
NASA Emails ALL Employees to PREPARE! June 10, 2011

*** Well, they are messing with this already and it hasn't even been up for an hour yet.  Apparently they have turned off the sound so you can't hear what he is saying which is just as important as the video itself.  It appears they do not want this out this early, and someone messed up and sent the memo that got leaked.  Too damn bad.  Find caves guys.  Stock them with water, food, ammo and weapons because they will come up from underground and do not want to see you still here.  So you will need the latter for that eventuality.  Find their fibre optics lines they have buried to their underground facilities and cut  them.  Its the only way to keep them from communicating with their military space divisions and above ground facilities and weapons. Take down any satellite dishes you see as well.  If the videos are not playing then simply go to the link and watch it there.  Sorry  about this, but fear filled psycho perverts are the order of the day during these times and we just have to learn to get around them.

Vatic Note:  This could be all that he says it is, or it could be the comet that NASA says it is, but unlikely  or it could be what they have been building in space for the past 10 years now.  Remember, we have a full fledged space division in our military that no one ever talks about and top secret vehicles,  ships, antigravity technology etc.... further we also have space weapons that we also know nothing about, so it could well be that too.   We simply do not know which of these three is a lie or which is the truth.   Watch all this and realize this guy is convinced the planet or dwarf star is coming,  however, these cretins are masters of deception so keep it in mind when you watch all this.  I can't tell which is which. Also keep in mind that this disclosure is happening right after the Bilderbergs met and discussed their next course of action.   This also does fit with the series we did on Antarctic and the South Pole and Mars.   So maybe there really  is a dwarf star on the way.  Remember the Mayans said that 2012 was the return of the "Ancestors and wisemen".... and we had nothing to fear.   So who knows.... good guys just maybe on the way.  BE SURE AND WATCH BOTH VIDEOS.  The second one deals almost exclusively with the specifics about the planet or dwarf star.  

NASA Emails ALL Employees to PREPARE! June 10, 2011
Uploaded by jcattera on Jun 10, 2011

Interesting timing here with only 3 months away! Can you see they're slowly leaking it out without alarming too many folks at once?

I received word today (June 10, 2011) that NASA sent out a mass email to all NASA employees with this following link regarding, "Family/Personal Preparedness".

Page Last Updated: June 9, 2011
Page Editor: Mary Shouse
NASA Official: Brian Dunbar

By August 1st, 2011, everyone will know what's coming. This is why you want to be at your safe zones on or before August 1, 2011. When everyone finds out, too many people will be doing the same thing you're doing, and you don't want to find yourselves stuck.

If NASA is attempting to prepare their employees by telling their families to prepare, I am even more convinced than ever that we DO INDEED HAVE A BINARY STAR TWIN APPROACHING, and it's about to get ugly.


Astronomical alignments as the cause of ~M6+ seismicity http://lanl.arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1104/1104.2036.pdf

The CDC recently sent out a ridiculous "zombie" apocalypse warning?   The Bilderberg meeting is currently taking place, and all the media/press wants to talk about is some congressman's wang?   More than one movie coming out about a new solar system object, plus NBC's The Event finale with a new planet!!?

It's about to hit the fan people and all this talk about Sept/Oct 2011 looks more and more to be the real deal folks.    I hope you're all ready! God Bless!

This email was fowarded to me from a friend. He said all NASA employees got this in their email today....


******** The Original Email ********

Point of Contact: Darrius Lewis, Mission Support Directorate, NASA Headquarters, 202-358-0608, [email protected]
Family/Personal Preparedness Plan

NASA is the only federal agency responsible for its people's safety and well-being here on Earth and in space and has a longtime commitment to safety and emergency preparedness. Over the past year, Administrator Bolden has emphasized the importance of Family/Personal Preparedness for the entire NASA family. Family and personal preparedness plans are key to protecting our families and communities during potential emergencies such as fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, terrorist attacks and other unforeseen catastrophes.

The most important assets in the successful completion of NASA's mission are its people and their loved ones. The agency has developed a set of informational guides designed to prepare you, your families and pets for emergencies. These guides will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to develop your Family Preparedness Plan.

All employees are encouraged to download these guides, prepare plans, and review them with your families. The agency has taken the steps to prepare our NASA family; now it is your personal obligation to prepare yourself and/or your family for an emergency.

To view Administrator Bolden's video on family preparedness and to download your Family Preparedness guides, visit:
[link to http://www.nasa.gov/ ]

VN:  Now watch this second video where he gets into the celestial body itself that NASA named "Eleven Nine" or Elenin, but in reality it is not a comet, too big and too slow for a comet and no tail.  This was a good job he did.


The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


Anonymous said...

Comet Elenin seems to be a Draco Reptilian Mothership, a UFO, expected by US intelligence since 1964. A trio of comets, Elenin, Levi and Honda will precede the passage of the Brown Dwarf star, around 33/22/2012, this passage will trigger a full poleshift on Earth.(According to Michael Prince in his book James Casbolt M16 Buried Alive)
Do Draco Reptilians exist? Its my opinion, based on research, that they do exist since ancient times. Elenins closest passage to Earth: September 26 2011.

Vatic Master said...

E-bee, notice something strange about elenin? Why did Nasa pick that name?

"Ele"= "Eleven", "nin"="Nine, does the phrase "9-11" mean anything to you? These are occult master numbers. I believe you about a body passing the earth, but its not a comet. Its a dwarf Star and I also remeber Rahm Emmanual claiming raucously "Turn a Crisis into an opportunity" and I believe that is what they plan on doing. Japan is now confirmed done by the hand of man, not nature.

So Yes, something is coming, and according to the Mayans there is nothing to fear, its just the return of the "Ancestors and Wisemen". That does not mean, the Rahms of the world will not take that crisis and convert it into an opportunity for his and the ancient bloodlines agenda.