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Infinity Train Wiki

Doors are entry and exit points for every car on the Infinity Train, as well as exit points from the train itself for passengers to get off the train.

Design & Function[]

Train Car Doors[]

Car doors on the Infinity Train look like double arched doors. They are red in color, with gold handles in the shape an infinity symbol resembling the series logo rotated by 90 degrees.

In most cases car doors are opened by turning the handle all the way around. It's expected that passengers solve a cars puzzle or complete any task that helps them through their emotional growth. Some cars emphasizes this by locked doors to make sure those tasks are completed. Despite this, Car Doors are not indestructible and can be opened or broken through by force.

Passenger Exit Doors[]

Exit doors look like glowing neon green outlines of the train car doors. When a passenger gets their number down to zero, the train stops and a vortex in the wasteland's sky opens up a yellow light funnel connecting the sky to the door. The portal leads to a location that a passenger considers home.

The glowing green light starts by drawing the opening line from top to bottom. Then from the top again creates arched door panel to the bottom where the two lines meet to form the bottom platform. Lastly it starts at the middle of the opening line to form the handles. Once the outline of the door has been completed the handles open up exactly like the car doors and present their passengers their exit out of their train leading them home.

The passengers number is the only requirement to getting an exit, thus a door is not restricted to appear in any specific car. Since the events of "The Engine" the conductor One-One is capable of creating exit doors on command and can even be convinced to give denizens their own exits. Two exit doors with the same destination can merge into each other, allowing both associated passengers to exit through the same door.



Train Car Doors[]

Passenger Exit Doors[]


  • Book Two confirms that objects from the train can not be taken to the real world. The harpoon pack Jesse wears and the hand-cuff Lake was stuck with came off when they used their exit.

