Labyrinth of Hope and the Gathering Adventurers Plus Original Soundtrack (
Disc: SRIN-1164
- 予感
- ここで組めるね
- 掘り出し物を探して
- 大地、踏みしめて
- 静かなる草原
- 暗闇の迷宮
- サンシャインブギウギ
- とある博士の研究所跡
- ほらーマンション
- 冬の到来、それは将軍の足音
- アジアンカーニバル
- ジャスト・ラック
- 会心の一撃
- ギュウゥゥゥイイイン
- スライムと戦いそうなメロディ
- 驚異きたる
- 破滅への一歩
- 勝利を噛みしめて
- 行きはよいよい、帰りもよいよい
- いつものアレソレ
- 桃色の息吹
- 涙零れる刻
- ヤバイYOヤバイWA
- シリアスは似合わない
- こゆびがフスマにズギューン
- とんでもねぇ、わしゃ転生しゃじゃよ
- 光り輝き、女神麗しく
- 黄昏と君の横顔
- マウンター
- それは古から伝わる物語…
- グラビティ
- ぐーぐーすやすや
- 悶々たる妄想の旅路
- エクステッドクエスト
- Premonition
- It's all set up here
- Looking for Bargains
- Tread the Earth
- Serene Grassland
- Labyrinth of Gloom
- Sunshine Boogie-Woogie
- Ruins of A Certain Professor's Research Facility
- Horror Mansion
- Arrival of Winter, which is the Footsteps of the Shogun
- Asian Carnival
- Just Luck
- Critical Hit
- Guuuuiiin
- Melody much like fighting with Slime
- The Surprising Cometh
- A Step Towards Ruin
- Chew on Victory
- Heading out is all fine, Coming back is also fine
- The Usual This-and-That
- Peachy Breath
- Tear-Shedding Moment
- Oh Hell, Oh Crap
- It's unfitting to be serious
- Stubbing the little toe
- No way, I'm a reincarnate
- Radiant Glow of the Beautiful Goddess
- Twilight and your side-angle
- Mounter
- That is a tale passed on from long ago...
- Gravity
- Fuu fuu, Sleep sleep
- Journey of Distressed Fantasizing
- Extended Quest
- Composer: Kobayashi Kazuhiro (1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 23, 26, 29, 30, 31, 33), Eguchi Takahiro (8), Tanaka Fumihisa (9, 13, 16, 22, 28, 34), Saso Ayako (19, 21, 24)
This album is composed of two discs, with Disc 1 containing the Arrange Versions and Disc 2 containing the FM Versions of the same tracks.
- The names of the ninth and tenth tracks appears to have been transposed.
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