Vatic Note: Its genuinely amazing what we did not know until all this began or at least became visible to us in the alternative news world. This below simply boggles the mind as well as how long this has been the case. Keep in mind how our entire image of communism has been fed to us over hundreds of years through press, movies, and most importantly, our education and publishing system. We should have guessed about Henry when he sold out our POW's and MIA's during the Viet Nam war ending negotiations. To this day, they have never been returned to us. Also remember, who is the father of Communism. Does the name Karl Marks ring a bell?
Having said that, The Vatic project has been saying for a very long time, that Russia is as much a part of the globalists plan as are all other countries mentioned, such as Britain, France, etc. In fact, the entire WW III is a planned manufactured bogus false flag attempt, in order to obtain relief for the fiat currency bankers whenever the system begins to appear to be ready to collapse, then WW's help to drag these 1 percenters out of the mired mess they have created leaving the rest of us to carry the burden and cost of such fraudulent actions by the central bankers.
When everyone was starting to make Putin a hero, we pointed out that he would never have made KGB head if he had not been one of the khazar bankers minions. He also has 40 billion dollars in the bank and he did not get that by being an independant leader. Remember, it was the khazars that took over Russia in 1917 and they have controlled it ever since. So, if Putin is President, there is a good reason for it and especially since the PTB have made no move to remove him.
Given Rothschild's control of China through their brokerage house, "Goldman Sachs" , it goes to show a continuation of the game these bankers play where both sides of the World war are in on it and a loser and winner are designated in advance, with the elements of war are used to ensure the outcome. Right now, We are the designated losers of this war and we did several blogs proving why that was the case. Lets also not forget that Goldman Sachs is one of the company owners of our Federal Reserve. Check out their board of directors.
As usual, you read and decide.
Henry Kissinger, Communist Agent?
By Henry Makow, October 29, 2015
We revisit Charlotte Iserbyt's 2002 essay which suggests that the US and USSR are joined at the hip, and that the emerging New World Order manifests this hidden
Communist control.
A defector told Iserbyt that "he sat in on meetings [at the Kremlin between 1965-1975] at which David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger were often present."