Showing posts with label NWO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NWO. Show all posts




Date: 2016-11-17

And it's not for humanitarian reasons. This video needs to be circulated far and wide, so please do what you can to make that happen, and subscribe to SyrianGirlpartisan; links are below. Thank you.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


The Illuminati - Documentary Conspiracy

Clerk Note: Sent in by an alert reader.


The Illuminati - Documentary Conspiracy

By: Documentaries TV
Date: 2016-07-16

This is a giant geopsychopolitical picture and things are happening with the use of subliminal indirect reverse psychological propaganda...

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It's made to be confusing by the evilarchy that controls not only the United States but Britain. The documentary illustrates how this Illuminati, this group who calls themselves the enlightened ones, had gained positions of power through control of the banking system. Billions of people on planet earth are living in ignorance. Before your very eyes, politicians are advancing a global plan.

Since the time of Napoleon, secret societies have been influencing politicians to take over and conquer Europe. Now, in the 21st century, their work of ages is coming to fruition. The New World Order is about the centralization of power. It's about silencing any public criticism of the system. It's about commercializing and selling everything as a product. It's about letting China torture students and still allowing them to host the Olympics. It's about closing down government owned schools and hospitals, turning them into apartments, and then letting private companies make profits from teaching your children or selling you drugs. The secret societies and political organizations running the New World Order use various symbols and numbers. Once you learn their secret language, you too will have the All Seeing Eye.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


"Protocols of Zion" is the NWO Blueprint

Vatic Note:  Henry Makow, PH,D should have known about and should have   talked about the  protocols and who wrote them and why they believe we are nothing but their functioning cattle.  There was a judge, Moore, who was suspended,also had his 10 commandent statue removed from the Alabama Judicial Building.  In the meantime, it was the Khazar Rothschild bankers that created the protocols of the Elers of Zion, based on a congress of those who call themselves Jews, b ut are really Khazars.

This issue has been going on for sometime now after it started back in 2003.   The people and their justice system lost, while the Satanists won to a limited degree, but they are not finished with their global agenda.  So we will just have to decide "what kind of world and justice system do we want" for our nation.   and then move on it by any means necessary.

This is a very spiritual and courgeous man.  He could have just shut up and kept his mouth closed, but right willed out over might.  Thank goodness.  This basically says it all.  Without God, we have no rights and that is why these satanists are trying to make God disappear so we quit having our moral base from which to operate.  Its what these same khazars did to the Russian Christians back in 1917 and it worked.  The faith had to go underground in order to survive but people hung onto to their belief system. 
FUND RAISING:  We definitely make our monthly deficit needs. But now, we have another problem.  In taking some advise from readers, I have decided to try a remedy for my cancer, but it costs more than I can afford on my paultry social security.  So any help from our readers who can afford to donate will be greatly appreciated.  After all, this is a life or death issue now.  So, if you can afford to donate, please do so at the Pay Pal button off to the right of the blog.  If this works I hope to be back up to 3 a day as was the case before my illness.  Thanks in advance for caring and sharing to save a life.  
"Protocols of Zion" is the NWO Blueprint
By Henry Makow, PH. D. 


A VATIC MUST READ: Weaponized Cell Towers Are Directly Related to Why Chemtrails Are Sprayed (Video)

Vatic Note:  We, here in Pagosa, just went through this battle between the residents and verizon et al.  The people won round one, but there is more to come, and we know it.  We have millions of people on our side and they have no one, and one thing about mind control, is, its a  lot harder to do when the people are aware that its being done and that is where our hope lies.

This is definitely a MUST READ!!!!!  Don't be afraid, BE MAD!!!!

Weaponized Cell Towers Are Directly Related to Why Chemtrails Are Sprayed (Video) 
By Voice of Reason, Before It's News, February 28, 2016

Beginning with his 1905 United States patent number 787,412, Nikola Tesla pioneered the use of a certain type of electromagnetic energy called extremely-low frequency (ELF). This is a specific type of energy known to be used in the New Manhattan Project; the other being very-low frequency (VLF) electromagnetic energy. If you’ve read the following two articles already, then you’ll know all about the nefarious nature of where this is all leading… 


Preston James VT 4-8-16… “Exclusive: The Coming Shift to the Esoteric” (or, “Holy Crap… this Is a Big One from Preston!”)

Vatic Note:  Are these terrorists they talk about below, a result of the mind control and torture they did in guantanamo to those in the middle east that were made into terrorists??? Thats one of the questions that came to mind.

Every one knows that the CIA was created by the MI6, and Truman complained from the beginning, he wished he had never created the CIA, because he does not know what they were doing.  He said, he did not know who they worked for since they never report to him.  So this is not news to those of us who have studied these issues.

There are alot of things in this article, which is very lengthy, that are simply a way of misdirecting our attention from the true facts, and for us to focus on what they want us to believe.  I keep remembering Jay Rockefellers ourburst in one of his committee meetings where he said "THE INTERNET IS RUINING EVERYTHING"! IT SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN CREATED" And he was serious as a heart attack when he said it.

They have also tried to turn it around and use it against us.  Preston might truly believe what he writes, but its clear the people pointed out to use for blame for all that is happening is clearly written up in the protocols as far back as 1897, long before all of this has happened.  Any one with a brain has to question these facts.  Let's also not forget the Iron Mountain report that recommended using the invasion of bogus aliens to justfiy the NWO as they planned on having it. Of course he uses a lot of truth to justify the way he wants us to believe.  So be cautious, judicious and careful. Also remember Bill Cooper who they killed.

This is a very interesting article and perspective.   I have included Vatic Notes in much of it below and as I see more and contemplate them, I will add more to the article in the way of VN's.  So enjoy the read and see what you think. 

Preston James VT 4-8-16… “Exclusive: The Coming Shift to the Esoteric” (or, “Holy Crap… this Is a Big One from Preston!”
By Kauilapele,  Before Its News
Wow!! As I was copying this one, I realized how long it is… 8 sections, plus an update with a couple more added videos!


The UN Plans To Implement Universal Biometric Identification For All Of Humanity By 2030

Vatic Note:   First thing that hit me in this article was the fact that a central data base was to be located in Switzerland, the home base of the khazar Rothschild bankers, and so right away I knew who the controllers were, at least as long as they want to be controlled.   Its the International bankers who are also khazars.  Switzerland is also the home of the BIS, the Bank of International Settlements. 

The second thing that hit me, was the smart meters and the G-20 global spy grid the bankers and illums want to create, so they can track our every move and do so on a global level, so what we are going through here, is going on all over the planet.   Maybe we should consider stopping all this before they succeed in their depopulation plans.  Ya Think????  

The UN Plans To Implement Universal Biometric Identification For All Of Humanity By 2030
By Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog, on November 1st, 2015 


The Control-Matrix is Crashing because the Truth-Seekers are Winning

Vatic Note:  This is one of the most encouraging writings I have read in a long time and I believe it fully, since doing this blog, I get to see the progression and awakening of those who were sheep and questioned nothing and trusted everyone in media and government.  Its almost completely shifted to the opposite direction.  No one believes the media anymore, which may well force them into picking up and printing what we have exposed,  no one believes the politicians either.

Trump's rise in the polls, proves that point fully.  No one believes a professional politician anymore nor anyone already in government.  Even the CDC and scientists are on the hot seat for their betrayals of their fiduciary responsiblity to the public in their various fields of science.

Schools are no longer trusted and that is reflected by the fact that homeschooling is at record levels, and now groups of parents home school and stay in touch with each other and then after so called "school", they get the kids together and provide social activities so they can continue with their peer development that school activities provided.  Now its in neighborhoods.  Are we seeing the resurgence of our neighborhood controlled schools, that took us to 2nd place world wide in education????  I wonder.........

Well, read this and take heart.

The Control-Matrix is Crashing because the Truth-Seekers are Winning 
by Admin, The Mind Unleashed, Feb 7, 2016


Group of Satanists Sacrifice and Eat People in North Carolina - Arrested

Vatic Note:   This should not surprise most of my readers, since we have tied Satanism into the movement toward a New World Order.   Remember, it was the Satanists who ordered and paid for the Georgia Guidestones.   It was also the khazars that have admitted their Satanist Connections.   

That does not mean there is a direct connection of this act below to the Illum bloodlines that we discuss and expose all the time.  However, this Satanism is prevalent in our culture because of the social engineering and Kabbalistic treatment of the Old Testament, by the evil ones.  Just look at how dead these eyes are on this person below.

This is the kind of world we will inherit if we do not fight back before its too late. The evil we are seeing and experiencing in our world, is becoming far too blatant and prevalent, thus it must be stopped before it becomes the norm and our children become at risk in being both offender and victim.

Watch this below and see what I mean.

Group of Satanists Sacrifice and Eat People in North Carolina - Arrested
Published on Nov 10, 2014
A Group of Satanists Who Sacrificed and Ate People in North Carolina Have Been Arrested.


Prometheism: The Backbone of the NWO Strategy to Isolate and Conquer Russia

Vatic Note:    I immediately refer you to the book written by Zbig Breszinzki, called "The Grand Chessboard:  American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives."  And what it is is a blueprint for Zionist and fascist domination of Russia, which was lost when Russia became a democracy.  Remember Zbig is a protege of Kissinger who is a zionist big time and works for the International Rothschild bankers.  That includes Rockefeller.

Russia has enormous land and natural resources that will make the country rich and independant of the global tyrants trying to take control.  Those resources and land are what these shadow government globalists are after.  This is an excellent analysis and read for anyone interested in this issue of global domination from so many angles, especially as it relates to the planned WW III, that has nothing to do with Muslims, rather to do with taking control of major economic power house countries.

 As we have seen, these evil ones have demoralized our military and taken equipment from them, etc and that demoralization can determine the outcome of a major war as it has in the past. In order for the "fiat Currency system" to work, it requires a World War to recoup any losses for the Zionist Rothschild bankers.

This is just one of many we have covered, including the destruction of Christianity and Muslim religions in order to provide a safe place for Satanism to grow and take control of the moral compass of the planet, which is non at all.  Evil will prevail if they succeed and become the norm, its happening already.

Prometheism: The Backbone of the NWO Strategy to Isolate and Conquer Russia
By  Admin, Dublinsmick, December 20, 2015


Rand Paul: The United States Supported ISIS

Vatic Note: Unlike his father, I think Rand Paul wants so badly to be President that he went a very long time without exposing what he has exposed in this article.  Do I trust him?  I don't know.  I decided I will vote for whoever, I  "DISTRUST" the least and right now that is Trump who calls a spade a spade and who is NOT politically correct and has taken no money from lobbyists.

Rand Paul has done no harm in disclosing this, because everyone has known about the close ties between Israel and the USA and how that translated into Israel's creation of the ISIS group and the USA and Britain's support for it. So you read and decide.

We are now asking you once again, to contribute toward our deficit of $140 that we need by the 1st of the month. That is 11 days away, we are beginning now, so we make it by that time.   We are so grateful for your support in so many ways.  A special thanks to all those that have contributed so far that has helped us toward meeting our goal, hopefully "before", the deadline of the first. 

If you can afford it please donate off to the right of the blog.  God Bless you and your family in all things.   So stay with us til the first and hopefully, you will be able to contribute so we can continue our work in educating, researching and informingITS BEEN QUITE A JOURNEY..... and its not over yet.....

Rand Paul: The United States Supported ISIS
By Jonas E. Alexis,  Veterans Today,  November 22, 2015

Well, Mr. Rand Paul, welcome to Veterans Today. You are catching up with what we have been saying, and that’s a good thing. That also means that you have some moral and intellectual integrity.

"Wait a minute. You mean to tell me that you didn't know that we supported ISIS? I think you have been listening to Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity too much.
“Wait a minute. You mean to tell me that you didn’t know that we supported ISIS? I think you have been listening to Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity too much.
These people will poison your mind about the Middle East. Really.”

…by Jonas E. Alexis

Rand Paul has literally blown everything out of proportion by saying that America has supported ISIS. Although this is now common knowledge, and although Assad has been saying this for a long time, so-called Republican presidential candidates have been hiding this fact from their supporters. Speaking of the terrorist group, Paul said:
Most of these people do not have the sophistication to make arms so they get the arms from other folks.
“Right now ISIS has a billion dollars’ worth of U.S. Humvees, they have a billion dollars in cash they stole from us and they pay their soldiers with but they have anti-tank weapons and missiles they fire from the shoulder that were basically given to people in the Syrian civil war and taken by ISIS.”

We continue to read:
“During the Libyan civil war, 15,000 shoulder-to-air missiles made by the United States disappeared, he added. ‘That’s why there is a concern that airliners might be taken down by shoulder-to-air missiles. … That might be a good reason for why we should’ve thought long and hard before we agreed with Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to get involved in a war in Libya.’”

Newsmax, which is a Zionist machine, says:

“Paul said he believes the CIA’s presence in Libya had something to do either with getting shoulder-fired missiles to Syrian rebels or someone else and out of the hands of terrorists.
“Paul said he wants to do everything possible to keep Americans safe, but said he doesn’t think that includes the current policy of siding with al-Qaida-linked rebels in Syria against President Bashar Assad. Taking out Assad will only create a vacuum like the United States did in Iraq when it removed Saddam Husseing from power, he said.”
Well, Mr. Rand Paul, welcome to Veterans Today. You are catching up with what we have been saying, and that’s a good thing. For the past two years or so, VT writers have been independently documented that the United States is an accomplice in creating and funding ISIS.
Rand Paul has recently said something that is counterproductive to what NWO agents have been doing for the past five years or so:
So when they stand up on television and says, ‘the tragedy in Paris means you have to give up your liberty. We need more phone surveillance.’ Bullshit!”
Well, Mr. Paul, NWO agents have been producing what you call “bullshit” for a long time. And we are all getting tired of this. Even Senator Richard Black is now saying that the “war on Syria was an unlawful war of aggression.” This is why we would like to invite you to support our friendly neighborhood, Vladimir Putin, who continues to destroy ISIS in Syria. As Gordon Duff has recently pointed out,

“Calling it anything else is insane.  America is pouring supplies into Syria and Iraq, to more than simply ‘moderate extremists.’  Hell, America has set up a base inside Iraq to resupply ISIS.  3000 American soldiers serving in Iraq are out there for the holidays, pouring arms into the hands of terrorists while waiting to be returned home, thanked for their service, and thrown on the trash heap.
“With 90 percent of the war inside Syria and America flying few and usually no missions there at all, is it a wonder when Russia magically discovered 500 fuel trucks that pour millions of in profits into the coffers of John McCain’s friends and business partners.”
You see, Putin is certainly laughing at Obama’s recent statement, which goes like this: “Destroying ISIL is not only a realistic goal. It’s gonna get done.”[1]
I can imagine Putin thinking,

“Did Obama read Frankenstein? If so, did he read it to the end? How can this skinny man support and then fight ISIS at the same time? Who is he working for? 

Does he mean to tell us that we need to ignore Seymour M. Hersh’s report,[2] which basically said that the U.S. was highly involved in promoting the lie that Assad used chemical weapons on his own people?

“Obama certainly can’t be that stupid. He is certainly working for someone or some entity. I think I may have some clues of who his boss is.”
And we all know the answer to that puzzle as well.

[1] “Obama: GOP attacks on refugees help ISIL,” Politico, November 22, 2015.
[2] Seymour M. Hersh, “The Red Line and the Rat Line,” London Review of Books, April 17, 2014.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


NWO Following Deranged Jewish (VN: Khazar.....) Blueprint?

Vatic Note:    I believe that this cabal he is discussing below, are religiously "Luciferians" and thus satanists.  But this explains exactly what that looks like and I remember reading the same thing from a Barry Chamish book several years ago, so there is precedence for this view of the khazar Zionist bankers behavior, their success so far, but also for their failures from past tries at this. 

He also says, as I have done, that the protocols were approved by the ashkenazi khazar Jews of Europe and in 1897 written up afterwards by Rothschild and I believe that to be the case and why they are followed today like a serious blueprint.  All you have to do is read them and its all right there for us to see.

Finally, I have included the comments section for this since many of them were very enlightening as well.  Its interesting to see the variety of perspectives on this issue.   You read and decide.

NWO Following Deranged Jewish Blueprint?
By  Chris Jon Bjerknes,  Henry Makow,  December 11, 2015


Chris Jon Bjerknes has been off my radar for eight years
but his dire warnings about the Illuminati following a 
apocalyptic agenda in the Bible seem to be coming true. 

He says redemption requires that the Rothschilds
("the King of the Jews") rule the world after a global calamity. 
(What Every Jew and Non-Jew Should Know updated from July 22, 2007

By Henry Makow Ph.D.

A Chicago-area scholar, Christopher Jon Bjerknes, 50, thinks he knows what plagues mankind and believes his knowledge is necessary to stop Armageddon.

He says a heretical cult, the "Sabbatean Frankists," controls organized Jewry, including Zionism and Freemasonry. They began as followers of Sabbatai Zvi (1626-1676) and later Jacob Frank (1726-1791.) They believe Sabbatai was the Messiah (God) and his soul has transmigrated down to the Rothschild dynasty, who are now the "King of the Jews." (VN: remember, these Jews he is discussing are not the ones of the Bible, rather they are the non DNA Jews of the Khazars with not one ounce of DNA blood in them. They are a mix of turks and mongols.)

According to their messianic system, Redemption requires that the Rothschilds become God, i.e. King of the World. This will see the sacrifice of 2/3 of all Jews and the destruction and enslavement of the rest of mankind. Bjerknes believes this demented creed actually is the motive force behind history, including all wars, and "world government."

Bjerknes (B-YERK-NES)  is proud of his Norwegian part-Jewish heritage, ( maternal grandfather, a famous musician, was Jewish.) He has written two massive books-- one about Albert Einstein as a plagiarist, and another about the Sabbatean inspired Armenian Genocide -- that include hundreds of pages of suppressed Jewish history. They can be found as PDFs at his web site

His message is compelling and consistent with the Protocols of Zion where the author (whom I suspect is Lionel Rothschild) talks about coming into his "kingdom."

The Sabbateans believe their king is duty bound to restore the Jews to Israel and exterminate the Gentiles. They believe the Messiah won't appear until the world succumbs to evil and are determined to make this prophecy self-fulfilling. Thus evil is good. In Bjerknes' view, this constitutes a "Jewish war against humanity." 

The Sabbateans are often sexual degenerates who engage in wife swapping, orgies and incest. They often pretend to be Christians or Moslems to worm their way into Gentile society in order to destroy it. (Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians, pp.64-65.)

Bjerknes cites Deuteronomy as an example of this Jewish supremacism: "the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. " (7-16) "And all people of the earth shall see that thou art called by the name of the LORD; and they shall be afraid of you." (28:10)

He points to Zachariah [13;8-9] as evidence that Jews will be slaughtered: "And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the LORD, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein."

[9] "And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The LORD is my God." (He also cites Ezekiel 5:12-13 to this effect.)

On pp. 43-46 of Jewish Genocide, Bjerknes cites references from the Talmud and the Old Testament to the plan to exterminate and enslave Gentiles.

For example ,Genesis 25;23, and 27;38-41 promises the Gentiles to the Jews as their slaves and slave soldiers, and gives an incentive to exterminate the Gentiles simply because they dare resent their fate.


At the beginning of the 19th century, the Rothschilds started campaigning to return the Jews to Israel, purchasing land there and scheming to breakup the Ottoman Empire. They later bought the Suez Canal to project their power into the Middle East. Bjerknes writes:

"The ruin of the Turkish Empire and the mass murder of the Armenian Christians were one step on the long and tumultuous Jewish march toward the death of mankind. The ruin of the Russian empire was another, followed by the repeated destruction of Europe, particularly Germany in the World Wars this Jewish cult created in an attempt to artificially fulfill Messianic prophecy and force the Jews of Europe against their will to flee to Palestine." (66)

According to Bjerknes, Jewish support was the only thing lacking in the Rothschilds' plan to establish a world government in Jerusalem, with them as king:

"They could bankrupt Egypt and Turkey. They could bring Russia to ruins. They could buy Jewish ne'er-do-wells. They could even buy the Pope but the only way to force Jews in large numbers to Palestine was to put Hitler and Stalin in power and persecute Jews on a massive and unprecedented scale." (291)  (VN:  we proved this point several times with this link. Read it and see if you agree)


Bjerknes has a poignant warning to Christians:

"In the Jewish dominated media of today, we find many Jews preaching to the public that the end times are coming and that Christians ought to view their own destruction in a positive light as if it were the divine fulfillment of Christian and Jewish prophecy. Many Christians have been duped by these charlatan...the destruction of the world and its nations is occurring as the result of the deliberate intervention of immensely wealthy Jews and not as the result of God's will. These Jewish leaders view the Hebrew Bible as a plan, which they are deliberately fulfilling.... (327)

In an email, Bjerknes writes that intermarriage is part of the "Jewish" strategy:

"I believe that powerful Jewish interests have been deliberately attempting to fulfill Jewish messianic prophecy for 2,500 years and have duped many Gentiles into helping them obtain their objectives. They have also recruited many Gentiles through intermarriage, friendship and selfish interests, who are not dupes, but commit inhuman acts out of greed, vanity, or for other immoral reasons. Do they believe that what they are doing is evil? I suspect some do."


Lately Bjerknes seems focused on Donald Trump.
"It is truly shameful that we Americans tolerate this Jewish media which not only tries to train and brainwash Trump to stop speaking out for Americans' best interests, but in doing so, and in countless other ways, is training and brainwashing Americans to abandon our own best interests in favor of those who would destroy us."
He also thinks Putin, far from being a defender of Christianity, is controlled by the "Jews."
Today, the Russian Soviets are controlling ISIS to bring about communist revolution in Islam and war. They will pretend to fight ISIS so as to enter these nations with military presence and to gain all the intelligence of the opposition. The Soviet Jews will then have complete control over the process of bolshevising Islam and surrounding Israel with jew State control over all human activity.
The Jews are also destroying the White Race in this endeavor to bolshevize Islam. They are flooding our countries with hostile anti-Whites, wrecking our economies with the thievery of communist China and providing the Chinese with our industrial and military secrets. They have begun to flood our nations with Asians and KGB propaganda and are threatening us with nuclear war from their communist States."

Let's hope Chris Jon Bjerknes is wrong about this.


Related: Bjerknes Interview with Makow 

Chris Jon Bjerknes Tears Apart the Old Testament 
Bjerknes Blog 

Makow Comment:  Ten years ago I wrote: "Does the New World Order serve a "Jewish" agenda or a banker elite agenda? I would venture that it serves the latter, and the Jewish people are an instrument of this agenda like so many other people. By giving private individuals the ability to create money out of nothing, we have created a monster which threatens to devour the planet and with it the human race." 

What I wrote is still true. But after reading this quote from The Jewish World of Feb 9, 1883, I am beginning to think Bjerknes was also right; the banker and "Jewish" agenda are one :
"The dispersion of the Jews has rendered them a cosmopolitan people. They are the only cosmopolitan people and in this capacity must act and are acting, as a solvent of national and racial differences. The great Ideal of Judaism is ...that the whole world shall be imbued with Jewish teachings, and that in a universal Brotherhood of Nations - a greater Judaism, in fact -- all the separate races [and nations] and religions shall disappear." 

First Comment from JG:
This article answers a lot of questions for both the Jew and Gentile and hypothesizes the root cause of all this mayhem that has plagued this planet especially over the last 100 years so very well.
I don't believe money or Jewish philosophy to be the motivating factor in the House of Rothschild's plan here. Both are just tools. It would have to be something more powerful than that to keep this plan so active and effective with the success that it has had to date.
There would have to be some perverse existing religious belief amongst them that would justify it all and ease their conscience. The twisted believe that you are fulfilling God's will by creating every hellbent scheme against humanity along with all the genocides as well is a heresy at best.
- See more at:

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


The Paris False Flag Attacks: Absolutely Must See Video Destroys Fake Paris Attacks, ISIS, And Exposes The "New World Order"!

Vatic Note:  This is amazing.  This is an excellent presentation about France and their real agenda for their sponsored terrorism, in fact, its about the globalists and their hired thugs to destabilize western nations, especially in Europe.   

This announcer keeps saying "America" is doing all this and never mentions the globalist khazar bankers or ISRAEL run by those same Khazars.  Vatic project has been saying for a long time now,  these khazars are trying to make America the new Nazi's so the world will fight against them and insure that we lose the war.  We are the biggest Christian nation on the planet so far, so of course we are a target. 

I believe their focus is to keep the eye off the "REAL BALL" which is Israel and Rothschild. The "ILLUMINATI" have always wanted us focused on the wrong players in order to facilitate the start of WW III.  But, AS USUAL, their game has been exposed and as we all know,  "EXPOSURE IS A WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION" when the fascists are small in number of about half million and the resisters could number up to 6 BILLION.  

Its going to be interesting to see  how this plays out, since the Illums have misjudged and miscalculated just about every move they have made so far.  I believe we have a good chance of overcoming them.  

THE KEY IS TO STAY UNITED AND UNDERSTAND THAT ALL OF US ARE THEIR TARGET..... BOTH MUSLIMS AND CHRISTIANS AND IF WE UNITE AGAINST THE KHAZARS AND ISRAEL, they don't have a prayer in succeeding, resulting ONCE AGAIN, in failure over their many-tried takeovers, historically. 

The leadership of France and Britain are fully owned by Rothschild and Israel as is the United States.  I keep harkening back to Israel's Sharon's edict, that "Israel owns America and she will do whatever Israel tells her to do" and he also made the point that even Americans know this.  Its true and maybe that is why Sharon was attacked:   for spilling the globalist fascists satanic "beans".  

One thing is certain,  none of this can happen on a global scale, unless these globalists, confiscate our guns.  Right now, they have not been able to do so, but have been preparing to violently take them from us, by using our Homeland Security (Storm troopers) dept, to do so.  When they finally take that step, you will know the end is near and this is it.  We fight to the death or die without resistance.  After that comes the zombification of those who remain.  

That "UNQUESTIONING OBEDIENCE" to the globalists agenda and methods is essential for all of this to work as they have planned.  Frankly,  I don't see that ever happening.   They might be able to reduce the population because so many are unprepared, but unfortunately for the globlists, that is the population they want to survive to do the slave labor they need to make this fascism work.  Instead the survivors will be the resisters, who are willing to fight to the death.  

Another miscalculation on the part of the Satanists.  So whats new?  They have no clue about the Human psyche and heart, and that will be their down fall. Their big mistake was creating America in the first place.  You read and watch the video and decide what you think and share all this with your cadre of contacts. 

The Paris False Flag Attacks: Absolutely Must See Video Destroys Fake Paris Attacks, ISIS, And Exposes The "New World Order"!
By Northern Truthseeker,   November 17, 2015

I had originally wanted to take today as a "no blogging" day due to other commitments... However, the troubles we see world wide are only escalating and I and others in the real truth movement are now fighting against time itself in trying to awaken people to the real dangers we face....


A VATIC MUST WATCH VIDEO: RT Just Destroyed Fake News on Paris, ISIS and the NWO! Wow!

Vatic Note:   This below is one of the very best overviews of the Paris so called terror acts, and of what is truly going on and who the  various players really are.   Our research fully supports what he is saying and its worth the listen if you want to fight back.

The only weakness in his presentation is no explanation as to "why" we are involved in this war against civilians all over the middle east and Europe and why they are blaming the Muslims.   I would love to hear how he sees that part of it.

He also neglects to mention the  role of Zionists in this farce, as well as the take over of the USA by the Zionists who then use our advanced weapons, psy ops, intel agencies, etc.  All of this is first to create "greater Israel" for the khazars. Second, its to save those involved in the fiat currency scheme.

Then to usher in WW III to save the global fiat currency system for the Rothschild/Rockefeller bankers, and finally to finish globalizing and creating the chaos needed to accomplish that agenda.   

(My take on this:  What we are seeing is a massive increase in the Zionist Fascists attempted take over of the western and eastern worlds.  And to institutionalize FASCISM and Satanism throughout the globe turning all residents into slaves and depopulating those useless feeders and resisters.)   Its worth a listen.

One final comment:  After watching and listening and reading this interview, I say "THANK GOD, AND OUR FORFATHERS, THAT WE ARE ARMED AND I RECOMMEND THE REST OF THE WORLD DO THE SAME, IF YOU WANT TO SURVIVE AND THRIVE"!!! 


We are again asking for the deficit of $350 for the first of the month. Due to an immediate donor we are now down to $335 that we need by the 1st of the month.  Again we are working on trying to end this, however, its going to take some time.  Until then we need your help to stay on the net, thats if the harassment doesn't increase as it has recently.  We are so grateful for your support in so many ways. 

If you can afford it please donate off to the right of the blog.  God Bless you and your family in all things. 

RT Just Destroyed Fake News on Paris, ISIS and the NWO! Wow!
By Glenn Canady,  Before Its News,  November 15,  2015

You’ll see more truth in 10 minutes from RT in this interview than in 10 years of watching the Fake News in the USA!   RT just made our news look like the disgusting lying pigs they are as they put on Geared O’Colman in Paris!  I’ve never seen this guy before but he really impressed me!


Feckless Goyim Downplay Protocols of Zion

Vatic Note:  I so agree with Henry on this subject.   I have met many Jews in my life and the fact that what I had experienced was so alien to what I was reading that I decided to go down a rabbithole to prove it was not the real semitic Jews of the Bible, that were doing all of this and sure enough, I was right.  Even Netanyahu was honest and admitted that the Jews of Israel were khazars. 

I discovered the khazars,  the cabalists,  the Satan worshipping non semitic Ashkenazi Jews who migrated into eastern Europe from their homeland Khazaria once it was broken up into much smaller countries.  Henry is very brave to take these issues on, since he is Jewish and is patently honest in what he finds, researches and feels about this subject.

There are many such honest and candid Jews speaking truth to power and many were treated like second class citizens in Israel when they migrated there, and finally had to seek asylum in both London and New  York, due to the  violence against them by those same khazars.

What is real is that the protocols have been PROVEN TO BE REAL AND VALID. In 1919 the Congress and Military intel jointly investigated the protocols and their gensis, and proved through documentation and testamony that they were indeed true and their resulting report was and still is in the Library of Congress.
Further in 1938 A court also ruled from a trial, that the protocols were real and legitimate.  No one has countered either of those two sources. 

By downplaying the protocols,  the goyim is signing his own death warrant.  These protocols are so revealing and matching what we are seeing today, that they are proving them to be real themselves.    As such, we must wake up and prepare and counter these protocols.

Get your children away from MTV, for example, and direct them into other more high level esoteric pursuits.  Monitor what they are being exposed to in the class room since sex education is beginning to take on a much different tone than what we thought it was suppose to be.   That is something that should be done in the home between parents and their offspring AT THE APPROPRIATE AGE.  Also take note if they are being exposed to Satanism and the associated horrors that entails.   Anyway, this is  good read below and should be seriously pondered and considered.


We are again asking for the deficit of $350 for the first of the month. Due to an immediate donor we are now down to $335 that we need by the 1st of the month.  Again we are working on trying to end this, however, its going to take some time.  Until then we need your help to stay on the net, thats if the harassment doesn't increase as it has recently.  We are so grateful for your support in so many ways. 

If you can afford it please donate off to the right of the blog.  God Bless you and your family in all things. 

Feckless Goyim Downplay Protocols of Zion
by Henry Makow Ph.D.,  May 25, 2014

An example of the colonized goy mind
is when David Duke says
the Protocols of Zion
are "a work of imagination."


Henry Kissinger, Communist Agent?

Vatic Note:   Its genuinely amazing what we did not know until all this began or at least became visible to us in the alternative news world. This below simply boggles the mind as well as how long this has been the case.  Keep in mind how our entire image of communism has been fed to us over hundreds of years through press, movies, and most importantly, our education and publishing system. We should have guessed about Henry when he sold out our POW's and MIA's during the Viet Nam war ending negotiations.  To this day, they have never been returned to us.  Also remember, who is the father of Communism.   Does the name Karl Marks ring a bell?

Having said that,  The Vatic project has been saying for a very long time, that Russia is as much a part of the globalists plan as are all other countries mentioned, such as Britain,  France, etc.  In fact, the entire WW III is a planned manufactured bogus false flag attempt, in order to obtain relief for the fiat currency bankers whenever the system begins to appear to be ready to collapse, then WW's help to drag these 1 percenters out of the mired mess they have created leaving the rest of us to carry the burden and cost of such fraudulent actions by the central bankers.

When everyone was starting to make Putin a hero, we pointed out that he would never have made KGB head if he had not been one of the khazar bankers minions. He also has 40 billion dollars in the bank and he did not get that by being an independant leader.   Remember, it was the khazars that took over Russia in 1917 and they have controlled it ever since.  So, if Putin is President, there is a good reason for it and especially since the PTB have made no move to remove him. 

Given Rothschild's  control of China through their brokerage house, "Goldman Sachs" , it goes to show a continuation of the game these bankers play where both sides of the World war are in on it and a loser and winner are designated in advance, with the elements of war are used to ensure the outcome.   Right now, We are the designated losers of this war and we did several blogs proving why that was the case.   Lets also not forget that Goldman Sachs is one of the company owners of our Federal Reserve.  Check out their board of directors.

As usual, you read and decide.  

Henry Kissinger,  Communist Agent?
By Henry Makow,  October 29, 2015

We revisit Charlotte Iserbyt's  2002 essay which suggests that the US and USSR are joined at the hip, and that the emerging New World Order manifests this hidden Communist control.  

A defector told Iserbyt that "he sat in on meetings [at the Kremlin between 1965-1975] at which David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger were often present." 


Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined - part 1 of 14

Vatic Note: A must watch at this particular time given the danger this NWO fascist cabal now pose to the entire world.   We have done massive research in almost every area of the New World Order issue along with other issues related to the NWO. I have never seen anything that puts the entire thing together like this series of videos. I would have liked to see the inclusion of satanism in this, but even if it didn't , its still the most comprehensive and connected pieces making a huge big picture at the governmental level. It shows the connection between the two parties as one with the same agenda while pretending to be fighting over it and working together to cover those who are insiders of the shadow government. This does not include what we covered of the origins of the masters in control of the governments, rather it deals strictly with the governmental structures themselves. Notice that many of these politicians are sexual perverts as currently being disclosed and that is either,  a result of the early sexual trauma that they experienced in the satanic ritual abuse necessary to create such an operative for the illuminati, or they were recruited for political life simply because of the sexual perversions that could then be used as a blackmail card against them.  In either case, the Khazars still run the government

Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined - part 1 thru 7 of 14
EvadingGridMr,  April 15, 2010

Jason Bermas presents Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined produced by Alex Jones.


For the first time ever, the secret agenda of the planets ruthless Super-class is exposed in stark detail. This documentary film chronicles how men of power and influence have worked in stealth for centuries to establish an oppressive world government.   (watch these videos)


How Food and Water are Driving a 21st - century African Land Grab (VN: this is the Fascist NWO)

Vatic Note:  HOW DO YOU LIKE IT SO FAR?  Remember,  whatever they do in third world countries, they perfect and then do it here and in Europe and the other commonwealth countries, so PAY ATTENTION.   Sounds like land grabbing is next.   This fits very well with what Kissinger wrote back in 1974, I believe, with respect to depopulating Africa. Racist. Anyway, taking control of the African continent for a variety of reasons, has always been the objective. Natural resources abound there that the khazars have to pay to the countries to extract from the ground and given how greedy they have proven themselves to be, I suspect this is about taking ownership of the land for a variety of reasons and using food growth as the cover. Remember, these khazars believe in deception and using false fronts to hide their agenda. I believe this is no different. I am sure debeers is tired of paying royalties to the local government for his control of the diamond industry there. Also remember the queen of england is to uranium  as debeers is to diamonds, so there are a lot of western wealthy elite that want more and more and this is one way to undermine the simple people who simply want to live and lead a simple life. Take away what little they have to increase the elites holdings which is already 50 percent of the worlds wealth ALREADY.  Shoot, how much more can you spend or hold before it becomes obvious its an ego thing.  Damn useless feeders!!!! sorry. I can't help myself when I read something like this. What is clear is that when they finish this,  THEY WILL CONTROL ALL FOOD GLOBALLY.   Remember also, they will control all fresh water as well.  With the NWO, we will have no say in who takes our fresh water. 

How Food and Water are Driving a 21st - century African Land Grab
John Vidal in Juba, Sudan , The Observer, Sunday 7 March 2010

 An Observer investigation reveals how rich countries faced by a global food shortage now farm an area double the size of the UK to guarantee supplies for their citizens (VN: I don't necessarily agree with why they are doing it since they could care less about us, rather its about cheap costs and NO REGULATIONS on quality of food. I suspect its more about getting away with murder)

A woman tends vegetables at a giant Saudi-financed farm in Ethiopia.

We turned off the main road to Awassa, talked our way past security guards and drove a mile across empty land before we found what will soon be Ethiopia's largest greenhouse. Nestling below an escarpment of the Rift Valley, the development is far from finished, but the plastic and steel structure already stretches over 20 hectares – the size of 20 football pitches.


Skin Rash Anyone? Don't Watch This then.

Skin Rash Anyone? Don't Watch This then.
by Fox , Slovakia, Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Vatic Note:  I found this interesting, because like the gulf blow out, it was announced in advance in a movie called "The Knowing" with Nicholas Cage.   There are other movies that we have discussed that announced the satanists intentions which is pure evil.   Don't forget other indicators we have experienced over the past few years as well.   Remember the Polish Health Workers convicted  of injecting disease into homeless people who then died from those injections?  Testing vaccines for these deadly diseases they plan on using on us.   They want us to know,  so they can take no responsibility for the end result.  After all, they told us and we didn't say anyting.  That is exactly how they think.  Given that 89  Microbiologists have died since 9-11 AND given that war games have been played which is also another indicator, of a biological attack,  and given that Wheeler specialized in Bioweapons as a weapon of Mass Destruction, and he died around the same time the birds and fish all died, then I suspect this might be another tell all tale to take a gander at our reaction.  Lets not disappoint them.  Send this video to your congressman and senator and ask them if this is something they have planned for us???  I am doing it along with the trailer from "THE KNOWING" showing the gulf blow out and the date of release of the film many many months in advance of the blow out.  That should get some energy flowing in the right direction.


Riots In EU 2010 & Exposure of the Villians who Created the Problem

Riots in EU 2010, including Russia!
December 15, 2010

Riots in whole of EU and Russia! Is year 2010 when the Revolution starts?

VN: Russia Today TV put this together to show all the riots that even the alternative press did not have and its surprising how many there were and how violent they all got in response to the viciousness of the police in responding. The Rioters responded right back and I believe it shocked many in europe and russia as to the level of response that occurred. If it moves up one more level, then I doubt the police will be able to handle it and it will then go military, but then that jeopardizes their plans in afghanistan, Iraq, pakistan, yemen and Iran. So the elite are between a rock and a hard place, guess they better pull out those aliens now instead of after WW III.

VN: I am including this additional video to show and remind everyone about how we got here and its important to really understand in order to fix the problem, not to place blame, but to literally try and save the nation from these who have an agenda CONTRARY TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Please watch and study those faces and names and who they are since they are the key to all of this now. Its their agenda that we had outted back in 1919 and it got classified for 50 years by a blackmailed President Wilson, and that is how this was allowed to continue.

Its the target of how we stop it and what war we agree to fight once this begins, both in the political arena and in the "WAR" arena. Any world war will be the global people against the globalist bankers and fascists corporate CEO's who aided and abetted such as Bill Gates, Monsanto and Blackwater, GE, Food companies, Drug companies, AND MOST OF ALL THE TREASONOUS MSM, etc. Remember, those of our good leaders that stood up to them were assassinated, and now they must pay for that.

Fascist Zionist Khazar Control of America, The Death of the Republic
antizionistpatriot,  January 01, 2009, Music by Kevin Macleod

Map of SCO
Another map that expands on US-Israel-UK's ambition to control Middle East/Central Asia to exploit oil

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