M. C. Bruecke

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About me

Location United States
Interests 9/11
Favorite Movies David Chandler 9/11 Analysis, "9/11: Blueprint for Truth", "September Clues", "Loose Change", "Improbable Collapse", "Adam Curtis: The Power of Nightmares; The Rise of the Politics of Fear", "9/11 Mysteries", "Life on the Edge of a Bubble", "In Debt We Trust"
Favorite Music Almost everything produced by Peter Gabriel's Real World music label.
Favorite Books "The Gods of Eden" Wiliam Bramley, "Debunking 9/11 Debunking", "Where did the towers go?" Judy Wood, "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" John Perkins, "The Creature from Jekyll Island" G. Edward Griffin, "The End of America" Naomi Wolf, "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism" Naomi Klein