
Vatic Master on Vacation

Bruecke Note: Haven't been getting the Vatic Daily? That's because outsider meddling made its publication so time-consuming for Vatic Master, that she opted to follow the advice of others and focus on Vatic Project content and her words of wisdom there, rather than fighting the re-formatting and emailing hassles that seemed to escalate week to week.

The stress of those battles has impressed upon Vatic Master the need for a break... to earn money, to get a life, and to contemplate new technologies and platforms for the Vatic Project. The latter might just be the ticket to leap-frog many woes in producing & distributing the Vatic Daily.

The two tidbits of bad news in Vatic Master's blog vacation are (a) that you get me as the acting Vatic Clerk, and (b) that I'm only aiming for one or two postings a day. Life support.

The good news is that I'll be posting them early & together so that visiting the Vatic Project once a day should bring you up to speed.

In other news that may not be obvious, please refrain from using the [email protected] email address. It was hacked and infiltrated and contributed to the Vatic Master's woes. The Vatic Clerk email has been established, [email protected]. Until the Vatic Master is back at the surface treading water and can take over Vatic Clerk, I'll be performing its clerical function and routing to Vatic Master accordingly.

No, this is not a coup of the Vatic Project, a take-over by the industrial-strength 9/11 conspiracy theorist Bruecke. LOL! (I've got a life.) If I had such aspirations, they could have been realized long ago when the grind of the Vatic Project compounded by the outsider meddling had the Vatic Master ready to throw in the towel and give the Project to others. Nope. This is truly temporary and is merely a substitution during the break.

However, ... WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO STEP UP TO THE PLATE and give the Vatic Master a break? Got content you want to see posted? Rather than sending me the links (that at one-a-day I might never get to in a timely fashion), why don't you contact me through the Vatic Clerk and BECOME A CONTRIBUTOR TO THE VATIC PROJECT! Going forward, 15 minutes of your time in creating a posting for the project WHENEVER you stumble across worthy content will go a long way into maintaining both the project and the Vatic Master.

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