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The Infinity Train is the main setting of the eponymous series.


In Wastelands[]

While it appears as a regular train on the outside, it is actually of seemingly infinite length. Inside of its many boxcars, practically anything conceivable can be found, whether it be puzzles, creatures, or even entire worlds. According to Owen Dennis, it is around 5 stories tall.[1] Passengers picked up by the train are processed through the Tape Car, where their memories are recorded on a video tape. They are then given a number engraved onto their right palm to track their progress through the train before being sent in a special pod to one of the cars. They are unable to leave the train until their number reaches zero, upon which a door leading them home will open.

According to Owen Dennis, time on the train runs parallel to the real world, with passengers picked up from the train disappearing in the real world for the amount of time they remain on the train.[2] In-show, this is confirmed by Nate frantically reuniting with Jesse, and alluding to the latter's disappearance.

For presumably maintenance purposes, cars are able to climb on top of and travel very quickly over the train. "Shifters", as named by Grace, move in the following order:

  1. The bridges that span across cars retract (presumably while the car decouples from its neighbors)
    • The railings fold into the bridge's floor
    • The floor splits at the middle of two cars
    • The segmented floor folds onto itself (the outer segment folds down and onto the inner segment and disappears)
    • The last floor segment gets pulled into a slot below the car door is
  2. The front and back wheels pivot so that the gears adjacent to each train wheel extend forward and engage with the teeth running down the front and back of its neighboring cars which help by closing in and pushing against the shifter
  3. The car climbs on top of one of its former neighbors
  4. The two neighboring cars close the gap and presumably couple to each other
  5. The shifter stops so that the front and back wheels (which were spinning in opposite directions to climb up) can choose the same direction to roll in

For one reason or another, the coupling and decoupling mechanisms are never shown in action. Shifters seem to move incredibly quickly.

On Earth[]

The Train itself can change its appearance when offering a new passenger to board, seemingly adapting to the personality, desires, and situation of the potential passenger in an attempt to lure them on. Only four designs have been seen in the show. Three of those designs appeared in memory tapes.

  • In Tulip's case, the Train manifested itself as a fairly normal train, luring Tulip onboard by suggesting that the Train was traveling to Oshkosh. The design suits Tulip's logical mindset.
  • In Amelia's case, the Train manifested itself as a sleek, shorter futuristic car, appealing to her passion for engineering and technology. It is also an armored train, offering her protection in the aftermath of Alrick's death.[3]
  • For Grace, the train manifested itself as a white/gold, lavish train with a long red carpet that led Grace inside. The design fits Grace's home life and dancing background while also appealing her desire to be acknowledged by others.
  • For Ryan and Min-Gi, the train appears orange and polished, the door has a blue and yellow zaggy pattern. Fit for their longing to become rockstars. Only the side of the train can be seen since it's only visible through the doors of the Amtrak Horizon railcar the boys get onto.


Very little information is provided on the train's origin and history, although a stray comment by The Cat in "Le Chat Chalet Car" suggests it is at least centuries old, possibly existing prior to when railway locomotives were invented. According to series creator Owen Dennis and supervising director Madeline Queripel, the train appears to passengers when they are at a crossroads in their life, where they could go down one path or another.

Tulip first encountered the train after she ran away from home to try to get to the game design camp in Oshkosh on her own. Upon trying to board, the train sucked her into the Snow Car.


The Wheels are the sets of 10 separate wheels beneath every train car. They guide the Infinity Train along the tracks, as well as shift individual train cars forward and backwards along the train. The wheels have also been used as "weapons", and a disposal system, primarily by The Apex.

There are two separate types of wheels. "Outer Wheels" are smoother, rounder, and thinner than inner wheels, and guide the train along the tracks. "Inner Wheels" are wider and more "gear"-shaped, They help propel the train forward. The outer wheels can be pivoted to run up the sides of train cars, and run on top of the train cars during "Shifting".

Besides transportation, the primary function of the wheels throughout the series is to be a method of disposing unwanted objects. "Wheeling", a term coined by the The Apex, is the act of kicking or throwing an object, denizen, or passenger to the wheels as a means of getting rid of them. "Wheeling" has only been done a few times throughout the show.


Main article: Engine

Train Cars[]

These are the cars that are attached to the train and have been shown/mentioned in the show.

It's worth noting that no car has an official name, all cars are colloquial.[4] Therefore all the names used below are either borrowed from episode titles or were named by the characters in the narrative.

Pilot Cars[]

Episode Name Picture Status Note
Pilot Five Unknown Cars 
Mostly Unseen After exiting the Puzzle Car, One-One speculated that the previous eight cars were fart cars. Three of those mentioned cars are known (The Bubble Car, the Chess Car, and the Puzzle Car).
Bubble Car
Briefly Seen
Chess Car
Briefly Seen
Puzzle Car
Story Setting
Fart Car
Story Setting

Book One Cars[]

Episode Name Picture Status Note
"The Grid Car" Snow Car
Story setting The car where Tulip Olsen first wakes up and meets One-One
Grid Car
Story Setting
Social Media Video Car
"The Beach Car" Crossword Car
Story setting
Tiny Wizards Car
Story Setting
Pinball Car
Story Setting
Beach Car
Story Setting The Car where Tulip first meets the Cat
"The Corgi Car" Keyboard Car
Briefly Seen
Cross-Eyed Ducks Car
Briefly Seen
Monster Dance Car
Briefly Seen
Ancient Temple Car
Briefly Seen
Story Setting The Car where Tulip first meets Atticus
"The Crystal Car" Straight-Up Italy Car
Story Setting
Monkey Bars Car
Unseen Mentioned in Notebook
Friendly-Eyeballs Car
Unseen Mentioned in Notebook
Mannequin Car
Unseen Mentioned in Notebook
Water Car
Unseen Mentioned in Notebook. Possibly referring to the Beach Car
Hold Music Car
Unseen Mentioned in Notebook. Possibly referring to the Keyboard Car
Kombucha Car
Unseen Mentioned in Notebook
Bats instead of Bees Car
Unseen Mentioned in Notebook
Crystal Car
Story Setting
"The Cat's Car" Dinosaur Baseball Car
Cat's Car
Story Setting
"The Unfinished Car" Spa Car
Briefly Seen
Unfinished Car
Story Setting
French Toast and Maple Syrup River Car
Unseen Mentioned by Tulip in passing
"The Chrome Car" Jelly Bean Car
Briefly Seen
Chrome Car
Story Setting
Pencil Bank Car
Story Setting
"The Ball Pit Car" Graph Car
Story Setting
Luau Car
Unseen Mentioned by Atticus, who described it as being humid
Ball Pit Car
Story Setting The car where Tulip and Atticus first meet the "Conductor"
"The Past Car" Ball Pit Car
Story Setting
"The Engine" Ball Pit Car
Story Setting
Story Setting
New Car
Story Setting
Unfinished Car
Unseen Mentioned by Tulip in Passing

Train Documentaries Cars[]

Episode Name Picture Status Note
"The Green Car" Green Car
Story Setting
"The Tiny Wizard Car" Tiny Wizards Car
Story Setting
"The Kaiju Car" Kaiju Car
Story Setting
Never-Ending Waterslide Car
"The Tech Support Car" Beach Car
Story Setting
"The Snow Car" Snow Car
Story Setting One-One calls it the "Beachside Car"
"The Hill Car" Hill Car
Story Setting
"The Movie Theater Car" Movie Theater Car
Story Setting
"The Cross-Eyed Ducks Car" Cross-Eyed Ducks Car
Story Setting
"The Minecart Car" Minecart Car
Story Setting
"The Wedding Cake Car" Wedding Cake Car
Story Setting
Knitting Otters Car

Book Two Cars[]

Episode Name Picture Status Note
"The Black Market Car" Metal Workshop Car
Story Setting
Canyon of the Golden Winged Snakes Car
Briefly Seen
Kaiju Car
Kaiju Car
Briefly Seen
Jellyfish Car
Briefly Seen
Carrot Car
Briefly Seen
Doily Car
Story Setting
Black Market Car
Story Setting
Family Tree Car
Story Setting The car where M.T., Jesse Cosay, and Alan Dracula first meet
"The Family Tree Car" Family Tree Car
Story Setting
"The Map Car" Green Car
Briefly Seen
Map Car
Story Setting
"The Toad Car" Map Car
Story Setting
Toad Car
Story Setting
Cross-Eyed Ducks Car
Pictured Photograph on Jesse's phone
Green Car
Pictured Photograph on Jesse's phone
Beach Car
Pictured Photograph on Jesse's phone
"The Parasite Car" Parasite Car
Story Setting
Drag Car
Story Setting
Food Pyramid Car
Story Setting
"The Lucky Cat Car" Lucky Cat Car
Story Setting
"The Mall Car" Mall Car
Story Setting Home base of the Apex
Cube Car
Story Setting
"The Wasteland" Mall Car
Story Setting
"The Tape Car" Passenger Preparation Car
Story Setting
"The Number Car"

Book Three Cars[]

Episode Name Picture Status Note
"The Musical Car" Mall Car
Story Setting
Musical Car
Story Setting
Unfinished Car
Story Setting
Jungle Car
Briefly Seen
"The Jungle Car" Jungle Car
Story Setting The car where Grace Monroe and Simon Laurent first meet Hazel and Tuba
"The Debutante Ball Car" Ocean Car
Story Setting
Debutante Ball Car
Story Setting
"Le Chat Chalet Car" Cabin Car
Story Setting
"The Color Clock Car" Color Clock Car
Story Setting
Campfire Car
Story Setting
"The Campfire Car" Campfire Car
Story Setting
Canyon of the Golden Winged Snakes Car
Story Setting The car where Grace, Simon, and Hazel first meet Amelia Hughes
"The Canyon of the Golden Winged Snakes Car" Canyon of the Golden Winged Snakes Car
Story Setting
Le Chat Chalet Car
Story Setting
Unfinished Car
Unseen Mentioned by Simon in Passing
"The Hey Ho Whoa Car" Canyon of the Golden Winged Snakes Car
Story Setting
Hey Ho Whoa Car
Story Setting
Pumpkin Car
Unseen Mentioned by Grace
"The Origami Car" Hey Ho Whoa Car
Story Setting
Origami Car
Story Setting
Pumpkin Car
Box Car
Pufferfish Balloons Car
Briefly Seen, Memory
Mall Car
"The New Apex" Origami Car
Story Setting
Mall Car
Story Setting

Book Four Cars[]

Episode Name Picture Status Note
"The Twin Tapes" Passenger Preparation Car
Story Setting
"The Iceberg Car" Iceberg Car
Story Setting The car where Min-Gi Park and Ryan Akagi first wake up and meet Kez
"Warm Iceberg" Car
Unseen Mentioned by Kez
Old West Car
Story Setting
"The Old West Car" Old West Car
Story Setting
Mega Maze Car
"The Pig Baby Car" Pig Baby Car
Story Setting
"The Astro Queue Car" Baby Puzzle Car
Story Setting
Astro Queue Car
Story Setting
"The Party Car" Astro Queue Car
Story Setting
"The Art Gallery Car" Art Gallery Car
Story Setting
Big Roller Skates Car
Unseen Mentioned by Min in Passing
"The Mega Maze Car" Mega Maze Car
Story Setting
"The Castle Car"
"The Train to Nowhere" Mega Maze Car
Story Setting
Art Gallery Car
Unseen Mentioned in Passing

Possible/Unknown Cars[]

These are the cars that were not shown to be real, but instead were suggested in the show. Should the Infinity Train be truly infinite, the existence of these cars is guaranteed:

Episode Name Status Note
Pilot Burp Car Unseen Made up by One-One
Pizzeria Car  Unseen Made up by Tulip
"The Green Car" Fun Car full of talking Hats Unseen Made up by One-One
Horribly Dangerous Car full of Acid Slime Unseen Made up by One-One



The proposed ouroboros-infinity insignia of the train

  • The Infinity Train is neither infinitely long nor has infinite universes. Alex Horab, a staff writer for the show and a professed math nerd, states that an object reaching infinity is impossible because infinity is a concept and not quantifiable. Instead the Infinity Train gets its name because of its goal to trend towards infinity: constantly making more train cars with wacky pocket universes in an attempt to maximize the chances of solving people's problems. Horab expressed a desire to explain this concept further in the cancelled movie.[5]
  • During development on the pilot, background designer Clarke Snyder drew a potential logo for the train, with the idea that it would be stamped on every car. The symbol was an Ouroboros fashioned into the infinity symbol with a waning gibbous moon above it (the moon is red and the shadow on it is black; inversely, it could also be a waxing crescent). Although Owen Dennis liked the idea, he felt it did not fit in canon as no one in the show ever refers to the train as the "Infinity Train".[6]
    • The infinity symbol is a mathematical symbol used to show the concept of infinity. The Ouroboros (a snake/serpent eating its own tail; usually drawn as a circle) is an ancient symbol used to depict continuity, cycles, and infinity.
  • According to Amelia, the train cars reset after a while, never rendering the puzzles in cars obsolete. This is seen with "The Hey Ho Whoa Car", when the rock-denizens in said car vanish and begin to refill after Amelia first passed through the car.
  • In the pilot design of the train, the engine appears to have a valve gear, a typical gear that a steam locomotive has. But the train doesn't have a piston, so it is unknown if the train is designed after a Steam or a Diesel locomotive.
  • According to Owen Dennis, the train is considered an internet myth in the outside world, though former passengers have been able to get in touch to talk about their experiences.


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