� |
� |
� |
A Solar Siesta
� |
A Synopsis of The Electric
� |
� |
Back to Plasma - The Electric Universe
� |
� |
Comet Holmes
In The Electric Universe
� |
� |
Deep Field Image falsifies Big Bang
� |
Discovering The Electric Sun
� |
� |
Earth's Richat Crater
� |
� |
Electric Comet
� |
� |
Electric Dust Devils
� |
� |
Electric Enceladus
� |
� |
Electric Galaxies
� |
� |
Electric Helix - Helix Nebula and
Its Electrical Structure
� |
� |
Electric Jets on Io
� |
� |
Electric Spheres
- Globular Clusters Around The Milky Way
� |
� |
Electric Universe
� |
� |
Galaxies are Born in Lightning
� |
� |
Hide and Seek - Astronomers claim to have found the
Galaxies Missing in their Earlier Observations
� |
Impossible Objects stun Scientists
- Stuart Talbott
� |
Io - The Electric Moon
� |
� |
Jupiter Thunderbolt
� |
Espa�ol |
Los Verdaderos Or�genes de la
Teor�a del Cometa El�ctrico
� |
� |
Lunar Magnetic Anomalies
� |
� |
Mars - Planet of a Thousand Mysteries
� |
� |
Martian "Blueberries" in the Lab
� |
� |
Megalightning at Saturn
� |
� |
No Iron Dynamo - Jupiter
� |
Plasma Vortex - Jupiter
� |
� |
the Electrical Etching
of Io
� |
� |
Saturn is a Violent Electrical Environment
Italiano |
Saturno � un Ambiente Fortemente Elettrico
� |
Science's Looming 'Tipping Point
� |
� |
Space Charge - The Sun resides
within an Electric Shield
� |
Stellar Vibrations
� |
Synopsis of The Electric Universe
� |
� |
The Dragon
� |
� |
The Electrical Etching of Mercury
� |
� |
The Electric Sky
� |
� |
The Electric Sun
- Main File
� |
� |
The Electric Universe Heresy
� |
The Essential Guide to the
Electric Universe - EG2EU
� |
The Plasma Universe of Hannes
� |
� |
The Safire Project - Testing The
Electric Sun
� |
The Saturn Myth
- by David Talbot
� |
� |
Thunderbolt That Changed The Face of Mars
� |
� |
The True Origins of Electric Comet
� |
� |
Thunderbolts of The Gods
� |
� |
Tornados as
Electric Discharge
� |
Espa�ol |
Vibraciones Estelares
� |
� |
Was Titan Born From Electrical
- Planetary Double Layers
� |
Hexagonal Dune Field seen on Mars
� |
Within Wheels - Celestial Bodies
� |
� |
Additional Information |
� |
� |
Alpha and Omega
- How The Sun�s Interior Generates Its Magnetic Field Is
a Long-Standing Mystery for...
� |
A Nobel Prize for The Dark Side
� |
� |
Another Dark Matter Fail
Italiano |
Boom! - � stato un "Big Bang"?
� |
� |
Boom! - Was it a "Big Bang"?
� |
Espa�ol |
Ciclones, Terremotos, Volcanes y
Otros Fen�menos El�ctricos
� |
Espa�ol |
Cient�ficos Rusos
Refutaron la Teor�a Estadounidense sobre la Estructura
Interna de la Tierra
� |
Comet ISON - C/2012 S1
� |
� |
Cosmic Web Orchestrates the Progression of Galaxies
� |
� |
Cycle 25
� |
Dark Satellites
� |
� |
Dark Theories - Dark Matter...
� |
Shields" Protect The Lunar Surface
� |
Detection of The Galactic Haze With Planck
- Planck intermediate
results - IX
� |
Did An
Atomic Explosion Decimate Mars Long Ago?
- Nuclear War God
� |
Earthquakes, Volcanoes and
Underground Lightning Discharges
� |
Earth Trends - Are Geologic Events
� |
� |
Electric Earthquakes
� |
� |
Wind' can Strip Earth-Like Planets of Oceans and
Espa�ol |
Deflectores" Protegen la Superficie Lunar
Espa�ol |
la Gravedad el Motor del Comportamiento Estelar?
How Oblate is The Sun
� |
� |
- Main File
� |
� |
Io - Jupiter's Consort
� |
� |
It's Official - Sunspot 'Cycle 25'
is Beginning...
Espa�ol |
La Evoluci�n y el Campo El�ctrico
de la Tierra
� |
Espa�ol |
Lo Oscuro
del Sol
Lunar Charge Distribution
- A Change The Way We Look at The Moon
Lunar Magnetic Anomalies
� |
Message of Valles
� |
Mass - Density Anomalies |
� |
My Challenge to Conventional
Views in Science
- Velikovsky�s
Challenge to Science
� |
Mystery of
The Cosmic Thunderbolt
- Main File
� |
� |
New Tunguska Crater Found?
� |
� |
Nox Aeterna
- Do So-Called "Accretion Disks" Around Presumptive
Black Holes Generate Gamma-Rays?
� |
Nuclear War God
- Did An Atomic Explosion Decimate Mars Long Ago?
� |
On Mars
Things Only Get More Weird
� |
� |
Plasma Physics, Space Research and The Origin of The
Solar System
� |
- Arid Regions Are
Influencing Their Weather Using Electrical Technology
Espa�ol |
Rel�mpagos Solares
- Las Llamaradas Solares Pueden Ser Vistas Como
Gigantescas Descargas de...
Rocks That Crackle and Sparkle and
Glow -
Strange Pre-Earthquake Phenomena
Solaria Binaria - Origins and
History of The Solar System
� |
Solar Lightning
- Solar Flares Can Be Thought of As Giant Lightning
� |
Solar Magnetic Polarity Reversal
� |
Solar Physics - Swirls in The
� |
� |
Space Shuttle Struck by
� |
� |
and Space Weather
� |
� |
Spiral Galaxies & Grand Canyons
� |
� |
Sprites and Elves
- Lightning's Strange Cousins Flicker Faster Than Light
� |
Stars that Bend Time
� |
� |
Sun Stroke
� |
Espa�ol |
Tendencias de La Tierra - �Son
C�clicos Los Eventos Geol�gicos?
Espa�ol |
Terremotos, Volcanes y Descargas
Subterr�neas de Rel�mpagos
� |
That One Story Again - The
� |
The Body Electric
- by
Robert O. Becker
� |
The Dark of The Sun
� |
� |
The Dragon's Den
� |
� |
The Dragon's Den
- Saturn's Atmosphere Erupts in Spectacular Fashion
� |
The Dust of Creeds Outworn
- Collapsed Stars, Exploding Stars, Windy Stars, and
Dusty Stars Call for...
� |
The Electric Comet
� |
� |
The Electric Comet - The Elephant
in NASA's Living Room?
� |
The Electric Wind of Venus - A Global and Persistent
'Polar Wind' like Ambipolar Electric Field sufficient...
� |
The Great Comet Venus
� |
� |
The Great Titan Desert
� |
The Scars of Miranda
- A Uranus Moon
� |
� |
The Sombrero Galaxy
� |
� |
The 'Spiral Galaxy' at Saturn's
� |
� |
Sun's Magnetic Field
� |
� |
The World Won't End The Way You've
Been Told
� |
� |
Thunderstorms Make Antimatter
� |
� |
Titan - A Rosetta Stone for Early
� |
� |
Venus Isn't Our Twin!
� |
� |
Multimedia |
� |
Bang' Busted Again - Wal Thornhill
Birkeland Currents and Weather -
Donald E. Scott
� |
Birkeland Currents in the Cosmos -
Eugene Bagashov
� |
Breaking the Science Barrier - The
Electric Universe's bold push against Big Science
Did Ancient Man See a Different
� |
Electrical Craters on Earth
� |
Electrical 'Form and Function' -
Michael Clarage
� |
Electrical Shaping of Biology -
Michael Clarage
� |
Electric Comets - Reasons the
Universe is Electric
� |
Electricity Hiding Behind 'Dark
� |
Electric Quakes on Mars - Stuart Talbott
Electric Universe - An Invitation
to Progress in Science
� |
Gigantic Jets and the Electric
� |
Instant Fossilization - Peter
Mungo Jupp
� |
Is Mysterious South Polar Heating
Electrical? - Donald Scott
� |
Espa�ol |
Los Rayos de Los Dioses
- El Universo El�ctrico
� |
Mars Geology gets Even "Weirder"
� |
Mass Extinction thru Cosmic Force
� |
Nikola Tesla and The Electric
� |
Lightning-Scarred Moon - The Evidence Grows
� |
Plasma Cosmology
- Introduction
� |
Red Sky Paradox in an Electric
� |
Seeking The Third Story
- The Electric Universe
� |
Sun's Effects on Life on Earth -
Geomagnetic Effects and Electricity of Life
Symbols of An Alien Sky
- Selections
� |
Symbols of An Alien Sky
- The Video
� |
The Cosmic Fireball - Electric Universe
The Electric Universe Theory - An
Alternative Model of Cosmology?
Lightning-Scarred Planet Mars
� |
The 'Safire' Sun
� |
Time to Wipe the Chalkboard Clean
- Cosmos
of The Gods
� |
Understanding Human Nature - Wal
� |
Venus and Forgotten History - Wal
Mars and Catastrophism - The Reconstruction
� |
Space Telescope and Stellar Discovery
� |
Wings of a Butterfly - The Electric
� |
� |
Reports |
� |
� |
Comets and Meteorites
- Main File
� |
� |
Dramatic Changes in Our Sun
- Main File
� |
� |
Immanuel Velikovsky
- Main File
� |
� |
Mystery of the Cosmic Thunderbolt
- Main File
� |
� |
Nikola Tesla
- Main File
� |
� |
Our Solar System and Moons
- Main File
� |
� |
The Holographic Universe
- Main File
� |
� |
� |
� |
� |
� |
� |