Showing posts with label Bankers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bankers. Show all posts


Banks Get Tax Deductions for Paying Out Huge Bonuses to Execs

Banks Get Tax Deductions for Paying Out Huge Bonuses to Execs

By: Mark Karlin
Date: 2016-09-01

The Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, DC released a report yesterday that details how taxpayers are subsidizing banks and massive CEO bonuses. The 34-page "Executive Excess 2016: The Wall Street CEO Bonus Loophole" confirms that Wall Street financial firms and their executives make out like bandits at the expense of everyday taxpaying Americans:

The more U.S. corporations hand out in CEO bonuses, the less they pay in taxes. This is the result of a loophole that allows firms to write off unlimited amounts of executive pay from their federal taxes, as long as it is in the form of so-called "performance-based" compensation.


Hillary Clinton's Top VP Pick Lets Big Banks Know He's in Their Corner

Clerk Note: If you're playing to the big banks, you aren't playing to Bernie's movement.


Hillary Clinton's Top VP Pick Lets Big Banks Know He's in Their Corner

How Tim Kaine is signaling that he'll be 'an asset with banking interests on the fundraising trail'

By: Deirdre Fulton
Date: 2016-07-21

Sounding another alarm for progressives wary of the Democratic establishment's support for Wall Street, the man said to be leading the pack of potential Hillary Clinton running mates—Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine—has just this week sent a clear message to big banks: He's in their corner.

Kaine, who is reportedly Bill Clinton's favorite for the vice presidential slot, signed onto two letters on Monday pushing for financial deregulation—letters that show the Clinton camp "how Kaine could be an asset with banking interests on the fundraising trail," according to David Dayen at The Intercept on Wednesday. 

"Let's be really clear: It should be disqualifying for any potential Democratic vice presidential candidate to be part of a lobbyist-driven effort to help banks dodge consumer protection standards and regulations designed to prevent banks from destroying our economy."
—Charles Chamberlain, Democracy for America

Sen. Tim Kaine is reportedly Bill Clinton's favorite for the VP slot.

Sen. Tim Kaine is reportedly Bill Clinton's favorite for the VP slot.


GREAT NEWS: THE SYSTEM IS WORKING IN ICELAND: Iceland's Supreme Court Upholds Jail Sentences of Four Banking Executives

Vatic Note:   This is probably one of the best videos that unintentionally proves that the "slur" used against truth tellers, that they are tin foil hat conspiracy in fact a "conspiracy fact" and actually happened.   We needed something to pass around to the sheep to show that alll the elements of a conspiracy that actually materialized was not a "theory" but a reality that the Icelandic people could do something about, once it was exposed.

And they successfully did so, including pressuring their elected leaders into action.  We did an article way back when they arrested those bankers, and it was titled "The Mouse that Roared" and boy did they roar.  I just went to find the link and put it up, but the blog has been gutted and no longer available.  Sorry about that. 

Its Vatic Projects hope that this will be passed around with that point being made, that not all conspiracies that are exposed are just "THEORIES", rather, more and more are becoming our realities, with serious ramifications to our nations, economies, peoples, etc. and that we need to do like Iceland and take action through our systems to stop this before its too late.

One example that needs to be stopped immediately is the TPP global trade agreement that Obama has indicated he would sign, so we must push congress and the senator to reject it as soon as possible if not sooner, since that trade agreement, ends the USA and our Constitution and government as we know it. It even guts our courts, thats how bad it is.  So help us by getting this out and about to everyone you know.  This is good news, in that it shows WE CAN STOP THIS IF WE MAKE THE EFFORT.  Its really up to us now.  Finally, BE CAREFUL WHO YOU VOTE FOR IN THE PRIMARY AND GENERAL ELECTION.  Make sure they are not owned by the cabal. 

Iceland's Supreme Court Upholds Jail Sentences of Four Banking Executives

SHARMINI PERIES, EXEC. PRODUCER, TRNN: Welcome to The Real News Network. I'm Sharmini Peries, coming to you from Baltimore. And welcome to this edition of the Bill Black report. And for a change, we have a good news Bill Black report today. 

The Supreme Court of Iceland last Thursday upheld the convictions of four former banking executives charged with market manipulations. The case demonstrated the possibilities that other nations could take their own criminal bankers to court and succeed in convicting them. 


10 Dark Secrets From The Wealthiest Family In World History

Vatic Note:  Over the past 6 years that we have been blogging, we have exposed way more than what you will see on here, however, it was important to remind everyone of the major dark secrets that was common knowledge since they are the power and money behind Israel Khazars as well as British Royalty using them all for the global control agenda.

If you want to revisit or go deeper into this issue, then go to our blog on the right hand side and scroll down and look for the category named "THE ROTHSCHILD OCTOPUS", and read all those articles.    I believe we have more info on this family in one place than any other site I have visited so please avail yourselves of the various blogs and seriously educate yourselves about this family.

10 Dark Secrets From The Wealthiest Family In World History
By Admin,  the Unsilent Majority,  January 10, 2016


Iceland Sentences 29th Banker To Prison, US & UK Bankers Still Collecting Bonuses

Vatic Note:   The fascists Khazar Bankers are on the move..... first all the chemtrail dumping is getting heavier and heavier, soft kill is being pushed now like never before, with the extreme numbers of cell towers and smart meters being distributed in residential areas all over the world in the G-20 adopted global spy grid agenda.

First comes the depopulation as outline in the Georgia Guidestones, paid for by the luciferian society, that has also been connected to the KHAZAR bankers,  and now the confiscation of wealth from every country through bail outs and more 2008, criminal mafia type corruption with no prosecution or jail time for the criminals.   

YOU BETTER NOT GIVE UP YOUR GUNS, SINCE THEY ARE GETTING SERIOUS AS HELL ABOUT TAKING US DOWN TO THIRD WORLD CONDITIONS AND DEPOPULATING US IN THE PROCESS.  The new trade agreement, the TPP, is the final straw for ending our soveriegnty and our Constitutional protections and installing a global fascist governing system with no resistance.



Iceland Sentences 29th Banker To Prison, US Bankers Still Collecting Bonuses
By MintPress News Desk,  February 1, 2016


Hillary Clinton Got Paid More for 12 Speeches to Wall Street Banks than Most Americans Make in a Lifetime

*** I have been sick today, so I was able to put up only one blog, then I had to go to bed.  Sorry.  Hopefully will be up to it tomorrow. 

Vatic Note:  You can tell from the photograph of her that she is doing very well.  She is eating better than most Americans and her face shows it.  She must be a khazar, since she clearly has no conscience, moral core or integrity.   Money is all she cares about and her girl friend, the mossad agent that she has an affair with.

Its the khazars that own the Wall Street Banks and they take care of their own.   They never pay the goyim traitors like that, rather they use and then discard them.   That is how we know she is one of them and they want her in badly.   Its an easier task if she loses the Dem nomination to Sanders.

She probably told the bankers what they wanted to hear.   Maybe she reported on how the "soft kill" depopulation plan is going.  So far, the chemtrails are depleting the oxygen out of our atmosphere and that is affecting the seniors negatively.   I suspect those greedy bankers want our 2.7 trillion dollar soc security trust fund.   A worthy goal indeed.


Hillary Clinton Got Paid More for 12 Speeches to Wall Street Banks than Most Americans Make in a Lifetime
By Jay Syrmopoulos,  Humans are Free,


Spending Millions to Save Much More: How the Uber-Wealthy Avoid Paying Their Fair Share

Vatic Note:  Just a note to encourage you to read the protocols shown on the right side of the blog, why?  Because that is where you will find their plan to augment their other tools for taking over the planet,  and one of them was to cause problems within class struggles.   This looks like one of those recommendations  to cause a division between the upper and middle class.

Now Why would the powers that be want that to be the case?  Because it was the upper classes, the monied people that lead and conducted the American revolution, and did so successfully.   So dividing them is another one of those strategies, that they need to happen if they are to succeed.   If the upper class ever figured out who would be next after taking down the middle class, they would be rebelling right along with the  the rest of us.

Millionaires like Trump would be next.  I think he knows that and its why he is running.  Could he become the Jefferson of our time?  Who knows but he fits the profile of the early fathers of our nation.   Just something to think about as you read this. Is this another set up to divide us as a nation, which is a death sentence if we divide for any reason.  Wealth, race, religion etc are all tactics they have tried and failed, so now this below????  Keep that in mind as you read. 

Spending Millions to Save Much More: How the Uber-Wealthy Avoid Paying Their Fair Share
by Deirdre Fulton, staff writer, Common Dreams,  Dec 29, 2015


The Missing Piece of the Financial Puzzle

Vatic Note:  We got this link from a commenter on our blog that led us to this information and thus we are posting it as an important analysis about what is REALLY going on.  Please read it carefully and realize WE NEED TO DO AN ICELAND AND ARREST THESE BANKERS AND THEIR COHORTS IN CONGRESS THAT HAVE ENABLED THEM TO COMMIT THESE CRIMES AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

We are the only ones that can make that happen and it will require calling and demanding their arrest and for us to default on any loans from those criminal bankers, since its fraud which is a crime, thus the debt is invalid.  We can do this.   This article proves it would have been cheaper to let the banks go down and simply bail out the depositors.  A lot cheaper.

We are now asking you once again, to contribute toward our deficit of $350 that we need by the 1st of the month. That is 15 days away, so we are beginning now, so we make it by that time.   We are so grateful for your support in so many ways.  

If you can afford it please donate off to the right of the blog.   So stay with us til the first and hopefully, you will be able to contribute so we can continue our work in educating, researching and informingGod Bless you and your family in all things, for your support in our mission to expose the underbelly of the satanic beast trying to take over our world. 

The Missing Piece of the Financial Puzzle
By Preston James, PHD, Mike Harris,   Veterans today, November 18, 2015

Is there a faction in the Pentagon and the CIA which views the support of ISIS/ISIL necessary to keep the largest Wall Street Banks afloat?

by  Preston James and Mike Harris

End of the hegemony of the Petrodollar system?
Why are the largest Wall Street Banks still afloat?
Many financial experts expected their financial collapse months ago, despite the continuing Quantitative Easements of the Federal Reserve System.
Why has the collapse of these largest Wall Street banks been expected and seemed imminent to many financial experts?
The hard reality is that some of these largest Wall Street Banks have over-leveraged themselves to stay afloat using inflated Oil Derivatives which require a fairly high World crude oil price to stay solvent. And the price they need is far higher than what the current crude oil price per barrel has fallen to right now.
Unless these largest Wall Street Banks somehow compensate for these losses, these Oil Derivative contracts will crash due to these crude oil prices having falling too far. The result will be that the largest Wall Street Banks holding these contracts will implode financially.
This of course could take the whole American financial system down with them.
And as many now realize these large Wall Street Banks over-speculated during the boom years up until 2007 and took huge profits for their principals, leaving bankrupt-ready empty financial shells once the numerous investment bubbles they created burst.
The major worldwide investment gambling losses that these major Wall Street Banks accumulated brought them to the point of imminent collapse in 2008 and 2009.

Hank Paulson, Secretary of the Treasury and Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the private Federal Reserve System great Wurlitzer elastic money creating machine. 

These men were having a good laugh about a bought and owned Congress and the stupid American Taxpayers who were going to bail out the largest Wall Street Banks.

The monumentally large bank losses that Congress and the Administration forced American taxpayers to cover totaled over two trillion US Dollars. These mega losses were the result of careless international investments by these largest Wall Street Banks.

This actually constituted high tech international speculating, best described as high stakes gambling. If the original Glass Steagall Act had not been repealed, these bad investments could never have been made in the first place.
However, these large Wall Street banks immediately used their well established influence to manipulate the US Congress and Two different Administrations (Bush2 2 and Obama) using fear and the threat of Martial Law in the Streets of America to manipulate Congress and the Administration into giving them two huge near Trillion Dollar bailouts all fully financed by the American taxpayer.
Despite some efforts by the US Congress to track where these expenditures went, Congress was only able to find out that most of the Taxpayer provided money was transferred to foreign banks to prop up the foreign investments of these large Wall Street banks and the US Petro Dollar and never learned the specific trails or amounts.
Many Americans did however find out that very large bonuses, often a million dollars or much more, were paid to the top Officers and earners in these large Wall Street Banks during this severe financial crisis, much of it linked to the taxpayer bailouts.
These two bailouts were so large that if applied on behalf of the American People, all homesteaded home mortgages and all college loans could have been paid off.
When a similar crises of impending bankruptcy of the large banks in Iceland occurred, Icelanders reacted and forged a whole different direction of actions and corrections. They arrested the bankers responsible, cancelled any liability of Iceland and its citizens to restore these bankers losses, and declared most home mortgages paid in full. They also tried, convicted and jailed several of the top bankers responsible for this fiasco and financial mal-management.
BANKERSxxA significant portion of the American public want the same thing done that Iceland did to the Bankers responsible for our Wall Street banking crisis and the two bailouts.
We now have a new US Attorney General. The prior totally corrupt one that refused to enforce the laws the Bankers broke has resigned.
Many Americans want the US Department of Justice to now begin a process in earnest and deliver indictments against these Bankers of the largest Wall Street banks involved in the Wall Street meltdown of 2008.
Some legal experts believe that there is no standing statute of limitations because fraud was involved and this negates such normal statutes of limitations.
When the Saudis lowered their price of crude at the apparent direction of the Pentagon power structure in an attempt to create maximum financial stress to Putin and the Russian Federation, Putin, the master chess player that he is, reacted quite unexpectedly. He lowered his crude price even further. This turns out to have been a very crafty move.
What is truly surprising is that not only has it turned out that the Russian Federation is stable financially enough to handle this drop in the World price of crude, but it now seems evident that Putin has used this opportunity to once again outsmart the Wall Street Banksters and the Khazarian Mafia.
This drastically lowered crude price has seriously stressed some of the largest Wall Street Banks to the max because of their inflated Oil Derivative contracts they have used to stay afloat.
These Banks have apparently countered this drastic drop in the price of crude by accessing revenues derived from British Petroleum and Exxon buying stolen crude from ISIS at a greatly reduced, deeply discounted prices and re-selling it at the much higher going World crude price. This appears to have provided a means for these large Wall Street Banks to keep their Crude Oil Derivative Contracts afloat.
Under American Law as well as International Law, this makes BP and Exxon Directors and officers quite vulnerable to legal action as well as major trans-national anti-terror measures that can be legally exercised directly against them personally if these reports are cross validated and pursued legally in US and International venues.
Kaiser_695Now with the downing of the Russian airliner in Egypt and the mass-murder of 224 innocent on-board passengers, President Putin appears to have intensified his attacks on ISIS/ISIL.
We have reports that Russian Federation Forces are now directly attacking ISIS/ISIL Oil shipment tanker caravans of their stolen Syrian oil and directly attacking ISIL controlled oil facilities.
Putin has publicly stated that if a dog bites you, don’t worry about the dog but go after its master. And that is what he is now doing by attacking these ISIS/ISIL tanker caravans of Syrian of oil stolen by ISIS/ISIL.
The Liveleak Video Clip below shows Russian aircraft destroying 500 ISIS/ISIL Oil tanker trucks filed with stolen Syrian Oil.

Kaiser_710If this decimation of ISIS/ISIL crude oil shipments by the Russian Federation continues it is likely that such will be the straw that soon breaks the back of the Wall Street Oil Derivative contracts.
And once that occurs it is expected that we will then see the fall of the US Petro Dollar soon to follow. The US Petro Dollar will then cease to be used any further as the World’s Reserve Currency.
And you can imagine how quickly and deeply that will erode the power and political influence of the Khazarian Mafia and its large Wall Street banks in America and around the World.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


In The Year 2000 There Were 7 Countries Without A Rothschild-Owned Central Bank: Now There Are More!

Vatic Note:  I remember reading, many years ago, that Rothschild got into Israel when it was still Palestine, back in the 20's and bought up 200,000 acres of land.  I hope I am remembering that right, but it was almost the whole country.  I thought it odd when I read it, but it was way before all of these problems we are now having, so my perspective on the information was different than it would be today.

Pay special attention to the small piece on Libya and Gadhafi, and understand why many leaders are afraid to stand against the international khazar mafia.  Libya was playing a major role in ridding the continent of Africa of the fiat currency bankers.  I believe that is why he was killed.  That and to send a message to any other leaders, who like JFK, resist the plans of the evil ones. 

In The Year 2000 There Were 7 Countries Without A Rothschild-Owned Central Bank: Now There Are More!
By Admin,  Political Velcraft,
A Basic Understanding of Zionism

Rothschild Zionism markets itself as Jewish ‘Nationalism’. The Country Of Israel Was Purchased By Rothschilds As Rothschild Was Just Kicked Out Of India And Needed Another HOST Country To Control And Feed Off Of! This is a perversion The Abrahamic Jews, for Zionism has been hijacked by the Rothschild Banking Cartel which is a parasite that pollutes and destroys.


Cabalist Deception Invades the Markets

Vatic Note:  Included below are all the comments made by readers as well.  I find in comments that jewels of information that we need, are given for us to use to follow up on to confirm or address various anomalies that are unexplained.  I have gone down many very educational rabbit holes, by carefully reading many of the comments, so that is why I have included them below for your decision to follow up or not.  

If you have read the protocols, you know that rat holing gold is one of the premier agendas of the khazar Zionists in their journey toward control of all wealth of the globe and they specifically mention gold.  These were written in 1897, so its been on their minds for a very long time.  Read this below and you decide..... The protocols are off to the right on this blog.  I strongly recommend you read them.

We are again asking for the deficit of $350 for the first of the month. Due to  immediate and generous, caring donors we are now down to $90 that we need by the 1st of the month. That is only 3 days away, so we are getting close.  Again we are working on trying to end this, however, its going to take some time.  Until then we need your help to stay on the net, thats if the harassment doesn't increase as it has recently.  We are so grateful for your support in so many ways. 

If you can afford it please donate off to the right of the blog.  God Bless you and your family in all things.  If we don't make it, we will leave the blog up so the 7,000 blogs can be used as a reference for future  use.  We will not take the site down.  

Rather we will have to stop the research and posting since we need to raise the funds to continue to exist.  And we won't be able to do both.  We tried and it didn't work.  So stay with us til the first and hopefully, we will get that $90 we need to continue.  

Cabalist Deception Invades the Markets
By Thomas Beecham,  Henry Makow, July 23, 2015

Investment Outlook from Our Market Maven


Video: George Galloway Wants To Jail All Bankers As Mayor Of London

Vatic Note:  Boy, do I hope that spreads to America. George should be President of the United STates..... LOL   He has more integrity in his little finger than the entire congress of the United STates and the White House.  We have suggested more than once that any WORLD WAR SHOULD BE FOUGHT BY THE PEOPLE OF THE GLOBE AGAINST THE INTERNATIONAL KHAZAR ROTHSCHILD BANKERS IN EVERY COUNTRY.  Now that is a World war with a seriously desireable end, all bankers purged out of the earth and sent to the outter regions of the cosmos.

I wonder why he has not said one word about Israel and the khazars that also constitute the bankers, and their role in creating, funding and arming the ISIS, and other such bogus terrorist groups.   That has disappointed me tremendously.  Now I believe he may well be owned by the khazars. But I do like what he said he wanted to do to the bankers. Looks like things may get pretty hot in London if he wins the election.    For that I applaude him.   You watch and listen and you decide.

Video: George Galloway Wants To Jail All Bankers As Mayor Of London
By @mnarmuh |
Galloway pledges to fight crime in the belly of the beast if elected as mayor of London, targeting the bankers, who have engaged in destructive neoliberalism encouraged tightened austerity measures, and have proven themselves to be driven by an imperialist war machine. Could the UK see a similar fate as Greece?


Demoralization is Weapon in Secret War-- KGB Defector

Vatic Note:   This is the man hired by Homeland security, so what he is describing is a continuing operation for HLS through TSA sexual criminal assault, FEMA camps,  Unemployment,  loss of retirement, etc etc.   This is what he is doing and we are the citizens of Russia in 1917 and Germany in 1934......  now we know why they did not fight back.  There was no visible enemy, everything was done behind the curtain.... waiting for Toto to pull it back so everyone can see.    

Then the protocols tell us what they will do once we reach this stage of demoralization.  Also remember who conducted, funded and controlled the Russian revolution?  The same people who wrote the protocols and ran Russia into the ground for 70 years afterwards.  That is why they brought this man here to work as head of operations for Homeland security.  This is a true eye opening disclosure of the planned manipulation, brainwashing etc of masses of humanity and fits very well with the BRITISH/Rothschild tavistock groups funding for research in these fields out of britain.  Remember we gave you a list on this blog of the elite institutitions funded for doing this research and work, which included Harvard, Princeton, Yale, MIT, NHI, Stanford,  etc
Source:   A 1980's interview with Yuri Bezmenov, Khazar KGB defector and expert in propaganda

Demoralization is Weapon in Secret War-- KGB Defector
By Toby Moreland, Provided to Vatic project by Jim Kirwan, contributor,  (VN:  He is probably not a defector, rather just a change of duty station.  Remember, the international bankers still run Russia, so if he is here and still alive... its all part of the game.  He is suppose to be here and do for the bankers what he did for them in Russia.   Soon we will all be globalized exactly the way he says on here..... nice world run by truly insane people).

The Soviet Union was a front for the alliance between international bankers and the British Empire. Marxist-Leninist ideology is illegitimate to the core; it is a tool used in the process of "ideological subversion," a method of weakening independent nations and ultimately turning them into socialist "democracies" under internationalist control."

In a 1980's interview with G. Edward Griffin, Yuri Bezmenov, KGB defector and expert in propaganda, said the subversion methods employed in the U.S. by the KGB were designed to "change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that - despite the abundance of information - no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country."


Banks Financing Mexico Gangs Admitted in Wells Fargo Deal

Vatic Note: In the blog about Kucinich, we included a note from Dick Eastman who talks about the relationship of our elite to the drug cartels and how they are being used intentionally to destroy this nation and bring it down violently. Well, its the cash deposits from those drug cartels that are money laundered to finance anything they do to us.  Remember the drug business is a Bush/Cheney enterprise that is still running strong under Obama.

Ask youself, who provided millions of dollars in SUV's, American military uniforms, American military weapons such as rocket launchers and granade launchers to the cartels across the border that were stashed ready for major military action??? Who has the money to fund a full army of drug cartels, private mercenary contractors, and gangs like the M13 gang??? There is only one place that has an interest in supplying such cartels etc along our border and then the next question is "why"?

Is Regionalizing the goal? Create the problem and then fix it with Regional Governance or "security" as they always like to call it? Is it to get rid of the hated Americans who are too independant thinking? Is it to create choas to justify martial law??? Is it to create Chaos to justify the use of foreign troops on our soil??? Is it to collect our guns? Is it all of the above? I don't know since I am not privy to their reasons and agendas, but I can guess. Anyone else have a better or additional idea of why they are doing this to us and then declaring part of our land off limits to American citizens in a sovereign state and acceding it to the Mexican drug cartels right in the state of Arizona???? Aren't these Wall street players basically the same guys handling the gulf who made it the way it is and then not fixing it as a solution???? Oh, thats right, the rigs are used as drop offs for the drugs from Columbia. I forgot.

Banks Financing Mexico Gangs Admitted in Wells Fargo Deal
By Michael Smith - Jun 29, 2010 , Bloomberg publication

Just before sunset on April 10, 2006, a DC-9 jet landed at the international airport in the port city of Ciudad del Carmen, 500 miles east of Mexico City. As soldiers on the ground approached the plane, the crew tried to shoo them away, saying there was a dangerous oil leak. So the troops grew suspicious and searched the jet.

They found 128 black suitcases, packed with 5.7 tons of cocaine, valued at $100 million. The stash was supposed to have been delivered from Caracas to drug traffickers in Toluca, near Mexico City, Mexican prosecutors later found. Law enforcement officials also discovered something else.

The smugglers had bought the DC-9 with laundered funds they transferred through two of the biggest banks in the U.S.: Wachovia Corp. and Bank of America Corp., Bloomberg Markets magazine reports in its August 2010 issue.

This was no isolated incident. Wachovia, it turns out, had made a habit of helping move money for Mexican drug smugglers. Wells Fargo & Co., which bought Wachovia in 2008, has admitted in court that its unit failed to monitor and report suspected money laundering by narcotics traffickers -- including the cash used to buy four planes that shipped a total of 22 tons of cocaine.

The admission came in an agreement that Charlotte, North Carolina-based Wachovia struck with federal prosecutors in March, and it sheds light on the largely undocumented role of U.S. banks in contributing to the violent drug trade that has convulsed Mexico for the past four years.

‘Blatant Disregard’


The Windsor - Rothschild Connection.

Source:  Various sources - Red Ice Creations, Royal Gov monarchy, Independant News paper, Lycos Retreiver, (German Trivia), reformation

Title:      The Windsor - Rothschild Connection.
By:         Vatic Master from various research sources

I began this journey when I discovered the net worth of the Queen, not including any other royals, was close to 17 trillion dollars.   Just a few decades ago, the royals in Britian were in serious financial trouble, such that they had to open their estates to tourism to pay the bills and upkeep.  Today is a different story. 

So, I asked, "how did they turn around so quickly and so dramatically"?  Who aided them in this endeavor and why?  Rothschild came to mind based on the Queens knighting him and the family as well as Rothschilds minion in American, Alan Greenspan, who lead the fed into this great intentional path to destruction of the United States and other nations around the globe.  She stated as the reason she knighted him was for "his work for the bank of London" .   I could not understand that since the world economy was in the toilet, and going down fast, so it didn't make any sense "unless" that was the plan.   Then, indeed, he did his job brilliantly.  It also meant, the Queen was either a pawn of Rothschilds or vice versa.   It appears it is a little of both.


US won't destroy poppy fields In Afghanistan

Emergency request 1/1/12:  We just found out that the $225 due to us from a work source that we had been working for, has just informed us they do not intend to pay us until much later, if at all, which has me deeply concerned since we earned that money.  Bad way to start out a New Year, Unfortunately we paid bills by check on the 30th, which will begin clearing Tues and continue for the rest of the week.  WE ARE ASKING FOR DONATIONS AT THIS TIME TO HELP US MEET THIS MONTHS QUARTERLYS AND EXPENSES before those checks arrive at the merchants offices.  If we can raise this amount by Tues,  we will be fine, at least for this month.   Please do not put this plea  up for funds on any other blog as its quite embarrassing.  Please use the DONATION BUTTON  on the right hand side column of this blog near the top.   We are appealing to our regular readers who may benefit from our work, to help us this one time only,  and hopefully, no more.  If everyone who regularly visits our site donates $5 each, we will be more than able to meet this months emergency needs.  Thanks again for your support and all that you contribute.  We are still working on various projects like the newsletter and the RH neg blog,  and are at a standstill until we can resolve this dilemma before us. 

Vatic Note:  Add this to the information we have on how Zbig intended to surround Russia and then we wonder why Russia will feel the need to defend herself by attacking us.   This below shows the extent of what we are doing to that country in order to stoke her into a world war to prevent her from developing her natural resources,  expand her young democratically structured Government and economy,  and prevent her from kicking the bankers out of their economic life.   The Zionists and bankers have already ripped Russia off of much of her wealth like they have us.  Now they want the war between us in order to move attention away from those scummy blood sucking bankers.  We just got word that the USA has sent PATRIOT MISSLES TO CHINA which were intercepted by Finland.   That will certainly make Russia feel a lot better.  NOT!!!  Well, Russia and USA people should ignore our governments and all of us go after Zbig, bankers and those for whom they operate.  The 13 bloodlines would be a good start.  We have their photos.

Title:    NATO won't destroy Afghan poppy fields
Date:   Thu, 25 Mar 2010 00:04:40 GMT

Opium poppy fields in Afghanistan

NATO has rejected an appeal made by Russia for eradication of opium fields in Afghanistan, arguing that the sole source of income in the region cannot be removed.

Addressing a meeting of the NATO-Russia Council on Wednesday, head of Russia's Federal Drug Control Agency (FSKN) Victor Ivanov said "Afghan opiates led to the death of 1 million people by overdose in the last 10 years, and that is United Nations data. Is that not a threat to world peace and security?"

The Russian official tasked NATO forces with "normalizing the situation in Afghanistan" which includes "the elimination of drug production."

Meanwhile, NATO spokesman James Appathurai voiced understanding for Russian concerns, given the country's estimated 200,000 heroin and morphine addicts and the tens of thousands dying each year as a result of their addiction.

However, he went on to say that the Afghan drug problem had to be handled carefully in an effort to avoid alienating local residents.

"We share the view that it has to be tackled," the spokesman said. "But there is a slight difference of views," Appathurai added.

"We cannot be in a situation where we remove the only source of income for people who live in the second poorest country in the world without being able to provide them an alternative. That is simply not possible," the NATO official explained.

According to statistics provided by Ivanov, Russia was the single largest consumer of heroin in 2008. Moscow blames NATO for the surge in heroin trafficking from Afghanistan to Russia.

The production of opium in Afghanistan has skyrocketing since the US-led invasion of the country in 2001.


The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


Red October - Part II - History of "Manufactured Revolutions" by Bankers

Vatic Note:   Oh, my Gawd, you better read this all the way through.   Its incredible.  Tru Ott did an excellent job on this.   Wait til you read the quote he gives us about half way down from a khazar leader in 1928.   He was not even hiding their intentions with us at all.   This entire blog explains everything fully.   Its the BIG PICTURE we have been looking for without guessing.  This is a continuation of our mini-series on the Occupy Wall Street disclosures.  The first one we put up at 1:15 AM today and these go together.  Tru Ott has given us the historical background that fits the previous blog and it shows why HISTORY IS SO VERY IMPORTANT SO WE CAN LEARN FROM IT and not make the same damn mistakes as others have in the past.  

Lets be the first to reject the same old game these blood suckers have played on humanity for thousands of years and over the past 100 years of our recent history.  Tru Ott shows us exactly how the game is played, how it has worked historically and how we are in the middle of it working again.  It all sounds good, and it gives hope to those who have felt helpless in the past.  Well, its still directed and controlled and thus is comfortable.  

If we take control of it back again, it will lose its image of "ORGANIZED", "FINANCED" AND "CONTROLLED".  Something "NOT CONTROLLED" is scary since we have no idea where it will lead us, and this is where "FAITH AND BELIEF" IN GOD, IF THAT IS YOUR BELIEF, OR IN OURSELVES,  WILL GUIDE US AND HELP US TO GO WHERE WE NEED TO GO WITH IT.  That is what is lacking.  They have spent billions of dollars convincing us we are helpless and cannot do anything without their direction.  LETS PROVE THEM WRONG,  TAKE BACK CONTROL AND REPOPULATE THEIR SO CALLED ASSEMBLY WITH THE TRUE PEOPLES REPS. That is the only way to go.  Use the Alternative press to get your demands out since the MSM is owned and working for the demons doing this. 

Red October
A True Ott, PhD,
October 21, 2011

It began as "peaceful protests" on the 17th day of September - the month of the Autumn Equinox (Sept. 21 ­ Mabron - a very special ritual day ordained by WICCA, Kaballa, and Pagan practitioners of Lucifer as the day of atonement and the "releasing of prisoners" ­ both political and economic.)

The protest began at a specific city which was the financial heart of THE pre-eminent global capitalist "Republic" - a world-power center of wealth and influence unequalled in the entire world at that specific time.

The nation, however, had been in a Great Recession for three years. Factories were closing their doors, and unemployment had reached 36%. The national debt to the world central bank was crippling in every way. Inflation had successful eroded the wages of the people by 50%. The future of this once great nation was bleak in every way.

The message of the "protesters" was a simple one ­ the "working people" were the unwitting slaves of BIG BUSINESS and COPORATE GREED ­ a mere 1% (the "ruling class) were robbing the "people" (the remaining 99%) of their wealth and property. It was not just a single day of protests, but was scheduled to last for many months. Eventually, the "movement" spread to every other major city in the country ­ as well as other foreign nations.

If you think I am describing the 2011 OWS (Occupy Wall Street) and America the Beautiful, you are wrong. I am reciting the exact history of the Bolshevik Revolution (Red October) that eventually dismantled the Russian Republic of Czar Nicholas.


How to Get Around a Treasonous Press Where Ron Paul is Concerned

Vatic Note:  The reason this is up is not because we support Ron Paul per se, rather because the public has as much a right to know his true positions on subjects that affect them  as any other candidate and the press is deeply preventing that, so this is our way to get around it.  This is a good article on those positions from a leftist "alternative" paper, which is being objective as to this mans integrity, regardless of his politics.  If the system is working and you have a man of integrity in the office, then his policies he prefers won't matter, since Congress would be the place to go to stop something you would like stopped.  He would not be an imperial President as others have done.  Do we know that for sure?  No, he has not been President, but do we know why he would not,  if true?  He has stated he would do no Executive orders or signing statements to get around the Constitutional authority the congress has to make laws and to approve laws submitted by the President.  No, because the press won't ask him any questions much less the hard ones.  Nor will they analyze his voting record for the 30 years he has been in office.  Why not?  What is it they do not want us to know??? That he might be a man of consistancy and integrity as his record in congress for 30 years would show???   He is not a professional politician, rather a baby doctor, and does this work in Congress out of love for his people.  How do I know that?  I STUDIED HIS VOTING RECORD and it confirms those facts. Now if the press would do their job, others would have known that too along with his free medical services he provided as a baby doctor, to his constituents who were poor, including minorities. Did you know that?  No, the press did not pursue that nor his positions and history on such acts of charity. 

The owners of the MSM, do not  want a man of integrity in the White House, so they tell the press not to do their job.. and fire any that do the real job of journalism, but then that is the way the press owners wrote it up in protocol 12 about 100 years ago.  That is treason.  Their job is to act as the fourth column for the nation without bias and they are not performing that function at all. Rather acting as the propoganda machine for a foreign nation on domestic soil and that is high treason.  So, this is the only way to get information out to you about this man so you can decide for yourself.   Our job is not to play politics, but to give you both sides when the press is neglecting its responsibility to do so.   We are making up for that and would ask that you get this around everywhere since its the right thing to do.   Let the chips fall where they may, but at least then the American public will have been exposed to him as a viable candidate even if it is only through the alternative press.  More and more people are turning to the internet to get their news and that is why its important for us to act responsible where the MSM is not. 

I don't believe anyone realizes just how many of the sheep are seriously waking up and the polls reflect it despite the MSM ignoring of the candidate.  This is beginning to smell like another "GOP candidate is the designated loser" like McCain was last time who had no grassroots support,  and Obama is the "designated winner" because he did such a damn fine job for the foreign controllers of our nation, he works for.  Further, he has a double so he is critical to the bogus appearance of a religious figure as a resurrected figure and thus sheparding in the NEW WORLD ORDER RELIGION.....  Ron Paul can't do that!  He has not had brain surgery nor a twin with brain surgery, so that leaves him out as well as the other GOP candidates..  Just keep that in mind when its time to vote and everyone on the left knows it too.    Obama is not his own man.  He never will be either because they control him with hardwiring in the brain.  I actually feel compassion for anyone who has been hardwired.   That means the person he was is gone and probably never to return and those that did that should be hung for their crimes against humanity for such an act of perversion.   THAT, MY FRIENDS, IS WHO WE GO AFTER.  THIS IS YOUR "NEW WORLD ORDER".... HOW DO YOU LIKE IT SO FAR???  Perversion after perversion with truly mentally ill people.  Seriously.  They won't end up in Prison but in some mental institution run by a state.  I think Louisiana sounds just fine to me.

Reason and Rationality in Public Debate: The Case of Ron Paul
By Jim Fetzer, Veterans Today, October 29, 2011

Thomas Jefferson was once asked if he would prefer a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, to which he replied that he would prefer the latter. But Jefferson was not contemplating a time in which newspapers would be controlled by governments or by corporations, which is the situation that we confront today.

It has become increasingly difficult to sort out information we are given that is true from information we are given that is false. And that is especially true when editors and reporters can slant the news using a variety of techniques familiar to students of logic and critical thinking but not to the average American, including the straw man (by exaggerating a position to make it easier to attack), special pleading (by citing only the evidence that supports your point of view), and the appeal to authority (by citing sources that are authoritative on one subject as experts on another), which can be illustrated relative to news about the candidacy of Ron Paul and, subsequently, the debate about Libya, where differences that have emerged here may be better understood without prejudging who is right and who is wrong.

The Coverage of Ron Paul                                      

Perhaps the most egregious illustration of special pleading of my lifetime—apart from the bias the press has displayed in relation to 9/11 and JFK (on which I am planning to publish a complementary column)—has been the shameless suppression of information about the candidacy of Ron Paul for the GOP presidential nomination. He has won straw poll after straw poll, in California, in Ohio, at the Conservative Political Action Conference held in Louisiana and at the Value Voters Summit held in Virginia; he has raised millions of dollars in funding, second only to Mitt Romney and Rick Perry; and he has won run-away polling victories in relation to the GOP debates. (VN:  What makes this so interesting, is that Mitt Romney is so well off he can use his own money and Perry is supported as the designated loser by the bankers, so, like McCain they are providing the money for his campaign, while Ron Paul is truly grassroots fund raising and thus its an even bigger story that the MSM will not cover).


Exposing the Southern Poverty Law Center… Now It’s Personal!

Vatic Note:   This is up to remind us of why its dangerous to allow a "front" organization for a foreign country and their intel organization, to control a cabinet department of the United States Government.  Notice these groups use "orwellean" double speak continually to distort and distract attention from the dangerous power they have accumulated in our government by using the term "hate" speech or actions, and yet no one engages in it more than they do about Americans.   How dare they come in here, take over our gov and use HATE SPEECH to divide Americans, and then blame Americans for speaking against their acts of sedition.  They should be in jail just for that alone based on legislation they sponsored and authored and gave to their controlled minions in Congress to pass.  I find this very orewellean.   Keep an eye on them,   they are probably two of the most dangerous organizations to us that are around right now.  Its important to point out everytime they do this so others can see the hypocracy of it all.   This woman did an excellent job of calling it exactly as it is...... these are the perps that need rooting out of our government so we can reclaim it and all that it has stood for BEFORE they got their tyrannical hands on it and started acting like they do in Palestine.

Title:   Exposing the Southern Poverty Law Center… Now It’s Personal!;article=128950
By:    By Debbie Morgan, staff writer,

         Edited by Gary Franchi
         Provided to Vatic project by Graham Jukes

Abe Fox - Mossad and ADL
After recovering from the “news” that the new film Camp FEMA is somehow racist, I thought it might behoove me to take another look. Maybe the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) knows something I don’t about “racism.” After exploring their interesting site, it has become even more clear that they are not on the side of We-the-People. In fact, they may have been founded on some very sound principles, but their present-day agenda is profoundly more nefarious.

Indulge me for a minute please…my family has fought racism throughout our generations. My grandfather preached equality for all in churches in the South. How easy do you think that was to do? My parents did not allow us to use derogatory words, even going so far as to not allow us to use a person’s skin color to describe them. I am still scarred from a battle I had at a United Methodist church in Louisiana, as a seventeen-year old girl, trying to fight racism and politics. Did the Southern Poverty Law Center bother to ask me any questions? No, they didn’t. Believe me, growing up in the South in the ‘60’s and ‘70’s, I know a thing or two about racism!

Many news outlets use the Southern Poverty Law Center to comment on racial issues. There are several; CBS, FoxNews, CNN, the New York Times, Newsweek, the Washington Post, the Associated Press, and more. A group that focuses on hate, The SPLC issues quarterly “reports” about hate…groups, actions, people. In its Spring 2010 Intelligence Report, they claim to have identified 512 “Patriot” groups in the US. (What is wrong with a “Patriot” group?) In their defense, the SPLC does say that being categorized as a “patriot group” does not mean these “groups” advocate violence or hate. Why, then, list them at all? Are they trying to put something in the public’s mind about these “groups?”

The SPLC, the MIAC Report and the Federal government have perverted the true definition of patriot. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a “patriot” as someone “who loves his or her country and supports its authority and interests.” The SPLC says that these groups “define themselves” as “opposed to the ‘New World Order,’ engage in groundless conspiracy theorizing, or advocate or adhere to extreme antigovernment doctrines.”

Shouldn’t Americans be opposed to a “New World Order”? A “New World Order” would be against our sovereignty as both a free country and free individuals. It has also been presented time and again by US officials, as well as foreign leaders, including Gordon Brown of England, who alluded to, and outright commented on, the New World Order many times. In 1991, Former President Bush, Sr. gave a speech in which we would be “forging for ourselves and others a New World Order,” where, oddly enough, he says the “rule of law” will govern. (VN:  well if it governs the way its been going, that means there will be only the rule of law for us and not those in control,  FORGET IT! NO NWO! )   He further talks about the United Nations. The United States has a great “Rule of Law,” the Constitution, yet our elected officials ignore, circumvent, and issue “Presidential Signing Statements” to avoid that law, and have, since the beginning of our country. This idea is not as far-fetched as the SPLC would have you believe and the SPLC would have you look the other way while they defame the true defenders of the “Rule of Law”.


Mark Pittman (1957-2009): Dead at 52 after successfully suing the Federal Reserve

Vatic Note:  What is sad about this is he did not see the derivatives because that is really what killed us more than the subprime market.   We could have plugged through all this if it was only the subprime market, but it wasn't..... its the 60 trillion dollar derivatives and its not over either,  they are going to need bailouts forever to ever reach that recovery for themselves.   Worse, they pay themselves bonuses for getting the tax payer to pay for it.   I believe they had planned all along to use the subprime mortgages to do the bail out to cover up the derivatives bets and it was all part of the plan to bring this economy down to a third world level in order to globalize.  I don't understand why they had to do this in a convoluted and complicated way to bring it down, but it must have been due to multiple agendas which always then takes something simple and complicates it.  It could also further be due to the fact that what they were doing was criminal felony fraud and a RICO conspiracy which means they could be stripped of all ill gotten gains in completing their real agenda of globalizing. 

Mark Pittman (1957-2009):   Dead at 52 after successfully suing the Federal Reserve
Real Econ TV, video Mark Pittman, by MBi 2000 on utube

Bloomberg News reporter Mark Pittman predicted the subprime mortgage crisis, timed the stock market decline of 2008-09 and took on the Federal Reserve. He died Nov. 25, 2009, at the age of 52.
The hero no one talks about

Why is it that the financial news has time for every idiot with an opinion regardless of how loopy, but few people have ever heard of Mark Pittman?

Pittman was the first person in history to sue the Federal Reserve (along with his employer Bloomberg News.)

He won - and you never heard of him.
(VN:  now we know why reporters do not expose anything (or at least some of them), its dangerous to do so)

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


Three Approved GMOs Linked to Organ Damage

Vatic Note:  It is becoming more evident that these happenings in our food, water and air supply are no longer simply an accident or incompetence.   What is clear is, as a species, our lives are clearly under attack,  the weapons are not an AR 15, or an AK 47, rather chemicals in our food, water, and air, and its GMO in our food supply and taking away our ability to choose.  (heritage seeds are rapidly disappearing and going into the rockefeller/Gates artic vault).   So what does one do when war is being conducted against you and you are under attack?   That is the question we will all have to answer at some point, hopefully sooner rather than later.   Sign up for the people to people initiative above this article.

Title:   Three Approved GMOs Linked to Organ Damage
Source:   Food Freedom
By:     Rady Ananda
Date:   01/2010

In what is being described as the first ever and most comprehensive study of the effects of genetically modified foods on mammalian health, researchers have linked organ damage with consumption of Monsanto’s GM maize.

Three varieties of Monsanto’s GM corn – Mon 863, insecticide-producing varieties of Monsanto’s GM corn – Mon 863, insecticide-producing Mon 810, and Roundup® herbicide-absorbing NK 603 – were approved for consumption by US, European and several other national food safety authorities. The data used for this approval, ironically, is the same data that independent researchers studied to make the organ damage link.

The Committee of Independent Research and Information on Genetic Engineering (CRIIGEN) and Universities of Caen and Rouen obtained Monsanto’s confidential raw data of its 2002 feeding trials on rats after a European court made it public in 2005.