Showing posts with label Judiasm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Judiasm. Show all posts



Vatic Note:  My vatic Notes are included below within each section I wish to address.  In this context it was much more appropriate and relevant to the issue at hand.  We all know what the agenda is.  These khazars told us this themselves in 1897, within the protocols.   All you have to do is read them and you will know the truth of the matter.  

Another point to add to this one,  I just heard that Germany, during WW III will not be an ally of America, rather it will side with the  designated war contributor, the Muslims.  I guess we will see if this is true.  I also heard the same about France.   I guess they will have to make the USA the new nazi's in order to pull it off, but then the khazars have infiltrated every area of our military and so I suspect they will succeed, IF WE LET THEM. 

By Brother Nathaneal,  Real Jew News

THE POWER OF GERMAN JEWRY has Merkel in a box. For what the Jews want, Jews get. (VN: What "KHAZARS WANT, KHAZARS GET, lets be accurate here.)

In a Die Welt feature article, “We Jews Know How Bitter Escape Is,” Ronald Lauder of the World Jewish Congress and Dr Josef Schuster of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, attacked Germans who oppose mass migration by non-whites as “neo-nazis.”


Jews Must Face "Dark Side" of Judaism

Vatic Note:  This is a real eye opening write up about the basis for Jewish hatred of Christians as well as their hatred of "Real Semitic Jews" which is the fundation of the Christian Religion.   Herzl, the father of Zionism, called the Judeans weak..... and ineffective.

Is that why the Zionists refused Hitlers offer to let the Jews leave Europe under certain conditions that were not that difficult to meet.  They refused and that ended the Jews in Europe in those camps and death chambers.  So, it was the Zionists who got the Jews Murdered by refusing Hitlers reasonable offer.  

Jews Must Face "Dark Side" of Judaism
By Henry Makow, February 7, 2016