Vatic Note: This is up to remind us of why its dangerous to allow a "front" organization for a foreign country and their intel organization, to control a
cabinet department of the United States Government. Notice these groups use "orwellean" double speak continually to distort and distract attention from the dangerous power they have accumulated in our government by using the term "hate" speech or actions, and yet no one engages in it more than they do about Americans. How dare they come in here, take over our gov and use HATE SPEECH to divide Americans, and then blame Americans for speaking against their acts of sedition. They should be in jail just for that alone based on legislation they sponsored and authored and gave to their controlled minions in Congress to pass. I find this very orewellean. Keep an eye on them, they are probably two of the most dangerous organizations to us that are around right now. Its important to point out everytime they do this so others can see the hypocracy of it all. This woman did an excellent job of calling it exactly as it is...... these are the perps that need rooting out of our government so we can reclaim it and all that it has stood for BEFORE they got their tyrannical hands on it and started acting like they do in Palestine.
Exposing the Southern Poverty Law Center… Now It’s Personal!;article=128950
By: By Debbie Morgan, staff writer,
Edited by Gary Franchi
Provided to Vatic project by Graham Jukes
Abe Fox - Mossad and ADL
After recovering from the “news” that the new film Camp FEMA is somehow racist, I thought it might behoove me to take another look. Maybe the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) knows something I don’t about “racism.” After exploring their interesting site, it has become even more clear that they are not on the side of We-the-People. In fact, they may have been founded on some very sound principles, but their present-day agenda is profoundly more nefarious.
Indulge me for a minute please…my family has fought racism throughout our generations. My grandfather preached equality for all in churches in the South. How easy do you think that was to do? My parents did not allow us to use derogatory words, even going so far as to not allow us to use a person’s skin color to describe them. I am still scarred from a battle I had at a United Methodist church in Louisiana, as a seventeen-year old girl, trying to fight racism and politics. Did the Southern Poverty Law Center bother to ask me any questions? No, they didn’t. Believe me, growing up in the South in the ‘60’s and ‘70’s, I know a thing or two about racism!
Many news outlets use the Southern Poverty Law Center to comment on racial issues. There are several; CBS, FoxNews, CNN, the New York Times, Newsweek, the Washington Post, the Associated Press, and more. A group that focuses on hate, The SPLC issues quarterly “reports” about hate…groups, actions, people. In its Spring 2010 Intelligence Report, they claim to have identified 512 “Patriot” groups in the US. (What is wrong with a “Patriot” group?) In their defense, the SPLC does say that being categorized as a “patriot group” does not mean these “groups” advocate violence or hate. Why, then, list them at all? Are they trying to put something in the public’s mind about these “groups?”
The SPLC, the MIAC Report and the Federal government have perverted the true definition of patriot. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a “patriot” as someone “who loves his or her country and supports its authority and interests.” The SPLC says that these groups “define themselves” as “opposed to the ‘New World Order,’ engage in groundless conspiracy theorizing, or advocate or adhere to extreme antigovernment doctrines.”
Shouldn’t Americans be opposed to a “New World Order”? A “New World Order” would be against our sovereignty as both a free country and free individuals. It has also been presented time and again by US officials, as well as foreign leaders, including Gordon Brown of England, who alluded to, and outright commented on, the New World Order many times. In 1991, Former President Bush, Sr. gave a speech in which we would be “forging for ourselves and others a New World Order,” where, oddly enough, he says the “rule of law” will govern.
(VN: well if it governs the way its been going, that means there will be only the rule of law for us and not those in control, FORGET IT! NO NWO! ) He further talks about the United Nations. The United States has a great “Rule of Law,” the Constitution, yet our elected officials ignore, circumvent, and issue “Presidential Signing Statements” to avoid that law, and have, since the beginning of our country. This idea is not as far-fetched as the SPLC would have you believe and the SPLC would have you look the other way while they defame the true defenders of the “Rule of Law”.