
●グレッグ・イーガン『Schild's Ladder』 ISBN:0575073918 【アマゾン】

お、イーガンすれで Schild's Ladder まつりが。

いろいろネットを見てたらアダム・ロバーツによるレビューを発見。 これ。


"Think of all the different dynamic laws that might make topological sense, in terms of the propagation of various kinds of particles that are defined as patterns embedded in a graph ... now imagine a new set of vectors that consist of equal amounts of all these dynamic-law vectors, and which are all orthogonal to each other. These vectors represent definite values of a variable that's complementary to the law vectors. Branco calls them law-momenta-which is a bit sloppy, because their not true Lagrangian conjugates, but never mind ... now picture a state vector which has equal components when written as superpositions of the old set, or the new"
[Schild's Ladder, 129-30].

