are universally vilified, always considered guilty until proven innocent, and the only people we’re not only allowed, but expected, to criticize?
She does mention Fight Club. She really hates that one.
You see? “White guys” have been consolidating their gains over the decades and now (finally) have achieved complete domination in the year 2025!
The poor girl, having to live her life in such undeserved obscurity.
When are we going to be able to discuss jewish privilege?
Oh, that’s right, never.
Everything in your comment is true, but how about giving a lecture of equal accuracy to your idiot Portuguese-descended White Brazilian cousins who allowed Brazil to become a total 3rd world shithole?
Maybe I should just blame it all on Rio. Brazil is infested with criminals who would turn Floyd into a coon carpet, but here in America, I’ve encountered nothing but carpetbagging White Brazilians who bitch about America, and brag about Brazil, while of course sending American accumulated wealth to Brazil, getting fat on buying up commodities.
I among many other Whites was “ethnically cleansed” and encouraged to move out of Detroit. As soon as blacks moved in to my neighborhood, criminal activity increased.
Initially, I tried to be diplomatic about it, recognizing that “not all blacks are bad” (they’re not). The criminal activity increased, the perpetrators ALWAYS being black.
Push came to shove when my black neighbor (who I got along with well) introduced me to his own black dysfunctional “ghetto rat” relatives. I restored an old car to near showroom condition and parked it in my driveway.
My neighbor’s visiting relatives decided that it would be a good place to sit (on the hood). Asking them to remove themselves was met with “f#ck you, White m#therf#cker”. Upon presenting my complaint to my neighbor, he remarked that “boys will be boys” and to “just let it go”.
Things got worse in my neighborhood when my neighbor’s (hoodrat) relatives decided that breaking into cars and residences was a good career choice. My friendly relations with my neighbor cooled considerably.
The final straw was the municipal “tickets” that us whites received for “infractions” committed by my black neighbors. Trash dumpsters were provided by the city, one for every two residences placed in the alley. These were large containers, easily large enough to accommodate two residences trash disposal. My black neighbors refused to use the containers, strewing their trash throughout the alley.
Guess who got ticketed?
It wasn’t my black neighbors, but us (remaining) Whites. It’s as if the city was “encouraging” us to move.
Well, after multiple break-ins of both cars and my residence, I finally had enough and moved to an all-White enclave. I have never been happier.
If my experiences (among that of other Whites) are not examples of “ethnic cleansing”, I don’t know what is…
There are those who may think that the “nice black doctor” or “lawyer” living in your neighborhood is OK, but wait until they introduce and bring their “ghetto rat” relatives into your environ…You won’t like it…
Didn’t the “racist” label coincide with Obama? I think that pernicious spook was behind this nonsense.
No. Nothing came from a nondescript colored fag who appeared from virtually nowhere to reach the White House. Everything that happened under Obama came from his creators, 1%’er White and White Jew elites.
Their plan was to install a negro in the presidency, have him wreak havoc and then watch the stupid 99%’er Whites put the blame on him and him alone for everything from White babies diaper rash to contracting herpes warts from White husbands boinking the 3rd world wetback housemaids.
When the final extinction or animal domestication (as in farm cattle) occurs to 99%’er Whites, it will read very similar to the prole peon Whites left on a dying Earth in the film ‘Elysium’ where White Elite, Jodie Foster worked to keep them.
Blind loyalty, whether to race, or ideals like patriotism (which is why I never ever donate to groups like Wounded Warriors) is a road that only leads to your own destruction because you do not think critically and objectively.
Hmmm, which group is 1000 x’s more likely to put me and my 99%’er White descendants into a living hell, low IQ blacks who read, write and perform arithmetic at a lower grade (school) level or high IQ Whites, who happen to be psychopaths that see me, who is White, as not even of their own kind but as a subhuman not worth enough for them to spit on?
You’re forgetting something. CRT holds not that we are “programmed…by unspecific forces” but that we are programmed by irredeemably “racist” western civilization. This is an important, maybe its most important aspect, revealing its ultimate goal, which is not liberation of Blacks! or “equality”, impossible goals not only to achieve but to define; its ultimate goal is to discredit and destroy western civilization and replace it with the alternative being forged right now, global post-nationalism dominated by a certain Asiatic civilization (no, not China, ffs).
Anyone who doesn’t know by now that whites will be utterly destroyed in the U.S. and Canada is an idiot and I have no time for them. Andrew is totally out of it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YM4BE14pAgo
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There are those who may think that the “nice black doctor” or “lawyer” living in your neighborhood is OK, but wait until they introduce and bring their “ghetto rat” relatives into your environ…You won’t like it…
Sure, but I suppose cartel wetbacks are far better. Or smelly, imperious pajeets, or 5th column chinks. Wait, let me guess, they are not as violent as nigs, so by elimination are better neighbors? OR, OR, could you have been to blame for living in an anti-2nd amendment blue city where could you not own firearms or own them easily?
Push came to shove when my black neighbor (who I got along with well) introduced me to his own black dysfunctional “ghetto rat” relatives.
Well, that should have been a no-brainer in a Blue area.
Upon presenting my complaint to my neighbor, he remarked that “boys will be boys” and to “just let it go”.
You actually expected him to side with you? Nigs turn on nigs for a 2 liter bottle of flat cola. What the hell did you expect as a White coming to him with such a complaint?
Here is a common sense lesson. With the exception of extremely mentally ill (low IQ aside) blacks, those I have personally encountered in Red states with constitutional permit-less carry, seemed to behave farrrrrrrrr better, by leaps and bounds, than blacks in Blue anti-gun States, Cities and Towns.
Whites hate blacks, blacks hate Whites. Maybe it’s on some ancestral genetic level, who the fuck knows, but when guns are unrestricted, each leaves the other alone or keeps a form of permanent civility.
I have no sympathy for Whites stupid enough to move into or stay in a Blue areas and think ‘Mr. Rogers in his grandpa sweaters can tame the beast’, only to receive the obvious end result and then expect sympathy from fellow Whites.
There is only one race and it is called human, originally created in the image and likeness of God, but soon afterwards lost and ever since, all are born cursed slaves to sin and Satan, his children, bearing his evil image, no matter how much melanin is within a persons skin, for all bleed the exact same colour and that colour is SIN which is why all need Jesus Christ who alone can restore the image of God within man by making the scarlet of man’s sin as white as snow through His perfect life, death and resurrection. Cry out to Him today for mercy while He still gives you breath!
If any one wants to know the definition of racism, read Andrew Anglin racist BS and his sick thinking. A good friend of mine thinks Anglin IQ hovering around the 30 -35 smark.
Excellent piece. Concise and true.
Now write the concise truth about women, about how they are given far too much freedom of action, and how about how feminism, birth control, and abortion are destroying the West. This issue is intricately connected with the topic of today’s piece. How, you ask? Culture and civilization are expressions of genetics. White people create White civilization. Black and brown races cannot create, let alone contribute to such. Without White children, White civilization will disappear.
This is the crucial problem in the West, and if we do not solve it, our civilization will perish. We do not have long.
Book idea for the deep researchers:
This word has been hounding our civilization for a while. But 1935 – 2035 is the timespan of its power.
Anglin fails to make a coherent point.
He starts out by calling the charge of “racism” just a conspiracy by unnamed (((parties))) to distract from what he claims is a solvable problem, namely “the corruption of the banks and the government that works for them”, but then goes on to admit that brown people really ARE incompatible with Western civilization. In other words, he says white people hate them for legitimate reasons, not just “the color of their skin”, and they SHOULD hate them. Clearly then, the charge of “racism” isn’t just a conspiracy. It’s the natural condition of man.
Then he concludes his essay with this howler:
As if the “baby boomers” invented the idea of racial equality! But to suppose that this is a novel idea originating with “baby boomers” is the height of stupidity, since niggers were accepted by whites as the white man’s fellow citizens and legal equals immediately after the Civil War. Surely even Anglin must have heard of that little kerfuffle. It made all the history books. American white men voted for that madness, slaughtered each other in the bloodiest war in their nation’s history in order to bring it about, even amended their Constitution to put it into effect, and (nota bene) have done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in the intervening century and a half in order to reverse the mistake. Apparently Anglin has daddy issues, and I’m sorry to have to be the first one to tell him this, but the problem goes much further back than his father’s generation.
He should probably stick to comedy and the kiddie end of the pool. On this topic, he’s clearly out of his depth.
You all know everything that chem trails purport to do can be accomplished in much cheaper ways?
I am racist, but I moderate it enough to get along with anyone. If we’re not going to be best friends we can still be good neighbours. One can have mental barriers that have doors that only open for those you wish to allow closer.
The best thing about seeing things in a racist context is that it’s hilarious. It’s so true and so unfair, a cosmic joke. I do have a measure of sympathy though, you should not be a complete sociopath maybe!
Boy, you got that right! Today’s young people are so cucked and vucked because of their being totally marinated in Jew-driven, female-enabled perversity and non-stop DIEversity and negro vibrancy they have no other cultural experience to act as a reference point to ground them in a proper reality. This cannot be fixed any longer. The damage is done. We’re too far gone. The future belongs to the Russians and Chinese. Bet on it!
well accordingly to the black above in racist America he fear for his life and in Saudi Arabia is in earthly paradise.
In SA above 10% are blacks.
I tried to imagine for one second how blacks are moving in arab quarters (!!) displace the locals (!!!) commit all sorts of violent banditry acts (!!!!) and generally have a thuggish behavior. I couldn’t. It was to craziest. Even a black yelling to an arab “f#ck you, arab m#therf#cker” it is beyond imagination. For that, probably 11 arabs would have climbed on the black’s head and jumped over his belly, just for begining.
The conclusion? European modern civilization is in a dead end, we must completely get rid of it. Or, else, whites will be history files at the chapter “Sheer stupidity”
i read somewhere that the average IQ of black people (typically quoted as 85) would correspond to the average IQ of a teenager in their lower teens.
this seems to be plausible and confirmed in real life by the following traits that the majority of black people exhibit, all of them also being exhibited by young teenagers:
1. they are overly sensitive and easily offended
2. they are unable to control their emotions or assess the consequences of their acts (which often leads to them being extremely cruel during fights)
3. they live in a fantasy world where they see themselves as heroes (we were kings and s…), while putting the blame for their personal failures on others
of course, there are also some high-IQ black people that do not exhibit any of the traits above, but i think the state of advancement of a society is determined by the average IQ. that would also explain the low advancement status of subsaharan civilizations, which can be viewed as the product of populations in their early teens.
Here is a countercitation. Here is another. It takes about�60 seconds with a Web search engine to find such countercitations: all one does is to enter Anglin’s above quoted words into the engine’s search field and to hit Enter.
Andrew Anglin is a treasure; but, sometimes, one just wishes that he would check his facts.
As offspring of a slave owning nation, american and british developed sense of “superiority”, “supremacy”, “exceptionalism”, that justifies everything in their heads to use and own everybody else. Besides developing sick culture of supremacy, usery, paratisism, they developed to be very dishonest, criminal and aggressive, who do not trust anybody else.
American and british will never admit that they have psyche and culture of slave owners that they are for a fact, but they always virtue signal “moral” and “values” to everybody else, deceptively virtue signalling that they are superior, exceptional, better than others, most moral and most culture of all.
When you look back at where these people came from, you will see that they always kept owning, using and selling slaves very early in their history, which they also sold and bought from many elite jews controlling slave markets of Kiev, modern Ukraine. They continued this practice of buying and selling slaves in America. Later on, they hid their slave-owning practices abroad, as well as moved to economic slavery culture, where they will use and parasite from ecomomic slaves to get fat and easy lives. Besides being slave owners, the ones who settled to modern Britain, America, Australia etc. were literal criminals and prostitutes, that shows to this day. Eventually british, french and american made deals with pirates to form a society of criminals with them.
To this day, american and british at large still have this mentality and psyche of a slave owner, a user and a criminal.
After 1945, american and british terrorists behind seas and in cover finally won and we became literal hostages of these sick criminals and slave owners, who are not going to let go of their slaves and vassals without a legal war against the american and british scum. Fight against the american and british and free your people!
“You may be my neighbor, but I don’t have to be neighborly.” – John Chisum
Re: “Blacks developed dark skin because this is very useful for people who are out in the sun all day.” (consider revising)
Negroes developed ebony hides, because this is very useful for untermenschen who are out in the sun all day.
Re: “The European winter had a way of removing those with the lowest intelligence from the gene pool.”
♫♫ I’m dreaming of a long-drawn-out white Christmas ♫♫
Them there’s fightin’ words! Whites have the same problem in lots of different places. If you are not allowed by government to solve your problems, the next best thing is to manage your problems.
I’ve learned that problems are unrecognized opportunities and that the one unavoidable thing that separates us is also the thing that brings us all together in peace.
The same genetic hardwiring that is responsible for evolutionary success when done properly is also responsible for our bigotry and hatred when done improperly. This represents both our human problem and opportunity.
The fields of science and logic have been developed to enable us to do this properly. They enable us to scrutinize our experiences and imagination which have become beliefs to determine if they are or aren’t real.
Each of us performs this process with varying success as we navigate life. Consciously and subconsciously we establish in our minds a picture of our reality which we use to make decisions.
You can see where this is going.
As important to life and happiness that the recognition of reality is, misunderstanding it is equally destructive.
The solution isn’t to stop doing it. Everything isn’t equal. We can’t deny this subconscious process and still evolve so we need to develop the tools to recognize and perform it properly.
I use the terms truth and reality interchangeably. I’ve found that the resistance to do so is indicative of the improper recognition of reality.
If white people are so smart, why he current state of white societies?
Asininity such as yours is Exhibit A to show why Apartheid and Jim Crow was absolutely necessary for peace and civil order. The historical record shows, time and again, that dark people are not capable of creating or abiding in a civilized society. Yet there is what appears to be a genetic propensity for dark people to, always and forever, blame others for their egregious failures. Such lack of self-reflection and fact-free idiocy is not now, nor ever was or will be, correctable in any way, shape, or form.
I once embraced desegregation. My childhood predominantly white neighborhood is not now any more “diverse’…….it is predominantly black.
During this decades long process and direct engagement with blacks,untenable situations, one becomes less enthralled with Diversity. Racist!!!!!!
And now,even Antisemite!!
There are all kinds of people in the world. Like most people, there are some people I like and some people I don’t like. Some people I like are ugly and some are not.
The reasons why I may not like a particular people may have to do with their looks, race, culture and lifestyles and by my past interactions with them. Some of my dislike for certain groups of people were made just by observation as I have never had any interaction, or extremely limited experiences, with them.
If a racist is someone who thinks a particular race of people are ugly as compared to other races, then I guess I’m guilty. I’m a racist like most everyone else because I don’t believe there is a person on earth who believes we all look the same.
We’re all different and everybody knows it!
Okay, except for Susan Collins of Maine who looks just like Alan Greenspan and recently departed Ruth Ginsburg, but that’s it!
independently of white people (jew/non-jew)?
“There is only one race and it is called human, originally created in the image and likeness of God”
That depends on which God you believe in. The God of the Bible who created all things including man and woman in 6 days and on the 7th day rested. Or maybe you believe in the God who created all matter (elements) and set matter free to form various molecules, life forms, planets , suns etc etc .
The God of the Bible created earth, the sun and all things about 5,500 years ago and the God who created matter did this millions and millions of years ago.
If its the God of the Bible then we were all created equal (only God can create life)because we would all have the same DNA but if itz the other God then our DNA varies according to our parents, grandparents and ancestors and it is impossible that we are equal.
You get to choose what you believe and this would form your world outlook.
“made in his image…” and they’re so many different races with completely different physical and mental characteristics.
Make it make sense.
Because the white people (jew/non-jew) in charge allow/encourage it, enable them?
Except that when members of the human race with an overabundance of melanin move into your neighborhood, suddenly crime increases. Murders, rapes, robberies and assaults all go up. Could the melanin be the problem? And why did Gid separate the human race, putting those with different physical and mental atributes on different continents, separated by oceans and mountains and deserts? Maybe it was His intention that we all had the opportunity to be saved by Christ, but kept separate?
Slavery is as old as the Bible. Only in recent times has slavery become immoral and illegal. America and Britain led the fight to make slavery illegal. Did you forget about the American Civil war, 600,000 White people dead.
No surprise here. Jewish governance has had its way in the West and thus the mix to bury white rule. So much for IQ.
“He should probably stick to comedy and the kiddie end of the pool. On this topic, he’s clearly out of his depth”
Give him a break because he does make some good points. Maybe he wrote this article while on crack!
There is human specie, but when it comes to american and british, they really lack much of human specie traits. Sick criminals managed to reproduce in easy enviroments and later prostitutes etc. continued to form much of their population. Much of the reason is also becoming increasingly inbred. Their genetics are simply very sick and poor, lacking much of human specie genetics.
An american and a british is all about being fake, artificial and acting, with famous huge double standards, without any real empathy, understanding of people and any even theoretic sense of moral.
American and british are offspring of criminals, slave owners and prostitutes that see that everything and everybody else is for them to use and own, as well as that the world is theirs and belongs to them. They believe that that they should reach their goals with any, any possible means.
Blacks in red states are as bad, or worse, than blacks in blue states. There are constantly reports out of the Carolinas, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida and the rest of Duxie as well as everywhere else, of blacks raping, murdering, robbing and assaulting. It’s the same thing in Kenya and S Africa.
And obviously you’ve never owned a house in an area that’s been blockbusted. If your not the first guy out, it gets harder and harder to unload the property. I grew up with families in NY that after investing their life savings in a house, had to walk away with nothing because the area deteriorated so fast they couldn’t sell. And remember, Northern Whites were unfamiliar with the criminal mentality of blacks before the 1960s and 70s. Most Northern states had under 5% black populations in the 50s. They learned quickly, but not fast enough for some.
women cry like you do. shut the fuck up.
The hyperemotional issue of race tends to bring out the worst and most irrational in conservatives and liberals alike and has long been used to sidetrack people from noticing what’s really happening. An argument has been made that post Civil War Reconstruction was a smokescreen, using the compelling issue of race to distract people from the corporate takeover of the national government. In 1865, the federal government had smashed the separatist insurgency and was the body that truly represented the interests of the people of the United States. When Reconstruction ended a dozen years later, Washington had become a shell of itself, dominated by corporate interests that had muscled their way into the power vacuum left by the fallen slaveholder lobby. By bribery and intimidation, oligarchic war profiteers turned the people’s government into their government. In a few more years they would permanently solidify their grip on power by having the bought-and-paid-for Supreme Court declare the absurdity that the protections of the new Fourteenth Amendment applied equally to corporations as to “natural persons.” And who presented that argument to the Court but Roscoe Conkling, the prominent Radical member of the congressional committee which drafted the 14th and 15th Amendments, and one of the most vocal advocates of forcibly realigning race relations in the south. Incidentally, this decision quite fulfilled the Federalist vision of a national government “so constituted as to protect the minority of the opulent against the majority,” as James Madison candidly defined his faction’s goal at the 1787 Constitutional Convention.
I’m sure you’re just perfect and a Khazar fake Hebrew Zionist Sodomite jew boi. Aren’t you?
My thoughts, exactly. And why is the world messed up?
And it is not new. The Brit WASP elites as q class made a vast fortune investing in the cross-Atlantic slave trade. The New England Anglo-Saxon Puritans and the NY shipping magnates, who also were culturally WASP elite, also made fortunes from that business.
So how did the grandchildren of super rich investors in slave shipping become culture warriors for black Emancipation? Perhaps it is clear to see in England, where the boom in early industrialism was based rather significantly on forced child labor. Meaning all white children. Laws were passed by the rich ti make it easy to take children away from poor parents for various reasons and sentence them to a factory until full adulthood so that they would be educated and trained to work.
In America things were not as bad or as obvious, but early factory work was a hellhole existence with owners driving the mostly immigrant and almost all non-WASP workers toward very early deaths and various debilitating injuries. Jokes about factory deaths and sever injuries became common, even those comparing them to being captured and tortured by Indians.
So at bit th4e time that the highest profits from croass Atlantic slave shipping were drying uo, WASP elites on both sides of the Atlantic discovered the poor innocent sacred Negro. And they in waves began Negor Abolition movements. Why? Because they social focus would allow them to oat their backs for being righteous beyond all compare while the masses were diverted from thinking about the abuses those same WASPs jets kept doing to the vast majority of whites ov3er which they ruled.
That pattern has repeated over and over. It is as central to WASP culture as is Judaizing. And Anglo ivory in the 2 World Wars has meant all of Western Europe has been totally infected with both. .
You are applying to all off the British Isles what a fairly small group did to the rest and then forced the rest to be the cannon fodder so they could do it across the globe.
The primary source for that is Anglo-Saxon Puritanism, which is a self-righteous Judaizing heresy, but also central is the Reformation era ‘rediscovery’ of the pagan past of Germanic tribes (such as Angles and Saxons) endlessly pirating. The early Modern WASPs mixed the two in their minds and coughed up a culture that was purely imperialistic while parading itself as the paragon of selfless virtue: it took civilization and gave it to the benighted.
For most of my life, I paid no attention to the various shades of swarthies, as they were mostly anomalies, at least in the area I grew up. But over the decades, tens of millions more have invaded and are now everywhere you look – and often in positions of power that would once have been thought impossible – is that raciss? Not only that, but they’re also shoved in our faces six ways from Sunday. So yeah, I’m a hell of lot more racist…
wiki debunk:
Yes, wiki is biased on ((selected narratives)) by ((malevolent infiltrators)) but not here – you could consider ‘getting real’. rgds
Our ‘overlords’ which sort of explains how fecked up the modern world is.
Every single time. (((Joanne Lipman))) is probably one of the most entitled people you’d ever meet in life, yet she casts herself as the underdog, fighting the invisible war of racism and misogyny. If she ever found herself in any trouble at all she’d leap in a heartbeat into a White man’s arms. If the left didn’t have hypocrisy they’d have nothing at all.
“America for the Americans”
And as Sam Hyde said in that recent video of his, we don’t need to argue about who an American is. Everyone knows who an American is.
Perplexity AI shrills like a middle school teacher, keeps saying ‘thats right’ like the patronizing beech it is.
Now that Ron Unz has engaged Hua Bin to write about China and its glorious evolution and how it is destined to surpass the US in all things and takeover the world very soon, it’s good to see Andrew Anglin direct his energetic writing skills in a vastly different direction, i.e. that which concerns America and its citizens and not his adopted nation and his fellow Chinese. Welcome home, son!
There are all kinds of rankings out there. Can we have a ranking of countries by their racism from most racist to least racist. A genuine one, not one based on “only Whites can be racist”.
That guy doesn’t look much black. He could pass for an Arab out there. Thieving blacks like his hero would get their hands copped off. Many/ most of those American blacks would end up on the chopping block, hands or heads off.
In jewish talmudic doctrine, slavery of gentiles is still considered to be a valid “status” as jews consider gentiles to be “less than human, with souls, created solely to serve the jews”.
The western “slave trade” was wholly owned and operated by jews. The slave ships, crews and cargo were owned, insured and run by JEWS. The slave auction houses (which were always closed on the sabbath) were totally owned and operated by JEWS.
It took western societies to finally outlaw slavery (to the jews’ chagrin).
Slavery was not limited to blacks. Indentured servants (which had defined term limits) were treated much more harshly and given the most dangerous jobs. Chattel slaves (blacks) were considered to be “investments” and were too valuable to risk being maimed or killed.
because the white (predominantly western) societies have been under attack for 200+ years by a cosmopolitan parasite that cannot be named. i suppose this answer should be obvious to anyone coming to this website
Founded by the man himself in 1895, the five Nobel prizes are chemistry, literature, peace, physics, and physiology.
The fake economics award was created by a Swedish bank in 1969.
The unedited version the American police state does not want you to view. A word of advice is to never believe everything you view in the media.
May 29th, 2020. New video shows Minneapolis police arrest of George Floyd before death
Four white officers involved in the death of George Floyd have been fired from the Minneapolis Police Department, but Mayor Jacob Frey is saying that one of the officers should be arrested for pressing his knee on Floyd’s neck.
Video Link
Or it’s not limited to (all/) only Jews?
The Western Countries need to ignore Victim and Identity Politics and focus on the REAL causes for our Society’s problems. #1: American Blacks are EXTREMELY violent. The leading cause of Death among Black males is Homicide. And Blacks are almost exclusively the Killers of Blacks. Then we as a Society have to accept the fact that “Diversity, Equity and Inclusiveness” (DEI) is an Extreme form of RACISM dressed in disguise. And then the Destruction of the ‘Woke’ movement is next. Wokeness is just more Racism against White Peoples. These groups need to be actively opposed.
I am happy to see Andrew Anglin changing his writing style to something a little deeper and a little longer. I sometime comment on threads that are weeks old because that is when many of the trolls and inane have moved on.
Several years ago I would occasionally read the dailystormer comments for entertainment. Later, they had to retreat from Jewish Power to the darknet and Tor, and I didn’t follow them there.
I would enjoy reading Andrew’s comments on these threads, and I would enjoy reading how he deals with the commentariat.
Recognizing real differences in races, cultures, trends in physical and mental differences isn’t racist.
Not recognizing the need to use correctly applied logic and science when drawing conclusions may either be general ignorance or racism, while refusing to consider it is bigotry.
Know thyself.
Awwwww… is someone mad, he scored worse than he thought on his IQ-test?
You Gentiles ~ Maurice Samuel
“We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy ….there will never be peace between Jew and Gentile until the last European state has “lost its racial homogeneity.”
There are constantly reports out of the Carolinas, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida and the rest of Duxie as well as everywhere else, of blacks raping, murdering, robbing and assaulting. It’s the same thing in Kenya and S Africa.
Complete Bullshit. Not surprising coming from you Rich. There is no ‘nigger zombie apocalypse’ at all in any of those states. Cities are not on fire and there are no floppy titted White women running around with dangling spook cocks in hot pursuit.
You really have got to stop committing acts of beastiality with Chicken Little and binge watching ‘Conquest of the Planet of the Apes’.
Blacks in red states are as bad, or worse, than blacks in blue states.
False. Clearly you have never lived in a Red state. While nothing is guaranteed 100%, blacks in Red states (that have constitutional carry) behave many times better than unencumbered ghetto boons who benefit from living in blue states. Now for instance, in states that have onlyopen carry, I have read of one White guy who came home and was actually armed, but maybe due to work exhaustion, he let his situational awareness slip and failed to notice a car of boons casing his house, well they saw him (and possibly his exposed sidearm), got the drop on him and killed him.
And obviously you’ve never owned a house in an area that’s been blockbusted. If your not the first guy out, it gets harder and harder to unload the property. I grew up with families in NY that after investing their life savings in a house, had to walk away with nothing because the area deteriorated so fast they couldn’t sell.
Noticed the part in your statement that is in bold There was plenty of warning of southern blacks heading up to states like NY and NJ. It’s unfortunate that those Whites failed to react in time, much like how Whites failed to react to pajeet replacement in white collar industries.
And remember, Northern Whites were unfamiliar with the criminal mentality of blacks before the 1960s and 70s.
That’s no excuse, as before the 60s and 70s, White America had blacks under total control. a negro could not take a piss unless Whites permitted it.
Pre 60’s era was when civil rights did not exist. blacks had absolutely 0 leeway with anything, up until the Jews started organizing them and 5th columnists like LBJ instituted free shit measures. I guess those Northern Whites had their heads in some unreality bubble where June Cleaver looked like a million dollars every morning while Ward kept the Woodchuck and Wally from having another misadventure.
Racism has been around since caveman exited his cave to take a dump and saw a member of another tribe shitting behind his bush..
The Chinese hate te Japs and visa versa !
The West hates Russia !
Cubans hate Colombians
Every American Indian tribe hated the other !
………and so on and so forth.
As for White on Black racism, this is nothing compared to African tribal hatred. You will never convince a Zulu that a Xhosa tribal member is anything other than a cockroach. Black Africans also despise Afro Americans.
Where Whites are concerned the black man thinks that Whites get up every morning, stretch, bathe and shave, have a coffee and then head out to look for a black man to fuck with. Fact is, we dont have the time and even if we did cannot be bothered.
Its the black man loitering on the street corner all day or looking at endless TV who imagines all this nonsense. He/she never twigs to the reality that it is their behaviour that makes EVERY other race avoid them.
To boot, they are as lazy as fuck (wherever they ive on planet earth)and prefer to rob rather than work. Of course when they end up in jail its the White Man’s fault. It beats me they dont go back to Africa but then they will find out to their horror that black dictators dont give handouts and African blacks are more rabid than any other race.
It was good to see Americans expressing their opposition to genocide by racial replacement via H-1B and standing up to Trump and Musk on this. It’s nice that X allowed this even though it looked like Musk disenfranchised a significant number of his prominent paid subscribers over this. “Take a big step back and F*** YOURSELF in the face. I will go to war on this issue the likes of which you cannot possibly comprehend,” Musk posted, showing a level of insanity that would have immediately disqualified him from any public position, in sane times. Musk literally appeared to be under the influence of mind-altering drugs throughout the Yule season. Many people noticed this.
Musk literally trolled his victims after Trump publicly told “him” to keep quite. He changed names and dawned a Pepe the Frog icon while canceling prominent gropers and Noticers. But in the end, people merely squawked for two weeks and neither Trump nor Musk reformed their plans for genocide by “legal” racial replacement. Americans and their White allies need to regroup and battle to victory, but this hot, engrossing holiday matter seems to be mostly forgotten. So, battle lost and perhaps the war for racial survival, if this is any indication of how Americans mean business.
(This is the first article that I have read by this contributer that I did not dislike in some way. I detected no off-putting crassitude or obscenity, no political agenda of a foreign enemy, no irrational venting, no irrational conspiracy theories.
I feel this new approach is congruent with the typical professionalism representative of the other articles published here. I don’t agree with a lot of what I have read on UR, mainly because many articles and comments I’ve read here are anti-American propaganda, imo. And by American, I mean authentic ethnic Americans whose interests have not been represented by any government or media for decades, if not a century. Anyway, I hope this new approach continues in future opinion editorials.)
Ah, wikipedia, the deep state operation that all idiot skeptics swear by. let alone the fact that even the term ‘conspiracy theory’ was invented by the CIA and even though so called conspiracy theories past and present have actually been proven true.
Why, here is the text from a U.S. representative’s bill that bans those imaginary, harmless chemtrails:
And i even remember when Americans were saying ‘Oh nooooooo! The IRS does not protect illegal aliens while taxing Americans to death! Why that’s just a conspiracy theory!’
The main problem with too many High IQ Whites is that Whites tend to be self-important know-it-alls who have everything figured out even without doing any research into the subject that is crowed about having been solved with snide remarks, arrogant word salads and armchair analytics.
It is why that kind of ‘reverse-High IQ’ bullshit is just one of many reasons why the 1% White and White Jew elite are still able to enact yet even more conspiracies against the 99%’ers.
“1. they are overly sensitive and easily offended
2. they are unable to control their emotions or assess the consequences of their acts (which often leads to them being extremely cruel during fights)
3. they live in a fantasy world where they see themselves as heroes (we were kings and s…), while putting the blame for their personal failures on others”
You mean like these people
these people
these people
or . . .
Yes, thank you for the insight. I was baffled to see Jamie Dimon bent on one knee on a NYC sidewalk atoning for his inherent racism and his White-man crimes against the planet’s most valuable race. Now I understand. As with all things, it’s about the money.
Small Frey looks like a sobbing bitch because the twerp kike IS a sobbing bitch.
Cultural Marxism is a term that was, from what I have seen, used by sociologists in the early 1960s to describe “Critical Theory.” It may have been used earlier, but if you look up the term in Wikipedia or similar sources it says that Cultural Marxism comes from Cultural Bolshevism, a Nazi term, which they used to describe modern art, which they didn’t like. They say it came from the 1990s by the American far right, that it’s a conspiracy term. It’s not, it was used in books I’ve seen published in the early 1960s by university professors to describe the “Critical Theory” coming from the Frankfurt School. See https://www.jspes.org/samples/JSPES43_3_4_bolton.pdf
I just hate the jews. All of them.
And the Indian guy who keeps pooping outside my house.
The British police are bought off by the jew criminals.
They were digging holes in the ground away from their homes to relieve themselves whilst we in England were throwing our shit and piss out in the streets and then wading through it causing all sorts of foul illnesses 🤔
How pathetic.
No moron commie people like you.
Congo 64′
Arguably the best & most comprehensive analysis of this topic I’ve ever read. Regarding the artificially contrived 2008 subprime financial “crisis”, this was obviously concocted by evil globalists like George Soros to install their “Manchurian candidate” puppet Barack Insane O’bamer & his brain dead sidekick Genocide Joe in power. This resulted in utterly incalculable damage. My own personal 401k was wiped out overnight. Additionally, as a native Washingtonian, I saw my city ravished, also virtually overnight. As an interesting sidenote, we had a very attractive Korean lass (Michelle Rhee) who was in charge of DC Public Schools in this general time period. This poor gal had an utterly thankless task, trying to “educate” the feral hoodlums. It would have been 1,000 times better for her to have focused her efforts in the “ape house” at the National Zoo. I also feel very bad for Michelle in that she resorted to coal burning & married an incredibly overrated Black former NBA “star” Kevin “KJ” Johnson, who became the Mayor of Sacramento (CA). “KJ” was corrupt & depraved & was spared prison time which he richly deserved because of his buddy the aforementioned Mr. O’bamer running interference for him. The only good outcome out of all this was at least this bitch did not get into NBA Hall of Fame.
This is such an insane quote. It is like Anglin is not settled into the idea that we are not doing physical violence anymore. Let me explain.
I take it for granted that we are not going to do mass murder. I take the idea of a peace-based society for granted. I expect it. I think it is a low bar. It’s not much to expect.
Given a peace-based society, what problems are left? We do not have the problem of people’s lives being cut short from World War. But we do have the problem of people living miserably. What causes people to live miserably?
There has been a lot of effort by other peace-accepting people to think about the problem of human misery in life. After all, there are lives that are perhaps worse than death. It is a serious problem.
One of the things that makes people miserable is racism. I don’t care that Anglin refuses to try to understand racism; it’s his fault for insisting on not listening.
Why no mention of the Jewish role in promoting lies and racial strife in this article? Jews hate us whites with all their black little Talmudic hearts. Jews are the ones promoting D.E.I. policies, Critical Race Theory, mass immigration by non-whites into white nations and the fake “white nationalist crisis.” Getting rid of the Jews is the first step towards sanity in America. The next step is to deport all Negros (and mulattos) back to Africa. That would cost around $30 billion. However, incarcerating the criminally-prone Negros costs that much alone. Exterminating the Jews, deporting the blacks and deporting all Muslims would make America truly great again.
Utter bullshit. Stick to the topic: contrails = contrails, nothing more, nothing less. But the contrails conspiracy was not invented by the CIA, rather *by* weak minds *for* weak minds. enjoy
White cultural festival 25′
Certainly people and countries can choose their economic system and that choce may be communism. But that is not my choice, not even close.
Though I would agree that communists are trained how to engage in all manner of violence to advance their agenda. Dr. Karl Marx, I think was the author of the ideology, a white guy. And correct European jews are in fact white, well most European Jews, well
nearly all European jews.
There is only one God who created time, space and matter out of nothing. If you do not know His mercy this side of eternity you will know His justice for the rest of it.
The defining characteristic of Jews, is their utter and brazen hypocrisy, and their ability to lie without a conscience tempering their tongues.
Jesus said it to their faces. He was crucified for doing so.
That statement actually was from Hang All Text Drivers
England were throwing our shit and piss out in the streets and then wading through it causing all sorts of foul illnesses 🤔
Totally true. i even made the example of only the rich English taking actual baths (although not daily) on another article.
They were digging holes in the ground away from their homes to relieve themselves
So they get an ‘B’ for toilet hygiene (as they probably still ate with the unwashed hand that did the wiping, if any) and for not loving their own filth like pajeets.
He’s likely thinking of the wages to average house price metric, which wouldn’t make it $50/hr, but probably over $40/hr.
Your links are using government numbers that have been debunked including on this website. If you can’t buy a house it is not really very important if big screen TVs are getting cheaper, and it’s also a scummy thing to use the price of consumer electronics to measure inflation given that these have become so much cheaper to produce. Most things have become cheaper to produce, including meat because of factory farming, and that is without even mentioning what the 1990s “free trade” policies did to the price of goods.
He should have used some phrase like “real world buying power” and then maybe estimated it at $40/hr, and it would be basically correct and avoid you listing those government numbers and saying he’s wrong.
God is Spirit (John 4:24) therefore His image and likeness are spiritual. Man after the Fall died spiritually as God had warned him (Gen 2:17) and therefore all are born in the cursed image of Adam (Gen 5:3) slaves to sin and Satan and his children and according to God, doing only evil continually (Gen 6:5) regardless of appearance or mental aptitude for God shows no partiality (Rom 2:11) for there is only one biological race which is even confirmed by scientific studies on the human genome.
Everyone is simply a different shade of brown and the concept of different races was popularized by Darwinian fantasies.
Act 17:26 And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings,
Utter bullshit.
LOL, you just proved my statement dick…. oh I meant skrik.
Stick to the topic: contrails = contrails
Says the armchair scholar surrounded by his many invisible degrees in meteorology and chemical analysis (his Masters in ‘Dumbassholotry’ was drawn in fucking crayola however)
Many independent analysis of Chemtrail contents have been conducted here is just a sample of what has been found:
But the contrails conspiracy was not invented by the CIA
Had you finished your GED, you would have been able to comprehend my comment which never said that.
rather *by* weak minds *for* weak minds. enjoy
The next time the sky over your location looks like a giant game of tic-tac-toe, make sure to drink as much rainwater as possible so you can enjoy the tantalizing sensation of your remaining testicle shriveling up and falling the fuck off from all those ‘imaginary chemicals’…….
And then, use what’s left of your manhood to bone up on how conspiracy theories actually are conspiracy fact
Typical coming from me? Huh? I used to live in S Carolina and Georgia and I’ve got friends and family all over Dixie. But all you have to do is read Paul Kersey’s blog on this site to get the information. The consensus is that the North has advantages because if you move out of the cities you can get away from blacks, down South youve got blacks in the cities, the suburbs and the country. You’re a very hysterical young lady, take it easy.
Communists, Marxists and violence
There is no proof for any relationship between melanin levels and crime. Simply go to some of the dark skinned Islamic countries and see what happens to those who try to do such things there. Evil dwells within every person regardless of colour, Crime is most rampant where God and His justice are not feared.
God created the nations and separated them due to the pride of man thinking that he could be like God and build a tower high enough to overthrow Him. Rather than have such evil concentrated in one place, God decided to disperse them from Babel so that in due time all nations might come to know the blessing of salivation which was promised to Abraham and those of his seed in Christ who reconciled His people from all nations, tribes, peoples and tongues unto Himself.
2Co 5:19 that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.
Not many people know about this word’s origins and meaning. The ‘race’ (i.e. ‘rasa’) is an ancient Serbian word. It came from the goddess of agriculture, Reasa (or Rasa). Ancient people lived in Lepenski Vir/Vinca during and after the Ice Age, where the first industrial revolution in the world took place 7000 years ago.
At that time, Vinca people called themselves and each other – ‘srb’ (serb) what meant – cousin, relative, the member of the same race. So, the terms ‘race’ and ‘serbs’ have the same meaning. In fact, the alternative name of Serbs is ‘Rasi’ (still used by Hungarians), which is also a root for the later Serbian offshoots – Thracians (Greek reading of Rasi), Russians and Prussians. The word ‘race’ (or ‘rasa’) is adopted probably in almost all languages.
Moreover, the English word ‘race’ was actually adopted from this old Serbian language, where ‘rasa’ was a primordial expression for single-tribeness, single-bloodness and single-kinness. This primordial word is preserved in English language, meaning absolutely the same. It is preserved in almost all other languages in very similar forms and with identical meaning. So, the meaning of the word ‘race’ (i.e. rasa) is the same as the meaning of the word – ‘serbs’.
Perhaps the root of the meaning of racism is in the primordial hatred of the primitive Yamnaya nomads, who came from Russian steppes to Europe 4800 years ago, against the natives who spoke the Serbian language. Serbophobia is very developed in the world, and thank God, it is quite present even on this blog.
A side question in the context of this text – were these mentioned nomads (the predecessors of today’s Westerners) white and how did they become white?
But all you have to do is read Paul Kersey’s blog on this site to get the information.
I have already seen every Death Wish movie.
I used to live in S Carolina and Georgia and I’ve got friends and family all over Dixie.
Well ‘bully’ for you.
The consensus is that the North has advantages because if you move out of the cities you can get away from blacks, down South youve got blacks in the cities, the suburbs and the country.
I have seen smarter consensus at a chink food buffet.
You’re a very hysterical young lady, take it easy.
Well, maybe I am just jealous as you are ‘Rich in estrogen’ my ‘junk tucked between the legs’ friend.
The next step is to deport all Negros (and mulattos) back to Africa.
No, the next step would be two-fold. Deport all pajeets, while simultaneously getting rid of all latino wetbacks. negroes are actually the lowest level threat as pajeets threaten livelihood with many white collar industries and wetbacks are more organized and would eventually wipe out the blacks and take their place to become a ‘Judge Dredd-level’ scourge. Believe it or not, blacks are easiest to deal with.
Ridiculous wooden toys. When you consider just how backward white people still were only four centuries ago, while in sub-Saharan Africa, thanks to ingenious inventors thousands of years ago, gigantic supercomputers already existed that not only drew up the construction plans for hundred-meter-high pyramids made of solid granite, but also for nuclear-powered spaceships that exceeded the speed of light, then all the blind rage that the entire Third World harbors against the criminal, deceitful white man becomes immediately understandable.
Like all calculators, this first one already had a massive technical flaw: for example, it is still unable to calculate how, within one year (of which four months fell in a harsh winter), just a handful of people could not only “exterminate” almost a million Jews in Treblinka by “inhaling diesel exhaust fumes”, but also make the victims disappear without a trace. The calculator, however, stubbornly claims that it would not even be technically possible to “process” a tenth of them in this way. And this despite the fact that its inventor was a professor of Hebrew.
White private security in the whiter parts of town:
Boer speaks English with Afrikaans accent.
I watched your video and the only take I got out of it was that we need to go back to the good ol’ days of “shoot to kill” when it comes to looters, vandals, and rioters. And that George Floyd’s girlfriend was the typical bottom-of-the-barrel white slag you see with black ghetto trash, no decent white man who have her.
Is anybody not deranged and confused there ?
Negros are another species. The ones in Melanesia/Australia are likely of another order.
Their hybrids are, unfortunately, not sterile…more Mud.
EVERY metric shows Negros as Wrong, Down, Out, Different…Losers.
Regarding the “bleed the excat same colour” thing…
Tuna and other fish also bleed red.
Red blood emblematic of sin ?
You, pilgrim, are out of your tiny mind.
Our Father and Jesus know this, but I’m guessing that they appreciate your sincere, albeit wacky, expression of Faith…ya Nut.
Trotsky invented “racism” and “racist” as terms to shut down criticism of Bolshevik Khazar Talmudic jew Communists AND as a device to get The Mud Populations all in a nut twist about ” White oppressors”.
You are rolling around in Trotsky’s kike jive like a pig in shit.
I’m sorry, Madam, but I think you should call your doctor, everything you’ve written is gibberish and I’m worried you might be having a stroke.
Moslem Somalia is a hellhole, full of some of the most vicious criminals on Earth. Moslem Sudan is one of the most dangerous countries on Earth. Like Haiti and Birmingham Alabama. The problem isn’t melanin, it’s Sub-Saharan Africans. Wherever on earth they go, crime rises.
You are a bold man to think you know the mind of God well enough to tell the rest of us why He did what He did. Such arrogance could land you in a very warm place.
Finally someone with some humor!
Birds of a feather flock together.
I’m just the postman, I deliver the letters not write them.
Jews don’t exist buddy
It’s a made up word.
It’s all fake.
Made up by the Vatican and some Anglo Saxon royalty’s about 200 years ago.
Just like the moon landing hoax , the whole travel to mars bullshit and Indians in Montana.
We’re just a bunch of monkeys on a planet.
White monkey Black Monkey and now also Jew Monkeys
Life is a shit show.
The Bible is astrological code. It’s all about the Chakra’s.
Religion used to be a necessary but not anymore, at least not in the West because we now have Science and antibiotics.
Thank you for proving how judicially blinded you are by your hatred toward others.
I’d rather be a Nut for Jesus than the devil’s Nut.
I’m sorry, Madam, but I think you should call your doctor, everything you’ve written is gibberish and I’m worried you might be having a stroke.
Richly pathetic, looks like your Obamacare quack stole your balls and replaced them with pickled pearl onions. That explains the ‘starving 70’s era stand-up comic’ comeback.
and the foundation of Communism is Darwinism which gave racism its teeth.
Diversity cannot work because people are hardwired to be racist.
Evolutionary biologist william hamilton created the theory of kin selection in the early 1960s. Animals help animals that are related to them. Makes perfect evolutionary sense since relatives share many genes. Same with people. When someone looks different or talks different we instinctively know they are not a relative and are not to be trusted. Mixing races and languages and cultures always leads to disaster.
Anglin is right – liberals are the conspiracy theorists for saying black failure is due to a GIANT WHITE CONSPIRACY holding down the negro. Truth is blacks fail because they are so mentally inferior.
1. Black-americans come in last in all standardized tests. Asian-americans do fine on all the tests so it’s not due to cultural bias in the tests.
2. Africa is by far the poorest and most backward continent on the planet. All of black africa is now controlled by blacks and has been for decades so it’s not due to racism.
3. No black has ever won a Science Nobel Prize unless you count one in 1979 for the semi-science of economics. They have won many nobels in non-brain fields like Peace and also in Literature so it is not due to racism.
4. Out of 1725 chess grandmasters in the world, only THREE are black.
5. 50 years of affirmative action special treatment and blacks have fallen even further behind. What does that tell you?
You show mental inferiority by re-posting your exact same previous post, but it’s actually Obama fault. He raised OJ Simpson from the dead in a diabolical scheme to get Whitey, including but not limited to:
Non-colored grandmasters of an immensely boring game of alleged strategy, spoiled White kids who score high on SATs only to wind up like Hunter Biden, a sham award invented by a White man who invented devices of mass destruction, and when the Obama and OJ plot succeeds, then niggers everywhere will use their magic affirmative action tickets to steal breast milk from White women as a cure for genetically inherited darkie sausage lips to become genetically purloined White chicken lips.
That’s a pretty good point, good enough to be posted under a proper handle, rather than merely as Anonymous.
Where I come from, ladies don’t talk that way. You, Madam, are no lady.
“The fucking Haiti apologists blame FUCKING NAPOLEON calling in debts two centuries ago for why Haiti is such a shithole, as opposed to it being full of well, Haitians.”
You state the issue perfectly and in a keenly Occam-endorsed fashion. That is of course why 95% of the planet refuses to recognize the rationale.
Basically, the ‘White’ Western world’s reign of terror over humanity is ending. Hence, the ruling elites have The Fear of the great masses of ‘non-White’ untermenschen led by the Great (Yellow) Peril, China. So, that fear-based hate is REAL, and trickles down to the serfs.
Moreover, the capitalist system has produced too much debt, working poor wage slavery, inequality and elite arrogance to be safe. The peasants might yet revolt and get out the pitch-forks. So ‘enemies’, within (minorities) and without (the hordes of chinks, gooks, niggers, slopes etc) need to be promoted and the plebs encouraged to hate and fear THEM, not the ruling parasites. That’s why they encourage the migration of unassimilable groups, and play up the bad behaviour of some among them, young men in particular. All grist to the ruling elites’ mills.
This psychopathic pustule of xenophobic hatred is growing ever more deranged. The Yankee Doodles are FINALLY realising that China has surpassed them in every positive way, and is leading the non-Western world out of the wilderness of European contempt and aggression, and it’s deranged poor widdle Wichy’s ‘mind’-if I can use that expression for his reptilian brain.
I remember being in the UK in 2010 when air traffic was halted for a few days by an Icelandic volcano erupting. Within a couple of days the sky, in the Lakes District, turned BLUE, not the milky whitish blueish hue it habitually had because of innumerable aircraft con-trails.
Those trails add to anthropogenic climate destabilisation, now accelerating regretably quickly, by reflecting solar radiance by day, increasing albedo (a cooling effect), but increasing warming at might by keeping the heat trapped in the Earth system, and not radiated into space through clear skies. I see Colombia, California and southern Australia are all gripped by ‘historic’ droughts, at present. I’m sure there are more, ‘balanced’ in the denialist hive-mind, by record deluges and floods elsewhere.
Why would Whites publicly call blax…a low-IQ/high-violence cohort…the niggerword? It’d be like spitting at cops or trying to teach rocks to sing: something smart folks innately know not to do.
(Would that niggerwords equally learned not to mooch-rob-steal-kill!)
Besides, it’d be redundant. Like saying water is wet. Everyone knows that blax are niggerwords. It’s who they are. And why no intelligent being ever shouts: “Hooray! Blacks are moving in next door!”
Trump needs to take all mbutus off “weffare” and put them on boats heading back to Wakanda. Just like beaners need to go back home to Meh-Hee-Coe and points south. Let taconians create their own MAGA movement: Make Aztecs Great Again.
As for blax, let ’em live in grass huts, twerk on savannas, and bang drums all day in the Mudderland.
During WWII when southern blacks accelerated migration north and west, they were relatively civil, tidy and humane in comparison to today. Dressed and acted like civilized people for the most part, even in their ghettos. Even through the 1980s you could see that in mixed middle class neighborhoods, before the Tommy Hilfiger, Nike and gold chains thing took over.
Black jazz clubs in Portland circa 1945 to 1960, and there was a vibrant nightlife district with six of them for a good long while, and before Chamber of Commerce types tore the black district down for a freeway, coliseum and hospital under the guise of “urban renewal” (aka postwar modernist destruction of the traditional western city), was getting more tourist traffic than downtown. Rich white and Jewish business types destroyed the black, Jewish and Italian ghettos through urban renewal, but only the blacks as a whole never really bounced back.
Probably too late to put the saggy pants gangsta-rap culture back in the bottle and live alongside one another peacefully, or is it? Will real economic privation in the wake of imperial collapse make everybody pull up their pants up again and be civil?
[my italics] To @moderator(s): Disrespectful comments containing foul concepts/abusive language are, IMHO, not artefacts of ‘free speech’ but evidence of a foul mind, cannot contribute to realistic debate and lower the tone of UR – so why did that comment get through moderation?
Reputedly, Karl Rove:
The engineers who design jet engines commit to max possible fuel economy allied with lowest possible emissions, and finance managers of airlines want the lowest cost per seat-kilometre; neither group can afford to add pollutants to fuel, meaning contrails = contrails, without added pollutant/poison. Besides which, trying to poison people from 10km up ‘has hairs on it’ = not practical if at all possible = it’s a nutter-concept, by nutters for nutters.
Belief [in poisoned contrails] is a wonderful thing – as for belief in ‘life after death,’ say, belief can be – and is – done in the total absence of evidence. Other commenters can decide whether @ServesyouallWhite belongs in the ‘reality-based community,’ or to the nutters.
IMHO the latter.
I am afraid more than 4000 years of hstory rebut the notion.
As for evolution, nice theory, fails as fact.
I think he is a self-hating white guy.
I find Chinese women attractive. You hang out in men’s restrooms occasionally having Chinese for lunch. Big difference.
Anglin comes if age. (No offence intended )
Well done, and congratulations, AA.
“Not recognizing the need to use correctly applied logic and science when drawing conclusions may either be general ignorance or racism, while refusing to consider it is bigotry.”
This is a non sequitur. You’re attempting to sound smart and you just sound silly. Know thyself, indeed.
You know what group of bipeds don’t know themselves? Negroes. They have been led to believe they are capable of the same accomplishments as Europeans, but are so lacking in self awareness that they believe “racism” (a fake and dishonest word – aren’t you the dope who ends almost every post with “make lying illegal” or some such nonsense?), is the true voodoo like curse that prevents them from succeeding, when in truth they are simply a primitive form of life as incapable of innovation as is a fish is in using a pogo stick.
Excellent article. I didn’t see a single word of profanity. AA does a great job when he stays on the straight and narrow! Regarding the above quote, according to the very popular book, 1493, a little-known reason for bringing African slaves to North America was because they had resistance to the malaria that was prevalent all across the Southern agricultural regions. The Scot-Irish indentured servants were dying in droves and did not function in such a climate:
“chemtrails” would be an ideal faux-conspiracy theory of the Cass Sunstein model. It’s even its own metaphor, in that it keeps the naifs looking up, enthralled by hazy skies, while real outrages and wonders are taking place on the cold hard ground on which they stand. Perhaps @ServesyouallWhite belongs in another category, one that glows (granted, with a rather dim glow).
If the powers-that-be are in fact encouraging these poor miserable souls to pour their energies into nonsense, it would be sweet justice if they experienced a little blowback.
From Joanne Lipman’s WSJ article that poo-poos white mens claims of unfair discrimination:
If you are far better qualified and capable to do a job than a woman or a minority then it is, in all fairness, RIGHTFULLY yours.
Then, as a crystal-clear example to prove the white man’s point and disprove Lipman’s point, we have these bumblingly incompetent female Secret Service agents proving what anyone with a brain knew all along, namely that far better qualified, far more competent white heterosexual men are purposefully denied being hired for important jobs that are then given to under qualified women, minorities, and gays in the name of DEI.
This video clip says it all:
And don’t forget that at the very top of the Secret Service sat an incompetent, affirmative-action, DEI hire. A silly lesbian who wanted 35% of the Secret Service to be female by 2035 regardless of the consequences:
Well, IMHO it must be ‘the powers-that-be’ at least at the helm, since a) somebody has to conceive this “chemtrails” fantasy, then b) somebody has to convince ‘these poor miserable souls’ that the fantasy is fact. Q: Who can do the conception? A: Somebody malevolent [I associate PTB with malevolence] + technically sophisticated, then Q: Who can ‘spread the word?’ A: Somebody malevolent + media-well-connected, but also persuasively sophisticated, and here I propose somebody who has well-absorbed the ‘PR-persuasion-techniques’ perfected by Bernays [to my knowledge not openly taught, rather covertly to carefully selected [corrupted/corruptible] students].
Now, agree
but how? Over to you. rgds
In the days before the “civil-rights (for some)” movement and even for a decade or so after the abandonment of Jim Crow laws, blacks were expected to respect “social norms” which were “rules” that were enacted by Whites that benefited ALL of society.
In black areas, “rules” were much looser, allowing blacks to behave in their somewhat subhuman feral ways. In those days, in black areas, they were pretty much left alone to figure things out for themselves. It is only when they intruded on White society or committed capital crimes that there were repercussions.
True, honest black leaders opposed any outside “help” for blacks, expecting that blacks would have to figure things out on their own and would have been a much better way to get blacks to function within the dominant White society. Of course, such wise advice was never taken, black and jewish race hustlers coming out of the woodwork, inserting their own poisonous ideas on how to “help” blacks (actually helping themselves with blacks as a sideline).
When it comes to the use of the words “racist” and “racism” as accusatory devices against those who oppose black and jewish policies, they are losing their “sting” as more and more people realize that such accusations are baseless and without merit.
I came of age during the first so-called “civil-rights” movement and observed for myself the underhanded dealings, the demonization of us decent, law-abiding Whites, and in general, the deterioration of civil society.
Almost all of the “civil-rights” workers and demonstration “handlers” were of one persuasion–New York based leftist communist jews. They cared not one wit about true “civil rights”, but were there to create hate and discontent among their black charges (who were too stupid or naive to see that they were being used to suborn and destroy legitimate government and society–a favorite jewish communist tactic).
These New York-based jew “carpetbaggers” fomented their hate and discontent, only to become future “civil-rights” attorneys, race-hustlers, and America-hating leftist communists…and the ADL and $PLC being prominent instigators of black violence directed against us Whites.
Those of us Whites who were in the middle of this “civil-rights” revolution had a saying: “Behind every negro, there is a jew”. No truer words were ever spoken.
Let’s not forget jewish infestation of the nation’s education and entertainment systems, (which continues to the present day), in which they still spread their jewish supremacist poison.
The so-called “non-violent civil-rights demonstrations” were anything but “non-violent”. Robberies, rapes, and other criminal acts committed by jewish civil-rights handlers and their black “pets” were common, but never reported, as even the “mainstream media” of the day was “in on the game” and conveniently turned off their cameras during the acts of violence. You see, even then, ”creating crises” was a part of the agenda.
The “beginning of the end” of America was the use of federalized troops against us White Americans, which, in itself was a violation of “posse comitatus”–the prohibition of the use of federal troops for domestic law enforcement purposes.
President Eisenhower, being of jewish extraction showed his visceral hatred of White gentiles by using federalized troops to suppress constitutionally protected dissent.
As most Whites were (and still are) law-abiding, they (we) were “steamrollered” by the use of federal troops to crush our (White) honest dissent.
We never recovered from those unconstitutional actions. It was all downhill from there…
We are living with the consequences of the so-called “civil-rights” act to this day.
“judicially blinded” ?
Your jibber jabber is exquisitely insane.
Also, noticing things is not the same as hatred.
I notice that systemically dysfunctional-in-civilization Negros are about 95% a criminal underclass.
Hating them for that is like hating a coyote for taking a fawn or a lamb…even though you’re going to kill the coyote for that behavior; much like one would kill a rampaging nigger with a machete.
The beast had to go.
You should go, out of a 10 story window.
I envision your brain to be in a knot, like a pretzel.
The very terms, “racist” and “racism” were spewed/scribbled by the Bolshevik Communist Trotsky.
Darwin, to his credit, opined that Negros were so unlike Whites, in every way imagineable, that they could, and should, be classified as another homind species.
That’s not “racist”…It’s Race Reality.
Here’s hoping that you SNAP OUT OF IT…
before one of your We Are All One diversities knife’s you to death.
7:29 –
Whites were and are and always will be the ones that set the standards. We invented the F’in game. And everything else. Fifty Eight Straight Years of Gold Medals in Basketball…WHITE MEN in the US used to dominate: basketball. 2004…..Then U.S. Blacks get Bronze….The US had a solid 80 year track record of winning the GOLD MEDAL in basketball. NO sportsman in the entire world is paid as much as an American Black is paid to play BASKETBALL. Our Black professional basketball players competed against AMATEUR White basketball players. The media mania of US Black basketball players has no parallel. Corporate sponsorship of Blackball exceeds that of all corporate sponsorship for soccer in the entire rest of the world. Only has-been athletes in the countries whose WHITE players BEAT us play basketball, while the real athletes there play soccer. Few if any other countries permit professionals to play in an Olympics event which was DESIGNED for amateurs, not professionals. The children in no other country grow up playing, seeing, talking about, and virtually force fed basketball. The White men who beat our huge Black basketballers were SHORT. The US has the world’s best, if not only, basketball coaches. No sportsman in the world has better basketball equipment, training, and experience than an American Black. Our Blacks were backed by a multi-trillion dollar affirmative action infrastructure which NO MAN anywhere else on the planet benefits from, proof positive once and for all that affirmative action is a multi-trillion dollar FAILURE
Then tell blk people to stop being the most racist F’cks on the planet.
When all else fails of course play the color game. No. The medium did not drum up the issue of white supremacy. Every once in a while some media events reminds the country that its vestigaes of power engage in conduct that beyond the surface smacks of the country’s long standing dislike of the black population.
It was the case of several black men getting killed at the hands of law enforcement — at least one caught on tape that serves as the catalyst to the issue of race. And therein lies the core of what “racism” is. The use of power to ill of another person. It doesn’t matter how you feel or they feel.
CRT is a study that is part of a larger study of power dynamics referrred to as critical theory. Unless you have been hanging in the worlds of academia, then the term is familiar and while Mr. Anglin has no better grasp than the media outlets he blames, he is correct that the term racism has been thrown around such as to lose meaning and force. On that score he is correct, but foundationally its meaning is lost on him as most commenters. I would include many blacks on that. Clearly one camnnot tell someone they are racist 24 hours a day and not expect some eventual reaction, and in this whites have proven quite willing to pull the plug when the temperature gets too high for them to bare. And rfor most that temperature can be tepidly warm, before they have conniption fits. For two hundred years the country has been dishing it out, but when having to eat the vcrow pie it has created — whites will instinctively cry foul, unfair, reverse discrimination — whih is exactly why Mr. Anglin gravitated to the emotional. Because if he lean on emotions, then by all means blacks are racists too. Nice hat trick.
But if one applies the real meaning of the term, then the ability on scale for minorities, especially blacks applying the term becomes a tad more difficult and a a grand scale so miniscule as to be impossible.
And by using the original understanding, then a critical race researcher would find the Unz cite a bounty of racist prescriptions to repair the country.
Is the country foundationally racist. a CRT researcher would have to conclude in the positive. It’s a simpole question: Does the US have in its beginings policies and practices that are dictated by and or dictate the value of race in its?
And of course defining race has been a very peculiar hopscotch, because in its origins the matter of race was determined by skin color. And that skin color determined one’s place in community or society at large. And as many have made clear — whiteness tresides on top and therefore primary mchanism for determining te fate of others– even in the same political social system —
That nearly by definition is systemic racism.
Dr. Darwin, whose claim to fame the convoluted theory of evoultion —-
Who flipped logic on it proverbial head by decraying that unless you can prove me wrong — I am right. You want to know where the destruction of logic came from start with him.
Just imagine being white and then as a white wanting to ensure one’s status as the same.
You control and define, process, explain and apply
social configuration
and development
to that end from birth to death.
That is someserious power to manufacture a reality to one’s own liking and comfort. Exactly what one will do to maintain it —- as expressed with so much eloquence on site — well. That is the study of CT and on the issue of color CRT.
start here:
Hint not all of these founding researchers are jewish.
One could, of course, take the ‘madness’ even further and claim that the pacemaker, which as an electrical impulse generator ultimately represents Aquarius (the heart represents the opposite sign Leo), gave up the ghost so that Gene could die just in time on February 17th in his own sign of Aquarius, thus enabling the most humane solution for him. Here, Uranus has ensured a timely interruption of the power supply!
Everything you said is true. But you left out the part saying that Whites are entirely responsible for the level of kike infiltration in both American society and government that caused everything you’ve described.
That is why 1%’er Elites will win. It’s because today’s Whites cannot turn off the ‘nigger-vision’ goggles (black fixation) collectively strapped to the ‘White race’s head’ and unjimmy the kosher hand clenched around the collective White race’s nutsack long enough to face and admit mistakes of past ancestors and present day fellow Whites.
I had a childhood acquaintance who’s father hated blacks with a passion, he used to actually watch black TV shows and movies as a pastime since it allowed him to say everything he continually thought about negroes to his absolute content up until the point where he had a combo of beer and slobber running from his mouth…..and up until he contracted heart failure.
His son told me he actually said ‘Niggers gave me a heart attack’ to his doctor. Well no, it was not niggers who gave him his heart attack, it was drinking tons of cheap beer, probably not taking anything for his blood pressure, and near psychotically obsessing over something he really had no control over (at least not with his method of choice)
It’s exactly like having a huge trash pile next door that the city refuses to clean up, but instead you fixate on the rats that keep invading your home rather than going after the fuckers in city hall who refuse to clean up the trash in the first place.
Jews have been successful for thousands of years in destroying non-kike culture because they always have had scores of shabbos goy willing to sell out their gentile nations. Well Whites have fit that role willingly and unwillingly which is why 2% of America’s population controls virtually every dam industry and every administration and it’s the same in every White Western nation with their own kike populations.
Oh golly gee, boy have I been schooled by ‘Dennis and Skrik, the dick brothers’! Hurry Hurry Unzers! Act now and you can get 2 dicks for the price of none!
“chemtrails” would be an ideal faux-conspiracy theory of the Cass Sunstein model.
Observe Unzers, both Dennis and his new boyfriend use their psuedo-intellect acquired from jerking off daily between the pages of ‘Skeptic Inquirer’ to shoot literal blanks (exactly like their climaxing between said pages) into Chemtrails…….
Yet, they offer absolutely no evidence, no references, no research proving that their oral defecation is justified.
If the powers-that-be are in fact encouraging these poor miserable souls to pour their energies into nonsense, it would be sweet justice if they experienced a little blowback.
And with that little piece of homespun witlessness, so expertly provided by Dennis, (not much of a menace, just a dumbass) proves my earlier comment about most 99%’er Whites being snide, snarky, smirking, know-it-all’s who are strutting to extinction because of such asinine personality flaws. Hell, I’d say that the propogated myth of the superior White High IQ being bestowed upon, every, single White itself is a conspiracy theory for the ages.
Hey Dennis, by your halfassed pretzel logic, Obama was a legitimately installed president, Sirhan-Sirhan murdered RFK, and Biden gave us all a strong economy and was a unappreciated genius, since any opposite view of all 3 examples are clearly conspiracy theories!
I was aware of both the “jewish question” and the “black question” for many decades and have attempted to educate others with mixed result. I’ve lost friendships and was treated negatively as a result…but still persevered.
Lately, more and more of my (remaining) friends have admitted that I was right.
Most ordinary people (White gentiles) were too busy working and providing for their families to be able to make a difference.
You are absolutely correct about the shabbos goy who enabled the jews to get their “power” especially within governments.
What can we do about it now?
I am doing my part, using the jews’ own words to marginalize them whenever I can.
Best regards,
[my italics] To @moderator(s): Disrespectful comments containing foul concepts/abusive language are, IMHO, not artefacts of ‘free speech’ but evidence of a foul mind, cannot contribute to realistic debate and lower the tone of UR – so why did that comment get through moderation?
Skrik, thank you for sharing your hurt feelings. Please accept my apology for misjudging your masculinity with this peace offering of a ‘Wahhhhh burger with a side of cries.’
Now if truth be told, you have been highly insulting and forget that you responded to my initial post on Chemtrails with ‘snide assholatry’, but you do not see me (or anyone else on Unz) running to the cwamp counswelor to complain that wean wasty wittle *insert name here* called me a doo-doo chowderhead.
Even my pal Rich does not report me to the principal! LMAO
The engineers who design jet engines commit to max possible fuel economy allied with lowest possible emissions, and finance managers of airlines want the lowest cost per seat-kilometre; neither group can afford to add pollutants to fuel, meaning contrails = contrails, without added pollutant/poison. Besides which, trying to poison people from 10km up ‘has hairs on it’ = not practical if at all possible = it’s a nutter-concept, by nutters for nutters.
Could you get me an autograph from ‘Bill Nye the Psuedo Science Guy’?
Belief [in poisoned contrails] is a wonderful thing – as for belief in ‘life after death,’ say, belief can be – and is – done in the total absence of evidence. Other commenters can decide whether @ServesyouallWhite belongs in the ‘reality-based community,’ or to the nutters.
Well, at least the ‘poor miserable soul’ can look in any mirror and see a man, nutter or not. *rimshot*
Europeans caused this by going into Africa and exploring, bringing African slaves to America and Latin America.
Colonialism was a disaster and a huge mistake that whites and white passing people will pay for millennia.
Should have left black people ALONE. Do not interfere.
Whites will never hear the end of racism, because Blacks and Latinos, other groups will always shriek. That’s the bottom line.
Brown and Jackson earned the money to pay for their coffins. Does anyone know how Floyd’s coffin was paid for? Not by those Jack leg preachers who hauled the coffin around the country. His girl who was awarded 27 million I think she never met him not once.
It was just a created media storm to rile up the minorities and useful idiot Whites to get Trump out of the White House. Even with all the hoopla I believe Trump won the 2020 election. Which gave him 4 years to plot his return.
Unz.com is now an extreme example of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Nothing about America. Just Israel Palestine and Ukraine. Lots of new commenters who seem to be foreigners who hate America and Americans. Don’t comment about the articles just denounce America. Like 1950s useful idiots working for the Soviets.
Just Trump’s closing USAID will save hundreds of billions a year. I doubt it’s possible to get rid of Diversity Equity and Incompetence. But at least Trump acknowledges it’s not just discrimination against Whites but hiring incompetents is bad for government and business.
USAID and affirmative action. Both created by executive order by President Kennedy in his first year in office.
The only bubonic plague in USA was brought to San Francisco and N California in 1906 by a ship from Japan.
If you mean smallpox , smallpox, like syphillis originated in the Americas and was brought back to Europe by the European explorers The natives were not exterminated either. There’s more of them now than there were in 1500.
He looks about 94 percent White he’s far lighter than the average Saudi. Until he opens his mouth Saudis probably think he’s a White European it American.
These aren’t decisions that were up for debate or voted on. Until the 19th and 20th centuries, and basically only because of America, European powers HAD to start giving in to the poors’ desires and at least pretend to listen to them in parliamentary-style houses of government.
My great grandfather fell out of his mother in a country and a universe so removed now from our own that it’s not recognizable in any way. Here now we have people bemoaning “Europeans” because some rich elitist nobility assholes descended from some horse-bound innovators who raped and pillaged their way across the continent 6000 fucking years ago decided they needed some cheaper labor.
Well guess what buddy? My great grandfather and all the other unfortunate fucking peasants born in empires that don’t even exist anymore, weren’t allowed to own fucking property, letalone vote on decisions of what to do in fucking africa.
“Europeans” didn’t decide any of this, just our scumfuck royal / their financier string pullers / some other un-reachable assholes.
It’s already pretty much over just in my brief lifetime. China’s the big colonial power in Africa now. Shove THIS blame up your ass too if there’s any ass left after the previous shoving.
Shove harder.
Contact between more advanced and less advanced peoples is ugly. Bad things happen.
At least the blacks weren’t exterminated.
How are the previous inhabitants of New Zealand doing, who were killed and eaten some 70 years before the English settled there by the Maori?
Interference is pretty much automatic.
Not only that we can go elsewhere and build again. The people following us cannot.
This isn’t as big a problem as many make it out to be.
Move away from your pets after they take over the house you built. What, are the cats and dogs going to invent airplanes and chase you down? No, they will stay in the house until it cracks apart or burns down, and then they will go wild again. Probably already happened in Africa.
Not all of us are staying in this dumpster fire. Some of us will secede politically, financially, physically, because civilization HAS to march on. We’re not all shitlib bleeding heart idiots.
Once this “zero countries for white people” agenda becomes crystal clear to everyone in these places, some will want to live on their own. Maybe up north, maybe on some of this very ground.
I keep hearing about how the elites won’t let us go, they’ll use the military on us, they’ll sick the dogs on us, they’ll enforce their will with the very few who will still listen. Well guess who mans the army? Who designs and builds the weapons? Who innovates the technology to put it all together? Who runs the power plants and maintains the copper wire that keeps the bases lights on?
Is it niggers?
We will not all be saddled with dependents forever. It’s just not feasible economically.
Blacks in Saudi Arabia have to behave and couldn’t get away with the things they do in US and Europe. Laws against thieves, murderers and rapists are harsher than in US and strictly applied. If US had the same laws and punishments, a large fraction of US blacks would disappear.
And wouldn’t you love to finish the job. For those not INSANE with genocidal race hatred, smallpox appears to have evolved four to six thousand years ago. The earliest signs of its presence were found on Egyptian mummies from three thousand years ago. So Egypt’s part of the Americas, is it, troll? The last two sentences are EVIL racist filth, like the author.
Ahh, Rich-methinks the laddie doth protest too much.
Correct. Or, else blacks will start to behave submissive and properly like their kinsmen in Arabia.
You couldn’t get away with doing what you do either. In fact, no US citizen could.
Hmmmm no Kidding.
JEW$ ran the slave trade in the western hemisphere. From slave procurement, ships, insurance for ships and their cargoes, to the slave auction houses which also provided financing, the whole kit and kaboodle was totally owned and run by the JEW$.
To this day, JEW$ and judaism has never repudiated slavery of gentiles.
Slavery is still a part of the JEWI$H cult…
True. Individuals with Down Syndrome are some of the sweetest folks you’ll ever meet, but a society comprised exclusively of these sweet, harmless folks would be a non-starter. Character and IQ are both relevant. And for any society to survive it needs both the ability and the willingness to defend itself and its interests.
“Diversity cannot work because people are hardwired to be racist.” There’s no denying that fact. Alas, while the rest of the world practices this sort of hygienic racism, the hardwiring of this trait among Western whites seems to have developed some sort of short circuit.
When are people going to stop logic chopping ‘Racism’ and deal with reality. Where is the proof of ‘racism’; proof still counts. The word was coined by the Bolshevik Lev Bronstein aka Leon Trotsky.
Racism = ‘white supremacy’ = ‘white Privilege’ = ’inequality’ = ‘homophobia’, ‘identity politics’, etc. = WHITE SLANDER.
White Slander fuels the INQUISITION against the Republic using the strategy mapped by the Bolshevik Antonio Gramsci, namely infiltrate the institutions so as to turn them against the Republic.
I was being “racist” on Jeffry Sache’s post and got attacked for it. So apparently those people would all disagree with you if you were to post what you just did on that article.
Bullshit !
Your flawed spew is characteristic of a Mulatto having just enough White DNA to be somewhat more intelligent than the Negro average; but, hampered by partial, low common denominator “education”.
The occasional complete declarative sentence is buried by rambling, badly composed gibberish.
The “posterity” spoken of by The Founders was/is the White European descendants of them and their kind, definitely not Third World mongrels and Muds…cultural pollution, now so badly smeared on this afflicted country that a return to Segregation and Race Laws is the only possible remedy.
Failing that, Regional Secession and the formation of White ethnostates/confederations not accepting of Black/Brown losers and their problems seems almost an inevitability.
No they wouldn’t, because there’s a difference. You can’t compare blacks behaving a certain way in nations that are govern by those who have the same shade of skin color as them vs the ones where they don’t.
If White govs went around executing blacks or punishing them severely on a large scale just to teach them a lesson. It will look just like slavery to them and they’ll get a straight up uprising bigger than the L.A. Riots or the 2020 riots. This will even include Conservative blacks joining their own to fight back violently. Why do you think they sent black soldiers into Haiti to deal with the arm conflict among the gangs instead of white soldiers?
Whether a person is white enough may be at the hands of DNA. But when speaking about the US and pre Us history, whiteness was dependent on what one looked like. And unless one knew a person’s biological lineage there was simply no way to tell if said person was white or black by looks alone.
Hence the meaning of the term
“passing” thousands of people whose biological ancestry may be linked to black people simply didnot look it and so could integrate into the society at large.
So what is one to conclude that whites with low common denominators are in fact black — have a good time making that sale.
Thanks before England invaded New Zealand New Zealanders ate their children. When they were two or three about the size of a suckling pig. So did the Aztecs of Mexico. Not other Mexican tribes.
Cortez didn’t conquer the Aztec empire with less than one hundred Spanish soldiers sailors and priests The Mayans contributed 80,000 soldiers against the Aztecs. Who’d been warring on the Mayans not for territory and loot but victims for the daily mass human sacrifices in Mexico City.
The term “racism” was invented in the 1930’s by Magnus Hirschfield of Wiemar Germany, a sexual pervert who was an early advocate of transgenderism. He wrote a book entitled “Racism” advocating the term as a new pejorative to vilify and marginalize defenders of the old order.
Not true at all. Trillions of human bones in those European crypts. People and animals who die from smallpox have lesions or holes in their bones as well as skin and as deep as muscle and bones.
But bones have been found in Mexico dating to 1300 AD with smallpox lesions.
Plus smallpox was unknown in Europe until about 1560. When it burst out as a new plague.
Syphillis brought back by Columbus sailors infected by the Caribbean women. Small pox brought back a few decades later by the Spanish who conquered Mexico.
I’m correct and you’re wrong on this as with everything else.
For the last 20o years American and European historians have maligned and warred on their own people Don’t believe a word of those historians or wikepedia you ignorant moron.
About 10 15 years later those NooYawk commie Jews invaded California especially San Francisco the most leftist town in the state. They all had federal grants begun by Kennedy and continued by Johnson Nixon and Carter.
Of those four racist anti White presidents Nixon was the absolute worst re: affirmative action and billions in federal grants to commie Jews and criminal blacks
(error correction: “aisle” -> gang/bunch)
PS: calling “from an anonymous number”, of course.
The financial firm Lehman started in America as slave auctioneers. German brothers who left when the French invasions under Napoleon began 1800.
Merchants they moved to New Orleans and founded a slave auction house. Became the second largest slave auction house in America.
Moved to San Francisco in 1851 to take advantage of the Gold Rush. Later moved to New York and bought and sold stocks and bonds instead of slaves.
About half of California alternates 4 years of alleged drought with a year of horrible monsoon hurricane level rain. During the drought years there’s usually a couple days of monsoon level downpours
The northern one third of the state is a cold damp redwood and conifer jungle where there’s never been a fire And days and days of heavy rain. A few days of drizzle and then more days of heavy rain,
Birmingham England is getting as bad as Birmingham Al Muslims and Africans
Yep as time rolls on and more excavation is done, the previously “outlandish” claims of Spanish explorers and conquerors are now being verified. The Aztecs were a new power on the rise and were tremendously successful, very hated by the previously dominant Mayan nations (tribes?). The SPanish had plenty of help.
I mean I’ve been to CHichen Itza, I know they sacrificed people there too. However the scale was quite different. The Aztecs really took it to a new level.
I suspect also that Mexico’s death-worshipping culture of today, where cartels are venerated or feared enough to operate openly and defy society’s order, has its roots in the worship of some very dark, probably satanic gods. Even “Day of the Dead” (three days or more) is pretty dark, was in Mexico for that just coincidentally. The church just kinda bent with the locals and adapted as it has everywhere, supposedly there’s even a serpent visible on the first SPanish church built in Mexico (blocks taken from a Mayan temple) but I couldn’t spot it. Above one of those big doors for the conquistadors on their horses I think?
This is why I have no desire to visit Europe, England or any of these places. They’re all losers now. But it’s not like the United States is a winner either. I feel like all these countries are very compliant in being overunn with these people. I almost wish I was 90+ years old so I could say “thank God I’ll be dead soon.” I can’t help but think the Europeans enjoy the invasion and living in a country that no longer feel as though it belong to them anymore. It makes since now, the chosen floods every nation, get their greater izrell and they’ll be the only pure nation that exist.
maybe the Europeans should not have made false promises of their colonial natives. They dragged those peoples into both world wars by the millions. And then shrifted them on the goodies they earned.
The US doesn’t have to wallow in it 24/7. but we are neck deep in creating policies that would and do have long term negative consequences for two population in particular — pretending its nt the case or telling them to get over it — won’t change the realities. That level of deep socialisation won’t end because one says so . . . We love to tout out Rev/Dr. Martin Luther King and his crusade of nonviolence.
But we ignore his conclusions near the end of his life,
“The United States is sick.”
Skin color a benign trait — and the country has worked overtime making it anything but. My supposed fellow conservatives like to think — they are better than liberals talking merit and fairness. But we have a good look at white meritocracy on full display: Wall Street crashes caused not by simple waves of the system but by whole sale carelessness and greed — and it ain’t the black guy sitting in the chairs of US economic leadership. Its the guys and dolls of whites.
We just witnessed white fairness, as US leaders ganged a single leader from a lesser nation — I am unclear why we don’t assign white negatives for negavtive conduct.
Blacks did not put millions of homeowners on the street. And that is far sight larger problem than some potential criminal encounter with a black person. There’s just no comparison.
Martin King was a race grifter who was fond of rape, prostitutes, and beating women. He was no hero.
If color is “benign” please explain why everywhere I look that has a significant Sub-Saharan population has high rates of crime, violence and poverty? I don’t care about the guys sitting in the “chairs of US economic leadership “. My concern is the violent black criminal who assaults, rapes, robs and murders at rates 1000x his percentage of the population. The problem is crime, often violent, perpetrated by blacks.
Tell that to the millions of Whites who depend on Black entertainment in hip hop, rap, football, etc.
Tell what? The truth? Ok.
Looger says:
Okay I will bite
I used to explicate these out repeatedly. But today I will simply state: compile the variables besides color and i think you will find your answers.
I am careful about people’s personal issues. No rape, no beating women and no prostitutes. But people with high profiles are not unknown to have their own weaknesses. There is no evidence that Dr King ever engaged in relations without consent, and I am unaware that he was a wife beater and no evidence for the same.
As for his personal matters he is on good company: Pres Kennedy, Pres Eisenhower, Pres. Trump, Pres Roosevelt, Pres – well take your pick. I loathe to take a history tour of famous men who list of assignations make Dr./Rev King look like a saint. Laugh, I am ever amazed about the obsession many whites seem to have about the intimate relations of black men. It’s strange and curious this. I shiver at the thought of what personal secrets now whispers about the current admin.
And despite his personal issues. He remains a hero around the world – ranked 12th in the world for influencing change. On Biography he is number 6 among 100 Across different polls he is consistently in the ten or top 20 . It appears he’s a hero yo millions.
“My concern is the violent black criminal who assaults, rapes, robs and murders at rates 1000x his percentage of the population. The problem is crime, often violent, perpetrated by blacks.”
Laugh. I am afraid your statistic is drastically inaccurate. Depending on where you live, who you associate with, what your personal activities are, your circle of associations, it is unlikely that you will ever experience what you fear. In fact sounds a tad irrational as does your concern about random blacks verses the men and women who’e destroyed millions of lives. But more importantly you have more yo fear from your white associations than anu black person.
But you do have an interesting value set.
Dyslexic, Ignorant, Confused, Unfocused and being an amateur bullshit artist is your fate, Moolie.
Opinions vary ,. . .
though I might cop to being dyslexic in my youth and should focus more when I write.
Still opinions vary. Interesting — you don;t think that people who might have been born into what might be typixally called black ancestry have not passed as awhite —
whiteness holds no unique ethnic or cultural static trait as far as I know. You are free to enlighten.
“Moolie” — now that’s new. Laugh. I will be saying that term all day.
why didn’t she cap him?
What can we do about it now?
I have no idea. As long as there are sizable goy White support systems like Evangelical Christians and their multi-million dollar mega-cathedrals, and continuing drainage of U.S. taxpayer dollars (Isra-hell just received 4 billion), I have no idea, but 99%’er Whites ending the fetish-like fixation on negroes would be a step in the right direction.
Most ordinary people (White gentiles) were too busy working and providing for their families to be able to make a difference.
True, ‘the system’ for 99%’ers was designed so we have to spend our entire lives, into our extreme elderly years, trying to not end up in the gutter. Trying to survive on your own let alone with a family in tow, is already diabolically difficult on purpose.
I was aware of both the “jewish question” and the “black question”
There is also the ‘White question’. Monsters like the Clintons, like Birx, Fauci, like Gates, Milley, Bush, goy White celebrities who take 99%’er White money and side with (and also fund) communist, leftist groups enjoy their success because 99%’er Whites as a whole fixate with continual enmity towards negroes, gave 5th column parasites like pajeets their full support only to have those gypsies take over by and large many white collared sectors, have supported wetbacks (during the early stages and after the invasion that ham actor Ronald Reagan really kicked off) and now despite Trump, most of those wetbacks will never leave America.
But what we both can do, is at least not wind up like my childhood acquaintance’s father, (who died a miserable early death) eventually with ‘It was all the niggers fault’ on our tombstones.
why didn’t she cap him?
Probably because the pilot she confronted was actually a White man hand selected for his non-DEI psychopathic merits as he clearly does not mind poisoning his fellow Whites (and he is just 1 of many such pilots) and furthering the 1%’er elite SPECTRE-style schemes as there is actually no James Bond to save us all.
Well how about it. Have people who would by some measure of supposed black blood be considered white and therefore pass if they looked the same —-
Make your case. Explain to me that skin color is something other than a benign trait. Explain to me the history of passing in the US — do tell, explain how my comment is somehow false.
Lay out your your case.
Tell me that in the history of the US tjat no person who upon appearance was treated as ythough white was then discovered to have said drop of blood — relegated to black despite no trace outwardly. Or make the case that all whites are of one peculiar shade. And therefore unique and undistguishable from one another.
Have it. Explain the mad dash among whites, especially that white house crowd doing everything to hide the game plan of connecting with the original true whites of Russia . . . the purest or the pure. Explain to this amature that my understanding of socialization regarding blackness is all made up nonsense. That is all just wordsmith and not real history.
Well my superior . . I will be waiting. Though you do excel at name calling, typical but Moolie — that is new
Arabs and blacks have different skins and have very well defined their race conscience. Sufficient to read Arabian Nights for start and to end with Zanzibar revolution massacres. Even in IX century arabs quelled Zanj Rebellion. Of course, that didn’t stop arabs to keep today blacks in their place.
Compare with extremely short list of blacks “rebellions” in America South (the biggest had around 50 deaths and lasted theree days !), I don’t understand your point.
If arabs builded a society who protect and benefit them, than why europeans could not? The only block is modern civilization which is a profoundly toxic construct.
Why Immigration has become the Bogeyman!
Emmet till deserved it
Very impressed with your knowledge of California climatology, but you didn’t really address mm’s main point.
Fact: Norwegian scientists are now starting the new field of “post-glacial archaeology”, finding all sorts of interesting ancient junk like arrows now exposed by retreating ice. Switching to the Alps at the Italo-Austrian border, that’s how they discovered poor old Iceman with his tattoos, his bag of herbs, and his previously-considered-anachronistic copper axe head.
Climate Change Denialists don’t seem to believe in the “Precautionary Principle”: what happens if we’re wrong?
Well on its face that sounds sort of inflammatory, but when you really go back and look at the case evidence in context, well…
Not a pretty sight, but given the facts on the ground, none too surprising, either. Put it on the “social justice” pile. Certainly not the cause for Mythical Outrage pointing and spluttering, which is really all we ever see from these yapping ninnies — never a carefully articulated reasoned discourse. Because we all know that any form of logical discourse leads us straight back to some form of rational humane segregation. Necessarily.
And when we consider the galactical-scale horrific outrages committed by our Most Cherished Monkeymen against oceans of future white women and entire school districts and cities, and the non-stop political gaslighting it entails, and then what *that* itself entails, well….
Interesting case of racism. Eugene De Kock was an operative and assassin of the old South African government. He seemed to have a private kind of honour system, and he frankly told everything in court, and went to prison while the people who gave orders went on with their lives. He asked for forgiveness from families of victims but did his time and got parole without making a fuss. He seemed to be a charming and well-read person, was, married and had normal functional children, was no incel, and got along well enough with people to get libtard journalists to campaign for his parole and even befriend him. See the female at 3:00 completely at ease with a serious killer, I think it was a sense of duty that got him driven to extremes.
Truth and Reconciliation hearings were held after Apartheid, many on both sides were forgiven, but a handful, including De Kock were found liable and were then prosecuted. The presenter is Max Du Preez, an anti-Apartheid journalist since under Apartheid:
Hardly, you dimwit
This is a disappointing article, reducing my estimation of A. A. considerably. How old is he? 14? Zero awareness of the depth and breadth of the Jew imposed racism canard and the concurrent race war against whites.
Sure, Andrew, all of this stuff started happening around the time of our half Jiggaboo presidunce taking office. And no, it didn’t just start being significant then, either. What a vapid and utterly ignorant assertion.
This article is written from a perspective that completely misses the profoundly disastrous predicament we are in, and it treats the malevolent enemies who are at war with us as people we have some ideological differences with. Increasingly I find that far better information and thinking can be found elsewhere.
Emmett Till was not a “little boy” who whistled at a white woman, but was a strapping young man of about 160 lbs. His Chicago relatives could not handle him so they sent him to Mississippi to live with other relatives.
Till used to brag about “getting it on” with White women. This may not have had much if any consequences in Chicago, but in the south of the day it was definitely not a good idea.
On a dare from his friends (Till was not too bright) he grabbed and fondled a White woman storekeeper (Carolyn Bryant) stating: “hey baby, how about a date? I’ve (been with) f#cked White women before” She recoiled in horror, having been assaulted by a much larger black man.
In any case, Till’s behavior would have been considered assault, if not attempted rape. Mrs. Bryant was so rattled, she ran out of the store to get a gun. By that time, Till had left the scene. Bryant was reluctant to tell her husband of the incident, but word eventually got out.
Till refused to apologize for his behavior. One of the men responsible for Till’s demise was a black man, a detail that is conveniently not mentioned.
If Till had apologized, he would probably be alive today, perhaps in prison for rape or other criminal behavior, but would still be alive.
When it comes to Emmett Till’s “daddy”, the “apple most certainly did not fall far from the tree”. Till’s father was executed by the U. S. military for multiple rapes and murder of an Italian woman. He is buried in a military cemetery in Europe in a section reserved for criminals
As to the victim, Carolyn Bryant, she was considered to be a “suspect” in the demise of Till.
In fact, an arrest warrant WAS issued for Carolyn Bryant but was never served. It is possible that the “powers that be” KNEW that the White menfolk would not take too kindly to the warrant being served and would have solved the problem by stringing up a judge, sheriff or other person who attempted to serve the warrant.
White men had cojones in those days…
Well then, I guess it’s too bad that those White men, and their descendants embraced kikedom, allowing to this day, 2% of the U.S. population infesting and controlling either a huge stake or controlling entirely every industry in America, (including politics).and it is the same or similar in every other Western nation.
White Americans had it all under Jim Crow and before civil rights, until the urge to suck kike cock became irrestible.
But 99%’er Whites just keep on bitching and moaning about negroes as the prime evil to the White West, but at the same time call blacks low IQ, which means they are too stupid to cook up any Anti-White conspiracies. So which is it, I suppose Deborah Birx is really a brillo-haired negress, I suppose Fauci is a nappy-haired coon wearing a White man’s rubber mask, I suppose Bill Gates is really some billionaire darkie, and Eric Swalwell was really some jigaboo in Whiteface, who had his sausage lips wrapped around the areola of some CCP chink spy.
My point is, 99%’er Whites will be exterminated because most, very nearly all, 99%’er Whites choose to fixate on and blame 1%’er Elite crimes entirely on (by 99%’er White testimony) Low IQ negroes. while whining about, yet largely ignoring Whites such as the ones mentioned above, who have and continue to cause death and maiming to NON-1%’er Elite Whites (99%’er WHITES)
So why fixate and blame the world’s evil on what Whites say are retarded subhumans? Why not go after the root cause of White replacement and extinction? Is it an extreme case of ‘chickenshit-itis?’ because it’s easier to throw rotten tomatoes at stupid animals rather than go after the planetary zookeepers who look amazingly like…………………. Whites, because they are White.
Real Bruiser!
If Lombardi had seen him, he would have put him on the Packers line.
Looks likes struck a nerve…good!
Blacks were never meant to coexist with Whites.
Gentile white men have been marginalized and demoralized for the last seventy years or so by the jew-run “civil-rights (for everyone but gentile whites)” crowd.
This is one “white boy” who NEVER accepted this whole jew-run “civil-rights (for everyone but gentile whites)” scam.
On an individual basis, initially, I treat everyone I encounter with respect, but do whatever I can to “avoid the groid”. It’s just not worth it to deal with them.
It is brainwashing by jew-run government, education and entertainment systems that are responsible for the emasculation of gentile white males.
Let’s not forget the “bread and circuses”, the professional sports franchises like the “Negro Felon League” or the “Negr0 Basketball Association” which many white men gravitate towards. It is sickening to observe white men buying and wearing overpriced sports jerseys and other sports memorabilia of their favorite negro players, having the ability to spout off sports statistics for their favorite negro players while not giving a damn about what is really going on in the country.
Hearing of so-called “civil-rights (for some)” violations by whites, but NEVER by blacks shows how one-sided the system is, and has been for a very long time.
Us white children growing up in 1950s and 1960s American cities where neighborhoods were “changing” learned to be wary of blacks who were ALWAYS bent on criminality directed against us whites. The old “poor racially oppressed black” never existed.
I, among other whites walked out of a Catholic Mass when the priest declared that “negroes were not only as good as whites, but were better than whites”. I never went back…
I am convinced that blacks sprung from a simian root (unlike whites and asians) who accumulated a small amount of human DNA, but not enough to make a real difference in their temperament, actions or mental capacity or ability. To prove the “simian connection” all one has to do is observe the behavior of blacks when they are in their criminal “attack mode”. They “hoot and holler” and “jump around”, mimicking their simian relatives. In common parlance among us aware whites, such behavior is known as a “chimp-out”. Diane Fossey didn’t have to travel to Africa but could have studied simian behavior in any of the American black-run urban cities. Of course, being well-armed would be a requirement.
Looks likes struck a nerve…good!
You totally struck a nerve, as you like so many other 99%’er cretins on here and beyond, miss the point entirely and continue to fixate on blacks (knew that even without my reading your ‘short bus’ version of The anti-nigger manifesto for the chocolate fixated non-elite White dumbass) while ignoring the primary threat to peon Whites, who are, (in ‘special education’ speak)
T-h-e – 1- p-e-r-c-e-n-t W-h-i-t-e a-n-d W-h-i-t-e J-e-w-E-l-i-t-e
No White needs to have anything to do with blacks, blacks are a non-threat despite being violent and stupid when compared to the depredations of the Elite (who support blacks and other coloreds which explains the freedoms they currently enjoy to cause limited chaos) , but what’s unfathomably stupid is 99%’er Whites choosing to fixate on blacks when the one who have done and continue to do the most damage to peon-level Whites just happen to be goy and kike Whites.
Prove me wrong.
-Tell me how the coons give Whites like Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates their marching orders.
-Tell me how the darkies created the Covid scamdemic and the MRNA shots.
-Educate me on how the jigaboos created The FED that destroyed the U.S. economy.
-Regale me with tales of how the niggers tricked Whites into signing up like saps for the Iraq and Afghanistan fake wars, and how they are now on the verge of conning Whites into going after Iran and Russia?
Personally, I cannot stand blacks, but am not so stupid as to give my 1%’er White destroyers a free fucking pass and place their evil on a bunch of mindless savages who cannot think beyond a low level hustle or strong arm act.
Also, I do not believe in race loyalty to half-witted, vain, simpletons who focus on biting ants, while the lions devour them.
It’s A contradiction for a white man to claim his race is under threat, while living in America, the most powerful and prosperous nation in the world. America is a nation whose leadership and whose elite have always remained white. It is truly an expression of white power.
For a white man to feel oppressed enough to fight for White Pride, has to be the most self incriminating statement of failure for his failure is due to White elite who made the laws and the restrictions that deprived white men of lesser power.
America represents the epitome of Western power. It has inherited a cumulative power of the Colonial empires, who in turn chose America to be their legacy. America has defended that colonial legacy around the world, making sure that power gained in the last 300 years remains with the West and with America at the helm .
It is this world that the American White Man is part of. Yet it is a fact that he has been denied and he is furious. Unfortunately it is the Elite White Billionaire club that is responsible for the deplorable state of the average American white man. No Black, Asian or Hispanic power structures have denied him wealth and prestige. Blaming them gives a pass to the White men of greater power whose boot will remain on the deplorable class of White Men.
It is interesting to note that White Men under the British empire were also second class to their superiors but their lives were fulfilled enough not to feel this level of oppression. What that means is that the power of he White Elite grew exponentially from those empires to this day in which the White men of lesser power were the most to lose. They will keep losing it till they identify who is responsible for their loss and isn’t the Men of color.
Agree with most of your comments.
It is this world that the American White Man is part of. Yet it is a fact that he has been denied and he is furious. Unfortunately it is the Elite White Billionaire club that is responsible for the deplorable state of the average American white man.
I don’t think it is that simple.
We have a seemingly endless supply of middle and upper class Con Inc hucksters and Evangelicals that support lying to White men and convincing White children that their ancestors came off a Hebrew cruise ship around 10,000 years ago. That was supposedly after an angry God flooded the entire planet even though no such evidence exists. The flood account in fact was suspiciously part of another religion that predates Judaism.
After WW2 there was a concerted effort to suppress the discussion of genetic diversity in favor of feel-good talk of minimal government and Christianity being the only variables in American success.
It just isn’t true and our Con Inc leaders know it. But they support lying to our faces just like the left. They merely disagree with the left on which lies to tell.
Take away the billionaires and you would still have thousands of Huckabee types that believe in convincing American Whites that God is a vengeful capitalist that despises taxes and unions. We are surrounded by White Evangelicals that believe in lying even if privately they are skeptical. They hold the Straussian belief that the masses can’t handle the truth.
Uh oh, incoming insults from Huh-White nationalists!
Most of the data that I saw puts nigbo Till at closer to 170 pounds. He was about 5 foot 6, so he was overgrown for 14, a fat chunky pile of trouble. You seem to think 160 pounds isn’t much, but when nigbos Marvin Hagler and Sugar Ray Leonard fought in 1987 for the middleweight title, both of those nigbo boys were at 158. You saying that they were nothing to worry about? BTW, 160 is the upper limit for middleweight boxers.
White Man Connor McGregor is listed at 155, and he’s plenty tough. He’d whip your ass like you belonged to him. Try him out, why don’t you? Assault his wife. He’ll make you good.
Since Mrs. Bryant was only an inch or so above 5 feet and 100-110 pounds at the time of the assault, plus a human female, she was at a physical disadvantage against a chimpanzee 2.0, a second generation Rapey Ape, who outweighed her by 50-70 pounds, and who initiated the violence against her when she wasn’t expecting it.
It’s interesting that nigbo Till and his monkey cousins, in mid 1950s Mississippi, went to a store run by White humans, made their candy purchase, and were given the merchandise and their change with no problems.
All the revisionist history lies would indicate “dat ‘dey wuz skeered of doing any thang or goin’ any wheres, cuz de ol’ KKK would swoop down an’ lynch ‘dem fo’ ova due libarry books an’ sheet”
But, no. They went and got their candy, including Fat Boy, and were treated just fine until Fat Boy assaulted that young woman, who had done nothing to him in any way. Even then Mrs. Bryant didn’t tell her husband when he came back from his work trip–that was one of Till’s fellow nigbos who told Mr. Bryant. Even the local nigbos were offended by Till’s actions.
And that’s your “hero”.