In this first short example, Cayce - in the 1930s - indicated
the 'sins' of the key nations:
He said "Russia will become beacons
of hope for the world."
The statement about the 'conceit'
(of the Zionist London Banksters?) in England is extraordinary.
Just look at the Zionist conquest of Europe under the EU. The
comment about America having forgotten "in God we Trust" is
beyond eerily accurate.
Remember, these statements were made
in the 1930s
In this, more detailed account of his prowess, Cayce makes a
number of nearly breathtaking projections.
Cayce predicted the beginning and
end of both the First and Second World Wars, and the lifting of
the Depression in 1933.
In the 1920s, he first warned of coming
racial strife in the United States, and in 1939 he predicted the
deaths of two presidents in office;
"Ye are to have turmoils - ye
are to have strife between capital and labor.
Ye are to have
a division in thy own land, before ye have the second of the
Presidents that next will not live through his office... a
mob rule!"
President Franklin D. Roosevelt
died in office in April 1945.
In November 1963, President
F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, when racial
tensions in the United States were at their height.
"Unless there is more give and
take and consideration for those who produce, with better
division of the excess profits from labor, there must be
greater turmoil in the land."
In October 1935, Cayce spoke
of the coming war in Europe.
The Austrians and Germans, he said,
and later the Japanese, would take sides.
"Thus, an unseen force,
gradually growing, must result in an almost direct
opposition to the Nazi, or Aryan theme. This will gradually
produce a growth of animosities.
And unless there is
interference by what many call supernatural forces and
influences - which are active in the affairs of nations and
peoples - the whole world as it were... will be set on fire
by militaristic groups and people who are for power
(This 'unseen force' is clearly
the Zionist banking cartel and its forcing the US into WWII
against Germany via the chicanery of FDR and the London and
Wall Street Zionist banksters.
Few remember that the Bolshevik Communist Zionist Jews
were within a few weeks of a massive invasion of Germany and all
of Europe when Hitler beat them to the punch with Operation
Barbarosa, hoping to destroy Communism/Bolshevism once and
for all.)
Through Russia, Cayce said,
"comes the hope of the world.
Not in respect to what is sometimes termed Communism
or Bolshevism - no! But freedom - freedom!
That each
man will live for his fellow man. The principle has been
born there. It will take years for it to be crystallized;
yet out of Russia comes again the hope of the world."
Cayce also predicted the possibility
of a THIRD World War.
He spoke of strifes arising...
"in Libya, and in Egypt, in
Ankara, and in Syria; through the straits around those areas
above the Persian Gulf."
Later on, when asked in June 1943
whether it would be feasible to work towards an equitable
international world currency or a stabilization of international
exchange levels when the war (WW II) had ended, Cayce replied
that it would be a long, long time before this would happen.
Indeed, he said,
"there may be another war (WW
III) over just such conditions."