Clerk Update: The
September Clues rabbit hole is considered disinformation today. The deceit and error in their ways was discovered. It is still interesting to review to see an excellent example of disinformation. Nuggets of truth exist that still need saving.
Bruecke Note: Like all of
September Clues, this article doesn't indict Israeli Zionists, the US Government, or the US military. It focuses on the role media played in the conspiracy. This is an important hurdle for the public to overcome. The fourth estate isn't as independent (or as liberal) as they advertise. They are a corporation driven by profits, and will do foot work to aid administrations in messaging in exchange for favorable legislation to their expanding empires. Due to their distinctive role in 9/11, it is well to paid heed to the games being played regarding internet legislation versus certain telecommunication and internet corporation giants.
Who did it? Why? How many are involved?
No single study of the 9/11 lie can have the pretense to pinpoint each and every accomplice of such a gigantic scam. Nevertheless, the evidence presented in this research establishes beyond any reasonable doubt the pro-active complicity of the news industry - to an extent previously considered unthinkable. The realization that the
news media would play along with that queer gang of megalomaniacs improperly called "the world elite" takes many people by surprise. Some will object: “Wait a minute, wasn’t journalism's original duty precisely that of checking each and every move of politicians and governing bodies?” In principle, yes. Yet, today, anyone still believing this old fairy tale must be - with no offense intended - daydreaming persons of the very naïve kind. Whatever idealism may have existed in journalism’s heydays has slumped into blind subservience to the rogue warmongers of this world.
This is how one could summarize the current, sorry state of affairs : Today, the self-titled "world elite", their favored military top brass and a gang of media moguls form a rogue triad which, to use their own terminology, may truly deserve the tag of 'axis of evil'. Of course, large corporations of all kinds cling to this obligatory power-bandwagon of business opportunities. The news media represents its trusty propaganda arm, tasked with keeping the public 'happy', misinformed and apathetic. Their unchallenged power of mass control is routinely used to accomodate the triad's common, compulsive disorder : a pathological lust for greed and power. This gang of coalesced misfits live in a world of their own and have been playing havoc with the civilized society for too long. It is for the men & women of soundness, integrity and excellence to stop this madness.
The implications of all this are, of course, rather disturbing: many people will either refuse to assess them point blank, shrug them away in resignation and retreat into a “What-could-I-ever-do-about-it?”-mode. This is most unfortunate since it is akin to saying : "I am an impotent dupe and I have no solution for it". I doubt any self-respecting individual would feel comfortable with such a stance. Possible solutions? A first, smart & simple action would be to disarm that Weapon of Mass Distraction sitting in everyone’s living room: switch it off for good – or at the very least tune it to the rare, unharmful channels only. Your life – and that of your children - will fare all the better for it.