
�-� Comets Honda and Elenin Fulfill Mayan, Hopi and Christian Prophesies - The Mayan Calendar Approach...

�-� Edgar Cayce - Un Gran Visionario�- Main File


�-� Europa al Desguace - M�ltiples Profec�as del Fin de Europa Resumidas en El Rescate del "Concordia"


�-� Europa verso la Rottamazione - Molte Profezie sulla Fine dell�Europa si Riassumono nel Salvataggio...

�-� Futuretalk - A Project Camelot Conversation With Michael St Clair

�-� Great Pyramid - Prophecy in Stone

�-� Hopi Prophecies - From the Beginning of Life to The Day of Purification - Teachings, History and Proph...


�-� La Extra�a Acumulaci�n de Profec�as B�blicas para este Septiembre y las Profec�as de Isaac Newton


�-� La 'Grieta' Argentina y el 'Hombre Gris - Parravicini


�-� La Moribunda Profec�a del �guila y el C�ndor


�-� La Profec�a del �guila y el C�ndor - Un Mensaje de 2,000 A�os de Antig�edad para el Futuro


�-� La Profec�a de Hermes Trismegisto


�-� La Profezia che sta Morendo dell'Aquila e del Condor


�-� La Profezia di Ermete Trimegisto

�-� Matthias Stormberger

�-� Mayan Prophecies and Calendar


�-� Medv�dev da sus 10 Predicciones para el Nuevo A�o 2023 - Musk las Califica de "Hilo �pico"


�-� Mensajes de Otro Tiempo� - Las Profec�as de Juan de Jerusal�n

�-� Mitar Tarabich - The Serbian Prophet

�-� Mother Shipton's Complete Prophesy

�-� Night of the Red Sky - The Prophetic Vision of 'Grandfather'

�-� Nostradamus - Michel de Notredame�- Main File


�-� Profec�as Hopi - Desde el Comienzo de la Vida Hasta el D�a de la Purificaci�n - Ense�anzas, Historia y...

�-� Prophecies of Mother Shipton

�-� Prophecies of The Q'ero Inca Shamans

�-� Prophecy - A History of The Future�- Main File

�-� Prophecy and The Presidency

�-� Prophecy, Prayer and Choice

�-� 'Russia - The Hope of The World' - Edgard Cayce

�-� Secrets of the Sibyls - Ancient Prophetesses

�-� Seven Fires Prophecy of the Anishinaabe People and the Future of the "Turtle Island"

�-� The Babylonian Prophecies and the Astrological Traditions of Mesopotamia

�-� The Dying Prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor

�-� The Eagle and the Condor Prophecy - A 2,000-Year-Old Message for the Future

�-� The Marduk Prophecy of Babylonian King 'Nebuchadnezzar I' and the Stolen Statue of a God

�-� The Popes and The Malachy Prophesy�- Main File

�-� The Prophecies of the Hopi People

�-� The Prophecy of Hermes Trismegistus

�-� The Sleeping Prophet - Edgar Cayce - The Life, The Prophecies and Readings of America's Most Fam...

�-� The Warriors of The Rainbow Prophecy

�-� Things that 'Absolutely, Definitely, No Doubt' will Happen in 2023...


�-� Todos Estamos Relacionados - Profec�a Hopi

�-� We Are All Related - Hopi Prophesy

Additional Information

�-� 2004 - 2008 / America's Travail of Political Atonement


�-� 2012 - La Verdadera Amenaza - No Es lo Que Nos Han Dicho

�-� 2012 - The Real Threat - It�s Not What You�ve Been Told


�-�Acabar� el Mundo en el 2012?

�-� Aquarius Rising - A New Age Dawning?


�-� �rmate Para Los Tiempos Venideros!

�-� Back From The Future - Gold in January 2012


�-� Cambios Planetarios - La Lista de Aciertos de Los Casiopeos

�-� Divine Deceit - Corruption at the Temple of Apollo at Delphi

�-� Earth Changes - A Spiritual Approach

�-� Earth Changes - The Cassiopaeans Hit List


�-�Es Esta Una Evidencia de Que Podemos Ver El Futuro?

�-� Everyday 'Clairvoyance' - How Your Brain Makes Near-Future Predictions

�-� Feeling The Future - Experimental Evidence for Anomalous Retroactive Influences on Cognition and Affect

�-� Global Great Depression and Population Reduction by 2030 - MIT and The Club of Rome Prophecy

�-� How Soon The Big War In The Middle East?


�-� Inganno Divino - Corruzione nel Tempio di Apollo a Delfi

�-� Into The Fourth Turning - A Casey Research interview with Neil Howe

�-� Is The "MABUS" Comet "NEAT"?

�-� Is This Evidence That We Can See The Future?


�-� La Cuarta Vuelta - Finalmente


�-� La Obsesi�n con el Cumplimiento de las Profec�as


�-� La Revelaci�n de Dendera - Nuestro Momento en El M�tico Orden de Las Edades

�-� Looking Ahead - 2012-2015

�-� Maps of The Future


�-� Mirando Hacia Adelante - 2010-2015

�-� New Research Suggests Humans Can Sense Future Events Without Any Known Clues

�-� Petrus Romanus - The Final Pope Is Here

�-� Pope Resignation - Harbinger of Papacy's End?

�-� Populace of USA - Transition Into Reformation


�-� Posibles Mapas Continentales Posteriores a La 'Transici�n'

�-� Possible 'Post-Transition' Continental Maps


�-� Profec�as - Inducci�n Creativa

�-� Resource Revolts - The Year of Living Dangerously - Rising Commodity Prices and Extreme Weather...

�-� Talking to Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy - Paranexus Radio Interview Transcript

�-� Ten People Whose Warnings Went Unheeded

�-� The Dendera Revelation - Our Moment in The Mythic Order of The Ages

�-� The Fourth Turning - Finally...

�-� The Tablet of Destiny - Omens in The Skywriting for 2012

�-� The Trilateral Omission - Three Outcomes in The Near Future

�-� Timeline - Past and Future

�-� Vulcan and Earth Catastrophism - The Beginning of the End

Predictions - Predicciones

�-� 2013 - Predictions

�-� A Brief History of Failed End-Time Predictions


�-� Algunas Predicciones Econ�micas para el 2015 - Por Expertos a Nivel Mundial

�-� ALTA Process Predictions - HalfPastHuman and Clif High�- Main File


�-� Atenci�n a Los Movimientos Tel�ricos Bajo la Fr�gil Arena Internacional

�-� A very Popular German writer Predicted Russia would Inherit the Earth - Oswald Spengler

�-� Behold the Dawning of the 'Age of Aquarius' - An astrological reading for Planet Earth at a time of Great Mutation

�-� Celente Predicts Revolution, Food Riots, Tax Rebellions by 2012


�-� Cient�ficos de Varias Disciplinas Anticipan "El Apocalipsis"


�-� Contempla el Amanecer de la 'Era de Acuario' - Lectura Astrol�gica de la Tierra en momento de Gran Mutaci�n


�-� Dieci Predizioni per Il 2013


�-� Diez Predicciones Para El 2013

�-� Early Forecasts and Predictions for 2014


�-� Ecco l'Alba della "Et� dell'Acquario" - Una lettura astrologica del Pianeta Terra al tempo della Grande Mutazione

Italiano �-� Edgar Cayce ottant'anni fa ha Predetto il Ruolo di Putin che impedisce la III Guerra Mondiale

�-� Eighty Years ago Edgar Cayce predicted Putin's Role in Stopping World War 3


�-� El Papa con Tono de 'Fin del Mundo' - "Para Aquellos que Celebran la Navidad... Puede ser su �ltima"

�-� Expert Predicts End to Hierarchies and Value of Money, More ET/UFO Disclosure Starting July-Nov 2010

�-� Future of Things to Come

�-� George Soros� Eight Bold Predictions - From The 'Tiger Den'

�-� Gordon Michael Scallion - Predicciones y Mapas Futuros


�-� Hace Ochenta A�os Edgar Cayce predijo el papel de Putin en Detener la III Guerra Mundial

�-� IARPA developing Artificial Intelligence to Help 'Predict the Future'


�-� Il Futuro dell'Umanit� - Prove, Profezie e Spostamento dei Poli

�-� In 1973 an MIT Computer Predicted when Civilization will End

�-� Isaac Asimov was asked by 'The Star' 35 years ago to Predict the World of 2019 - Here is what he Wrote


�-� La Capacidad de Predecir - Retos Evolutivos del Siglo XXI


�-� Las Asombrosas Predicciones de Isaac Asimov para el a�o 2019


�-� Las Diez Principales Predicciones Para El 2013


�-� Las Predicciones de Andr�meda

�-� Latest World Predictions for 2017


�-� Le Sconcertanti Predizioni di Isaac Asimov per l'anno 2019

�-� Living Through a Great Shift of the Ages


�-� 'Malos' Augurios para la Econom�a Global 2016 - 100 D�lares el Barril de Crudo, el D�lar Cae, la Pobreza...

�-� Outrageous Predictions for 2016 - Saxo Bank

�-� Pope Goes Full Doomsday - "For those Who Celebrate Christmas� It May Be their Last"


�-� Predicciones Cientificas del Libro de Urantia


�-� Predicciones de Isaac Asimov para El A�o 2014 - Escritas en 1964

�-� Predictions for A Rocky Year - Coming Round The Mountain When She Comes


�-� Pron�sticos Para el 2010 de La Conciencia C�smica


�-� Pron�sticos Para el 2011 de La Conciencia C�smica


�-� Pron�sticos Para el 2012 de La Conciencia C�smica

�-� Researchers find a better 'Power Law' that Predicts Earthquakes, Blood Vessels, Bank Accounts

�-� Scientific Predictions - Arthur C. Clarke

�-� 'Shocking' 2016 Predictions - $100 Crude, Strong Ruble

�-� Some Predictions of Economic Disaster in 2015 from Top Experts All Over the Globe


�-� Stand on Zanzibar - Predicciones en 1968 para el 2010

�-� Stand on Zanzibar - Predictions on 1968 for 2010


�-� Stand on Zanzibar - Predizioni del 1968 per il 2010

�-� Ten Predictions for 2013

�-� Ten Top Predictions for 2013 - 'The News Live' for January 4, 2013

�-� The Andromedan Predictions

�-� The Cosmic Awareness Forecast for 2010

�-� The Cosmic Awareness Forecast for 2011

�-� The Cosmic Awareness Forecast for 2012

�-� The Future of Humanity - Pole Shift, Prophecies, and Proofs

�-� The Great American Eclipse - An Astrological Analysis

�-� The Great Realignment - 2023 Trends and Predictions

�-� The Top Trends of 2011 - Trends Journal Scoop


�-� Una Breve Historia de Predicciones Fallidas del Fin de los Tiempos


�-��Un Autor del Siglo XIX realmente Predijo la Elecci�n de Trump, el Russiagate y el Posible Colapso del Pa�s?


�-� Un escritor Alem�n muy popular Predijo que Rusia Heredar�a la Tierra - Oswald Spengler


�-� Un famoso Scrittore Tedesco Predisse che la Russia avrebbe Ereditato il Mondo - Oswald Spengler

�-� Zen of Stars - Michael St. Clair, Futurist and Visionary



�-� El Retorno del Planeta X - Luca Scantamburlo

�-� Evidence for the Real Third Secret - Fr. Malachi Martin Affirms - Satanism Practiced In The Vatican

�-� Information on 3rd Secret Of Fatima


�-� Las Apariciones Marianas - por Salvador Freixedo


�-� Mariofan�as - Kundalini y la Virgen Madre


�-� Tercer Mensaje de F�tima de 1917

�-� The Age of Cataclysm - How Man Can Survive The Impending Disasters - by Alfred Lambremont Webre

�-� The "Codex Teotenantzin" and the Pre-Hispanic images of the Sierra de Guadalupe, M�xico

�-� The Return of Planet X - Luca Scantamburlo


�-� A Dweller On Two Planets - Or The Dividing Of The Way - by Phylos The Thibetan

�-� Blue Star Fulfilling Prophecy - Miriam Delicado


�-� El Fin De Los D�as - Armagedon y Las Profec�as Del Retorno - by Zecharia Sitchin

�-� End of Days - Predictions and Prophecies about the End of the World - by Sylvia Browne

�-� Stand on Zanzibar - by John Brunner

�-� The Age of Cataclysm� - How Man Can Survive The Impending Disasters - by Alfred Lambremont Webre

�-� The End of Days - Armageddon And Prophecies of The Return - by Zecharia Sitchin

�-� The End of Our Century - According to Prophecies, Cyclic Projections and Other Means... - by Francois M.

�-� The Next 100 Years - A Forecast for The 21st Century - by George Friedman


�-� Cham�n Peque�a Abuela - Kiesha Crowther

�-� Credo Mutwa - Insights & Visions of The Future - 1995

�-� Credo Mutwa - Visiones y Predicciones - 1995

�-� El Zen de Las Estrellas - Entrevista a Michael St. Clair

�-� Futures of Planet Earth - The Master of The Light - Film documentary by Ruben del Muro & Michael St.Clair

�-� Hopi Prophecy

�-� Las Profec�as Mayas

�-� November 2011 - 11.11.1 - for Everyone - Astrology

�-� Parravicini's London Olympic Games 2012 Prophecy

�-� Petrus Romanus - The Final Pope Is Here - Steve Quayle, Tom Horn and Cris Putnam on Omegaman Radio

�-� Profecia de Parravicini Sobre los Juegos Ol�mpicos de Londres 2012

�-� Prognosis For Planet Earth - by Bill Deagle

�-� Prophets of Doom - Signs of The Demise of Modern World

�-� What's So Special About 2012? - Graham Hancock Interviewed by Art Bell

Related Reports

�-� 2012 - Main File

�-� El Tzolkin Maya - Main File

�-� Los Hopi - Main File

�-� The Controversial Case of David Booth - Main File

�-� The Psychic Universe - Main File

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