Vatic Note: Remember, these evil members of this cabal always tell us in advance what they intend to do to us and if we do nothing after knowing it all, then we are responsible and they are not in their own minds. Well, in this case they told us their plan when they made and distributed all those "ZOMBIE MOVIES", since these same zionist khazars own the movie industry, which also explains all those false flag productions.
Lets also remember on this site off to the right, when you scroll down is a link to the protocols of the elders of Zion written in 1897, which clearly states one of their objectives for gaining control over the planet was to attack our children and make them into the kind of adults (people being socially engineered) that would be so dumbed down, that they would believe and do anything these khazars tell them to do and thus become the compliant, non rebellious subjects and slaves that the cabal needs to pull off this domination of the globe .
If we care about our children, the future of our countries, and freedom, then we best get busy turning all of this around by whatever means we can and as soon as we can. This soft kill program, as part of the depopulation agenda, as outlined in the Georgia Guide-stones, must be exposed and stopped and that includes Chem-trails, fluoride in our water Otherwise, we are then truly responsible, if we do nothing.
This below proves just how stacked the system is against the people and in favor of the drug companies, with little or no recourse by those harmed. This is a condition that would demand revolution, since holding a
criminal accountable for his crimes is a hard rock part of our criminal justice system, and these companies and the CDC know exactly what they are doing and doing so intentionally, which makes this a felony assault at the very least and felony first degree attempted murder, with "murder" as the very most. Nuremberg trials need to be started again. If the system won't do it, then we must.
Dumbing Down Society Part 2: Mercury in Foods and Vaccines
By Admin, Vigilant Citizen
Even though mercury is known to degenerate brain neurons and disrupt the central nervous system, it is still found in processed foods and mandatory vaccines.
In this second part of the series examining the intentional dumbing-down of society, this article will discuss the presence of mercury in common foods and vaccines.